

Dec 28th, 2014
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  1. GhostlyGengar99: Yo himi
  2. GhostlyGengar99: I need your help :D
  3. GhostlyGengar99: COME ON
  4. GhostlyGengar99: Nothing happened
  5. GhostlyGengar99: Is happenin
  6. GhostlyGengar99: Talk pleeaaaassseee
  7. HimikoZweilotte: wut?
  8. HimikoZweilotte: I thought u quit for real
  9. GhostlyGengar99: Oh nothing im good
  10. GhostlyGengar99: I just got banned is all
  11. GhostlyGengar99: well i got bored
  12. GhostlyGengar99: And i missed harashing you guys :P
  13. HimikoZweilotte: kek
  14. HimikoZweilotte: and pls don't quit PS for real
  15. HimikoZweilotte: or Imma think ur a quitter
  16. HimikoZweilotte: and be very disappointed
  17. GhostlyGengar99: well im going to need to go someday
  18. GhostlyGengar99: Why do you care
  19. HimikoZweilotte: eh... put it this way
  20. HimikoZweilotte: yes ur a creep
  21. HimikoZweilotte: but I feel we have common ground
  22. GhostlyGengar99: .-.
  23. GhostlyGengar99: "Thanks"
  24. HimikoZweilotte: np
  25. HimikoZweilotte: and to more fully answer ur question
  26. HimikoZweilotte: its because if u quit PS for life reasons
  27. HimikoZweilotte: then i am going to have to be the one continuing to fight ur battle for u geez
  28. GhostlyGengar99: actually nothing in my life is preventing me
  29. HimikoZweilotte: kk
  30. GhostlyGengar99: This is all on me just doing it
  31. HimikoZweilotte: ok
  32. GhostlyGengar99: You figure the rest out
  33. HimikoZweilotte: alright
  34. HimikoZweilotte: I will tell u this to get out of the way
  35. HimikoZweilotte: since i get the question alot
  36. HimikoZweilotte: "Why do u bother to fight other ppl's battles?"
  37. HimikoZweilotte: my response is...
  38. HimikoZweilotte: because they are worth fighting
  39. HimikoZweilotte: plus I am not a selfish callous person
  40. HimikoZweilotte: that takes a disregard for human life
  41. GhostlyGengar99: well thanks i guess
  42. HimikoZweilotte: np
  43. GhostlyGengar99: *cough* not really *cough* anime clie *cough*
  44. GhostlyGengar99: what do you mean fight battles anyways
  45. HimikoZweilotte: hmm...
  46. HimikoZweilotte: usually philosophical battles
  47. GhostlyGengar99: What now
  48. HimikoZweilotte: nothing atm
  49. GhostlyGengar99: No i mean what battles?
  50. GhostlyGengar99: What does philosophical mean
  51. HimikoZweilotte: philosphical = moral battles
  52. HimikoZweilotte: like those type of debates that have u questioning ur ethics
  53. GhostlyGengar99: so your standing up for people
  54. HimikoZweilotte: in some part yes
  55. GhostlyGengar99: Honestly im not
  56. GhostlyGengar99: Questioning my ethics
  57. GhostlyGengar99: im doing this for sweet revenge
  58. HimikoZweilotte: on who?
  59. GhostlyGengar99: THAT is i started going haywire
  60. GhostlyGengar99: on who?
  61. GhostlyGengar99: Hahahhahaa
  62. GhostlyGengar99: Oh WHO?!?!?!
  63. HimikoZweilotte: shit...,
  64. GhostlyGengar99: Oh the entire epitome leauge
  65. GhostlyGengar99: Thats who
  66. GhostlyGengar99: now you only need to know why
  67. GhostlyGengar99: Why do i want revenge?
  68. GhostlyGengar99: What am i getting revenge for?
  69. GhostlyGengar99: you tell me
  70. GhostlyGengar99: What do you think?
  71. GhostlyGengar99: awwww your not anwsering
  72. GhostlyGengar99: to scared i bet
  73. HimikoZweilotte: nope
  74. HimikoZweilotte: its because u hold a grudge
  75. HimikoZweilotte: am I correct?
  76. GhostlyGengar99: lolit a way
  77. GhostlyGengar99: *in a way
  78. HimikoZweilotte: let me guess,
  79. GhostlyGengar99: but why
  80. HimikoZweilotte: u had someone ban u on purpose
  81. HimikoZweilotte: so u can let those emotions boil
  82. HimikoZweilotte: and then find a time to bite them back in the ass
  83. GhostlyGengar99: hmmmmm not bad
  84. GhostlyGengar99: you got the plan
  85. GhostlyGengar99: But its way more
  86. GhostlyGengar99: seeing how it affected people was the big test
  87. HimikoZweilotte: k...
  88. GhostlyGengar99: To see how the you guys felt about me leaving
  89. GhostlyGengar99: i was never concidered a creep until you said so
  90. HimikoZweilotte: Hfft
  91. GhostlyGengar99: well take thast back
  92. GhostlyGengar99: random people i pm because i simple need to ta
  93. GhostlyGengar99: Talk to someone
  94. GhostlyGengar99: But what eva
  95. HimikoZweilotte: I knew u were a creep, the second u employed the /me command
  96. GhostlyGengar99: lol
  97. GhostlyGengar99: That was all sarcasum
  98. HimikoZweilotte: Nice bluffing tho
  99. GhostlyGengar99: I actually dont act like that at all in my normal life
  100. HimikoZweilotte: ah kk
  101. HimikoZweilotte: for me the way I act online is the same to real life
  102. GhostlyGengar99: The reason i did that was so i could get bad reactions to that
  103. HimikoZweilotte: pfft
  104. GhostlyGengar99: belive it or not but thats the truth
  105. HimikoZweilotte: Very well
  106. GhostlyGengar99: one thing you dident figure out
  107. GhostlyGengar99: Why did i start this
  108. HimikoZweilotte: hmm...
  109. HimikoZweilotte: attention?
  110. HimikoZweilotte: to see how ppl react?
  111. GhostlyGengar99: you figured out mynplan of revenge that would also test the people
  112. HimikoZweilotte: as I thought...
  113. GhostlyGengar99: you know the old me would have never done that
  114. GhostlyGengar99: so your wrong thats not the core reason
  115. HimikoZweilotte: and what is that core reason?
  116. GhostlyGengar99: keep guessong this it fun
  117. GhostlyGengar99: *is
  118. HimikoZweilotte: Hmm gg99 how has epitome haunted u?
  119. HimikoZweilotte: because if u wanted to get revenge it must be because somehow something in the chat haunted u
  120. GhostlyGengar99: actually
  121. GhostlyGengar99: It what wasent in the chat
  122. HimikoZweilotte: was it somewhere else?
  123. GhostlyGengar99: no it was here
  124. HimikoZweilotte: in the server eh?
  125. GhostlyGengar99: Ita got to do withthe people who are here
  126. GhostlyGengar99: ok to give ya another hint let me tell you a story
  127. HimikoZweilotte: k go right ahead
  128. GhostlyGengar99: So last summer when we where on the old surver with aero
  129. HimikoZweilotte: mhm... go on
  130. HimikoZweilotte: so what happened?
  131. GhostlyGengar99: Wait let ke go even more back
  132. HimikoZweilotte: sure...
  133. GhostlyGengar99: 2 years ago when i joined showdown for the first time
  134. GhostlyGengar99: i met a lot of people talked to them
  135. GhostlyGengar99: Battled a heck more than i do now
  136. GhostlyGengar99: i met chaos we talked and then he left for a long time and i forgot about him
  137. GhostlyGengar99: I met ruby
  138. GhostlyGengar99: Or at the time umbereonqueen
  139. GhostlyGengar99: we have fun you know
  140. GhostlyGengar99: Chaos who was chaosknight6 at the time
  141. GhostlyGengar99: Pms hey remember me
  142. GhostlyGengar99: Takes awhile ten i remember
  143. GhostlyGengar99: Then we becane good friends
  144. HimikoZweilotte: kk
  145. HimikoZweilotte: go on
  146. GhostlyGengar99: the best friend i had on any internet site
  147. GhostlyGengar99: Then umbereonqueen aka ruby and chaos become friends thanks to me
  148. GhostlyGengar99: Then ruby shows us a suver where she says shes dating this guy
  149. HimikoZweilotte: kk
  150. GhostlyGengar99: And problems that she pored on me happened
  151. GhostlyGengar99: Chaos and her started to fight
  152. GhostlyGengar99: They stoped talking
  153. GhostlyGengar99: Then that suver shut down for what ever reason
  154. HimikoZweilotte: I know why Arma shut down
  155. GhostlyGengar99: I dident she them for a long tome
  156. GhostlyGengar99: *time
  157. GhostlyGengar99: I dont even remember what the place was called
  158. HimikoZweilotte: ??
  159. GhostlyGengar99: And i dont cwre
  160. GhostlyGengar99: Care
  161. HimikoZweilotte: kk
  162. GhostlyGengar99: But i dident see them for a long time
  163. HimikoZweilotte: ah I see,
  164. GhostlyGengar99: then chaos found me on showdown
  165. HimikoZweilotte: alright
  166. HimikoZweilotte: and I bet shit esclated
  167. GhostlyGengar99: and brought me to the old sever where we all used to hang out when aero was sever ruler
  168. GhostlyGengar99: and no
  169. GhostlyGengar99: Nothing was wrong
  170. HimikoZweilotte: ok i jumped too quickly go on
  171. GhostlyGengar99: i met a lot of nice people
  172. GhostlyGengar99: Who are all for the most part a still here
  173. HimikoZweilotte: ah kk
  174. GhostlyGengar99: i liked them they liked me
  175. GhostlyGengar99: We where all friends at some point
  176. GhostlyGengar99: Every last one of us
  177. GhostlyGengar99: but then that summr came
  178. GhostlyGengar99: i basicly got bullyed by a friend for a stupid reason that had nothing to do with me
  179. GhostlyGengar99: I could take it
  180. GhostlyGengar99: Then one of my good friends little sisters died
  181. HimikoZweilotte: wow
  182. GhostlyGengar99: he was tromitized
  183. HimikoZweilotte: I feel sorry for u
  184. HimikoZweilotte: and ur friend
  185. GhostlyGengar99: I thought he would never talk say anything to me again
  186. GhostlyGengar99: Or anyone
  187. GhostlyGengar99: i started to think about so many other things
  188. HimikoZweilotte: alright
  189. GhostlyGengar99: That most people going through puberty think of
  190. GhostlyGengar99: of course
  191. GhostlyGengar99: i got a panic attack once even
  192. GhostlyGengar99: So after that i felt like everyone in the old server was drifting from me
  193. GhostlyGengar99: like they dident care
  194. GhostlyGengar99: Even chaos
  195. GhostlyGengar99: And ruby
  196. GhostlyGengar99: so i yelled
  197. GhostlyGengar99: I left
  198. GhostlyGengar99: Came back
  199. GhostlyGengar99: Hayley reached out
  200. GhostlyGengar99: i told her the past story i just told you
  201. GhostlyGengar99: and i came back to the sever
  202. GhostlyGengar99: But then the fight with aero happened
  203. GhostlyGengar99: And everyone moved to frost
  204. HimikoZweilotte: what kind of fight with Aero?
  205. HimikoZweilotte: I was away for summer classes in June
  206. GhostlyGengar99: You know the fight tat moved everyone here
  207. GhostlyGengar99: To frost
  208. HimikoZweilotte: no
  209. HimikoZweilotte: I was away for summer classes back in June
  210. HimikoZweilotte: so I have no idea what happened then
  211. GhostlyGengar99: Well they was a big chat fight that made everyone move here
  212. GhostlyGengar99: Iwasent there
  213. GhostlyGengar99: And he shu down the surver
  214. GhostlyGengar99: *sever
  215. GhostlyGengar99: after that i went on the main sever of showdown
  216. GhostlyGengar99: Chaos and hayley found me
  217. GhostlyGengar99: Said they where searching for me
  218. GhostlyGengar99: That made me feel happy and accepted
  219. GhostlyGengar99: So i went here
  220. GhostlyGengar99: Then momo came along
  221. GhostlyGengar99: She came along
  222. GhostlyGengar99: And everyone loved here
  223. GhostlyGengar99: *her
  224. HimikoZweilotte: ah kk
  225. HimikoZweilotte: then u felt neglected?
  226. GhostlyGengar99: So she became mod in a week
  227. GhostlyGengar99: Made me jellz a bit
  228. GhostlyGengar99: And i though that most people on this sever dident deserve to be mods anyways
  229. GhostlyGengar99: not like i should be one
  230. GhostlyGengar99: cuz i dident want to be one
  231. GhostlyGengar99: I dont really care
  232. GhostlyGengar99: so i said i was leavong for awhile cuz of personal matters
  233. HimikoZweilotte: kek
  234. GhostlyGengar99: which was really me just taking a break
  235. GhostlyGengar99: so i came back when school started
  236. GhostlyGengar99: the chat never happened
  237. GhostlyGengar99: No one cares about anything
  238. HimikoZweilotte: go on...
  239. HimikoZweilotte: so u got angry or what?
  240. GhostlyGengar99: and other stuff that i cant really explain
  241. HimikoZweilotte: kk
  242. GhostlyGengar99: well i can
  243. GhostlyGengar99: But it would give away this guessing game
  244. GhostlyGengar99: so i started spaming flooding
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