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a guest
Jan 6th, 2020
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  1. Messages:
  2. Prefix: "&8(&cAsylum&fBombs&8)"
  3. Bomb:
  4. Created: "&fBomb created. Edit it with &a/bomb edit %BOMB%&f."
  5. Creation Error: "&fError, while trying to create bomb."
  6. Edit: "&cHey! &a%bomb% &fis already being edited."
  7. Remove: "&fBomb removed."
  8. Exists: "&cHey! &fThat bomb already exists."
  9. Invalid: "&cHey! &fNo bombs were found with that name."
  10. Cooldown: "&cHey! &fYou cannot use that bomb for another &a%time%&f."
  11. List:
  12. No Bombs: "&fThere are no bombs to show."
  13. Bombs: "&fBombs (&a%AMOUNT% &ftotal): &a%BOMBS%"
  14. Give:
  15. Singular: "&fAdded &a%AMOUNT% &a%BOMB% &fbomb(s) &fto &a%PLAYER%&f."
  16. Plural: "&fAdded &a%AMOUNT% &a%BOMB% &fbomb(s) &fto &a%PLAYERS% &fplayer(s)."
  17. Permission:
  18. Throw: "&fPermission to throw &a%BOMB% &fis &a%PERMISSION%&f."
  19. Command: "&cHey! &fYou do not have the permission to use this."
  20. Not In Game: "Console cannot use this command."
  21. Invalid:
  22. Number: "&c%INPUT% &fis a invalid number."
  23. Player: "&fThat player could not be found."
  24. Argument: "&f'&a%ARGUMENT%&f' is a invalid argument, view commands using &a/bomb help&f."
  25. Help:
  26. Format: "&e%COMMAND% &8: &f%DESCRIPTION%"
  27. Page Format: "&8&l» &fPage &a%PAGE% &fof &a%PAGES% &8&l» &f/bomb help (page)"
  28. Throw:
  29. World: "&8&l» &fBombs cannot be thrown in this world."
  30. AutoSell:
  31. Has Multiplier:
  32. - "&8&l&m-----------------------"
  33. - "&fShop: &a%shop%"
  34. - "&fMultiplier: &a%multiplier%"
  35. - "&fItems: &a%items%"
  36. - "&fEarnings: &a$&f%amount%"
  37. - "&8&l&m-----------------------"
  38. No Multiplier:
  39. - "&8&l&m-----------------------"
  40. - "&fShop: &a%shop%"
  41. - "&fItems: &a%items%"
  42. - "&fEarnings: &a$&f%amount%"
  43. - "&8&l&m-----------------------"
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