

Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. [url=""]The Immortal Powers[/url] vs [url=""]Kaientai DIAMOND's Sato and Super Dragon[/url] started off with Bollea and Sato facing off. Sato went at him with hard strikes, but Bollea was resilient, taking Sato to the mat with a bodyslam. Bollea continued working him over, but when he went for an atomic drop, Sato hit a headbutt and turned the tides. Sato lit Bollea up with chops and elbows, put him on the mat with a snap suplex, and hit a seated senton for 2. After dragging Bollea to his feet, Sato tried whipping him into the corner for a Tornado DDT, but Bollea reversed it into an atomic drop and got the hot tag to Poffo. The Poffo Man came in hot, staggering Sato with punches before raking his face, leaving him open for a vertical suplex. Poffo followed up that vertical suplex with an elbow drop from the top rope, getting 2.9. Poffo went for a second one, but Sato rolled out of the way, bringing Dragon in for the hot tag. Dragon took advantage of the downed Poffo, hitting him with a running double stomp to the back before wrenching him off the mat with an uproot Tiger suplex and following it up with a Dragon Twister 450. 1...2...2.9, Fliehr broke up the pin by dragging Dragon off his partner, but before Dragon could get retribution on The Natural, The Poffo Man was back at him, hitting an atomic drop and following up with a series of jabs to Dragon's chest and head before putting him on the mat with a vertical suplex. After this, Poffo took some time to pander to the crowd, though they preferred to boo him, and that gave Dragon just enough time to recover. As soon as Dragon was on his feet, he whipped Poffo into Kaientai's corner, and began just destroying Poffo with headbutts, elbows, and chops, bellowing "WELCOME TO THE VIOLENCE PARTY!" before a particularly vicious elbow. He followed this barrage with a snapmare, tagging Sato in before running to the opposite corner, hitting a step-up enzuigiri that knocked Bollea to the floor, and drilling the still-seated Poffo with a running shin kick to the chest that knocked him right back to the mat. Sato picked up from there, hitting a senton bomb from the top rope before dragging Poffo off the mat, drilling him with a few more shin kicks for good measure, and [b]hooking him in for the Perfect Brainbuster for the 3.[/b]
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