
Subsistence Crash Log

Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. Log: Log file open, 10/23/17 02:31:08
  2. Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
  3. DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
  4. Init: Version: 12466
  5. Init: Epic Internal: 0
  6. Init: Compiled (32-bit): Aug 8 2014 04:03:32
  7. Init: Changelist: 2243543
  8. Init: Command line: -forcelogflush
  9. Init: Base directory: E:\Games\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Subsistence\Binaries\Win32\
  10. [0000.84] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.09-14.38.50.log
  11. [0000.84] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.09-15.39.04.log
  12. [0000.84] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.09-15.41.52.log
  13. [0000.84] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.09-15.43.20.log
  14. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.10-19.59.19.log
  15. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.17-23.51.04.log
  16. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.18-00.40.09.log
  17. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.18-01.33.31.log
  18. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.18-08.13.30.log
  19. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.18-08.32.15.log
  20. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.18-09.37.56.log
  21. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.18-10.48.16.log
  22. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.18-10.52.37.log
  23. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.18-10.53.47.log
  24. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.19-01.53.24.log
  25. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.19-02.05.44.log
  26. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.19-02.06.28.log
  27. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.19-02.30.39.log
  28. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.19-03.20.39.log
  29. [0000.85] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.19-03.48.22.log
  30. [0000.86] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.19-21.12.27.log
  31. [0000.87] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.19-22.10.43.log
  32. [0000.87] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2017.10.20-02.23.03.log
  33. [0000.88] Init: Computer: HIRAMABIFF-PC
  34. [0000.88] Init: User: Smokey
  35. [0000.88] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=8
  36. [0000.88] Init: High frequency timer resolution =3.515624 MHz
  37. [0000.88] Init: Memory total: Physical=11.9GB (12GB approx) Pagefile=13.7GB Virtual=4.0GB
  38. [0001.31] Log: Steam Client API initialized 1
  39. [0003.89] Log: Steam Game Server API initialized 1
  40. [0004.13] Init: WinSock: I am HiramAbiff-PC (
  41. [0004.13] Init: Presizing for 83221 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
  42. [0004.16] Init: Object subsystem initialized
  43. [0004.18] Log: Last hardware survey: Ver=12466, Date=20171021. Uploading again.
  44. [0006.36] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
  45. [0006.36] Log: Adapter has 3072MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 1023MB of shared system memory
  46. [0006.42] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
  47. [0006.42] Log: Adapter has 0MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 256MB of shared system memory
  48. [0006.44] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3
  49. [0006.46] Error: Error, Manifest doesn't exist: ..\..\UDKGame\Script\Manifest.txt
  50. [0006.81] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED
  51. [0006.91] Init: Initializing FaceFX...
  52. [0006.93] Init: FaceFX 1.7.4 initialized.
  53. [0006.96] Init: XAudio2 using 'Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 16 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3)
  54. [0014.66] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 6.38 seconds
  55. [0014.67] Log: 75769 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  56. [0014.67] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  57. [0014.67] Log: Initializing Engine...
  58. [0014.98] Init: UEngine initialized
  59. [0015.12] Init: XAudio2Device initialized.
  60. [0015.34] Log: Found PS2 controller with new converter
  61. [0015.45] Log: Failed to upload UDK hardware survey to in 11.21 seconds.
  62. [0015.45] Log: Found X360 controller
  63. [0015.45] Init: Client initialized
  64. [0017.97] Log: Initializing Steamworks
  65. [0017.99] Log: Logged in as 'Hiram Abiff'
  66. [0018.11] DevGFxUI: UGFxInteraction::Send - CALLBACK_ViewportResized
  67. [0018.17] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  68. [0018.17] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  69. [0018.17] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  70. [0018.17] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  71. [0018.17] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  72. [0018.17] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  73. [0018.17] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  74. [0018.17] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  75. [0018.20] Log: LoadMap: ColdMenuMap?Name=Player?Team=255
  76. [0021.08] Log: Game class is 'ColdGame'
  77. [0021.17] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
  78. [0021.17] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
  79. [0021.34] Log: *** WARNING - PATHS MAY NOT BE VALID ***
  80. [0021.34] Log: Bringing World coldmenumap.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.10.23-02.31.29
  81. [0021.35] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.246996
  82. [0021.35] ScriptLog: Spawning player controller now.
  83. [0021.37] ScriptLog: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  84. [0021.37] ScriptLog: restart player! None ColdPlayerController_0
  85. [0021.37] ScriptLog: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  86. [0021.38] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_0
  87. [0021.38] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdPlayerPawn_0
  88. [0021.38] ScriptLog: Created build manager: ColdBuildManager_0
  89. [0021.38] ScriptLog: Created proximity checker: ColdPlayerProximityChecker_0
  90. [0021.38] ScriptLog: Player pawn possessed! ColdPlayerPawn_0
  91. [0021.38] ScriptLog: Spawning harvest manager: ColdHarvestManager_0
  92. [0021.38] ScriptLog: Spawning quick actions: ColdPlayerQuickActions_0
  93. [0021.38] ScriptLog: Spawning Weather FX
  94. [0021.38] ScriptLog: ***WARNING*** Health mgr failed to initialize. Health stats not ticking for ColdPlayerPawn_0
  95. [0021.39] Error: Can't start an online game that hasn't been created
  96. [0021.52] DevGFxUI: Scale9Grid for resource=386 has negative width -4.950000
  97. [0021.54] DevGFxUI: IME Warning: No fileopener and/or xml file specified. Defaulting to internal list
  99. [0021.68] DevGFxUI: Failed loading SWF "/ package/UDKFrontEnd/udk_ime": ActionScript version mismatch
  100. [0021.69] ScriptLog: BeaconManager hud loaded
  101. [0021.82] DevGFxUI: Failed loading SWF "/ package/UDKFrontEnd/udk_ime": ActionScript version mismatch
  102. [0021.82] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.OptionsPanel
  103. [0021.82] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.OptionsPanel
  104. [0021.84] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.MultiplayerPanel
  105. [0021.84] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.MultiplayerPanel
  106. [0021.95] DevGFxUI: Failed loading SWF "/ package/UDKFrontEnd/udk_ime": ActionScript version mismatch
  107. [0021.95] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 3.748272 seconds
  108. [0021.95] Init: Game engine initialized
  109. [0021.95] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
  110. [0022.68] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 22.68s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  111. [0022.72] DevGFxUI: Failed loading SWF "/ package/UDKFrontEnd/udk_ime": ActionScript version mismatch
  112. [0022.72] DevGFxUI: UGFxInteraction::Send - CALLBACK_ViewportResized
  113. [0030.03] ScriptLog: Found servers: 12
  114. [0042.07] ScriptLog: *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
  115. [0042.07] ScriptLog: * Continuing to host an MP game.
  116. [0042.07] ScriptLog: *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
  117. [0042.07] Log: Initializing Steam game server
  118. [0042.08] ScriptLog: Map ending
  119. [0042.08] ScriptLog: Destroying TimeOfDay
  120. [0042.08] Log: LoadMap: ColdMap1?Name=Player?Team=255?listen?steamsockets?SteamServerId=?NumPublicConnections=2?NumPrivateConnections=0?NumOpenPublicConnections=2?NumOpenPrivateConnections=0?bShouldAdvertise=True?bIsLanMatch=False?bUsesStats=True?bAllowJoinInProgress=True?bAllowInvites=True?bUsesPresence=True?bAllowJoinViaPresence=True?bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly=False?bUsesArbitration=False?bAntiCheatProtected=False?bIsDedicated=False?PingInMs=0?MatchQuality=0.000000?GameState=OGS_Pending?SaveGameState=serverSaveGame23.sav?GamePassword=mason?OwningPlayerName=Hiram Abiff?MaxPlayers=2?ProfileId=1?HuntersDisabled=False?Difficulty=easy?ColdServerName=Brothers Of The Craft<gs>1,0,1
  121. [0042.08] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START ---
  122. [0042.19] ScriptWarning: Invalid user index (255) specified for ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate()
  123. OnlineSubsystemSteamworks Transient.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks_0
  124. Function OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks:ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate:00FE
  125. [0042.19] ScriptLog: Destroying weather fx
  126. [0046.06] Log: Game class is 'ColdGame'
  127. [0046.07] Init: WinSock: Socket queue 131072 / 131072
  128. [0046.07] Init: WinSock: Socket queue 131072 / 131072
  129. [0046.07] Log: Initialized RedirectNetDriver, for redirecting IP connections to Steam sockets
  130. [0046.08] Log: NetMode is now 2
  131. [0046.99] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
  132. [0046.99] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
  133. [0047.57] Log: *** WARNING - PATHS MAY NOT BE VALID ***
  134. [0047.57] Log: Bringing World coldmap1.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.10.23-02.31.55
  135. [0047.57] ScriptLog: GamePassword mason
  136. [0047.73] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 1.649746
  137. [0047.73] ScriptLog: Spawning player controller now.
  138. [0047.74] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_BaseCommandUnit_0
  139. [0047.74] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodDoorway_0
  140. [0047.74] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_0
  141. [0047.74] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_1
  142. [0047.74] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_2
  143. [0047.74] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_3
  144. [0047.74] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundationStairs_0
  145. [0047.74] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_4
  146. [0047.74] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_5
  147. [0047.74] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_6
  148. [0047.74] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_7
  149. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_0
  150. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_StorageCrate_0
  151. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_PowerGenerator_0
  152. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_PowerStorage_0
  153. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_MassStorage_0
  154. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Light_0
  155. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_MassFabricator_0
  156. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Light_1
  157. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Bed_0
  158. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WeaponsBench_0
  159. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_PlantBed_0
  160. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodDoor_0
  161. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Refinery_0
  162. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_PlantBed_1
  163. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_SolarPanel_0
  164. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_AnimalHousing_Small_0
  165. [0047.75] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_PowerStorage_1
  166. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Fridge_0
  167. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Wellhead_0
  168. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_SolarPanel_1
  169. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodBurner_0
  170. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_StorageCrate_1
  171. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_0
  172. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_1
  173. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_2
  174. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_3
  175. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWindow_0
  176. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_4
  177. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_5
  178. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_6
  179. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodStairsCorner_0
  180. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_7
  181. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeiling_0
  182. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWindow_1
  183. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWindow_2
  184. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_8
  185. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeiling_1
  186. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWindow_3
  187. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeiling_2
  188. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeiling_3
  189. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeiling_4
  190. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeiling_5
  191. [0047.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeiling_6
  192. [0047.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_1
  193. [0047.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_StorageCrate_2
  194. [0047.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_2
  195. [0047.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_8
  196. [0047.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_9
  197. [0047.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_10
  198. [0047.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_11
  199. [0047.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_12
  200. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_3
  201. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_BaseCommandUnit_1
  202. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_13
  203. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_StorageCrate_3
  204. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_9
  205. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWindow_4
  206. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_10
  207. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_11
  208. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_14
  209. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWindow_5
  210. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundationStairs_1
  211. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_4
  212. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodDoor_1
  213. [0047.78] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodDoorway_1
  214. [0047.79] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_15
  215. [0047.79] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_1
  216. [0047.79] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdPlayerPawn_1
  217. [0047.79] ScriptLog: Created build manager: ColdBuildManager_1
  218. [0047.79] ScriptLog: Created proximity checker: ColdPlayerProximityChecker_1
  219. [0047.79] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_16
  220. [0047.79] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_17
  221. [0047.79] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundationStairs_2
  222. [0047.79] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_2
  223. [0047.79] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdPlayerPawn_2
  224. [0047.79] ScriptLog: Created build manager: ColdBuildManager_2
  225. [0047.79] ScriptLog: Created proximity checker: ColdPlayerProximityChecker_2
  226. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_BaseCommandUnit_2
  227. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_12
  228. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundationStairs_3
  229. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_18
  230. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_5
  231. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodDoor_2
  232. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundationCurved_0
  233. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWallCurved_0
  234. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_13
  235. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_14
  236. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodDoorway_2
  237. [0047.80] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_StorageCrate_4
  238. [0047.81] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodStairsCorner_1
  239. [0047.81] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeilingHalf_0
  240. [0047.81] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeilingQuarter_0
  241. [0047.81] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeiling_7
  242. [0047.81] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeiling_8
  243. [0047.81] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodBurner_1
  244. [0047.81] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_3
  245. [0047.81] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_0
  246. [0047.81] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_BaseCommandUnit_3
  247. [0047.81] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_6
  248. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_15
  249. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundationStairs_4
  250. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_19
  251. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodDoor_3
  252. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_20
  253. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_16
  254. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_17
  255. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_18
  256. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_19
  257. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodDoorway_3
  258. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodStairsCorner_2
  259. [0047.82] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_4
  260. [0047.82] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_1
  261. [0047.82] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_7
  262. [0047.83] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_21
  263. [0047.83] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundationStairs_5
  264. [0047.83] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWall_20
  265. [0047.83] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_5
  266. [0047.83] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_2
  267. [0047.83] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_8
  268. [0047.83] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundation_22
  269. [0047.83] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_6
  270. [0047.83] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_3
  271. [0047.84] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_9
  272. [0047.84] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_7
  273. [0047.84] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_Rogue_0
  274. [0047.85] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_8
  275. [0047.85] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_Rogue_1
  276. [0047.85] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_10
  277. [0047.85] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_9
  278. [0047.85] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_Rogue_2
  279. [0047.86] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_10
  280. [0047.86] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_Rogue_3
  281. [0047.86] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_11
  282. [0047.86] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_11
  283. [0047.86] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_Rogue_4
  284. [0047.86] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_12
  285. [0047.87] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_Rogue_5
  286. [0047.87] ScriptLog: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  287. [0047.87] ScriptLog: restart player! ColdPlayerPawn_1 ColdPlayerController_1
  288. [0047.87] ScriptLog: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  289. [0047.87] ScriptLog: Player pawn possessed! ColdPlayerPawn_1
  290. [0047.87] ScriptLog: Spawning harvest manager: ColdHarvestManager_1
  291. [0047.87] ScriptLog: Spawning quick actions: ColdPlayerQuickActions_1
  292. [0047.87] ScriptLog: Spawning Weather FX
  293. [0047.93] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (BeaconSocket) not found on ColdCougarPawn_0 for ColdHudBeaconActor_92!
  294. [0047.95] Log: AActor::SetBase : Bone (BeaconSocket) not found on ColdCougarPawn_1 for ColdHudBeaconActor_109!
  295. [0048.07] DevGFxUI: Scale9Grid for resource=386 has negative width -4.950000
  296. [0048.11] DevGFxUI: Failed loading SWF "/ package/UDKFrontEnd/udk_ime": ActionScript version mismatch
  297. [0048.12] ScriptLog: BeaconManager hud loaded
  298. [0048.27] DevGFxUI: Failed loading SWF "/ package/UDKFrontEnd/udk_ime": ActionScript version mismatch
  299. [0048.28] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.OptionsPanel
  300. [0048.28] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.OptionsPanel
  301. [0048.29] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.MultiplayerPanel
  302. [0048.30] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.MultiplayerPanel
  303. [0048.45] DevGFxUI: Failed loading SWF "/ package/UDKFrontEnd/udk_ime": ActionScript version mismatch
  304. [0048.45] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 6.371265 seconds
  305. [0048.57] Log: Steam game server UID: 90111603895434243
  306. [0048.57] ScriptLog: Kicking off listen auth session
  307. [0048.60] DevGFxUI: UGFxInteraction::Send - CALLBACK_ViewportResized
  308. [0048.65] DevGFxUI: Failed loading SWF "/ package/UDKFrontEnd/udk_ime": ActionScript version mismatch
  309. [0049.29] ScriptLog: Setting default kit for player. ROLE_Authority
  310. [0052.94] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE TIME: 10.8 sec ---
  311. [0053.44] ScriptLog: Listen host successfully authenticated
  312. [0113.54] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  313. [0123.91] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld 10/23/17 02:33:11
  314. [0124.54] ScriptLog: Client passed authentication, UID: 0x0110000105E21250
  315. [0128.01] ScriptLog: Spawning player controller now.
  316. [0128.01] ScriptLog: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  317. [0128.01] ScriptLog: restart player! ColdPlayerPawn_2 ColdPlayerController_2
  318. [0128.01] ScriptLog: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  319. [0132.59] ScriptLog: Setting default kit for player. ROLE_Authority
  320. [0143.03] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  321. [0150.71] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  322. [0158.56] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  323. [0171.25] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  324. [0190.74] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  325. [0193.60] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  326. [0216.00] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  327. [0222.92] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1010
  328. [0224.36] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1010
  329. [0225.91] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1010
  330. [0240.75] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  331. [0245.43] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  332. [0252.52] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  333. [0263.89] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  334. [0266.08] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  335. [0268.98] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  336. [0273.71] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  337. [0279.16] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  338. [0281.54] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  339. [0305.92] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  340. [0324.15] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  341. [0330.14] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  342. [0336.27] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  343. [0354.12] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  344. [0415.83] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  345. [0428.06] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  346. [0465.38] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1009
  347. [0476.55] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1009
  348. [0676.87] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWallCurvedWindow_0
  349. [0676.87] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeilingHalf_1
  350. [0676.87] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_BaseCommandUnit_4
  351. [0779.99] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  352. [0792.10] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  353. [0813.80] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  354. [0823.43] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  355. [0939.50] ScriptLog: Butchered animal. Now spawning loot: ColdAccessModule_LootStorage_Animal_0
  356. [0939.50] ScriptWarning: GotoState (Active None): State not found
  357. ColdModuleButcher coldmap1.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.ColdModuleButcher_6
  358. Function ColdGame.ColdModuleButcher:Butchered:0126
  359. [0939.53] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  360. [0972.66] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  361. [0984.00] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  362. [0992.13] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  363. [0996.22] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  364. [1001.41] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1010
  365. [1003.84] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1010
  366. [1005.14] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1010
  367. [1006.48] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1010
  368. [1011.77] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  369. [1056.28] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  370. [1061.75] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  371. [1069.30] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  372. [1073.01] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  373. [1078.34] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  374. [1089.49] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  375. [1095.08] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  376. [1106.14] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  377. [1112.76] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  378. [1137.36] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  379. [1197.74] Warning: Failed to find function RunAway for timer in actor ColdHunterController_0
  380. [1218.60] ScriptLog: PLAYER HAS DIED!!!!!!!!!! murdered by ColdPlayerController_2
  381. [1296.44] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  382. [1325.00] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  383. [1328.34] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Item'
  384. ColdAccessModule_Campfire coldmap1.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.ColdAccessModule_Campfire_4
  385. Function ColdGame.ColdAccessModule_Campfire:ItemAdded:018B
  386. [1337.98] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  387. [1366.48] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  388. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_13
  389. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_Rogue_6
  390. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_14
  391. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_Rogue_7
  392. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_15
  393. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_Rogue_8
  394. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_16
  395. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_Rogue_9
  396. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_17
  397. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_4
  398. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Created inventory manager: ColdPlayerInvManager_18
  399. [1602.76] ScriptLog: Setting up health manager for pawn: ColdHunterPawn_5
  400. [1602.76] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodWallQuarter_0
  401. [1602.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodCeiling_9
  402. [1602.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_WoodFoundationStairs_6
  403. [1602.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_12
  404. [1602.77] ScriptLog: DEBUG: PreBeginPlay() on ColdBuildable_Campfire_13
  405. [1715.38] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
  406. [1715.38] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper.BaseCommandUnit
  407. [1762.18] DevGFxUI: Found path binding for path: root1.ExternalInvWrapper
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