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a guest
Feb 8th, 2020
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  1. Starting the controller
  2. USB XHCI 1.10
  3. scanning bus 0 for devices... 5 USB Device(s) found
  4. scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
  5. ** Bad device usb 0 **
  6. ** Bad device usb 0 **
  7. Start read misc partition datas!
  8. info->magic =
  9. info->version_major = 1
  10. info->version_minor = 0
  11. info->slots[0].priority = 15
  12. info->slots[0].tries_remaining = 7
  13. info->slots[0].successful_boot = 0
  14. info->slots[1].priority = 14
  15. info->slots[1].tries_remaining = 7
  16. info->slots[1].successful_boot = 0
  17. info->crc32 = -1075449479
  18. active slot = 0
  19. active_slot: normal
  20. Err imgread(L328):Fmt unsupported!genFmt 0x0 != 0x3
  21. kvim3#printenv
  22. EnableSelinux=permissive
  23. Irq_check_en=0
  24. active_slot=normal
  25. avb2=0
  26. baudrate=115200
  27. bcb_cmd=get_avb_mode;get_valid_slot;
  28. boot_part=boot
  29. boot_start=booti 0x11000000 0x13000000 0x1000000
  30. bootargs=init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 no_console_suspend earlycon=aml-uart,0xff803000 ramoops.pstore_en=1 }
  31. bootcmd=run start_autoscript; run storeboot;
  32. bootdelay=1
  33. bootfromnand=0
  34. chiprev=B
  35. cmdline_keys=kbi usid noprint;setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.serialno=${usid};setenv serial ${usid};;
  36. colorattribute=444,8bit
  37. cvbs_drv=0
  38. cvbsmode=576cvbs
  39. display_bpp=16
  40. display_color_bg=0
  41. display_color_fg=0xffff
  42. display_color_index=16
  43. display_height=1080
  44. display_layer=osd0
  45. display_width=1920
  46. dtb_mem_addr=0x1000000
  47. env_addr=0x10400000
  48. eth_mac=c8:63:14:70:47:15
  49. ethact=dwmac.ff3f0000
  50. ethaddr=02:00:00:20:10:01
  51. factory_reset_poweroff_protect=echo wipe_data=${wipe_data}; echo wipe_cache=${wipe_cache};if test ${wipe_data
  52. factorytest=0
  53. fb_addr=0x3d800000
  54. fb_height=1080
  55. fb_width=1920
  56. fdt_high=0x20000000
  57. fdtaddr=1000000
  58. firstboot=1
  59. frac_rate_policy=1
  60. fs_type=ro rootwait skip_initramfs
  61. fusb302_state=1
  62. gatewayip=
  63. hdmi_read_edid=1
  64. hdmimode=1080p60hz
  65. hostname=arm_gxbb
  66. hwver=VIM3.V12
  67. hwver_check=kbi hwver;
  68. init_display=get_rebootmode;echo reboot_mode:::: ${reboot_mode};if test ${reboot_mode} = quiescent; then sete;
  69. initargs=init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 no_console_suspend earlycon=aml-uart,0xff803000 ramoops.pstore_en=1
  70. initrd_addr=0x13000000
  71. initrd_high=7f800000
  72. ipaddr=
  73. irremote_update=if irkey 2500000 0xe31cfb04 0xb748fb04; then echo read irkey ok!; if itest ${irkey_value} == \
  74. fi;fi;fi;
  75. jtag=disable
  76. kernel_addr=0x11000000
  77. loadaddr=1080000
  78. lock=10001000
  79. maxcpus=6
  80. netmask=
  81. osd_reverse=0
  82. otg_device=1
  83. outputmode=1080p60hz
  84. panel_type=lcd_1
  85. port_mode=0
  86. port_mode_change=fdt addr ${dtb_mem_addr}; kbi portmode r;if test ${port_mode} = 0; then fdt set /usb3phy@ffe;
  87. power_state=2
  88. preboot=run bcb_cmd; run factory_reset_poweroff_protect;run upgrade_check;run init_display;run wol_init;run h;
  89. reboot_mode=cold_boot
  90. reboot_mode_android=normal
  91. recovery_from_flash=get_valid_slot;echo active_slot: ${active_slot};if test ${active_slot} = normal; then set;
  92. recovery_from_sdcard=if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} aml_autoscript; then autoscr ${loadaddr}; fi;if fatload mmc;
  93. recovery_from_udisk=if fatload usb 0 ${loadaddr} aml_autoscript; then autoscr ${loadaddr}; fi;if fatload usb ;
  94. recovery_offset=0
  95. recovery_part=recovery
  96. rpmb_state=0
  97. sdc_burning=sdc_burn ${sdcburncfg}
  98. sdcburncfg=aml_sdc_burn.ini
  99. sdr2hdr=2
  100. serial=c86314704715
  101. serverip=
  102. spi_check=kbi factorytest;if test ${factorytest} = 1; then if sf probe; then setenv spi_state 1;fi;mmc dev 0;;
  103. spi_state=0
  104. start_autoscript=if usb start ; then run start_usb_autoscript; fi; if mmcinfo; then run start_mmc_autoscript;;
  105. start_emmc_autoscript=if fatload mmc 1 1020000 s905_autoscript; then autoscr 1020000; fi;
  106. start_mmc_autoscript=if fatload mmc 1 1020000 s905_autoscript; then autoscr 1020000; fi;
  107. start_usb_autoscript=if fatload usb 0 1020000 s905_autoscript; then autoscr 1020000; fi; if fatload usb 1 102;
  108. stderr=serial
  109. stdin=serial
  110. stdout=serial
  111. storeargs=setenv bootargs ${initargs} ${fs_type} otg_device=${otg_device} reboot_mode_android=${reboot_mode_a;
  112. storeboot=boot_cooling;get_system_as_root_mode;echo system_mode: ${system_mode};if test ${system_mode} = 1; t;
  113. switch_bootmode=get_rebootmode;if test ${reboot_mode} = factory_reset; then setenv reboot_mode_android normal;
  114. system_mode=1
  115. try_auto_burn=update 700 750;
  116. update=run usb_burning; run sdc_burning; if mmcinfo; then run recovery_from_sdcard;fi;if usb start 0; then ru;
  117. upgrade_check=echo upgrade_step=${upgrade_step}; if itest ${upgrade_step} == 3; then run init_display; run st;
  118. upgrade_key=if gpio input GPIOAO_7; then echo detect upgrade key; run update;fi;
  119. upgrade_step=0
  120. usb_burning=update 1000
  121. usid=c86314704715
  122. video_reverse=0
  123. wipe_cache=successful
  124. wipe_data=successful
  125. wol_enable=0
  126. wol_init=kbi powerstate;kbi trigger wol r;setenv bootargs ${bootargs} wol_enable=${wol_enable};if test ${powe;
  128. Environment size: 9055/65532 bytes
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