
Octi the Tsundere

Jan 7th, 2016
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  1. >Something hard hits your head and rouses you from your sleep
  2. >you lean up from your comfortable spot on the couch and a CD case falls into your lap
  3. >"Keep that dreadful music to yourself, Anon!"
  4. "Sorry, Octi. Where'd you find it?"
  5. >"It was DEFILING my table. To think that such an uncouth album should sit beside my Beethoven and Debussy. And stop calling me Octi!"
  6. >you look down at the CD.
  7. >Positive Dairy Motel.
  8. >"Uncouth?" you think to yourself.
  9. >You shrug and get up from the couch.
  10. "What are you up to?"
  11. >"Hm. Well if you must know, I just finished recording a piece."
  12. >you walk over to her desk and drape your arms over her shoulders
  13. >She gasps and her face turns a shade of scarlet. Her mouth opens to chastise you but, for a moment, nothing comes out.
  14. >finally she manages "Y-you absolute villain! You treacherous nincompoop! What on earth do you think you're doing??"
  15. "Just wanted to get a better look at your work, Octi."
  16. >She shrugs your arms off her shoulders.
  17. >"Hmph. I doubt very much that getting closer would make any difference to someone as uncultured as yourself," she replies curtly.
  18. >you lean down and blow in her ear
  19. >Her eyes go wide and she gasps louder than before
  20. >blushing an even deeper scarlet, she yells "You animal! You are absolutely insufferable, anon!"
  21. >you shrug again.
  22. "Are you sure you didn't throw that CD at me to get my attention?"
  23. >"And why on Earth would I want YOUR attention?" she grumbles.
  24. "Oh I don't know, maybe to listen to your recording?"
  25. >She looks away. The way she's squirming in her seat, however, tells you you've hit the mark.
  26. >"Th-there's no way someone like you could possibly give me any sort of constructive criticism."
  27. >you wait for her to continue
  28. >"But I suppose it would save me some time tracking down an actual musician to listen to it. I guess you can listen to it if you want."
  29. >you pick the headphones up off the desk
  30. >"Remember, I'm doing this out of convenience! I-It's not like I care what you think or anything."
  31. >she presses the play button
  32. >As the music plays you notice her stealing glances at you from the corner of her eye.
  33. >Finally the music stops and you replace the headphones on the desk.
  34. >"Well? W-What did you think?"
  35. >you look her straight in the eyes
  36. "It was beautiful, Octi."
  37. >you say it with complete sincerity
  38. >She looks startled. She breaks away from your gaze and goes back to staring at the computer.
  39. >"...y-you're such an idiot."
  40. >you lean in and hug her, but this time she doesn't push away.
  41. >
  42. >as you're getting ready for bed you peek into the living room and see Octavia hard at work on her computer.
  43. "Whatcha doin, Octi?"
  44. >"Just working on the tracks I recorded earlier," she replies.
  45. >you walk over and throw an arm around her shoulder
  46. "Feeling motivated, are we?"
  47. >She looks away. "Maybe I am, just a little," she answers. "But it definitely wasn't because of your silly hug."
  48. >you smile and muss up her hair.
  49. "Alright, Octi. Good luck, I'm heading off to bed. Night!"
  50. >Her head is still turned and she won't look at you
  51. >you walk to the bedroom door. As you open it you hear a faint, nearly imperceptible "n-night"
  52. >
  53. >you're awoken by Octavia collapsing onto the bed
  54. >you rub your eyes and move closer to her
  55. "Were you up all night, Octi?"
  56. >for a while all you hear is her breathing, and you wonder if she has fallen asleep
  57. >after a while though she rolls over to face you and, in a dreamy voice, says "Yes. They're all done now. Perfect because of you, Anon."
  58. >Now it's your turn to blush a little
  59. "Thanks, Octi."
  60. >She snuggles a little closer to you and you notice that she's holding the album she had thrown at you earlier.
  61. "What's this Octi?"
  62. >"I thought I could try listening to it with you.. P-purely for educational purposes, of course."
  63. >you reach up and slip the CD in the player then settle back down in the bed
  64. >Octavia curls up against you
  65. >the two of you share each other's warmth as the sun begins to shine through the blinds
  66. >Jeff Mangum's not-so-soothing voice eventually lulls the two of you to sleep. But, just before you both give in to your dreams, you rub her ear a little and whisper
  67. "Love ya, Octi."
  68. >She buries her face a little deeper in your chest and whispers back
  69. >"..i-idiot."
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