
(NSFW) Raze/Khi #2

Dec 15th, 2019
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  1. “Hey Khi?”
  2. Raze sat on the counter, his wings hanging limp on his shoulders, wearing nothing but his dragon-scale shorts, the shop recently closed for the night.
  3. “Yeah Raze, whatcha need?”
  4. Khi turned to him, smiling at the sight.
  6. “Im fuckin bored. And Zen and Raith still won't be back for over a week…” he pouted, his hands in his lap, playing with his tail.
  8. “Are you asking to play a game or have sex?” He stood moving closer to Raze, watching his face for any reaction, not noticing Raze’s hands, now cupping his tail.
  10. “I mean…” he pulled his hands to Khi’s line of sight, fingers opening to show the tail, now a copy of the boys dick.
  12. Khi watched Raze curl his tongue around the glans, a trail of thick saliva running down the shaft. He reached forward, gently squeezing Raze’s bulge, the hard cock inside responding.
  14. He licked Raze’s tail, their tongues meeting as they moved round the shaft. Raze let Khi take over, the bigger man letting the tail move further into his mouth as he picked Raze up, his hands rough as they grappled the soft ass. The feeling as Raze’s real cock pressed into his belly.
  16. The tail pulled away with a heavy breath from Khi. He opened his eyes in time to watch Raze move his head close, a kiss, lacking in passion but Khi could feel the lust behind the action.
  18. “Go to the bedroom, i need to lock the doors still Khi.”
  20. Khi set him down. A slap on the ass made the scales jingle as walked away. Khi grinned and giggled as he sat down on the bed, the sheets cool to the touch.
  22. The loud echoing click as Raze set the locks made Khi jump from the bed. He hastily stripped, tossing tunic and boots aside. He stopped, his pants hitting the floor, as Raze whistled as him. The shrill sound meant to alert him.
  24. He whipped around to see Raze moving through the doorway, wings wrapped around him like a cloak, covering his body from Khi’s gaze. Just his calves and feet visible as he walked silently up to Khi.
  26. “Hi Raze.”
  27. “Hi.”
  29. Soft hands grabbed pushed against his chest as the wings pulled back, Raze kissed his chest, moving down till Khi felt him kiss his bulge, now pushing hard against his underwear. Raze pulled the underwear down, his mouth never leaving the spot where Khi’s dick sat. He quickly grabbed it in his lips as it sprung free, the thick shaft tight with anticipation.
  31. There was no hesitation as Raze pushed his head down the shaft. Khi’s hands shot forward to grab the bright horns, but found his hands stopped by Raze’s. A knowing look from the gold eyes as he pulled his head back, sharp teeth holding Khi’s foreskin at bay.
  33. He knew that look, the faint glow from the tiefling’s eyes let him know he was not in charge today.
  35. Head moved down again, he let his hands go loose as Raze worked, he could feel his cock push against the boysa throat, then the tingling feeling as it moved down, the release of pressure as his glans pushed deep.
  37. Raze moved his head gently back and forth, never more than a few inches as the glans moved through the bottom of his throat. Khi groaned, hands rubbing at the back of his neck as he felt unsure where to rest them.
  39. Slowly he watched Raze move his head back, tongue pressing hard against the bottom of the shaft, eaking out a few spurts of pre-cum. He he held the large shaft in one hand, looking up at Khi.
  41. “Can you grab the lube please? The stuff in the red bottle!”
  42. “Sure!” He awkwardly stepped away from Raze, a tug as Raze gripped his cock slightly.
  44. He turned to the chest with clothes and their personal stock of sundries, his eyes running over the items. Pulling a small box with vials and flasks of oils.
  46. A deep amber-red bottle sat at the bottom. Khi gently wiggled it out, gripping the thin vial in his hands. Unfamiliar with this product, he turned back to Raze to see the tiefling laying flat, wings out to the sides as he propped himself up by his elbows
  48. “What is this lube? I don’t think iv used it before.”
  49. “New, i wanted to test it out and… well now is a good time!”
  50. “Agreed, what does it do?”
  51. “Should last a while, one application is the goal. Cooling and tingly, as well as, hopefully, it tastes good.”
  52. “Taste good?”
  53. “Yea, why not!”
  55. Khi felt drawn to Raze in the moment, his cock jumped as he began walking, a slow trickle of precum rolling down to his balls. He hopped onto the bed over Raze, holding the vial out to him.
  57. “Turn around Khi, lay down to, makes it easier for me.”
  58. “Lazy fucker.”
  59. “Want me to test with with the others instead?”
  60. “NO!”
  61. “Then, please, turn around, and stick your very handsome ass towards my face.”
  63. Khi quickly turned, his face buried into Raze’s crotch as his ass hung before the boys face. He reached out his mouth and slid Raze’s cock in. The already hard shaft sliding easily down his throat as he settled in.
  66. Raze looked at Khi’s ass, filling his vision, the cheeks spread just enough that he could glimpse the larger mans hole, he waved his hand, a flare of red energy rippling across, with a giggle from Khi as Raze made sure the area was pristine.
  68. He grinned, moving his head into the cheeks and gently ran his tongue up Khi. The shiver spurred him on, he pushed in with his tongue, dribbling the lube slowly till his tongue slid in. He worked his mouth against Khi, feeling the strong man push back with his hips, feeling his own cock abandoned as Khi moved his head away to moan.
  70. A stream of precum was falling into his chest, desperate not to waste Raze stopped, his tongue vacating Khi’s hole, now shimmering and loosened by the lube. Raze heard Khi grunt as the sensation left, and quickly he moaned again as Raze pulled the man down onto his face. He felt his heart jump the mans balls, swollen with unspent seed covered his eyes.
  73. Khi moaned as Raze buried himself on his cock. Without hesitation he sat up, resting his hands on the soft chest, gently squeezing the small nipples as he began rolling his hips along Raze’s face.
  75. “Sorry Raze, i know your wanted to be in charge. And after….” he paused as he felt the mages hands press into his taint, tongue pressed hard against the shaft.
  77. He moved his hips faster hearing the soft slaps as he fucked his friends face. The massaging of his taint spurred him on, faster as he tried to keep up with his friend.
  79. He felt a shock run through him as Raze pushed his thumbs hard into him, his knees buckling faintly as he gave a final thrust, pushing so hard he watched Raze’s cock bounce around from the force.
  81. Khi howled as he began cummining, he squeezed Raze’s chest. He felt a pang of guilt at the action, he had been holding off for Raiths return, a desire to fill his husband after time away. But he quickly shook the feeling, knowing well that Raith had been having his own fun.
  83. He looked down at Raze’s body beneath him, watched the way the hips sat into the bed, a slight bulge to his smooth belly as Khi felt another shot buckle his knees. Then he felt himself moving, without a conscious thought he began thrusting again, the sound of his actions drowned out by his moans.
  86. Raze listened to the sound as Khi renewed his thrusting, he swallowed as best he could, feeling his stomach fill with the man's seed, the amount egregiously overwhelming, even for his hungers.
  88. Then he felt a surge as the thick cum had over filled him, he cursed his small stomach. He could faintly see the splashing cum, flying from the force, before Khi gave one last powerful thrust. Another grunting roar as the man lay over him now.
  90. He could feel his mouth roughly grab his cock. A feral grasp of his hips as the man buried his nose into Raze’s balls. Still he was cumming, Raze could feel it pouring out his mouth, even out his nose as it struggled to find an escape.
  92. He felt khi pulled his cock out, just the glans resting as he sat back up.
  94. “Sorry Raze, just… just a few more… Then im yours!”
  96. Before he could think he felt Khi slam into him. The euphoric feeling as the man forced himself in, his head pushed into the mattress till the balls, still enlarged, pressed against his face. He felt a weakening shot with every thrust. Till Khi stopped, his hands resting on Raze’s clavicle.
  98. Raze pat as Khi’s ass, as the big man sat there, going soft in his throat. He pulled out, quickly moving to get his face close to Raze’s.
  100. “Raze, im sorry, i got carried away. Are you okay?”
  102. Raze stared at him, face white with cum, he felt it burning as it continued to roll out his nose. He grabbed Khi’s head. Kissing him and pushing a mouthful of the man's cum into his own mouth before breaking away and taking a deep breath.
  104. “Fuck, Khi.” He coughed as he felt his stomach settle. “No wonder Raith can't talk after you guys have been apart for a few weeks.”
  106. “Sorry.”
  108. He looked at Khi, the man had his face down apologetically.
  109. “Khi, if I didn’t want it, it would have stopped. I enjoyed, you clearly enjoyed it. I know what you like. Now, im not gonna be tempted so, get your ass over here and let me lube lube you up properly.”
  111. Khi smiled, once more positioning himself for Raze. He Set his head by the boys cock but refrained from play. He held his breath as Raze slid a finger into him, gentle tugs to loosen him, then another finger.
  113. Moaning into Raze’s belly as the man worked, Khi let out a small yip as he felt the cold oil poured into him. Raze was chuckling at his reaction as his fingers moved.
  115. “Okay Khi, put some of this on me please.”
  116. “Certainly! How much?”
  117. “The rest of it, most of its in you now anyways.”
  119. Khi upturned the bial over Raze, working the cold oils down till the orange shaft in front of him glistened like glass. His palm soaked in the oil, without hesitation he licked it, the thick oil tasted of old dirt, but had a sweet smell.
  121. “Uhh Raze, this stuff tastes bad.”
  122. “Like dirt, old dusty dirt, yeah…. it’s why I opted for your dick, that always tastes good.”
  123. “Awww, don’t flatter me.”
  125. “Okay. Now, if you would, sit on me.” He grinned, looking at Khi’s face past his soft cock that hung before his face. “And I don't mean on my face this time.”
  126. “Spoil sport!”
  127. “Also, you have been kneeling on my wings.”
  128. “Fuck, im sorry Raze, i just, i am not used to them.”
  129. “Its okay, we both know im up for a bit of pain!”
  130. “Hey now!” They laughed as Khi moved, gently sliding Raze’s wings out of the way, the orange wings now flush red where his knees had pressed into the soft membranes.
  132. Raze’s hands guiding him, Khi felt as Raze entered into him, the slick head of his cock drew a light moan from them both. Khi watched Raze close his eyes, taking in the light scars across the sharp features.
  134. He reached for Raze, grabbing his face and running his thumb across the boys cheek, his own thick cum still coated him, but had gone clear as it dried.
  136. “Raze….” he whispered the name, softly and lovingly. “Razeeee.”
  138. The gold eyes opened slightly. Almost glowing. His hands slid inside Khi’s legs, pressing down against the inside of his thighs as he sank lower onto Raze,
  140. His knees dug into the mattress as he moved down. Sharp inhalations as every ridge pushed into him, the cold lube soothing the tense muscles. He leaned back, supporting himself with his arms, planted on Raze’s thighs.
  142. He began to lift himself up, focusing on Raze’s face, watching the slow breaths drawn, the gold eyes stared at him. He moaned, measuring his movements to raze’s breathing. The lube felt almost electric the more he moved, each ridge made that electricity spark.
  144. “What's this lube made from Raze?”
  145. “Shhhh, later.”
  147. Khi looked down at his intermittent lover, saw the gold eyes closed in pleasure once more. He sank down, feeling them sink into the bed slightly.
  149. Raze was moaning, a faint whimper like sound as Khi moved. He felt a need to make Raze louder, a need to make him happy.
  150. He reached back ,his hand grazing the balls, bouncing firmly from his ministrations, and felt around till he found the thick base of Raze’s tail.
  152. He pulled up on it, feeling Raze’s ass jerk up, a sharp intake of breath followed by a pleased groan. The tail slid through his fingers, until he felt the firm ridges.
  154. He moved it to his mouth, and felt it twitch in his hand, the limp tail firmed up, responding to his breath. His tongue pushed against the glans as he let some saliva roll down the shaft, till it shimmered faintly in the light.
  156. He worked his hands slowly across Raze’s tail, feeling the boys hips shaking underneath him. He was moving steadily now, bouncing on top of Raze and feeling as Raze tried to thrust his hips as well.
  158. He pulled the tail tight near the base, a loud moan from Raze as Khi held it tight near his hips, taking the glans of the tail it o his mouth. He held firm a little below the bottom ridge, marking where to top the tail. But he pushed it, feeling the rigid sliding over his tusks, Raze now loudly moaning.
  160. His eves moved to Raze’s face as he stopped moaning, a spark of light as the gold eyes opened faintly, and Khi suddenly found himself leaning back onto the mattress, tail still in his mouth as he moved.
  162. Raze was over him, the blond hair backlit now as he leaned in, kissing Khi’s chest before pulling back up. He could still feel the cock inside him. thump. thump. thump. As every ridge pushed in rapidly.
  164. The tail pushed, the bottom ridge resting just inside his teeth, the warm dribble of pre-cum dribbling down his throat. His vision darkened as Raze pushed his wings out, the bat-like appendages curving and covering them. Raze cooed his name, drawing his gaze to the sharp face, a faint glow from the eyes.
  166. “Relaxe, Khi.”
  168. Khi wrapped his legs around Raze, enraptured as the lithe body moved, a hard grasp of his hips as every thrust hit harder.
  170. “Are you enjoying this Khi?”
  172. He felt Raze trying his best to be forceful, every thrust making his cock bounce lightly. A moan escaped Raze as Khi gently bit the bottom ridges. The unnaturally tough skin taking the force well as Raze giggled at it.
  174. Raze fell partially against him, his hands grasping at Khi’s knees. He looked and saw him biting his lip, his sharp canids pressed into his soft lip, enticing Khi and egging him on. He moved the tail in his mouth, feeling the precum grow increasingly thick.
  176. Then Raze squeezed his knees hard, a loud moans, that rolled into a series of grunts and breathing. He felt the thrusting stop with one last half hearted thrust.
  178. Raze moaned Khi’s name gently as the first shot of cum escaped, he felt them both at once, the lube that had worked deeply into him felt like ice as the thick fluid met it.
  180. Not a heartbeat later he felt it in his throat, the warmth was oddly comforting paired with the cold electricity he felt from Raze. The heavy cum was a treat to Khi, feeling the cum rolling down his throat. He quickly pulled the tail out some, feeling the cock squishing in his hand as he squeezed the cum into stronger shots.
  182. The taste was never the same, always slightly different. He tastes the thick fluid, bitter and heavy, but that same taste he enjoyed, even though the others said it tastes of fruits or fanciful flavors.
  184. It gummed in his throat and mouth, his tongue sloshing it as he waited for the end, the slow dribble fading away as Raze rested his hands on Khi’s chest.
  186. Raze panted and collapsed onto Khi, his cock still hard inside of Khi as he rested his face unceremoniously on the man chest. He playfully bite at Khi’s chest.
  188. “Taste good Khi?” Raze asked as he pulled his tail from Khi’s mouth, licking it clean himself.
  190. Khi smiled wide, the thick cum strung between his lips like spiderwebs. He lifted Raze’s head by his horns, a rough tug drawing another low moan from Raze. Lhi could feel Raze’s cock jump with the sensation, so he kissed his friend. Pushing the cum back and forth quickly before swallowing.
  192. “Good as ever.”
  193. “Your gross, and I appreciate it.”
  194. Just appreciate? Here i thought you loved me Raze?”
  196. Khi joked with Raze, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.
  198. “Im no Raith,” he looked at Khi, licking a small glob of cum from his chin, snarling at the taste. “But im better than nothing.”
  199. “Shut up, your great. You make a 3 person threesome, thats rare!”
  200. “Your right, I’m Amazing!”
  201. “Wanna go again?”
  202. “Hell yeah!”
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