
Relic of the Future: Chapter 3

Sep 25th, 2022
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  1. The Beowolf roared as it charged from the underbrush, red eyes glinting. Its fury was unmatched, all snarling teeth and a wide, open jaw. With the element of surprise on its side it swiped down at him from above, seeking to cut him in two. Its claws caught on the top of his shield instead, on the cross guard of Crocea Mors itself.
  3. "Just the one?" Jaune asked easily. The Beowolf growled its confusion but he punched his shield into its face before it could do anything. Stunned, it staggered back, and he used the motion to step into its guard, grip his still sheathed blade, and draw it in one swift motion.
  5. The Beowolf fell back, slumping to the ground as he cleaned his blade on a pant leg and sheathed it.
  7. —Relic of the Future: Chapter 3
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