
In which Yanniy meets some horrorterrors

Jun 3rd, 2017
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  1. <yzabtech[DM]> ==START==
  2. <yzabtech[DM]> You make your way out of the crypt, Feraku following.
  3. <Yanniy_Grehij> You head home for the cool alchemy bits
  4. <yzabtech[DM]> Along the way, you get stopped by an angry imp.
  5. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Ah fudge"
  6. <yzabtech[DM]> Feraku steps forward. "I'll take this one," she says, as she sticks her hands out, attempting to use some sort of powers.
  7. <yzabtech[DM]> They don't work.
  8. <Yanniy_Grehij> You ready your axe and shield and prepare for combat
  9. <yzabtech[DM]> "Darn it. You'll have to take this one. I'm sorry."
  10. <Yanniy_Grehij> "69kay then"
  11. <yzabtech[DM]> Roll for initiative.
  12. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d20
  13. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=5 ] | {5}
  14. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20
  15. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=19 ] | {19}
  16. <yzabtech[DM]> The imp decides that it's sick of your face and wants to scratch it off.
  17. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20
  18. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=20 ] | {20}
  19. <yzabtech[DM]> wow.
  20. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((ow))
  21. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 2d4
  22. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 2d4 --> [ 2d4=7 ] | {7}
  23. <yzabtech[DM]> That's gotta hurt.
  24. <Yanniy_Grehij> "GAH"
  25. <Yanniy_Grehij> You did not like that one bit
  26. <Yanniy_Grehij> You decide to hack away at the enemy
  27. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d20+2
  28. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=12 ] | {14}
  29. <yzabtech[DM]> You do that.
  30. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 2d8+2
  31. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 2d8+2 --> [ 2d8=9 ] | {11}
  32. <Yanniy_Grehij> Ah, the advantage of using actual metal instead of plastic.
  33. <yzabtech[DM]> Holy crap, one shot.
  34. <Yanniy_Grehij> Oh.
  35. <yzabtech[DM]> Gain 10 XP, 20 build grist, and 3 T1 grist.
  36. <Yanniy_Grehij> "That was very anti-climactic"
  37. <yzabtech[DM]> "It looks like you've gained a--"
  38. <yzabtech[DM]> An ogre interrupts your little celebration, very angry at you. Through a series of grunts, it exclaims that you just killed its friend and now he has to kill you.
  39. <Yanniy_Grehij> "W69w."
  40. <Yanniy_Grehij> "BRING IT FUDGEHEAD"
  41. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20
  42. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=18 ] | {18}
  43. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d20
  44. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=1 ] | {1}
  45. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((that's initiative right?))
  46. <yzabtech[DM]> ((yup))
  47. <yzabtech[DM]> Your voice cracks as you scream that.
  48. <Yanniy_Grehij> You clear your throat to prevent any more voicecracks
  49. <yzabtech[DM]> The ogre decides to finish what the imp was doing.
  50. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20+4
  51. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=14 ] | {18}
  52. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d6+3
  53. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d6+3 --> [ 1d6=4 ] | {7}
  54. <Yanniy_Grehij> "69W"
  55. <yzabtech[DM]> Yeah, take that.
  56. <Yanniy_Grehij> You hack away at the ogre.
  57. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d20+2
  58. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=11 ] | {13}
  59. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 2d8+2
  60. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 2d8+2 --> [ 2d8=7 ] | {9}
  61. <yzabtech[DM]> The ogre got hit.
  62. <yzabtech[DM]> It doesn't like this hot-headed girl and her weirdo companion.
  63. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20+4
  64. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=17 ] | {21}
  65. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d6+3
  66. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d6+3 --> [ 1d6=2 ] | {5}
  67. <Yanniy_Grehij> "6969f"
  68. <Yanniy_Grehij> You're pretty much going into a routine here, but you hack away at the ogre again
  69. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d20+2
  70. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=18 ] | {20}
  71. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 2d8+2
  72. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 2d8+2 --> [ 2d8=2 ] | {4}
  73. <yzabtech[DM]> Haha, minimum roll.
  74. <Yanniy_Grehij> darn
  75. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((What would I need to roll to suplex the ogre))
  76. <yzabtech[DM]> The ogre laughs at it, even though he just got hit with an axe and has no awareness of meta dice-rolling.
  77. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((next turn I mean))
  78. <yzabtech[DM]> ((no idea, grapple maybe? strength?))
  79. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((First grapple, then str next turn?))
  80. <yzabtech[DM]> ((i think you can render them prone when grappling))
  81. <yzabtech[DM]> ((like the next turn, without rolling))
  82. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((ok))
  83. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((I can shove him, which would render him prone))
  84. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((I'm just going by the handbook here))
  85. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Anyways))
  86. <Yanniy_Grehij> Whiffing the ogre shot made the ogre a bit more lax, so you decide to glare at him intimidatingly
  87. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d20+2
  88. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=4 ] | {6}
  89. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((fuck))
  90. <yzabtech[DM]> Pfffft.
  91. <yzabtech[DM]> Nope.
  92. <yzabtech[DM]> Not gonna work.
  93. <Yanniy_Grehij> The turn ends on a low.
  94. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20+4
  95. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=2 ] | {6}
  96. <yzabtech[DM]> The ogre decides to take a punch but misses.
  97. <Yanniy_Grehij> You take the opportunity and try flinging the ogre against the floor
  98. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d20+2
  99. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=16 ] | {18}
  100. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20+6
  101. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=7 ] | {13}
  102. <yzabtech[DM]> The ogre falls to the ground.
  103. <Yanniy_Grehij> Nice
  104. <yzabtech[DM]> The ogre stands up, costing half its movement speed.
  105. <Yanniy_Grehij> Not nice
  106. <yzabtech[DM]> And you're right next to it, because you didn't get out of its range.
  107. <yzabtech[DM]> Do you know what that means>
  108. <yzabtech[DM]> means?*
  109. <Yanniy_Grehij> Punches?
  110. <yzabtech[DM]> Yeah.
  111. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20+4
  112. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=15 ] | {19}
  113. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d6+3
  114. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d6+3 --> [ 1d6=4 ] | {7}
  115. <Yanniy_Grehij> The fist lands square in your face.
  116. <yzabtech[DM]> I, as the narrator, feel really bad for you.
  117. <yzabtech[DM]> The ogre doesn't, though.
  118. <yzabtech[DM]> Feraku decides to at least try to help.
  119. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20-1
  120. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20-1 --> [ 1d20=2 ] | {1}
  121. <yzabtech[DM]> Nope, she doesn't hit.
  122. <yzabtech[DM]> The ogre doesn't care about her, she's clearly not a threat.
  123. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Useless g69ddess" you mutter
  124. <Yanniy_Grehij> You decide you should probably use tac- you hack away at the ogre like nothing ever happened.
  125. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d20+2
  126. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=1 ] | {3}
  127. <yzabtech[DM]> Nope.
  128. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20+4
  129. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=9 ] | {13}
  130. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d6+3
  131. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d6+3 --> [ 1d6=1 ] | {4}
  132. <Yanniy_Grehij> You're starting to feel a bit woozy from all the punching.
  133. <Yanniy_Grehij> You think you'd better tag out for a second.
  134. <yzabtech[DM]> "How far are you? This is a second-level enemy!"
  135. <yzabtech[DM]> Feraku launches into the air. Holy crap, you didn't know she could fly.
  136. <yzabtech[DM]> "Wow, that actually works here."
  137. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20-1
  138. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20-1 --> [ 1d20=4 ] | {3}
  139. <yzabtech[DM]> "OUCH"
  140. <yzabtech[DM]> Feraku misses on a downward strike, instead hitting the ground.
  141. <yzabtech[DM]> "I retract my statement!"
  142. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20+4
  143. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=16 ] | {20}
  144. <yzabtech[DM]> The ogre aims at Feraku instead.
  145. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d6+3
  146. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d6+3 --> [ 1d6=4 ] | {7}
  147. <yzabtech[DM]> "AAAGH!"
  148. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20-1
  149. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20-1 --> [ 1d20=1 ] | {0}
  150. <yzabtech[DM]> "DARN IT!"
  151. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((holy crap))
  152. <yzabtech[DM]> ((if you kill this i swear to god i will give you 1.3x the grist you would normally get))
  153. <Yanniy_Grehij> You decide to go in for the sneak attack while the ogre is distracted.
  154. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20+4 aiming at Feraku
  155. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=12 ] | {16}
  156. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d6+3
  157. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d6+3 --> [ 1d6=2 ] | {5}
  158. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d20 for stealth
  159. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=9 ] | {9}
  160. <yzabtech[DM]> You pass that because the ogre is distracted anyway.
  161. <Yanniy_Grehij> nice
  162. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d20+2
  163. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=17 ] | {19}
  164. <yzabtech[DM]> Nice.
  165. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 2d8+2
  166. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 2d8+2 --> [ 2d8=11 ] | {13}
  167. <yzabtech[DM]> The ogre explodes, leaving behind
  168. <yzabtech[DM]> 69 Build Grist, 22 T1 grist, and 10 T2 grist.
  169. <yzabtech[DM]> Feraku is on the ground.
  170. <yzabtech[DM]> "I'm sorry...."
  171. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Y69u alright?"
  172. <yzabtech[DM]> "Just... give me a second... to get up...."
  173. <yzabtech[DM]> !roll 1d20+3
  174. <Kaiserbot[Dice]> rolled 1d20+3 --> [ 1d20=15 ] | {18}
  175. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Must've been the blizzard"
  176. <yzabtech[DM]> Feraku gets up.
  177. <yzabtech[DM]> "Getting used to a mortal form again takes a while sometimes..."
  178. <Yanniy_Grehij> "That l6969ked like it t6969k a shipt69n 69f eff69rt t69 get up"
  179. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Well, if we get h69me we might be able t69 d69 that alchemy s*** we've been talking ab69ut"
  180. <yzabtech[DM]> "Let's do that."
  181. <Yanniy_Grehij> "S69, let's g69, bef69re we see m69re 69f them."
  182. <Yanniy_Grehij> Both of you head to your home.
  183. <yzabtech[DM]> "It might take a bit for me to fly again, but I can walk."
  184. <yzabtech[DM]> You head home without a problem.
  185. <Yanniy_Grehij> You climb through the window of your room.
  186. <Yanniy_Grehij> One of these days, you should probably move some things so the door isn't blocked anymore
  187. <yzabtech[DM]> "What happened here?"
  188. <Yanniy_Grehij> "S69rry ab69ut the weird entrance, but I might've mismanaged my r6969m when trying t69 escape certain death"
  189. <yzabtech[DM]> "It's generally a law of S-B that your house will get messed up, but blocking the front door?"
  190. <Yanniy_Grehij> "I may have m69ved the bed in fr69nt 69f the d6969r, and bl69cked access t69 the rest 69f the h69use."
  191. <yzabtech[DM]> "...why?"
  192. <Yanniy_Grehij> "...I'm terrible at Tetris?"
  193. <yzabtech[DM]> "Understandable."
  194. <yzabtech[DM]> "Alright, alchemy. Alchemy, alchemy, alchemy--"
  195. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Als69 I was kind 69f in a panic, seeing as the w69rld was ending and there were these guys harassing me..."
  196. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Right."
  197. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Alchemy."
  198. <yzabtech[DM]> "Wait, guys harassing you?"
  199. <yzabtech[DM]> "What did they say?"
  200. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Yeah, they wanted me t69 h69ld 69n t69 this weird b6969k."
  201. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Stuff"
  202. <yzabtech[DM]> "That was originally mine. Well, sort of."
  203. <yzabtech[DM]> "My ancestor grew up with it. She claimed that it spoke to her, and started a cult that worshipped the voices that came from the book."
  204. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Apparently I inherited this b6969k 69r s69mething?"
  205. <yzabtech[DM]> "When I played S-B, it was given to me."
  206. <yzabtech[DM]> "I took it through my journey, but with a grain of salt."
  207. <yzabtech[DM]> "I gave it to my daughter, Razero, in case she ever has to play this terrible excuse for a game."
  208. <yzabtech[DM]> "But then, she..."
  209. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Well, it was given t69 me as well, I think s69me69ne else was supp69sed t69 inherit it?"
  210. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Wait, Razer69 d69es ring a bell..."
  211. <yzabtech[DM]> Feraku covers her face for a second.
  212. <yzabtech[DM]> "Anyway."
  213. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Right."
  214. <Yanniy_Grehij> You get a splendid idea.
  215. <Yanniy_Grehij> You captchalogue your bed.
  216. <yzabtech[DM]> "The executor of my estate's will I hired gave it to Razero's best friend, as she is also a descendant of an S-B player."
  217. <yzabtech[DM]> "I don't know what happened after."
  218. <Yanniy_Grehij> "That sh69uld clear the way"
  219. <yzabtech[DM]> "But it has fallen into your hands, and you should be careful. This book can either bring wisdom, power, or death."
  220. <yzabtech[DM]> "In fact, take it out of your sylladex."
  221. <Yanniy_Grehij> You take the book out of your sylladex.
  222. <yzabtech[DM]> "Give the book to me."
  223. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Err..."
  224. <Yanniy_Grehij> You give the book hesitantly.
  225. <yzabtech[DM]> "I'm going to do something that will help us both."
  226. <yzabtech[DM]> Feraku opens the book, a black pen appearing in her hands.
  227. <Yanniy_Grehij> You stand back a bit.
  228. <yzabtech[DM]> "Wonderful."
  229. <yzabtech[DM]> Feraku presses the pen to the page, thinking about what she will write within.
  230. <yzabtech[DM]> "Don't attempt this."
  231. <yzabtech[DM]> "The wording, structure, style, and performance is paramount, and takes centuries of practice."
  232. <yzabtech[DM]> Feraku begins to write.
  233. <Yanniy_Grehij> You try to peek at what Feraku is writing.
  234. <yzabtech[DM]> "A lost immortal, restoration she doth seek within this ancient dusted tome."
  235. <Yanniy_Grehij> What a lovely story.
  236. <yzabtech[DM]> "Her power returned, a god she seeks to be, to travel back to where she calls her home."
  237. <yzabtech[DM]> "Done."
  238. <yzabtech[DM]> The book lifts from Feraku's hands, as Feraku grins.
  239. <Yanniy_Grehij> "S69 what did that..."
  240. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Err..."
  241. <yzabtech[DM]> Black lightning arcs from the book.
  242. <yzabtech[DM]> "That's not supposed to--"
  243. <Yanniy_Grehij> You take cover behind anything
  244. <Yanniy_Grehij> You climb behind the alchemiter
  245. * Showstoppers ([email protected]) has joined
  246. <yzabtech[DM]> The people you saw on TV appear in a flash of lightning.
  247. <Showstoppers> Unison: "GOOD EVENING, C4S3!"
  248. <Yanniy_Grehij> Oh dear
  249. <Yanniy_Grehij> You remember them killing people last time they were on TV
  250. <Yanniy_Grehij> It wasn't pretty
  251. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "After a long, perilous journey across at least five S-B sessions and universes,"
  252. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "Caused by a bit of technical difficulties from a Witch of Time who got too full of herself,"
  253. <Showstoppers> Unison: "WE'RE BACK!"
  254. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "Lost immortals, seeking restoration!"
  255. <Showstoppers> Casseopeia: "That fits us perfectly!"
  256. <Yanniy_Grehij> "But didn't she write it in singular f69rm?"
  257. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "Oh yeah, you're right. Casseopeia, get back in the book!"
  258. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "Me? Back in the book? But I don't wanna!" she says jokingly.
  259. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "No, you have to get back in the book, because it's against the rules! Look, it says it right there--"
  260. <yzabtech[DM]> Andromeda opens the book to the page where Feraku wrote, it is now printed, and in illegible text in a script you can't recognize.
  261. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "Oh my, an error in translation! There is no singular and plural distinction in our language!"
  262. <Showstoppers> Andromeda holds a microphone uncomfortably close to your face.
  263. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Err..."
  264. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "So, Yanniy Grehij, tell us about yourself!"
  265. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Well... I'm Yanniy Grehij, I like vide69 games..."
  266. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "This is a video game!"
  267. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "How are you enjoying your session?"
  268. <Yanniy_Grehij> "It wasn't really what I was expecting?"
  269. <Yanniy_Grehij> "I didn't expect it t69 be s69... real, I guess?"
  270. <Yanniy_Grehij> "I feel like Game 69vers are a l69t m69re unf69rgiving than in 69ther games..."
  271. <Yanniy_Grehij> "And I have the feeling that everything seems t69 be determined by RNG rather than actual skillful play."
  272. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "The juiciest gossip is always in the dream bubbles!"
  273. <Yanniy_Grehij> "But t-that's just my 69pini69n"
  274. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "You're welcome for them, by the way."
  275. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Well, I d69n't think I've f69und th69se yet."
  276. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "They're where you go when you die!"
  277. <Yanniy_Grehij> "I 69nly visited Derse and this sn69wy heckh69le"
  278. <Yanniy_Grehij> "69h.
  279. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "Gasp! Spoilers, Andromeda!"
  280. <Yanniy_Grehij> "69h."
  281. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Jeez"
  282. <Yanniy_Grehij> "N69w I'm disc69uraged f69r finding th69se..."
  283. <yzabtech[DM]> ((brb))
  284. <Yanniy_Grehij> "A-anyway..."
  285. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((oh ok))
  286. <yzabtech[DM]> ((nvm keep talking))
  287. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((oh ok))
  288. <Yanniy_Grehij> "What exactly... Can I ask what y69u're d69ing here?"
  289. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "We'd be more than happy to answer!"
  290. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "Your friend here just freed us because of her vague wording!"
  291. <Yanniy_Grehij> "69kay."
  292. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Weren't y69u 69n TV bef69re th69ugh?"
  293. <Yanniy_Grehij> "I distinctly remember seeing y69u guys 69n TV"
  294. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "We're the co-hosts of FRN!"
  295. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "We should be collecting speaking fees right now!"
  296. <Yanniy_Grehij> "I d69n't think we have any m69ney 69n hand right n69w..."
  297. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "Oh, that's ok! Here, let me sign a book!"
  298. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "How about this one!"
  299. * Yanniy_Grehij has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  300. * Yanniy_Grehij ([email protected]) has joined
  301. <yzabtech[DM]> Your father's book on horrorterrors appears in her hand.
  302. <yzabtech[DM]> Cassiopeia flips to the page where she and Andromeda are.
  303. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "How about... here?"
  304. <yzabtech[DM]> She points to the spot where Jonah wrote "We miss you, Kara."
  305. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Err..."
  306. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Sure?"
  307. <Yanniy_Grehij> Sentimental value aside, you don't think you're in a position to argue with these people.
  308. <Showstoppers> They both sign their names in extremely fancy font, next to a message that says "You're welcome!"
  309. <Yanniy_Grehij> "69kay, thanks f69r the aut69graph"
  310. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "You're welcome for that too!"
  311. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Is that everything y69u wanted t69 d69?"
  312. <Yanniy_Grehij> "F69r n69w at least"
  313. <Showstoppers> Andromeda: "Correct! It's time to travel back to the past so we can report on all the latest happenings, earlier!"
  314. <Showstoppers> Cassiopeia: "Showstoppers, signing out!"
  315. <Showstoppers> You blink. They're gone.
  316. * Showstoppers has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  317. <Yanniy_Grehij> You warily look around the room.
  318. <Yanniy_Grehij> After making sure they're gone, you climb out.
  319. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Feraku, I d69n't tend t69 thr69w shade a l69t...
  320. <Yanniy_Grehij> "...But y69u're 69ne useless g69dess, aren't y69u?"
  321. <yzabtech[DM]> "Yup. That's me. Useless."
  322. <yzabtech[DM]> "Do you want to alchemize or--"
  323. <yzabtech[DM]> Your sprite floats into the room.
  324. <Yanniy_Grehij> "69h, hiya."
  325. <yzabtech[DM]> BPS: "What happened in here?"
  326. <yzabtech[DM]> BPS: "Who's that?"
  327. <Yanniy_Grehij> "This is Feraku. She was birthed 69ut 69f a st69ne."
  328. <Yanniy_Grehij> "And I think she unleashed s69me h69rr69rterr69rs just n69w."
  329. <yzabtech[DM]> BPS: "Horrorterrors. Fun."
  330. <yzabtech[DM]> BPS: "They're dangerous, and not supposed to be here."
  331. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Well, we can't help it n69w."
  332. <yzabtech[DM]> BPS: "You're talking about alchemy, right? I can help with that."
  333. <yzabtech[DM]> ((let's just stop here))
  334. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((ok))
  335. <yzabtech[DM]> ==END==
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