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- program MinimapCapture;
- {$I SRL-T/osr.simba}
- (*
- Simple program to capture the minimap at 400x400 from the memory of RS.
- Requires:
- Download the plugin (dll) named `memscan32`, add it to your "Plugins" folder in Simba
- Start RS, target RS, start the script
- *)
- {$loadlib memscan32.dll}
- // all you have to do is to run around and have runescape load new world regions
- // while tihs tool puzzles together each new region to build a single map.
- //
- // Sometimes a build can take a minute, but usually within seconds.
- // Just dont try to go to fast, step back if it gets stuck, maybe log in and out
- // while it's running in such a case (this will generate a new region).
- const
- PATH = 'C:\Simba\Includes\Test.png'; //change it to where u wanna save
- REBUILD_TIMER = 15000; {rebuild world map every}
- BACKUP_TIMER = 5*60000; {save a .bak world map every}
- type
- PInt32 = ^Int32;
- var
- mem: TMemScan;
- const
- _512: array of Int64 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
- function BytesToTIA(data:TByteArray): TIntegerArray;
- begin
- SetLength(result, length(data) div 4);
- MemMove(data[0], result[0], Length(data));
- end;
- function ValidMapAddr(address:PtrUInt): Boolean;
- var
- data:Int32;
- tmp: TByteArray;
- begin
- data := PInt32(mem.CopyMem(address+8,4))^;
- if (data = 512 * 512) then
- begin
- tmp := mem.CopyMem(address+12, 64);
- Result := CompareMem(_512[0], tmp[0], 64); //row of black
- end;
- end;
- function GetMemBufferImage(scan:TMemScan; loc:PtrUInt; W,H:Int32): TMufasaBitmap;
- var
- data:TByteArray;
- ptr: PRGB32;
- begin
- data := scan.CopyMem(loc, W*H*SizeOf(TRGB32));
- Result.Init();
- Result.SetSize(W,H);
- ptr := Result.getData();
- MemMove(data[0], ptr^, Length(data));
- end;
- function GetMap(): TMufasaBitmap;
- var
- res: TPtrIntArray;
- ptr: PtrUInt;
- raw: TByteArray;
- i,c: Int32;
- ints: TIntegerArray;
- begin
- res := mem.FindInt32(512, 1);
- Result := nil;
- for ptr in res do
- begin
- c := 0;
- raw := mem.CopyMem(ptr, 48);
- for i:=0 to 44 with 4 do
- if PInt32(raw+i)^ = 512 then Inc(c);
- if c >= 4 then
- begin
- ints := BytesToTIA(raw);
- for i in ints do
- if (i > $FFF) and ValidMapAddr(i) then begin
- Result := GetMemBufferImage(mem, i+12, 512, 512);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Result.SetList(client.GetMBitmaps);
- client.GetMBitmaps.AddBMP(Result);
- end;
- var
- ResMap: TMufasaBitmap;
- LastSaveT, LastBackT: Int64;
- procedure TMufasaBitmap.DrawTo(X,Y: Int32; var Image: TMufasaBitmap);
- var
- tmp: TMufasaBitmap;
- x1,y1,W,H: Int32;
- xx,yy,R1,G1,B1,R2,G2,B2: Int32;
- begin
- tmp.Init(client.GetMBitmaps);
- W := Max(Image.GetWidth + Abs(Min(0,X)), Self.GetWidth() + X);
- H := Max(Image.GetHeight + Abs(Min(0,Y)), Self.GetHeight() + Y);
- tmp.SetSize(W,H);
- Image.DrawTransparent(Abs(Min(X,0)), Abs(Min(Y,0)), tmp);
- // Self.DrawTransparent(Max(0, X), Max(0, Y), tmp);
- begin // smoother draw instead
- x1 := Max(0, X); y1 := Max(0, Y);
- for yy:=0 to Self.GetHeight-1 do
- for xx:=0 to Self.GetWidth-1 do
- begin
- ColorToRGB(tmp.GetPixel(x1+xx, y1+yy), R1,G1,B1);
- if (R1=0) and (G1=0) and (B1=0) then
- tmp.SetPixel(x1+xx, y1+yy, Self.GetPixel(xx,yy))
- else
- begin
- ColorToRGB(Self.GetPixel(xx,yy), R2,G2,B2);
- tmp.SetPixel(x1+xx, y1+yy, RGBtoColor((R1*3+R2) div 4, (G1*3+G2) div 4, (B1*3+B2) div 4));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Image.Free();
- Image := tmp;
- end;
- function AddPiece(Piece: TMufasaBitmap): Boolean;
- function AssertValidMatch(World, Piece: TMufasaBitmap; pt: TPoint; Tol:Int32; Match:Double): Boolean;
- var
- x,y,W,H,WorldW,WorldH,color,count,SAD:Int32;
- c1,c2:TRGB32;
- begin
- GetBitmapSize(Piece.GetIndex, W,H);
- GetBitmapSize(World.GetIndex, WorldW, WorldH);
- WriteLn('>>> Validating location');
- SAD := 0;
- for y:=0 to H-1 do
- for x:=0 to W-1 do
- begin
- if ((x+pt.x >= 0) and (y+pt.y >= 0)) and ((x+pt.x < WorldW) and (y+pt.y < WorldH)) then
- begin
- color := World.GetPixel(x+pt.x,y+pt.y);
- if color = 0 then continue;
- c1 := TRGB32(color);
- c2 := TRGB32(Piece.GetPixel(x,y));
- if (Abs(c1.R-c2.R) < Tol) and
- (Abs(c1.G-c2.G) < Tol) and
- (Abs(c1.B-c2.B) < Tol) then
- Inc(SAD);
- Inc(count);
- end;
- end;
- Result := SAD / Max(1,count) >= Match;
- if Result then
- WriteLn('>>> Validated location (',pt.x, ', ',pt.y,')')
- else
- WriteLn('>>> Invalid location (',pt.x, ', ',pt.y,') -> ', SAD / Max(1,count))
- //WriteLn(SAD / Max(1,count), ' at ', pt,', sz = ', [WorldW, WorldH]);
- end;
- function Find(Sub, Map: TMufasaBitmap; out PT: TPoint): Boolean;
- var
- x,y,W,H: Int32;
- OldTarget, NewTarget: NativeInt;
- TL,BL,TR,BR: TMufasaBitmap;
- begin
- OldTarget := GetImageTarget;
- NewTarget := SetTargetBitmap(Map.GetIndex());
- W := Sub.GetWidth();
- H := Sub.GetHeight();
- TL := Sub.Copy(0, 0, 130, 130); TL.SetList(client.GetMBitmaps); client.GetMBitmaps.AddBMP(TL);
- TR := Sub.Copy(W-131, 0, W-1, 130); TR.SetList(client.GetMBitmaps); client.GetMBitmaps.AddBMP(TR);
- BL := Sub.Copy(0, H-131, 130, H-1); BL.SetList(client.GetMBitmaps); client.GetMBitmaps.AddBMP(BL);
- BR := Sub.Copy(W-131, H-131, W-1, H-1); BR.SetList(client.GetMBitmaps); client.GetMBitmaps.AddBMP(BR);
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- WriteLn('>>> Searching for fitting location [1]');
- if (Result := FindBitmapToleranceIn(TL.GetIndex(), x,y, [0,0,Map.GetWidth()-1, Map.GetHeight()-1], 50)) then
- PT := [x,y];
- Result := AssertValidMatch(Map, Sub, PT, 55, 0.999);
- end;
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- WriteLn('>>> Searching for fitting location [2]');
- if (Result := FindBitmapToleranceIn(TR.GetIndex(), x,y, [0,0,Map.GetWidth()-1, Map.GetHeight()-1], 50)) then
- PT := [x-(W-131), y];
- Result := AssertValidMatch(Map, Sub, PT, 55, 0.999)
- end;
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- WriteLn('>>> Searching for fitting location [3]');
- if (Result := FindBitmapToleranceIn(BL.GetIndex(), x,y, [0,0,Map.GetWidth()-1, Map.GetHeight()-1], 50)) then
- PT := [x, y-(H-131)];
- Result := AssertValidMatch(Map, Sub, PT, 55, 0.999)
- end;
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- WriteLn('>>> Searching for fitting location [4]');
- if (Result := FindBitmapToleranceIn(BR.GetIndex(), x,y, [0,0,Map.GetWidth()-1, Map.GetHeight()-1], 50)) then
- PT := [x-(W-131), y-(H-131)];
- Result := AssertValidMatch(Map, Sub, PT, 55, 0.999)
- end;
- TL.Free();
- TR.Free();
- BL.Free();
- BR.Free();
- FreeTarget(NewTarget);
- SetImageTarget(OldTarget);
- end;
- var
- pt: TPoint;
- begin
- if ResMap = nil then
- begin
- ResMap.Init(client.GetMBitmaps);
- Piece.DrawTo(0,0,ResMap);
- Exit(True);
- end;
- if Find(Piece, ResMap, PT) then
- begin
- Piece.DrawTo(pt.x,pt.y, ResMap);
- Result := True;
- if (GetTickCount()-LastSaveT > REBUILD_TIMER) then
- begin
- ResMap.SaveToFile(PATH);
- LastSaveT := GetTickCount();
- end;
- if (GetTickCount()-LastBackT > BACKUP_TIMER) then
- begin
- ResMap.SaveToFile(PATH+'.bak.png');
- LastBackT := GetTickCount();
- end;
- end else
- begin
- WriteLn('Warning: Failed to add piece, please walk back');
- Wait(5000);
- end;
- ResMap.Debug();
- end;
- var
- bmp, tmp, prev: TMufasaBitmap;
- t: Double;
- procedure OnTerminate();
- begin
- ResMap.SaveToFile(PATH);
- ResMap.Free();
- prev.Free();
- end;
- begin
- mem.Init(GetTargetPID());
- AddOnTerminate('OnTerminate');
- if (LOAD_MAP) and FileExists(PATH) then
- begin
- ResMap.Init(client.GetMBitmaps);
- ResMap.LoadFromFile(PATH);
- end;
- while True do
- begin
- bmp := GetMap();
- WriteLn(bmp.GetIndex(),', ',[bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight()]);
- bmp.Crop(65,65, 511-65,511-65);
- if (prev = nil) or (bmp.MatchTemplate(prev, TM_CCORR_NORMED).Max() < 1) then
- begin
- WriteLn('Rebuilding map... Please wait, this might take some time');
- t := PerformanceTimer();
- if AddPiece(bmp) then
- begin
- if (prev <> nil) then prev.Free();
- prev := bmp;
- WriteLn('Map rebuilt in ', PerformanceTimer-t,'ms');
- end else
- BMP.Free();
- end else
- bmp.Free();
- end;
- end.
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