
Avengettes - Application

Jul 21st, 2016
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  1. Girls Invasion ¬
  3. » Full name | Elizabeth Hwang (Korean Name: Hwang Yoojung)
  5. »Nickname(s) |
  6. > Eliza: Given by her mother, who named her after Elizabeth “Eliza” Hamilton
  8. > Queenie/Queen: Given by her father as a reference to her royal namesake (Queen Elizabeth I)
  10. > Ella: Given by her older sister, a short form of her name Elizabeth and a reference to the characters Cinderella and Ella of Fray; her sister meant it to be a jab at her obedience and a compliment to her hardworking tendencies
  12. » Birthdate + Age | December 9, 1996
  14. » Height | 162 cm
  16. » Weight | 51 kg
  18. » Ethnicity : Korean
  20. » Nationality : American
  22. » Birthplace : San Francisco, California, USA
  24. » Hometown : New York City, New York, USA
  27. Hi~ ¬
  29. » Slot + Backup | Hulk [Backup: Iron Woman]
  31. » Face claim + Backup | Nahyun from Sonamoo [Krystal from f(x)]
  33. » Personality | Eliza is intelligent, hardworking, and a perfectionist. These three combined make for a very good work ethic, a large thirst for knowledge, and a no-nonsense attitude. When it comes to her work, she is very serious and prefers to take charge - so other people won't ruin it. She can be a bit of a control freak when leading and gets stressed easily. She can be bit of a know-it-all and a hard ass. She's very stubborn and hard headed, when she has come to a decision, she doesn't change it - even if she knows that she's wrong. She's also very independent and doesn't like group work.
  35. Due to her curiosity, Eliza can be a bit quirky and reckless. Her filter doesn't work well when presented with something fascinating and she tends to get absorbed into her work easily. Her curiosity also makes her adventurous, as she usually goes on expeditions and adventures to different countries due to a research project. She's also very impatient. This drives the people who care about her crazy because she might suddenly disappear or run off in the middle of a mission. She's unpredictable and it scares them because even though she's a pacifist, she can get into trouble easily. Though her self-control isn't the greatest (especially when paired with her never-ending curiosity), Eliza knows how to be cautious and careful when handling important and possibly dangerous things.
  37. When absorbed in her work or while assessing situations, Eliza's thought-processing is very fast. She often paces and mumbles to herself, especially when she's on the verge of a discovery. She often spaces out, delving into her mind too deeply and thinking too hard. Eliza is often called "crazy" or "mad scientist" by people who have seen her while she's in work/discovery mode. The people close to her are most likely to get heart attacks because of her outlandish ideas that are very dangerous and reckless. As smart as she is, she doesn't think about consequences and the feelings of others because she's so wrapped up around the idea that she hurts people and can't be around them.
  39. Her temper is rather short, which means she gets angry or irritated very easily – especially if she’s doing something important. Most people learn not to get her angry for she tends to be very violent and harsh. Eliza can be very critical of others. If she doesn't like how you think and how you do things, she won't bother being associated with you. She's very blunt and stubborn, adding that to her short temper, the few that are close with her don't think to mess with her (aside from Iron Woman).
  41. When she isn't in the middle of a project or something important (which is very rare for her thirst for knowledge often leads her to try and do new things), she is a very quiet and introverted girl. She tends to keep to herself and doesn't interact with people - preferring to stay inside her lab, office, or somewhere quiet without a lot of people. Eliza isolates herself from other people, living somewhere discreet so nobody can bother her. She distances from them due to the fear of hurting them when she loses control of her temper.
  43. Eliza doesn't care much for friends and tends to act cold towards other people as a way to prevent them from getting close to her. However, to those who are extremely persistent, she is very caring and motherly. She worries over them and tries her best to keep them out of danger. She isn't one to show affection, but when she does it's in the form of hugs, subtle touches, and through her actions. She gets attached easily. She can also be very sarcastic.
  45. When she is in "Hulk mode", Eliza is uncontrollable.She destroys everything in her path and cannot be reasoned with. The intelligence that is present in her normal form, is not present in Hulk mode. She is not able to comprehend words or talk much, only capable of speaking a few words. Like in her normal form, she doesn't react well to being controlled or being exposed to violence. This only makes her angrier and even harder to calm. However, the team has found that they can calm her down by putting her to sleep - usually by being gentle.
  47. » Relation |
  49. > Jina Hwang - Mother
  51. > Samantha Hwang - Older Sister
  53. > Hwang Junghyun - Grandfather
  55. > Hwang Yoonhyo - Grandmother
  57. » Background | Eliza was born to her self-absorbed father and her workaholic mother. She started showing early signs of being a genius and her father, terrified of being bested, verbally abused her and making her lose confidence in herself. Her mother - who was often away for work - had no idea of what was happening and Eliza was often left to her sister's care. Her sister Samantha, who was nine years older than her, was treasured by her father even though she didn't like him at all.
  59. Samantha helped cultivate Eliza's genius and was the mother figure to her due to her mother never being around. It was Samantha who eventually intervened when her father's abuse began to turn physical. In a fit of rage at the disobedience, Samantha was struck with a broken wine bottle and was hospitalized in critical condition. After her mother heard of their father's actions, her father went to jail and their mother took custody of them.
  61. With her mother, Eliza began to come to her true potential. She graduated school way earlier than her peers and earned several college degrees in a span of ten years. She was eventually hired by the military after they took notice of her vast knowledge in nuclear physics and chemistry.
  63. One day, Eliza found a file about Captain America. She read about the serum and was fascinated with it. She started to experiment with various chemicals in hopes of possibly recreating the serum. The government found about her project and stormed into her lab, in the hopes of destroying the formula. In a state of panic, Eliza injected herself with the serum in order to prevent the government from destroying it. The soldiers broke down the door and shot her with a gamma ray weapon - a weapon she helped design. Instead of dying from radiation, the serum in her body helped fight it off, but some still maintained.
  65. Eliza black-outed temporarily and when she woke up, she was in the middle of nowhere with tattered clothes and a pounding headache. It is later revealed that the serum not only enhanced her to the peak of human potential, but when triggered, strong amounts of heat would be emitted from her body.
  67. When she went home, Eliza read on the news about an explosion in the lab and that there were no survivors and that she was missing and being hunted. As a result, Eliza decided to isolate herself and work on the down-low. Before S.H.I.E.L.D recruited her, Eliza was living in Africa, serving as a doctor to the children and people there.
  69. She still keeps in touch with her family, using a variety of codes and encrypted messages that the government could never interpret or detect (however, Iron Woman was able to and that lead to S.H.I.E.L.D find her whereabouts). She programmed the codes to reveal herself to her family and to her family only - it would not work if there were anyone else in the room.
  71. » Choose a slot your character is closest with | Iron Woman
  75. Lovelyz8 ¬
  77. » Likes |
  79. > Readin/Learning
  81. > Experimenting
  83. > Books
  85. > Writing
  87. > Art
  89. > Codes
  91. » Dislikes |
  93. > Disrespect
  95. > Ignorance
  97. > Spiders
  99. > Dishonesty
  101. > Narrow Minded People
  103. > Bigots
  105. > Being Controlled
  107. » Trivia |
  109. > As a result of the radiation, when she is triggered, Eliza's eyes turn into a crimson red, her hair starts turning green at the tips. She also grows bigger, more muscular, her clothes also rip - not to the point that it falls off, but enough to look tattered. She also has a high tolerance for pain and is near invincible.
  111. > Though her enhanced strengthened and agility aren't pronounced in normal form, she retains her enhanced mind.
  113. > When angry/stressed (not enough to trigger Hulk mode), Eliza tends to heat up to the point of melting, combustion, or setting things on fire. However, in Hulk form, this seems to be not present.
  115. > After a transformation, Eliza takes a while to recover. She become fidgety, very cautious of people, and fatigue.
  117. > She is an admirer of colors and loves pastels,
  119. > Eliza needs glasses. She has one for nearsightedness and another one for farsightedness.
  121. > She collects pens, pencils, and art supplies (even if she doesn't use them)
  123. > She has 7 degrees; 4 Doctorates (Nuclear Physics, Anthropology, Nuclear Chemistry, and Biochemistry), 3 Masters (Mathematics, Linguistics, and Psychology).
  125. > Eliza can fight, she just chooses not to.
  127. > Eliza is a night owl, she often stays up because her mind cannot shut up.
  129. » Languages |
  131. > English - Fluent
  133. > Korean - Fluent
  135. > Classical/Archaic Latin - Fluent
  137. > Greek/Ancient Greek - Fluent
  139. > Chinese Mandarin/Cantonese - Conversational
  141. > French - Conversational
  143. > Italian - Basic
  145. » Habits |
  147. > She paces when she's nervous. She also wrings her hands and runs her hands through her hair a lot.
  149. > When she's thinking, her mouth opens out of it's own accord.
  151. > When she's reading or extremely focused, she chews on the tip of a pen or a pencil - even if she isn't using one.
  153. > Eliza talks to herself when she's trying to decipher information.
  155. > She takes naps in the most unusual places (under the table, inside a closet, on the floor of a car).
  157. » Hobbies |
  159. > Reading
  161. > Writing
  163. > Yoga
  167. Lovelinus ¬
  169. » Love Interest + Backup | Jimin from BTS [Backup: I.M from Monsta X]
  171. » Personality | Jimin is very kind. He is sincere, caring, and the a literal angel on Earth. He listens to his elders and he always wishes the best for everyone. It's hard not to like him and it's even harder to hate him because he is the sweetest person ever. He's smiley (and his smile heals diseases and brings world peace) and he infects people with his happiness.
  173. He is a hardworking person. He will do everything to get better at what he does and he practices everyday in order to achieve perfection. Jimin takes criticism very seriously and he enjoys being liked. He can detect emotions very accurately and tries his hardest to keep everyone happy (as do the rest of the Sunshine Line). However, he can also be an emotional person and can easily cry due to an overload of feels.
  175. Even though he's the personification of a delicate flower, Jimin can be very shameless. He's confident in his looks and his skills and he uses that to his advantages. People might underestimate him because of his shortness and kindness, but when prompted, Jimin can be very dangerous.
  177. He's very playful and a team player. Jimin helps whenever he can and tries his best to improve. He encourages others to be the same. When he sees distant people, he automatically tries to get them out of their shell. He's sociable and it's not hard to like him.
  179. Despite of his confidence, Jimin can be very insecure. More often than not, Jimin overworks himself for the sake of looking perfect. He's a people-pleaser. However, when pushed, he can be violent. He's often the butt of jokes because of his height, but then those people think twice after he shows them his skills and manly side.
  181. You can tell he's down because he doesn't talk as much or be as loud as he usually is. His smile is also less bright. Not a lot of things get him down, but when they do it hits him hard.
  183. » Your first impression on him | Jimin thought that Eliza was very admirable due to her intelligence, but he thought she was very cold and mean - not only towards him but to others also.
  185. » His first impression on you | How can he act like a literal angel when he looks like the embodiment of sin? (<- her actual thoughts)
  187. » How you act around him | At first, Eliza is very indifferent towards him. She doesn't know how to act due to the fact that he might be the most gorgeous person she has ever met. She acts cold, as she does with everyone she isn't close with and doesn't really interact with him. Even when Jimin tried his best to get close to her, she brushed him off. She eventually did befriend him, however, after Jimin went through a lot of trouble to become her friend.
  189. In the middle, Eliza starts warming up to Jimin's advances of friendship. She starts becoming more open - admiring his persistence at becoming her friend. She doesn't close off as much as she did in the beginning and tries her hardest to lower down her walls. Somewhere along the way, Eliza noticed how his eyes twinkled when he smiled his smile, how his laugh was infectious, and how she loves the way he talks and acts. She starts to become giggly, shy, and coy. She also began to depend on him more, lowering her guard down because she trusts Jimin to be there to protect her.
  191. In the end, she becomes more affectionate. She finally lets down her walls and lets him in. She laughs easily, she smiles easily, and she's more teasing and friendly. Eliza also shows her friendly and motherly side more often. However, being open emotionally also means the anger is less controlled. There are times when she loses control, but she learns to trust in him to keep her calm. She's also more clingy and more open to express her feelings and thoughts this way. She's also less reckless and tries her best not to disappear out of nowhere.
  193. » How he acts around you | At the start, Jimin acted like he did when he was around everyone. He was overly smiley, full of affection, and extremely friendly. He approached Eliza the same way he approaches everyone. He was not discouraged when Eliza turned away his request of friendship, rather he began working harder to get her to be friends with him. Jimin was very close to giving up, but Eliza had a change of heart.
  195. In the middle of their newly formed friendship, Jimin began to be more bold. He started acting more shameless in front of her and overall being very playful. When he noticed that she started warming up to him and he started learning more about her, he realized that the fondness in his chest was not just a feeling of close friendship. Upon identifying what the feeling was, Jimin made it his mission to get her to know what he feels and have her accept and return them. He began initiating more skinship, finding more ways to be closer to her, and overall being sweet by giving her gifts and becoming closer to her. He also finds that he's more protective of her and they all learn that Jimin is one of the few people that can calm an Eliza in Hulk mode.
  197. In the end, after they got together, Jimin became more calmer. He's now content with just watching in the background as Eliza comes out of her shell. He finds himself smiling whenever she laughs. He realizes that he loves every little thing she does. When she loses control, he does her best to calm her - being attentive and gentle with her. Jimin showers Eliza with love. He's very touchy and he makes a lot of cheesy jokes (that he knows she loves). Sometimes, he worries that she'll disappear and never come back and when she's been gone for a long time, Jimin will be clingy and over-affectionate when she comes back.
  201. A New Trilogy ¬
  203. » Suggested Scenes |
  205. > Eliza is doing some important research when Iron Woman comes in and starts bothering her. Having distracted her, Eliza's irritation becomes stronger. The room starts to heat up and the computer in front of her overheats and the papers around her were set on fire.
  207. > During an important mission, Eliza suddenly jumped out from her hiding spot and ran towards the computer room to disable the download even though she was ordered to wait. She got hit by a bullet on the shoulder. Her excuse? The person would have gotten away with the secret information if she had waited.
  209. > On a particularly stressful day, Jimin came and took her out for a relaxing day. They went out to a dance studio and went ice skating afterwards.
  211. > Their first date consisted of Jimin preparing a candlelit dinner under the moon near a lake. After that, he played some classical music and they danced to it.
  213. > During a field mission (which she doesn't get to do often due to A: Hulk mode and B: recklessness), Eliza turned off her communication device because she hated how they told her what to do even though she knew that it wasn't the best way to solve the problem. She ended up going in blind and ended up in the hospital after retrieving the files.
  215. > Once, she got hurt really badly and was in critical condition in the hospital. Jimin was the first to arrive (other than Iron Woman) and literally refuse to leave her side (it was before they even got together).
  217. > Iron Woman once invited her for a hangout. All they did was sit in the living room of Iron Woman's building, drink wine, and talk about smart stuff.
  219. > She doesn't cry often. So when she started breaking down in front of the team after a particularly emotional event (a mission that involved kids), they didn't know what to do and ended up calling Jimin (it was after they got together).
  221. > The team have Friday Night Bonding. They usually sit together, eat food, and laze around (karaoke and Wii might be involved).
  223. > Jimin and Eliza once had a fight pertaining to Jimin's overprotective tendencies and his inability to stop clinging to her. It ended up with Eliza leaving and not coming back until three days later. When she returned, they both cried and Eliza promised not to leave again.
  225. > Eliza got really angry one time and went Hulk mode during a mission. She ended up destroying a lot of trees and buildings. Iron Woman had to bring in backup in order to calm her down.
  227. > After a really destructive Hulk transformation, Eliza disappeared for five weeks because she felt guilty for destroying so many things and putting people's lives in danger.
  229. > Eliza went to Iron Woman for advice on her feelings for Jimin.
  231. > Eventually, she'll pull a disappearing act like Bruce does in Age of Ultron.
  233. » Message to me | Hi, hi, hi. I hope Eliza isn't much of a Mary-Sue. It comes off to me as she seems a little too smart? I'm really excited for how this story turns out. I enjoyed doing this! This took a long time though, and I hope that you consider my application :)
  235. I kind of got a little lazy at the end and I absolutely did not know what to put at the "Suggested Scenes" parts. Anyway, have a good day/night! Sorry for making you read through this.
  237. » Password | I'm on a team with super-humans.
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