
Land of Sorrow

May 12th, 2014
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  1. It is raining, the water a light drizzle that causes a sense of sadness. The sky is bleak, grey clouds roiling in torment above and trees around casting dark shadows that makes one not want to venture within the depths of the wood.
  3. The place is a castle, old and rundown. The roof has long since fallen away, and ivy climbs up the crumbling remnants of walls, creeping rosemary covering the walls that have fallen. Stone is strewn around the grass-carpeted earth. Sprouting up at random are various flowering plants, from roses to dahlias to bluebells, all beautiful and thriving, their colors vibrant and most varying from their natural color. In a way, the dismal ruins are still beautiful with nature taking over.
  5. In the center of the ruins are five thrones, crumbled and broken, icy climbing up the legs and up the back. In the backrest of each throne is a differently carved symbol. The throne on the far left has a club carved into it, and the next one over has a diamond shape carved into its backrest. The middlemost throne carries a heart, while the next two over have a spade and club respectively.
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