
Welcome to the Pain

Apr 12th, 2016
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  1. Welcome to the PAIN
  4. Stats
  6. Level: The measure of your total power accrued. Level numbers describe your base ability to project/generate energy as well as your ability to handle and redirect it.
  8. Health: This is how much your body can take before reverting to base human form.
  10. Speed - How mobile you are.
  11. Power - How magically capable you are.
  12. Dexterity - How precise you are
  13. Technical - How able you are to work with technical subject matters
  14. Combat - How capable you are at assessing and acting in combat situations.
  17. Efficiency: This is the measure of how proficient you are at using your energy toward the areas of capability. Creation, Enhancement, Emission, Transformation, and Connection.
  19. Creation: The act of forming energy into permanent or semi-permanent states. High creation efficiency allows a Channeler to handle and stabilize large amounts of energy at a time adding it to a system and building it up.
  21. Enhancement: This is the act of enhancing existing functions within a system. High Enhancement efficiency allows a Channeler basic feats like super strength, enhanced senses, ect.
  23. Emission: This is the act of liberating and controlling freed/unstable energy from a system. High Emission efficiency allows a Channeler skills such as tele and psychokinesis.
  25. Transformation: This is the act of changing a system from one state to another without changing its level of overall stability. High Transformation allows Channlers to shape shift, phase shift, and even carry out energy conversions.
  27. Connection: This is the act of interfacing with and sharing information with a system.
  38. You sighed.
  40. The bird song from nearby trees complimenting what could only be described as a gorgeous sunlit day. Every inch of manicured turf was even and green, the edges decorated with beautifully shaped and maintained hedges which sprouted flowers which were twined artistically in between its thick thorned reaches. All around you the busy bustle of bodies moving to and fro reminding you of nothing s much as a typical day back in the city reaches.
  42. All of it a pleasant lie.
  44. You knew better than to trust the idyllic calm here, or its mirror image of bustling normality. This was not a place for the faint of heart...
  46. Prometheus.
  48. The most famous place of learning since the Plummet, steeped in a hundred years of history... one of bloodshed, betrayal, death, and triumph. The very first and outright the most cut throat of the institutes which had sprung up in the wake of mankind’s rude awakening.
  50. You hadn’t expected anything quite so… serene.
  52. It was a little disturbing in its own way.
  54. The spark of your not long born magic tingled along your spine, eyes gazing out into the immediate distance where the freshmen had been directed during the fly over. They’d bought you all in via armoured ‘slow’ boat, one of those enhanced blimps that the military factions tended to use these days, psyched up and souped up to be a threat enough to give even the more powerful dragons and fliers pause if they tried to attack.
  56. You were pretty grateful for that much at least, you’d heard some of the real horror stories about intercity travel, and while the institutes weren’t actually city sized, they got budgeted for full city classed domes themselves; part of the real investment which they represented.
  58. Anansi, Crow, Rabbit, Loki, Maui... you’d passed them over for this, chosen to come to the one with the worst reputation among all of the Institutes still standing.
  60. The best reputation among them all.
  62. This was the place created by the greatest of the hunter magi, a man once known as Errol W. Barrow.
  64. History remembers him more clearly as the ‘Bloodstained Fisherman’.
  66. The first of the Hunt.
  68. The magi who swept their way across the world, subduing magical beasts and Magi alike, bringing all to heel before him as he taught them and forged those who would follow into a mighty conglomerate, founding enclave after enclave across the shattered world. The Institutes were the guarantors of this new age of peace and prosperity, places from which the best and brightest of mages could be trained, shaped and directed towards the outer zones, guardians against the Beasts which now ravaged mankind as prey.
  70. Oldbreed humans lived sheltered lives, guarded from the horrors which now sprang up; insulated from the horrors which you would be training to fight. Their purpose was simple and clear, to live and breed, to continue the human race. As it was they were an endangered beast, even with the best of their technologies unable to directly compete with the creatures which have come to inherit the earth.
  72. At least that’s what had been the general murmur since your manifestation, the brief few months in which you’d been run though the mandatory basic training.
  74. Your teachers on the other hand had little to say on the matter, other than occasionally putting foot to the throat of young upstarts talking such things in their presence, small reminders that to them you and your fellows were not far removed from the general population.
  76. By the time you were out of Matriculation, it had already been sorted just who among the channelers would go on to risk their lives and become Hunters, and who would run from such responsibilities, preferring instead to donate their magics to the collective power of the dome and other systems which ran the cities. Not a necessity in truth but it effectively strip away the power of those who decided against exposing themselves to the front line of danger while giving them a role in the protection of civilization as you knew it.
  78. Either way it hadn’t been path which you could bring yourself to take, you...
  80. [] Would never live it down with your family. [Heritage]
  81. [] Couldn’t stand the thought of just standing by. [Determination]
  82. [] Knew there was no future for your ambitions on that path. [Wit]
  84. You knew down to in your blood that such a path was not for you. No instead you’d chosen this place, the “Hunter’s Hell”, knowing that instead of a life of peace you’d chosen conflict the likes of which you’d only ever heard of in stories. For where the other Institutes focused on the Hunt, driving back the encroachment of magical beasts and expanding mankind’s reach back out into the world, Prometheus differed drastically; for it was notorious for not only preparing its students against ever more dangerous beasts… but against each other in the cutthroat world of mage against mage.
  86. You approached the auditorium with baited breath.
  88. Orientation day.
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