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Nov 22nd, 2017
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  1. [12:41:41 PM] ju$tin: anime later
  2. [12:41:43 PM] ju$tin: for real this time
  3. [12:41:49 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: today?
  4. [12:41:50 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: i can this weekend
  5. [12:41:53 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: im leaving to my sisters
  6. [12:41:56 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: for thanksgiving
  7. [12:41:58 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: ill be back friday
  8. [12:52:14 PM] ju$tin: L okay
  9. [2:06:53 PM] wwwwwwwwwww:
  10. [2:06:55 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: this shits gay lmao
  11. [2:56:39 PM] ju$tin: yes
  12. [3:35:24 PM] ju$tin: rip weebware
  13. [3:39:12 PM] ju$tin:
  14. [3:39:14 PM] ju$tin: dll coming soon
  15. [3:43:59 PM] ju$tin: probs gonna lie to ur customers that I'm ratting ppl
  16. [3:44:06 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: nah
  17. [3:44:08 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: i just put that out
  18. [3:44:21 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: i dont want people doing luigihook
  19. [3:44:24 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: and getting ratted
  20. [3:44:27 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: im not gonna say ur ratting people
  21. [3:44:33 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: its kinda like your list of cheats to avoid lol
  22. [3:44:59 PM] ju$tin:
  23. [3:45:01 PM] ju$tin: 1
  24. [3:45:07 PM] ju$tin: you're lying to people
  25. [3:45:09 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: how?
  26. [3:45:12 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: is luigihook not a rat?
  27. [3:45:15 PM] ju$tin: no
  28. [3:45:19 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: l
  29. [3:45:20 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: o
  30. [3:45:20 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: l
  31. [3:45:24 PM] ju$tin: rip ur cheat anyway
  32. [3:45:30 PM] ju$tin: just gonna leak it since you don't deserve to own it
  33. [3:45:36 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: i mean leak it lmao
  34. [3:45:38 PM] ju$tin: imagine owning a cheat because of me and then shittalking me in its discord
  35. [3:45:40 PM] ju$tin: crazy stuff
  36. [3:45:43 PM] ju$tin: you're actually retarded
  37. [3:45:48 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: your ssn is gonna get leaked
  38. [3:45:49 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: how?
  39. [3:45:50 PM] ju$tin: I'm basically your dad and you shit talk me
  40. [3:45:53 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: i dont want weebware users to get ratted
  41. [3:45:54 PM] ju$tin: nice kid
  42. [3:45:55 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: what is your point
  43. [3:45:59 PM] ju$tin: lying little peasant
  44. [3:46:02 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: lying?
  45. [3:46:03 PM] ju$tin: im your dad
  46. [3:46:08 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: wow
  47. [3:46:10 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: nex is honest for once
  48. [3:46:11 PM] ju$tin: you scam people on the internet
  49. [3:46:12 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: and ur upset
  50. [3:46:15 PM] ju$tin: I helped you scam people
  51. [3:46:18 PM] ju$tin: that's my only regret
  52. [3:46:19 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: where did i say its a rat/
  53. [3:46:27 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: i said fortheir own safety
  54. [3:46:27 PM] ju$tin: who said you did?
  55. [3:46:31 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: nobody
  56. [3:46:31 PM] ju$tin: okay, idc
  57. [3:46:37 PM] ju$tin: you're not allowed to do that
  58. [3:46:40 PM] ju$tin: so I leak
  59. [3:46:43 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: not allowed to diss penguware?
  60. [3:46:44 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: lol
  61. [3:46:46 PM] ju$tin: no
  62. [3:46:47 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: you are so immature
  63. [3:46:50 PM] ju$tin: im immature?
  64. [3:46:52 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: yes
  65. [3:46:52 PM] ju$tin: are you blind?
  66. [3:46:57 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: i can talk shit on whatever cheats i want
  67. [3:47:00 PM] ju$tin:
  68. [3:47:01 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: just like you can
  69. [3:47:02 PM] ju$tin: nice IQ
  70. [3:47:08 PM] ju$tin: not when I basically made your cheat, idiot
  71. [3:47:18 PM] ju$tin: that's like Donald trump dissing russia
  72. [3:47:20 PM] ju$tin: you're actually retarded
  73. [3:47:35 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: youre right
  74. [3:47:43 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: you pretty much did make my cheat with the loader
  75. [3:47:48 PM] ju$tin: I don't even know why I talk to you tbh
  76. [3:47:49 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: that i paid you for
  77. [3:47:53 PM] ju$tin: you're so stupid its almost unbearable
  78. [3:47:59 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: and you are throwing a fit because i told 100 people that use weebware in discord
  79. [3:48:02 PM] ju$tin: nex
  80. [3:48:03 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: not to use penguware or luigihook
  81. [3:48:05 PM] ju$tin: you seem confused
  82. [3:48:07 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: for their own safety
  83. [3:48:11 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: i think you are the confused one
  84. [3:48:12 PM] ju$tin: I don't give a fuck about the number of people
  85. [3:48:20 PM] ju$tin: i care because youre basically saying random shit for no reason
  86. [3:48:24 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: you are ratting people
  87. [3:48:26 PM] ju$tin: no im not
  88. [3:48:29 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: yes you are
  89. [3:48:31 PM] ju$tin: you're actually disabled
  90. [3:48:33 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: how?
  91. [3:48:36 PM] ju$tin: AHAHAHA yeah ofc
  92. [3:48:37 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: stop lying
  93. [3:48:40 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: for once im the one not lying
  94. [3:48:41 PM] ju$tin: where am i ratting people?
  95. [3:48:47 PM] ju$tin: nex can you not read our conversation
  96. [3:48:54 PM] ju$tin: everything you've said is either a lie or plain stupid
  97. [3:49:19 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: and now you are lying
  98. [3:49:22 PM] ju$tin: how?
  99. [3:49:22 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: by saying luigihook isnt a rat
  100. [3:49:27 PM] ju$tin: it isnt
  101. [3:49:30 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: and that you arent planning to rat penguware
  102. [3:49:33 PM] ju$tin: LOL
  103. [3:49:36 PM] ju$tin: nex im fucking done
  104. [3:49:36 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: go ahead and leak weebware
  105. [3:49:39 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: i dont care anymore lmao
  106. [3:49:41 PM] ju$tin: there's nno way you're this stupid
  107. [3:49:46 PM] ju$tin: you dumb fucking paster
  108. [3:49:46 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: just know its gonna end our friendship over some stupid shit
  109. [3:49:51 PM] ju$tin: friendship?
  110. [3:49:52 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: when you did the exact same thing
  111. [3:49:55 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: you are just a hypocrite
  112. [3:49:55 PM] ju$tin: you're literally a peasant
  113. [3:49:57 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: and its pathetic
  114. [3:50:00 PM | Edited 3:50:01 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: you have such a big ego
  115. [3:50:05 PM] ju$tin: how?
  116. [3:50:09 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: you are literally nobody without penguware
  117. [3:50:11 PM] ju$tin: there's nothing in this world you're better than me at - that's a fact, not really me having an ego
  118. [3:50:18 PM] ju$tin: tell me 1 thing you're better than me at
  119. [3:50:27 PM] ju$tin: you're anti-social, you're stupid, you can't pass school
  120. [3:50:31 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: well apparently now im better than you at telling the truth
  121. [3:50:35 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: youve really changed
  122. [3:50:37 PM] ju$tin: i was a namer before penguware, that's half the reason it's successful
  123. [3:50:37 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: im gonna be honest
  124. [3:50:43 PM] ju$tin: i haven't changed at all, you're just an idiot
  125. [3:50:45 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: ever since you started up the rat shit you have changed alot
  126. [3:50:45 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: lol
  127. [3:50:52 PM] ju$tin: kid you're fucking gone
  128. [3:51:00 PM] ju$tin: i hope you're stoned or in some emo shit with your e-boyfriend
  129. [3:51:06 PM] ju$tin: you've never been this stupid before
  130. [3:51:13 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: alright do whatever you want
  131. [3:51:14 PM] ju$tin: except for when you paid an e-boy $700 to date you
  132. [3:51:15 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: you are being very immature
  133. [3:51:17 PM] ju$tin: of stolen money too
  134. [3:51:23 PM] ju$tin: nex you cant even spell transparency
  135. [3:51:27 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: wow!!
  136. [3:51:28 PM | Edited 3:51:30 PM] ju$tin: you can apologize over text whenever
  137. [3:51:31 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: a typo
  138. [3:51:32 PM] ju$tin: peace peasant
  139. [3:51:38 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: lol
  140. [3:51:41 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: so pathetic
  141. [3:51:43 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: lose the ego justin
  142. [3:51:56 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: just when we were becoming close and friends again
  143. [3:52:01 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: actually youve always had an ego lets be honest
  144. [3:52:06 PM] ju$tin: what do you want?
  145. [3:52:11 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: and everyone knows it
  146. [3:52:14 PM] ju$tin: nex
  147. [3:52:15 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: im just telling you how it is
  148. [3:52:21 PM] ju$tin: let me help you
  149. [3:52:24 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: because nobody else tells you apparently
  150. [3:52:30 PM] ju$tin:'
  151. [3:52:30 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: that or you just dont listen and disregard everyone else
  152. [3:52:32 PM] ju$tin: NEX
  153. [3:52:38 PM] ju$tin: alright stop talking so I can explain something to you
  154. [3:52:40 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: ok
  155. [3:52:41 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: lets hear it
  156. [3:52:52 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: because you have a chip on your shoulder and you seriously need to check yourself lately
  157. [3:52:55 PM] ju$tin:
  158. [3:52:59 PM] ju$tin: did I not say stop talking?
  159. [3:53:02 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: see
  160. [3:53:03 PM] ju$tin: it's like you can't read or type
  161. [3:53:07 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: just like you are doing right now
  162. [3:53:09 PM] ju$tin: shut the fuck up or your blocked again
  163. [3:53:18 PM] ju$tin: I try to explain something to you and you cant even read it
  164. [3:53:21 PM] ju$tin: alright so here you go
  165. [3:53:27 PM] ju$tin: lol
  166. so pathetic
  167. lose the ego justin
  168. [3:53:37 PM] ju$tin: you called me pathetic
  169. [3:53:42 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: ya
  170. [3:53:43 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: i did you are right
  171. [3:53:46 PM] ju$tin: LOL
  172. [3:53:50 PM] ju$tin: you just did it again
  173. [3:53:54 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: ITS PATHETIC YOU ARE LYING
  174. [3:53:56 PM] ju$tin: gtfo my friends list
  175. [3:53:58 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: AND GETTING UPSET OVER ME TELLING THE TRUTH
  176. [3:54:00 PM] ju$tin: adhd ridden tard
  177. [3:54:07 PM] ju$tin: caps lock because small brain
  178. [3:54:12 PM] ju$tin: cant even focus on a single sentence
  179. [3:54:12 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: LOL
  180. [3:54:18 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: ya that makes alot of sense lol
  181. [3:54:18 PM] ju$tin: 3 letters vs a sentence
  182. [3:54:23 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: caps lock
  183. [3:54:31 PM] ju$tin: Shift + 3 characters
  184. [3:54:35 PM] ju$tin: shift + a whole sentence
  185. [3:54:37 PM] ju$tin: b1g IQ
  186. [3:54:43 PM] ju$tin: anyway since you typed after I told you not to
  187. [3:54:46 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: lol
  188. [3:54:47 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: block me
  189. [3:54:47 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: idc
  190. [3:54:48 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: fuck off
  191. [3:54:49 PM] ju$tin: you don't deserve to hear what I have to say
  192. [3:54:53 PM] ju$tin: you're welcome for all the help
  193. [3:54:54 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: you have changed
  194. [3:54:57 PM] ju$tin: I'm done talking to people so far below me
  195. [3:55:07 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: lol
  196. so pathetic
  197. lose the ego justin
  198. [3:55:07 PM] ju$tin: I have talents, you dont
  199. [3:55:09 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: like i said
  200. [3:55:10 PM] ju$tin: btw
  201. [3:55:10 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: lose the ego
  202. [3:55:10 PM | Removed 3:55:14 PM] ju$tin: This message has been removed.
  203. [3:55:20 PM] ju$tin: I was going to explain what an ego is
  204. [3:55:26 PM] ju$tin: and why its good to be proud of your accomplishments
  205. [3:55:27 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: well let me explain it
  206. [3:55:28 PM] ju$tin: you wouldn't understand
  207. [3:55:31 PM] ju$tin: because you don't have one
  208. [3:55:33 PM] ju$tin: peace out lil guy
  209. [3:55:39 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: theres a difference between being proud of your accomplishments
  210. [3:55:46 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: and running around saying you are better than anyone else
  211. [3:56:03 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: and what you do, is run around saying you are better than everyone else flaunting your talents
  212. [3:56:20 PM] wwwwwwwwwww: [3:45:24 PM] ju$tin: rip ur cheat anyway
  213. [3:45:30 PM] ju$tin: just gonna leak it since you don't deserve to own it
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