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Jun 28th, 2017
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  1. <aborticide> how many times have you been banned from #linux ?
  2. <Accelerator> I don't recall giving you permission to PM me. Go read a manual kiddie, I won't get banned because you want to whine like a bitch.
  3. <Accelerator> Go cry to mommy. No one gives a shit about your problems because you're to stupid to read a man page.
  4. <aborticide> you're not very productive in trolling
  5. <Accelerator> Shush kiddie.
  6. <Accelerator> Linux isn't for stupid people.
  7. <Accelerator> Go back to Mac.
  8. <aborticide> i'm serious
  9. <Accelerator> Don't make me call your mom and tell her you're on the computer past your bedtime.
  10. <aborticide> you know how many times i've been banned?
  11. <Accelerator> You know how big my penis is?
  12. <Accelerator> My e-penis is huge.
  13. <Accelerator> 12 inches.
  14. <aborticide> the correct answer was 'no'
  15. <Accelerator> Your grammar is horrible.
  16. <Accelerator> Go back to school.
  17. <aborticide> for every one line i get 2.5 of yours
  18. <aborticide> you're wasting your time
  19. <aborticide> do it properly idiot
  20. <Accelerator> The ops don't give a shit about a small dicked fucker like you.
  21. <Accelerator> So cry all you want.
  22. <aborticide> read between the lines
  23. <aborticide> i've been here longer than you have
  24. <aborticide> all summer in fact
  25. <Accelerator> HOT DAMN
  26. <Accelerator> HOW BIG IS YOUR E-PENIS?
  27. <Accelerator> No one cares how many nerd points you have
  28. <Accelerator> You're still a stupid skiddie
  29. <aborticide> no datatype can house it
  30. <aborticide> you're fucking yourself
  31. <Accelerator> I do that every night brah.
  32. <aborticide> aren't you afraid you're going to respawn as a starving child in africa?
  33. <Accelerator> Nigger shut up.
  34. <aborticide> life sucks and then you die
  35. <Accelerator> QQ more emo kid
  36. <aborticide> come to ##linux-ops with me
  37. <Accelerator> Make me whore.
  38. <aborticide> wuss
  39. <aborticide> who owns ##linux?
  40. <aborticide> why you scared tho?
  41. <Accelerator> I'm wetting myself in fear son.
  42. <Accelerator> Look kid, the OPs don't give a shit about you.
  43. <aborticide> why you scared to follow me?
  44. <aborticide> no one cares
  45. <aborticide> about me
  46. <Accelerator> Good job.
  47. <Accelerator> Maybe now you'll see this isn't a place for kids.
  48. <Accelerator> Enjoy your ban from ##linux
  49. <aborticide> it was your loss though
  50. <Accelerator> How so?
  51. <Accelerator> You nerd raged
  52. <Accelerator> You didn't get your problem solved
  53. <Accelerator> You whined like a bitch to the ops
  54. <aborticide> you were denied
  55. <Accelerator> they politely told you they didn't give a shit, and you got banned.
  56. <Accelerator> Everyone's mocking you now also. Good job :)
  57. <aborticide> those are expendable qualities
  58. <Accelerator> Now go rage son.
  59. <Accelerator> No one gives a shit about you.
  60. <Accelerator> If you haven't learned that yet, I seriously wish you the best of luck on the internet.
  61. <aborticide> i know you have lost more than I
  62. <Accelerator> I gained a lot of entertainment from you, and you getting banned was just a priceless topping that you issued upon yourself
  63. <Accelerator> Thank you very much good sir.
  64. <aborticide> entertainment is useless
  65. <Accelerator> You've been my entertainment for this week
  66. <Accelerator> Now go back to #ubuntu so I can troll you there to ;)
  67. <aborticide> what do you mean? i won because i got myself banned
  68. <Accelerator> LOL, alright, sure.
  69. <Accelerator> Stop nerd raging because you got banned
  70. <Accelerator> QQ moar
  71. <aborticide> why are you avoiding the question?
  72. <Accelerator> There is no question. Just a whiney little bitch with bad spelling and grammar desperately trying to convince himself he won a battle when all he did was get trolled hard core.
  73. <Accelerator> Go to bed now please.
  74. <aborticide> i don't understand, are you referring to yourself?
  75. <Accelerator> You don't understand because you're IQ is abhorely low.
  76. <aborticide> no it's pretty low
  77. <aborticide> and by low i mean high
  78. <Accelerator> That makes no logical sense. Please provide a valid argument.
  79. <Accelerator> Don't worry, I'll wait.
  80. <aborticide> okay
  81. <aborticide> there it is
  82. <Accelerator> I'm sorry, did you just attempt to speak to me through your computer? I mean, your IQ is so low, you probably just did. You have to type your insults out. Do you know how to do that?
  83. <Accelerator> My god, you either type horridly slow, or just take forever to process things.
  84. <Accelerator> Come on kid, I don't have all night.
  85. <Accelerator> Come on now. What's 1+1
  86. <Accelerator> Hit the "2" key and hit enter.
  87. <Accelerator> It's not that hard, come on now. You can do it.
  88. <aborticide> what?
  89. <aborticide> i was busy not giving a damn
  90. <aborticide> 2
  91. <Accelerator> I*
  92. <aborticide> you just corrected yourself, not so smart now are we ;)
  93. <Accelerator> No sir, I just corrected you. My grammar has been flawless.
  94. * Accelerator sighs
  95. <Accelerator> You're hopeless.
  96. <Accelerator> Would you like me to tutor you in English?
  97. <aborticide> that would be evolution in reverse
  98. <Accelerator> Did it seriously take you that long for such a horrible insult?
  99. <Accelerator> Really?
  100. <Accelerator> Jesus man. Maybe I should tutor you in trash talking also.
  101. <aborticide> what?
  102. <aborticide> you in trash talking?
  103. <Accelerator> Do I need to break it up for you?
  104. <aborticide> half of nothing is still nothign
  105. <Accelerator> nothing*
  106. <aborticide> nothing has changed
  107. <Accelerator> What's 3+1?
  108. <aborticide> 4
  109. <Accelerator> Good job!
  110. <aborticide> that was a 1 right
  111. <Accelerator> No, it was a 3.
  112. <aborticide> 4+i is ... 4+i
  113. <aborticide> i've lost interest
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