
[Mechanics] (Attack-)Progression

Feb 9th, 2015
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  1. #Progression
  2. ##General
  3. Many physical Gods (mainly Warriors and Assassins) aswel as a few mages have attack progression. This means, that their Autoattacks are not all the same (as they are with someone like Ra or Rama), but vary in both power aswel as speed. The attack progression is described by an indicator (e.g. 1.25 or 0.5) on the Godpage. **Important:** The indicator applies to damage aswel as "cast time" or "execution time" for the Autoattacks. This means that a 0.5 Autoattack multiplicator does half the damage but is also executed in 0.5 the time (read: twice as fast) as one with 1.
  4. ###Example
  5. **Osiris: 1,0.5,1,0.5**
  8. Osiris first and third hit do his normal Autoattack damage and take the normal time to execute (influenced by his Attackspeed both through leveling up aswel as from items). His second and fourth hit only do half that damage but are twice as fast.
  10. ##Practical uses
  11. Progression only really comes into play when you enter items with a passive that applies on each hit. As such, someone with a progression of 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5 with the same attack speed as someone with a 1,1,1,1 progression, would apply the passive twice as much, even if he does the same base damage. That's why Gods with attack progression with small multiplicators (e.g. Osiris, Kali) favor items with a strong passvie that is applied on each hit (e.g. Qin's). They may the do the same damage that someone with the same attack speed and base damage but higher progression would do over a set ammount of time, but they apply the passive much more often and thus do more damage. Obivously other stats also play a factor there (Attackspeed, Base damage, etc.).
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