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a guest
Dec 9th, 2016
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  1. disconnection:
  2. you-were-kicked: "&fKicked by &a{banner}&f - Reason: \n&a'{reason}'&f"
  3. you-are-banned: "&fYou're banned!\n Reason: &a'{reason}'&f\nBy &a{banner}&f.\n{appeal-message}"
  4. you-are-ipbanned: "&fYou're IP Banned!\n Reason: &a'{reason}'&f\nBy &a{banner}&f.\n{appeal-message}"
  5. you-are-temp-banned: "&fYou're temporarily banned!\n Reason: &a'{reason}'&f\nBy &a{banner}&f.\nExpires in: {time}.\n{appeal-message}"
  6. you-are-temp-ipbanned: "&fYou're temporarily IP Banned!\n Reason: &a'{reason}'&f\nBy &a{banner}&f.\nExpires in: {time}.\n{appeal-message}"
  8. you-are-rangebanned: "&fYour IP Address (&c{range}&f) is RangeBanned.\nReason: &a{reason}&f\nBy: &a{banner}&f.\n{appeal-message}"
  9. you-are-temp-rangebanned: "&fYour IP Address (&c{range}&f) is RangeBanned.\nThe ban expires in &a{time}&f.\nReason: &a{reason}&f\nBy: &a{banner}&f.\n{appeal-message}"
  11. you-are-proxied: "Kicked by Maxbans:\n Your IP ({ip}) is listed as a proxy."
  13. lockdown-active: "&fServer is in lockdown mode. Try again shortly. Reason: \n{reason}"
  14. invalid-letters: "&fKicked by MaxBans.\nYour name contains invalid characters:\n&c'{letters}'&f"
  15. invalid-name: "&fKicked by MaxBans.\nYour name is invalid!"
  18. announcement:
  19. player-was-kicked: "&a{name}&f was kicked by &a{banner}&f for &a'{reason}'&f."
  20. player-was-banned: "&a{banner}&f banned &a{name}&f for &a'{reason}'&f."
  21. player-was-ip-banned: "&a{banner}&f IP banned &a{name}&f ('&a{ip}&f') for &a'{reason}'&f."
  22. player-was-muted: "&a{banner}&f muted &a{name}&f for &a{reason}"
  23. player-was-tempbanned: "&a{banner}&f tempbanned &a{name}&f for {time} for &a'{reason}'&f"
  24. player-was-tempipbanned: "&a{banner}&f temp IP banned &a{name}&f ('&a{ip}&f') for {time} for &a'{reason}'&f"
  25. player-was-temp-muted: "&a{banner}&f temp muted &a{name}&for &a{reason} for &a{time}."
  26. player-was-unbanned: "&a{banner}&f unbanned &a{name}&f"
  27. player-was-unmuted: "&a{banner}&f unmuted &a{name}&f"
  28. player-was-warned: "&a{banner}&f warned &a{name}&f for &a'{reason}'&f"
  29. ip-was-unbanned: "&f&a{ip}&f has been unbanned by &a{banner}&f."
  30. player-warnings-cleared: "&a{banner}&f cleared &a{name}&f's warnings."
  31. unwarn-success: "&a{banner}&f pardoned one of &a{name}&f's warnings."
  33. error:
  34. no-player-given: "&cNo name given."
  35. no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to do that."
  36. no-ip-known: "&cThat player has no IP history!"
  37. no-ipban-found: "&cCould not find a ban for &a{ip}&f."
  38. no-ban-found: "&cCould not find a ban for &a{name}&f."
  39. no-mute-found: "&a{name}&c is not muted."
  40. no-dupeip-duplicates: "&fNo duplicates!"
  41. no-history: "&fNo history."
  42. no-warnings: "&a{name}&c has no warnings to their name."
  44. unknown-player: "&cNo player found: &a{name}&f"
  45. player-already-banned: "&cThat player is already banned."
  46. ip-already-banned: "&cThat IP is already banned."
  49. tempban-shorter-than-last: "&cThat player has a tempban which will last longer than the one you supplied!"
  50. tempipban-shorter-than-last: "&cThat IP has a tempban which will last longer than the one you supplied!"
  51. tempmute-shorter-than-last: "&cThat player already has a mute which lasts longer than the one you tried to give."
  53. times:
  54. hours: hour
  55. minutes: minute
  56. seconds: second
  57. weeks: week
  58. days: day
  59. years: year
  60. months: month
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