

Jul 5th, 2014
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  1. [05:45] <Yakkul> anyway
  2. [05:45] <Yakkul> I'll mull over this.
  3. [05:45] <Kiiragi> also, i want to make another point
  4. [05:46] <Kiiragi> from my experience, the more public you are, the more you might be put under the microscope
  5. [05:47] <Kiiragi> and for manga, that’s not important
  6. [05:48] <Kiiragi> i’m not saying that’s your intention or whatever, but that’s the end result that’s going to happen
  7. [05:48] <Kiiragi> it’s why i don’t say much on blog posts when releasing anymore
  8. [05:49] <Kiiragi> just more ammo for people to bitch about when things don’t go their way
  9. [05:50] <Yakkul> Alright.
  10. [05:51] <Yakkul> What you say is true and I think it was something I understood but didn't consciously grasp, so to speak.
  11. [05:51] <Kiiragi> your situation happens all the time in business
  12. [05:51] <Yakkul> Yeah, you have to watch what you post.
  13. [05:51] <Kiiragi> or better, don’t post at all
  14. [05:52] <Yakkul> that's not always better, though.
  15. [05:52] <Kiiragi> It depends on how professional you can be
  16. [05:52] <Yakkul> people like businesses that communicate.
  17. [05:52] <Kiiragi> Yes, but you’re not a really good PR
  18. [05:52] <Yakkul> Next time you're super upset with me I'd rather you just PM me to start.
  19. [05:52] <Yakkul> I wasn't likening the fact to myself.
  20. [05:53] <Yakkul> but thanks for pointing that out again
  21. [05:54] <Kiiragi> i did pm you to start
  22. [05:54] <Kiiragi> last night
  23. [05:54] <Kiiragi> didn’t think you’d care if i said it in the staff channel
  24. [05:55] <Kiiragi> you don’t see the hypocrisy here? lol
  25. [05:55] <Yakkul> That isn't the point.
  26. [05:55] <Yakkul> It's the issue of me feeling humiliated.
  27. [05:55] <Yakkul> I don't care if they know
  28. [05:55] <Kiiragi> well you already put maigo’s image under fire, so
  29. [05:55] <Yakkul> The issue isn't knowing
  30. [05:56] <Kiiragi> you can take a little humiliation
  31. [05:56] <Kiiragi> not that anyone in our staff gives a shit anyway
  32. [05:56] <Yakkul> Well, you know how I feel about this now.
  33. [05:56] <Yakkul> So do with it what you like
  34. [05:56] <Kiiragi> but I get it
  35. [05:56] <Yakkul> Well I don't take humiliation very well at all
  36. [05:57] <Yakkul> Because that's all my childhood was
  37. [05:57] <Yakkul> not that you knew it
  38. [05:57] <Yakkul> so I don't fault anyone for stuff like that anyway
  39. [05:57] <Kiiragi> typically, you know I would pm you
  40. [05:57] <Kiiragi> Which I actually did
  41. [05:57] <Kiiragi> again, just thought you didn’t mind
  42. [05:57] <Yakkul> Yeah, we've both gone over it.
  43. [05:57] <Yakkul> It's okay.
  44. [05:57] <Yakkul> Like I said I don't fault you for it.
  45. [05:58] <Kiiragi> so you still need to mull over the issue or what
  46. [05:58] <Yakkul> Yep.
  47. [05:58] <Kiiragi> even though it’s clear what the solution is
  48. [05:58] <Yakkul> Just let me mull :P
  49. [05:58] <Kiiragi> or rather, the right thing to do even
  50. [05:58] <Kiiragi> there is only one right answer here
  51. [05:58] <Yakkul> That's relative.
  52. [05:58] <Yakkul> I'd rather not argue it anyway.
  53. [05:58] <Kiiragi> WELL
  54. [05:58] <Kiiragi> I guess since they’re your translations
  55. [05:58] <Kiiragi> I suppose you can do whatever you want
  56. [05:59] <Kiiragi> So I guess it isn’t just one right answer
  57. [05:59] <Kiiragi> but LOGICALLY
  58. [05:59] <Kiiragi> there is only one right answer
  60. ______________________________
  62. [10:06] <Kiiragi> hey
  63. [10:07] <Yakkul> hey
  64. [10:07] <Kiiragi> so what’s been going on
  65. [10:07] <Yakkul> school.
  66. [10:07] <Kiiragi> your absence has nothing to do with what we talked about?
  67. [10:08] <Yakkul> not really.
  68. [10:08] <Yakkul> I've been busy with a scholarship and signing up for class.
  69. [10:08] <Kiiragi> ah
  70. [10:08] <Kiiragi> you finish mulling it over
  71. [10:09] <Yakkul> yep.
  72. [10:09] <Kiiragi> so what’d you come up with
  73. [10:09] <Yakkul> not gonna close it.
  74. [10:09] <Kiiragi> because?
  75. [10:19] <Kiiragi> really? you’re going to ignore me?
  76. [10:19] <Yakkul> Not really.
  77. [10:19] <Yakkul> I was thinking of what to say
  78. [10:19] <Yakkul> then I realized I don't need to justify it to you.
  79. [10:19] <Kiiragi> how do you not know already
  80. [10:19] <Yakkul> That's all, really.
  81. [10:19] <Kiiragi> i figured you’d come to conclusion
  82. [10:19] <Yakkul> My answer is my answer.
  83. [10:20] <Kiiragi> for someone who claims they’re insensitive, you’re quite sensitive
  84. [10:20] <Yakkul> er wat
  85. [10:20] <Yakkul> I claimed I was sensitive.
  86. [10:20] <Kiiragi> insensitive to others i guess
  87. [10:20] <Yakkul> lol.
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