

May 22nd, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. permission: &cYou dont have permission
  3. server: &c[&eServer&c]&f
  4. alert: &c&l[Alert]&f
  6. command /ping [<player>]:
  7. usage: &a/ping <player>
  8. trigger:
  9. if arg 1 is not set:
  10. send "&aPong! %player's ping%"
  11. else:
  12. send "&a%arg-1%s pong! %player-arg's ping%"
  14. command /sgive <text>:
  15. permission: mine.admin
  16. permission message: {@permission}
  17. trigger:
  18. if arg 1 is "diamond":
  19. give player diamond named "&b不思議なダイヤモンド" with lore "&5とても不思議なダイヤモンド 謎に満ちている"
  21. command /admin menu:
  22. permission: mine.admin
  23. permission message: {@permission}
  24. trigger:
  25. open chest with 3 rows named "&cAdmins menu" to player
  26. wait 1 tick
  27. format slot 13 of player with grass named "&aCreative mode" to close then run [execute player command "gamemode 1 %player%"]
  29. command /banticket [<offline player>]:
  30. permission: banticket.admin
  31. permission message: {@permission}
  32. trigger:
  33. if arg 1 is not set:
  34. send "{@server} &f/banticket <player>"
  35. if arg 1 is set:
  36. broadcast "{@server} &f%player%が'%arg-1%'を処罰しました"
  37. ban the arg-1
  38. kick the arg-1
  40. command /trash:
  41. trigger:
  42. open chest with 3 row named "&5Trash box" to player
  44. command /food <text>:
  45. permission: mine.admin
  46. permission message: {@permission}
  47. trigger:
  48. if arg 1 is "beef":
  49. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:cooked_beef 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&6美味しいお肉""},""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":0s}],""HideFlags"":1}"
  51. command /pvp [<text>]:
  52. permission: mine.admin
  53. permission message: {@permission}
  54. trigger:
  55. if arg 1 is not set:
  56. send "{@alert} &a/pvp enable pvp now to enable"
  57. send "{@alert} &a/pvp disable pvp now to disable"
  58. if arg 1 is "enable":
  59. enable pvp
  60. send "{@alert} &apvp is now enable!"
  61. if arg 1 is "disable":
  62. disable pvp
  63. send "{@alert} &apvp is now disable!"
  65. command /xpshop:
  66. permission: mine.admin
  67. permission message: &c工事中... Sorry
  68. trigger:
  69. open chest with 5 row named "&eXPShop" to player
  70. format slot 28 of player with experience bottle named "&eHaste" with lore "&e10lv" to run [execute player command "xpbuy haste"]
  72. command /xpbuy <text>:
  73. permission: mine.admin
  74. trigger:
  75. if arg 1 is "haste":
  76. if player's level is more than or equal to 10:
  77. subtract 10 from player's level
  78. execute console command "effect %player% haste 10 2"
  79. send "{@alert} 10レベル消費しHasteを購入しました"
  80. stop
  81. else:
  82. send "{@alert} レベルが足りません"
  84. command /ban <offline player>:
  85. permission: ban.admin
  86. permission message: {@permission}
  87. trigger:
  88. broadcast "{@alert} %player%さんが'%arg-1%'さんにbanを試みましたが失敗しました"
  89. wait 10 tick
  90. kick the player
  92. command /broadcast <text>:
  93. permission: alert.admin
  94. permission message: {@permission}
  95. aliases: /bc
  96. trigger:
  97. broadcast "{@alert} %colored arg 1%"
  99. command /menu:
  100. trigger:
  101. give player chest named "&5Mine-Menu" with lore "&2Right click to open"
  103. command /setlobby:
  104. permission: mine.admin
  105. permission message: &cYou dont have permission
  106. trigger:
  107. set {lobby} to location of player
  108. send "{@server} &5set the lobby to you location"
  110. command /lobby:
  111. trigger:
  112. teleport player to {lobby}
  113. send "{@server} &5You returned to lobby"
  114. set the player's gamemode to adventure
  116. command /comp <text>:
  117. permission: mine.admin
  118. permission message: &cYou dont have permission
  119. trigger:
  120. if arg 1 is "stone":
  121. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&7圧縮 石""},""ench"":[{""id"":0s,""lvl"":0s}],""HideFlags"":1}"
  122. if arg 1 is "coal":
  123. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:coal_block 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&7圧縮 石炭""},""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":0s}],""HideFlags"":1}"
  124. if arg 1 is "iron":
  125. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:iron_block 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&7圧縮 鉄""},""ench"":[{""id"":0s,""lvl"":0s}],""HideFlags"":1}"
  126. if arg 1 is "gold":
  127. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:gold_block 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&6圧縮 金""},""ench"":[{""id"":0s,""lvl"":0s}],""HideFlags"":1}"
  128. command /pickaxe <text>:
  129. permission: mine.admin
  130. permission message: &cYou dont have permission
  131. trigger:
  132. if arg 1 is "syoki":
  133. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.1"",""Lore"":[""&c初期のピッケル"",""&c採掘速度は遅い""]},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":1s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone""]}"
  134. if arg 1 is "syoki lv2":
  135. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.2""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":2s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone""]}"
  136. if arg 1 is "syoki lv3":
  137. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.3""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":3s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone""]}"
  138. if arg 1 is "syoki lv4":
  139. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.4""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":4s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone""]}"
  140. if arg 1 is "syoki lv5":
  141. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.5""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":5s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone""]}"
  142. if arg 1 is "syoki lv6":
  143. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.6""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":6s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone""]}"
  144. if arg 1 is "syoki lv7":
  145. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.7""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":7s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone""]}"
  146. if arg 1 is "syoki lv8":
  147. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.8""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":8s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone""]}"
  148. if arg 1 is "syoki lv9":
  149. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.9""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":9s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone""]}"
  150. if arg 1 is "syoki lv10":
  151. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.10""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":1s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore""]}"
  152. if arg 1 is "syoki lv11":
  153. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.11""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":2s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore""]}"
  154. if arg 1 is "syoki lv12":
  155. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.12""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":3s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore""]}"
  156. if arg 1 is "syoki lv13":
  157. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.13""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":4s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore""]}"
  158. if arg 1 is "syoki lv14":
  159. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.14""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":5s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore""]}"
  160. if arg 1 is "syoki lv15":
  161. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.15""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":6s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore""]}"
  162. if arg 1 is "syoki lv16":
  163. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.16""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":7s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore""]}"
  164. if arg 1 is "syoki lv17":
  165. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.17""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":8s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore""]}"
  166. if arg 1 is "tyuu lv1":
  167. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&a中級ピッケル Lv.1""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":1s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore"",""minecraft:iron_ore""]}"
  168. if arg 1 is "tyuu lv2":
  169. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&a中級ピッケル Lv.2""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":2s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore"",""minecraft:iron_ore""]}"
  170. if arg 1 is "tyuu lv3":
  171. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&a中級ピッケル Lv.3""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":3s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore"",""minecraft:iron_ore""]}"
  172. if arg 1 is "tyuu lv4":
  173. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&a中級ピッケル Lv.4""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":4s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore"",""minecraft:iron_ore""]}"
  174. if arg 1 is "tyuu lv5":
  175. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&a中級ピッケル Lv.5""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":5s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore"",""minecraft:iron_ore""]}"
  176. if arg 1 is "tyuu lv6":
  177. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&a中級ピッケル Lv.6""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":6s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore"",""minecraft:iron_ore""]}"
  178. if arg 1 is "tyuu lv7":
  179. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&a中級ピッケル Lv.7""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":7s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore"",""minecraft:iron_ore""]}"
  180. if arg 1 is "tyuu lv8":
  181. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&a中級ピッケル Lv.8""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":8s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore"",""minecraft:iron_ore""]}"
  182. if arg 1 is "tyuu lv9":
  183. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&a中級ピッケル Lv.9""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":9s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore"",""minecraft:iron_ore""]}"
  184. if arg 1 is "v2 lv1":
  185. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:iron_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&a中級ピッケルv2 Lv.1""},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":1s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone"",""minecraft:coal_ore"",""minecraft:iron_ore"",""minecraft:gold_ore""]}"
  187. every 120 second:
  188. broadcast "{@alert} &bようこそA-Mine-Serverへ"
  189. broadcast "{@alert} &b要望があればできるだけ反映させます!"
  190. broadcast "{@alert} &3Discord Server &f"
  192. on first join:
  193. set the join message to "{@server} &b%player%さんはサーバーに初参加です"
  194. set slot 4 of player to 1 chest named "&5Mine-Menu" with lore "&2Right click to open!"
  195. execute player command "lobby"
  196. execute console command "give %player% minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""&9初期ピッケル Lv.1"",""Lore"":[""&c初期のピッケル"",""&c採掘速度は遅い""]},""Unbreakable"":1b,""ench"":[{""id"":32s,""lvl"":1s}],""CanDestroy"":[""minecraft:stone""]}"
  198. on join:
  199. set the join message to "{@server} &b%player%さんがサーバーに参加しました"
  200. send "{@alert} &6ピッケルは右クリックするとSkillを発動できます"
  201. execute player command "lobby"
  203. on quit:
  204. set the quit message to "{@server} &b%player%さんがサーバーから退出しました"
  206. on drop:
  207. player has permission "mine.admin":
  208. stop
  209. else:
  210. cancel event
  211. send "&cYou dont have permission"
  213. on craft:
  214. cancel event
  215. send "{@permission}"
  217. on right click with chest:
  218. name of held item contains "&5Mine-Menu"
  219. open chest with 5 rows named "&5Mine-Menu" to player
  220. wait 1 tick
  221. format slot 22 of player with beacon named "&2Back to lobby" to close then run [execute player command "lobby"]
  222. format slot 19 of player with chest named "&5Trash box" to run [execute player command "trash"]
  223. format slot 25 of player with bedrock named "&cAdmins Menu" to run [execute player command "admin menu"]
  224. format slot 37 of player with experience bottle named "&eXPShop" to run [execute player command "xpshop"]
  225. format slot 1 of player with grass named "&eOnline Servers" to run [execute player command "s"]
  227. on right click with wooden pickaxe:
  228. set {_cooldown} to difference between {skill.%player%.lastused} and now
  229. if {_cooldown} is less than 60 seconds:
  230. message "{@alert} &c%difference between 60 seconds and {_cooldown}% &6後に使用可能"
  231. stop
  232. execute console command "effect %player% haste 5 6"
  233. send "{@server} &6Skillを使用しました"
  234. execute console command "playsound entity.lightning.impact master %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 0"
  235. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  237. on right click with stone pickaxe:
  238. set {_cooldown} to difference between {skill.%player%.lastused} and now
  239. if {_cooldown} is less than 50 seconds:
  240. message "{@alert} &c%difference between 50 seconds and {_cooldown}% &6後に使用可能"
  241. stop
  242. execute console command "effect %player% haste 7 5"
  243. send "{@server} &6Skillを使用しました"
  244. execute console command "playsound entity.lightning.impact master %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 0"
  245. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  247. on right click with iron pickaxe:
  248. set {_cooldown} to difference between {skill.%player%.lastused} and now
  249. if {_cooldown} is less than 45 seconds:
  250. message "{@alert} &c%difference between 45 seconds and {_cooldown}% &6後に使用可能"
  251. stop
  252. execute console command "effect %player% haste 8 5"
  253. send "{@server} &6Skillを使用しました"
  254. execute console command "playsound entity.lightning.impact master %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 0"
  255. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  257. on mine of gold ore:
  258. set block to gold ore
  259. give player gold ore named "&6金鉱石"
  260. cancel event
  262. on mine of iron ore:
  263. set block to iron ore
  264. give player iron ore named "&7鉄鉱石"
  265. cancel event
  267. on mine of coal ore:
  268. set block to coal ore
  269. give player coal named "&7石炭"
  270. cancel event
  272. on mine of stone:
  273. set block to stone
  274. give player stone named "&7石"
  275. cancel event
  277. on mine:
  278. execute console command "scoreboard players add %player% mine 1"
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