

Mar 27th, 2023
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  1. Poe App Icon
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  4. Conversation shared 10m ago
  5. GPT-4
  6. GPT-4
  8. Starting with "a" to "z" , list 1500 english words that are mostly used in daily conversation between people living in the UK.
  10. Here is a list of 1500 commonly used words in daily conversations in the UK. I have grouped them alphabetically, but note that the list is not exhaustive and the frequency of use may vary among individuals.
  12. A
  14. a
  15. about
  16. above
  17. abroad
  18. absent
  19. accept
  20. accident
  21. account
  22. ache
  23. achieve
  24. across
  25. act
  26. action
  27. active
  28. activity
  29. actor
  30. actual
  31. actually
  32. ad
  33. add
  34. addition
  35. additional
  36. address
  37. administration
  38. admit
  39. adult
  40. advance
  41. advantage
  42. advertise
  43. advice
  44. advise
  45. affair
  46. affect
  47. afford
  48. afraid
  49. after
  50. afternoon
  51. again
  52. against
  53. age
  54. aged
  55. agency
  56. agent
  57. ago
  58. agree
  59. agreement
  60. ahead
  61. air
  62. airport
  63. alarm
  64. B
  66. back
  67. background
  68. bad
  69. bag
  70. balance
  71. ball
  72. band
  73. bank
  74. bar
  75. base
  76. basic
  77. basis
  78. battery
  79. battle
  80. be
  81. beach
  82. bear
  83. beautiful
  84. beauty
  85. because
  86. become
  87. bed
  88. bedroom
  89. before
  90. begin
  91. beginning
  92. behaviour
  93. behind
  94. believe
  95. bell
  96. belong
  97. below
  98. belt
  99. bench
  100. bend
  101. beneath
  102. benefit
  103. beside
  104. best
  105. bet
  106. better
  107. between
  108. beyond
  109. bicycle
  110. big
  111. bill
  112. bin
  113. bird
  114. birth
  115. bit
  116. C
  118. cake
  119. calculate
  120. call
  121. calm
  122. camera
  123. camp
  124. can
  125. cancel
  126. cancer
  127. candidate
  128. cap
  129. capital
  130. car
  131. card
  132. care
  133. career
  134. careful
  135. carefully
  136. carry
  137. case
  138. cash
  139. cat
  140. catch
  141. category
  142. cause
  143. celebrate
  144. centre
  145. century
  146. certain
  147. certainly
  148. chain
  149. chair
  150. challenge
  151. chance
  152. change
  153. channel
  154. characteristic
  155. charge
  156. cheap
  157. check
  158. cheek
  159. cheese
  160. chemical
  161. chest
  162. chicken
  163. chief
  164. child
  165. choice
  166. choose
  167. church
  168. D
  170. dad
  171. daily
  172. damage
  173. dance
  174. danger
  175. dangerous
  176. dare
  177. dark
  178. data
  179. date
  180. daughter
  181. day
  182. dead
  183. deal
  184. dear
  185. death
  186. debate
  187. debt
  188. decade
  189. decide
  190. decision
  191. declare
  192. deep
  193. defence
  194. defend
  195. define
  196. definite
  197. definitely
  198. degree
  199. delay
  200. deliver
  201. demand
  202. demonstrate
  203. dentist
  204. deny
  205. department
  206. depend
  207. deposit
  208. describe
  209. description
  210. design
  211. desire
  212. desk
  213. detail
  214. detailed
  215. determine
  216. develop
  217. development
  218. device
  219. die
  220. E
  222. each
  223. ear
  224. early
  225. earn
  226. earth
  227. ease
  228. east
  229. easy
  230. eat
  231. economic
  232. economy
  233. edge
  234. editor
  235. educate
  236. education
  237. effect
  238. effective
  239. effectively
  240. efficiency
  241. efficient
  242. effort
  243. egg
  244. either
  245. elderly
  246. elect
  247. election
  248. electric
  249. electricity
  250. electronic
  251. element
  252. elevator
  253. else
  254. elsewhere
  255. email
  256. embassy
  257. emergency
  258. emotion
  259. emotional
  260. emphasis
  261. employ
  262. employee
  263. Talk to GPT-4
  264. About this bot
  265. GPT-4
  266. GPT-4
  267. This conversation may have been edited by the sharer. This bot may make incorrect statements. It does not have knowledge of events after 2021.
  269. This bot is powered by OpenAI
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