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May 21st, 2012
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  3. calling function SlimvConnectServer()
  5. line 1: let repl_buf = bufnr( g:slimv_repl_file )
  6. line 2: let repl_win = bufwinnr( repl_buf )
  7. line 3: if repl_buf == -1 || ( g:slimv_repl_split && repl_win == -1 )
  8. line 4: call SlimvOpenReplBuffer()
  9. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer()
  11. line 1: call SlimvOpenBuffer( g:slimv_repl_file )
  12. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..SlimvOpenBuffer('Slimv.REPL.lisp')
  14. line 1: let buf = bufnr( a:name )
  15. line 2: if buf == -1
  16. line 3: " Create a new buffer
  17. line 4: call s:SplitView( a:name )
  18. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..SlimvOpenBuffer..<SNR>70_SplitView('Slimv.REPL.lisp')
  20. line 1: if winnr('$') == 2
  21. line 2: " We have exactly two windows
  22. line 3: if bufnr("%") == s:current_buf && winnr() == s:current_win
  23. line 4: " Keep the current window on screen, use the other window for the new buffer
  24. line 5: execute "wincmd w"
  25. line 6: endif
  26. line 7: execute "silent view! " . a:filename
  27. line 8: else
  28. line 9: if g:slimv_repl_split == 1
  29. line 10: execute "silent topleft sview! " . a:filename
  30. line 11: elseif g:slimv_repl_split == 2
  31. line 12: execute "silent botright sview! " . a:filename
  32. line 13: elseif g:slimv_repl_split == 3
  33. line 14: execute "silent topleft vertical sview! " . a:filename
  34. line 15: elseif g:slimv_repl_split == 4
  35. line 16: execute "silent botright vertical sview! " . a:filename
  36. line 16: silent botright vertical sview! Slimv.REPL.lisp
  37. Executing WinLeave Auto commands for "*"
  38. autocommand :call <SID>YRWinLeave()
  40. line 0: :call <SID>YRWinLeave()
  41. calling function <SNR>50_YRWinLeave()
  43. line 1: " Track which window we are last in. We will use this information
  44. line 2: " to determine where we need to paste any contents, or which
  45. line 3: " buffer to return to.
  46. line 4:
  47. line 5: if s:yr_buffer_id < 0
  48. line 6: " The yankring window has never been activated
  49. line 7: return
  50. function <SNR>50_YRWinLeave returning #0
  52. continuing in WinLeave Auto commands for "*"
  54. chdir(/Users/sjl/src/lol)
  55. Executing WinEnter Auto commands for "*"
  56. autocommand call s:Highlight_Matching_Pair()
  58. line 0: call s:Highlight_Matching_Pair()
  59. calling function <SNR>53_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
  61. line 1: " Remove any previous match.
  62. line 2: if exists('w:paren_hl_on') && w:paren_hl_on
  63. line 3: 3match none
  64. line 4: let w:paren_hl_on = 0
  65. line 5: endif
  66. line 6:
  67. line 7: " Avoid that we remove the popup menu.
  68. line 8: " Return when there are no colors (looks like the cursor jumps).
  69. line 9: if pumvisible() || (&t_Co < 8 && !has("gui_running"))
  70. line 10: return
  71. line 11: endif
  72. line 12:
  73. line 13: " Get the character under the cursor and check if it's in 'matchpairs'.
  74. line 14: let c_lnum = line('.')
  75. line 15: let c_col = col('.')
  76. line 16: let before = 0
  77. line 17:
  78. line 18: let c = getline(c_lnum)[c_col - 1]
  79. line 19: let plist = split(&matchpairs, '.\zs[:,]')
  80. line 20: let i = index(plist, c)
  81. line 21: if i < 0
  82. line 22: " not found, in Insert mode try character before the cursor
  83. line 23: if c_col > 1 && (mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'R')
  84. line 24: let before = 1
  85. line 25: let c = getline(c_lnum)[c_col - 2]
  86. line 26: let i = index(plist, c)
  87. line 27: endif
  88. line 28: if i < 0
  89. line 29: " not found, nothing to do
  90. line 30: return
  91. line 31: endif
  92. line 32: endif
  93. line 33:
  94. line 34: " Figure out the arguments for searchpairpos().
  95. line 35: if i % 2 == 0
  96. line 36: let s_flags = 'nW'
  97. line 37: let c2 = plist[i + 1]
  98. line 38: else
  99. line 39: let s_flags = 'nbW'
  100. line 40: let c2 = c
  101. line 41: let c = plist[i - 1]
  102. line 42: endif
  103. line 43: if c == '['
  104. line 44: let c = '\['
  105. line 45: let c2 = '\]'
  106. line 46: endif
  107. line 47:
  108. line 48: " Find the match. When it was just before the cursor move it there for a
  109. line 49: " moment.
  110. line 50: if before > 0
  111. line 51: let save_cursor = winsaveview()
  112. line 52: call cursor(c_lnum, c_col - before)
  113. line 53: endif
  114. line 54:
  115. line 55: " When not in a string or comment ignore matches inside them.
  116. line 56: " We match "escape" for special items, such as lispEscapeSpecial.
  117. line 57: let s_skip ='synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") ' . '=~? "string\\|character\\|singlequote\\|escape\\|comment"'
  118. line 59: execute 'if' s_skip '| let s_skip = 0 | endif'
  119. line 59: if synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|character\\|singlequote\\|escape\\|comment" | let s_skip = 0 | endif
  120. line 59: let s_skip = 0 | endif
  121. line 59: endif
  122. line 60:
  123. line 61: " Limit the search to lines visible in the window.
  124. line 62: let stoplinebottom = line('w$')
  125. line 63: let stoplinetop = line('w0')
  126. line 64: if i % 2 == 0
  127. line 65: let stopline = stoplinebottom
  128. line 66: else
  129. line 67: let stopline = stoplinetop
  130. line 68: endif
  131. line 69:
  132. line 70: try
  133. line 71: " Limit the search time to 300 msec to avoid a hang on very long lines.
  134. line 72: " This fails when a timeout is not supported.
  135. line 73: let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline, 300)
  136. line 74: catch /E118/
  137. line 75: " Can't use the timeout, restrict the stopline a bit more to avoid taking
  138. line 76: " a long time on closed folds and long lines.
  139. line 77: " The "viewable" variables give a range in which we can scroll while
  140. line 78: " keeping the cursor at the same position.
  141. line 79: " adjustedScrolloff accounts for very large numbers of scrolloff.
  142. line 80: let adjustedScrolloff = min([&scrolloff, (line('w$') - line('w0')) / 2])
  143. line 81: let bottom_viewable = min([line('$'), c_lnum + &lines - adjustedScrolloff - 2])
  144. line 82: let top_viewable = max([1, c_lnum-&lines+adjustedScrolloff + 2])
  145. line 83: " one of these stoplines will be adjusted below, but the current values are
  146. line 84: " minimal boundaries within the current window
  147. line 85: if i % 2 == 0
  148. line 86: if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
  149. line 87: ^Ilet stopbyte = min([line2byte("$"), line2byte(".") + col(".") + &smc * 2])
  150. line 88: ^Ilet stopline = min([bottom_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
  151. line 89: else
  152. line 90: ^Ilet stopline = min([bottom_viewable, c_lnum + 100])
  153. line 91: endif
  154. line 92: let stoplinebottom = stopline
  155. line 93: else
  156. line 94: if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
  157. line 95: ^Ilet stopbyte = max([1, line2byte(".") + col(".") - &smc * 2])
  158. line 96: ^Ilet stopline = max([top_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
  159. line 97: else
  160. line 98: ^Ilet stopline = max([top_viewable, c_lnum - 100])
  161. line 99: endif
  162. line 100: let stoplinetop = stopline
  163. line 101: endif
  164. line 102: let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline)
  165. line 103: endtry
  166. line 104:
  167. line 105: if before > 0
  168. line 106: call winrestview(save_cursor)
  169. line 107: endif
  170. line 108:
  171. line 109: " If a match is found setup match highlighting.
  172. line 110: if m_lnum > 0 && m_lnum >= stoplinetop && m_lnum <= stoplinebottom
  173. line 111: exe '3match MatchParen /\(\%' . c_lnum . 'l\%' . (c_col - before) . 'c\)\|\(\%' . m_lnum . 'l\%' . m_col . 'c\)/'
  174. line 111: 3match MatchParen /\(\%1l\%1c\)\|\(\%1l\%7c\)/
  175. line 113: let w:paren_hl_on = 1
  176. line 114: endif
  177. function <SNR>53_Highlight_Matching_Pair returning #0
  179. continuing in WinEnter Auto commands for "*"
  181. chdir(/Users/sjl/src/lol)
  182. fchdir() to previous dir
  183. Executing BufAdd Auto commands for "*"
  184. autocommand call <SID>BMAdd()
  186. line 0: call <SID>BMAdd()
  187. calling function <SNR>14_BMAdd()
  189. line 1: if s:bmenu_wait == 0
  190. line 2: " when adding too many buffers, redraw in short format
  191. line 3: if s:bmenu_count == &menuitems && s:bmenu_short == 0
  192. line 4: call s:BMShow()
  193. line 5: else
  194. line 6: call <SID>BMFilename(expand("<afile>"), expand("<abuf>"))
  195. calling function <SNR>14_BMAdd..<SNR>14_BMFilename('Slimv.REPL.lisp', '6')
  197. line 1: if isdirectory(a:name)
  198. line 2: return
  199. line 3: endif
  200. line 4: let munge = <SID>BMMunge(a:name, a:num)
  201. calling function <SNR>14_BMAdd..<SNR>14_BMFilename..<SNR>14_BMMunge('Slimv.REPL.lisp', '6')
  203. line 1: let name = a:fname
  204. line 2: if name == ''
  205. line 3: if !exists("g:menutrans_no_file")
  206. line 4: let g:menutrans_no_file = "[No file]"
  207. line 5: endif
  208. line 6: let name = g:menutrans_no_file
  209. line 7: else
  210. line 8: let name = fnamemodify(name, ':p:~')
  211. line 9: endif
  212. line 10: " detach file name and separate it out:
  213. line 11: let name2 = fnamemodify(name, ':t')
  214. line 12: if a:bnum >= 0
  215. line 13: let name2 = name2 . ' (' . a:bnum . ')'
  216. line 14: endif
  217. line 15: let name = name2 . "\t" . <SID>BMTruncName(fnamemodify(name,':h'))
  218. calling function <SNR>14_BMAdd..<SNR>14_BMFilename..<SNR>14_BMMunge..<SNR>14_BMTruncName('~/src/lol')
  220. line 1: let name = a:fname
  221. line 2: if g:bmenu_max_pathlen < 5
  222. line 3: let name = ""
  223. line 4: else
  224. line 5: let len = strlen(name)
  225. line 6: if len > g:bmenu_max_pathlen
  226. line 7: let amountl = (g:bmenu_max_pathlen / 2) - 2
  227. line 8: let amountr = g:bmenu_max_pathlen - amountl - 3
  228. line 9: let pattern = '^\(.\{,' . amountl . '}\).\{-}\(.\{,' . amountr . '}\)$'
  229. line 10: let left = substitute(name, pattern, '\1', '')
  230. line 11: let right = substitute(name, pattern, '\2', '')
  231. line 12: if strlen(left) + strlen(right) < len
  232. line 13: ^Ilet name = left . '...' . right
  233. line 14: endif
  234. line 15: endif
  235. line 16: endif
  236. line 17: return name
  237. function <SNR>14_BMAdd..<SNR>14_BMFilename..<SNR>14_BMMunge..<SNR>14_BMTruncName returning '~/src/lol'
  239. continuing in function <SNR>14_BMAdd..<SNR>14_BMFilename..<SNR>14_BMMunge
  241. line 16: let name = escape(name, "\\. \t|")
  242. line 17: let name = substitute(name, "&", "&&", "g")
  243. line 18: let name = substitute(name, "\n", "^@", "g")
  244. line 19: return name
  245. function <SNR>14_BMAdd..<SNR>14_BMFilename..<SNR>14_BMMunge returning 'Slimv\.REPL\.lisp\ (6)\^I~/src/lol'
  247. continuing in function <SNR>14_BMAdd..<SNR>14_BMFilename
  249. line 5: let hash = <SID>BMHash(munge)
  250. calling function <SNR>14_BMAdd..<SNR>14_BMFilename..<SNR>14_BMHash('Slimv\.REPL\.lisp\ (6)\ ~/src/lol')
  252. line 1: " Make name all upper case, so that chars are between 32 and 96
  253. line 2: let nm = substitute(a:name, ".*", '\U\0', "")
  254. line 3: if has("ebcdic")
  255. line 4: " HACK: Replace all non alphabetics with 'Z'
  256. line 5: " Just to make it work for now.
  257. line 6: let nm = substitute(nm, "[^A-Z]", 'Z', "g")
  258. line 7: let sp = char2nr('A') - 1
  259. line 8: else
  260. line 9: let sp = char2nr(' ')
  261. line 10: endif
  262. line 11: " convert first six chars into a number for sorting:
  263. line 12: return (char2nr(nm[0]) - sp) * 0x800000 + (char2nr(nm[1]) - sp) * 0x20000 + (char2nr(nm[2]) - sp) * 0x1000 + (char2nr(nm[3]) - sp) * 0x80 + (char2nr(nm[4]) - sp) * 0x20 + (char2nr(nm[5]) - sp)
  264. function <SNR>14_BMAdd..<SNR>14_BMFilename..<SNR>14_BMHash returning #433761660
  266. continuing in function <SNR>14_BMAdd..<SNR>14_BMFilename
  268. line 6: if s:bmenu_short == 0
  269. line 7: let name = 'an ' . g:bmenu_priority . '.' . hash . ' &Buffers.' . munge
  270. line 8: else
  271. line 9: let name = 'an ' . g:bmenu_priority . '.' . hash . '.' . hash . ' &Buffers.' . <SID>BMHash2(munge) . munge
  272. line 10: endif
  273. line 11: " set 'cpo' to include the <CR>
  274. line 12: let cpo_save = &cpo
  275. line 13: set cpo&vim
  276. line 14: exe name . ' :confirm b' . a:num . '<CR>'
  277. line 14: an 60.433761660 &Buffers.Slimv\.REPL\.lisp\ (6)\^I~/src/lol :confirm b6<CR>
  278. line 15: let &cpo = cpo_save
  279. function <SNR>14_BMAdd..<SNR>14_BMFilename returning #0
  281. continuing in function <SNR>14_BMAdd
  283. line 7: let s:bmenu_count = s:bmenu_count + 1
  284. line 8: endif
  285. line 9: endif
  286. function <SNR>14_BMAdd returning #0
  288. continuing in BufAdd Auto commands for "*"
  290. Reading viminfo file "/Users/sjl/.viminfo" marks
  291. Executing BufNewFile Auto commands for "*.lisp"
  292. autocommand setf lisp
  294. line 0: setf lisp
  295. Executing FileType Auto commands for "*"
  296. autocommand call s:LoadFTPlugin()
  298. line 0: call s:LoadFTPlugin()
  299. calling function <SNR>16_LoadFTPlugin()
  301. line 1: if exists("b:undo_ftplugin")
  302. line 2: exe b:undo_ftplugin
  303. line 3: unlet! b:undo_ftplugin b:did_ftplugin
  304. line 4: endif
  305. line 5:
  306. line 6: let s = expand("<amatch>")
  307. line 7: if s != ""
  308. line 8: if &cpo =~# "S" && exists("b:did_ftplugin")
  309. line 9: ^I" In compatible mode options are reset to the global values, need to
  310. line 10: ^I" set the local values also when a plugin was already used.
  311. line 11: ^Iunlet b:did_ftplugin
  312. line 12: endif
  313. line 13:
  314. line 14: " When there is a dot it is used to separate filetype names. Thus for
  315. line 15: " "aaa.bbb" load "aaa" and then "bbb".
  316. line 16: for name in split(s, '\.')
  317. line 17: ^Iexe 'runtime! ftplugin/' . name . '.vim ftplugin/' . name . '_*.vim ftplugin/' . name . '/*.vim'
  318. line 17: runtime! ftplugin/lisp.vim ftplugin/lisp_*.vim ftplugin/lisp/*.vim
  319. Searching for "ftplugin/lisp.vim ftplugin/lisp_*.vim ftplugin/lisp/*.vim" in "/Users/sjl/.vim,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio,/Users/sjl/.vim/bun
  320. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  321. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  322. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  323. chdir(/Users/sjl/.vim/ftplugin/lisp)
  324. fchdir() to previous dir
  325. line 17: sourcing "/Users/sjl/.vim/ftplugin/lisp/lispfolding.vim"
  326. line 1: if exists('loaded_lispfolding') || &cp
  327. line 2: finish
  328. finished sourcing /Users/sjl/.vim/ftplugin/lisp/lispfolding.vim
  329. continuing in function <SNR>16_LoadFTPlugin
  330. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  331. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  332. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  333. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  334. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  335. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  336. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  337. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  338. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  339. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  340. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  341. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  342. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  343. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  344. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  345. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  346. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  347. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  348. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  349. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  350. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  351. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  352. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  353. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  354. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  355. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  356. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  357. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  358. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  359. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  360. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  361. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  362. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  363. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  364. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  365. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  366. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  367. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  368. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  369. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  370. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  371. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  372. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  373. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  374. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  375. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  376. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  377. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  378. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  379. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  380. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  381. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  382. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  383. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  384. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  385. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  386. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  387. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  388. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  389. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  390. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  391. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  392. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  393. chdir(/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/lisp)
  394. fchdir() to previous dir
  395. line 17: sourcing "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/lisp/slimv-lisp.vim"
  396. line 1: " slimv-lisp.vim:
  397. line 2: " Lisp filetype plugin for Slimv
  398. line 3: " Version: 0.8.4
  399. line 4: " Last Change: 28 May 2011
  400. line 5: " Maintainer: Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
  401. line 6: " License: This file is placed in the public domain.
  402. line 7: " No warranty, express or implied.
  403. line 8: " *** *** Use At-Your-Own-Risk! *** ***
  404. line 9: "
  405. line 10: " =====================================================================
  406. line 11: "
  407. line 12: " Load Once:
  408. line 13: if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
  409. line 14: finish
  410. line 15: endif
  411. line 16:
  412. line 17: " ---------- Begin part loaded once ----------
  413. line 18: if !exists( 'g:slimv_lisp_loaded' )
  414. line 19:
  415. line 20: let g:slimv_lisp_loaded = 1
  416. line 21:
  417. line 22: " Try to autodetect Lisp executable
  418. line 23: " Returns list [Lisp executable, Lisp implementation]
  419. line 24: function! b:SlimvAutodetect()
  420. line 113:
  421. line 114: " Try to find out the Lisp implementation
  422. line 115: function! b:SlimvImplementation()
  423. line 127:
  424. line 128: " Filename for the REPL buffer file
  425. line 129: function! b:SlimvREPLFile()
  426. line 132:
  427. line 133: " Lookup symbol in the list of Lisp Hyperspec symbol databases
  428. line 134: function! b:SlimvHyperspecLookup( word, exact, all )
  429. line 161:
  430. line 162: " Source Slimv general part
  431. line 163: runtime ftplugin/**/slimv.vim
  432. line 164:
  433. line 165: endif "!exists( 'g:slimv_lisp_loaded' )
  434. line 166: " ---------- End of part loaded once ----------
  435. line 167:
  436. line 168: runtime ftplugin/**/lisp.vim
  437. Searching for "ftplugin/**/lisp.vim" in "/Users/sjl/.vim,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script,/Users/sjl/.vim
  438. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  439. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  440. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  441. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  442. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  443. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  444. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  445. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  446. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  447. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  448. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  449. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  450. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  451. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  452. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  453. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  454. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  455. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  456. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  457. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  458. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  459. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  460. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  461. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  462. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  463. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  464. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  465. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  466. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  467. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  468. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  469. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  470. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-makegreen/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  471. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-orgmode/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  472. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-speeddating/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  473. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/yankring/ftplugin/**/lisp.vim"
  474. Searching for "/Applications/**/lisp.vim"
  475. Searching for "/Applications/**/lisp.vim"
  476. chdir(/Applications/
  477. fchdir() to previous dir
  478. line 168: sourcing "/Applications/"
  479. line 1: " Vim filetype plugin
  480. line 2: " Language: Lisp
  481. line 3: " Maintainer: Sergey Khorev <>
  482. line 4: " URL:^I^I
  483. line 5: " Original author: Dorai Sitaram <>
  484. line 6: " Original URL:^I^I
  485. line 7: " Last Change: Nov 8, 2004
  486. line 8:
  487. line 9: " Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
  488. line 10: if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
  489. line 11: finish
  490. line 12: endif
  491. line 13:
  492. line 14: " Don't load another plugin for this buffer
  493. line 15: let b:did_ftplugin = 1
  494. line 16:
  495. line 17: setl comments=:;
  496. line 18: setl define=^\\s*(def\\k*
  497. line 19: setl formatoptions-=t
  498. line 20: setl iskeyword+=+,-,*,/,%,<,=,>,:,$,?,!,@-@,94
  499. line 21: setl lisp
  500. line 22:
  501. line 23: " make comments behaviour like in c.vim
  502. line 24: " e.g. insertion of ;;; and ;; on normal "O" or "o" when staying in comment
  503. line 25: setl comments^=:;;;,:;;,sr:#\|,mb:\|,ex:\|#
  504. line 26: setl formatoptions+=croql
  505. finished sourcing /Applications/
  506. continuing in /Users/sjl/lib/dotfiles/vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/lisp/slimv-lisp.vim
  507. line 169:
  508. line 170: " Must be called for each lisp buffer
  509. line 171: call SlimvInitBuffer()
  510. calling function SlimvInitBuffer()
  512. line 1: " Map space to display function argument list in status line
  513. line 2: inoremap <silent> <buffer> <Space> <Space><C-R>=SlimvArglist()<CR>
  514. line 3: "noremap <silent> <buffer> <C-C> :call SlimvInterrupt()<CR>
  515. line 4: au InsertLeave * :let &showmode=s:save_showmode
  516. line 5: inoremap <silent> <buffer> <C-X>0 <C-O>:call SlimvCloseForm()<CR>
  517. line 6: inoremap <silent> <buffer> <Tab> <C-R>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>C-N>" : "\<lt>C-X>\<lt>C-O>"<CR>
  518. function SlimvInitBuffer returning #0
  520. continuing in /Users/sjl/lib/dotfiles/vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/lisp/slimv-lisp.vim
  522. line 172:
  523. line 173: " Don't load another plugin for this buffer
  524. line 174: let b:did_ftplugin = 1
  525. line 175:
  526. finished sourcing /Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/lisp/slimv-lisp.vim
  527. continuing in function <SNR>16_LoadFTPlugin
  528. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  529. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  530. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  531. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  532. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  533. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  534. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  535. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  536. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  537. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  538. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  539. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  540. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  541. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  542. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  543. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  544. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  545. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  546. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  547. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  548. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  549. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  550. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  551. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  552. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  553. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  554. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  555. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  556. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  557. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  558. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-makegreen/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  559. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-makegreen/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  560. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-makegreen/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  561. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-orgmode/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  562. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-orgmode/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  563. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-orgmode/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  564. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-speeddating/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  565. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-speeddating/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  566. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-speeddating/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  567. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/yankring/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  568. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/yankring/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  569. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/yankring/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  570. Searching for "/Applications/"
  571. Searching for "/Applications/*.vim"
  572. Searching for "/Applications/*.vim"
  573. Searching for "/Applications/"
  574. chdir(/Applications/
  575. fchdir() to previous dir
  576. line 17: sourcing "/Applications/"
  577. line 1: " Vim filetype plugin
  578. line 2: " Language: Lisp
  579. line 3: " Maintainer: Sergey Khorev <>
  580. line 4: " URL:^I^I
  581. line 5: " Original author: Dorai Sitaram <>
  582. line 6: " Original URL:^I^I
  583. line 7: " Last Change: Nov 8, 2004
  584. line 8:
  585. line 9: " Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
  586. line 10: if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
  587. line 11: finish
  588. finished sourcing /Applications/
  589. continuing in function <SNR>16_LoadFTPlugin
  590. Searching for "/Applications/*.vim"
  591. Searching for "/Applications/*.vim"
  592. Searching for "/Applications/"
  593. Searching for "/Applications/*.vim"
  594. Searching for "/Applications/*.vim"
  595. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/after/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  596. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/after/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  597. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/after/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  598. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/after/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  599. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/after/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  600. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/after/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  601. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/after/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  602. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/after/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  603. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/after/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  604. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/after/ftplugin/lisp.vim"
  605. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/after/ftplugin/lisp_*.vim"
  606. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/after/ftplugin/lisp/*.vim"
  607. line 18: endfor
  608. line 16: for name in split(s, '\.')
  609. line 17: ^Iexe 'runtime! ftplugin/' . name . '.vim ftplugin/' . name . '_*.vim ftplugin/' . name . '/*.vim'
  610. line 18: endfor
  611. line 19: endif
  612. function <SNR>16_LoadFTPlugin returning #0
  614. continuing in FileType Auto commands for "*"
  616. Executing FileType Auto commands for "*"
  617. autocommand call s:LoadIndent()
  619. line 0: call s:LoadIndent()
  620. calling function <SNR>17_LoadIndent()
  622. line 1: if exists("b:undo_indent")
  623. line 2: exe b:undo_indent
  624. line 3: unlet! b:undo_indent b:did_indent
  625. line 4: endif
  626. line 5: let s = expand("<amatch>")
  627. line 6: if s != ""
  628. line 7: if exists("b:did_indent")
  629. line 8: ^Iunlet b:did_indent
  630. line 9: endif
  631. line 10:
  632. line 11: " When there is a dot it is used to separate filetype names. Thus for
  633. line 12: " "aaa.bbb" load "indent/aaa.vim" and then "indent/bbb.vim".
  634. line 13: for name in split(s, '\.')
  635. line 14: ^Iexe 'runtime! indent/' . name . '.vim'
  636. line 14: runtime! indent/lisp.vim
  637. Searching for "indent/lisp.vim" in "/Users/sjl/.vim,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script,/Users/sjl/.vim/bund
  638. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/indent/lisp.vim"
  639. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack/indent/lisp.vim"
  640. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom/indent/lisp.vim"
  641. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t/indent/lisp.vim"
  642. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif/indent/lisp.vim"
  643. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom/indent/lisp.vim"
  644. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit/indent/lisp.vim"
  645. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion/indent/lisp.vim"
  646. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo/indent/lisp.vim"
  647. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer/indent/lisp.vim"
  648. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5/indent/lisp.vim"
  649. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object/indent/lisp.vim"
  650. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom/indent/lisp.vim"
  651. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff/indent/lisp.vim"
  652. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown/indent/lisp.vim"
  653. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/indent/lisp.vim"
  654. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler/indent/lisp.vim"
  655. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen/indent/lisp.vim"
  656. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet/indent/lisp.vim"
  657. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc/indent/lisp.vim"
  658. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow/indent/lisp.vim"
  659. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/indent/lisp.vim"
  660. chdir(/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/indent)
  661. fchdir() to previous dir
  662. line 14: sourcing "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/indent/lisp.vim"
  663. line 1: " lisp.vim:
  664. line 2: " Lisp indent plugin for Slimv
  665. line 3: " Version: 0.8.3
  666. line 4: " Last Change: 14 May 2011
  667. line 5: " Maintainer: Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
  668. line 6: " License: This file is placed in the public domain.
  669. line 7: " No warranty, express or implied.
  670. line 8: " *** *** Use At-Your-Own-Risk! *** ***
  671. line 9: "
  672. line 10: " =====================================================================
  673. line 11: "
  674. line 12: " Load Once:
  675. line 13: if exists("b:did_indent")
  676. line 14: finish
  677. line 15: endif
  678. line 16:
  679. line 17: setlocal nolisp
  680. line 18: setlocal autoindent
  681. line 19: setlocal indentexpr=SlimvIndent(v:lnum)
  682. line 20:
  683. finished sourcing /Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/indent/lisp.vim
  684. continuing in function <SNR>17_LoadIndent
  685. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/indent/lisp.vim"
  686. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup/indent/lisp.vim"
  687. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit/indent/lisp.vim"
  688. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab/indent/lisp.vim"
  689. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround/indent/lisp.vim"
  690. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome/indent/lisp.vim"
  691. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/indent/lisp.vim"
  692. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/indent/lisp.vim"
  693. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/indent/lisp.vim"
  694. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/indent/lisp.vim"
  695. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-makegreen/indent/lisp.vim"
  696. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-orgmode/indent/lisp.vim"
  697. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-speeddating/indent/lisp.vim"
  698. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/yankring/indent/lisp.vim"
  699. Searching for "/Applications/"
  700. Searching for "/Applications/"
  701. chdir(/Applications/
  702. fchdir() to previous dir
  703. line 14: sourcing "/Applications/"
  704. line 1: " Vim indent file
  705. line 2: " Language:^ILisp
  706. line 3: " Maintainer: Sergey Khorev <>
  707. line 4: " URL:^I^I
  708. line 5: " Last Change:^I2005 May 19
  709. line 6:
  710. line 7: " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
  711. line 8: if exists("b:did_indent")
  712. line 9: finish
  713. line 10: endif
  714. line 11: let b:did_indent = 1
  715. line 12:
  716. line 13: setlocal ai nosi
  717. line 14:
  718. line 15: let b:undo_indent = "setl ai< si<"
  719. finished sourcing /Applications/
  720. continuing in function <SNR>17_LoadIndent
  721. Searching for "/Applications/"
  722. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/after/indent/lisp.vim"
  723. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/after/indent/lisp.vim"
  724. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/after/indent/lisp.vim"
  725. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/after/indent/lisp.vim"
  726. line 15: endfor
  727. line 13: for name in split(s, '\.')
  728. line 14: ^Iexe 'runtime! indent/' . name . '.vim'
  729. line 15: endfor
  730. line 16: endif
  731. function <SNR>17_LoadIndent returning #0
  733. continuing in FileType Auto commands for "*"
  735. Executing FileType Auto commands for "lisp"
  736. autocommand call TurnOnLispFolding()
  738. line 0: call TurnOnLispFolding()
  739. calling function TurnOnLispFolding()
  741. line 1: setlocal foldexpr=GetLispFold()
  742. line 2: setlocal foldmethod=expr
  743. function TurnOnLispFolding returning #0
  745. continuing in FileType Auto commands for "lisp"
  747. Executing FileType Auto commands for "*"
  748. autocommand if &ft != 'help' | call GetSnippets(snippets_dir, &ft) | endif
  750. line 0: if &ft != 'help' | call GetSnippets(snippets_dir, &ft) | endif
  751. line 0: call GetSnippets(snippets_dir, &ft) | endif
  752. calling function GetSnippets('/Users/sjl/.vim/snippets/', 'lisp')
  754. line 1: ^Ifor ft in split(a:filetypes, '\.')
  755. line 2: ^I^Iif has_key(g:did_ft, ft) | continue | endif
  756. line 2: continue | endif
  757. line 1: ^Ifor ft in split(a:filetypes, '\.')
  758. line 2: ^I^Iif has_key(g:did_ft, ft) | continue | endif
  759. line 2: continue | endif
  760. line 2: endif
  761. line 3: ^I^Icall s:DefineSnips(a:dir, ft, ft)
  762. line 4: ^I^Iif ft == 'objc' || ft == 'cpp' || ft == 'cs'
  763. line 5: ^I^I^Icall s:DefineSnips(a:dir, 'c', ft)
  764. line 6: ^I^Ielseif ft == 'xhtml'
  765. line 7: ^I^I^Icall s:DefineSnips(a:dir, 'html', 'xhtml')
  766. line 8: ^I^Iendif
  767. line 9: ^I^Ilet g:did_ft[ft] = 1
  768. line 10: ^Iendfor
  769. function GetSnippets returning #0
  771. continuing in FileType Auto commands for "*"
  773. line 0: endif
  774. Executing FileType Auto commands for "*"
  775. autocommand exe "set syntax=" . expand("<amatch>")
  777. line 0: exe "set syntax=" . expand("<amatch>")
  778. line 0: set syntax=lisp
  779. Executing Syntax Auto commands for "*"
  780. autocommand call s:SynSet()
  782. line 0: call s:SynSet()
  783. calling function <SNR>19_SynSet()
  785. line 1: " clear syntax for :set syntax=OFF and any syntax name that doesn't exist
  786. line 2: syn clear
  787. line 3: if exists("b:current_syntax")
  788. line 4: unlet b:current_syntax
  789. line 5: endif
  790. line 6:
  791. line 7: let s = expand("<amatch>")
  792. line 8: if s == "ON"
  793. line 9: " :set syntax=ON
  794. line 10: if &filetype == ""
  795. line 11: echohl ErrorMsg
  796. line 12: echo "filetype unknown"
  797. line 13: echohl None
  798. line 14: endif
  799. line 15: let s = &filetype
  800. line 16: endif
  801. line 17:
  802. line 18: if s != ""
  803. line 19: " Load the syntax file(s). When there are several, separated by dots,
  804. line 20: " load each in sequence.
  805. line 21: for name in split(s, '\.')
  806. line 22: exe "runtime! syntax/" . name . ".vim syntax/" . name . "/*.vim"
  807. line 22: runtime! syntax/lisp.vim syntax/lisp/*.vim
  808. Searching for "syntax/lisp.vim syntax/lisp/*.vim" in "/Users/sjl/.vim,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script,/U
  809. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/syntax/lisp.vim"
  810. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  811. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack/syntax/lisp.vim"
  812. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  813. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom/syntax/lisp.vim"
  814. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  815. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t/syntax/lisp.vim"
  816. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  817. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif/syntax/lisp.vim"
  818. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  819. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom/syntax/lisp.vim"
  820. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  821. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit/syntax/lisp.vim"
  822. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  823. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion/syntax/lisp.vim"
  824. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  825. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo/syntax/lisp.vim"
  826. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  827. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer/syntax/lisp.vim"
  828. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  829. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5/syntax/lisp.vim"
  830. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  831. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object/syntax/lisp.vim"
  832. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  833. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom/syntax/lisp.vim"
  834. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  835. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff/syntax/lisp.vim"
  836. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  837. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown/syntax/lisp.vim"
  838. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  839. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/syntax/lisp.vim"
  840. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  841. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler/syntax/lisp.vim"
  842. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  843. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen/syntax/lisp.vim"
  844. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  845. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet/syntax/lisp.vim"
  846. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  847. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc/syntax/lisp.vim"
  848. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  849. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow/syntax/lisp.vim"
  850. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  851. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/syntax/lisp.vim"
  852. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  853. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/syntax/lisp.vim"
  854. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  855. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup/syntax/lisp.vim"
  856. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  857. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit/syntax/lisp.vim"
  858. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  859. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab/syntax/lisp.vim"
  860. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  861. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround/syntax/lisp.vim"
  862. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  863. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome/syntax/lisp.vim"
  864. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  865. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/syntax/lisp.vim"
  866. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  867. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/syntax/lisp.vim"
  868. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  869. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/syntax/lisp.vim"
  870. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  871. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/syntax/lisp.vim"
  872. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  873. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-makegreen/syntax/lisp.vim"
  874. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-makegreen/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  875. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-orgmode/syntax/lisp.vim"
  876. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-orgmode/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  877. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-speeddating/syntax/lisp.vim"
  878. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-speeddating/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  879. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/yankring/syntax/lisp.vim"
  880. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/yankring/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  881. Searching for "/Applications/"
  882. Searching for "/Applications/*.vim"
  883. Searching for "/Applications/"
  884. chdir(/Applications/
  885. fchdir() to previous dir
  886. line 22: sourcing "/Applications/"
  887. line 1: " Vim syntax file
  888. line 2: " Language: Lisp
  889. line 3: " Maintainer: Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
  890. line 4: " Last Change: Nov 16, 2010
  891. line 5: " Version: 22
  892. line 6: " URL:^I
  893. line 7: "
  894. line 8: " Thanks to F Xavier Noria for a list of 978 Common Lisp symbols
  895. line 9: " taken from the HyperSpec
  896. line 10: " Clisp additions courtesy of*checkout*/clisp/clisp/emacs/lisp.vim
  897. line 11:
  898. line 12: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  899. line 13: " Load Once: {{{1
  900. line 14: " For vim-version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
  901. line 15: " For vim-version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
  902. line 16: if version < 600
  903. line 17: syntax clear
  904. line 18: elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
  905. line 19: finish
  906. line 20: endif
  907. line 21:
  908. line 22: if version >= 600
  909. line 23: setlocal iskeyword=38,42,43,45,47-58,60-62,64-90,97-122,_
  910. line 24: else
  911. line 25: set iskeyword=38,42,43,45,47-58,60-62,64-90,97-122,_
  912. line 26: endif
  913. line 27:
  914. line 28: if exists("g:lispsyntax_ignorecase") || exists("g:lispsyntax_clisp")
  915. line 29: set ignorecase
  916. line 30: endif
  917. line 31:
  918. line 32: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  919. line 33: " Clusters: {{{1
  920. line 34: syn cluster^I^I^IlispAtomCluster^I^Icontains=lispAtomBarSymbol,lispAtomList,lispAtomNmbr0,lispComment,lispDecl,lispFunc,lispLeadWhite
  921. line 35: syn cluster^I^I^IlispBaseListCluster^Icontains=lispAtom,lispAtomBarSymbol,lispAtomMark,lispBQList,lispBarSymbol,lispComment,lispConcat,lispDecl,lispFunc,lispKey,lispList,lispNumber,lispEscapeSpecial,lispSymbol,lispVar,lispLeadWhite
  922. line 36: if exists("g:lisp_instring")
  923. line 37: syn cluster^I^I^IlispListCluster^I^Icontains=@lispBaseListCluster,lispString,lispInString,lispInStringString
  924. line 38: else
  925. line 39: syn cluster^I^I^IlispListCluster^I^Icontains=@lispBaseListCluster,lispString
  926. line 40: endif
  927. line 41:
  928. line 42: syn case ignore
  929. line 43:
  930. line 44: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  931. line 45: " Lists: {{{1
  932. line 46: syn match^I^I^IlispSymbol^I^I^Icontained^I^I^I![^()'`,"; \t]\+!
  933. line 47: syn match^I^I^IlispBarSymbol^I^I^Icontained^I^I^I!|..\{-}|!
  934. line 48: if exists("g:lisp_rainbow") && g:lisp_rainbow != 0
  935. line 49: syn region lispParen0 matchgroup=hlLevel0 start="`\=(" end=")" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen1
  936. line 50: syn region lispParen1 contained matchgroup=hlLevel1 start="`\=(" end=")" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen2
  937. line 51: syn region lispParen2 contained matchgroup=hlLevel2 start="`\=(" end=")" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen3
  938. line 52: syn region lispParen3 contained matchgroup=hlLevel3 start="`\=(" end=")" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen4
  939. line 53: syn region lispParen4 contained matchgroup=hlLevel4 start="`\=(" end=")" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen5
  940. line 54: syn region lispParen5 contained matchgroup=hlLevel5 start="`\=(" end=")" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen6
  941. line 55: syn region lispParen6 contained matchgroup=hlLevel6 start="`\=(" end=")" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen7
  942. line 56: syn region lispParen7 contained matchgroup=hlLevel7 start="`\=(" end=")" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen8
  943. line 57: syn region lispParen8 contained matchgroup=hlLevel8 start="`\=(" end=")" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen9
  944. line 58: syn region lispParen9 contained matchgroup=hlLevel9 start="`\=(" end=")" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen0
  945. line 59: else
  946. line 60: syn region lispList^I^I^Imatchgroup=Delimiter start="(" skip="|.\{-}|"^I^I^Imatchgroup=Delimiter end=")"^Icontains=@lispListCluster
  947. line 61: syn region lispBQList^I^I^Imatchgroup=PreProc start="`(" skip="|.\{-}|"^I^I^Imatchgroup=PreProc end=")"^I^Icontains=@lispListCluster
  948. line 62: endif
  949. line 63:
  950. line 64: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  951. line 65: " Atoms: {{{1
  952. line 66: syn match lispAtomMark^I^I^I"'"
  953. line 67: syn match lispAtom^I^I^I"'("me=e-1^I^I^Icontains=lispAtomMark^Inextgroup=lispAtomList
  954. line 68: syn match lispAtom^I^I^I"'[^ \t()]\+"^I^I^Icontains=lispAtomMark
  955. line 69: syn match lispAtomBarSymbol^I^I!'|..\{-}|!^I^I^Icontains=lispAtomMark
  956. line 70: syn region lispAtom^I^I^Istart=+'"+^I^I^Iskip=+\\"+ end=+"+
  957. line 71: syn region lispAtomList^I^I^Icontained^I^I^Imatchgroup=Special start="("^Iskip="|.\{-}|" matchgroup=Special end=")"^Icontains=@lispAtomCluster,lispString,lispEscapeSpecial
  958. line 72: syn match lispAtomNmbr^I^I^Icontained^I^I^I"\<\d\+"
  959. line 73: syn match lispLeadWhite^I^I^Icontained^I^I^I"^\s\+"
  960. line 74:
  961. line 75: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  962. line 76: " Standard Lisp Functions and Macros: {{{1
  963. line 77: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I*^I^I^I^Ifind-method^I^I^I^I^Ipprint-indent
  964. line 78: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I**^I^I^I^Ifind-package^I^I^I^I^Ipprint-linear
  965. line 79: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I***^I^I^I^Ifind-restart^I^I^I^I^Ipprint-logical-block
  966. line 80: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I+^I^I^I^Ifind-symbol^I^I^I^I^Ipprint-newline
  967. line 81: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I++^I^I^I^Ifinish-output^I^I^I^I^Ipprint-pop
  968. line 82: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I+++^I^I^I^Ifirst^I^I^I^I^I^Ipprint-tab
  969. line 83: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I-^I^I^I^Ifixnum^I^I^I^I^I^Ipprint-tabular
  970. line 84: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I/^I^I^I^Iflet^I^I^I^I^I^Iprin1
  971. line 85: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I//^I^I^I^Ifloat^I^I^I^I^I^Iprin1-to-string
  972. line 86: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I///^I^I^I^Ifloat-digits^I^I^I^I^Iprinc
  973. line 87: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I/=^I^I^I^Ifloat-precision^I^I^I^I^Iprinc-to-string
  974. line 88: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I1+^I^I^I^Ifloat-radix^I^I^I^I^Iprint
  975. line 89: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I1-^I^I^I^Ifloat-sign^I^I^I^I^Iprint-not-readable
  976. line 90: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I<^I^I^I^Ifloating-point-inexact^I^I^I^Iprint-not-readable-object
  977. line 91: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I<=^I^I^I^Ifloating-point-invalid-operation print-object
  978. line 92: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I=^I^I^I^Ifloating-point-overflow^I^I^I^Iprint-unreadable-object
  979. line 93: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I>^I^I^I^Ifloating-point-underflow^I^I^Iprobe-file
  980. line 94: syn keyword lispFunc^I^I>=^I^I^I^Ifloatp^I^I^I^I^I^Iproclaim
  981. line 95: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iabort^I^I^I^Ifloor^I^I^I^I^I^Iprog
  982. line 96: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iabs^I^I^I^Ifmakunbound^I^I^I^I^Iprog*
  983. line 97: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iaccess^I^I^I^Iforce-output^I^I^I^I^Iprog1
  984. line 98: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iacons^I^I^I^Iformat^I^I^I^I^I^Iprog2
  985. line 99: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iacos^I^I^I^Iformatter^I^I^I^I^Iprogn
  986. line 100: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iacosh^I^I^I^Ifourth^I^I^I^I^I^Iprogram-error
  987. line 101: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iadd-method^I^I^Ifresh-line^I^I^I^I^Iprogv
  988. line 102: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iadjoin^I^I^I^Ifround^I^I^I^I^I^Iprovide
  989. line 103: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iadjust-array^I^I^Iftruncate^I^I^I^I^Ipsetf
  990. line 104: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iadjustable-array-p^I^Iftype^I^I^I^I^I^Ipsetq
  991. line 105: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iallocate-instance^I^Ifuncall^I^I^I^I^I^Ipush
  992. line 106: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ialpha-char-p^I^I^Ifunction^I^I^I^I^Ipushnew
  993. line 107: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ialphanumericp^I^I^Ifunction-keywords^I^I^I^Iputprop
  994. line 108: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iand^I^I^I^Ifunction-lambda-expression^I^I^Iquote
  995. line 109: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iappend^I^I^I^Ifunctionp^I^I^I^I^Irandom
  996. line 110: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iapply^I^I^I^Igbitp^I^I^I^I^I^Irandom-state
  997. line 111: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iapplyhook^I^I^Igcd^I^I^I^I^I^Irandom-state-p
  998. line 112: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iapropos^I^I^I^Igeneric-function^I^I^I^Irassoc
  999. line 113: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iapropos-list^I^I^Igensym^I^I^I^I^I^Irassoc-if
  1000. line 114: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iaref^I^I^I^Igentemp^I^I^I^I^I^Irassoc-if-not
  1001. line 115: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarithmetic-error^I^Iget^I^I^I^I^I^Iratio
  1002. line 116: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarithmetic-error-operands^Iget-decoded-time^I^I^I^Irational
  1003. line 117: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarithmetic-error-operation^Iget-dispatch-macro-character^I^I^Irationalize
  1004. line 118: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray^I^I^I^Iget-internal-real-time^I^I^I^Irationalp
  1005. line 119: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-dimension^I^I^Iget-internal-run-time^I^I^I^Iread
  1006. line 120: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-dimension-limit^I^Iget-macro-character^I^I^I^Iread-byte
  1007. line 121: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-dimensions^I^Iget-output-stream-string^I^I^Iread-char
  1008. line 122: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-displacement^I^Iget-properties^I^I^I^I^Iread-char-no-hang
  1009. line 123: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-element-type^I^Iget-setf-expansion^I^I^I^Iread-delimited-list
  1010. line 124: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-has-fill-pointer-p^Iget-setf-method^I^I^I^I^Iread-eval-print
  1011. line 125: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-in-bounds-p^I^Iget-universal-time^I^I^I^Iread-from-string
  1012. line 126: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-rank^I^I^Igetf^I^I^I^I^I^Iread-line
  1013. line 127: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-rank-limit^I^Igethash^I^I^I^I^I^Iread-preserving-whitespace
  1014. line 128: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-row-major-index^I^Igo^I^I^I^I^I^Iread-sequence
  1015. line 129: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-total-size^I^Igraphic-char-p^I^I^I^I^Ireader-error
  1016. line 130: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarray-total-size-limit^I^Ihandler-bind^I^I^I^I^Ireadtable
  1017. line 131: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iarrayp^I^I^I^Ihandler-case^I^I^I^I^Ireadtable-case
  1018. line 132: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iash^I^I^I^Ihash-table^I^I^I^I^Ireadtablep
  1019. line 133: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iasin^I^I^I^Ihash-table-count^I^I^I^Ireal
  1020. line 134: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iasinh^I^I^I^Ihash-table-p^I^I^I^I^Irealp
  1021. line 135: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iassert^I^I^I^Ihash-table-rehash-size^I^I^I^Irealpart
  1022. line 136: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iassoc^I^I^I^Ihash-table-rehash-threshold^I^I^Ireduce
  1023. line 137: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iassoc-if^I^I^Ihash-table-size^I^I^I^I^Ireinitialize-instance
  1024. line 138: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iassoc-if-not^I^I^Ihash-table-test^I^I^I^I^Irem
  1025. line 139: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iatan^I^I^I^Ihost-namestring^I^I^I^I^Iremf
  1026. line 140: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iatanh^I^I^I^Iidentity^I^I^I^I^Iremhash
  1027. line 141: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iatom^I^I^I^Iif^I^I^I^I^I^Iremove
  1028. line 142: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibase-char^I^I^Iif-exists^I^I^I^I^Iremove-duplicates
  1029. line 143: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibase-string^I^I^Iignorable^I^I^I^I^Iremove-if
  1030. line 144: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibignum^I^I^I^Iignore^I^I^I^I^I^Iremove-if-not
  1031. line 145: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit^I^I^I^Iignore-errors^I^I^I^I^Iremove-method
  1032. line 146: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-and^I^I^I^Iimagpart^I^I^I^I^Iremprop
  1033. line 147: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-andc1^I^I^Iimport^I^I^I^I^I^Irename-file
  1034. line 148: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-andc2^I^I^Iin-package^I^I^I^I^Irename-package
  1035. line 149: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-eqv^I^I^I^Iin-package^I^I^I^I^Ireplace
  1036. line 150: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-ior^I^I^I^Iincf^I^I^I^I^I^Irequire
  1037. line 151: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-nand^I^I^Iinitialize-instance^I^I^I^Irest
  1038. line 152: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-nor^I^I^I^Iinline^I^I^I^I^I^Irestart
  1039. line 153: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-not^I^I^I^Iinput-stream-p^I^I^I^I^Irestart-bind
  1040. line 154: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-orc1^I^I^Iinspect^I^I^I^I^I^Irestart-case
  1041. line 155: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-orc2^I^I^Iint-char^I^I^I^I^Irestart-name
  1042. line 156: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-vector^I^I^Iinteger^I^I^I^I^I^Ireturn
  1043. line 157: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-vector-p^I^I^Iinteger-decode-float^I^I^I^Ireturn-from
  1044. line 158: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibit-xor^I^I^I^Iinteger-length^I^I^I^I^Irevappend
  1045. line 159: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iblock^I^I^I^Iintegerp^I^I^I^I^Ireverse
  1046. line 160: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole^I^I^I^Iinteractive-stream-p^I^I^I^Iroom
  1047. line 161: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-1^I^I^I^Iintern^I^I^I^I^I^Irotatef
  1048. line 162: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-2^I^I^I^Iinternal-time-units-per-second^I^I^Iround
  1049. line 163: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-and^I^I^Iintersection^I^I^I^I^Irow-major-aref
  1050. line 164: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-andc1^I^I^Iinvalid-method-error^I^I^I^Irplaca
  1051. line 165: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-andc2^I^I^Iinvoke-debugger^I^I^I^I^Irplacd
  1052. line 166: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-c1^I^I^Iinvoke-restart^I^I^I^I^Isafety
  1053. line 167: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-c2^I^I^Iinvoke-restart-interactively^I^I^Isatisfies
  1054. line 168: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-clr^I^I^Iisqrt^I^I^I^I^I^Isbit
  1055. line 169: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-eqv^I^I^Ikeyword^I^I^I^I^I^Iscale-float
  1056. line 170: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-ior^I^I^Ikeywordp^I^I^I^I^Ischar
  1057. line 171: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-nand^I^I^Ilabels^I^I^I^I^I^Isearch
  1058. line 172: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-nor^I^I^Ilambda^I^I^I^I^I^Isecond
  1059. line 173: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-orc1^I^I^Ilambda-list-keywords^I^I^I^Isequence
  1060. line 174: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-orc2^I^I^Ilambda-parameters-limit^I^I^I^Iserious-condition
  1061. line 175: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-set^I^I^Ilast^I^I^I^I^I^Iset
  1062. line 176: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboole-xor^I^I^Ilcm^I^I^I^I^I^Iset-char-bit
  1063. line 177: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboolean^I^I^I^Ildb^I^I^I^I^I^Iset-difference
  1064. line 178: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboth-case-p^I^I^Ildb-test^I^I^I^I^Iset-dispatch-macro-character
  1065. line 179: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iboundp^I^I^I^Ildiff^I^I^I^I^I^Iset-exclusive-or
  1066. line 180: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibreak^I^I^I^Ileast-negative-double-float^I^I^Iset-macro-character
  1067. line 181: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibroadcast-stream^I^Ileast-negative-long-float^I^I^Iset-pprint-dispatch
  1068. line 182: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibroadcast-stream-streams^Ileast-negative-normalized-double-float^I^Iset-syntax-from-char
  1069. line 183: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibuilt-in-class^I^I^Ileast-negative-normalized-long-float^I^Isetf
  1070. line 184: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibutlast^I^I^I^Ileast-negative-normalized-short-float^I^Isetq
  1071. line 185: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibyte^I^I^I^Ileast-negative-normalized-single-float^I^Iseventh
  1072. line 186: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibyte-position^I^I^Ileast-negative-short-float^I^I^Ishadow
  1073. line 187: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ibyte-size^I^I^Ileast-negative-single-float^I^I^Ishadowing-import
  1074. line 188: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icall-arguments-limit^I^Ileast-positive-double-float^I^I^Ishared-initialize
  1075. line 189: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icall-method^I^I^Ileast-positive-long-float^I^I^Ishiftf
  1076. line 190: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icall-next-method^I^Ileast-positive-normalized-double-float^I^Ishort-float
  1077. line 191: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icapitalize^I^I^Ileast-positive-normalized-long-float^I^Ishort-float-epsilon
  1078. line 192: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icar^I^I^I^Ileast-positive-normalized-short-float^I^Ishort-float-negative-epsilon
  1079. line 193: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icase^I^I^I^Ileast-positive-normalized-single-float^I^Ishort-site-name
  1080. line 194: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icatch^I^I^I^Ileast-positive-short-float^I^I^Isignal
  1081. line 195: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iccase^I^I^I^Ileast-positive-single-float^I^I^Isigned-byte
  1082. line 196: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icdr^I^I^I^Ilength^I^I^I^I^I^Isignum
  1083. line 197: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iceiling^I^I^I^Ilet^I^I^I^I^I^Isimple-condition
  1084. line 198: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icell-error^I^I^Ilet*^I^I^I^I^I^Isimple-array
  1085. line 199: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icell-error-name^I^I^Ilisp^I^I^I^I^I^Isimple-base-string
  1086. line 200: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icerror^I^I^I^Ilisp-implementation-type^I^I^Isimple-bit-vector
  1087. line 201: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichange-class^I^I^Ilisp-implementation-version^I^I^Isimple-bit-vector-p
  1088. line 202: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar^I^I^I^Ilist^I^I^I^I^I^Isimple-condition-format-arguments
  1089. line 203: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-bit^I^I^Ilist*^I^I^I^I^I^Isimple-condition-format-control
  1090. line 204: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-bits^I^I^Ilist-all-packages^I^I^I^Isimple-error
  1091. line 205: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-bits-limit^I^I^Ilist-length^I^I^I^I^Isimple-string
  1092. line 206: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-code^I^I^Ilisten^I^I^I^I^I^Isimple-string-p
  1093. line 207: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-code-limit^I^I^Ilistp^I^I^I^I^I^Isimple-type-error
  1094. line 208: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-control-bit^I^Iload^I^I^I^I^I^Isimple-vector
  1095. line 209: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-downcase^I^I^Iload-logical-pathname-translations^I^Isimple-vector-p
  1096. line 210: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-equal^I^I^Iload-time-value^I^I^I^I^Isimple-warning
  1097. line 211: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-font^I^I^Ilocally^I^I^I^I^I^Isin
  1098. line 212: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-font-limit^I^I^Ilog^I^I^I^I^I^Isingle-flaot-epsilon
  1099. line 213: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-greaterp^I^I^Ilogand^I^I^I^I^I^Isingle-float
  1100. line 214: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-hyper-bit^I^I^Ilogandc1^I^I^I^I^Isingle-float-epsilon
  1101. line 215: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-int^I^I^Ilogandc2^I^I^I^I^Isingle-float-negative-epsilon
  1102. line 216: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-lessp^I^I^Ilogbitp^I^I^I^I^I^Isinh
  1103. line 217: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-meta-bit^I^I^Ilogcount^I^I^I^I^Isixth
  1104. line 218: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-name^I^I^Ilogeqv^I^I^I^I^I^Isleep
  1105. line 219: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-not-equal^I^I^Ilogical-pathname^I^I^I^Islot-boundp
  1106. line 220: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-not-greaterp^I^Ilogical-pathname-translations^I^I^Islot-exists-p
  1107. line 221: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-not-lessp^I^I^Ilogior^I^I^I^I^I^Islot-makunbound
  1108. line 222: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-super-bit^I^I^Ilognand^I^I^I^I^I^Islot-missing
  1109. line 223: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar-upcase^I^I^Ilognor^I^I^I^I^I^Islot-unbound
  1110. line 224: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar/=^I^I^I^Ilognot^I^I^I^I^I^Islot-value
  1111. line 225: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar<^I^I^I^Ilogorc1^I^I^I^I^I^Isoftware-type
  1112. line 226: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar<=^I^I^I^Ilogorc2^I^I^I^I^I^Isoftware-version
  1113. line 227: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar=^I^I^I^Ilogtest^I^I^I^I^I^Isome
  1114. line 228: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar>^I^I^I^Ilogxor^I^I^I^I^I^Isort
  1115. line 229: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ichar>=^I^I^I^Ilong-float^I^I^I^I^Ispace
  1116. line 230: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icharacter^I^I^Ilong-float-epsilon^I^I^I^Ispecial
  1117. line 231: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icharacterp^I^I^Ilong-float-negative-epsilon^I^I^Ispecial-form-p
  1118. line 232: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icheck-type^I^I^Ilong-site-name^I^I^I^I^Ispecial-operator-p
  1119. line 233: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icis^I^I^I^Iloop^I^I^I^I^I^Ispeed
  1120. line 234: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iclass^I^I^I^Iloop-finish^I^I^I^I^Isqrt
  1121. line 235: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iclass-name^I^I^Ilower-case-p^I^I^I^I^Istable-sort
  1122. line 236: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iclass-of^I^I^Imachine-instance^I^I^I^Istandard
  1123. line 237: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iclear-input^I^I^Imachine-type^I^I^I^I^Istandard-char
  1124. line 238: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iclear-output^I^I^Imachine-version^I^I^I^I^Istandard-char-p
  1125. line 239: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iclose^I^I^I^Imacro-function^I^I^I^I^Istandard-class
  1126. line 240: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iclrhash^I^I^I^Imacroexpand^I^I^I^I^Istandard-generic-function
  1127. line 241: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icode-char^I^I^Imacroexpand-1^I^I^I^I^Istandard-method
  1128. line 242: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icoerce^I^I^I^Imacroexpand-l^I^I^I^I^Istandard-object
  1129. line 243: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icommonp^I^I^I^Imacrolet^I^I^I^I^Istep
  1130. line 244: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icompilation-speed^I^Imake-array^I^I^I^I^Istorage-condition
  1131. line 245: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icompile^I^I^I^Imake-array^I^I^I^I^Istore-value
  1132. line 246: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icompile-file^I^I^Imake-broadcast-stream^I^I^I^Istream
  1133. line 247: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icompile-file-pathname^I^Imake-char^I^I^I^I^Istream-element-type
  1134. line 248: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icompiled-function^I^Imake-concatenated-stream^I^I^Istream-error
  1135. line 249: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icompiled-function-p^I^Imake-condition^I^I^I^I^Istream-error-stream
  1136. line 250: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icompiler-let^I^I^Imake-dispatch-macro-character^I^I^Istream-external-format
  1137. line 251: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icompiler-macro^I^I^Imake-echo-stream^I^I^I^Istreamp
  1138. line 252: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icompiler-macro-function^Imake-hash-table^I^I^I^I^I^Istreamup
  1139. line 253: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icomplement^I^I^Imake-instance^I^I^I^I^Istring
  1140. line 254: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icomplex^I^I^I^Imake-instances-obsolete^I^I^I^Istring-capitalize
  1141. line 255: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icomplexp^I^I^Imake-list^I^I^I^I^Istring-char
  1142. line 256: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icompute-applicable-methods^Imake-load-form^I^I^I^I^Istring-char-p
  1143. line 257: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icompute-restarts^I^Imake-load-form-saving-slots^I^I^Istring-downcase
  1144. line 258: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iconcatenate^I^I^Imake-method^I^I^I^I^Istring-equal
  1145. line 259: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iconcatenated-stream^I^Imake-package^I^I^I^I^Istring-greaterp
  1146. line 260: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iconcatenated-stream-streams^Imake-pathname^I^I^I^I^Istring-left-trim
  1147. line 261: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icond^I^I^I^Imake-random-state^I^I^I^Istring-lessp
  1148. line 262: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icondition^I^I^Imake-sequence^I^I^I^I^Istring-not-equal
  1149. line 263: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iconjugate^I^I^Imake-string^I^I^I^I^Istring-not-greaterp
  1150. line 264: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icons^I^I^I^Imake-string-input-stream^I^I^Istring-not-lessp
  1151. line 265: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iconsp^I^I^I^Imake-string-output-stream^I^I^Istring-right-strim
  1152. line 266: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iconstantly^I^I^Imake-symbol^I^I^I^I^Istring-right-trim
  1153. line 267: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iconstantp^I^I^Imake-synonym-stream^I^I^I^Istring-stream
  1154. line 268: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icontinue^I^I^Imake-two-way-stream^I^I^I^Istring-trim
  1155. line 269: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icontrol-error^I^I^Imakunbound^I^I^I^I^Istring-upcase
  1156. line 270: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icopy-alist^I^I^Imap^I^I^I^I^I^Istring/=
  1157. line 271: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icopy-list^I^I^Imap-into^I^I^I^I^Istring<
  1158. line 272: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icopy-pprint-dispatch^I^Imapc^I^I^I^I^I^Istring<=
  1159. line 273: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icopy-readtable^I^I^Imapcan^I^I^I^I^I^Istring=
  1160. line 274: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icopy-seq^I^I^Imapcar^I^I^I^I^I^Istring>
  1161. line 275: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icopy-structure^I^I^Imapcon^I^I^I^I^I^Istring>=
  1162. line 276: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icopy-symbol^I^I^Imaphash^I^I^I^I^I^Istringp
  1163. line 277: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icopy-tree^I^I^Imapl^I^I^I^I^I^Istructure
  1164. line 278: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icos^I^I^I^Imaplist^I^I^I^I^I^Istructure-class
  1165. line 279: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icosh^I^I^I^Imask-field^I^I^I^I^Istructure-object
  1166. line 280: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icount^I^I^I^Imax^I^I^I^I^I^Istyle-warning
  1167. line 281: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icount-if^I^I^Imember^I^I^I^I^I^Isublim
  1168. line 282: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Icount-if-not^I^I^Imember-if^I^I^I^I^Isublis
  1169. line 283: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ictypecase^I^I^Imember-if-not^I^I^I^I^Isubseq
  1170. line 284: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idebug^I^I^I^Imerge^I^I^I^I^I^Isubsetp
  1171. line 285: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idecf^I^I^I^Imerge-pathname^I^I^I^I^Isubst
  1172. line 286: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ideclaim^I^I^I^Imerge-pathnames^I^I^I^I^Isubst-if
  1173. line 287: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ideclaration^I^I^Imethod^I^I^I^I^I^Isubst-if-not
  1174. line 288: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ideclare^I^I^I^Imethod-combination^I^I^I^Isubstitute
  1175. line 289: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idecode-float^I^I^Imethod-combination-error^I^I^Isubstitute-if
  1176. line 290: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idecode-universal-time^I^Imethod-qualifiers^I^I^I^Isubstitute-if-not
  1177. line 291: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefclass^I^I^Imin^I^I^I^I^I^Isubtypep
  1178. line 292: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefconstant^I^I^Iminusp^I^I^I^I^I^Isvref
  1179. line 293: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefgeneric^I^I^Imismatch^I^I^I^I^Isxhash
  1180. line 294: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefine-compiler-macro^I^Imod^I^I^I^I^I^Isymbol
  1181. line 295: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefine-condition^I^Imost-negative-double-float^I^I^Isymbol-function
  1182. line 296: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefine-method-combination^Imost-negative-fixnum^I^I^I^Isymbol-macrolet
  1183. line 297: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefine-modify-macro^I^Imost-negative-long-float^I^I^Isymbol-name
  1184. line 298: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefine-setf-expander^I^Imost-negative-short-float^I^I^Isymbol-package
  1185. line 299: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefine-setf-method^I^Imost-negative-single-float^I^I^Isymbol-plist
  1186. line 300: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefine-symbol-macro^I^Imost-positive-double-float^I^I^Isymbol-value
  1187. line 301: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefmacro^I^I^Imost-positive-fixnum^I^I^I^Isymbolp
  1188. line 302: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefmethod^I^I^Imost-positive-long-float^I^I^Isynonym-stream
  1189. line 303: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefpackage^I^I^Imost-positive-short-float^I^I^Isynonym-stream-symbol
  1190. line 304: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefparameter^I^I^Imost-positive-single-float^I^I^Isys
  1191. line 305: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefsetf^I^I^I^Imuffle-warning^I^I^I^I^Isystem
  1192. line 306: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefstruct^I^I^Imultiple-value-bind^I^I^I^It
  1193. line 307: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ideftype^I^I^I^Imultiple-value-call^I^I^I^Itagbody
  1194. line 308: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefun^I^I^I^Imultiple-value-list^I^I^I^Itailp
  1195. line 309: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idefvar^I^I^I^Imultiple-value-prog1^I^I^I^Itan
  1196. line 310: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idelete^I^I^I^Imultiple-value-seteq^I^I^I^Itanh
  1197. line 311: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idelete-duplicates^I^Imultiple-value-setq^I^I^I^Itenth
  1198. line 312: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idelete-file^I^I^Imultiple-values-limit^I^I^I^Iterpri
  1199. line 313: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idelete-if^I^I^Iname-char^I^I^I^I^Ithe
  1200. line 314: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idelete-if-not^I^I^Inamestring^I^I^I^I^Ithird
  1201. line 315: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idelete-package^I^I^Inbutlast^I^I^I^I^Ithrow
  1202. line 316: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idenominator^I^I^Inconc^I^I^I^I^I^Itime
  1203. line 317: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ideposit-field^I^I^Inext-method-p^I^I^I^I^Itrace
  1204. line 318: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idescribe^I^I^Inil^I^I^I^I^I^Itranslate-logical-pathname
  1205. line 319: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idescribe-object^I^I^Inintersection^I^I^I^I^Itranslate-pathname
  1206. line 320: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idestructuring-bind^I^Ininth^I^I^I^I^I^Itree-equal
  1207. line 321: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idigit-char^I^I^Ino-applicable-method^I^I^I^Itruename
  1208. line 322: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idigit-char-p^I^I^Ino-next-method^I^I^I^I^Itruncase
  1209. line 323: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idirectory^I^I^Inot^I^I^I^I^I^Itruncate
  1210. line 324: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idirectory-namestring^I^Inotany^I^I^I^I^I^Itwo-way-stream
  1211. line 325: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idisassemble^I^I^Inotevery^I^I^I^I^Itwo-way-stream-input-stream
  1212. line 326: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idivision-by-zero^I^Inotinline^I^I^I^I^Itwo-way-stream-output-stream
  1213. line 327: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ido^I^I^I^Inreconc^I^I^I^I^I^Itype
  1214. line 328: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ido*^I^I^I^Inreverse^I^I^I^I^Itype-error
  1215. line 329: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ido-all-symbols^I^I^Inset-difference^I^I^I^I^Itype-error-datum
  1216. line 330: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ido-exeternal-symbols^I^Inset-exclusive-or^I^I^I^Itype-error-expected-type
  1217. line 331: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ido-external-symbols^I^Instring^I^I^I^I^I^Itype-of
  1218. line 332: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ido-symbols^I^I^Instring-capitalize^I^I^I^Itypecase
  1219. line 333: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idocumentation^I^I^Instring-downcase^I^I^I^Itypep
  1220. line 334: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idolist^I^I^I^Instring-upcase^I^I^I^I^Iunbound-slot
  1221. line 335: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idotimes^I^I^I^Insublis^I^I^I^I^I^Iunbound-slot-instance
  1222. line 336: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idouble-float^I^I^Insubst^I^I^I^I^I^Iunbound-variable
  1223. line 337: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idouble-float-epsilon^I^Insubst-if^I^I^I^I^Iundefined-function
  1224. line 338: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idouble-float-negative-epsilon^Insubst-if-not^I^I^I^I^Iunexport
  1225. line 339: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idpb^I^I^I^Insubstitute^I^I^I^I^Iunintern
  1226. line 340: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idribble^I^I^I^Insubstitute-if^I^I^I^I^Iunion
  1227. line 341: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Idynamic-extent^I^I^Insubstitute-if-not^I^I^I^Iunless
  1228. line 342: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iecase^I^I^I^Inth^I^I^I^I^I^Iunread
  1229. line 343: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iecho-stream^I^I^Inth-value^I^I^I^I^Iunread-char
  1230. line 344: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iecho-stream-input-stream^Inthcdr^I^I^I^I^I^Iunsigned-byte
  1231. line 345: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iecho-stream-output-stream^Inull^I^I^I^I^I^Iuntrace
  1232. line 346: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ied^I^I^I^Inumber^I^I^I^I^I^Iunuse-package
  1233. line 347: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ieighth^I^I^I^Inumberp^I^I^I^I^I^Iunwind-protect
  1234. line 348: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ielt^I^I^I^Inumerator^I^I^I^I^Iupdate-instance-for-different-class
  1235. line 349: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iencode-universal-time^I^Inunion^I^I^I^I^I^Iupdate-instance-for-redefined-class
  1236. line 350: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iend-of-file^I^I^Ioddp^I^I^I^I^I^Iupgraded-array-element-type
  1237. line 351: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iendp^I^I^I^Iopen^I^I^I^I^I^Iupgraded-complex-part-type
  1238. line 352: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ienough-namestring^I^Iopen-stream-p^I^I^I^I^Iupper-case-p
  1239. line 353: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iensure-directories-exist^Ioptimize^I^I^I^I^Iuse-package
  1240. line 354: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iensure-generic-function^Ior^I^I^I^I^I^I^Iuse-value
  1241. line 355: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ieq^I^I^I^Iotherwise^I^I^I^I^Iuser
  1242. line 356: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ieql^I^I^I^Ioutput-stream-p^I^I^I^I^Iuser-homedir-pathname
  1243. line 357: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iequal^I^I^I^Ipackage^I^I^I^I^I^Ivalues
  1244. line 358: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iequalp^I^I^I^Ipackage-error^I^I^I^I^Ivalues-list
  1245. line 359: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ierror^I^I^I^Ipackage-error-package^I^I^I^Ivector
  1246. line 360: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ietypecase^I^I^Ipackage-name^I^I^I^I^Ivector-pop
  1247. line 361: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ieval^I^I^I^Ipackage-nicknames^I^I^I^Ivector-push
  1248. line 362: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ieval-when^I^I^Ipackage-shadowing-symbols^I^I^Ivector-push-extend
  1249. line 363: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ievalhook^I^I^Ipackage-use-list^I^I^I^Ivectorp
  1250. line 364: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ievenp^I^I^I^Ipackage-used-by-list^I^I^I^Iwarn
  1251. line 365: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ievery^I^I^I^Ipackagep^I^I^I^I^Iwarning
  1252. line 366: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iexp^I^I^I^Ipairlis^I^I^I^I^I^Iwhen
  1253. line 367: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iexport^I^I^I^Iparse-error^I^I^I^I^Iwild-pathname-p
  1254. line 368: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iexpt^I^I^I^Iparse-integer^I^I^I^I^Iwith-accessors
  1255. line 369: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iextended-char^I^I^Iparse-namestring^I^I^I^Iwith-compilation-unit
  1256. line 370: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifboundp^I^I^I^Ipathname^I^I^I^I^Iwith-condition-restarts
  1257. line 371: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifceiling^I^I^Ipathname-device^I^I^I^I^Iwith-hash-table-iterator
  1258. line 372: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifdefinition^I^I^Ipathname-directory^I^I^I^Iwith-input-from-string
  1259. line 373: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Iffloor^I^I^I^Ipathname-host^I^I^I^I^Iwith-open-file
  1260. line 374: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ififth^I^I^I^Ipathname-match-p^I^I^I^Iwith-open-stream
  1261. line 375: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifile-author^I^I^Ipathname-name^I^I^I^I^Iwith-output-to-string
  1262. line 376: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifile-error^I^I^Ipathname-type^I^I^I^I^Iwith-package-iterator
  1263. line 377: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifile-error-pathname^I^Ipathname-version^I^I^I^Iwith-simple-restart
  1264. line 378: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifile-length^I^I^Ipathnamep^I^I^I^I^Iwith-slots
  1265. line 379: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifile-namestring^I^I^Ipeek-char^I^I^I^I^Iwith-standard-io-syntax
  1266. line 380: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifile-position^I^I^Iphase^I^I^I^I^I^Iwrite
  1267. line 381: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifile-stream^I^I^Ipi^I^I^I^I^I^Iwrite-byte
  1268. line 382: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifile-string-length^I^Iplusp^I^I^I^I^I^Iwrite-char
  1269. line 383: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifile-write-date^I^I^Ipop^I^I^I^I^I^Iwrite-line
  1270. line 384: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifill^I^I^I^Iposition^I^I^I^I^Iwrite-sequence
  1271. line 385: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifill-pointer^I^I^Iposition-if^I^I^I^I^Iwrite-string
  1272. line 386: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifind^I^I^I^Iposition-if-not^I^I^I^I^Iwrite-to-string
  1273. line 387: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifind-all-symbols^I^Ipprint^I^I^I^I^I^Iy-or-n-p
  1274. line 388: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifind-class^I^I^Ipprint-dispatch^I^I^I^I^Iyes-or-no-p
  1275. line 389: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifind-if^I^I^I^Ipprint-exit-if-list-exhausted^I^I^Izerop
  1276. line 390: syn keyword lispFunc^I^Ifind-if-not^I^I^Ipprint-fill
  1277. line 391:
  1278. line 392: syn match lispFunc^I^I"\<c[ad]\+r\>"
  1279. line 393: if exists("g:lispsyntax_clisp")
  1280. line 394: " CLISP FFI:
  1281. line 395: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?with-c-\(place\|var\)\>"
  1282. line 396: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?with-foreign-\(object\|string\)\>"
  1283. line 397: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?default-foreign-\(language\|library\)\>"
  1284. line 398: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\([us]_\?\)\?\(element\|deref\|cast\|slot\|validp\)\>"
  1285. line 399: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?set-foreign-pointer\>"
  1286. line 400: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?allocate-\(deep\|shallow\)\>"
  1287. line 401: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?c-lines\>"
  1288. line 402: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?foreign-\(value\|free\|variable\|function\|object\)\>"
  1289. line 403: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?foreign-address\(-null\|unsigned\)\?\>"
  1290. line 404: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?undigned-foreign-address\>"
  1291. line 405: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?c-var-\(address\|object\)\>"
  1292. line 406: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?typeof\>"
  1293. line 407: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?\(bit\)\?sizeof\>"
  1294. line 408: " CLISP Macros, functions et al:
  1295. line 409: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?with-collect\>"
  1296. line 410: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?letf\*\?\>"
  1297. line 411: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?finalize\>\>"
  1298. line 412: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?memoized\>"
  1299. line 413: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?getenv\>"
  1300. line 414: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?convert-string-\(to\|from\)-bytes\>"
  1301. line 415: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?ethe\>"
  1302. line 416: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?with-gensyms\>"
  1303. line 417: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?open-http\>"
  1304. line 418: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?string-concat\>"
  1305. line 419: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?with-http-\(in\|out\)put\>"
  1306. line 420: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?with-html-output\>"
  1307. line 421: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?expand-form\>"
  1308. line 422: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?\(without-\)\?package-lock\>"
  1309. line 423: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?re-export\>"
  1310. line 424: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?saveinitmem\>"
  1311. line 425: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?\(read\|write\)-\(integer\|float\)\>"
  1312. line 426: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(ext:\)\?\(read\|write\)-\(char\|byte\)-sequence\>"
  1313. line 427: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(custom:\)\?\*system-package-list\*\>"
  1314. line 428: syn match lispFunc^I"\<\(custom:\)\?\*ansi\*\>"
  1315. line 429: endif
  1316. line 430:
  1317. line 431: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1318. line 432: " Lisp Keywords (modifiers): {{{1
  1319. line 433: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:abort^I^I^I^I:from-end^I^I^I:overwrite
  1320. line 434: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:adjustable^I^I^I:gensym^I^I^I^I:predicate
  1321. line 435: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:append^I^I^I^I:host^I^I^I^I:preserve-whitespace
  1322. line 436: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:array^I^I^I^I:if-does-not-exist^I^I:pretty
  1323. line 437: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:base^I^I^I^I:if-exists^I^I^I:print
  1324. line 438: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:case^I^I^I^I:include^I^I^I:print-function
  1325. line 439: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:circle^I^I^I^I:index^I^I^I^I:probe
  1326. line 440: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:conc-name^I^I^I:inherited^I^I^I:radix
  1327. line 441: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:constructor^I^I^I:initial-contents^I^I:read-only
  1328. line 442: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:copier^I^I^I^I:initial-element^I^I:rehash-size
  1329. line 443: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:count^I^I^I^I:initial-offset^I^I^I:rehash-threshold
  1330. line 444: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:create^I^I^I^I:initial-value^I^I^I:rename
  1331. line 445: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:default^I^I^I:input^I^I^I^I:rename-and-delete
  1332. line 446: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:defaults^I^I^I:internal^I^I^I:size
  1333. line 447: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:device^I^I^I^I:io^I^I^I^I:start
  1334. line 448: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:direction^I^I^I:junk-allowed^I^I^I:start1
  1335. line 449: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:directory^I^I^I:key^I^I^I^I:start2
  1336. line 450: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:displaced-index-offset^I^I:length^I^I^I^I:stream
  1337. line 451: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:displaced-to^I^I^I:level^I^I^I^I:supersede
  1338. line 452: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:element-type^I^I^I:name^I^I^I^I:test
  1339. line 453: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:end^I^I^I^I:named^I^I^I^I:test-not
  1340. line 454: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:end1^I^I^I^I:new-version^I^I^I:type
  1341. line 455: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:end2^I^I^I^I:nicknames^I^I^I:use
  1342. line 456: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:error^I^I^I^I:output^I^I^I^I:verbose
  1343. line 457: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:escape^I^I^I^I:output-file^I^I^I:version
  1344. line 458: syn keyword lispKey^I^I:external
  1345. line 459: " defpackage arguments
  1346. line 460: syn keyword lispKey^I:documentation^I:shadowing-import-from^I:modern^I^I:export
  1347. line 461: syn keyword lispKey^I:case-sensitive^I:case-inverted^I^I:shadow^I^I:import-from^I:intern
  1348. line 462: " lambda list keywords
  1349. line 463: syn keyword lispKey^I&allow-other-keys^I&aux^I^I&body
  1350. line 464: syn keyword lispKey^I&environment^I&key^I^I^I&optional^I&rest^I^I&whole
  1351. line 465: " make-array argument
  1352. line 466: syn keyword lispKey^I:fill-pointer
  1353. line 467: " readtable-case values
  1354. line 468: syn keyword lispKey^I:upcase^I^I:downcase^I^I:preserve^I:invert
  1355. line 469: " eval-when situations
  1356. line 470: syn keyword lispKey^I:load-toplevel^I:compile-toplevel^I:execute
  1357. line 471: " ANSI Extended LOOP:
  1358. line 472: syn keyword lispKey^I:while :until :for :do :if :then :else :when :unless :in
  1359. line 473: syn keyword lispKey^I:across :finally :collect :nconc :maximize :minimize :sum
  1360. line 474: syn keyword lispKey^I:and :with :initially :append :into :count :end :repeat
  1361. line 475: syn keyword lispKey^I:always :never :thereis :from :to :upto :downto :below
  1362. line 476: syn keyword lispKey^I:above :by :on :being :each :the :hash-key :hash-keys
  1363. line 477: syn keyword lispKey^I:hash-value :hash-values :using :of-type :upfrom :downfrom
  1364. line 478: if exists("g:lispsyntax_clisp")
  1365. line 479: " CLISP FFI:
  1366. line 480: syn keyword lispKey^I:arguments :return-type :library :full :malloc-free
  1367. line 481: syn keyword lispKey^I:none :alloca :in :out :in-out :stdc-stdcall :stdc :c
  1368. line 482: syn keyword lispKey^I:language :built-in :typedef :external
  1369. line 483: syn keyword lispKey^I:fini :init-once :init-always
  1370. line 484: endif
  1371. line 485:
  1372. line 486: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1373. line 487: " Standard Lisp Variables: {{{1
  1374. line 488: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*applyhook*^I^I^I*load-pathname*^I^I^I*print-pprint-dispatch*
  1375. line 489: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*break-on-signals*^I^I*load-print*^I^I^I*print-pprint-dispatch*
  1376. line 490: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*break-on-signals*^I^I*load-truename*^I^I^I*print-pretty*
  1377. line 491: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*break-on-warnings*^I^I*load-verbose*^I^I^I*print-radix*
  1378. line 492: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*compile-file-pathname*^I^I*macroexpand-hook*^I^I*print-readably*
  1379. line 493: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*compile-file-pathname*^I^I*modules*^I^I^I*print-right-margin*
  1380. line 494: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*compile-file-truename*^I^I*package*^I^I^I*print-right-margin*
  1381. line 495: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*compile-file-truename*^I^I*print-array*^I^I^I*query-io*
  1382. line 496: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*compile-print*^I^I^I*print-base*^I^I^I*random-state*
  1383. line 497: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*compile-verbose*^I^I*print-case*^I^I^I*read-base*
  1384. line 498: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*compile-verbose*^I^I*print-circle*^I^I^I*read-default-float-format*
  1385. line 499: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*debug-io*^I^I^I*print-escape*^I^I^I*read-eval*
  1386. line 500: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*debugger-hook*^I^I^I*print-gensym*^I^I^I*read-suppress*
  1387. line 501: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*default-pathname-defaults*^I*print-length*^I^I^I*readtable*
  1388. line 502: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*error-output*^I^I^I*print-level*^I^I^I*standard-input*
  1389. line 503: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*evalhook*^I^I^I*print-lines*^I^I^I*standard-output*
  1390. line 504: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*features*^I^I^I*print-miser-width*^I^I*terminal-io*
  1391. line 505: syn keyword lispVar^I^I*gensym-counter*^I^I*print-miser-width*^I^I*trace-output*
  1392. line 506:
  1393. line 507: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1394. line 508: " Strings: {{{1
  1395. line 509: syn region^I^I^IlispString^I^I^Istart=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+^Icontains=@Spell
  1396. line 510: if exists("g:lisp_instring")
  1397. line 511: syn region^I^I^IlispInString^I^I^Ikeepend matchgroup=Delimiter start=+"(+rs=s+1 skip=+|.\{-}|+ matchgroup=Delimiter end=+)"+ contains=@lispBaseListCluster,lispInStringString
  1398. line 512: syn region^I^I^IlispInStringString^I^Istart=+\\"+ skip=+\\\\+ end=+\\"+ contained
  1399. line 513: endif
  1400. line 514:
  1401. line 515: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1402. line 516: " Shared with Xlisp, Declarations, Macros, Functions: {{{1
  1403. line 517: syn keyword lispDecl^I^Idefmacro^I^I^Ido-all-symbols^I^Ilabels
  1404. line 518: syn keyword lispDecl^I^Idefsetf^I^I^I^Ido-external-symbols^Ilet
  1405. line 519: syn keyword lispDecl^I^Ideftype^I^I^I^Ido-symbols^I^Ilocally
  1406. line 520: syn keyword lispDecl^I^Idefun^I^I^I^Idotimes^I^I^Imacrolet
  1407. line 521: syn keyword lispDecl^I^Ido*^I^I^I^Iflet^I^I^Imultiple-value-bind
  1408. line 522: if exists("g:lispsyntax_clisp")
  1409. line 523: " CLISP FFI:
  1410. line 524: syn match lispDecl^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?def-c-\(var\|const\|enum\|type\|struct\)\>"
  1411. line 525: syn match lispDecl^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?def-call-\(out\|in\)\>"
  1412. line 526: syn match lispDecl^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?c-\(function\|struct\|pointer\|string\)\>"
  1413. line 527: syn match lispDecl^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?c-ptr\(-null\)\?\>"
  1414. line 528: syn match lispDecl^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?c-array\(-ptr\|-max\)\?\>"
  1415. line 529: syn match lispDecl^I"\<\(ffi:\)\?[us]\?\(char\|short\|int\|long\)\>"
  1416. line 530: syn match lispDecl^I"\<\(win32:\|w32\)\?d\?word\>"
  1417. line 531: syn match lispDecl^I"\<\([us]_\?\)\?int\(8\|16\|32\|64\)\(_t\)\?\>"
  1418. line 532: syn keyword lispDecl^Isize_t off_t time_t handle
  1419. line 533: endif
  1420. line 534:
  1421. line 535: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1422. line 536: " Numbers: supporting integers and floating point numbers {{{1
  1423. line 537: syn match lispNumber^I^I"-\=\(\.\d\+\|\d\+\(\.\d*\)\=\)\([dDeEfFlL][-+]\=\d\+\)\="
  1424. line 538: syn match lispNumber^I^I"-\=\(\d\+/\d\+\)"
  1425. line 539:
  1426. line 540: syn match lispEscapeSpecial^I^I"\*\w[a-z_0-9-]*\*"
  1427. line 541: syn match lispEscapeSpecial^I^I!#|[^()'`,"; \t]\+|#!
  1428. line 542: syn match lispEscapeSpecial^I^I!#x\x\+!
  1429. line 543: syn match lispEscapeSpecial^I^I!#o\o\+!
  1430. line 544: syn match lispEscapeSpecial^I^I!#b[01]\+!
  1431. line 545: syn match lispEscapeSpecial^I^I!#\\[ -}\~]!
  1432. line 546: syn match lispEscapeSpecial^I^I!#[':][^()'`,"; \t]\+!
  1433. line 547: syn match lispEscapeSpecial^I^I!#([^()'`,"; \t]\+)!
  1434. line 548: syn match lispEscapeSpecial^I^I!#\\\%(Space\|Newline\|Tab\|Page\|Rubout\|Linefeed\|Return\|Backspace\)!
  1435. line 549: syn match lispEscapeSpecial^I^I"\<+[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9-]*+\>"
  1436. line 550:
  1437. line 551: syn match lispConcat^I^I"\s\.\s"
  1438. line 552: syn match lispParenError^I")"
  1439. line 553:
  1440. line 554: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1441. line 555: " Comments: {{{1
  1442. line 556: syn cluster lispCommentGroup^Icontains=lispTodo,@Spell
  1443. line 557: syn match lispComment^I^I";.*$"^I^I^I^Icontains=@lispCommentGroup
  1444. line 558: syn region lispCommentRegion^Istart="#|" end="|#"^I^Icontains=lispCommentRegion,@lispCommentGroup
  1445. line 559: syn keyword lispTodo^I^Icontained^I^I^Icombak^I^I^Icombak:^I^I^Itodo^I^I^Itodo:
  1446. line 560:
  1447. line 561: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1448. line 562: " Synchronization: {{{1
  1449. line 563: syn sync lines=100
  1450. line 564:
  1451. line 565: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1452. line 566: " Define Highlighting: {{{1
  1453. line 567: " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
  1454. line 568: " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
  1455. line 569: if version >= 508
  1456. line 570: command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
  1457. line 571:
  1458. line 572: HiLink lispCommentRegion^IlispComment
  1459. line 572: hi def link lispCommentRegion^IlispComment
  1460. line 573: HiLink lispAtomNmbr^I^IlispNumber
  1461. line 573: hi def link lispAtomNmbr^I^IlispNumber
  1462. line 574: HiLink lispAtomMark^I^IlispMark
  1463. line 574: hi def link lispAtomMark^I^IlispMark
  1464. line 575: HiLink lispInStringString^IlispString
  1465. line 575: hi def link lispInStringString^IlispString
  1466. line 576:
  1467. line 577: HiLink lispAtom^I^IIdentifier
  1468. line 577: hi def link lispAtom^I^IIdentifier
  1469. line 578: HiLink lispAtomBarSymbol^ISpecial
  1470. line 578: hi def link lispAtomBarSymbol^ISpecial
  1471. line 579: HiLink lispBarSymbol^I^ISpecial
  1472. line 579: hi def link lispBarSymbol^I^ISpecial
  1473. line 580: HiLink lispComment^I^IComment
  1474. line 580: hi def link lispComment^I^IComment
  1475. line 581: HiLink lispConcat^I^IStatement
  1476. line 581: hi def link lispConcat^I^IStatement
  1477. line 582: HiLink lispDecl^I^IStatement
  1478. line 582: hi def link lispDecl^I^IStatement
  1479. line 583: HiLink lispFunc^I^IStatement
  1480. line 583: hi def link lispFunc^I^IStatement
  1481. line 584: HiLink lispKey^I^IType
  1482. line 584: hi def link lispKey^I^IType
  1483. line 585: HiLink lispMark^I^IDelimiter
  1484. line 585: hi def link lispMark^I^IDelimiter
  1485. line 586: HiLink lispNumber^I^INumber
  1486. line 586: hi def link lispNumber^I^INumber
  1487. line 587: HiLink lispParenError^I^IError
  1488. line 587: hi def link lispParenError^I^IError
  1489. line 588: HiLink lispEscapeSpecial^IType
  1490. line 588: hi def link lispEscapeSpecial^IType
  1491. line 589: HiLink lispString^I^IString
  1492. line 589: hi def link lispString^I^IString
  1493. line 590: HiLink lispTodo^I^ITodo
  1494. line 590: hi def link lispTodo^I^ITodo
  1495. line 591: HiLink lispVar^I^IStatement
  1496. line 591: hi def link lispVar^I^IStatement
  1497. line 592:
  1498. line 593: if exists("g:lisp_rainbow") && g:lisp_rainbow != 0
  1499. line 594: if &bg == "dark"
  1500. line 595: hi def hlLevel0 ctermfg=red guifg=red1
  1501. line 596: hi def hlLevel1 ctermfg=yellow guifg=orange1
  1502. line 597: hi def hlLevel2 ctermfg=green guifg=yellow1
  1503. line 598: hi def hlLevel3 ctermfg=cyan guifg=greenyellow
  1504. line 599: hi def hlLevel4 ctermfg=magenta guifg=green1
  1505. line 600: hi def hlLevel5 ctermfg=red guifg=springgreen1
  1506. line 601: hi def hlLevel6 ctermfg=yellow guifg=cyan1
  1507. line 602: hi def hlLevel7 ctermfg=green guifg=slateblue1
  1508. line 603: hi def hlLevel8 ctermfg=cyan guifg=magenta1
  1509. line 604: hi def hlLevel9 ctermfg=magenta guifg=purple1
  1510. line 605: else
  1511. line 606: hi def hlLevel0 ctermfg=red guifg=red3
  1512. line 607: hi def hlLevel1 ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=orangered3
  1513. line 608: hi def hlLevel2 ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=orange2
  1514. line 609: hi def hlLevel3 ctermfg=blue guifg=yellow3
  1515. line 610: hi def hlLevel4 ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=olivedrab4
  1516. line 611: hi def hlLevel5 ctermfg=red guifg=green4
  1517. line 612: hi def hlLevel6 ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=paleturquoise3
  1518. line 613: hi def hlLevel7 ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=deepskyblue4
  1519. line 614: hi def hlLevel8 ctermfg=blue guifg=darkslateblue
  1520. line 615: hi def hlLevel9 ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkviolet
  1521. line 616: endif
  1522. line 617: endif
  1523. line 618:
  1524. line 619: delcommand HiLink
  1525. line 620: endif
  1526. line 621:
  1527. line 622: let b:current_syntax = "lisp"
  1528. line 623:
  1529. line 624: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1530. line 625: " vim: ts=8 nowrap fdm=marker
  1531. finished sourcing /Applications/
  1532. continuing in function <SNR>19_SynSet
  1533. Searching for "/Applications/*.vim"
  1534. Searching for "/Applications/"
  1535. Searching for "/Applications/*.vim"
  1536. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/after/syntax/lisp.vim"
  1537. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/after/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  1538. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/after/syntax/lisp.vim"
  1539. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/after/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  1540. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/after/syntax/lisp.vim"
  1541. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/after/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  1542. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/after/syntax/lisp.vim"
  1543. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/after/syntax/lisp/*.vim"
  1544. line 23: endfor
  1545. line 21: for name in split(s, '\.')
  1546. line 22: exe "runtime! syntax/" . name . ".vim syntax/" . name . "/*.vim"
  1547. line 23: endfor
  1548. line 24: endif
  1549. function <SNR>19_SynSet returning #0
  1551. continuing in Syntax Auto commands for "*"
  1553. Executing BufNewFile Auto commands for "*"
  1554. autocommand if !did_filetype() && expand("<amatch>") !~ g:ft_ignore_pat | runtime! scripts.vim | endif
  1556. line 0: if !did_filetype() && expand("<amatch>") !~ g:ft_ignore_pat | runtime! scripts.vim | endif
  1557. line 0: runtime! scripts.vim | endif
  1558. line 0: endif
  1559. Executing BufNewFile Auto commands for "*"
  1560. autocommand if !did_filetype() && expand("<amatch>") !~ g:ft_ignore_pat && (getline(1) =~ '^#' || getline(2) =~ '^#' || getline(3) =~ '^#'^I|| getline(4) =~ '^#' || getline(5) =~ '^#') | setf conf | endif
  1562. line 0: if !did_filetype() && expand("<amatch>") !~ g:ft_ignore_pat && (getline(1) =~ '^#' || getline(2) =~ '^#' || getline(3) =~ '^#'^I|| getline(4) =~ '^#' || getline(5) =~ '^#') | setf conf | endif
  1563. line 0: setf conf | endif
  1564. line 0: endif
  1565. Executing BufNewFile Auto commands for "*.lisp"
  1566. autocommand call PareditInitBuffer()
  1568. line 0: call PareditInitBuffer()
  1569. calling function PareditInitBuffer()
  1571. line 1: " Make sure to include special characters in 'iskeyword'
  1572. line 2: " in case they are accidentally removed
  1573. line 3: " Also define regular expressions to identify special characters used by paredit
  1574. line 4: if &ft == 'clojure'
  1575. line 5: setlocal iskeyword+=+,-,*,/,%,<,=,>,:,$,?,!,@-@,94,~,#,\|,&
  1576. line 6: let b:any_matched_char = '(\|)\|\[\|\]\|{\|}\|\"'
  1577. line 7: let b:any_matched_pair = '()\|\[\]\|{}\|\"\"'
  1578. line 8: let b:any_opening_char = '(\|\[\|{'
  1579. line 9: let b:any_closing_char = ')\|\]\|}'
  1580. line 10: let b:any_openclose_char = '(\|)\|\[\|\]\|{\|}'
  1581. line 11: let b:any_wsopen_char = '\s\|(\|\[\|{'
  1582. line 12: let b:any_wsclose_char = '\s\|)\|\]\|}'
  1583. line 13: else
  1584. line 14: setlocal iskeyword+=+,-,*,/,%,<,=,>,:,$,?,!,@-@,94,~,#,\|,&,{,},[,]
  1585. line 15: let b:any_matched_char = '(\|)\|\"'
  1586. line 16: let b:any_matched_pair = '()\|\"\"'
  1587. line 17: let b:any_opening_char = '('
  1588. line 18: let b:any_closing_char = ')'
  1589. line 19: let b:any_openclose_char = '(\|)'
  1590. line 20: let b:any_wsopen_char = '\s\|('
  1591. line 21: let b:any_wsclose_char = '\s\|)'
  1592. line 22: endif
  1593. line 23:
  1594. line 24: if g:paredit_mode
  1595. line 25: " Paredit mode is on: add buffer specific keybindings
  1596. line 26: inoremap <buffer> <expr> ( PareditInsertOpening('(',')')
  1597. line 27: inoremap <buffer> <expr> ) PareditInsertClosing('(',')')
  1598. line 28: inoremap <buffer> <expr> " PareditInsertQuotes()
  1599. line 29: inoremap <buffer> <expr> <BS> PareditBackspace(0)
  1600. line 30: inoremap <buffer> <expr> <Del> PareditDel()
  1601. line 31: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ( :<C-U>call PareditFindOpening('(',')',0)<CR>
  1602. line 32: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ) :<C-U>call PareditFindClosing('(',')',0)<CR>
  1603. line 33: vnoremap <buffer> <silent> ( <Esc>:<C-U>call PareditFindOpening('(',')',1)<CR>
  1604. line 34: vnoremap <buffer> <silent> ) <Esc>:<C-U>call PareditFindClosing('(',')',1)<CR>
  1605. line 35: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> [[ :<C-U>call PareditFindDefunBck()<CR>
  1606. line 36: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]] :<C-U>call PareditFindDefunFwd()<CR>
  1607. line 37: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> x :<C-U>call PareditEraseFwd()<CR>
  1608. line 38: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Del> :<C-U>call PareditEraseFwd()<CR>
  1609. line 39: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> X :<C-U>call PareditEraseBck()<CR>
  1610. line 40: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> s :<C-U>call PareditEraseFwd()<CR>i
  1611. line 41: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> D v$:<C-U>call PareditDelete(visualmode(),1)<CR>
  1612. line 42: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> C v$:<C-U>call PareditChange(visualmode(),1)<CR>
  1613. line 43: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> d :<C-U>call PareditSetDelete(v:count)<CR>g@
  1614. line 44: vnoremap <buffer> <silent> d :<C-U>call PareditDelete(visualmode(),1)<CR>
  1615. line 45: vnoremap <buffer> <silent> x :<C-U>call PareditDelete(visualmode(),1)<CR>
  1616. line 46: vnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Del> :<C-U>call PareditDelete(visualmode(),1)<CR>
  1617. line 47: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> c :set opfunc=PareditChange<CR>g@
  1618. line 48: vnoremap <buffer> <silent> c :<C-U>call PareditChange(visualmode(),1)<CR>
  1619. line 49: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> dd :<C-U>call PareditDeleteLines()<CR>
  1620. line 50: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> cc :<C-U>call PareditChangeLines()<CR>
  1621. line 51: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> p :<C-U>call PareditPut('p')<CR>
  1622. line 52: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> P :<C-U>call PareditPut('P')<CR>
  1623. line 53: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'w( :<C-U>call PareditWrap("(",")")<CR>'
  1624. line 53: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,w( :<C-U>call PareditWrap("(",")")<CR>
  1625. line 54: execute 'vnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'w( :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection("(",")")<CR>'
  1626. line 54: vnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,w( :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection("(",")")<CR>
  1627. line 55: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'w" :<C-U>call PareditWrap('."'".'"'."','".'"'."')<CR>"
  1628. line 55: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,w" :<C-U>call PareditWrap('"','"')<CR>
  1629. line 56: execute 'vnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'w" :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection('."'".'"'."','".'"'."')<CR>"
  1630. line 56: vnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,w" :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection('"','"')<CR>
  1631. line 57: if &ft == 'clojure'
  1632. line 58: inoremap <buffer> <expr> [ PareditInsertOpening('[',']')
  1633. line 59: inoremap <buffer> <expr> ] PareditInsertClosing('[',']')
  1634. line 60: inoremap <buffer> <expr> { PareditInsertOpening('{','}')
  1635. line 61: inoremap <buffer> <expr> } PareditInsertClosing('{','}')
  1636. line 62: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'w[ :<C-U>call PareditWrap("[","]")<CR>'
  1637. line 63: execute 'vnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'w[ :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection("[","]")<CR>'
  1638. line 64: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'w{ :<C-U>call PareditWrap("{","}")<CR>'
  1639. line 65: execute 'vnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'w{ :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection("{","}")<CR>'
  1640. line 66: endif
  1641. line 67:
  1642. line 68: if g:paredit_shortmaps
  1643. line 69: " Shorter keymaps: old functionality of KEY is remapped to <Leader>KEY
  1644. line 70: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> < :<C-U>call PareditMoveLeft()<CR>
  1645. line 71: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> > :<C-U>call PareditMoveRight()<CR>
  1646. line 72: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> O :<C-U>call PareditSplit()<CR>
  1647. line 73: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> J :<C-U>call PareditJoin()<CR>
  1648. line 74: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> W :<C-U>call PareditWrap('(',')')<CR>
  1649. line 75: vnoremap <buffer> <silent> W :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection('(',')')<CR>
  1650. line 76: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> S :<C-U>call PareditSplice()<CR>
  1651. line 77: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'< :<C-U>normal! <<CR>'
  1652. line 78: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'> :<C-U>normal! ><CR>'
  1653. line 79: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'O :<C-U>normal! O<CR>'
  1654. line 80: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'J :<C-U>normal! J<CR>'
  1655. line 81: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'W :<C-U>normal! W<CR>'
  1656. line 82: execute 'vnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'W :<C-U>normal! W<CR>'
  1657. line 83: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'S :<C-U>normal! S<CR>'
  1658. line 84: else
  1659. line 85: " Longer keymaps with <Leader> prefix
  1660. line 86: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> S V:<C-U>call PareditChange(visualmode(),1)<CR>
  1661. line 87: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'< :<C-U>call PareditMoveLeft()<CR>'
  1662. line 87: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,< :<C-U>call PareditMoveLeft()<CR>
  1663. line 88: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'> :<C-U>call PareditMoveRight()<CR>'
  1664. line 88: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,> :<C-U>call PareditMoveRight()<CR>
  1665. line 89: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'O :<C-U>call PareditSplit()<CR>'
  1666. line 89: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,O :<C-U>call PareditSplit()<CR>
  1667. line 90: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'J :<C-U>call PareditJoin()<CR>'
  1668. line 90: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,J :<C-U>call PareditJoin()<CR>
  1669. line 91: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'W :<C-U>call PareditWrap("(",")")<CR>'
  1670. line 91: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,W :<C-U>call PareditWrap("(",")")<CR>
  1671. line 92: execute 'vnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'W :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection("(",")")<CR>'
  1672. line 92: vnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,W :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection("(",")")<CR>
  1673. line 93: execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:paredit_leader.'S :<C-U>call PareditSplice()<CR>'
  1674. line 93: nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,S :<C-U>call PareditSplice()<CR>
  1675. line 94: endif
  1676. line 95: else
  1677. line 96: " Paredit mode is off: remove keybindings
  1678. line 97: silent! iunmap <buffer> (
  1679. line 98: silent! iunmap <buffer> )
  1680. line 99: silent! iunmap <buffer> "
  1681. line 100: silent! iunmap <buffer> <BS>
  1682. line 101: silent! iunmap <buffer> <Del>
  1683. line 102: silent! unmap <buffer> (
  1684. line 103: silent! unmap <buffer> )
  1685. line 104: silent! unmap <buffer> [[
  1686. line 105: silent! unmap <buffer> ]]
  1687. line 106: silent! unmap <buffer> x
  1688. line 107: silent! unmap <buffer> <Del>
  1689. line 108: silent! unmap <buffer> X
  1690. line 109: silent! unmap <buffer> s
  1691. line 110: silent! unmap <buffer> D
  1692. line 111: silent! unmap <buffer> C
  1693. line 112: silent! unmap <buffer> d
  1694. line 113: silent! unmap <buffer> c
  1695. line 114: silent! unmap <buffer> dd
  1696. line 115: silent! unmap <buffer> cc
  1697. line 116: if &ft == 'clojure'
  1698. line 117: silent! iunmap <buffer> [
  1699. line 118: silent! iunmap <buffer> ]
  1700. line 119: silent! iunmap <buffer> {
  1701. line 120: silent! iunmap <buffer> }
  1702. line 121: endif
  1703. line 122: endif
  1704. function PareditInitBuffer returning #0
  1706. continuing in BufNewFile Auto commands for "*.lisp"
  1708. Executing BufEnter Auto commands for "*"
  1709. autocommand call s:checkForBrowse(expand("<amatch>"))
  1711. line 0: call s:checkForBrowse(expand("<amatch>"))
  1712. calling function <SNR>38_checkForBrowse('/Users/sjl/src/lol/Slimv.REPL.lisp')
  1714. line 1: if a:dir != '' && isdirectory(a:dir)
  1715. line 2: call s:initNerdTreeInPlace(a:dir)
  1716. line 3: endif
  1717. function <SNR>38_checkForBrowse returning #0
  1719. continuing in BufEnter Auto commands for "*"
  1721. line 16: unlet! b:keymap_name
  1722. line 17: else
  1723. line 18: execute "silent view! " . a:filename
  1724. line 19: endif
  1725. line 20: endif
  1726. line 21: stopinsert
  1727. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..SlimvOpenBuffer..<SNR>70_SplitView returning #0
  1729. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..SlimvOpenBuffer
  1731. line 5: else
  1732. line 6: if g:slimv_repl_split
  1733. line 7: " Buffer is already created. Check if it is open in a window
  1734. line 8: let win = bufwinnr( buf )
  1735. line 9: if win == -1
  1736. line 10: " Create windows
  1737. line 11: call s:SplitView( a:name )
  1738. line 12: else
  1739. line 13: " Switch to the buffer's window
  1740. line 14: if winnr() != win
  1741. line 15: execute win . "wincmd w"
  1742. line 16: endif
  1743. line 17: endif
  1744. line 18: else
  1745. line 19: execute "buffer " . buf
  1746. line 20: stopinsert
  1747. line 21: endif
  1748. line 22: endif
  1749. line 23: setlocal buftype=nofile
  1750. line 24: setlocal noswapfile
  1751. line 25: setlocal noreadonly
  1752. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..SlimvOpenBuffer returning #0
  1754. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer
  1756. line 2: if !g:slimv_repl_syntax
  1757. line 3: set syntax=
  1758. line 4: endif
  1759. line 5:
  1760. line 6: " Add keybindings valid only for the REPL buffer
  1761. line 7: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <C-R>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>CR>" : "\<lt>End>\<lt>C-O>:call SlimvSendCommand(0)\<lt>CR>"<CR>
  1762. line 8: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-CR> <End><C-O>:call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>
  1763. line 9: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Up> <C-R>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>Up>" : "\<lt>C-O>:call SlimvHandleUp()\<lt>CR>"<CR>
  1764. line 10: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Down> <C-R>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>Down>" : "\<lt>C-O>:call SlimvHandleDown()\<lt>CR>"<CR>
  1765. line 11: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-C> <C-O>:call SlimvInterrupt()<CR>
  1766. line 12:
  1767. line 13: if exists( 'g:paredit_loaded' )
  1768. line 14: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> <BS> PareditBackspace(1)
  1769. line 15: else
  1770. line 16: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> <BS> SlimvHandleBS()
  1771. line 17: endif
  1772. line 18:
  1773. line 19: if g:slimv_keybindings == 1
  1774. line 20: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'. :call SlimvSendCommand(0)<CR>'
  1775. line 21: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'/ :call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>'
  1776. line 22: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'<Up> :call SlimvPreviousCommand()<CR>'
  1777. line 23: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'<Down> :call SlimvNextCommand()<CR>'
  1778. line 24: elseif g:slimv_keybindings == 2
  1779. line 25: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'rs :call SlimvSendCommand(0)<CR>'
  1780. line 25: noremap <buffer> <silent> \rs :call SlimvSendCommand(0)<CR>
  1781. line 26: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'ro :call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>'
  1782. line 26: noremap <buffer> <silent> \ro :call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>
  1783. line 27: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'rp :call SlimvPreviousCommand()<CR>'
  1784. line 27: noremap <buffer> <silent> \rp :call SlimvPreviousCommand()<CR>
  1785. line 28: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'rn :call SlimvNextCommand()<CR>'
  1786. line 28: noremap <buffer> <silent> \rn :call SlimvNextCommand()<CR>
  1787. line 29: endif
  1788. line 30:
  1789. line 31: if g:slimv_repl_wrap
  1790. line 32: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Home> <C-O>g<Home>
  1791. line 33: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <End> <C-O>:call <SID>EndOfScreenLine()<CR>
  1792. line 34: noremap <buffer> <silent> <Up> gk
  1793. line 35: noremap <buffer> <silent> <Down> gj
  1794. line 36: noremap <buffer> <silent> <Home> g<Home>
  1795. line 37: noremap <buffer> <silent> <End> :call <SID>EndOfScreenLine()<CR>
  1796. line 38: noremap <buffer> <silent> k gk
  1797. line 39: noremap <buffer> <silent> j gj
  1798. line 40: noremap <buffer> <silent> 0 g0
  1799. line 41: noremap <buffer> <silent> $ :call <SID>EndOfScreenLine()<CR>
  1800. line 42: set wrap
  1801. line 43: endif
  1802. line 44:
  1803. line 45: hi SlimvNormal term=none cterm=none gui=none
  1804. line 46: hi SlimvCursor term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
  1805. line 47:
  1806. line 48: " Add autocommands specific to the REPL buffer
  1807. line 49: execute "au FileChangedShell " . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()"
  1808. line 49: au FileChangedShell Slimv.REPL.lisp :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
  1809. line 50: execute "au FocusGained " . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()"
  1810. line 50: au FocusGained Slimv.REPL.lisp :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
  1811. line 51: execute "au BufEnter " . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvReplEnter()"
  1812. line 51: au BufEnter Slimv.REPL.lisp :call SlimvReplEnter()
  1813. line 52: execute "au BufLeave " . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvReplLeave()"
  1814. line 52: au BufLeave Slimv.REPL.lisp :call SlimvReplLeave()
  1815. line 53:
  1816. line 54: filetype on
  1817. Searching for "filetype.vim" in "/Users/sjl/.vim,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/
  1818. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/filetype.vim"
  1819. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack/filetype.vim"
  1820. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom/filetype.vim"
  1821. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t/filetype.vim"
  1822. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif/filetype.vim"
  1823. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom/filetype.vim"
  1824. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit/filetype.vim"
  1825. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion/filetype.vim"
  1826. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo/filetype.vim"
  1827. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer/filetype.vim"
  1828. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5/filetype.vim"
  1829. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object/filetype.vim"
  1830. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom/filetype.vim"
  1831. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff/filetype.vim"
  1832. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown/filetype.vim"
  1833. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/filetype.vim"
  1834. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler/filetype.vim"
  1835. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen/filetype.vim"
  1836. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet/filetype.vim"
  1837. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc/filetype.vim"
  1838. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow/filetype.vim"
  1839. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/filetype.vim"
  1840. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/filetype.vim"
  1841. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup/filetype.vim"
  1842. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit/filetype.vim"
  1843. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab/filetype.vim"
  1844. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround/filetype.vim"
  1845. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome/filetype.vim"
  1846. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/filetype.vim"
  1847. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/filetype.vim"
  1848. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/filetype.vim"
  1849. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/filetype.vim"
  1850. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-makegreen/filetype.vim"
  1851. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-orgmode/filetype.vim"
  1852. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-speeddating/filetype.vim"
  1853. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/yankring/filetype.vim"
  1854. Searching for "/Applications/"
  1855. Searching for "/Applications/"
  1856. chdir(/Applications/
  1857. fchdir() to previous dir
  1858. line 54: sourcing "/Applications/"
  1859. line 1: " Vim support file to detect file types
  1860. line 2: "
  1861. line 3: " Maintainer:^IBram Moolenaar <>
  1862. line 4: " Last Change:^I2011 Sep 07
  1863. line 5:
  1864. line 6: " Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
  1865. line 7: if exists("did_load_filetypes")
  1866. line 8: finish
  1867. finished sourcing /Applications/
  1868. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer
  1869. Searching for "/Applications/"
  1870. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/after/filetype.vim"
  1871. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/after/filetype.vim"
  1872. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/after/filetype.vim"
  1873. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/after/filetype.vim"
  1874. line 55: redraw
  1875. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..GetLispFold()
  1877. line 1: if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defun.*\s'
  1878. line 2: return ">1"
  1879. line 3: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defmacro.*\s'
  1880. line 4: return ">1"
  1881. line 5: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defparameter.*\s'
  1882. line 6: return ">1"
  1883. line 7: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*$'
  1884. line 8: let my_lispnum = v:lnum
  1885. line 9: let my_lispmax = line("$")
  1886. line 10:
  1887. line 11: while (1)
  1888. line 12: let my_lispnum = my_lispnum + 1
  1889. line 13: if my_lispnum > my_lispmax
  1890. line 14: return "<1"
  1891. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..GetLispFold returning '<1'
  1893. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer
  1895. line 56: let s:last_size = 0
  1896. line 57:
  1897. line 58: call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
  1898. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
  1900. line 1: if s:refresh_disabled
  1901. line 2: " Refresh is unwanted at the moment, probably another refresh is going on
  1902. line 3: return
  1903. line 4: endif
  1904. line 5:
  1905. line 6: let repl_buf = bufnr( g:slimv_repl_file )
  1906. line 7: if repl_buf == -1
  1907. line 8: " REPL buffer not loaded
  1908. line 9: return
  1909. line 10: endif
  1910. line 11: let repl_win = bufwinnr( repl_buf )
  1911. line 12: let this_win = winnr()
  1912. line 13:
  1913. line 14: if s:swank_connected
  1914. line 15: call SlimvSwankResponse()
  1915. line 16: endif
  1916. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..SlimvRefreshReplBuffer returning #0
  1918. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer
  1920. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvOpenReplBuffer returning #0
  1922. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer
  1924. line 5: endif
  1925. line 6: if s:swank_connected
  1926. line 7: python swank_disconnect()
  1927. line 8: let s:swank_connected = 0
  1928. line 9: endif
  1929. line 10: call SlimvConnectSwank()
  1930. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank()
  1932. line 1: if !s:python_initialized
  1933. line 2: if ! has('python')
  1934. line 3: call SlimvErrorWait( 'Vim is compiled without the Python feature. Unable to run SWANK client.' )
  1935. line 4: return 0
  1936. line 5: endif
  1937. line 6: if g:slimv_windows || g:slimv_cygwin
  1938. line 7: " Verify that Vim is compiled with Python and Python is properly installed
  1939. line 8: let v = ''
  1940. line 9: redir => v
  1941. line 10: silent ver
  1942. line 11: redir END
  1943. line 12: let pydll = matchstr( v, '\cpython..\.dll' )
  1944. line 13: if ! executable( pydll )
  1945. line 14: call SlimvErrorWait( pydll . ' not found. Unable to run SWANK client.' )
  1946. line 15: return 0
  1947. line 16: endif
  1948. line 17: endif
  1949. line 18: python import vim
  1950. line 19: execute 'pyfile ' . g:swank_path
  1951. line 19: pyfile /Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/
  1952. line 20: let s:python_initialized = 1
  1953. line 21: endif
  1954. line 22:
  1955. line 23: if !s:swank_connected
  1956. line 24: let s:swank_version = ''
  1957. line 25: let s:lisp_version = ''
  1958. line 26: if g:swank_host == ''
  1959. line 27: let g:swank_host = input( 'Swank server host name: ', 'localhost' )
  1960. line 28: endif
  1961. line 29: execute 'python swank_connect("' . g:swank_host . '", ' . g:swank_port . ', "result" )'
  1962. line 29: python swank_connect("localhost", 4005, "result" )
  1963. line 29: let result="SWANK server is not running."
  1964. line 30: if result != '' && ( g:swank_host == 'localhost' || g:swank_host == '' )
  1965. line 31: " SWANK server is not running, start server if possible
  1966. line 32: let swank = SlimvSwankCommand()
  1967. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand()
  1969. line 1: if exists( 'g:slimv_swank_clojure' ) && SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
  1970. line 2: return g:slimv_swank_clojure
  1971. line 3: endif
  1972. line 4: if exists( 'g:slimv_swank_scheme' ) && SlimvGetFiletype() == 'scheme'
  1973. line 5: return g:slimv_swank_scheme
  1974. line 6: endif
  1975. line 7: if exists( 'g:slimv_swank_cmd' )
  1976. line 8: return g:slimv_swank_cmd
  1977. line 9: endif
  1978. line 10:
  1979. line 11: if g:slimv_lisp == ''
  1980. line 12: let g:slimv_lisp = input( 'Enter Lisp path (or fill g:slimv_lisp in your vimrc): ', '', 'file' )
  1981. line 13: endif
  1982. line 14:
  1983. line 15: let cmd = ''
  1984. line 16: if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
  1985. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand..SlimvGetFiletype()
  1987. line 1: if &ft != ''
  1988. line 2: " Return Vim filetype if defined
  1989. line 3: return &ft
  1990. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand..SlimvGetFiletype returning 'lisp'
  1992. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand
  1994. line 17: " First autodetect Leiningen and Cake
  1995. line 18: if executable( 'lein' )
  1996. line 19: let cmd = '"lein swank"'
  1997. line 20: elseif executable( 'cake' )
  1998. line 21: let cmd = '"cake swank"'
  1999. line 22: else
  2000. line 23: " Check if swank-clojure is bundled with Slimv
  2001. line 24: let swanks = split( globpath( &runtimepath, 'swank-clojure/swank/swank.clj'), '\n' )
  2002. line 25: if len( swanks ) == 0
  2003. line 26: return ''
  2004. line 27: endif
  2005. line 28: let sclj = substitute( swanks[0], '\', '/', "g" )
  2006. line 29: let cmd = g:slimv_lisp . ' -i "' . sclj . '" -e "(swank.swank/start-repl)" -r'
  2007. line 30: endif
  2008. line 31: elseif SlimvGetFiletype() == 'scheme'
  2009. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand..SlimvGetFiletype()
  2011. line 1: if &ft != ''
  2012. line 2: " Return Vim filetype if defined
  2013. line 3: return &ft
  2014. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand..SlimvGetFiletype returning 'lisp'
  2016. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand
  2018. line 32: let swanks = split( globpath( &runtimepath, 'slime/contrib/swank-mit-scheme.scm'), '\n' )
  2019. line 33: if len( swanks ) == 0
  2020. line 34: return ''
  2021. line 35: endif
  2022. line 36: if b:SlimvImplementation() == 'mit'
  2023. line 37: let cmd = '"' . g:slimv_lisp . '" --load "' . swanks[0] . '"'
  2024. line 38: endif
  2025. line 39: else
  2026. line 40: " First check if SWANK is bundled with Slimv
  2027. line 41: let swanks = split( globpath( &runtimepath, 'slime/start-swank.lisp'), '\n' )
  2028. line 42: if len( swanks ) == 0
  2029. line 43: " Try to find SWANK in the standard SLIME installation locations
  2030. line 44: if g:slimv_windows || g:slimv_cygwin
  2031. line 45: let swanks = split( globpath( 'c:/slime/,c:/*lisp*/slime/,c:/*lisp*/site/lisp/slime/,c:/Program Files/*lisp*/site/lisp/slime/', 'start-swank.lisp' ), '\n' )
  2032. line 46: else
  2033. line 47: let swanks = split( globpath( '/usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime/', 'start-swank.lisp' ), '\n' )
  2034. line 48: endif
  2035. line 49: endif
  2036. line 50: if len( swanks ) == 0
  2037. line 51: return ''
  2038. line 52: endif
  2039. line 53:
  2040. line 54: " Build proper SWANK start command for the Lisp implementation used
  2041. line 55: if b:SlimvImplementation() == 'sbcl'
  2042. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand..b:SlimvImplementation()
  2044. line 1: if exists( 'g:slimv_impl' ) && g:slimv_impl != ''
  2045. line 2: " Return Lisp implementation if defined
  2046. line 3: return tolower( g:slimv_impl )
  2047. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand..b:SlimvImplementation returning 'clisp'
  2049. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand
  2051. line 56: let cmd = '"' . g:slimv_lisp . '" --load "' . swanks[0] . '"'
  2052. line 57: elseif b:SlimvImplementation() == 'clisp'
  2053. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand..b:SlimvImplementation()
  2055. line 1: if exists( 'g:slimv_impl' ) && g:slimv_impl != ''
  2056. line 2: " Return Lisp implementation if defined
  2057. line 3: return tolower( g:slimv_impl )
  2058. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand..b:SlimvImplementation returning 'clisp'
  2060. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand
  2062. line 58: let cmd = '"' . g:slimv_lisp . '" -i "' . swanks[0] . '"'
  2063. line 59: elseif b:SlimvImplementation() == 'allegro'
  2064. line 60: let cmd = '"' . g:slimv_lisp . '" -L "' . swanks[0] . '"'
  2065. line 61: elseif b:SlimvImplementation() == 'cmu'
  2066. line 62: let cmd = '"' . g:slimv_lisp . '" -load "' . swanks[0] . '"'
  2067. line 63: else
  2068. line 64: let cmd = '"' . g:slimv_lisp . '" -l "' . swanks[0] . '"'
  2069. line 65: endif
  2070. line 66: endif
  2071. line 67: if cmd != ''
  2072. line 68: if g:slimv_windows || g:slimv_cygwin
  2073. line 69: return '!start /MIN ' . cmd
  2074. line 70: elseif g:slimv_osx
  2075. line 71: return '!osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \"' . cmd . '\""'
  2076. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankCommand returning '!osascript -e "tell application \"Te...bundle/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp"\""'
  2078. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank
  2080. line 33: if swank != ''
  2081. line 34: redraw
  2082. line 35: echon "\rStarting SWANK server... ". swank
  2083. Starting SWANK server... !osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \""clisp" -i "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp"\""
  2084. line 36: " echon "\rStarting SWANK server..."
  2085. line 37: silent execute swank
  2086. line 37: !osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \""clisp" -i "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp"\""
  2087. :!osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \""clisp" -i "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp"\""
  2089. Calling shell to execute: "osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \""clisp" -i "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp"\"""tab 1 of window id 7402
  2091. Executing ShellCmdPost Auto commands for "*"
  2092. autocommand call s:LocalBrowseShellCmdRefresh()
  2094. line 0: call s:LocalBrowseShellCmdRefresh()
  2095. calling function <SNR>63_LocalBrowseShellCmdRefresh()
  2097. line 1: " call Dfunc("LocalBrowseShellCmdRefresh() browselist=".(exists("s:netrw_browselist")? string(s:netrw_browselist) : "empty")." ".tabpagenr("$")." tabs")
  2098. line 2: " determine which buffers currently reside in a tab
  2099. line 3: if !exists("s:netrw_browselist")
  2100. line 4: " call Dret("LocalBrowseShellCmdRefresh : browselist is empty")
  2101. line 5: return
  2102. line 6: endif
  2103. line 7: if !exists("w:netrw_bannercnt")
  2104. line 8: " call Dret("LocalBrowseShellCmdRefresh : don't refresh when focus not on netrw window")
  2105. line 9: return
  2106. function <SNR>63_LocalBrowseShellCmdRefresh returning #0
  2108. continuing in ShellCmdPost Auto commands for "*"
  2110. line 38: let starttime = localtime()
  2111. line 39: while result != '' && localtime()-starttime < g:slimv_timeout
  2112. line 40: sleep 500m
  2113. line 41: execute 'python swank_connect("' . g:swank_host . '", ' . g:swank_port . ', "result" )'
  2114. line 41: python swank_connect("localhost", 4005, "result" )
  2115. line 41: let result="SWANK server is not running."
  2116. line 42: endwhile
  2117. line 39: while result != '' && localtime()-starttime < g:slimv_timeout
  2118. line 40: sleep 500m
  2119. line 41: execute 'python swank_connect("' . g:swank_host . '", ' . g:swank_port . ', "result" )'
  2120. line 41: python swank_connect("localhost", 4005, "result" )
  2121. line 41: let result=""
  2122. line 42: endwhile
  2123. line 39: while result != '' && localtime()-starttime < g:slimv_timeout
  2124. line 40: sleep 500m
  2125. line 41: execute 'python swank_connect("' . g:swank_host . '", ' . g:swank_port . ', "result" )'
  2126. line 42: endwhile
  2127. line 43: redraw!
  2128. line 44: endif
  2129. line 45: endif
  2130. line 46: if result != ''
  2131. line 47: " Display connection error message
  2132. line 48: call SlimvErrorWait( result )
  2133. line 49: return 0
  2134. line 50: endif
  2135. line 51:
  2136. line 52: " Connected to SWANK server
  2137. line 53: redraw
  2138. line 54: echon "\rGetting SWANK connection info..."
  2139. Getting SWANK connection info...
  2140. line 55: let starttime = localtime()
  2141. line 56: while s:swank_version == '' && localtime()-starttime < g:slimv_timeout
  2142. line 57: call SlimvSwankResponse()
  2143. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse()
  2145. line 1: let s:refresh_disabled = 1
  2146. line 2: silent execute 'python swank_output(1)'
  2147. line 2: python swank_output(1)
  2148. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2149. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2150. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2151. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2152. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2153. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2154. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2155. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2156. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2157. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2158. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2159. line 3: let s:refresh_disabled = 0
  2160. line 4: let msg = ''
  2161. line 5: redir => msg
  2162. line 6: silent execute 'python swank_response("")'
  2163. line 6: python swank_response("")
  2164. line 6: :let s:swank_action=''
  2165. line 6: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2166. line 7: redir END
  2167. line 8:
  2168. line 9: if s:swank_action != '' && msg != ''
  2169. line 10: if s:swank_action == ':describe-symbol'
  2170. line 11: echo msg
  2171. line 12: echo input('Press ENTER to continue.')
  2172. line 13: endif
  2173. line 14: endif
  2174. line 15: if s:swank_actions_pending
  2175. line 16: let s:last_update = -1
  2176. line 17: elseif s:last_update < 0
  2177. line 18: " Remember the time when all actions are processed
  2178. line 19: let s:last_update = localtime()
  2179. line 20: endif
  2180. line 21: if s:swank_actions_pending == 0 && s:last_update >= 0 && s:last_update < localtime() - 2
  2181. line 22: " All SWANK output handled long ago, restore original update frequency
  2182. line 23: let &updatetime = s:save_updatetime
  2183. line 24: endif
  2184. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse returning #0
  2186. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank
  2188. line 58: endwhile
  2189. line 56: while s:swank_version == '' && localtime()-starttime < g:slimv_timeout
  2190. line 57: call SlimvSwankResponse()
  2191. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse()
  2193. line 1: let s:refresh_disabled = 1
  2194. line 2: silent execute 'python swank_output(1)'
  2195. line 2: python swank_output(1)
  2196. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2197. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2198. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2199. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2200. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2201. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2202. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2203. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=1
  2204. line 2: let s:swank_version="2011-03-13"
  2205. line 2: let s:lisp_version="2.49 (2010-07-07) (built 3526502521) (memory 3526502816)"
  2206. line 2: :let s:swank_actions_pending=0
  2207. line 2: call SlimvOpenReplBuffer()
  2208. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvOpenReplBuffer()
  2210. line 1: call SlimvOpenBuffer( g:slimv_repl_file )
  2211. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..SlimvOpenBuffer('Slimv.REPL.lisp')
  2213. line 1: let buf = bufnr( a:name )
  2214. line 2: if buf == -1
  2215. line 3: " Create a new buffer
  2216. line 4: call s:SplitView( a:name )
  2217. line 5: else
  2218. line 6: if g:slimv_repl_split
  2219. line 7: " Buffer is already created. Check if it is open in a window
  2220. line 8: let win = bufwinnr( buf )
  2221. line 9: if win == -1
  2222. line 10: " Create windows
  2223. line 11: call s:SplitView( a:name )
  2224. line 12: else
  2225. line 13: " Switch to the buffer's window
  2226. line 14: if winnr() != win
  2227. line 15: execute win . "wincmd w"
  2228. line 16: endif
  2229. line 17: endif
  2230. line 18: else
  2231. line 19: execute "buffer " . buf
  2232. line 20: stopinsert
  2233. line 21: endif
  2234. line 22: endif
  2235. line 23: setlocal buftype=nofile
  2236. line 24: setlocal noswapfile
  2237. line 25: setlocal noreadonly
  2238. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..SlimvOpenBuffer returning #0
  2240. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvOpenReplBuffer
  2242. line 2: if !g:slimv_repl_syntax
  2243. line 3: set syntax=
  2244. line 4: endif
  2245. line 5:
  2246. line 6: " Add keybindings valid only for the REPL buffer
  2247. line 7: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <C-R>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>CR>" : "\<lt>End>\<lt>C-O>:call SlimvSendCommand(0)\<lt>CR>"<CR>
  2248. line 8: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-CR> <End><C-O>:call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>
  2249. line 9: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Up> <C-R>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>Up>" : "\<lt>C-O>:call SlimvHandleUp()\<lt>CR>"<CR>
  2250. line 10: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Down> <C-R>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>Down>" : "\<lt>C-O>:call SlimvHandleDown()\<lt>CR>"<CR>
  2251. line 11: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-C> <C-O>:call SlimvInterrupt()<CR>
  2252. line 12:
  2253. line 13: if exists( 'g:paredit_loaded' )
  2254. line 14: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> <BS> PareditBackspace(1)
  2255. line 15: else
  2256. line 16: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> <BS> SlimvHandleBS()
  2257. line 17: endif
  2258. line 18:
  2259. line 19: if g:slimv_keybindings == 1
  2260. line 20: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'. :call SlimvSendCommand(0)<CR>'
  2261. line 21: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'/ :call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>'
  2262. line 22: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'<Up> :call SlimvPreviousCommand()<CR>'
  2263. line 23: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'<Down> :call SlimvNextCommand()<CR>'
  2264. line 24: elseif g:slimv_keybindings == 2
  2265. line 25: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'rs :call SlimvSendCommand(0)<CR>'
  2266. line 25: noremap <buffer> <silent> \rs :call SlimvSendCommand(0)<CR>
  2267. line 26: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'ro :call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>'
  2268. line 26: noremap <buffer> <silent> \ro :call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>
  2269. line 27: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'rp :call SlimvPreviousCommand()<CR>'
  2270. line 27: noremap <buffer> <silent> \rp :call SlimvPreviousCommand()<CR>
  2271. line 28: execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:slimv_leader.'rn :call SlimvNextCommand()<CR>'
  2272. line 28: noremap <buffer> <silent> \rn :call SlimvNextCommand()<CR>
  2273. line 29: endif
  2274. line 30:
  2275. line 31: if g:slimv_repl_wrap
  2276. line 32: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Home> <C-O>g<Home>
  2277. line 33: inoremap <buffer> <silent> <End> <C-O>:call <SID>EndOfScreenLine()<CR>
  2278. line 34: noremap <buffer> <silent> <Up> gk
  2279. line 35: noremap <buffer> <silent> <Down> gj
  2280. line 36: noremap <buffer> <silent> <Home> g<Home>
  2281. line 37: noremap <buffer> <silent> <End> :call <SID>EndOfScreenLine()<CR>
  2282. line 38: noremap <buffer> <silent> k gk
  2283. line 39: noremap <buffer> <silent> j gj
  2284. line 40: noremap <buffer> <silent> 0 g0
  2285. line 41: noremap <buffer> <silent> $ :call <SID>EndOfScreenLine()<CR>
  2286. line 42: set wrap
  2287. line 43: endif
  2288. line 44:
  2289. line 45: hi SlimvNormal term=none cterm=none gui=none
  2290. line 46: hi SlimvCursor term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
  2291. line 47:
  2292. line 48: " Add autocommands specific to the REPL buffer
  2293. line 49: execute "au FileChangedShell " . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()"
  2294. line 49: au FileChangedShell Slimv.REPL.lisp :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
  2295. line 50: execute "au FocusGained " . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()"
  2296. line 50: au FocusGained Slimv.REPL.lisp :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
  2297. line 51: execute "au BufEnter " . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvReplEnter()"
  2298. line 51: au BufEnter Slimv.REPL.lisp :call SlimvReplEnter()
  2299. line 52: execute "au BufLeave " . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvReplLeave()"
  2300. line 52: au BufLeave Slimv.REPL.lisp :call SlimvReplLeave()
  2301. line 53:
  2302. line 54: filetype on
  2303. Searching for "filetype.vim" in "/Users/sjl/.vim,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script,/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/
  2304. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/filetype.vim"
  2305. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/ack/filetype.vim"
  2306. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/closetags-custom/filetype.vim"
  2307. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/command-t/filetype.vim"
  2308. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/conf2dif/filetype.vim"
  2309. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/django-custom/filetype.vim"
  2310. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/drawit/filetype.vim"
  2311. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/easymotion/filetype.vim"
  2312. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/gundo/filetype.vim"
  2313. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/hammer/filetype.vim"
  2314. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/html5/filetype.vim"
  2315. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/indent-object/filetype.vim"
  2316. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/jinja-custom/filetype.vim"
  2317. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/linediff/filetype.vim"
  2318. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/markdown/filetype.vim"
  2319. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/filetype.vim"
  2320. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/nosecompiler/filetype.vim"
  2321. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/peepopen/filetype.vim"
  2322. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/puppet/filetype.vim"
  2323. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/pydoc/filetype.vim"
  2324. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/rainbow/filetype.vim"
  2325. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/slimv/filetype.vim"
  2326. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/filetype.vim"
  2327. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/sparkup/filetype.vim"
  2328. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/strftimedammit/filetype.vim"
  2329. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/supertab/filetype.vim"
  2330. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/surround/filetype.vim"
  2331. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/threesome/filetype.vim"
  2332. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/filetype.vim"
  2333. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/filetype.vim"
  2334. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/filetype.vim"
  2335. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/filetype.vim"
  2336. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-makegreen/filetype.vim"
  2337. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-orgmode/filetype.vim"
  2338. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-speeddating/filetype.vim"
  2339. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/yankring/filetype.vim"
  2340. Searching for "/Applications/"
  2341. Searching for "/Applications/"
  2342. chdir(/Applications/
  2343. fchdir() to previous dir
  2344. line 54: sourcing "/Applications/"
  2345. line 1: " Vim support file to detect file types
  2346. line 2: "
  2347. line 3: " Maintainer:^IBram Moolenaar <>
  2348. line 4: " Last Change:^I2011 Sep 07
  2349. line 5:
  2350. line 6: " Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
  2351. line 7: if exists("did_load_filetypes")
  2352. line 8: finish
  2353. finished sourcing /Applications/
  2354. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvOpenReplBuffer
  2355. Searching for "/Applications/"
  2356. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/snipmate/after/filetype.vim"
  2357. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-arpeggio/after/filetype.vim"
  2358. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/after/filetype.vim"
  2359. Searching for "/Users/sjl/.vim/after/filetype.vim"
  2360. line 55: redraw
  2361. line 56: let s:last_size = 0
  2362. line 57:
  2363. line 58: call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
  2364. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
  2366. line 1: if s:refresh_disabled
  2367. line 2: " Refresh is unwanted at the moment, probably another refresh is going on
  2368. line 3: return
  2369. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvOpenReplBuffer..SlimvRefreshReplBuffer returning #0
  2371. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvOpenReplBuffer
  2373. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvOpenReplBuffer returning #0
  2375. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse
  2377. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..GetLispFold()
  2379. line 1: if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defun.*\s'
  2380. line 2: return ">1"
  2381. line 3: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defmacro.*\s'
  2382. line 4: return ">1"
  2383. line 5: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defparameter.*\s'
  2384. line 6: return ">1"
  2385. line 7: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*$'
  2386. line 8: let my_lispnum = v:lnum
  2387. line 9: let my_lispmax = line("$")
  2388. line 10:
  2389. line 11: while (1)
  2390. line 12: let my_lispnum = my_lispnum + 1
  2391. line 13: if my_lispnum > my_lispmax
  2392. line 14: return "<1"
  2393. line 15: endif
  2394. line 16:
  2395. line 17: let my_lispdata = getline(my_lispnum)
  2396. line 18:
  2397. line 19: " If we match an empty line, stop folding
  2398. line 20: if my_lispdata =~ '^$'
  2399. line 21: return "<1"
  2400. line 22: else
  2401. line 23: return "="
  2402. line 24: endif
  2403. line 25: endwhile
  2404. line 26: else
  2405. line 27: return "="
  2406. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..GetLispFold returning '='
  2408. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse
  2410. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..GetLispFold()
  2412. line 1: if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defun.*\s'
  2413. line 2: return ">1"
  2414. line 3: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defmacro.*\s'
  2415. line 4: return ">1"
  2416. line 5: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defparameter.*\s'
  2417. line 6: return ">1"
  2418. line 7: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*$'
  2419. line 8: let my_lispnum = v:lnum
  2420. line 9: let my_lispmax = line("$")
  2421. line 10:
  2422. line 11: while (1)
  2423. line 12: let my_lispnum = my_lispnum + 1
  2424. line 13: if my_lispnum > my_lispmax
  2425. line 14: return "<1"
  2426. line 15: endif
  2427. line 16:
  2428. line 17: let my_lispdata = getline(my_lispnum)
  2429. line 18:
  2430. line 19: " If we match an empty line, stop folding
  2431. line 20: if my_lispdata =~ '^$'
  2432. line 21: return "<1"
  2433. line 22: else
  2434. line 23: return "="
  2435. line 24: endif
  2436. line 25: endwhile
  2437. line 26: else
  2438. line 27: return "="
  2439. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..GetLispFold returning '='
  2441. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse
  2443. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..GetLispFold()
  2445. line 1: if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defun.*\s'
  2446. line 2: return ">1"
  2447. line 3: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defmacro.*\s'
  2448. line 4: return ">1"
  2449. line 5: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defparameter.*\s'
  2450. line 6: return ">1"
  2451. line 7: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*$'
  2452. line 8: let my_lispnum = v:lnum
  2453. line 9: let my_lispmax = line("$")
  2454. line 10:
  2455. line 11: while (1)
  2456. line 12: let my_lispnum = my_lispnum + 1
  2457. line 13: if my_lispnum > my_lispmax
  2458. line 14: return "<1"
  2459. line 15: endif
  2460. line 16:
  2461. line 17: let my_lispdata = getline(my_lispnum)
  2462. line 18:
  2463. line 19: " If we match an empty line, stop folding
  2464. line 20: if my_lispdata =~ '^$'
  2465. line 21: return "<1"
  2466. line 22: else
  2467. line 23: return "="
  2468. line 24: endif
  2469. line 25: endwhile
  2470. line 26: else
  2471. line 27: return "="
  2472. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..GetLispFold returning '='
  2474. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse
  2476. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..GetLispFold()
  2478. line 1: if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defun.*\s'
  2479. line 2: return ">1"
  2480. line 3: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defmacro.*\s'
  2481. line 4: return ">1"
  2482. line 5: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defparameter.*\s'
  2483. line 6: return ">1"
  2484. line 7: elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*$'
  2485. line 8: let my_lispnum = v:lnum
  2486. line 9: let my_lispmax = line("$")
  2487. line 10:
  2488. line 11: while (1)
  2489. line 12: let my_lispnum = my_lispnum + 1
  2490. line 13: if my_lispnum > my_lispmax
  2491. line 14: return "<1"
  2492. line 15: endif
  2493. line 16:
  2494. line 17: let my_lispdata = getline(my_lispnum)
  2495. line 18:
  2496. line 19: " If we match an empty line, stop folding
  2497. line 20: if my_lispdata =~ '^$'
  2498. line 21: return "<1"
  2499. line 22: else
  2500. line 23: return "="
  2501. line 24: endif
  2502. line 25: endwhile
  2503. line 26: else
  2504. line 27: return "="
  2505. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..GetLispFold returning '='
  2507. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse
  2509. line 2: call SlimvEndUpdateRepl()
  2510. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvEndUpdateRepl()
  2512. line 1: call SlimvMarkBufferEnd()
  2513. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvEndUpdateRepl..SlimvMarkBufferEnd()
  2515. line 1: setlocal nomodified
  2516. line 2: call SlimvEndOfReplBuffer()
  2517. calling function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvEndUpdateRepl..SlimvMarkBufferEnd..SlimvEndOfReplBuffer()
  2519. line 1: normal! G$
  2520. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvEndUpdateRepl..SlimvMarkBufferEnd..SlimvEndOfReplBuffer returning #0
  2522. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvEndUpdateRepl..SlimvMarkBufferEnd
  2524. line 3: call setpos( "'s", [0, line('$'), col('$'), 0] )
  2525. line 4: let s:prompt = getline( "'s" )
  2526. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvEndUpdateRepl..SlimvMarkBufferEnd returning #0
  2528. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvEndUpdateRepl
  2530. line 2: let repl_buf = bufnr( g:slimv_repl_file )
  2531. line 3: let repl_win = bufwinnr( repl_buf )
  2532. line 4: if repl_buf != s:current_buf && repl_win != -1 && !s:debug_activated
  2533. line 5: " Switch back to the caller buffer/window
  2534. line 6: if g:slimv_repl_split
  2535. line 7: if s:current_win == -1
  2536. line 8: let s:current_win = winnr('#')
  2537. line 9: endif
  2538. line 10: if s:current_win > 0 && s:current_win != repl_win
  2539. line 11: execute s:current_win . "wincmd w"
  2540. line 11: 1wincmd w
  2541. Executing BufLeave Auto commands for "Slimv.REPL.lisp"
  2542. autocommand :call SlimvReplLeave()
  2544. line 0: :call SlimvReplLeave()
  2545. calling function SlimvReplLeave()
  2547. line 1: try
  2548. line 2: " Check if REPL menu exists, then remove it
  2549. line 3: aunmenu REPL
  2550. Exception thrown: Vim(aunmenu):E329: No menu "REPL"
  2552. line 4: execute ':unmap ' . g:slimv_leader . '\'
  2553. line 5: catch /.*/
  2554. Exception caught: Vim(aunmenu):E329: No menu "REPL"
  2556. line 6: " REPL menu not found, we cannot remove it
  2557. line 7: endtry
  2558. Exception finished: Vim(aunmenu):E329: No menu "REPL"
  2560. line 8: if g:slimv_repl_split
  2561. line 9: call SlimvRefreshModeOn()
  2562. calling function SlimvReplLeave..SlimvRefreshModeOn()
  2564. line 1: if ! s:au_curhold_set
  2565. line 2: let s:au_curhold_set = 1
  2566. line 3: execute "au CursorHold * :call SlimvTimer()"
  2567. line 3: au CursorHold * :call SlimvTimer()
  2568. line 4: execute "au CursorHoldI * :call SlimvTimer()"
  2569. line 4: au CursorHoldI * :call SlimvTimer()
  2570. line 5: endif
  2571. function SlimvReplLeave..SlimvRefreshModeOn returning #0
  2573. continuing in function SlimvReplLeave
  2575. line 10: else
  2576. line 11: call SlimvRefreshModeOff()
  2577. line 12: endif
  2578. function SlimvReplLeave returning #0
  2580. continuing in BufLeave Auto commands for "Slimv.REPL.lisp"
  2582. autocommand :call SlimvReplLeave()
  2584. line 0: :call SlimvReplLeave()
  2585. calling function SlimvReplLeave()
  2587. line 1: try
  2588. line 2: " Check if REPL menu exists, then remove it
  2589. line 3: aunmenu REPL
  2590. Exception thrown: Vim(aunmenu):E329: No menu "REPL"
  2592. line 4: execute ':unmap ' . g:slimv_leader . '\'
  2593. line 5: catch /.*/
  2594. Exception caught: Vim(aunmenu):E329: No menu "REPL"
  2596. line 6: " REPL menu not found, we cannot remove it
  2597. line 7: endtry
  2598. Exception finished: Vim(aunmenu):E329: No menu "REPL"
  2600. line 8: if g:slimv_repl_split
  2601. line 9: call SlimvRefreshModeOn()
  2602. calling function SlimvReplLeave..SlimvRefreshModeOn()
  2604. line 1: if ! s:au_curhold_set
  2605. line 2: let s:au_curhold_set = 1
  2606. line 3: execute "au CursorHold * :call SlimvTimer()"
  2607. line 4: execute "au CursorHoldI * :call SlimvTimer()"
  2608. line 5: endif
  2609. function SlimvReplLeave..SlimvRefreshModeOn returning #0
  2611. continuing in function SlimvReplLeave
  2613. line 10: else
  2614. line 11: call SlimvRefreshModeOff()
  2615. line 12: endif
  2616. function SlimvReplLeave returning #0
  2618. continuing in BufLeave Auto commands for "Slimv.REPL.lisp"
  2620. Executing WinLeave Auto commands for "*"
  2621. autocommand :call <SID>YRWinLeave()
  2623. line 0: :call <SID>YRWinLeave()
  2624. calling function <SNR>50_YRWinLeave()
  2626. line 1: " Track which window we are last in. We will use this information
  2627. line 2: " to determine where we need to paste any contents, or which
  2628. line 3: " buffer to return to.
  2629. line 4:
  2630. line 5: if s:yr_buffer_id < 0
  2631. line 6: " The yankring window has never been activated
  2632. line 7: return
  2633. function <SNR>50_YRWinLeave returning #0
  2635. continuing in WinLeave Auto commands for "*"
  2637. chdir(/Users/sjl/src/lol)
  2638. Executing WinEnter Auto commands for "*"
  2639. autocommand call s:Highlight_Matching_Pair()
  2641. line 0: call s:Highlight_Matching_Pair()
  2642. calling function <SNR>53_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
  2644. line 1: " Remove any previous match.
  2645. line 2: if exists('w:paren_hl_on') && w:paren_hl_on
  2646. line 3: 3match none
  2647. line 4: let w:paren_hl_on = 0
  2648. line 5: endif
  2649. line 6:
  2650. line 7: " Avoid that we remove the popup menu.
  2651. line 8: " Return when there are no colors (looks like the cursor jumps).
  2652. line 9: if pumvisible() || (&t_Co < 8 && !has("gui_running"))
  2653. line 10: return
  2654. line 11: endif
  2655. line 12:
  2656. line 13: " Get the character under the cursor and check if it's in 'matchpairs'.
  2657. line 14: let c_lnum = line('.')
  2658. line 15: let c_col = col('.')
  2659. line 16: let before = 0
  2660. line 17:
  2661. line 18: let c = getline(c_lnum)[c_col - 1]
  2662. line 19: let plist = split(&matchpairs, '.\zs[:,]')
  2663. line 20: let i = index(plist, c)
  2664. line 21: if i < 0
  2665. line 22: " not found, in Insert mode try character before the cursor
  2666. line 23: if c_col > 1 && (mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'R')
  2667. line 24: let before = 1
  2668. line 25: let c = getline(c_lnum)[c_col - 2]
  2669. line 26: let i = index(plist, c)
  2670. line 27: endif
  2671. line 28: if i < 0
  2672. line 29: " not found, nothing to do
  2673. line 30: return
  2674. line 31: endif
  2675. line 32: endif
  2676. line 33:
  2677. line 34: " Figure out the arguments for searchpairpos().
  2678. line 35: if i % 2 == 0
  2679. line 36: let s_flags = 'nW'
  2680. line 37: let c2 = plist[i + 1]
  2681. line 38: else
  2682. line 39: let s_flags = 'nbW'
  2683. line 40: let c2 = c
  2684. line 41: let c = plist[i - 1]
  2685. line 42: endif
  2686. line 43: if c == '['
  2687. line 44: let c = '\['
  2688. line 45: let c2 = '\]'
  2689. line 46: endif
  2690. line 47:
  2691. line 48: " Find the match. When it was just before the cursor move it there for a
  2692. line 49: " moment.
  2693. line 50: if before > 0
  2694. line 51: let save_cursor = winsaveview()
  2695. line 52: call cursor(c_lnum, c_col - before)
  2696. line 53: endif
  2697. line 54:
  2698. line 55: " When not in a string or comment ignore matches inside them.
  2699. line 56: " We match "escape" for special items, such as lispEscapeSpecial.
  2700. line 57: let s_skip ='synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") ' . '=~? "string\\|character\\|singlequote\\|escape\\|comment"'
  2701. line 59: execute 'if' s_skip '| let s_skip = 0 | endif'
  2702. line 59: if synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|character\\|singlequote\\|escape\\|comment" | let s_skip = 0 | endif
  2703. line 59: let s_skip = 0 | endif
  2704. line 59: endif
  2705. line 60:
  2706. line 61: " Limit the search to lines visible in the window.
  2707. line 62: let stoplinebottom = line('w$')
  2708. line 63: let stoplinetop = line('w0')
  2709. line 64: if i % 2 == 0
  2710. line 65: let stopline = stoplinebottom
  2711. line 66: else
  2712. line 67: let stopline = stoplinetop
  2713. line 68: endif
  2714. line 69:
  2715. line 70: try
  2716. line 71: " Limit the search time to 300 msec to avoid a hang on very long lines.
  2717. line 72: " This fails when a timeout is not supported.
  2718. line 73: let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline, 300)
  2719. line 74: catch /E118/
  2720. line 75: " Can't use the timeout, restrict the stopline a bit more to avoid taking
  2721. line 76: " a long time on closed folds and long lines.
  2722. line 77: " The "viewable" variables give a range in which we can scroll while
  2723. line 78: " keeping the cursor at the same position.
  2724. line 79: " adjustedScrolloff accounts for very large numbers of scrolloff.
  2725. line 80: let adjustedScrolloff = min([&scrolloff, (line('w$') - line('w0')) / 2])
  2726. line 81: let bottom_viewable = min([line('$'), c_lnum + &lines - adjustedScrolloff - 2])
  2727. line 82: let top_viewable = max([1, c_lnum-&lines+adjustedScrolloff + 2])
  2728. line 83: " one of these stoplines will be adjusted below, but the current values are
  2729. line 84: " minimal boundaries within the current window
  2730. line 85: if i % 2 == 0
  2731. line 86: if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
  2732. line 87: ^Ilet stopbyte = min([line2byte("$"), line2byte(".") + col(".") + &smc * 2])
  2733. line 88: ^Ilet stopline = min([bottom_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
  2734. line 89: else
  2735. line 90: ^Ilet stopline = min([bottom_viewable, c_lnum + 100])
  2736. line 91: endif
  2737. line 92: let stoplinebottom = stopline
  2738. line 93: else
  2739. line 94: if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
  2740. line 95: ^Ilet stopbyte = max([1, line2byte(".") + col(".") - &smc * 2])
  2741. line 96: ^Ilet stopline = max([top_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
  2742. line 97: else
  2743. line 98: ^Ilet stopline = max([top_viewable, c_lnum - 100])
  2744. line 99: endif
  2745. line 100: let stoplinetop = stopline
  2746. line 101: endif
  2747. line 102: let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline)
  2748. line 103: endtry
  2749. line 104:
  2750. line 105: if before > 0
  2751. line 106: call winrestview(save_cursor)
  2752. line 107: endif
  2753. line 108:
  2754. line 109: " If a match is found setup match highlighting.
  2755. line 110: if m_lnum > 0 && m_lnum >= stoplinetop && m_lnum <= stoplinebottom
  2756. line 111: exe '3match MatchParen /\(\%' . c_lnum . 'l\%' . (c_col - before) . 'c\)\|\(\%' . m_lnum . 'l\%' . m_col . 'c\)/'
  2757. line 111: 3match MatchParen /\(\%1l\%1c\)\|\(\%1l\%7c\)/
  2758. line 113: let w:paren_hl_on = 1
  2759. line 114: endif
  2760. function <SNR>53_Highlight_Matching_Pair returning #0
  2762. continuing in WinEnter Auto commands for "*"
  2764. Executing BufEnter Auto commands for "*"
  2765. autocommand call s:checkForBrowse(expand("<amatch>"))
  2767. line 0: call s:checkForBrowse(expand("<amatch>"))
  2768. calling function <SNR>38_checkForBrowse('/Users/sjl/src/lol/foo.lisp')
  2770. line 1: if a:dir != '' && isdirectory(a:dir)
  2771. line 2: call s:initNerdTreeInPlace(a:dir)
  2772. line 3: endif
  2773. function <SNR>38_checkForBrowse returning #0
  2775. continuing in BufEnter Auto commands for "*"
  2777. line 12: endif
  2778. line 13: else
  2779. line 14: execute "buf " . s:current_buf
  2780. line 15: endif
  2781. line 16: endif
  2782. function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse..SlimvEndUpdateRepl returning #0
  2784. continuing in function SlimvConnectServer..SlimvConnectSwank..SlimvSwankResponse
  2786. line 3: let s:refresh_disabled = 0
  2787. line 4: let msg = ''
  2788. line 5: redir => msg
  2789. line 6: silent execute 'python swank_response("")'
  2790. line 6: python swank_response("")
  2791. line 6: :let s:swank_action=':connection-info'
  2792. Writing viminfo file "/Users/sjl/.viminfo"
  2793. Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
  2794. autocommand call s:NetrwBookHistSave()
  2796. line 0: call s:NetrwBookHistSave()
  2797. calling function <SNR>63_NetrwBookHistSave()
  2799. line 1: " call Dfunc("s:NetrwBookHistSave() dirhistmax=".g:netrw_dirhistmax)
  2800. line 2: if g:netrw_dirhistmax <= 0
  2801. line 3: " call Dret("s:NetrwBookHistSave : dirhistmax=".g:netrw_dirhistmax)
  2802. line 4: return
  2803. line 5: endif
  2804. line 6:
  2805. line 7: let savefile= s:NetrwHome()."/.netrwhist"
  2806. calling function <SNR>63_NetrwBookHistSave..<SNR>63_NetrwHome()
  2808. line 1: if exists("g:netrw_home")
  2809. line 2: let home= g:netrw_home
  2810. line 3: else
  2811. line 4: " go to vim plugin home
  2812. line 5: for home in split(&rtp,',') + ['']
  2813. line 6: if isdirectory(home) && filewritable(home) | break | endif
  2814. line 6: break | endif
  2815. line 6: endif
  2816. line 7: let basehome= substitute(home,'[/\\]\.vim$','','')
  2817. line 8: if isdirectory(basehome) && filewritable(basehome)
  2818. line 9: let home= basehome."/.vim"
  2819. line 10: break
  2820. line 11: endif
  2821. line 12: endfor
  2822. line 13: if home == ""
  2823. line 14: " just pick the first directory
  2824. line 15: let home= substitute(&rtp,',.*$','','')
  2825. line 16: endif
  2826. line 17: if (has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16"))
  2827. line 18: let home= substitute(home,'/','\\','g')
  2828. line 19: endif
  2829. line 20: endif
  2830. line 21: " insure that the home directory exists
  2831. line 22: if !isdirectory(home)
  2832. line 23: if exists("g:netrw_mkdir")
  2833. line 24: call system(g:netrw_mkdir." ".shellescape(home))
  2834. line 25: else
  2835. line 26: call mkdir(home)
  2836. line 27: endif
  2837. line 28: endif
  2838. line 29: let g:netrw_home= home
  2839. line 30: return home
  2840. function <SNR>63_NetrwBookHistSave..<SNR>63_NetrwHome returning '/Users/sjl/.vim'
  2842. continuing in function <SNR>63_NetrwBookHistSave
  2844. line 8: 1split
  2845. chdir(/Users/sjl/src/lol)
  2846. line 9: call s:NetrwEnew()
  2847. calling function <SNR>63_NetrwBookHistSave..<SNR>63_NetrwEnew()
  2849. line 1: " call Dfunc("s:NetrwEnew() a:0=".a:0." bufnr($)=".bufnr("$"))
  2850. line 2: " call Decho("curdir<".((a:0>0)? a:1 : "")."> buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">")
  2851. line 3:
  2852. line 4: " grab a function-local-variable copy of buffer variables
  2853. line 5: " call Decho("make function-local copy of netrw variables")
  2854. line 6: if exists("b:netrw_bannercnt") |let netrw_bannercnt = b:netrw_bannercnt |endif
  2855. line 6: let netrw_bannercnt = b:netrw_bannercnt |endif
  2856. line 6: endif
  2857. line 7: if exists("b:netrw_browser_active") |let netrw_browser_active = b:netrw_browser_active |endif
  2858. line 7: let netrw_browser_active = b:netrw_browser_active |endif
  2859. line 7: endif
  2860. line 8: if exists("b:netrw_cpf") |let netrw_cpf = b:netrw_cpf |endif
  2861. line 8: let netrw_cpf = b:netrw_cpf |endif
  2862. line 8: endif
  2863. line 9: if exists("b:netrw_curdir") |let netrw_curdir = b:netrw_curdir |endif
  2864. line 9: let netrw_curdir = b:netrw_curdir |endif
  2865. line 9: endif
  2866. line 10: if exists("b:netrw_explore_bufnr") |let netrw_explore_bufnr = b:netrw_explore_bufnr |endif
  2867. line 10: let netrw_explore_bufnr = b:netrw_explore_bufnr |endif
  2868. line 10: endif
  2869. line 11: if exists("b:netrw_explore_indx") |let netrw_explore_indx = b:netrw_explore_indx |endif
  2870. line 11: let netrw_explore_indx = b:netrw_explore_indx |endif
  2871. line 11: endif
  2872. line 12: if exists("b:netrw_explore_line") |let netrw_explore_line = b:netrw_explore_line |endif
  2873. line 12: let netrw_explore_line = b:netrw_explore_line |endif
  2874. line 12: endif
  2875. line 13: if exists("b:netrw_explore_list") |let netrw_explore_list = b:netrw_explore_list |endif
  2876. line 13: let netrw_explore_list = b:netrw_explore_list |endif
  2877. line 13: endif
  2878. line 14: if exists("b:netrw_explore_listlen")|let netrw_explore_listlen = b:netrw_explore_listlen|endif
  2879. line 14: let netrw_explore_listlen = b:netrw_explore_listlen|endif
  2880. line 14: endif
  2881. line 15: if exists("b:netrw_explore_mtchcnt")|let netrw_explore_mtchcnt = b:netrw_explore_mtchcnt|endif
  2882. line 15: let netrw_explore_mtchcnt = b:netrw_explore_mtchcnt|endif
  2883. line 15: endif
  2884. line 16: if exists("b:netrw_fname") |let netrw_fname = b:netrw_fname |endif
  2885. line 16: let netrw_fname = b:netrw_fname |endif
  2886. line 16: endif
  2887. line 17: if exists("b:netrw_lastfile") |let netrw_lastfile = b:netrw_lastfile |endif
  2888. line 17: let netrw_lastfile = b:netrw_lastfile |endif
  2889. line 17: endif
  2890. line 18: if exists("b:netrw_liststyle") |let netrw_liststyle = b:netrw_liststyle |endif
  2891. line 18: let netrw_liststyle = b:netrw_liststyle |endif
  2892. line 18: endif
  2893. line 19: if exists("b:netrw_method") |let netrw_method = b:netrw_method |endif
  2894. line 19: let netrw_method = b:netrw_method |endif
  2895. line 19: endif
  2896. line 20: if exists("b:netrw_option") |let netrw_option = b:netrw_option |endif
  2897. line 20: let netrw_option = b:netrw_option |endif
  2898. line 20: endif
  2899. line 21: if exists("b:netrw_prvdir") |let netrw_prvdir = b:netrw_prvdir |endif
  2900. line 21: let netrw_prvdir = b:netrw_prvdir |endif
  2901. line 21: endif
  2902. line 22:
  2903. line 23: keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
  2904. calling function <SNR>63_NetrwBookHistSave..<SNR>63_NetrwEnew..<SNR>63_NetrwOptionRestore('w:')
  2906. line 1: " call Dfunc("s:NetrwOptionRestore(vt<".a:vt.">) win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%")." winnr($)=".winnr("$"))
  2907. line 2: if !exists("{a:vt}netrw_optionsave")
  2908. line 3: " call Decho("ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap)
  2909. line 4: " call Dret("s:NetrwOptionRestore : ".a:vt."netrw_optionsave doesn't exist")
  2910. line 5: return
  2911. function <SNR>63_NetrwBookHistSave..<SNR>63_NetrwEnew..<SNR>63_NetrwOptionRestore returning #0
  2913. continuing in function <SNR>63_NetrwBookHistSave..<SNR>63_NetrwEnew
  2915. line 24: " call Decho("generate a buffer with keepjumps keepalt enew!")
  2916. line 25: let netrw_keepdiff= &l:diff
  2917. line 26: " COMBAK: Benzinger: using tree mode, vim -o Foo/ file shows Foo/ Foo/ instead. Place return here, problem goes away (beeps result, but who knows)
  2918. line 27: " call Dredir("Benzinger 1:","ls!")
  2919. line 28: keepj keepalt enew!
  2920. line 28: unlet! b:keymap_name
  2921. line 29: " call Dredir("Benzinger 2:","ls!")
  2922. line 30: " COMBAK: Benzinger: using tree mode, vim -o Foo/ file shows Foo/ Foo/ instead. Place return here, problem remains.
  2923. line 31: let &l:diff= netrw_keepdiff
  2924. line 32: " call Decho("bufnr($)=".bufnr("$"))
  2925. line 33: keepj call s:NetrwOptionSave("w:")
  2926. calling function <SNR>63_NetrwBookHistSave..<SNR>63_NetrwEnew..<SNR>63_NetrwOptionSave('w:')
  2928. line 1: " call Dfunc("s:NetrwOptionSave(vt<".a:vt.">) win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname(bufnr("%")).">"." winnr($)=".winnr("$"))
  2929. line 2:
  2930. line 3: " call Decho(a:vt."netrw_optionsave".(exists("{a:vt}netrw_optionsave")? ("=".{a:vt}netrw_optionsave) : " doesn't exist"))
  2931. line 4: if !exists("{a:vt}netrw_optionsave")
  2932. line 5: let {a:vt}netrw_optionsave= 1
  2933. line 6: else
  2934. line 7: " call Dret("s:NetrwOptionSave : options already saved")
  2935. line 8: return
  2936. line 9: endif
  2937. line 10: " call Decho("fo=".&fo.(exists("&acd")? " acd=".&acd : " acd doesn't exist")." diff=".&l:diff)
  2938. line 11:
  2939. line 12: " Save current settings and current directory
  2940. line 13: let s:yykeep = @@
  2941. line 14: if exists("&l:acd")
  2942. line 15: let {a:vt}netrw_acdkeep = &l:acd
  2943. line 16: endif
  2944. line 17: let {a:vt}netrw_aikeep = &l:ai
  2945. line 18: let {a:vt}netrw_awkeep = &l:aw
  2946. line 19: let {a:vt}netrw_bombkeep = &l:bomb
  2947. line 20: let {a:vt}netrw_cikeep = &l:ci
  2948. line 21: let {a:vt}netrw_cinkeep = &l:cin
  2949. line 22: let {a:vt}netrw_cinokeep = &l:cino
  2950. line 23: let {a:vt}netrw_comkeep = &l:com
  2951. line 24: let {a:vt}netrw_cpokeep = &l:cpo
  2952. line 25: let {a:vt}netrw_diffkeep = &l:diff
  2953. line 26: if g:netrw_keepdir
  2954. line 27: let {a:vt}netrw_dirkeep = getcwd()
  2955. line 28: endif
  2956. line 29: let {a:vt}netrw_fokeep = &l:fo " formatoptions
  2957. line 30: let {a:vt}netrw_gdkeep = &l:gd " gdefault
  2958. line 31: let {a:vt}netrw_hidkeep = &l:hidden
  2959. line 32: let {a:vt}netrw_imkeep = &l:im
  2960. line 33: let {a:vt}netrw_magickeep = &l:magic
  2961. line 34: let {a:vt}netrw_repkeep = &l:report
  2962. line 35: let {a:vt}netrw_selkeep = &l:sel
  2963. line 36: let {a:vt}netrw_spellkeep = &l:spell
  2964. line 37: let {a:vt}netrw_twkeep = &l:tw " textwidth
  2965. line 38: let {a:vt}netrw_wigkeep = &l:wig " wildignore
  2966. line 39: if has("win32") && !has("win95")
  2967. line 40: let {a:vt}netrw_swfkeep = &l:swf " swapfile
  2968. line 41: endif
  2969. line 42: if &go =~# 'a' | sil! let {a:vt}netrw_regstar = @* | endif
  2970. line 42: sil! let {a:vt}netrw_regstar = @* | endif
  2971. line 42: endif
  2972. line 43: sil! let {a:vt}netrw_regslash= @/
  2973. line 44:
  2974. line 45: " call Dret("s:NetrwOptionSave : win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%"))
  2975. function <SNR>63_NetrwBookHistSave..<SNR>63_NetrwEnew..<SNR>63_NetrwOptionSave returning #0
  2977. continuing in function <SNR>63_NetrwBookHistSave..<SNR>63_NetrwEnew
  2979. line 34:
  2980. line 35: " copy function-local-variables to buffer variable equivalents
  2981. line 36: " call Decho("copy function-local variables back to buffer netrw variables")
  2982. line 37: if exists("netrw_bannercnt") |let b:netrw_bannercnt = netrw_bannercnt |endif
  2983. line 37: let b:netrw_bannercnt = netrw_bannercnt |endif
  2984. line 37: endif
  2985. line 38: if exists("netrw_browser_active") |let b:netrw_browser_active = netrw_browser_active |endif
  2986. line 38: let b:netrw_browser_active = netrw_browser_active |endif
  2987. line 38: endif
  2988. line 39: if exists("netrw_cpf") |let b:netrw_cpf = netrw_cpf |endif
  2989. line 39: let b:netrw_cpf = netrw_cpf |endif
  2990. line 39: endif
  2991. line 40: if exists("netrw_curdir") |let b:netrw_curdir = netrw_curdir |endif
  2992. line 40: let b:netrw_curdir = netrw_curdir |endif
  2993. line 40: endif
  2994. line 41: if exists("netrw_explore_bufnr") |let b:netrw_explore_bufnr = netrw_explore_bufnr |endif
  2995. line 41: let b:netrw_explore_bufnr = netrw_explore_bufnr |endif
  2996. line 41: endif
  2997. line 42: if exists("netrw_explore_indx") |let b:netrw_explore_indx = netrw_explore_indx |endif
  2998. line 42: let b:netrw_explore_indx = netrw_explore_indx |endif
  2999. line 42: endif
  3000. line 43: if exists("netrw_explore_line") |let b:netrw_explore_line = netrw_explore_line |endif
  3001. line 43: let b:netrw_explore_line = netrw_explore_line |endif
  3002. line 43: endif
  3003. line 44: if exists("netrw_explore_list") |let b:netrw_explore_list = netrw_explore_list |endif
  3004. line 44: let b:netrw_explore_list = netrw_explore_list |endif
  3005. line 44: endif
  3006. line 45: if exists("netrw_explore_listlen")|let b:netrw_explore_listlen = netrw_explore_listlen|endif
  3007. line 45: let b:netrw_explore_listlen = netrw_explore_listlen|endif
  3008. line 45: endif
  3009. line 46: if exists("netrw_explore_mtchcnt")|let b:netrw_explore_mtchcnt = netrw_explore_mtchcnt|endif
  3010. line 46: let b:netrw_explore_mtchcnt = netrw_explore_mtchcnt|endif
  3011. line 46: endif
  3012. line 47: if exists("netrw_fname") |let b:netrw_fname = netrw_fname |endif
  3013. line 47: let b:netrw_fname = netrw_fname |endif
  3014. line 47: endif
  3015. line 48: if exists("netrw_lastfile") |let b:netrw_lastfile = netrw_lastfile |endif
  3016. line 48: let b:netrw_lastfile = netrw_lastfile |endif
  3017. line 48: endif
  3018. line 49: if exists("netrw_liststyle") |let b:netrw_liststyle = netrw_liststyle |endif
  3019. line 49: let b:netrw_liststyle = netrw_liststyle |endif
  3020. line 49: endif
  3021. line 50: if exists("netrw_method") |let b:netrw_method = netrw_method |endif
  3022. line 50: let b:netrw_method = netrw_method |endif
  3023. line 50: endif
  3024. line 51: if exists("netrw_option") |let b:netrw_option = netrw_option |endif
  3025. line 51: let b:netrw_option = netrw_option |endif
  3026. line 51: endif
  3027. line 52: if exists("netrw_prvdir") |let b:netrw_prvdir = netrw_prvdir |endif
  3028. line 52: let b:netrw_prvdir = netrw_prvdir |endif
  3029. line 52: endif
  3030. line 53:
  3031. line 5
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