
RP 2

Dec 14th, 2016
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  1. [04:01:52] After leaving the curious sarradian girl to explore to her own end, Yu left for the only stronghold he'd ever known. His home. His days spent in the abandoned castle were almost too many for him to remember. Learning magic, history, finding out about Ryuujin, The Spirit Lord, all if it occured here. Kidoku and the Takashi clan had taken the castle for their home after the fall of Frostvale, and so the Takashi's presence here was anything but insignificant.
  3. The halls seemed so big now that it was only him one. No laughter filled the corridoors, no jokes and smiles to be shared. Only memories of what was. Kidoku's pocket watch ticked loudly through the silence as Yu reminisced on the many good memories he had with his family.
  5. Soon the silence and nostalgia would be broken by the seal of the castle door's opening. The cold winds of Dragon Peak blew in small amounts of snow, but it was quickly sealed as another entered the castle. From a distance, Yu could barely make it out but he was sure. This was his friend Elekio.
  6. (Yu Hao Takashi)
  9. [04:05:16] Raizen walks over to Apollion and hands him three letters and a picture of a family tree.
  10. (Raizen Arashi)
  12. [04:09:32] He had been in these halls before so many times, none had they ever felt so empty as in these recent days. Kidoku's sacrifice had been felt by them all, but now it was time to press forward. He had to lead as best he could, albeit it was in pale comparison to what had been before, he was weak, and needed more strength.
  14. He came into those halls once more, but Yu Hao was there, they had been looking for him for some time, "Hello Yu Hao, here to claim leadership of the clan I suppose?" His relatives had been here for that exact reason. "If you haven't heard yet, then here, read these, they're Kidoku's last wills and reflections on the past."
  16. He took a few steps forward towards the desk, "I shall be organizing the tests for the successor of the Takashi clan. I have already renounced my claim to the position. Best we get that formality out of the way before we plan anything more substansive."
  18. He turned around, "In the absence of Ladon, or any other powerful Drakanite of the old Draco Nivis, I have taken de facto leadership. I assure it is only temporary, I am incompetent to say the least."
  19. (Apollion Hertland)
  21. [04:12:57] The massive iron-bound oaken door comes to a close as Elekio pushes it with some manner of force to properly secure the latch. His lips are a faint cyan shade, evidence he has been walking about outside for quite some time.
  23. Pulling, as the strings always are, lead Elekio as if by force from place to place, yet a grin crosses his face anyhow revealing a row of mostly straight teeth. His clover eyes lay upon Yu, as his talons pull from the door itself, a faint clicking noise paired with it.
  25. "Hello again, Yu. I have heard many interesting things in the past few weeks. Please, tell me the tale that you would like to tell, as I know you have one, and I know part of it is meant for me."
  27. Elekio awaits a response.
  28. (Elekio Frostbloom)
  30. [04:14:40] Raizen walked toward the red headed fellow and showed him what he had in his pocket.
  32. "This is a family tree of people related to the Takakshi."
  34. "They are all eligible since Kidoku wrote a Drakinite isn't required to lead the Takashi."
  35. (Raizen Arashi)
  37. [04:14:40] "There are more than just those. He included adopted and even non-relatives."
  38. (Apollion Hertland)
  40. [04:15:31] Raizen Arashi: You can etheir be adopted married, or born into the clan.
  42. [04:15:31] Raizen Arashi: To become leader.
  44. [04:31:44] Silence.
  46. Silence developed after the other warriors had filled the halls of his home. Their cause was just, but the subject was not one Yu was willing to talk about. Especially, not while he was still mourning his grandfathers death. Deep thoughts ran though his head. These were warriors ready to fight, a means to an end of suffering and strife. He could use the Takashi Clan, as a means to avenge Kidoku. Yu cared not for the title of leader, for he knew if any of the warriors among his relative could beat him; then they would be worthy of the title Asura.
  48. Yu gripped the letter and read carefully. His Grandfathers hand writing hand made tears well up inside of his eyes. Only one word could resound in his mind.
  50. "Magnus....." His sadness quickly turned to rage. Now was not the time to bother Yu with such things as the others were about to find out.
  52. "You show me pictures of people you say are my family, but I say to you. Anyone that will not raise their blades for this Clan's goals will never be recognized by me. I'd sooner skin them all from head to toe. Where were they when The Peak Needed Defending. If They wanted the title of Asura, they should've challenged Kidoku while he was still of this world.. Family! If they are even worthy of the clan, they will come to understand in time. I'd sooner kill them than let someone unworthy take control of this clan. If there is a test to be held, then so be it. Know this, anyone...and I mean ANYONE, that doesn't live by the clans rules shall perish. Grandfather always said...Takashi's don't give up until they die. There must be blood for blood.... anyone who is willing to help me destroy Magnus.... will be accepted by me" Yu looked at them all with bloodlust in his eyes. It was clear he wanted revenge.
  55. (Yu Hao Takashi)
  57. [04:35:08] Raizen looked back at the paper and smiled seeing his family name being under the Ashura branch.
  58. (Raizen Arashi)
  60. [04:36:00] Raizen put the paper back in his pocket and left to go outside.
  61. "I'm going to find Gin see ya'."
  62. (Raizen Arashi)
  64. [04:39:24] His eyes never leave Yu as he speaks. The child is motivated, and this much is certain. Yet he binds himself to far into the realms of blood and honor. Elekio had seen many people like him. His mind muddles but for a moment.
  66. The strings they pull and twist at him. He does not know yet where these feelings come from, or what they represent, but for now they give him purpose. It seems for the time that his purpose is somehow tied with this child.
  68. "Yu, I have but a simple phrase for you. A man wiser than I once said that the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb."
  70. Elekio pauses, he brings a hand to his face to clear away excess hair.
  72. "Do you know what this means, friend Yu?"
  73. (Elekio Frostbloom)
  75. [04:41:07] He heard the rage and fervor in his voice. The same wrathful anguish that had tormented him before. That still plagued him, gnawing at him from beneath the surface of his facade. He had to hide it. It was not befitting of his current position to allow his rage mastery over him. But he understood, and his fire was stoked by the boy's words.
  77. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, then letting out a large sigh, walked backwards. "Magnus will Die. He will suffer for every drop of blood he has spilled. He will be paid ten by ten thousand times what he has caused others. No one, wants to see thier tyranny fall and crumble into the murky blackness more than you or I, but we can't run in there full of sound and fury without a plan or cohesion. There needs to be a new clan head, there MUST be a new clan head. It is what Kidoku wanted.
  79. His raika began to surge, "We want thier blood. We want to see thier heads mounted on pikes outside of Dragon's Peak and thier viscera given to the dragons to feed. To hear the vultures and the crows thank us for the flesh of the unjust we have provided for them. There will be blood for blood. I have already sworn that." he calmed himself, "But we need a plan."
  81. "Kidoku would have wanted a successor. Its why its in his will. We need to have cohesion. Or we will all die in our disperate quests for vengeance. I Still remember the blood oath I made, I shall never forget, but you must listen to me. Listen to reason."
  82. (Apollion Hertland)
  85. [04:48:48] "In name of blood of heroes so freshly bled
  86. Flowed unjustly like rivers red
  87. And to bring upon the guilty my furious hate
  88. Suffer beneath my Righteous Wrath
  89. This is your fate
  91. That is what I swore. That is what I keep to."
  92. (Apollion Hertland)
  94. [04:53:04] They tried to speak reason into Yu. Reason he could see the logic behind. He wasn't planning on just storming in, he had a plan formulating. He'd meet with his contact on the inside of Nostvale informing him of Magnus' actions and his kidnapping of Ladon's Daughter. Yu knew that now was not the time to strike and that is percisely why he was going to find others to help him in his cause.
  96. "I have someone working with me. They want Magnus' head as well. They were sent under orders of the Queen of Nostvale to meet me. He spoke of the queen wanting Magnus' demise. She will arrange a moment for his destruction, the only thing is we have to deliver the blow. I understand that Lena, Ladon's Daughter has been taken as a prisoner as well. I fear we Drakanite's have fallen. Our Ancestors would laugh at us in pity.... I plan to change that. I will show them that our fang's have never grown dull."
  98. Yu listened onward to Elekio. He was just the person that Yu had wanted to see. His goals were seemingly aligned with The other Drakanite, and he had come to respect his words of wisdom.
  100. "No, I don't. Clarify for me a little."
  101. (Yu Hao Takashi)
  104. [05:02:27] A deep furrow crosses Elekio's brow, and his face darkens. His eyes darken too, dropping from a light clover into a deeper emerald. Clearly, he is rather serious about what he is attepmting to explain here.
  106. He raises a clawed finger;
  108. "The blood of the covenant is the people you freely, and of your own will support and befriend. These bonds are more powerful than the bonds of blood, as these bonds are made free of blood. The water of the womb, is blood. Blood draws to blood, you have no choice but to defend it."
  110. His finger makes various motions as he speaks, his blood red tounge sticking out from time to time.
  112. "You must not allow this 'Magnus' to draw you into his storm. You must draw him into your peace."
  114. Elekio's voice is calm and quiet, yet somehow carries to fill the entire chamber. It's an unusual talent, but one that must be shown, particularly in cases such as these. Elekio isn't against conflict, but he is aware that conflict begets conflict, unless steps are taken.
  116. "You must draw him into your peace, lull him into a false sense of security. Time must pass, you must age, and when he thinks himself free of your revenge, you take it in full. You kill him, you kill his children, you burn his home, and you salt his land."
  118. Elekio sighs;
  120. "I'm going to tell you to wait, I feel you know this."
  122. He points the finger towards Yu.
  124. "If you are patient, you will lead him into your trap. If you are passionate, you will fall into his."
  125. (Elekio Frostbloom)
  128. [05:09:16] Gin enters the building, he picked up a new scent in the air...Its not Jessi's its not Apollion's nor Elekio's nor Raizen's rather...The person he's been waiting to face for such a long time now, the day has come...
  130. ''Yu Hao Takashi...I've been looking EVERYWHERE to find you...Heheheh.''
  132. He unsheaths his Rune Sword and swings it around, for he wishes to settle the score right now, his tail wags around and his ears flickered left and right, he was shorter than Yu, almost like someone you just can't take seriously no matter how hard you try.
  133. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  136. [05:16:06] The words of his friend reached him. His lust for blood was too strong, and there had been many things that he was not ready for. He would have to master time magic and his Half-Shift before even attempting anything. If Kidoku's will wanted another clan leader, then there would be one.
  138. "Gather the people on the list. We will battle for the new Takashi leader at Twilight. Right here. Anyone that wishes to be apart of it must be in accordance to Grandfather's wishes."
  140. Yu looked at Elekio. His head nodding in agreement. "I will wait." He had time. His grandfather had given him and endless supply of time...he thought to himself as he rubbed his golden pocketwatch.
  142. Suddenly an wild Ookami would come swinging a sword. What the shit? Suddenly Yu would pause time and remove the Ookami's sword and place it at his feet. He would resume time only when his Shadow flame covered claws where at the nape of the Ookami's neck.
  144. "Who are you. How do you know my name." Yu asked.
  147. (Yu Hao Takashi)
  149. [05:16:57] "Its not that simple. There are four tests. Strength is one of them. Worry not though, I have my tests and measures drawn up."
  150. (Apollion Hertland)
  152. [05:21:13] Gin was rather impressed by Yu's abilities to manipulate Time, what Yu does not know is: Gin is a Time Mage Practioner! And his reflex is alot faster than most people in this room, his eyes simply looked back at Yu.
  154. ''Who am I? You can say I know alot of things, I am from Seth's Branch of the Takashi family, the name's Gin Takashi Mikoto!''
  156. Gin snaps his fingers and spun a flurry of wind around Yu to blow away the shadowflame in his palms as Gin picks up his Rune Sword and moonwalks away from him creating a reasonable amount of distance.
  158. ''It appears that I came just in time, looks like we're gonna have a fight for the Asura title, hm?''
  159. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  161. [05:22:56] "We should wait for the others."
  162. (Apollion Hertland)
  164. [05:26:20] Gin frowned and then pouts.
  166. ''But I've been waiting to find this guy for nearly a month, we established now that he isn't the easiest guy to find? Hm? Why not lets get this fight started already? I am sure the others will come in their own time...''
  168. Gin was rather impatient at this point, so much build up for their inevitable battle, Gin can't be kept waiting for too long, he casually reaches into Kidoku's old jacket and pulls out an orange and begins to consume it slowly but surely, awaiting a response.
  170. ''Still...It wasn't very nice you used Time Magic on me before he could even have a friendly conversation~ Which either means you must be REALLY confident about your abilities or you just wanna fight me from the get-go~''
  171. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  173. [05:28:03] Raizen walked toward Gin and stood beside him looking at Yu.
  174. (Raizen Arashi)
  177. [05:31:28] His home was being filled with people that he'd never seen. Besides Apollion, the only person that Yu even recognized was Elekio, and to think more people would fill his home's halls. Frustration had begun to brew, but this was what Kidoku wanted. Only through these things being his last wishes, would Yu respect them.
  179. Walking closer to the Ookami who identified himself to be Gin, Yu would remember Elekio's words. His teeth sanked into his lips once more, trying to hold himself back.
  181. "Listen. Kidoku's wife was a Ookami, so I decided to spare your life. Please just leave me alone...all I want to do is get this over with."
  182. (Yu Hao Takashi)
  184. [05:31:28] (Takashi Clan) Gin T. Mikoto {Asura}: And the requirements were made simple.
  185. [05:31:28] (Takashi Clan) Gin T. Mikoto {Asura}: 1: Be of considerable strength among the clan.
  186. [05:31:28] (Takashi Clan) Gin T. Mikoto {Asura}: 2: Has made contributions to the clan.
  187. [05:32:19] "Then lets get this over with, shall we? Follow me."
  188. (Apollion Hertland)
  190. [05:33:10] "You may begin whenever you feel it is time to do so."
  191. (Apollion Hertland)
  192. [05:34:01] Apollion Hertland: Stand next to me Raizen
  195. [05:46:49] Gin knew Yu had somewhat of an attitude, the complete opposite of his own friendly, cheerful attitude, however, all of this needs to be settled right here, right now...If not, he'll never get satisfaction from all of the trouble he went through just to get up here, and he does not intend on making all of this trip for nothing.
  197. ''Get ready, Yu-kun.'' Gin was not too sure if he can really take on Yu in a fight like this...Must be hard...For him to lose someone dear to him...After all, the only important person in Gin's life he lost was his mother, he wanted to win to make her proud, he wanted to win to prove the Takashi family that he's worth something.
  199. Gin deep down knew that he must try his hardest right from the get-go, for he may not win this fight too easily, knowing that Yu was able to go toe to toe with Apollion is the main reason that got him so nervous.
  201. ''This guy learnt Time Magic and Fire Magic from the old man...Maybe I should keep my guard up at all costs, cause if I screw up, he'll screw me up as well!
  203. The battle begin, but there's something different about Gin, something he hid from Apollion since their first battle, Apollion's gonna be mad at Gin for this but-
  205. Garuda Style
  207. With a combination of Gin's Wind Aura, it explodes out of his body rather violently, burning and eating at his mana at a rather slow rate!
  208. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  210. [05:46:49] Yu stood and followed the Oscuri to the center of Dragon Peak. His eyes only glaring at the snow in memory of those that he'd lost. The loud ticking of his watch only made him miss them more. Still, it was for them that he would have to face endless trails. To make them proud. His father was in line to become the Asura, but died before it was even possible.
  212. His Dragonscale swung in the Breeze of the cold tundra, beneath it, his Dragon shaped Rune Tattoo. Soon they would all line up, as if waiting for something. His hair began blowing from his face due to the large amount of wind. It seemed as though the Ookami had been waiting for this moment. Yu could feel it coming, as he could always. His eyes shifted to crimson slits. His hands, ready for anything that came at them. He could tell without anyone saying it, this kid wanted a fight with him.
  214. "I'm not stupid. I'm ready now if you can't wait for everyone to reach. I can feel your eagerness from here."
  216. (Yu Hao Takashi)
  218. [05:51:05] "This is taking longer than I had anticipated..."
  219. (Apollion Hertland)
  221. [05:52:48] Elekio taps his clawed finger to his chin, before turning to look at Apollion.
  223. "Yet... despite the length, it did seem rather one sided, did it not?"
  224. (Elekio Frostbloom)
  226. [05:58:46] Yu was no fool. He was taught the principles of being a mage from his Grandfather, someone who had mastered a multidue of magic. His number one rule was to always know what kind of situation one was getting himself into. After the Ookami used his Wind, it was clear that he was built on his speed and strength.
  228. Yu focused on not hitting the Ookami in fatal places, as he blasted Shadow flames all over his arms and legs. The Young Ookami's blade was sharp, and he even managed to strike Yu a few times just barely breaking his Flame Aura. The First round ended when Yu launched his last Shadow ball at him, just barely knocking the ookami backwards on his feet.
  230. They both looked at each other sternly. "What was Kidoku to you?" Asked Yu while swinging his staff around his body like a pole.
  231. (Yu Hao Takashi)
  232. [05:59:37] Apollion Hertland: <* They both are chips off of the ol' KIdoku Ice pack>
  233. [06:00:28] "An interesting frst round to say the least..."
  234. (Apollion Hertland)
  236. [06:03:02] Gin lasted longer than he hoped, but his only problem thus far is reaching Yu, and when he does, Yu has an attack ready...Gin was taking alot of wounds, much more than he hoped he should, and there was only so many attacks he could've even avoided...
  238. ''Damnit...He's alot stronger than I thought...But...''
  240. ''But what...? Gin? You know you can call upon our power if you ever so desperately need it.''
  242. ''Yes, our power is divine, and we can bless you with said power for a limited amount of time...''
  244. Gin shakes his head and rises up after taking a black fireball to his stomach.
  246. ''I appreciate your offer, but I think I can do this on my own...Have some faith in me...''
  248. Gin snaps back into reality, for it is time for round two, but before he could do that, Gin has to answer hYu's question.
  250. ''The Old Man appears to have gone through alot, and he had alot of suffering to deal with, losing his family, friends and eventually home, yet he can still make the good out of it, he never gave up on living his life...Because of that, I respect him and I wish to carry on that torch for him!''
  252. With that, Gin makes another rush!
  253. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  255. [06:03:53] "Round 2 boys. Take notes you two." He was with his notebook.
  256. (Apollion Hertland)
  258. [06:14:08] Gin slid around each of the attacks, right at the beginning, their most powerful attacks collided, blasting into each other, Gin bounces away with Yu right on his tail, blasting a barrage of Black Fireballs, he then proceeds to slash around frantically at blinding rates to deflect each of the Fireballs.
  260. ''Looks like you were beginning to underestimate me! YU!''
  262. Once the round has reached the climax, Gin swung the blunt end of his Rune Sword around Yu's torso, sending him directly into a nearby cliff!
  264. Gin knows that he still has alot of strength left in him, and this fight is not gonna end unless Gin feels like he's achieved some development as a person.
  266. ''And what about you? You asked me the question, soits fair if I ask the same question, what was Old Man Kidoku to you? Want about him that made you feel this way? Are you just choosing to fight for this leadership ''Just because he asked for it?''
  268. He backflips away from Yu and gets back into the Garuda stance!
  269. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  271. [06:15:50] "Thats enough of that. I don't want you two getting hurt too bad."
  272. (Apollion Hertland)
  274. [06:16:41] "You duel respectfully, or not at all."
  275. (Apollion Hertland)
  277. [06:20:06] Silly Gin, he had done something he never should've. He talked about Kidoku as if he knew him personally, or even bothered to help him when he was alive. This rose rage from inside Yu that he'd been trying his best to hold back. His eyes turned to black Slits that sat in his head, and his bloodlust seeped out in the form of Depravity, as the Occult aura covered him from head to toe. Quickly he would dash towards Gin sending a Gut wrenching punch to his abdomen, ignoring what ever was spoken by apollion. He lifted the young Ookami from the snow with one hand, while his fangs blinded him as he unhenged his jaw from its closed position revealing numerous razor blades for teeth. Smoke tumbled from out of his mouth, as did his words.
  279. "Speak of Kidoku again, and I will make you a meal. Remember that you flee ridden pup." Then he tossed him into the cliffside clearly serious now.
  281. "GET UP. You started something you cannot finish. I'll show you pain since you want to be hurt that badly."
  282. (Yu Hao Takashi)
  284. [06:23:31] {combat} Gin T. Mikoto has been defeated by Yu Hao Takashi! They're unable to continue fighting.
  286. [06:32:54] "YU! I don't like where your rhetoric is going. You should do well to save your wrath for the enemy." He leaned over the cliff, he would jump over and jump into the fray himself if he had to. He didn't want them hurt. They were understaffed as it was.
  288. The streams of flame and attack were relentless. He hopped over the cliff face, and got closer. If anything were to occur, he would take care of it. He would not allow Yu Hao's rage to get the best of him. He inched with slow footsteps toward the fight. "You wouldn't mind if I check for wounds right now, right?" It was looking to be a drawn out conflict, he didn't want any lasting injuries.
  290. He looked to his right at his apprentice, Raizen. and in a mocking tone, "You still sure you want to compete in this? Could get hurt." He went closer, there were burns and possibly lacerations, he couldn't let those get bad. He had become an expert in patching people up as a necessity, Rena tended to pick fights she couldn't win.
  292. Foolish kids. He couldn't help but laugh at thier fighting at a title they couldn't hope to truly grasp until at least a decade from now. "Afternoon Judith, you here to witness the duel between Kidoku's kin?" of course she didn't know it was happening, it was more impromptu. He laughed a little. "Pick a spot and get comfy, it might be a while."
  293. (Apollion Hertland)
  294. [06:32:54] Gin was caught completely off guard by Yu's sudden outburst of power, fueled by rage, now's the time to really get serious, he shakes off the last attack by blowing away the fire on his clothes, Gin wasn't scared of Yu, not at all, he can easily tell he's just a kid mourning for his grandfather.
  296. He jumps away again and frowns as he wipes away the blood from his lip from a previous punch Yu threw at him...
  298. ''Gin, you are very well capable of invoking the power of Asena and Saekanis and use their power to completely overwhelm this spoiled brat with anger issues.''
  300. ''Of course you are, power is what you need, and you surely can't do this alone, you're...A gentle spirit, you do not possess the rage to match Yu's.''
  302. ''I can handle this! Just let me do this! Please!''
  304. Gin snaps out of it again...He can really use some motivation right about now...The hate in Yu is just...Immense, even threatening his own family...
  306. ''No...We're a part of the same family, I have a right to talk about him! I know about him because of the letters he left behind! And I am sure as hell he wouldn't want you to be acting like this!''
  307. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  310. [06:36:19] He expected a similiar answer from the other one, but asked anyways, "You care for a quick fix, yu hao?"
  311. (Apollion Hertland)
  313. [06:37:10] Apollion Hertland: <* foolish kids... fighting over Kidoku's honor like they were against it...>
  315. [06:38:52] Judith came down from the barracks after a long well deserved nap to see her friend Gin squareing off with another boy she had not yet met. Apollion cleared matters up with his question to her. She was glad to see the wise Oscuri keeping watch over the whole afair.
  317. "Oh yeah, I'd love to see this."
  319. Judith replied to Apollion fulling expecting Gin to wipe the floor with whomever he was up against. Sensing he may need a bit of encouragement she shouted
  320. "You can do it Gin-kun! kick his butt!".
  322. (Judith Deconde)
  323. ]
  324. [06:41:26] Gin's wounds were not that bad, he can still fight, what he's concerned about is the amazing amount of mana he's using to maitain the Garuda stance let alone his Wind Aura AND using multiple sword techniques all at once, never once, an enemy had pushed him so far, but no matter how deep Gin digs, he can't find that rage in order to empower him...But...He's closer to an answer.
  326. ''I can do this...But I am not going to give up so easily, nor he's going to stop me from fullfilling my dreams as well as fullfilling the old man's honor! Nor I am going to back away if he threatens my life...''
  328. Gin's eyes locked on his target, Yu Hao Takashi, like a fighter jet and his eyes slit once more, he was dead serious, for how Yu's been acting out of grief was just not right, he's taking it out on the wrong people.
  330. Though Gin's mana was low, he managed to find the willpower to perform the stance once more! But the aura faded away!
  331. (Gin T. Mikoto)
  333. [06:44:51] Raizen looked at Apollion.
  335. "Yeah totally I'm competing."
  337. Raizen was much weaker than the two fighting now, but if he had some time to train he could perform at the same level as these two. He looked at the two with envy he couldn't use magic yet and they had a great understanding of it. Raizen would need to catch up if he wanted to become the Takashi clan's leader. He looked forward and watched the two fight.
  338. (Raizen Arashi)
  340. [06:45:42] Apollion Hertland: Well then raizen, you and me. Spar.
  342. [06:45:42] Yu Hao Takashi: I dont care anymore.
  344. [06:45:42] Gin T. Mikoto: Nani?
  345. [06:45:42] Raizen Arashi: Alright.
  346. [06:45:42] Gin T. Mikoto: What do you mean you don't care?
  347. [06:45:42] Yu Hao Takashi: You all speak as if you know him, but you don't understand anything.
  348. [06:46:33] Apollion Hertland: <* Don't open your mouth again, you arrogant child...>
  350. [06:46:33] Yu Hao Takashi: You've never spent a day in his presence. Never once ever watched him struggle.
  351. [06:46:33] Gin T. Mikoto: ...
  352. [06:47:24] Yu Hao Takashi: If you want to pick a leader fine. I want nothing to do with it.
  354. [06:47:24] Apollion Hertland: You are bound to this clan. You will not scorn your father's wishes so easily.
  355. [06:47:24] The panting of young men in heated combat was musical, in a way a chorus delighting in melodies from cold steel and subtle notes from grunts. A symphony of combat.
  357. Elekio merely watched from nearby, his face looks intent, the eyes a dark emerald, in stark contrast to their standard light clover. His hair stood as a cloud around his head, an almost physical representation of how he was feeling.
  359. The strings they pulled him towards both Gin and Yu. It was the strangest thing, and to be frank, Elekio was tired, dead tired of the sensation, it was at this point an idea formed in his mind.
  361. The strings weren't physical, but they felt as if they were.
  363. The brief hiatus of the rest ended, and the boys went back into combat for whatever reason or another, the fights were for their beliefs, not his own, so it wasn't his concern, apperantly the strings found both of these lads to be important.
  365. He pushed the strings away. Not with any force of the body, but with the force of the mind, the force of the spirit. The boys accelerated, as if propelled forward in time, speeding the fight along, the hits were faster, the parries more efficient, and the strikes blinding...
  367. Something had happened when he pushed the forces binding him. He just wasn't entirely sure what yet, he was baffled, confused by what had just happened. He pushed the strings again, and again, and each time the boys sped up, he was not controlling them, merely accelerating their passage through time, or so it seemed.
  369. The rammifications of this were disturbing.
  370. (Elekio Frostbloom)
  373. [06:49:58] He got closer to the child. Looking at him, "I did know him. I was with him those last 2 years of his life. And he would want you to serve the family. Not just blow it off like an inconsiderate fool."
  374. (Apollion Hertland)
  376. [06:49:58] Yu Hao Takashi: I'll be leaving now. Before I kill one of you. He was not my father. He was my Grandfather. As far as I can remember, this clan was built by him and protected by him. ONLY in death do you even know of him. It brings me great distaste. Don't make me fight anymore, for any further and I wont stop until he breathe's no more.
  377. [06:50:49] Yu Hao Takashi: And as for you Apollo, respected as you may be, you are not my father. Nor Do I SEEK one.
  379. [06:51:40] Apollion Hertland: Arrogant. Go then, no one will stop you. I am not your father. I am nothing compared to Kidoku, but I speak to what he would have wanted.
  381. [06:52:32] Yu Hao Takashi: fight amonst yourselves. I want nothing to do with it. I
  383. [06:53:23] Apollion Hertland: There is no fight. Only no rest due to your inability to swallow your rage.
  385. [06:55:05] "Hear me now! If you leave, you defy Kidoku's last wish. I am bound till my death to obey that. If you leave, you defy him. I will never recognize his name in you. He wouldn't want anyone to be controlled by thier emotions."
  386. (Apollion Hertland)
  388. [06:56:48] Apollion Hertland: I'm wasting my breath on you...
  390. [06:57:39] Gin's teeth sharpened and he clenched his fists, hearing Yu just go on and on, completely turning away from their fight, to downright disregard Gin's reason to be here...
  392. He just wanted to dash over there and land a punch over to Yu's face to make him snap out of it, but it would be rather out of character for him...
  394. ''Fine, go, run away from it all as if you can just discard what Kidoku would've wanted, that man basically written his life in those notes, I wouldn't be talking to you like this if I didn't understand the first thing about him! And one thing is certain! I know that he absorbed every once of anger and sadness he's faced with! And I am certain he died with a smile on his face!''
  396. Gin was upset for once, he was angry that one person who is probably the only one left besides Jessi who knew Kidoku, seeing him act like this...Just made his blood boil...
  397. (Gin T. Mikoto)
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