Guest User


a guest
May 19th, 2017
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  1. {
  2. "errmsgs": {
  3. "-2": "Downloading...",
  4. "-1": "Operation Aborted",
  5. "0": "Completed Successfully",
  6. "1": "Twoje konto bankowe nie istnieje!",
  7. "2": "You do not have access to this operation!",
  8. "3": "To konto nie ma tyle pieniędzy!",
  9. "4": "Nie stać cię na zakup!",
  10. "5": "You do not have access to any group accounts. :(",
  11. "6": "The player you tried to select doesn't exist or is invalid.",
  12. "7": "The player you tried to add to the group is already a member.",
  13. "8": "The account has reached its limit!",
  14. "9": "Masz na koncie debet, spłać go!",
  15. "10": "System is busy. Try again later.",
  16. "11": "Server took too long to respond.",
  17. "12": "Failure accessing database.",
  18. "13": "Incorrect PIN.",
  19. "14": "Download failed. Miscommunication error.",
  20. "15": "Server took too long to send data.",
  21. "16": "Failure writing to database.",
  22. "17": "You have attempted to use an exploit.",
  23. "18": "Download failed. Data is corrupted.",
  24. "19": "Bank account is corrupt",
  25. "20": "The account is locked. This is usually caused by the server shutting down while a transaction was in progress.",
  26. "21": "The entity you're using does not have access to this operation.",
  27. "22": "The result from the log search is empty.",
  28. "32": "Account with the same or a similar name already exists.",
  29. "33": "Account name is too long.",
  30. "34": "Invalid account name.",
  31. "35": "You do not have the correct player rank to perform this operation.",
  32. "36": "Cannot create/upgrade account. Account rank is too high or too low.",
  33. "37": "You've reached the limit of accounts you can have.",
  34. "38": "There are too many players in this group.",
  35. "39": "You cannot close a personal account.",
  36. "-127": "The ARCBank system failed to load.",
  37. "-128": "Unknown Error. Try again."
  38. },
  39. "msgs": {
  40. "LogMsgs": {
  41. "Upgraded": "Account upgraded",
  42. "Downgraded": "Account downgraded",
  43. "Created": "Stworzono konto",
  44. "Deleted": "Usunięto konto",
  45. "Salary": "Wypłata"
  46. },
  47. "ATMCreator": {
  48. "NoName": "Your custom ATM needs a name.",
  49. "InUse": "The ATM Creator is already in use!",
  50. "Invalid": "The specified custom ATM file doesn't exist, and the specified model isn't valid.",
  51. "Options": "This is option #%OPTION% (Button #%BUTTON%)",
  52. "MsgBox": "Error: Your custom ATM is too awesome!",
  53. "EnterName": "No name specified.",
  54. "EnterModel": "The specified ATM doesn't exist. In order for you to create one with that name, you must specify a valid model. (arcbank create_atm my_atm path/to/model.mdl)",
  55. "SavedFile": "Custom ATM has been saved as %FILENAME% on the server.",
  56. "SavedFileDefault": "You're not allowed to replace the default ATM. Please enter a different name.",
  57. "Name": "ARCBank ATM Creator",
  58. "SaveTitle": "Save the custom atm!",
  59. "SaveAs": "Save as...",
  60. "Save": "Save",
  61. "NoSave": "Don't save",
  62. "SoundExplination": "When playing the %SOUNDNAME%, a random sound will play from the specified list. If your sound doesn't seem to be playing in 3D ingame, you will have to add a \"^\" before your sound. For example: ^arcbank/atm-spit-out.wav",
  63. "HackedExplination": "While recovering from a hack, the welcome screen will choose a random texture from the following list every 0.1ish seconds.",
  64. "PositionX": "X Position",
  65. "PositionY": "Y Position",
  66. "PositionZ": "Z Position",
  67. "AngleP": "Pitch Angle",
  68. "AngleY": "Yaw Angle",
  69. "AngleR": "Roll Angle",
  70. "SpeedF": "Speed Forward",
  71. "SpeedR": "Speed Right",
  72. "SpeedU": "Speed Up",
  73. "ScreenSize": "Size",
  74. "ScreenWide": "Width",
  75. "ScreenHeight": "Height",
  76. "Fill": "Fill",
  77. "UseLight": "Use Light",
  78. "BGColour": "Background Colour",
  79. "FGColour": "Foreground Colour",
  80. "DarkMode": "Dark Mode",
  81. "ShowMenu": "Show Menu",
  82. "MessageBox": "Message Box",
  83. "Hacked": "Hacked",
  84. "WelScrMat": "Welcome screen material (Press ENTER to apply)",
  85. "HckWelScr": "Hacked welcome screen",
  86. "IntrTouch": "Interface type: Touchscreen",
  87. "IntrButt": "Interface type: Buttons",
  88. "Butt": "Button #%NUM%",
  89. "MonHit": "Money Hit Box",
  90. "MonL": "Money Length",
  91. "MonW": "Money Width",
  92. "MonH": "Money Height",
  93. "ATMPre": "ATM Preview",
  94. "ButtonAim": "Place the button where you're aiming",
  95. "ScreenRef": "Screen Reference",
  96. "ATMButtons": "ATM Buttons",
  97. "SkinSwitch": "Skin to switch to:",
  98. "ModelSwitch": "Change model to:",
  99. "AnimName": "Animation Name:",
  100. "AnimLen": "Animation Length:",
  101. "UseModel": "Use model (Enables the options below)",
  102. "MoneyModel": "Money Model:",
  103. "CardModel": "Card Model:",
  104. "DepostStartSound": "Play Deposit Starting Sound (Click to here to change sound)",
  105. "PauseSeconds": "Pause for the following amount of seconds:",
  106. "PauseSecondsShort": "Pause (seconds):",
  107. "ATMOpenAnim": "ATM Open Animation (Click to here to change animation)",
  108. "DepositSoundLoop": "Play waiting for deposit sound loop (Click here to change sound)",
  109. "IfDepostFail": "***If the deposit fails***",
  110. "IfDepostSucceeds": "***If the deposit succeeds***",
  111. "DepositFailedSound": "Play deposit failed sound",
  112. "DepositSound": "Play deposit sound",
  113. "DepostAnimaion": "Deposit animation",
  114. "CloseAnimation": "ATM Close Animation (Click to here to change animation)",
  115. "DepositFailQuestion": "Should the deposit fail?",
  116. "WithdrawStartSound": "Play Withdraw Starting Sound (Click to here to change sound)",
  117. "WithdrawAnimation": "Withdraw animation (Click to here to change animation)",
  118. "WaitUser": "***Wait until user takes out the cash***",
  119. "AnimTest": "Test Animation",
  120. "EditCardInAnim": "Edit card insert animation",
  121. "EditCardInSound": "Edit card insert sound",
  122. "EditCardOutAnim": "Edit card remove animation",
  123. "EditCardOutSound": "Edit card remove sound",
  124. "TestCardInAnim": "Test card insert animation",
  125. "TestCardOutAnim": "Test card remove animation",
  126. "ATMCloseSound": "ATM close sound",
  127. "BtnPrsClnt": "Button press sound (client side)",
  128. "BtnPrsServ": "Button press sound (server side)",
  129. "BeepSound": "Request money sound",
  130. "ErrSound": "Error sound",
  131. "BeepNoSound": "Invalid selection sound",
  132. "ScreenPlacement": "Screen Placement",
  133. "ScreenDisplay": "Screen Display",
  134. "ScreenSize2": "Screen Size",
  135. "ScreenWidth": "Screen Width",
  136. "ButtonsPlacement": "Buttons Placement",
  137. "DepositAnim": "Deposit animation",
  138. "WithdrawAnim": "Withdraw animation",
  139. "MoneyLight": "Money light",
  140. "CardAnim": "Card animation",
  141. "CardLight": "Card light",
  142. "SoundsOther": "Other Sounds",
  143. "Removed": "Custom ATM Creator has been removed.",
  144. "Fullscreen": "Set Fullscreen camera position",
  145. "TooltipScreenPos": "Configure the placement of the screen.",
  146. "TooltipScreenCol": "Configure the screen display",
  147. "TooltipButtPos": "Place the buttons on the ATM",
  148. "TooltipMoneyIn": "Configure the money dispensing animation",
  149. "TooltipMoneyOut": "Configure the money withdraw animation",
  150. "TooltipMoneyLight": "Configure the money light",
  151. "TooltipCardAnim": "Configure the card animation",
  152. "TooltipCardLight": "Configure the card light",
  153. "TooltipSound": "Edit more interface sounds"
  154. },
  155. "CommandOutput": {
  156. "SysReset": "System reset required!",
  157. "SysSetting": "%SETTING% has been changed to %VALUE%",
  158. "AccountNotLocked": "The account was not locked.",
  159. "AccountNotSpecified": "You must specify the account",
  160. "AdminCommand": "You must be one of these ranks to use this command: %RANKS%",
  161. "SettingsSaved": "Settings have been saved!",
  162. "SettingsError": "Error saving settings.",
  163. "ATMSaved": "ATMs saved onto map!",
  164. "ATMError": "An error occurred while saving the ATMs onto the map.",
  165. "ATMDSaved": "ATMs detached from map!",
  166. "ATMDError": "An error occurred while detaching ATMs from map.",
  167. "ATMRespawn": "ATMs re-spawned!",
  168. "ATMRError": "No ATMs associated with this map. (Non-existent/Corrupt file)",
  169. "ResetYes": "System reset!",
  170. "ResetNo": "Error. Check server console for details. Or look at the latest system log located in garrysmod/data/_arcbank/syslogs on the server.",
  171. "MySQL1": "A MySQL Error occurred. Tell your server owner to check the logs.",
  172. "MySQL2": "The logs can be found in garrysmod/data/_arcbank/syslogs on the server.",
  173. "MySQL3": "ARCBank will re-activate in 5 seconds.",
  174. "MySQL4": "ARCBank failed to restart. Contact your server owner.",
  175. "MySQLCopy": "Copying all accounts to MySQL database. The server will freeze for a little while.",
  176. "MySQLCopyFrom": "Copying all accounts from MySQL database. This will take a long time."
  177. },
  178. "Items": {
  179. "Hacker": "ATM Hacking Unit",
  180. "Card": "Keycard",
  181. "PinMachine": "Card Machine"
  182. },
  183. "ATMMsgs": {
  184. "NetworkErrorTitle": "Server ARCBank Error",
  185. "NetworkError": "ARCBank failed to load! The most common cause of this is incorrect configuration.\nPlease enter \"arcbank reset\" in console to reload ARCBank.",
  186. "HackingError": "I'm out-of-service :(\nINVALID_MEMORY_OPERATION\nPlease visit a different terminal.",
  187. "Welcome": "Welcome",
  188. "Loading": "Loading...",
  189. "Waiting": "Waiting...",
  190. "LoadingMsg": "Prosze czekać...",
  191. "TakeCash": "Please take your cash.",
  192. "GiveCash": "Please insert your cash.",
  193. "Yes": "Yes",
  194. "No": "No",
  195. "OK": "OK",
  196. "Cancel": "Cancel",
  197. "Close": "Close",
  198. "Abort": "Abort",
  199. "Retry": "Retry",
  200. "Ignore": "Ignore",
  201. "Keypad": "Enter using the keypad:",
  202. "Enter": "Press \"ENTER\" to Continue",
  203. "File": "Text File - Page %PAGE%",
  204. "FileNext": "Next Page",
  205. "FilePrev": "Previous Page",
  206. "FileClose": "Press \"CANCEL\" to Close",
  207. "PersonalInformation": "Personal Account Information",
  208. "PersonalUpgrade": "Upgrade/Create Personal Account",
  209. "GroupInformation": "Group Account Information",
  210. "GroupUpgrade": "Upgrade/Create Group Account",
  211. "Fullscreen": "Toggle Full-screen Mode",
  212. "DarkMode": "Toggle Dark Mode",
  213. "Exit": "Exit",
  214. "Back": "Back",
  215. "More": "More",
  216. "Deposit": "Cash Deposit",
  217. "Withdrawal": "Cash Withdrawal",
  218. "Transfer": "Transfer Funds",
  219. "ViewLog": "View Log",
  220. "OtherNumber": "Other Amount",
  221. "MainMenu": "Welcome, %PLAYERNAME%. How may I help you?",
  222. "Balance": "Balance: ",
  223. "MaximumCash": "A wasted life",
  224. "ChooseAccount": "Please choose an account",
  225. "ChoosePlayer": "Please choose a player",
  226. "SIDAsk": "Does the Steam ID start with STEAM_0:1?",
  227. "GiveMoneyAccount": "Choose the account to give the money to.",
  228. "PlayerTooFar": "You're too far away from the ATM.",
  229. "NumberTooHigh": "You can't use a number higher than %NUM%!",
  230. "CloseAccount": "Close Account",
  231. "AddPlayerGroup": "Add Player to group",
  232. "RemovePlayerGroup": "Remove Player from group",
  233. "CloseNotice": "You're about to close this account. All money in here will be considered as a \"donation\" to ARCBank.\nAre you sure?",
  234. "NoLog": "Log file not found!",
  235. "OpenAccount": "Would you like to open a personal account?",
  236. "UpgradeAccount": "Are you sure you want to upgrade this account?" ,
  237. "CreateGroupAccount": "*Create Group Account",
  238. "PersonalAccount": "*Personal Account",
  239. "OfflinePlayer": "Offline Player",
  240. "EnterPlayer": "Please enter the player's card number"
  241. },
  242. "CardMsgs": {
  243. "NoOwner": "No owner is set!",
  244. "Owner": "This is owned by %PLAYER%",
  245. "InvalidOwner": "You don't own this device!",
  246. "NoCard": "This device isn't requesting a card!",
  247. "InsertCard": "Customer, please insert your card.",
  248. "Account": "Which account do you want to use?" ,
  249. "AccountPay": "Which account do you want to pay with?",
  250. "Label": "What's the label of this transaction?",
  251. "Charge": "How much do you want to charge?",
  252. "NoAccount": "You don't have a personal bank account!"
  253. },
  254. "Hack": {
  255. "StealthMode": "Stealth Mode",
  256. "Descript": "Hacks multiple accounts and withdraws smaller values from each account. Also makes it harder for the police to detect.",
  257. "Power": "Hacking Power: ",
  258. "Chance": "Chance of success: ",
  259. "NoEnergy": "Not enough Energy",
  260. "GoodEnergy": "Optimal Energy",
  261. "Money": "Total Amount of money to steal:",
  262. "ETA": "Estimated Hack Time: ",
  263. "GiveOrTake": "Give or Take: ",
  264. "EntSelect": "Device to hack:",
  265. "NoEnt": "Device not selected!",
  266. "Menu": "ATM Hacking Unit Settings",
  267. "NoEntPlz": "Press (SECONDARY FIRE) to select a device to hack"
  268. },
  269. "Time": {
  270. "minutes": "minutes",
  271. "nd": "and",
  272. "hour": "hour",
  273. "day": "day",
  274. "minute": "minute",
  275. "second": "second",
  276. "now": "now",
  277. "days": "days",
  278. "forever": "forever",
  279. "seconds": "seconds",
  280. "hours": "hours"
  281. },
  282. "UserMsgs": {
  283. "Hack": "An ATM is being hacked!",
  284. "HackNoCops": "There aren't enough law enforcers.",
  285. "HackNoPlayers": "There aren't enough people.",
  286. "Paycheck": "Your paycheck has been sent to your ARCBank account.",
  287. "PaycheckFail": "There was an error while sending your paycheck to your ARCBank account.",
  288. "Eatcard1": "Hello! It seems that your card was eaten by an ATM last time you were on this server.",
  289. "Eatcard2": "Here's your card back! Have a good day!",
  290. "AtmUse": "Please exit the ATM before doing this.",
  291. "ATMUsed": "The ATM is already being used by %PLAYER%!",
  292. "HackHero": "%HERO% just stopped %IDIOT% from hacking into an ATM and stealing your money! %HERO% is a hero!",
  294. "CardNo": "The thing you're looking at doesn't have an ATM slot",
  295. "CardAir": "The air doesn't have an ATM slot",
  296. "DepositATM": "Use the mouth of the ATM to deposit money. (Press E)",
  297. "WithdrawATM": "Use the money to pick it up. (Press E)"
  298. },
  299. "AdminMenu": {
  300. "AccountOwner": "Account owner",
  301. "AccountMember": "Account member",
  302. "AccountMemberOwner": "Account member or owner",
  303. "SearchUser": "Search by User",
  304. "ChooseSetting": "Choose a setting",
  305. "Name": "Name: ",
  306. "SearchName": "Search by Name",
  307. "Members": "Group Members",
  308. "Refresh": "Refresh Data",
  309. "GiveTakeMoney": "Give/Take Money",
  310. "AccID": "Account ID: ",
  311. "Results": "%NUM% Results",
  312. "Rank": "Rank: ",
  313. "NoLog": "Click here to select a log",
  314. "ServerLogs": "Server Logs",
  315. "SaveSettings": "Save settings",
  316. "Remove": "Remove",
  317. "Add": "Add",
  318. "Description": "Description:",
  319. "Enable": "Enable",
  320. "TransactionLog": "Transaction Log",
  321. "StartTime": "Starting time",
  322. "InvalidStartTime": "The transaction starting time is not in the correct format.",
  323. "OpenATM": "View account on ATM",
  324. "NoATM": "You must insert your card in an ATM to do this",
  325. "LogsAccount": "Account 1: (Leave blank for all transactions)",
  326. "Logs":{
  327. "1": "Transaction ID",
  328. "2": "Timestamp",
  329. "3": "Type",
  330. "4": "Account 1",
  331. "5": "Account 2",
  332. "6": "User 1",
  333. "7": "User 2",
  334. "8": "Credit/Debit",
  335. "9": "Balance",
  336. "10": "Comment"
  337. }
  338. },
  339. "AccountTransactions": {
  340. "1": "Cash Withdraw/Deposit",
  341. "2": "Transfer",
  342. "4": "Interest received",
  343. "8": "Account upgrades",
  344. "16": "Account downgrades",
  345. "24": "Account upgrades/downgrades",
  346. "32": "Group member added",
  347. "64": "Group member removed",
  348. "96": "Group members added/removed",
  349. "128": "Account creation",
  350. "256": "Account deletion",
  351. "384": "Account creation/deletion",
  352. "512": "Salary",
  353. "65535": "All transactions"
  354. },
  355. "AccountRank": {
  356. "0": "Personal",
  357. "1": "Personal - Basic",
  358. "2": "Personal - Bronze",
  359. "3": "Personal - Silver",
  360. "4": "Personal - Gold",
  361. "5": "Group",
  362. "6": "Group - Standard",
  363. "7": "Group - Premium"
  364. },
  365. "Commands": {
  366. "atm_save": "Save and freeze all ATMs",
  367. "atm_unsave": "Unsave and unfreeze all ATMs",
  368. "atm_respawn": "Respawn frozen ATMs",
  369. "atm_spawn": "Spawn an ATM where you're looking"
  370. }
  371. },
  372. "settingsdesc": {
  373. "name": "The displayed \"short\" name of the addon.",
  374. "name_long": "The displayed \"long\" name of the addon.",
  375. "card_texture": "The texture of the ATM card",
  376. "card_weapon_slot": "weapon_arc_atmcard.Slot",
  377. "card_weapon_slotpos": "weapon_arc_atmcard.SlotPos",
  378. "card_weapon_position_up": "How much upward the card on the HUD should be",
  379. "card_weapon_position_left": "How much to the left the card on the HUD should be",
  380. "atm_hack_time_rate": "The hack time rate for hacking devices. The higher number, the faster the hack will take.",
  381. "atm_hack_time_max": "The maximum time an ATM hack can take.",
  382. "atm_hack_time_min": "The minimum time an ATM hack can take",
  383. "atm_hack_time_stealth_rate": "Setting the ATM Hacker to \"stealth mode\" will multiply the hacking time by this amount",
  384. "atm_hack_time_curve": "TODO: Add description for this setting",
  385. "atm_hack_charge_rate": "The recharge rate for hacking devices. The higher number, the faster it will take to recharge.",
  386. "atm_hack_notify": "The players on these teams will be notified when an ATM is being hacked. These people are considered cops.",
  387. "atm_hack_min_player": "An ATM hack will not be possible unless there are at lest these many players.",
  388. "atm_hack_min_hackerstoppers": "An ATM hack will not be possible unless there are these many cops (see atm_hack_notify setting)",
  389. "atm_hack_radar": "Cops will have an icon on their screen showing the location of active hacking devices. (If they aren't using stealth attack mode)",
  390. "atm_hack_allowed": "Players on these teams will be able to use a hacking device.",
  391. "atm_hack_allowed_use": "Enable/Disable the atm_hack_allowed setting",
  392. "atm_hack_noob_chat": "When enabled, players will automatically say \"I AM A NOOB HACKER!\" when an ATM hack fails.",
  393. "atm_hack_max": "The maximum amount a player can hack the ATM with an ATM hacker",
  394. "atm_hack_min": "The minimum amount a player can hack the ATM with an ATM hacker",
  395. "language": "Which language to use. If you want a custom language, create your own file in SERVER/garrysmod/data/_arcbank/languages",
  396. "syslog_delete_time": "System logs (not transaction logs) older than this many days will be deleted.",
  397. "use_bank_for_payday": "Payday checks will be sent to your Bank account.",
  398. "atm_holo": "Floating sign above the ATM",
  399. "atm_holo_flicker": "Should the ATM sign flicker?",
  400. "atm_holo_rotate": "Should the ATM sign rotate?",
  401. "atm_holo_text": "The text on the ATM sign",
  402. "interest_perpetual_debt": "If a player is in debt, they will gain more debt at their interest rate.",
  403. "autoban_time": "A 1337 xXNOSCOPZXx h4x0r will be banned for this many minutes for even thinking of using exploits.",
  404. "account_debt_limit": "How much below 0 an account can get",
  405. "account_starting_cash": "Players will start with this amount of money when they open a bank account.",
  406. "account_group_limit": "A player can only create this many group accounts",
  407. "death_money_remove": "The % of money that should be removed from the player when the die.",
  408. "death_money_drop": "The % of money that should spawned where the player dies. (This should always be lower than death_money_remove)",
  409. "death_money_drop_model": "The model of the dropped money",
  410. "interest_time": "The interval time of the giving of interest. (hours)",
  411. "interest_enable": "The bank will give players interest.",
  412. "account_interest_time_limit": "If a player doesn't use their account for this many days, they'll stop receiving interest",
  413. "interest_1_standard": "The % of interest a standard account will gain when the next 'interest time' comes.",
  414. "interest_2_bronze": "The % of interest a bronze account will gain when the next 'interest time' comes.",
  415. "interest_3_silver": "The % of interest a silver account will gain when the next 'interest time' comes.",
  416. "interest_4_gold": "The % of interest a gold account will gain when the next 'interest time' comes.",
  417. "interest_6_group_standard": "The % of interest a standard group account will gain when the next 'interest time' comes.",
  418. "interest_7_group_premium": "The % of interest a premium group account will gain when the next 'interest time' comes.",
  419. "money_max_1_standard": "The amount of money a standard account can hold. (Anything above 99999999999999 may break ARCBank)",
  420. "money_max_2_bronze": "The amount of money a bronze account can hold. (Anything above 99999999999999 may break ARCBank)",
  421. "money_max_3_silver": "The amount of money a silver account can hold. (Anything above 99999999999999 may break ARCBank)",
  422. "money_max_4_gold": "The amount of money a gold account can hold. (Anything above 99999999999999 may break ARCBank)",
  423. "money_max_6_group_standard": "The amount of money a group account account can hold. (Anything above 99999999999999 may break ARCBank)",
  424. "money_max_7_group_premium": "The amount of money a premium group account can hold. (Anything above 99999999999999 may break ARCBank)",
  425. "money_symbol": "The symbol used for money",
  426. "usergroup_1_standard": "The in-game rank(s) the player must be to create a standard account. ",
  427. "usergroup_2_bronze": "The in-game rank(s) the player must be to create a bronze account.",
  428. "usergroup_3_silver": "The in-game rank(s) the player must be to create a silver account.",
  429. "usergroup_4_gold": "The in-game rank(s) the player must be to create a gold account.",
  430. "usergroup_6_group_standard": "The in-game rank(s) the player must be to create a group account.",
  431. "usergroup_7_group_premium": "The in-game rank(s) the player must be to create a premium group account.",
  432. "usergroup_all": "People of these ranks can create any account.",
  433. "atm_darkmode_default": "Dark Mode will be enabled on the ATM by default.",
  434. "admins": "List of in game rank(s) that can who can view the admin_gui, transaction logs, accounts, edit accounts, use the admin-only commands, and change the configuration settings.",
  435. "moderators": "List of in game rank(s) who can view the admin_gui, transaction logs, accounts, but are unable to use the admin-only commands or change the configurations settings.",
  436. "moderators_read_only": "If enabled, players specified in the \"moderators\" setting will be unable to edit account information",
  437. "atm_fast_amount_1": "The 1st quick-pick option on the atm deposit/withdraw screen",
  438. "atm_fast_amount_2": "The 2nd quick-pick option on the atm deposit/withdraw screen",
  439. "atm_fast_amount_3": "The 3rd quick-pick option on the atm deposit/withdraw screen",
  440. "atm_fast_amount_4": "The 4th quick-pick option on the atm deposit/withdraw screen",
  441. "atm_fast_amount_5": "The 5th quick-pick option on the atm deposit/withdraw screen",
  442. "atm_fast_amount_6": "The 6th quick-pick option on the atm deposit/withdraw screen"
  443. }
  444. }
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