

Jul 24th, 2018
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  1. vendion ~ $ sudo clyde -Syua
  2. :: Synchronizing package databases...
  3. core is up to date
  4. extra is up to date
  5. community is up to date
  6. multilib is up to date
  7. :: Starting full system upgrade...
  8. :: Identifying AUR packages...
  9. virtualbox-ext-oracle 14/ 14 [############################################] 100%
  10. -> Identified 3 AUR packages.
  12. ==> Installing the following packages from AUR
  13. Targets (3): flashplugin-prerelease google-chrome-dev googlecl
  15. ==> Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
  16. ==> Downloading flashplugin-prerelease...
  17. ==> Customizing flashplugin-prerelease...
  18. ==> WARNING: Packages from the AUR are potentially dangerous!
  19. Edit the PKGBUILD? (recommended) [Y/n] n
  20. ==> Making package: flashplugin-prerelease (Tue Mar 1 21:04:56 EST 2011)
  21. ==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
  22. ==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
  23. ==> Retrieving Sources...
  24. -> Found flashplayer10_2_p3_64bit_linux_111710.tar.gz
  25. -> Found PlatformClients_PC_WWEULA_Combined_20100108_1657.pdf
  26. -> Found mms.cfg
  27. ==> Validating source files with md5sums...
  28. flashplayer10_2_p3_64bit_linux_111710.tar.gz ... Passed
  29. PlatformClients_PC_WWEULA_Combined_20100108_1657.pdf ... Passed
  30. mms.cfg ... Passed
  31. ==> Extracting Sources...
  32. -> Extracting flashplayer10_2_p3_64bit_linux_111710.tar.gz with bsdtar
  33. ==> Removing existing pkg/ directory...
  34. ==> Entering fakeroot environment...
  35. ==> Starting package()...
  36. ==> Tidying install...
  37. -> Purging other files...
  38. -> Compressing man and info pages...
  39. ==> Creating package...
  40. -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  41. -> Compressing package...
  42. ==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
  43. ==> Finished making: flashplugin-prerelease (Tue Mar 1 21:05:08 EST 2011)
  44. loading package data...
  45. resolving dependencies...
  46. looking for inter-conflicts...
  47. checking package integrity...
  48. (1/1) checking for file conflicts [##########################] 100%
  49. (1/1) upgrading flashplugin-prerelease [##########################] 100%
  50. ==> Downloading google-chrome-dev...
  51. ==> Customizing google-chrome-dev...
  52. ==> WARNING: Packages from the AUR are potentially dangerous!
  53. Edit the PKGBUILD? (recommended) [Y/n] n
  54. ==> Making package: google-chrome-dev 11.0.686.0-1 (Tue Mar 1 21:05:17 EST 2011)
  55. ==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
  56. ==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
  57. ==> Retrieving Sources...
  58. -> Found google-chrome-unstable_current_amd64.deb
  59. ==> Validating source files with md5sums...
  60. google-chrome-unstable_current_amd64.deb ... FAILED
  61. ==> ERROR: One or more files did not pass the validity check!
  62. error: /usr/share/lua/5.1/clydelib/aur.lua:407: Build failed. makepkg returned 256
  63. vendion ~ $ sudo clyde -S google-chrome-dev
  64. :: google-chrome-dev package not found, searching for group...
  65. :: google-chrome-dev group not found, searching AUR...
  66. error: 'google-chrome-dev': not found in sync db
  67. vendion ~ $ sudo clyde -S googlecl
  68. :: googlecl package not found, searching for group...
  69. :: googlecl group not found, searching AUR...
  70. error: 'googlecl': not found in sync db
  71. vendion ~ $ clyde -Ss google-chrome-dev
  72. aur/google-chrome-dev 11.0.686.0-1 [11.0.672.2-1 installed] (1049)
  73. An attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser (Dev Channel)
  74. vendion ~ $ clyde -Ss googlecl
  75. aur/googlecl-svn 534-1 (5)
  76. Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
  77. aur/googlecl 0.9.12-2 [0.9.12-1 installed] (207)
  78. Command line tools for the Google Data vendion ~ $ sudo clyde -Syua
  79. :: Synchronizing package databases...
  80. core is up to date
  81. extra is up to date
  82. community is up to date
  83. multilib is up to date
  84. :: Starting full system upgrade...
  85. :: Identifying AUR packages...
  86. virtualbox-ext-oracle 14/ 14 [############################################] 100%
  87. -> Identified 3 AUR packages.
  89. ==> Installing the following packages from AUR
  90. Targets (3): flashplugin-prerelease google-chrome-dev googlecl
  92. ==> Proceed with installation? [Y/n] n
  93. vendion ~ $ clyde -Ss clyde-git
  94. aur/clyde-git 20101027-1 [20110222-1 installed] (491)
  95. Next-generation libalpm/makepkg wrapper.
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