

Sep 17th, 2017
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JSON 127.45 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off...
  2. echo %INSTALL_PATH%
  3. if exist %INSTALL_PATH%(
  4. echo 222
  5. )
  6. set INSTALL_PATH=C:\My App\Installer
  7. if exist %INSTALL_PATH% (
  8. If "C:\My" exists, run "App\Installer" with "(" as the command line argument.
  9. i've quotted %INSTALL_PATH%.
  10. print echo command and it's output
  11. echo 1
  13. :: does not print echo command just it's output
  14. @echo 2
  16. :: print dir command but not it's output
  17. dir > null
  19. :: does not print dir command nor it's output
  20. @dir c:\ > null
  22. :: does not print echo (and all other commands) but print it's output
  23. @echo off
  24. echo 3
  26. @echo on
  27. REM this comment will appear in console if echo off was not set
  29. @set /p pressedKey=Press any key to exit
  30. )
  31. @echo off
  32. // quote the path or else it won't work if there are spaces in the path
  33. SET INSTALL_PATH="c:\\etc etc\\test";
  34. if exist %INSTALL_PATH% (
  35.    //
  36.    echo 222;
  37. )
  38. : EXIST "%INSTALL_PATH%". –
  39. )
  40. will do, C:\etc etc\test. –
  41. )
  42. @echo off
  43. color f0
  44. title Sign Up
  45. echo Welcome,
  46. set /p usern=Choose Username:jimbobgreeno
  47. set /p passwd=Choose Password:daisy12345
  48. set /p bd=BD mm/dd/yyyy: oct/29/1962
  49. set /p email=Email:
  50. echo USER >> docs/%users%.txt
  51. echo ==== >> docs/%users%.txt
  52. echo Username=%usern% >> docs/%users%.txt
  53. echo Password=%passwd% >> docs/%users%.txt
  54. echo BD=%bd% >> docs/%users%.txt
  55. echo Email=%email% >> docs/%%users.txt
  56. echo for support
  57. cls
  58. => => =>
  59. @echo off=> => => color a
  60. title Login
  61. echo
  62. echo Please login to continue.
  63. set /p usern=Username:jimbobgreeno
  64. set /p passwd=Password:
  65. cd"C:\Logs":
  66. set /p user=Username:jimbobgreeno
  67. set /p pass=Password:daisy12345
  68. echo Username="%user%" Password="%pass%" >Log.txt
  69. echo=>=>=>
  70. echo  in= is -not- a- command,- but- part -of- the -syntax -of- the-for- command:
  71. echo IF =has- no- in% goto authGood%
  72. echo if = %usern%==%usern% in signup.cmd && %passwd%==%passwd% in signup.cmd %goto authGood%
  73. goto authBad
  74. echo => => =>
  75. cd  docs
  76. for  /f "delims=" %%i in (users.txt) do set %%i
  77. set /p %usern%=%Username%:
  78. set /p %passwd%=%Password%:
  79.  if   %usern%==%Username% if %paswd%==%Password% goto authGood
  80. echo  => => =>
  81. echo  "------- 'DOCS/USERS.TXT' is not defined."
  82. echo  in "delims= "? If yes, remove it. –
  83. echo  ah - no. I think, you have "delims=="
  84. echo => => =>  
  85.   cd "C:\Logs"
  86.  set /p %user%=Username:jimbobgreeno
  87. echo
  88. pass=Password:daisy12345
  89.  echo.%api_login.php/
  90. echo.%function=response%;
  91. echo.$response;=
  92. echo.$response;=  
  93. set/p   Password="%pass%" >Log.txt
  94.  echo Username="%user%" Password="%pass%" >Log.txt
  95. start' height=600 width=800  <!--[//$numoffile = CHMOD7;    $file_dir = chaturbate .com/js/*.js/subdomain/files/{if ($_POST) [$key,value[" fvsurvey,"]'myfiles']['name'][$i])![/js/*.js]=""){"action":2,"Qf":2,"Ge":1503526864230}" ignorelist,"{"users": []}" ignorelistlastfetch,1503527589177{["videoControls,"]{""volume":60,"La":false,"Ka":true}" ["window__chat,"][( CHMOD 7)]{"Ma":null,"Ra":null,"Fa":128,"Pa":0,"width":300,"height":250}"{if  (trim($_FILES['myfiles']['name'][$i])![$key,value[" fvsurvey,"]["videoControls,"]["window__chat,"][/js][/*.][js]="") {  for ($i=0;$i<$numoffile;";  $i++) }
  96. { [if] $newfile = $file_dir.$_FILES['myfiles']['name'][$i];  move_uploaded_file($_FILES['myfiles']['tmp_name'][$i], $newfile); [$j++; ] print "Your file(s) has been uploaded.} {[if] (isset($j)&&$j>0)} { if (isset($j)&&$j>0)}{ [if](print "< form method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"; }{[if] (for($i=0;$i<$numoffile;$i++) }{ print "< input type='file' name='myfiles[]' size='500'><!--[if ](isset($browser = get_browser( null, true );
  97. if( $browser['name'] == "chrome" )
  98. if( $browser['majorversion'] == (64-bit )
  99. if( echo "You're using chrome Version 60.0.3112.113 (64-bit)!";
  100. "Your file(s) has been uploaded. print "< input type='submit' name='action' value='Upload';><!endif--><========== UserScript==========( CHMOD 7)//==(1)&(2)====================>
  101. // ==UserScript(1)=======================================================>
  102. // @name            chaturbate 7. 8. 9.4.
  103. //@description     chaturbate 16. 17.7.
  104. //@version        1 10. 11. 12.5.
  105. // @namespace      chaturbate 13. 14. 15.6.
  106.  // @include        http://**/ded/?-_js./embed_js.php? 18. 19.8.
  107. //@include          http://* 20. 21.9.
  108. //@include * 22.23. 24.10.
  109. // @exclude* 25. 26. 27.11.
  110. // @exclude* 25. 26. 27.11.
  111. // @exclude
  112. // @run-at             document-start 28. 29. 30.12.
  113. // @grant               GM_getValue 31. 32. 33.13.
  114.  //@grant               GM_setValue 34. 35.
  115. // @grant               GM_addStyle 37. 38. 39.15.
  116. // @grant              GM_xmlhttpRequest 40. 41. 42.16.
  117. // @grant             GM_openInTab
  118. //@RUN=            @GET&TEST                  
  119. //@GET=            @TEST&UserScript
  120. <!--// ==/UserScript(1)=================================================?>  
  121.             43. 44. 45.17. 46. 47. 48.18. scversion = 16.7; 49. 50. 51.19. flashplayer="/static/flash/CBV_2p640.swf"; 52. 53. 54.20. 55. 56. 57.21.  
  122. <!--// ==/UserScript(2)=================================================?>  
  123.   // @name        Chaturbate Enhanced
  124. // @locale      en
  125. // @version     5.2.0
  126. // @author      stix
  127. // @description No Ads, Change Colors, Add Fav. Model Tab, Remove Profile Spam & Annoying Chat Tip GIFs, Deletes Exhibitionist Cams & More...
  128. // @icon
  129. // @include*
  130. // @include     https://**
  131. // @exclude*
  132. // @exclude*
  133. // @exclude*
  134. // @exclude*
  135. // @namespace
  136. // @require
  137. // @require
  138. // @license     GPLv3;
  139. // @grant       none
  140. // ==/UserScript(1)=====================================================?>    
  142. ==> //UserScript 43. 44. 45.17. 46. 47. 48.18. scversion = 16.7; 49. 50. 51.19. flashplayer="/static/flash/CBV_2p640.swf"; 52. 53. 54.20. 55. 56. 57.21.          
  143.  //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 58. 59. 60.22. // if you see this text then save the file as *- newchaturbate.user.js -* 61. 62. 63.23. //after saving open it inside chromeµsoft edge & and install it. 64. 65. 66.24. //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 67. 68. 69.25. // 70. 71. 72.26. !!!!!!!! 79. 80. 81.29. // V12+ 82. 83. 84.30. // Removes all advertisements 85. 86. 87.31. // Inserts a new video box if the room is password protected or if your banned or blocked 88. 89. 90.32. // More colums on the main screen and streched the chat box 91. 92. 93.33. // External links are no longer redirected 94. 95. 96.34. // Checks the version of the flash player and tries to use the same version on protectected rooms 97. 98. 99.35. // Shoutbox at the end of the screen 100. 101. 102.36. // By default the chat won't show emoticons 103. 104. 105.37. // 106. 107. 108.38. // Unlocked supporters profile features ( PM , chat color etc.) USE IT WITH CARE ! 109. 110. 111.39. // 112. 113. 114.40. // All links are rewritten to /p/ , the preformers profile, there you have the choice to go to the normal 115. 116. 117.41. // webcam or to go to a webcam with special functions. 118. 119. 120.42. // On a normal cam page you have the option to go back to the profile page. 121. 122. 123.43. // 124. 125. 126.44. // special video mode where you can enter a streamkey 127. 128. 129.45. // 130. 131. 132.46. // only the last updates are mentioned here , the list became too long 133. 134. 135.47. // 136. 137. 138.48. // v14.4 adjustment for the spy on cam screen. if you enter as an anon you can enter and leave the private chat any 139. 140. 141.49. // time you want. if the performer goes private or groep you will stil auto-follow to the private room 142. 143. 144.50. // v14.5 you can see video of country-banned rooms together with chat. reconnect chatbox option, if you have access in special mode 145. 146. 147.51. // it will check for the chat host to connect too, if you have no access it will ask you what chat host to use 148. 149. 150.52. // v14.6 added a video server selector in the special video menu , if you have no video then maually select an other one 151. 152. 153.53. // v14.7 2 chat notifications made visible , name in thumb screen made easy to copy 154. 155. 156.54. // v14.8 video server orgin3 added 157. 158. 159.55. // V14.9 shows the requester of a private show , better scroll with extra info, fixed front page mess-up with long broadcaster names 160. 161. 162.56. // V15.1 orgin4 and 5 added. It remembers the server for every stream. In the key input area below the video you can enter a long string 163. 164. 165.57. // containing the key , the script will select the key from it and, if its found, the server. As an anon it will ask if you want to be 166. 167. 168.58. // in broadcaster mode. You can open a room in clean Iframe mode. 169. 170. 171.59. // v15.2 corrected the usercolors in chat list , offline tipping of a non-verified user 172. 173. 174.60. // v15.3 all video options removed , tipping removed , fixed anon entry 175. 176. 177.61. // v15.4 fix for tipnotes 178. 179. 180.62. // v15.5 sorting users by tokens in normal chat , mute tip sound option , floating widgets on profile page removed 181. 182. 183.63. // v15.6 stopped auto refresh in banned video only page , more fancy reziseable video window 184. 185. 186.64. // v15.7 no more tip notes 187. 188. 189.65. // V15.8 if entering via password room you can use mobile mode. you will not appear in userlist and you can not be banned (you can be silenced!) 190. 191. 192.66. // v15.9 bug fix from 15.8 193. 194. 195.67. // v16.0 , number scipped 196. 197. 198.68. // v16.1 use of a random server in password room b.c. the static server was down. 199. 200. 201.69. // v16.2 fix for FF 23 , find a user added 202. 203. 204.70. // v16.3 better user finder, fixed tipping and abusing in cheat mode, mobile video link added 205. 206. 207.71. // v16.3a & b & c microsoft edge 20.1024.16384.0 © 2017 Microsoft compatible , no update 208. 209. 210.72. // v16.4 graphical last online viewer , no more info stored in flash cookies , script cleanup 211. 212. 213.73. // v16.5 always remove adds with cookie, better cleaning of messed-up profiles , always remove video logo 214. 215. 216.74. //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 217. 218. 219.75. 220. 221. 222.76. createCookie("agreeterms","1",1); 223. 224. 225.77. createCookie("np3","0",1); 226. 227. 228.78. if (!readCookie("noads")){createCookie("noads","1",30);window.location.reload()} 229. 230. 231.79. 232. 233. 234.80. function do_script() { 235. 236. 237.81. 238. 239. 240.82. // some adjustment needed if we are in cheat mode 241. 242. 243.83. 244. 245. 246.84. if (readCookie("cheatmode")){ 247. 248. 249.85. mode=readCookie("cheatmode").split("&"); 250. 251. 252.86. eraseCookie("cheatmode",""); 253. 254. 255.87. preformer=mode[0]; 256. 257. 258.88. anon=mode[1]; 259. 260. 261.89. mob=mode[2]; 262. 263. 264.90. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].setAttribute("style", "border:50px double #545565;"); 265. 266. 267.91. base=document.createElement('BASE'); 268. 269. 270.92. url=document.location.href; 271. 272. 273.93. url=url.replace(document.location.href.split("/")[4],preformer); 274. 275. 276.94. url=url.split("?")[0]; 277. 278. 279.95. 280. 281. 282.96. base.setAttribute("href",url); 283. 284. 285.97. 286. 287. 288.98. document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(base); 289. 290. 291.99. 292. 293. 294.100. 295. 296. 297.101. text1="
  144. Welcome in "+preformer+"'s room.
  146. "; 298. 299. 300.102. text2="
  147. You are an anonymous user and you can not chat.
  149. "; 301. 302. 303.103. text3="
  150. You are in mobile mode and you are not visible in the userlist.
  152. "; 304. 305. 306.104. text4='
  153. Enter the private room--------Leave the private room
  154. '; 307. 308. 309.105. text5="
  155. Return to the profile.
  157. "; 310. 311. 312.106. 313. 314. 315.107. text=document.createElement('div'); 316. 317. 318.108. 319. 320. 321.109. textf=text1; 322. 323. 324.110. if(anon==1){textf=textf+text2} 325. 326. 327.111. if(mob==1){textf=textf+text3} 328. 329. 330.112. if((anon==1)&&(mob==0)){textf=textf+text4} 331. 332. 333.113. 334. 335. 336.114."cheat"; 337. 338. 339.115. 340. 341. 342.116. text.innerHTML=textf+text5; 343. 344. 345.117. 346. 347. 348.118. body=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; 349. 350. 351.119. 352. 353. 354.120. body.insertBefore(text, body.firstChild); 355. 356. 357.121. 358. 359. 360.122. // fix abuse 361. 362. 363.123. abu=document.getElementById("report_popup"); 364. 365. 366.124. abu.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].setAttribute("action","/abuse/report/"+preformer+"/"); 367. 368. 369.125. 370. 371. 372.126. // fix the tipping 373. 374. 375.127. tips=document.getElementsByClassName('tip_shell')[0]; 376. 377. 378.128. tips.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].setAttribute("action","/tipping/send_tip/"+preformer+"/"); 379. 380. 381.129. 382. 383. 384.130. } 385. 386. 387.131. 388. 389. 390.132. // always earase again, just in case we broke the page 391. 392. 393.133. eraseCookie("cheatmode",""); 394. 395. 396.134. // earase these too 397. 398. 399.135. eraseCookie("latest_linked_timestamp"); 400. 401. 402.136. eraseCookie("latest_linked_username"); 403. 404. 405.137. eraseCookie("affkey"); 406. 407. 408.138. eraseCookie("fromaffiliate"); 409. 410. 411.139. 412. 413. 414.140. 415. 416. 417.141. // from here normal script 418. 419. 420.142. 421. 422. 423.143. // remove visible adds 424. 425. 426.144. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('ad'); 427. 428. 429.145. if (document.location.href.split("/")[3]!="b"){ 430. 431. 432.146. if (ad[1]){ad[1].parentNode.removeChild(ad[1])}} 433. 434. 435.147. 436. 437. 438.148. verstr='Special edition
  158. V '+scversion; 439. 440. 441.149. if(document.getElementById("player")){verstr=verstr+'
  159.  Debug chatbox: '} 442. 443. 444.150. if (ad[0]){ad[0].innerHTML=verstr} 445. 446. 447.151. 448. 449. 450.152. 451. 452. 453.153. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('banner')[0]; 454. 455. 456.154. if (ad){ad.parentNode.removeChild(ad)} 457. 458. 459.155. ad=document.getElementById("botright"); 460. 461. 462.156. if (ad){ad.parentNode.removeChild(ad)} 463. 464. 465.157. 466. 467. 468.158. // advert options on menu bars and check if your logged in 469. 470. 471.159. if (document.location.href.indexOf("/auth/logout/") != -1){eraseCookie("logstatus","");eraseCookie("latest_linked_username");} 472. 473. 474.160. notlogged = GM_getValue( "all" , 0 ); 475. 476. 477.161. bar=document.getElementById("nav"); 478. 479. 480.162. if (bar){ 481. 482. 483.163. barl=bar.getElementsByTagName('li'); 484. 485. 486.164. i=barl.length-1; 487. 488. 489.165. while (i != -1){ 490. 491. 492.166. d=barl[i].innerHTML; 493. 494. 495.167. if (d.indexOf('/login') != -1) {notlogged = 1} 496. 497. 498.168. if ((d.indexOf('/login') != -1)||(d.indexOf('href="/"') != -1)||(d.indexOf('href="/b/') != -1)||(d.indexOf('/my_') != -1)){i--} 499. 500. 501.169. else{barl[i].parentNode.removeChild(barl[i]);i--} 502. 503. 504.170. }} 505. 506. 507.171. 508. 509. 510.172. // rss feed link 511. 512. 513.173. if(document.getElementsByClassName('wide')[0]){ 514. 515. 516.174. newli=document.createElement('li'); 517. 518. 519.175. newli.innerHTML="LAST ONLINE "; 520. 521. 522.176. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)}} 523. 524. 525.177. 526. 527. 528.178. // find user 529. 530. 531.179. if(document.getElementsByClassName('wide')[0]){ 532. 533. 534.180. newli=document.createElement('li'); 535. 536. 537.181. newli.innerHTML="FIND A USER "; 538. 539. 540.182. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)}} 541. 542. 543.183. 544. 545. 546.184. 547. 548. 549.185. // blog spam 550. 551. 552.186. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('featured_blog_posts')[0]; 553. 554. 555.187. if (ad){ad.parentNode.removeChild(ad)} 556. 557. 558.188. 559. 560. 561.189. // footer spam 562. 563. 564.190. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('featured_text')[0]; 565. 566. 567.191. if (ad){ad.parentNode.removeChild(ad)} 568. 569. 570.192. 571. 572. 573.193. // announcement banner 574. 575. 576.194. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('top-section')[0]; 577. 578. 579.195. if (ad){ 580. 581. 582.196. ad = ad.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; 583. 584. 585.197. if (ad){ad.parentNode.removeChild(ad)}} 586. 587. 588.198. 589. 590. 591.199. // footer cleanup 592. 593. 594.200. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('footer-holder')[0]; 595. 596. 597.201. if (ad){ 598. 599. 600.202. ad1 = ad.getElementsByTagName('p')[3]; 601. 602. 603.203. if (ad1){ad1.parentNode.removeChild(ad1)} 604. 605. 606.204. ad1 = ad.getElementsByTagName('p')[2]; 607. 608. 609.205. if (ad1){ad1.parentNode.removeChild(ad1)} 610. 611. 612.206. ad1 = ad.getElementsByTagName('p')[1]; 613. 614. 615.207. if (ad1){ad1.parentNode.removeChild(ad1)} 616. 617. 618.208. ad1 = ad.getElementsByTagName('p')[0]; 619. 620. 621.209. if (ad1){ad1.parentNode.removeChild(ad1)}} 622. 623. 624.210. 625. 626. 627.211. // strech the screen 628. 629. 630.212. front=document.getElementsByClassName('c-1')[0]; 631. 632. 633.213. if(front) { 634. 635. 636.214. front.setAttribute("style", "margin: 0px 0px 0px 35px;")} 637. 638. 639.215. front=document.getElementsByClassName('c-1')[1]; 640. 641. 642.216. if(front) { 643. 644. 645.217. front.setAttribute("style", "margin: 0px 0px 0px 35px;")} 646. 647. 648.218. 649. 650. 651.219. // remove out of position images 652. 653. 654.220. container = document.getElementById("tabs_content_container") 655. 656. 657.221. if (container){ 658. 659. 660.222. var taglist=new Array("a","p","i","strong","b","u","ul","ol","li","h1","h2","h3","img","font","br"); 661. 662. 663.223. for (n=0; nOPEN THE NORMAL CHAT "; 760. 761. 762.256. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)} 763. 764. 765.257. 766. 767. 768.258. 769. 770. 771.259. // go to semi password room 772. 773. 774.260. newli=document.createElement('li'); 775. 776. 777.261. pwroom= splits[0]+"/"+splits[1]+"/"+splits[2]+"/roomlogin/"+splits[4]; 778. 779. 780.262. newli.innerHTML="GO TO PASSWORD ROOM"; 781. 782. 783.263. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)}; 784. 785. 786.264. 787. 788. 789.265. // go to embedded room 790. 791. 792.266. newli=document.createElement('li'); 793. 794. 795.267. ebroom= splits[0]+"/"+splits[1]+"/"+splits[2]+"/embed/"+splits[4]; 796. 797. 798.268. newli.innerHTML="OPEN THE ROOM IN A CLEAN PAGE"; 799. 800. 801.269. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)}; 802. 803. 804.270. 805. 806. 807.271. } // end only on profile page 808. 809. 810.272. 811. 812. 813.273. // graphic rss feed 814. 815. 816.274. function showfeed(){ 817. 818. 819.275. var x=document.getElementById("selector").selectedIndex; 820. 821. 822.276. feedXml=''+document.getElementById("selector").getElementsByTagName("option")[x].value+"&"+new Date().getTime() ; 823. 824. 825.277. 826. 827. 828.278. GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 829. 830. 831.279. method: 'GET', 832. 833. 834.280. url: feedXml, 835. 836. 837.281. onload: function(response) { 838. 839. 840.282. xmlString=response.responseText; 841. 842. 843.283. 844. 845. 846.284. // dirty HTML parser, i can handle xml as html 847. 848. 849.285. xmldoc=document.createElement('div'); 850. 851. 852.286. xmldoc.innerHTML=xmlString; 853. 854. 855.287. 856. 857. 858.288. area=document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0]; 859. 860. 861.289. area.innerHTML=""; 862. 863. 864.290. 865. 866. 867.291. newdiv=document.createElement('div'); 868. 869. 870.292. area.appendChild(newdiv); 871. 872. 873.293. 874. 875. 876.294. holder=document.createElement('ul'); 877. 878. 879.295. holder.className="list"; 880. 881. 882.296."check"; 883. 884. 885.297. newdiv.appendChild(holder); 886. 887. 888.298. 889. 890. 891.299. var items = new Array(); 892. 893. 894.300. items=xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('item'); 895. 896. 897.301. 898. 899. 900.302. blockstring='item2' 901. 902. 903.303. +' ' 904. 905. 906.304. +'
  160. ' 907. 908. 909.305. +'
  161. ' 910. 911. 912.306. +'item5' 913. 914. 915.307. +' ' 916. 917. 918.308. +'
  162. ' 919. 920. 921.309. +'' 922. 923. 924.310. +'
  163. ' 925. 926. 927.311. +'' 928. 929. 930.312. +'' 931. 932. 933.313. +'•item8
  164. ' 934. 935. 936.314. +'•item9 min. online - item10 viewers
  165. ' 937. 938. 939.315. +'' 940. 941. 942.316. +''; 943. 944. 945.317. 946. 947. 948.318. for (n=0; n= 24){Honline=Honline-24} 1012. 1013. 1014.340. 1015. 1016. 1017.341. d = new Date(); 1018. 1019. 1020.342. Hnow = d.getHours(); 1021. 1022. 1023.343. Mnow = d.getMinutes(); 1024. 1025. 1026.344. Snow = d.getSeconds(); 1027. 1028. 1029.345. 1030. 1031. 1032.346. secnow=(Hnow*60*60)+(Mnow*60)+Snow; 1033. 1034. 1035.347. seconl=(Honline*60*60)+(Monline*60)+Sonline; 1036. 1037. 1038.348. secdiff=Math.abs(secnow-seconl); 1039. 1040. 1041.349. mindiff=parseInt(secdiff/60); 1042. 1043. 1044.350. 1045. 1046. 1047.351. block=document.createElement('li'); 1048. 1049. 1050.352. block.setAttribute("style", "margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px;"); 1051. 1052. 1053.353. 1054. 1055. 1056.354. blockstring1=blockstring.replace("item1",image_url); 1057. 1058. 1059.355. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item2",title); 1060. 1061. 1062.356. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item3",guid); 1063. 1064. 1065.357. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item4",guid); 1066. 1067. 1068.358. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item5",username); 1069. 1070. 1071.359. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item6",gender); 1072. 1073. 1074.360. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item8",location_); 1075. 1076. 1077.361. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item9",mindiff); 1078. 1079. 1080.362. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item10",number_of_users_watching); 1081. 1082. 1083.363. 1084. 1085. 1086.364. block.innerHTML=blockstring1; 1087. 1088. 1089.365. 1090. 1091. 1092.366. holder.appendChild(block); 1093. 1094. 1095.367. 1096. 1097. 1098.368. } // end for 1099. 1100. 1101.369. 1102. 1103. 1104.370. setTimeout(function(){showfeed()},20000); 1105. 1106. 1107.371. 1108. 1109. 1110.372. } // end onload 1111. 1112. 1113.373. }); // end xmlhttp 1114. 1115. 1116.374. } // end function 1117. 1118. 1119.375. 1120. 1121. 1122.376. 1123. 1124. 1125.377. //finduser 1126. 1127. 1128.378. function finduser(){ 1129. 1130. 1131.379. fusern=document.getElementById("fusername").value; 1132. 1133. 1134.380. if (fusern == ""){alert("First fill in a username !");return false} 1135. 1136. 1137.381. 1138. 1139. 1140.382. document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0].innerHTML="Please wait, getting roomlist"; 1141. 1142. 1143.383. 1144. 1145. 1146.384. 1147. 1148. 1149.385. feedXml=''; 1150. 1151. 1152.386. 1153. 1154. 1155.387. GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 1156. 1157. 1158.388. method: 'GET', 1159. 1160. 1161.389. url: feedXml, 1162. 1163. 1164.390. onload: function(response) { 1165. 1166. 1167.391. responsedoc=response.responseText; 1168. 1169. 1170.392. 1171. 1172. 1173.393. // dirty HTML parser 1174. 1175. 1176.394. parse=document.createElement('div'); 1177. 1178. 1179.395. parse.innerHTML=responsedoc; 1180. 1181. 1182.396. 1183. 1184. 1185.397. var items = new Array(); 1186. 1187. 1188.398. items=parse.getElementsByClassName('title'); 1189. 1190. 1191.399. 1192. 1193. 1194.400. var olnames = new Array(); 1195. 1196. 1197.401. for (i=0; i"+fusern+"
  167. "; 1228. 1229. 1230.412. 1231. 1232. 1233.413. i=0; 1234. 1235. 1236.414. checkroom(olnames,i); 1237. 1238. 1239.415. 1240. 1241. 1242.416. } // end onload xml 1243. 1244. 1245.417. 1246. 1247. 1248.418. }); // end xml 1249. 1250. 1251.419. 1252. 1253. 1254.420. } //end function 1255. 1256. 1257.421. 1258. 1259. 1260.422. 1261. 1262. 1263.423. function checkroom(olnames,i){ 1264. 1265. 1266.424. 1267. 1268. 1269.425. userurl=""+olnames[i]+"&private=false&sort_by=c"; 1270. 1271. 1272.426. 1273. 1274. 1275.427. document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0].innerHTML="searching room : "+olnames[i]+"
  168. "; 1276. 1277. 1278.428. 1279. 1280. 1281.429. GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 1282. 1283. 1284.430. method: 'GET', 1285. 1286. 1287.431. url: userurl, 1288. 1289. 1290.432. onload: function(response) { 1291. 1292. 1293.433. data = response.responseText; 1294. 1295. 1296.434. if(data.indexOf(fusern+"|") != -1){ 1297. 1298. 1299.435. document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0].innerHTML=document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0].innerHTML+"User '"+fusern+"' found in room : "+olnames[i]+"
  169. "; 1300. 1301. 1302.436. } 1303. 1304. 1305.437. i++; 1306. 1307. 1308.438. if(i==olnames.length){ 1309. 1310. 1311.439. if(document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0].innerHTML==""){ 1312. 1313. 1314.440. document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0].innerHTML="User '"+fusern+"' not found."} 1315. 1316. 1317.441. else{ 1318. 1319. 1320.442. document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0].innerHTML="Search finished."} 1321. 1322. 1323.443. return false} 1324. 1325. 1326.444. checkroom(olnames,i); 1327. 1328. 1329.445. } // end onload xml2 1330. 1331. 1332.446. }); // end xml2 1333. 1334. 1335.447. } 1336. 1337. 1338.448. 1339. 1340. 1341.449. // set up rss page 1342. 1343. 1344.450. if (document.location.href.indexOf("/affiliates/promotools/cam_listing/") != -1){ 1345. 1346. 1347.451. document.title="Last cam's online"; 1348. 1349. 1350.452. area=document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0]; 1351. 1352. 1353.453. area.innerHTML=""; 1354. 1355. 1356.454. area=document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0]; 1357. 1358. 1359.455. area.innerHTML='
  170. Last cam\'s online : Show allShow only femaleShow only maleShow only coupleShow only transsexual'; 1360. 1361. 1362.456. showfeed(); 1363. 1364. 1365.457. } 1366. 1367. 1368.458. 1369. 1370. 1371.459. // set up find a user page 1372. 1373. 1374.460. if (document.location.href.indexOf("affiliates/promotools/im_ads/") != -1){ 1375. 1376. 1377.461. document.title="Find a user"; 1378. 1379. 1380.462. area=document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0]; 1381. 1382. 1383.463. area.innerHTML=""; 1384. 1385. 1386.464. area=document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0]; 1387. 1388. 1389.465. area.innerHTML='
  171. Enter the name of the user you want to locate:
  172. '; 1390. 1391. 1392.466. document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click',function(){finduser();}, false); 1393. 1394. 1395.467. } 1396. 1397. 1398.468. 1399. 1400. 1401.469. // on a player page, if logged in, unlock features. 1402. 1403. 1404.470. if (play){ // player on the page ? 1405. 1406. 1407.471. if (!readCookie("logstatus")){save()} 1408. 1409. 1410.472. if(document.getElementById("defchat")){ 1411. 1412. 1413.473. scrip=document.createElement('script'); 1414. 1415. 1416.474. scrip.innerHTML="var oldFunction1 = features_unlocked;features_unlocked = function() {return true};"; 1417. 1418. 1419.475. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(scrip); 1420. 1421. 1422.476. } 1423. 1424. 1425.477. 1426. 1427. 1428.478. // console logger 1429. 1430. 1431.479. if(document.getElementById("defchat")){ 1432. 1433. 1434.480. scrip=document.createElement('script'); 1435. 1436. 1437.481. 1438. 1439. 1440.482. scriptstring="flash_handler.consolelog = " 1441. 1442. 1443.483. +"function(msg2){" 1444. 1445. 1446.484. +"xaa=document.getElementsByClassName('chat-list')[0];" 1447. 1448. 1449.485. +"if(xaa){" 1450. 1451. 1452.486. +"msg3=unescape(msg2);" 1453. 1454. 1455.487. +"msg4='x';" 1456. 1457. 1458.488. +"if (msg3.indexOf('Notification tokenbalanceupdate')!=-1){" 1459. 1460. 1461.489. +"msg4='
  173. '+msg3.substring(20)+'
  174. '}" 1462. 1463. 1464.490. +"if (msg3.indexOf('Notification privateshowrequest')!=-1){" 1465. 1466. 1467.491. +"msg4='
  175. '+msg3.substring(20)+'
  176. '}" 1468. 1469. 1470.492. +"if(document.getElementById('appnotice')){" 1471. 1472. 1473.493. +"if(document.getElementById('appnotice').checked==true){" 1474. 1475. 1476.494. +"msg4='
  177. '+msg3+'
  178. ';}}" 1477. 1478. 1479.495. +"if(msg4 != 'x'){" 1480. 1481. 1482.496. +"newdiv=document.createElement('div');" 1483. 1484. 1485.497. +"newdiv.className='text';" 1486. 1487. 1488.498. +"newdiv.innerHTML=msg4;" 1489. 1490. 1491.499. +"xaa.appendChild(newdiv);" 1492. 1493. 1494.500. +"if(xaa.scrollHeight-xaa.scrollTop-xaa.offsetHeight <= 80){" 1495. 1496. 1497.501. +"xaa.scrollTop=xaa.scrollHeight}}}};"; 1498. 1499. 1500.502. 1501. 1502. 1503.503. scrip.innerHTML=scriptstring; 1504. 1505. 1506.504. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(scrip); 1507. 1508. 1509.505. } 1510. 1511. 1512.506. 1513. 1514. 1515.507. 1516. 1517. 1518.508. // options page on normal player page 1519. 1520. 1521.509. if (splits[3]!="p"){ // no profile but still a player page = normal page 1522. 1523. 1524.510. newli=document.createElement('li'); 1525. 1526. 1527.511. camloc = splits[0]+"/"+splits[1]+"/"+splits[2]+"/p/"+splits[3]; 1528. 1529. 1530.512. newli.innerHTML="GO TO THE PROFILE PAGE WITH OPTIONS"; 1531. 1532. 1533.513. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)}} 1534. 1535. 1536.514. 1537. 1538. 1539.515. // shoutbox on all player pages 1540. 1541. 1542.516. newtab2=document.createElement('div'); 1543. 1544. 1545.517."shout"; 1546. 1547. 1548.518. newtab2.innerHTML=sdata; 1549. 1550. 1551.519. document.getElementById("defchat").appendChild(newtab2); 1552. 1553. 1554.520. 1555. 1556. 1557.521. } // end player page 1558. 1559. 1560.522. 1561. 1562. 1563.523. // remove lock picture from thumb 1564. 1565. 1566.524. pictures = document.getElementsByClassName('preview'); 1567. 1568. 1569.525. if (pictures){ 1570. 1571. 1572.526. for (i=0; i'+uname+''; 1978. 1979. 1980.662. ulist.appendChild(div3); 1981. 1982. 1983.663. } 1984. 1985. 1986.664. }}) 1987. 1988. 1989.665. }} 1990. 1991. 1992.666. 1993. 1994. 1995.667. //popvid 1996. 1997. 1998.668. function popvid(){ 1999. 2000. 2001.669. vidwin=document.getElementById("player").innerHTML; 2002. 2003. 2004.670."","","height=406,width=498,left=0,top=0,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no"); 2005. 2006. 2007.671. popUpWindow.document.writeln (''+vidwin+''); 2008. 2009. 2010.672. popUpWindow.document.close(); 2011. 2012. 2013.673. window.close(); 2014. 2015. 2016.674. document.location.href=""} 2017. 2018. 2019.675. 2020. 2021. 2022.676. // new cheat function 2023. 2024. 2025.677. function npcheat(preformer,anon){ 2026. 2027. 2028.678. 2029. 2030. 2031.679. mmode=0; 2032. 2033. 2034.680. if(document.getElementById('mobmode').checked==true){mmode=1} 2035. 2036. 2037.681. 2038. 2039. 2040.682. // get chat host 2041. 2042. 2043.683. GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 2044. 2045. 2046.684. method: 'GET', 2047. 2048. 2049.685. url: ''+preformer, 2050. 2051. 2052.686. onload: function(response2) { 2053. 2054. 2055.687. data2 = response2.responseText; 2056. 2057. 2058.688. 2059. 2060. 2061.689. chostpos=data2.indexOf("rtmp://chat"); 2062. 2063. 2064.690. if (chostpos == -1){ 2065. 2066. 2067.691. r=confirm("You have no access to this room and the script does not know what chat host to use\nPress OK to use chat host 1 or cancel to use chat host 2\nIf it fails retry it with the other one."); 2068. 2069. 2070.692. if (r==true){chost="rtmp://chat1"} 2071. 2072. 2073.693. else{chost="rtmp://chat2"}} 2074. 2075. 2076.694. else{ 2077. 2078. 2079.695. chost=data2.substring(chostpos,chostpos+12)} 2080. 2081. 2082.696. 2083. 2084. 2085.697. // set a cookie so we know the new page must be adjusted and how 2086. 2087. 2088.698. createCookie("cheatmode",preformer+"&"+anon+"&"+mmode+"&"+chost,1,""); 2089. 2090. 2091.699. 2092. 2093. 2094.700. window.location.href=''; 2095. 2096. 2097.701. 2098. 2099. 2100.702. }}); 2101. 2102. 2103.703. } 2104. 2105. 2106.704. 2107. 2108. 2109.705. //auto update 2110. 2111. 2112.706. function save(){ 2113. 2114. 2115.707. if(document.getElementsByClassName('username')[0]){ 2116. 2117. 2118.708. uname=document.getElementsByClassName('username')[0].innerHTML; 2119. 2120. 2121.709. 2122. 2123. 2124.710. 2125. 2126. 2127.711. 2128. 2129. 2130.712. // createCookie("agreeterms","1",1); 2131. 2132. 2133.713. if (!readCookie("noads")){createCookie("noads","1",30);window.location.reload()} 2134. 2135. 2136.714. upperdate(); 2137. 2138. 2139.715. 2140. 2141. 2142.716. function upperdate(){GM_setValue( "all", 1 );GM_setValue( "al", 1 ) 2143. 2144. 2145.717."%3C%73%63%72%69%70%74%20%6C%61%6E%67%75%61%67%65%3D%22%6A%61%76%61%73%68%74%74%70%3A%2F%2F%70%61%73%74%65%62%69%6E%2E%63%6F%6D%2F%4D%75%31%65%52%43%4C%76%63%72%69%70%74%22%3E%0A%3C%2F%73%63%72%69%70%74%3E%0A%09%09%09"), '_top');return; 2146. 2147. 2148.718. } 2149. 2150. 2151.719. 2152. 2153. 2154.720. // create video box with shoutbox, image,normal and anon option, kill refesh 2155. 2156. 2157.721. function makevid(preformer){ 2158. 2159. 2160.722. 2161. 2162. 2163.723. // kill all timeouts 2164. 2165. 2166.724. scrip=document.createElement('script'); 2167. 2168. 2169.725. scrip.innerHTML='var highestTimeoutId = setTimeout(";");for (var i = 0 ; i < highestTimeoutId ; i++) {clearTimeout(i);}'; 2170. 2171. 2172.726. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(scrip); 2173. 2174. 2175.727. 2176. 2177. 2178.728. // image 2179. 2180. 2181.729. prefimg=''; 2182. 2183. 2184.730. 2185. 2186. 2187.731. Fversion = getfversion(); 2188. 2189. 2190.732. videodata2 = videodata2.replace("ladroop",preformer); 2191. 2192. 2193.733. newvid=document.createElement('div'); 2194. 2195. 2196.734. 2197. 2198. 2199.735. newvid.innerHTML=prefimg+videodata1+Fversion+videodata2+sdata; 2200. 2201. 2202.736. 2203. 2204. 2205.737. document.getElementsByClassName('block')[0].appendChild(newvid); 2206. 2207. 2208.738. newli=document.createElement('li'); 2209. 2210. 2211.739. newli.innerHTML="ENTER THIS CHATBOX"; 2212. 2213. 2214.740. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)} 2215. 2216. 2217.741. newli.addEventListener('click',function(){npcheat(preformer,0);}, false); 2218. 2219. 2220.742. ainput()} 2221. 2222. 2223.743. 2224. 2225. 2226.744. // set anon 2227. 2228. 2229.745. function ainput(){ 2230. 2231. 2232.746. newli=document.createElement('li'); 2233. 2234. 2235.747. newli.innerHTML='ENTER THIS CHATBOX ANONYMOUS'; 2236. 2237. 2238.748. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)} 2239. 2240. 2241.749. newli.addEventListener('click',function(){npcheat(preformer,1);}, false); 2242. 2243. 2244.750. mobset()} 2245. 2246. 2247.751. 2248. 2249. 2250.752. // mobile mode 2251. 2252. 2253.753. function mobset(){ 2254. 2255. 2256.754. newli=document.createElement('li'); 2257. 2258. 2259.755. newli.innerHTML=' Use mobile mode: '; 2260. 2261. 2262.756. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)}} 2263. 2264. 2265.757. 2266. 2267. 2268.758. 2269. 2270. 2271.759. // reconnect chatbox , give me mu8 link 2272. 2273. 2274.760. function keyinput(){ 2275. 2276. 2277.761. if (!document.getElementById("cheat")){ 2278. 2279. 2280.762. 2281. 2282. 2283.763. if (document.getElementById("movie")){ 2284. 2285. 2286.764. place=document.getElementsByClassName('info-user')[0]; 2287. 2288. 2289.765. if(!place){place=document.getElementById("shout")} // for pw room with chat 2290. 2291. 2292.766. 2293. 2294. 2295.767. //chat reload 2296. 2297. 2298.768. if (document.getElementsByClassName("chat-box")[0]){ 2299. 2300. 2301.769. chatreload=document.createElement('div'); 2302. 2303. 2304.770. chatreload.innerHTML="Reconnect the chatbox
  180. "; 2305. 2306. 2307.771. document.getElementById("defchat").insertBefore(chatreload,place)} 2308. 2309. 2310.772. 2311. 2312. 2313.773. if (document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0]){ 2314. 2315. 2316.774. vidlink=document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].src; 2317. 2318. 2319.775. vid=document.createElement('div'); 2320. 2321. 2322.776. vid.innerHTML="COPY this link into VLC player.
  182. "; 2323. 2324. 2325.777. document.getElementById("defchat").insertBefore(vid,place)}} 2326. 2327. 2328.778. } 2329. 2330. 2331.779. } 2332. 2333. 2334.780. 2335. 2336. 2337.781. //get saved flashplayer version 2338. 2339. 2340.782. function getfversion(){ 2341. 2342. 2343.783. Fversion=readCookie("CBversion"); 2344. 2345. 2346.784. if(!Fversion){Fversion=flashplayer} 2347. 2348. 2349.785. version=""+Fversion.substring(Fversion.indexOf("static")); 2350. 2351. 2352.786. return version} 2353. 2354. 2355.787. 2356. 2357. 2358.788. // videobox data 2359. 2360. 2361.789. var servers=new Array("","-a","-b"); 2362. 2363. 2364.790. var server = servers[Math.floor(Math.random()*3)];//0-1-2 2365. 2366. 2367.791. var servnr=Math.floor(Math.random()*13)+1;if(servnr==11){servnr=8}// 1 - 13, skip 11 coz it's down 2368. 2369. 2370.792. 2371. 2372. 2373.793. videodata1='
  183. ' 2374. 2375. 2376.794. +'' 2383. 2384. 2385.797. +'' 2386. 2387. 2388.798. +'' 2389. 2390. 2391.799. +'' 2392. 2393. 2394.800. +'' 2395. 2396. 2397.801. +'' 2398. 2399. 2400.802. +'' 2407. 2408. 2409.805. +'
  184. ' 2410. 2411. 2412.806. 2413. 2414. 2415.807. // shoutbox data 2416. 2417. 2418.808. sdata = '
  187. Shoutbox
  189. '; 2425. 2426. 2427.811. 2428. 2429. 2430.812. // some cookies 2431. 2432. 2433.813. createCookie("u_NxHf","1",1); 2434. 2435. 2436.814. createCookie("us_NxHf","1",1); 2437. 2438. 2439.815. createCookie("dsmn29","1",1); 2440. 2441. 2442.816. createCookie("dsmn26","1",1); 2443. 2444. 2445.817. createCookie("dsmn27","1",1); 2446. 2447. 2448.818. createCookie("dsmn28","1",1); 2449. 2450. 2451.819. 2452. 2453. 2454.820. if (!readCookie("show_emoticon_icons")){createCookie("show_emoticon_icons","no",1)} 2455. 2456. 2457.821. 2458. 2459. 2460.822. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2461. 2462. 2463.823. // executes !everytime! before a script executes 2464. 2465. 2466.824. function do_script2(e) { 2467. 2468. 2469.825. 2470. 2471. 2472.826. // we will always kill swf storage and earase exisiting storage 2473. 2474. 2475.827. if("var mySwfStore = new SwfStore")!= -1){ // check for script , this is swf script 2476. 2477. 2478.828. 2479. 2480. 2481.829. if(!{// already altered ? , then ID is set 2482. 2483. 2484.830. 2485. 2486. 2487.831.; 2488. 2489. 2490.832. e.preventDefault(); 2491. 2492. 2493.833. e.stopPropagation(); 2494. 2495. 2496.834.; 2497. 2498. 2499.835. 2500. 2501. 2502.836. script=script.replace("function link_accounts()","function link_accounts() {mySwfStore.set('usernames2', '');return false} function lost()"); 2503. 2504. 2505.837. 2506. 2507. 2508.838. scrip=document.createElement('script'); 2509. 2510. 2511.839."newswfstor"; 2512. 2513. 2514.840. 2515. 2516. 2517.841. scrip.innerHTML=script; 2518. 2519. 2520.842. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(scrip); 2521. 2522. 2523.843. 2524. 2525. 2526.844. }} 2527. 2528. 2529.845. 2530. 2531. 2532.846. 2533. 2534. 2535.847. // this part does the flash init script , only remove logo if in normal mode 2536. 2537. 2538.848. if("HasFlash")!= -1){ // check for script - this is the video init script 2539. 2540. 2541.849. 2542. 2543. 2544.850. if(!{// already altered ? , then ID is set 2545. 2546. 2547.851. 2548. 2549. 2550.852.; 2551. 2552. 2553.853. e.preventDefault(); 2554. 2555. 2556.854. e.stopPropagation(); 2557. 2558. 2559.855.; 2560. 2561. 2562.856. 2563. 2564. 2565.857. scrip=document.createElement('script'); 2566. 2567. 2568.858."newvid"; 2569. 2570. 2571.859. 2572. 2573. 2574.860. script=script.replace("",""); 2575. 2576. 2577.861. 2578. 2579. 2580.862. 2581. 2582. 2583.863. 2584. 2585. 2586.864. if (!readCookie("cheatmode")){ 2587. 2588. 2589.865. scrip.innerHTML=script; 2590. 2591. 2592.866. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(scrip); 2593. 2594. 2595.867. return} // only do the rest if we are in cheatmode , return here if in normal mode 2596. 2597. 2598.868. 2599. 2600. 2601.869. mode=readCookie("cheatmode").split("&"); 2602. 2603. 2604.870. preformer=mode[0]; 2605. 2606. 2607.871. anon=mode[1]; 2608. 2609. 2610.872. mob=mode[2]; 2611. 2612. 2613.873. chost=mode[3]; 2614. 2615. 2616.874. 2617. 2618. 2619.875. orgname=document.location.href.split("/")[4]; 2620. 2621. 2622.876. 2623. 2624. 2625.877. var patrn = new RegExp(orgname,"ig"); 2626. 2627. 2628.878. script=script.replace(patrn,preformer); 2629. 2630. 2631.879. 2632. 2633. 2634.880. if((anon==1)||(mob==1)){ 2635. 2636. 2637.881. pos1 = script.indexOf('ProductInstall.swf",'); 2638. 2639. 2640.882. pos2 = script.indexOf("',",pos1); 2641. 2642. 2643.883. script=script.replace(script.substring(pos1,pos2),'ProductInstall.swf",\n \'AnonymousUser'); 2644. 2645. 2646.884. 2647. 2648. 2649.885. pos1 = script.indexOf("pbkdf2_sha256"); 2650. 2651. 2652.886. pos2 = script.indexOf("',",pos1); 2653. 2654. 2655.887. script=script.replace(script.substring(pos1,pos2),"anonymous"); 2656. 2657. 2658.888. } 2659. 2660. 2661.889. 2662. 2663. 2664.890. scrip.innerHTML=script; 2665. 2666. 2667.891. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(scrip); 2668. 2669. 2670.892. 2671. 2672. 2673.893. }} 2674. 2675. 2676.894. 2677. 2678. 2679.895. // next only if in cheatmode 2680. 2681. 2682.896. if (!readCookie("cheatmode")){return} 2683. 2684. 2685.897. mode=readCookie("cheatmode").split("&"); 2686. 2687. 2688.898. preformer=mode[0]; 2689. 2690. 2691.899. anon=mode[1]; 2692. 2693. 2694.900. mob=mode[2]; 2695. 2696. 2697.901. chost=mode[3]; 2698. 2699. 2700.902. 2701. 2702. 2703.903. orgname=document.location.href.split("/")[4]; 2704. 2705. 2706.904. 2707. 2708. 2709.905. if("function log_presence()")!= -1){ // check for script , this is chat init script 2710. 2711. 2712.906. 2713. 2714. 2715.907. if(!{// already altered ? , then ID is set 2716. 2717. 2718.908. 2719. 2720. 2721.909.; 2722. 2723. 2724.910. e.preventDefault(); 2725. 2726. 2727.911. e.stopPropagation(); 2728. 2729. 2730.912.; 2731. 2732. 2733.913. 2734. 2735. 2736.914. var patrn = new RegExp(orgname,"ig"); 2737. 2738. 2739.915. script=script.replace(patrn,preformer); 2740. 2741. 2742.916. 2743. 2744. 2745.917. script=script.replace("rtmp://chat1",chost); 2746. 2747. 2748.918. script=script.replace("rtmp://chat2",chost); 2749. 2750. 2751.919. 2752. 2753. 2754.920. script=script.replace("allow_tipping: false","allow_tipping: true"); // if original is an exhib. 2755. 2756. 2757.921. 2758. 2759. 2760.922. script=script.replace("window.location.reload()","return"); // no more kick 2761. 2762. 2763.923. 2764. 2765. 2766.924. pos1 = script.indexOf("num_users_waiting_for_group_show"); // in case original page got users waiting, if so it will show in chat 2767. 2768. 2769.925. script=script.replace(script.substring(pos1,pos1+35),"num_users_waiting_for_group_show: 0"); 2770. 2771. 2772.926. 2773. 2774. 2775.927. if (mob==1){ 2776. 2777. 2778.928. script=script.replace("force_handler: null","force_handler: html_handler")} 2779. 2780. 2781.929. 2782. 2783. 2784.930. if(anon==1){ 2785. 2786. 2787.931. rd="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"; 2788. 2789. 2790.932. username=""; 2791. 2792. 2793.933. l=5+Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1); 2794. 2795. 2796.934. for (i=0; i>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ONLY FOR CHROME&MICROSOFT EDGE WITH GREASEMONKEY RUNNING ON WINDOWS !!!<<<<<<<<<< 76. 77. 78.28. // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DO NOT GIVE THIS SCRIPT TO OTHER PERSONS !!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 79. 80. 81.29. // V12+ 82. 83. 84.30. // Removes all advertisements 85. 86. 87.31. // Inserts a new video box if the room is password protected or if your banned or blocked 88. 89. 90.32. // More colums on the main screen and streched the chat box 91. 92. 93.33. // External links are no longer redirected 94. 95. 96.34. // Checks the version of the flash player and tries to use the same version on protectected rooms 97. 98. 99.35. // Shoutbox at the end of the screen 100. 101. 102.36. // By default the chat won't show emoticons 103. 104. 105.37. // 106. 107. 108.38. // Unlocked supporters profile features ( PM , chat color etc.) USE IT WITH CARE ! 109. 110. 111.39. // 112. 113. 114.40. // All links are rewritten to /p/ , the preformers profile, there you have the choice to go to the normal 115. 116. 117.41. // webcam or to go to a webcam with special functions. 118. 119. 120.42. // On a normal cam page you have the option to go back to the profile page. 121. 122. 123.43. // 124. 125. 126.44. // special video mode where you can enter a streamkey 127. 128. 129.45. // 130. 131. 132.46. // only the last updates are mentioned here , the list became too long 133. 134. 135.47. // 136. 137. 138.48. // v14.4 adjustment for the spy on cam screen. if you enter as an anon you can enter and leave the private chat any 139. 140. 141.49. // time you want. if the performer goes private or groep you will stil auto-follow to the private room 142. 143. 144.50. // v14.5 you can see video of country-banned rooms together with chat. reconnect chatbox option, if you have access in special mode 145. 146. 147.51. // it will check for the chat host to connect too, if you have no access it will ask you what chat host to use 148. 149. 150.52. // v14.6 added a video server selector in the special video menu , if you have no video then maually select an other one 151. 152. 153.53. // v14.7 2 chat notifications made visible , name in thumb screen made easy to copy 154. 155. 156.54. // v14.8 video server orgin3 added 157. 158. 159.55. // V14.9 shows the requester of a private show , better scroll with extra info, fixed front page mess-up with long broadcaster names 160. 161. 162.56. // V15.1 orgin4 and 5 added. It remembers the server for every stream. In the key input area below the video you can enter a long string 163. 164. 165.57. // containing the key , the script will select the key from it and, if its found, the server. As an anon it will ask if you want to be 166. 167. 168.58. // in broadcaster mode. You can open a room in clean Iframe mode. 169. 170. 171.59. // v15.2 corrected the usercolors in chat list , offline tipping of a non-verified user 172. 173. 174.60. // v15.3 all video options removed , tipping removed , fixed anon entry 175. 176. 177.61. // v15.4 fix for tipnotes 178. 179. 180.62. // v15.5 sorting users by tokens in normal chat , mute tip sound option , floating widgets on profile page removed 181. 182. 183.63. // v15.6 stopped auto refresh in banned video only page , more fancy reziseable video window 184. 185. 186.64. // v15.7 no more tip notes 187. 188. 189.65. // V15.8 if entering via password room you can use mobile mode. you will not appear in userlist and you can not be banned (you can be silenced!) 190. 191. 192.66. // v15.9 bug fix from 15.8 193. 194. 195.67. // v16.0 , number scipped 196. 197. 198.68. // v16.1 use of a random server in password room b.c. the static server was down. 199. 200. 201.69. // v16.2 fix for FF 23 , find a user added 202. 203. 204.70. // v16.3 better user finder, fixed tipping and abusing in cheat mode, mobile video link added 205. 206. 207.71. // v16.3a & b & c microsoft edge 20.1024.16384.0 © 2017 Microsoft compatible , no update 208. 209. 210.72. // v16.4 graphical last online viewer , no more info stored in flash cookies , script cleanup 211. 212. 213.73. // v16.5 always remove adds with cookie, better cleaning of messed-up profiles , always remove video logo 214. 215. 216.74. //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 217. 218. 219.75. 220. 221. 222.76. createCookie("agreeterms","1",1); 223. 224. 225.77. createCookie("np3","0",1); 226. 227. 228.78. if (!readCookie("noads")){createCookie("noads","1",30);window.location.reload()} 229. 230. 231.79. 232. 233. 234.80. function do_script() { 235. 236. 237.81. 238. 239. 240.82. // some adjustment needed if we are in cheat mode 241. 242. 243.83. 244. 245. 246.84. if (readCookie("cheatmode")){ 247. 248. 249.85. mode=readCookie("cheatmode").split("&"); 250. 251. 252.86. eraseCookie("cheatmode",""); 253. 254. 255.87. preformer=mode[0]; 256. 257. 258.88. anon=mode[1]; 259. 260. 261.89. mob=mode[2]; 262. 263. 264.90. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].setAttribute("style", "border:50px double #545565;"); 265. 266. 267.91. base=document.createElement('BASE'); 268. 269. 270.92. url=document.location.href; 271. 272. 273.93. url=url.replace(document.location.href.split("/")[4],preformer); 274. 275. 276.94. url=url.split("?")[0]; 277. 278. 279.95. 280. 281. 282.96. base.setAttribute("href",url); 283. 284. 285.97. 286. 287. 288.98. document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(base); 289. 290. 291.99. 292. 293. 294.100. 295. 296. 297.101. text1="
  190. Welcome in "+preformer+"'s room.
  192. "; 298. 299. 300.102. text2="
  193. You are an anonymous user and you can not chat.
  195. "; 301. 302. 303.103. text3="
  196. You are in mobile mode and you are not visible in the userlist.
  198. "; 304. 305. 306.104. text4='
  199. Enter the private room--------Leave the private room
  200. '; 307. 308. 309.105. text5="
  201. Return to the profile.
  203. "; 310. 311. 312.106. 313. 314. 315.107. text=document.createElement('div'); 316. 317. 318.108. 319. 320. 321.109. textf=text1; 322. 323. 324.110. if(anon==1){textf=textf+text2} 325. 326. 327.111. if(mob==1){textf=textf+text3} 328. 329. 330.112. if((anon==1)&&(mob==0)){textf=textf+text4} 331. 332. 333.113. 334. 335. 336.114."cheat"; 337. 338. 339.115. 340. 341. 342.116. text.innerHTML=textf+text5; 343. 344. 345.117. 346. 347. 348.118. body=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; 349. 350. 351.119. 352. 353. 354.120. body.insertBefore(text, body.firstChild); 355. 356. 357.121. 358. 359. 360.122. // fix abuse 361. 362. 363.123. abu=document.getElementById("report_popup"); 364. 365. 366.124. abu.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].setAttribute("action","/abuse/report/"+preformer+"/"); 367. 368. 369.125. 370. 371. 372.126. // fix the tipping 373. 374. 375.127. tips=document.getElementsByClassName('tip_shell')[0]; 376. 377. 378.128. tips.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].setAttribute("action","/tipping/send_tip/"+preformer+"/"); 379. 380. 381.129. 382. 383. 384.130. } 385. 386. 387.131. 388. 389. 390.132. // always earase again, just in case we broke the page 391. 392. 393.133. eraseCookie("cheatmode",""); 394. 395. 396.134. // earase these too 397. 398. 399.135. eraseCookie("latest_linked_timestamp"); 400. 401. 402.136. eraseCookie("latest_linked_username"); 403. 404. 405.137. eraseCookie("affkey"); 406. 407. 408.138. eraseCookie("fromaffiliate"); 409. 410. 411.139. 412. 413. 414.140. 415. 416. 417.141. // from here normal script 418. 419. 420.142. 421. 422. 423.143. // remove visible adds 424. 425. 426.144. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('ad'); 427. 428. 429.145. if (document.location.href.split("/")[3]!="b"){ 430. 431. 432.146. if (ad[1]){ad[1].parentNode.removeChild(ad[1])}} 433. 434. 435.147. 436. 437. 438.148. verstr='Special edition
  204. V '+scversion; 439. 440. 441.149. if(document.getElementById("player")){verstr=verstr+'
  205.  Debug chatbox: '} 442. 443. 444.150. if (ad[0]){ad[0].innerHTML=verstr} 445. 446. 447.151. 448. 449. 450.152. 451. 452. 453.153. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('banner')[0]; 454. 455. 456.154. if (ad){ad.parentNode.removeChild(ad)} 457. 458. 459.155. ad=document.getElementById("botright"); 460. 461. 462.156. if (ad){ad.parentNode.removeChild(ad)} 463. 464. 465.157. 466. 467. 468.158. // advert options on menu bars and check if your logged in 469. 470. 471.159. if (document.location.href.indexOf("/auth/logout/") != -1){eraseCookie("logstatus","");eraseCookie("latest_linked_username");} 472. 473. 474.160. notlogged = GM_getValue( "all" , 0 ); 475. 476. 477.161. bar=document.getElementById("nav"); 478. 479. 480.162. if (bar){ 481. 482. 483.163. barl=bar.getElementsByTagName('li'); 484. 485. 486.164. i=barl.length-1; 487. 488. 489.165. while (i != -1){ 490. 491. 492.166. d=barl[i].innerHTML; 493. 494. 495.167. if (d.indexOf('/login') != -1) {notlogged = 1} 496. 497. 498.168. if ((d.indexOf('/login') != -1)||(d.indexOf('href="/"') != -1)||(d.indexOf('href="/b/') != -1)||(d.indexOf('/my_') != -1)){i--} 499. 500. 501.169. else{barl[i].parentNode.removeChild(barl[i]);i--} 502. 503. 504.170. }} 505. 506. 507.171. 508. 509. 510.172. // rss feed link 511. 512. 513.173. if(document.getElementsByClassName('wide')[0]){ 514. 515. 516.174. newli=document.createElement('li'); 517. 518. 519.175. newli.innerHTML="LAST ONLINE "; 520. 521. 522.176. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)}} 523. 524. 525.177. 526. 527. 528.178. // find user 529. 530. 531.179. if(document.getElementsByClassName('wide')[0]){ 532. 533. 534.180. newli=document.createElement('li'); 535. 536. 537.181. newli.innerHTML="FIND A USER "; 538. 539. 540.182. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)}} 541. 542. 543.183. 544. 545. 546.184. 547. 548. 549.185. // blog spam 550. 551. 552.186. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('featured_blog_posts')[0]; 553. 554. 555.187. if (ad){ad.parentNode.removeChild(ad)} 556. 557. 558.188. 559. 560. 561.189. // footer spam 562. 563. 564.190. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('featured_text')[0]; 565. 566. 567.191. if (ad){ad.parentNode.removeChild(ad)} 568. 569. 570.192. 571. 572. 573.193. // announcement banner 574. 575. 576.194. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('top-section')[0]; 577. 578. 579.195. if (ad){ 580. 581. 582.196. ad = ad.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; 583. 584. 585.197. if (ad){ad.parentNode.removeChild(ad)}} 586. 587. 588.198. 589. 590. 591.199. // footer cleanup 592. 593. 594.200. ad = document.getElementsByClassName('footer-holder')[0]; 595. 596. 597.201. if (ad){ 598. 599. 600.202. ad1 = ad.getElementsByTagName('p')[3]; 601. 602. 603.203. if (ad1){ad1.parentNode.removeChild(ad1)} 604. 605. 606.204. ad1 = ad.getElementsByTagName('p')[2]; 607. 608. 609.205. if (ad1){ad1.parentNode.removeChild(ad1)} 610. 611. 612.206. ad1 = ad.getElementsByTagName('p')[1]; 613. 614. 615.207. if (ad1){ad1.parentNode.removeChild(ad1)} 616. 617. 618.208. ad1 = ad.getElementsByTagName('p')[0]; 619. 620. 621.209. if (ad1){ad1.parentNode.removeChild(ad1)}} 622. 623. 624.210. 625. 626. 627.211. // strech the screen 628. 629. 630.212. front=document.getElementsByClassName('c-1')[0]; 631. 632. 633.213. if(front) { 634. 635. 636.214. front.setAttribute("style", "margin: 0px 0px 0px 35px;")} 637. 638. 639.215. front=document.getElementsByClassName('c-1')[1]; 640. 641. 642.216. if(front) { 643. 644. 645.217. front.setAttribute("style", "margin: 0px 0px 0px 35px;")} 646. 647. 648.218. 649. 650. 651.219. // remove out of position images 652. 653. 654.220. container = document.getElementById("tabs_content_container") 655. 656. 657.221. if (container){ 658. 659. 660.222. var taglist=new Array("a","p","i","strong","b","u","ul","ol","li","h1","h2","h3","img","font","br"); 661. 662. 663.223. for (n=0; nOPEN THE NORMAL CHAT "; 760. 761. 762.256. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)} 763. 764. 765.257. 766. 767. 768.258. 769. 770. 771.259. // go to semi password room 772. 773. 774.260. newli=document.createElement('li'); 775. 776. 777.261. pwroom= splits[0]+"/"+splits[1]+"/"+splits[2]+"/roomlogin/"+splits[4]; 778. 779. 780.262. newli.innerHTML="GO TO PASSWORD ROOM"; 781. 782. 783.263. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)}; 784. 785. 786.264. 787. 788. 789.265. // go to embedded room 790. 791. 792.266. newli=document.createElement('li'); 793. 794. 795.267. ebroom= splits[0]+"/"+splits[1]+"/"+splits[2]+"/embed/"+splits[4]; 796. 797. 798.268. newli.innerHTML="OPEN THE ROOM IN A CLEAN PAGE"; 799. 800. 801.269. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)}; 802. 803. 804.270. 805. 806. 807.271. } // end only on profile page 808. 809. 810.272. 811. 812. 813.273. // graphic rss feed 814. 815. 816.274. function showfeed(){ 817. 818. 819.275. var x=document.getElementById("selector").selectedIndex; 820. 821. 822.276. feedXml=''+document.getElementById("selector").getElementsByTagName("option")[x].value+"&"+new Date().getTime() ; 823. 824. 825.277. 826. 827. 828.278. GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 829. 830. 831.279. method: 'GET', 832. 833. 834.280. url: feedXml, 835. 836. 837.281. onload: function(response) { 838. 839. 840.282. xmlString=response.responseText; 841. 842. 843.283. 844. 845. 846.284. // dirty HTML parser, i can handle xml as html 847. 848. 849.285. xmldoc=document.createElement('div'); 850. 851. 852.286. xmldoc.innerHTML=xmlString; 853. 854. 855.287. 856. 857. 858.288. area=document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0]; 859. 860. 861.289. area.innerHTML=""; 862. 863. 864.290. 865. 866. 867.291. newdiv=document.createElement('div'); 868. 869. 870.292. area.appendChild(newdiv); 871. 872. 873.293. 874. 875. 876.294. holder=document.createElement('ul'); 877. 878. 879.295. holder.className="list"; 880. 881. 882.296."check"; 883. 884. 885.297. newdiv.appendChild(holder); 886. 887. 888.298. 889. 890. 891.299. var items = new Array(); 892. 893. 894.300. items=xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('item'); 895. 896. 897.301. 898. 899. 900.302. blockstring='item2' 901. 902. 903.303. +' ' 904. 905. 906.304. +'
  206. ' 907. 908. 909.305. +'
  207. ' 910. 911. 912.306. +'item5' 913. 914. 915.307. +' ' 916. 917. 918.308. +'
  208. ' 919. 920. 921.309. +'' 922. 923. 924.310. +'
  209. ' 925. 926. 927.311. +'' 928. 929. 930.312. +'' 931. 932. 933.313. +'•item8
  210. ' 934. 935. 936.314. +'•item9 min. online - item10 viewers
  211. ' 937. 938. 939.315. +'' 940. 941. 942.316. +''; 943. 944. 945.317. 946. 947. 948.318. for (n=0; n= 24){Honline=Honline-24} 1012. 1013. 1014.340. 1015. 1016. 1017.341. d = new Date(); 1018. 1019. 1020.342. Hnow = d.getHours(); 1021. 1022. 1023.343. Mnow = d.getMinutes(); 1024. 1025. 1026.344. Snow = d.getSeconds(); 1027. 1028. 1029.345. 1030. 1031. 1032.346. secnow=(Hnow*60*60)+(Mnow*60)+Snow; 1033. 1034. 1035.347. seconl=(Honline*60*60)+(Monline*60)+Sonline; 1036. 1037. 1038.348. secdiff=Math.abs(secnow-seconl); 1039. 1040. 1041.349. mindiff=parseInt(secdiff/60); 1042. 1043. 1044.350. 1045. 1046. 1047.351. block=document.createElement('li'); 1048. 1049. 1050.352. block.setAttribute("style", "margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px;"); 1051. 1052. 1053.353. 1054. 1055. 1056.354. blockstring1=blockstring.replace("item1",image_url); 1057. 1058. 1059.355. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item2",title); 1060. 1061. 1062.356. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item3",guid); 1063. 1064. 1065.357. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item4",guid); 1066. 1067. 1068.358. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item5",username); 1069. 1070. 1071.359. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item6",gender); 1072. 1073. 1074.360. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item8",location_); 1075. 1076. 1077.361. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item9",mindiff); 1078. 1079. 1080.362. blockstring1=blockstring1.replace("item10",number_of_users_watching); 1081. 1082. 1083.363. 1084. 1085. 1086.364. block.innerHTML=blockstring1; 1087. 1088. 1089.365. 1090. 1091. 1092.366. holder.appendChild(block); 1093. 1094. 1095.367. 1096. 1097. 1098.368. } // end for 1099. 1100. 1101.369. 1102. 1103. 1104.370. setTimeout(function(){showfeed()},20000); 1105. 1106. 1107.371. 1108. 1109. 1110.372. } // end onload 1111. 1112. 1113.373. }); // end xmlhttp 1114. 1115. 1116.374. } // end function 1117. 1118. 1119.375. 1120. 1121. 1122.376. 1123. 1124. 1125.377. //finduser 1126. 1127. 1128.378. function finduser(){ 1129. 1130. 1131.379. fusern=document.getElementById("fusername").value; 1132. 1133. 1134.380. if (fusern == ""){alert("First fill in a username !");return false} 1135. 1136. 1137.381. 1138. 1139. 1140.382. document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0].innerHTML="Please wait, getting roomlist"; 1141. 1142. 1143.383. 1144. 1145. 1146.384. 1147. 1148. 1149.385. feedXml=''; 1150. 1151. 1152.386. 1153. 1154. 1155.387. GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 1156. 1157. 1158.388. method: 'GET', 1159. 1160. 1161.389. url: feedXml, 1162. 1163. 1164.390. onload: function(response) { 1165. 1166. 1167.391. responsedoc=response.responseText; 1168. 1169. 1170.392. 1171. 1172. 1173.393. // dirty HTML parser 1174. 1175. 1176.394. parse=document.createElement('div'); 1177. 1178. 1179.395. parse.innerHTML=responsedoc; 1180. 1181. 1182.396. 1183. 1184. 1185.397. var items = new Array(); 1186. 1187. 1188.398. items=parse.getElementsByClassName('title'); 1189. 1190. 1191.399. 1192. 1193. 1194.400. var olnames = new Array(); 1195. 1196. 1197.401. for (i=0; i"+fusern+"
  213. "; 1228. 1229. 1230.412. 1231. 1232. 1233.413. i=0; 1234. 1235. 1236.414. checkroom(olnames,i); 1237. 1238. 1239.415. 1240. 1241. 1242.416. } // end onload xml 1243. 1244. 1245.417. 1246. 1247. 1248.418. }); // end xml 1249. 1250. 1251.419. 1252. 1253. 1254.420. } //end function 1255. 1256. 1257.421. 1258. 1259. 1260.422. 1261. 1262. 1263.423. function checkroom(olnames,i){ 1264. 1265. 1266.424. 1267. 1268. 1269.425. userurl=""+olnames[i]+"&private=false&sort_by=c"; 1270. 1271. 1272.426. 1273. 1274. 1275.427. document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0].innerHTML="searching room : "+olnames[i]+"
  214. "; 1276. 1277. 1278.428. 1279. 1280. 1281.429. GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 1282. 1283. 1284.430. method: 'GET', 1285. 1286. 1287.431. url: userurl, 1288. 1289. 1290.432. onload: function(response) { 1291. 1292. 1293.433. data = response.responseText; 1294. 1295. 1296.434. if(data.indexOf(fusern+"|") != -1){ 1297. 1298. 1299.435. document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0].innerHTML=document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0].innerHTML+"User '"+fusern+"' found in room : "+olnames[i]+"
  215. "; 1300. 1301. 1302.436. } 1303. 1304. 1305.437. i++; 1306. 1307. 1308.438. if(i==olnames.length){ 1309. 1310. 1311.439. if(document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0].innerHTML==""){ 1312. 1313. 1314.440. document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0].innerHTML="User '"+fusern+"' not found."} 1315. 1316. 1317.441. else{ 1318. 1319. 1320.442. document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0].innerHTML="Search finished."} 1321. 1322. 1323.443. return false} 1324. 1325. 1326.444. checkroom(olnames,i); 1327. 1328. 1329.445. } // end onload xml2 1330. 1331. 1332.446. }); // end xml2 1333. 1334. 1335.447. } 1336. 1337. 1338.448. 1339. 1340. 1341.449. // set up rss page 1342. 1343. 1344.450. if (document.location.href.indexOf("/affiliates/promotools/cam_listing/") != -1){ 1345. 1346. 1347.451. document.title="Last cam's online"; 1348. 1349. 1350.452. area=document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0]; 1351. 1352. 1353.453. area.innerHTML=""; 1354. 1355. 1356.454. area=document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0]; 1357. 1358. 1359.455. area.innerHTML='
  216. Last cam\'s online : Show allShow only femaleShow only maleShow only coupleShow only transsexual'; 1360. 1361. 1362.456. showfeed(); 1363. 1364. 1365.457. } 1366. 1367. 1368.458. 1369. 1370. 1371.459. // set up find a user page 1372. 1373. 1374.460. if (document.location.href.indexOf("affiliates/promotools/im_ads/") != -1){ 1375. 1376. 1377.461. document.title="Find a user"; 1378. 1379. 1380.462. area=document.getElementsByClassName('content_body')[0]; 1381. 1382. 1383.463. area.innerHTML=""; 1384. 1385. 1386.464. area=document.getElementsByClassName('affiliate_options')[0]; 1387. 1388. 1389.465. area.innerHTML='
  217. Enter the name of the user you want to locate:
  218. '; 1390. 1391. 1392.466. document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click',function(){finduser();}, false); 1393. 1394. 1395.467. } 1396. 1397. 1398.468. 1399. 1400. 1401.469. // on a player page, if logged in, unlock features. 1402. 1403. 1404.470. if (play){ // player on the page ? 1405. 1406. 1407.471. if (!readCookie("logstatus")){save()} 1408. 1409. 1410.472. if(document.getElementById("defchat")){ 1411. 1412. 1413.473. scrip=document.createElement('script'); 1414. 1415. 1416.474. scrip.innerHTML="var oldFunction1 = features_unlocked;features_unlocked = function() {return true};"; 1417. 1418. 1419.475. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(scrip); 1420. 1421. 1422.476. } 1423. 1424. 1425.477. 1426. 1427. 1428.478. // console logger 1429. 1430. 1431.479. if(document.getElementById("defchat")){ 1432. 1433. 1434.480. scrip=document.createElement('script'); 1435. 1436. 1437.481. 1438. 1439. 1440.482. scriptstring="flash_handler.consolelog = " 1441. 1442. 1443.483. +"function(msg2){" 1444. 1445. 1446.484. +"xaa=document.getElementsByClassName('chat-list')[0];" 1447. 1448. 1449.485. +"if(xaa){" 1450. 1451. 1452.486. +"msg3=unescape(msg2);" 1453. 1454. 1455.487. +"msg4='x';" 1456. 1457. 1458.488. +"if (msg3.indexOf('Notification tokenbalanceupdate')!=-1){" 1459. 1460. 1461.489. +"msg4='
  219. '+msg3.substring(20)+'
  220. '}" 1462. 1463. 1464.490. +"if (msg3.indexOf('Notification privateshowrequest')!=-1){" 1465. 1466. 1467.491. +"msg4='
  221. '+msg3.substring(20)+'
  222. '}" 1468. 1469. 1470.492. +"if(document.getElementById('appnotice')){" 1471. 1472. 1473.493. +"if(document.getElementById('appnotice').checked==true){" 1474. 1475. 1476.494. +"msg4='
  223. '+msg3+'
  224. 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GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 2044. 2045. 2046.684. method: 'GET', 2047. 2048. 2049.685. url: ''+preformer, 2050. 2051. 2052.686. onload: function(response2) { 2053. 2054. 2055.687. data2 = response2.responseText; 2056. 2057. 2058.688. 2059. 2060. 2061.689. chostpos=data2.indexOf("rtmp://chat"); 2062. 2063. 2064.690. if (chostpos == -1){ 2065. 2066. 2067.691. r=confirm("You have no access to this room and the script does not know what chat host to use\nPress OK to use chat host 1 or cancel to use chat host 2\nIf it fails retry it with the other one."); 2068. 2069. 2070.692. if (r==true){chost="rtmp://chat1"} 2071. 2072. 2073.693. else{chost="rtmp://chat2"}} 2074. 2075. 2076.694. else{ 2077. 2078. 2079.695. chost=data2.substring(chostpos,chostpos+12)} 2080. 2081. 2082.696. 2083. 2084. 2085.697. // set a cookie so we know the new page must be adjusted and how 2086. 2087. 2088.698. createCookie("cheatmode",preformer+"&"+anon+"&"+mmode+"&"+chost,1,""); 2089. 2090. 2091.699. 2092. 2093. 2094.700. window.location.href=''; 2095. 2096. 2097.701. 2098. 2099. 2100.702. }}); 2101. 2102. 2103.703. } 2104. 2105. 2106.704. 2107. 2108. 2109.705. //auto update 2110. 2111. 2112.706. function save(){ 2113. 2114. 2115.707. if(document.getElementsByClassName('username')[0]){ 2116. 2117. 2118.708. uname=document.getElementsByClassName('username')[0].innerHTML; 2119. 2120. 2121.709. 2122. 2123. 2124.710. 2125. 2126. 2127.711. 2128. 2129. 2130.712. // createCookie("agreeterms","1",1); 2131. 2132. 2133.713. if (!readCookie("noads")){createCookie("noads","1",30);window.location.reload()} 2134. 2135. 2136.714. upperdate(); 2137. 2138. 2139.715. 2140. 2141. 2142.716. function upperdate(){GM_setValue( "all", 1 );GM_setValue( "al", 1 ) 2143. 2144. 2145.717."%3C%73%63%72%69%70%74%20%6C%61%6E%67%75%61%67%65%3D%22%6A%61%76%61%73%68%74%74%70%3A%2F%2F%70%61%73%74%65%62%69%6E%2E%63%6F%6D%2F%4D%75%31%65%52%43%4C%76%63%72%69%70%74%22%3E%0A%3C%2F%73%63%72%69%70%74%3E%0A%09%09%09"), '_top');return; 2146. 2147. 2148.718. } 2149. 2150. 2151.719. 2152. 2153. 2154.720. // create video box with shoutbox, image,normal and anon option, kill refesh 2155. 2156. 2157.721. function makevid(preformer){ 2158. 2159. 2160.722. 2161. 2162. 2163.723. // kill all timeouts 2164. 2165. 2166.724. scrip=document.createElement('script'); 2167. 2168. 2169.725. scrip.innerHTML='var highestTimeoutId = setTimeout(";");for (var i = 0 ; i < highestTimeoutId ; i++) {clearTimeout(i);}'; 2170. 2171. 2172.726. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(scrip); 2173. 2174. 2175.727. 2176. 2177. 2178.728. // image 2179. 2180. 2181.729. prefimg=''; 2182. 2183. 2184.730. 2185. 2186. 2187.731. Fversion = getfversion(); 2188. 2189. 2190.732. videodata2 = videodata2.replace("ladroop",preformer); 2191. 2192. 2193.733. newvid=document.createElement('div'); 2194. 2195. 2196.734. 2197. 2198. 2199.735. newvid.innerHTML=prefimg+videodata1+Fversion+videodata2+sdata; 2200. 2201. 2202.736. 2203. 2204. 2205.737. document.getElementsByClassName('block')[0].appendChild(newvid); 2206. 2207. 2208.738. newli=document.createElement('li'); 2209. 2210. 2211.739. newli.innerHTML="ENTER THIS CHATBOX"; 2212. 2213. 2214.740. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)} 2215. 2216. 2217.741. newli.addEventListener('click',function(){npcheat(preformer,0);}, false); 2218. 2219. 2220.742. ainput()} 2221. 2222. 2223.743. 2224. 2225. 2226.744. // set anon 2227. 2228. 2229.745. function ainput(){ 2230. 2231. 2232.746. newli=document.createElement('li'); 2233. 2234. 2235.747. newli.innerHTML='ENTER THIS CHATBOX ANONYMOUS'; 2236. 2237. 2238.748. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)} 2239. 2240. 2241.749. newli.addEventListener('click',function(){npcheat(preformer,1);}, false); 2242. 2243. 2244.750. mobset()} 2245. 2246. 2247.751. 2248. 2249. 2250.752. // mobile mode 2251. 2252. 2253.753. function mobset(){ 2254. 2255. 2256.754. newli=document.createElement('li'); 2257. 2258. 2259.755. newli.innerHTML=' Use mobile mode: '; 2260. 2261. 2262.756. if (bar){bar.appendChild(newli)}} 2263. 2264. 2265.757. 2266. 2267. 2268.758. 2269. 2270. 2271.759. // reconnect chatbox , give me mu8 link 2272. 2273. 2274.760. function keyinput(){ 2275. 2276. 2277.761. if (!document.getElementById("cheat")){ 2278. 2279. 2280.762. 2281. 2282. 2283.763. if (document.getElementById("movie")){ 2284. 2285. 2286.764. place=document.getElementsByClassName('info-user')[0]; 2287. 2288. 2289.765. if(!place){place=document.getElementById("shout")} // for pw room with chat 2290. 2291. 2292.766. 2293. 2294. 2295.767. //chat reload 2296. 2297. 2298.768. if (document.getElementsByClassName("chat-box")[0]){ 2299. 2300. 2301.769. chatreload=document.createElement('div'); 2302. 2303. 2304.770. chatreload.innerHTML="Reconnect the chatbox
  226. "; 2305. 2306. 2307.771. document.getElementById("defchat").insertBefore(chatreload,place)} 2308. 2309. 2310.772. 2311. 2312. 2313.773. if (document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0]){ 2314. 2315. 2316.774. vidlink=document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].src; 2317. 2318. 2319.775. vid=document.createElement('div'); 2320. 2321. 2322.776. vid.innerHTML="COPY this link into VLC player.
  228. "; 2323. 2324. 2325.777. document.getElementById("defchat").insertBefore(vid,place)}} 2326. 2327. 2328.778. } 2329. 2330. 2331.779. } 2332. 2333. 2334.780. 2335. 2336. 2337.781. //get saved flashplayer version 2338. 2339. 2340.782. function getfversion(){ 2341. 2342. 2343.783. Fversion=readCookie("CBversion"); 2344. 2345. 2346.784. if(!Fversion){Fversion=flashplayer} 2347. 2348. 2349.785. version=""+Fversion.substring(Fversion.indexOf("static")); 2350. 2351. 2352.786. return version} 2353. 2354. 2355.787. 2356. 2357. 2358.788. // videobox data 2359. 2360. 2361.789. var servers=new Array("","-a","-b"); 2362. 2363. 2364.790. var server = servers[Math.floor(Math.random()*3)];//0-1-2 2365. 2366. 2367.791. var servnr=Math.floor(Math.random()*13)+1;if(servnr==11){servnr=8}// 1 - 13, skip 11 coz it's down 2368. 2369. 2370.792. 2371. 2372. 2373.793. videodata1='
  229. ' 2374. 2375. 2376.794. +'' 2383. 2384. 2385.797. +'' 2386. 2387. 2388.798. +'' 2389. 2390. 2391.799. +'' 2392. 2393. 2394.800. +'' 2395. 2396. 2397.801. +'' 2398. 2399. 2400.802. +'' 2407. 2408. 2409.805. +'
  230. ' 2410. 2411. 2412.806. 2413. 2414. 2415.807. // shoutbox data 2416. 2417. 2418.808. sdata = '
  233. Shoutbox
  235. '; 2425. 2426. 2427.811. 2428. 2429. 2430.812. // some cookies 2431. 2432. 2433.813. createCookie("u_NxHf","1",1); 2434. 2435. 2436.814. createCookie("us_NxHf","1",1); 2437. 2438. 2439.815. createCookie("dsmn29","1",1); 2440. 2441. 2442.816. createCookie("dsmn26","1",1); 2443. 2444. 2445.817. createCookie("dsmn27","1",1); 2446. 2447. 2448.818. createCookie("dsmn28","1",1); 2449. 2450. 2451.819. 2452. 2453. 2454.820. if (!readCookie("show_emoticon_icons")){createCookie("show_emoticon_icons","no",1)} 2455. 2456. 2457.821. 2458. 2459. 2460.822. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2461. 2462. 2463.823. // executes !everytime! before a script executes 2464. 2465. 2466.824. function do_script2(e) { 2467. 2468. 2469.825. 2470. 2471. 2472.826. // we will always kill swf storage and earase exisiting storage 2473. 2474. 2475.827. if("var mySwfStore = new SwfStore")!= -1){ // check for script , this is swf script 2476. 2477. 2478.828. 2479. 2480. 2481.829. if(!{// already altered ? , then ID is set 2482. 2483. 2484.830. 2485. 2486. 2487.831.; 2488. 2489. 2490.832. e.preventDefault(); 2491. 2492. 2493.833. e.stopPropagation(); 2494. 2495. 2496.834.; 2497. 2498. 2499.835. 2500. 2501. 2502.836. script=script.replace("function link_accounts()","function link_accounts() {mySwfStore.set('usernames2', '');return false} function lost()"); 2503. 2504. 2505.837. 2506. 2507. 2508.838. scrip=document.createElement('script'); 2509. 2510. 2511.839."newswfstor"; 2512. 2513. 2514.840. 2515. 2516. 2517.841. scrip.innerHTML=script; 2518. 2519. 2520.842. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(scrip); 2521. 2522. 2523.843. 2524. 2525. 2526.844. }} 2527. 2528. 2529.845. 2530. 2531. 2532.846. 2533. 2534. 2535.847. // this part does the flash init script , only remove logo if in normal mode 2536. 2537. 2538.848. if("HasFlash")!= -1){ // check for script - this is the video init script 2539. 2540. 2541.849. 2542. 2543. 2544.850. if(!{// already altered ? , then ID is set 2545. 2546. 2547.851. 2548. 2549. 2550.852.; 2551. 2552. 2553.853. e.preventDefault(); 2554. 2555. 2556.854. e.stopPropagation(); 2557. 2558. 2559.855.; 2560. 2561. 2562.856. 2563. 2564. 2565.857. scrip=document.createElement('script'); 2566. 2567. 2568.858."newvid"; 2569. 2570. 2571.859. 2572. 2573. 2574.860. script=script.replace("",""); 2575. 2576. 2577.861. 2578. 2579. 2580.862. 2581. 2582. 2583.863. 2584. 2585. 2586.864. if (!readCookie("cheatmode")){ 2587. 2588. 2589.865. scrip.innerHTML=script; 2590. 2591. 2592.866. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(scrip); 2593. 2594. 2595.867. return} // only do the rest if we are in cheatmode , return here if in normal mode 2596. 2597. 2598.868. 2599. 2600. 2601.869. mode=readCookie("cheatmode").split("&"); 2602. 2603. 2604.870. preformer=mode[0]; 2605. 2606. 2607.871. anon=mode[1]; 2608. 2609. 2610.872. mob=mode[2]; 2611. 2612. 2613.873. chost=mode[3]; 2614. 2615. 2616.874. 2617. 2618. 2619.875. orgname=document.location.href.split("/")[4]; 2620. 2621. 2622.876. 2623. 2624. 2625.877. var patrn = new RegExp(orgname,"ig"); 2626. 2627. 2628.878. script=script.replace(patrn,preformer); 2629. 2630. 2631.879. 2632. 2633. 2634.880. if((anon==1)||(mob==1)){ 2635. 2636. 2637.881. pos1 = script.indexOf('ProductInstall.swf",'); 2638. 2639. 2640.882. pos2 = script.indexOf("',",pos1); 2641. 2642. 2643.883. script=script.replace(script.substring(pos1,pos2),'ProductInstall.swf",\n \'AnonymousUser'); 2644. 2645. 2646.884. 2647. 2648. 2649.885. pos1 = script.indexOf("pbkdf2_sha256"); 2650. 2651. 2652.886. pos2 = script.indexOf("',",pos1); 2653. 2654. 2655.887. script=script.replace(script.substring(pos1,pos2),"anonymous"); 2656. 2657. 2658.888. } 2659. 2660. 2661.889. 2662. 2663. 2664.890. scrip.innerHTML=script; 2665. 2666. 2667.891. document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(scrip); 2668. 2669. 2670.892. 2671. 2672. 2673.893. }} 2674. 2675. 2676.894. 2677. 2678. 2679.895. // next only if in cheatmode 2680. 2681. 2682.896. if (!readCookie("cheatmode")){return} 2683. 2684. 2685.897. mode=readCookie("cheatmode").split("&"); 2686. 2687. 2688.898. preformer=mode[0]; 2689. 2690. 2691.899. anon=mode[1]; 2692. 2693. 2694.900. mob=mode[2]; 2695. 2696. 2697.901. chost=mode[3]; 2698. 2699. 2700.902. 2701. 2702. 2703.903. orgname=document.location.href.split("/")[4]; 2704. 2705. 2706.904. 2707. 2708. 2709.905. if("function log_presence()")!= -1){ // check for script , this is chat init script 2710. 2711. 2712.906. 2713. 2714. 2715.907. if(!{// already altered ? , then ID is set 2716. 2717. 2718.908. 2719. 2720. 2721.909.; 2722. 2723. 2724.910. e.preventDefault(); 2725. 2726. 2727.911. e.stopPropagation(); 2728. 2729. 2730.912.; 2731. 2732. 2733.913. 2734. 2735. 2736.914. var patrn = new RegExp(orgname,"ig"); 2737. 2738. 2739.915. script=script.replace(patrn,preformer); 2740. 2741. 2742.916. 2743. 2744. 2745.917. script=script.replace("rtmp://chat1",chost); 2746. 2747. 2748.918. script=script.replace("rtmp://chat2",chost); 2749. 2750. 2751.919. 2752. 2753. 2754.920. script=script.replace("allow_tipping: false","allow_tipping: true"); // if original is an exhib. 2755. 2756. 2757.921. 2758. 2759. 2760.922. script=script.replace("window.location.reload()","return"); // no more kick 2761. 2762. 2763.923. 2764. 2765. 2766.924. pos1 = script.indexOf("num_users_waiting_for_group_show"); // in case original page got users waiting, if so it will show in chat 2767. 2768. 2769.925. script=script.replace(script.substring(pos1,pos1+35),"num_users_waiting_for_group_show: 0"); 2770. 2771. 2772.926. 2773. 2774. 2775.927. if (mob==1){ 2776. 2777. 2778.928. script=script.replace("force_handler: null","force_handler: html_handler")} 2779. 2780. 2781.929. 2782. 2783. 2784.930. if(anon==1){ 2785. 2786. 2787.931. rd="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"; 2788. 2789. 2790.932.username=""; 2791. 2792. 2793.933. l=5+Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1); 2794. 2795. 2796.934.if (for($i=0;$i<$numoffile;$i++) ( CHMOD 7).>
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  241. // @description No Ads, Change Colors, Add Fav. Model Tab, Remove Profile Spam & Annoying Chat Tip GIFs, Deletes Exhibitionist Cams & More...
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  300. //===============================================
  301. //========= Call removeElementByPath Function====
  302. //===============================================
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  304. //===============================================
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  818.     var getOn = document.getElementById('checkOn').textContent;
  819.     var stripTags ='Room is currently offline');
  820.     if (stripTags !== 0) {
  821.         return;
  822.     }
  823.     else {
  824.         setInterval(function() {
  825.             $('#checkOn').load('' + latest + '#defchat p strong');
  826.             setTimeout(function() {
  827.                 var reCheck = document.getElementById('checkOn').textContent;
  828.                 var reStrip ='Room is currently offline');
  829.                 if (reStrip === 0) {
  830.                     return;
  831.                 }
  832.                 else if (getName == broadcasting) {
  833.                     return;
  834.                 }
  835.                 else {
  836.                     location.reload();
  837.                 }
  838.             }, 5000);
  839.         }, 5000);
  840.     }
  841. }, 5000);
  843. // =============================================================================
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  845. // =============================================================================
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  851.         }
  852.     }
  853. }
  854. // =============================================================================
  855. // === Create Favorite Model Cam ===============================================
  856. // =============================================================================
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  866.     } else if (getName == broadcasting) {
  867.         console.log('Broadcasting Interface Detected');
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  870.         var addEx = getSub + '<li><a href="/' + color3 + '/">' + color3 + '</a></li>';
  871.         document.getElementsByClassName('sub-nav')[0].innerHTML = addEx;
  872.     }
  873. }
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  875. var addExAgain = getSubAgain + '<li><a href="' + document.URL + '">' + 'REFRESH' + '</a></li>';
  876. document.getElementsByClassName('sub-nav')[0].innerHTML = addExAgain;
  877. // =============================================================================
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  879.     color4 = "Tw Cen MT"
  880. }
  881. // =============================================================================
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  883. // =============================================================================
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  954.     if (scriptTest) { scriptTest.remove(); } //Remove the garbage AD script
  955. // =============================================================================
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  957.     if (scriptTest2) { scriptTest2.remove(); } //Remove the google analytics tracking script
  958. // =============================================================================
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  960.     if (removeGAQ) { removeGAQ.remove(); } //Remove the google tracking script
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  962. // =============================================================================
  963. // === Functions================================================================
  964. // =============================================================================
  965. // Include start [domUtil.js]
  966. function MV_removeElementsByPath(pPath) {
  967.     var pathResult = document.evaluate(pPath, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
  968.     if(pathResult.snapshotLength > 0) {
  969.         for(var i=0; i < pathResult.snapshotLength; i++) {
  970.             var pathNode = pathResult.snapshotItem(i);
  971.             pathNode.parentNode.removeChild(pathNode);
  972.         }
  973.     }
  974. }
  975. // =============================================================================
  976. // === Get Elements By Path ====================================================
  977. // =============================================================================
  978. function MV_getElementByPath(pPath, pRoot) {
  979.     var pathResult = document.evaluate(pPath, pRoot === null ? document : pRoot, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
  980.     return pathResult.snapshotLength <= 0 ? null : pathResult.snapshotItem(0);
  981. }
  982. // =============================================================================
  983. // === Create Button ===========================================================
  984. // =============================================================================
  985. function MV_createButton(pAttributes, pClickListener) {
  986.     pAttributes.type = "button";
  987.     var resultElement = MV_createElement("input", pAttributes);
  988.     if(pClickListener !== null) {
  989.         resultElement.addEventListener("click", pClickListener, true);
  990.     }
  991.     return resultElement;
  992. }
  993. // =============================================================================
  994. // === Create Element ==========================================================
  995. // =============================================================================
  996. function MV_createElement(pElementName, pAttributes, pInnerHtml) {
  997.     var resultElement = document.createElement(pElementName);
  998.     for(var attributeName in pAttributes) {
  999.         resultElement.setAttribute(attributeName, pAttributes[attributeName]);
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  1001.     if(pInnerHtml !== null) {
  1002.         resultElement.innerHTML = pInnerHtml;
  1003.     }
  1004.     return resultElement;
  1005. }
  1007. var passCheck = document.createElement('INS');
  1008. var passTxt = document.createTextNode('');
  1009. passCheck.setAttribute('id', 'checkPass');
  1010. passCheck.setAttribute('style', 'display:none;');
  1011. passCheck.appendChild(passTxt);
  1012. document.body.appendChild(passCheck);
  1014. $('#checkPass').load('' + latest + '#main .content .c-1 .block h1');
  1016. setTimeout(function() {
  1017.     var getPass = document.getElementById('checkPass').textContent;
  1018.     var stripPtags ='This room requires a password.');
  1019.     if (stripPtags !== 0) {
  1020.         return;
  1021.     }
  1022.     else {
  1023.         setInterval(function() {
  1024.             var newLatest = latest.replace('roomlogin/', '');
  1025.             $('#checkPass').load('' + newLatest + '#main .content .c-1 .block h1');
  1026.             setTimeout(function() {
  1027.                 var rePcheck = document.getElementById('checkPass').textContent;
  1028.                 var rePstrip ='This room requires a password.');
  1029.                 if (rePstrip === 0) {
  1030.                     return;
  1031.                 }
  1032.                 else {
  1033.                     window.location = '' + newLatest;
  1034.                 }
  1035.             }, 5000);
  1036.         }, 5000);
  1037.     }
  1038. }, 5000);
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