
Rainbow Dashs' Lustful Incesuous Adventure

Jul 7th, 2018
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  1. >You arrived back at the house. All things considered you were still surprised how your parents managed to buy out a five bedroom house just so you and Rainbow wouldn’t have to move around so often and lose friends and potential job opportunities.
  2. >Your parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles were cool like that. They had yours and Rainbow’s best interests at heart and it clearly shows.
  3. >A proud smirk found it’s way on your lips as you opened the car trunk and lazily shoulder-slung the strap on one shoulder before huffing. You haven’t seen your cute sister, Rainbow Dash, since your deployment in the armed forces 5 years ago.
  4. >Would she still remember how you looked? >Would she be really happy to see you or disappointed? Disappointed?! You thought as you huffed again but this time with agitation. You haven’t done anything wrong to warrant disappointment.. you hoped. But something felt off in your gut, you could feel it.
  5. >“Are you ready to be back home, dear?” you hear your mother call out, snapping you out of your trance-like state.
  6. >You nodded your head and flashed a genuine smile. As a group you and your parents entered the house, you weren’t expecting anything except for maybe some loud music or rainbow dash playing video games in her underwear.
  7. >Boy, were you wrong!
  8. >Immediately entering the foyer you see a cloth hanging by the kitchen door with the words ‘Welcome Home’ with a heart next to it, a lot of multi-coloured balloons and a cake on the kitchen table.
  9. >Your small smile from before flourished into a massive grin. This is why your family is the best, even though they hated the idea of you joining the army they still cared enough for you to be back home and to throw you a party.
  10. >Setting down the backpack you quickly embrace your mother into a lovingly hug and she gasped in surprise before returning the gesture and giggling.
  11. “Thank you!” you chirped happily
  12. >“Anytime.” she replied, holding you in embrace and you felt your father hugging the both of you as he joined in and ruffled your hair.
  13. >You heard a familiar voice as footsteps came from the staircase, causing you to break your embrace with your parents as you gazed who it is.
  14. >“Hey, mom! Do ya know when Anon will be b--” interrupting herself as her eyes widen and she rubs her eyes as if to confirm what she is seeing.
  15. >You lean your arms out and rainbow dash runs right into you, her arms wrapping themselves around your chest almost crushing you like she is hugging a teddy bear.
  16. >Your parents giggled as they left the two of you alone
  17. >Eventually after prying off a clingy rainbow dash you found yourself in the kitchen grabbing a quick slice of chocolate drizzled cake, munching on it you found it to be extremely sweet and soft and groaned in pleasure.
  18. “D’fmn Dash, dis is good!” you struggled to speak as you filled your mouth with more cake. >She giggled before leaning in close to you “ay, bro, you have some on your lip” she said as a slight blush crossed her cheeks and before you could do anything about the offending cake piece on your lip, your sister, rainbow dash has licked it off with her tongue.
  19. >Stunned, you weren’t too sure what to do. >Was this the same Rainbow when you left for the service? You don’t recall her being this playful, but you grinned. If she’s playing some sort of game, you were on!
  20. >Rainbow Dash picked a slice and ate it trying her best to not have it crumble onto the kitchen floor, now is your time to strike!
  21. “Hey, Dashy.” you chirped to her,
  22. >she eyed you with her curious purple eyes flashed to you
  23. “You have some frosting on your cheek”
  24. >you leaned in and licked her cheek, your tongue rubbing her soft skin causing her blush to deepen to a new red as you never broke eye contact with her.
  25. >Leaving your sister to process what just happened you grabbed your backpack and ran off upstairs with it to find your room.
  26. >Well, if you had a room.
  27. >As luck would have it, your parents converted your room into a ‘movie night’ room for Dash, so for now you are stuck sleeping in Rainbow’s room.
  28. >You sigh as you throw your heavy backpack into a corner. Your eyes glossed over your little sister’s room to see how clean and immaculate it is.
  29. >You’re surprised she has kept her good habits even after she saw how messy your room was before you entered the service.
  30. >Your eyes landed on a very interesting photo. >You had forgotton about this photo entirely. It was when Rainbow was sick, she caught a bad flu and mom was worried she had something severe and wasted no time bringing her to the closest hospital. Rainbow looked geninuely happy and at peace with you two in the camera shot, posing slightly for the camera. Another thing caught your attention and that is a pink folder, almost like the ones they had for a school year book, or a scrap-book.
  31. >Sitting down you opened it up in your hands and you read the title ‘Happiest Moments with my big Brother’ a smile crept its way onto your face as you looked over the pictures showing the moments you and Rainbow were in a photo together.
  32. >Your finger caressed a picture of Rainbow Dash in her swimsuit hugging onto the side of you as you flipped a burger mid-air and had a beer in your other hand. It was a barbecue at Twilight’s house, you only remember it was infact Twilight’s house because she had a massive swimming pool.
  33. >She could host her own Olympics with the size of that thing!
  34. >Putting the picture book back where you found it your eyes once again were glued to another picture that had your attention. It was a pink, heart-framed picture with you in your service uniform posing. You had your helmet off but kept your sunglasses on. Your smile faded as you saw the text below the picture ‘I miss you! >Please don’t get hurt and come back safe!!’ with a frowning face next to it.
  35. >Wow, you had no idea how much you meant to Rainbow. She had a lot of pictures of you two together, she must be really fond of you. >Feeling a crimson blush reach up to your face you hear a cough at the doorway.
  36. >You looked up and saw Rainbow eyeing you curiously.
  37. >“So… you found it.” she simply said, blinking as she began walking towards you.
  38. >Rubbing the back of your neck you let out a nervous chuckle.
  39. “Seems like you got a obsession with me, sis.” >you attempted to joke but it earned a frown from her, Rainbow kept silent.
  40. “Rainbow?”
  41. >you called out a little concerned when she didn’t reply at all but just stood there and stared at you.
  42. >You could see tears welling up in her eyes
  43. >she made a mad dash to you and wrapped her arms around your torso, taken aback by this you could only look at her stupidly before you could hear her sobbing and choking inbetween. >You felt her tears soak your shirt and her grip tighten around your body.
  44. >“I-I thought y-you would n-never come back!” she admitted inbetween her crying “I t-thought you would die and I-I would never get to see y-you again!” she continued to cry onto your chest
  45. >You had no idea she cared so much but you decided to do something about it. Your little sister needed her big brother right now.
  46. >You wrapped your arms around Rainbow’s back and kissed her forehead
  47. “Hey, Dashie”
  48. >you cooed, trying to comfort her as you stroked her hair
  49. >“P-please promise me you won’t go back” she whimpered, you were seriously considering rejoining after the whole situation dies down at the base, but all you needed to do was look into your little sister’s eyes to see the true answer to her promise.
  50. >You couldn’t leave your little sister worried sick about what might happen to you, now that you know she cared more than she let on.
  51. >You nodded your head and kissed her forehead again as she sniffled.
  52. “Don’t worry, kid. I’m not going anywhere.”
  53. >you comforted her
  54. >“P-promise?” she asked once more
  55. “I promise.”
  56. >you replied, tightening your embrace with Rainbow as a sign you’ll never let go.
  57. >“Thanks” she murmured before closing her eyes and sniffling again.
  58. >“Anon!” you heard your mother called from below the stairs “We’re having a barbecue, why don’t you help us cook?”
  59. >“Yeah, champ.” your dad chimed in “Ya could show us how you boys handled cooking back at the base!” he chirped almost with a hint of enthusiasm.
  60. >You were about to decline in favor of your sister but she looked up at you again with her big purple eyes
  61. >“Y-yeah, let’s head downstairs.” she said before wiping her eyes and sniffling again.
  62. >“I’ll just be a few more minutes” Rainbow finished before heading into the bathroom to clean herself up.
  63. >You were changing out of your casual clothes and into something more appropriate.
  64. >Oblivious to anyone around yourself as you began removing your shirt and trousers you glanced up to see Rainbow staring at you with a deep red blush.
  65. “H-hey! Can’t you see I’m changing here?”
  66. >you stammered to scold her but this causes her to sputter
  67. >“W-what? In my room? This is my room to ya know!” she defended as she tried ripping her gaze away from your half-naked body, her blush intensifying.
  68. >You grab a nearby towel covering your boxers and junk, once she saw you do this her gaze returned
  69. >You could feel her purple curious eyes wandering up and down from your face to your chest and abdomen, she took in the defined pecs and the bulging six pack abs you have.
  70. >Once again she seemed to be lost for words, or for her brain as a matter of fact. Either she’s undressing you with her eyes or she’s imaging something that involves your body
  71. >Shivering at the thought of your sister to seriously romance you, you decide to pipe up again.
  72. “Hey! Eyes up here”
  73. >you chuckled, teasing her. It seems to have worked because you got her attention again with a dumbfounded expression
  74. “So whaddya want?”
  75. >you asked curiously
  76. >“Oh.. uh.. just.. do you want help putting on sun lotion?” she asked with a hint of innocence as she produced a slim bottle of sun cream.
  77. >The last thing you need to get is sunburn and you agree.
  78. >You sat down on Rainbow’s bed as she applied the sun lotion on your shoulders, her touch felt very soft and she was savouring the moment as you could see her purple eyes taking in every inch of your muscular size, you could’ve sworn she bit her lip as her hand rubbed over your chest pecs.
  79. >A glint of mischief in her eyes as she put another thick dollop of cream onto her both of her hands she climbed onto the bed on her knees as she began rubbing your back full of sun lotion.
  80. >You could feel her ragged and hot breath smelling almost like a slush-puppie as she worked her hands and the lotion over your lower back
  81. >Her hands curved around your abdomen and she began caressing your abs
  82. >You would be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying this, a red blush is apparent on your face and that confirms just how much you’re liking the attention from your little sister.
  83. >You felt a slight nudge as Rainbow brushed her breasts against your back, turning your head to see how close she is you come face to face with her
  84. >she smirked at you, leaning her face in
  85. >“There, doesn’t that feel better?” she whispered with a raspberry voice
  86. before you could say anything though she pulled back and put the lotion bottle in your hand.
  87. >“Meet me outside!” she chirped happily
  88. >“I want you to put some lotion on me” a blush appearing again on her face and it reddened as she mock-pulled down the bra straps from her shoulders to her elbows, exposing the soft roundness of her breasts
  89. “I..uh..You….wha?”
  90. >you stammered trying to find words, but you couldn’t find any.
  91. >You saw Rainbow Dash walk off, happy with the arrangement.
  92. >‘Better go meet her outside, I guess.’ you thought to yourself as you made your way down the stairs.
  93. >><<
  94. >Rainbow Dash
  95. >You have just set your brother up to touch you with his hands
  96. >You giggled at the thought of him doing so
  97. >When you felt every inch of his muscular body a crimson blush on your face made it apparent how in love you are with him!
  98. >You even got the chance to catch a wiff of his scent, his perfume and it smelled intoxicating
  99. >How does he not already have a girlfriend? You shook your head at that, knowing any girls trying to rival you are outnumbered
  100. >Slipping outside you after changing into your bikini you shielded your face from the blinding rays of the sun.
  101. >You walked over to an outdoor sun bed and lied down on your stomach, waiting for your brother to arrive and as you waited, you took a sip from your chilled alcopop.
  102. >Your brother emerged from the door way and you felt blood rushing to your face once more.
  103. >He’s wearing nothing but some quarter-length shorts, his gladior-like body revealed in the sun. >He spotted you and smirked as he walked over
  104. >You better make a move on him if you want to get your message across
  105. >You wiggled your butt and smacked it playfully while giving your brother a wink
  106. you could see a cheeky blush appear which caused you to smirk
  107. “Oooh bro~”
  108. >you whined
  109. “Put some on my butt and work your way up to my shoulders”
  110. >you demanded in the most playful tone you could muster
  111. he chuckled at your antics and kneeled on the bed beside you.
  112. >“You’re the boss” he replied
  113. >As you waited you were about to turn around and see what’s he up to, he was taking his sweet time, but you didn’t need to
  114. >You felt the coolness of the lotion making contact on your buttcheeks which caused you to shiver at first
  115. >You let out a content sigh as Anon continued rubbing the lotion into your skin
  116. “That feels goood~”
  117. >you sighed
  118. >Your body continued to shiver under your brothers touch from the coolness of the cream
  119. >As he made his way up to your abdomen and your torso you stopped him suddenly
  120. “Ah, ah, ah.”
  121. >you ran your index finger across his cheek before untying the lace from your bra and throwing it on the ground
  122. this caused an audible gasp from him, cupping your breasts you looked back to him with a mischievous smile
  123. “There”
  124. >you say as you lean closer to your brother who is looking at you with surprise
  125. “That feels much better”
  126. >you purred.
  127. >Lying back down on the bed you could feel your brothers hands shaking slightly, especially as his hands reached near your bare breasts as he continued to lather up your skin.
  128. Turning over on the sun bed you continued to cup your breasts
  129. “It’s okay, bro.”
  130. >you reassure him, sensing a sort of tension
  131. >“Uh.. Rainbow you’re--” before he could finish you interrupted him, you weren’t gonna let him get out of it this easily
  132. “You don’t want your lil sister to get sunburn on her body, do ya, Anon?”
  133. >you whined as you tried your best to look mock-hurt
  134. huffing he nodded his head
  135. >“Fine, but no funny business” he replied with a stern tone
  136. you stuck your tongue out in response as he continued to lather your body up
  137. >You were lost in bliss and peace with your brother. That was until your mom came over.
  138. >“Hon” she called out to Anon
  139. >“Whats up?” he replied as he looked up at her, stopping his massage
  140. >“Twilight was on the phone, she said she’ll be over in a couple of minutes.” Mom smiled
  141. >Your brothers’ smile grew wider
  142. >You were happy for your brother but if there was one thing you weren’t happy with, its the fact how Twilight and him got so close before
  143. >They were practically friends with benefits and you hated the idea of another girl taking your place with your brother
  144. >Anon returned his attention to you only to find you pouting
  145. >“Whats the matter?” he asked, concerned
  146. “Does she reaaally have to come over?”
  147. >you asked with your best puppy-dog eyes
  148. >“I wouldn’t mind.” he replied chuckling as he playfully slapped both of your ass cheeks, causing them to wobble a little
  149. “H-hey!”
  150. >you called out in surprise with a large blush across your face
  151. >Anon got up from the sunbed and walked over to the grill to begin cooking, he looked over to you and chuckled at the antics between you two
  152. >You took a quick break from the cooking as your dad took over for you.
  153. >Cracking open another can of fruity-beer you gulped some as you watched Rainbow on her bed.
  154. >Her feet would kick up and flail in the air before coming back down, her body is practically glistening in the sun with her sun cream applied, it also looked like she was texting someone on her phone too.
  155. >Wonder who she could be texting…
  156. >“Anon” your mother called out and you looked at her and cracked a smile
  157. “Wassap?”
  158. >you replied taking another sip from your drink
  159. >“Can you please get the music player from the kitchen?” she asked giving you an embarrassed look
  160. >she must’ve forgot to get it
  161. “Comfy in your chair, huh?”
  162. >you playfully jabbed at her
  163. >“Sorry, but please?” her blush growing slightly redder
  164. “Yeah, yeah, no problem.”
  165. >you assured before getting up and walking inside.
  166. >Before you could make it into the kitchen you heard a knock at the door
  167. >‘Huh, Twilight must already be here’ you blinked owlishly at the door before going ahead to answer it.
  168. >Upon opening the door your senses are brutally assaulted and seduced by a very feminine and deadly pleasantly aroma. It smells like… strawberries!
  169. >Looking at the culprit before taking another long inhale of the sweet luscious scent a genuine smile touches your lips as you’re face to face with Twilight.
  170. >You could see she had her hair cut short, ear length and she was wearing contact lenses this time not her usual thick glasses.
  171. >As your eyes reached lower to her body you noticed how thick and generous her breasts are, the bra itself seems to be a little small and she already seems to have caught a nice tan. You feel the blood rushing to your face as your eyes go even lower and notice how her firm thick ass seems to be almost swallowing her panties.
  172. >She must’ve picked a size too small!
  173. “Oh, hey Twi”
  174. >you greet her as she flings herself into your arms, embracing a passionate hug
  175. >“Hey there, big guy!” she teased especially as she prodded your muscular biceps, the strong curve and abit of your vain showing.
  176. “I didn’t expect you to get here this fast”
  177. >you admitted to the girl. You couldn't remember where she lived, despite almost having your first kiss with her within her parents' house
  178. >“I recently moved out of my parents’ place, I live down a couple blocks now.” she chirped happily
  179. >“Hey, big bro, mom wants to know if you’ve got the music--” Rainbow Dash was cut off as she witnessed you and Twilight hugging in the front door
  180. >“Oh.” she said plainly, crossing her arms and unbeknownst to you, glaring daggers at Twilight who is embraced within your arms and grip.
  181. >She quickly changed her expression though when Twilights’ eyes fixated onto her, she broke the hug and hugged her dearest friend.
  182. As the two of them talked you grabbed the portable music player and returned to your parents
  183. “Out of the way, ladies!”
  184. >you announced coming out of the kitchen
  185. “our queen needs the music player, before she has my head off!”
  186. >you jokingly say as you made your way into the garden.
  187. >><<
  188. >Rainbow Dash
  189. >“Woow” Twilight almost moaned
  190. >“He’s still as beautiful as I remember...” her voice trailing off as she seemed to stare off into the distance
  191. >This is really annoying you
  192. “Uh-huh.”
  193. >you deadpan
  194. >“Oh, uh. Sorry!” she gave you a sheepish smile with a slight rose colour to her cheeks
  195. “What made you come over anyway, Twi?”
  196. >you asked, curious
  197. You can’t assume she’s only here to steal Anon from you, especially since you two have been very good friends before anyway.
  198. >“I heard Anon was back and I wanted to check up on him” she chirped happily
  199. >Ugh! You grunted, this is reaaaally annoying. >He has a sister who loves him very much, he doesn’t need any other girl checking up on him!
  200. “I mean you could’ve asked me, I would’ve told you how he is ya know, you didn’t need to come to our little party.”
  201. >you said to her straining a smile but she seemed to not get the hint when she replied
  202. >“Oh no, it’s quite okay. I hope you don’t mind but I thought dropping by would be better!” she nodded her head as if to agree with herself.
  203. >Sensing there was no way you’ll be able to kick her out without some kind of commotion you reluctantly agree and walked with her to the garden.
  204. >You’re gonna have to come up with some ingenious ways of preoccupying your brother, or he’ll get snatched up
  205. >And he is NOT getting snatched up by an egghead like Twi. Not without a damn fight!
  206. >As you and Twilight arrived at the garden you spotted your brother manning the barbecue again and you sprinted up to him, opening your arms and embracing him into an almost-bone crushingly hug.
  207. >He chuckled as he ruffled your short hair “Careful, Dashie” he said
  208. “Sorry”
  209. >your voice muffled as you buried your face into his chest, a slight twinge of red on your cheeks
  210. “Why do you smell so good?”
  211. >you quietly murmur to yourself, inhaling his beautiful scent it’s almost making you faint
  212. The perfume and deodorant combo is a powerful one!
  213. >“Aaaand dinner, is served!” Anon announced as he flipped the batch of meat a couple times before serving them on a large dish, you and
  214. >Twilight helped carry the trays and dishes onto the table and gathered round the table
  215. >Twilight has already chosen a seat to sit in but you decided to wait until you know where your brother is going to sit, so you can occupy him from the egghead.
  216. >After your brother finishes his canned fruit-beer he picked up a thin glass bottle of fruit-cider as he made his way over to the table giving you a flex of his bicep as a smirk aroused on his face
  217. >He sat down on the far end of the table and you joined him, thankfully it could only support two people so Twilight wouldn’t come between you two.
  218. >“I bet you’re glad to be back home, Anon”
  219. Twilight chirped happily to Anon
  220. >You could see a little hesitation but his eyes drifted over to you and a genuine smile touched his lips
  221. >“Definitely. Especially since I can spend time with my sister again” he admitted, grabbing you into a headlock and rubbing his knuckles on the top of your head
  222. “H-hey! Stop that! Mooom!”
  223. >you whined as they all shared a hearty giggle at his antics.
  224. >As all of you dug into the food the sun began to set over the horizon and the sky turned from a clear blue to a beautiful sunset orange
  225. >Your mom had encouraged you and Twilight to pose with your brother as she took a photo from her camera, you could see the sunset in the background and it reminded you from one of those 80’s filter lenses.
  226. >You asked your mom to take another picture of you and Anon but only with you two in it when she agreed you practically squee’d with happiness, you cuddled up to Anon’s side with one hand on his chest and the other on his back, your head resting on his shoulder as his arm grasped around your torso.
  227. >You couldn’t have been happier with the picture
  228. >When the sun had finally set in completely leaving a clear midnight blue in the sky your parents went to bed and the music was turned off but you and Twilight were going to stay up a while longer.
  229. >The three of you are inside the pool the two of you occupying both sides of your brother, his arms lazily dangled around yours and Twilight’s neck.
  230. >You leaned your face into Anon’s and puckering your soft lips onto his chin he looked at you before turning his head to face you completely as he raised an eyebrow and smirked
  231. >“What’s that for, Dashie?” he playfully nuzzled your cheek as you let out a content low squeal
  232. “Thanks for today, it was really fun.”
  233. >you say to him
  234. he smiled at that and his finger caressed your cheek before Twilight piped up
  235. >“Hey, Rainbow, could you quickly fetch me my phone please? It should be in the living room” a slight blush appearing on her face
  236. >Huh.. Twilight went into the living room?
  237. >Grunted you were quite reluctant to go as you had gotten comfortable
  238. >You also didn’t want to leave your brother alone with the egghead succubus but you couldn’t spit venom at her, atleast not infront of your brother.
  239. >“Go on, I’ll still be here” he encouraged you with another smile
  240. >Sighing you got up from the pool and dried yourself off with a towel before walking inside
  241. >As you ventured inside the house you were careful not to cause noise incase it woke your parents up.
  242. >You looked over the couch and coffee table but didn’t see any sign of Twilight’s phone.
  243. >Did she bring a bag with her? Maybe it’s in there..
  244. >Truthfully you couldn’t remember if she brought a bag with her or not
  245. >As you continued to try and find your friends’ phone and struggled to it began to frustrate you
  246. >Why are you having such a damn hard time finding it?
  247. >Unless she didn’t bring one at all but why would she lie?
  248. >Oh no!
  249. >She wanted to be alone with him, you gotta get back to him!
  250. >Realizing it was a ruse you sprinted back to the garden and for the sight shock you
  251. >Twilight is cuddled up to Anon and her lips has already made contact with his
  252. >You felt your heart stop right in that moment
  253. >You couldn’t decide if you should cry or start wailing on the dumb bitch
  254. >Your face blew up in a fierce red as you clenched your jaw and mock-coughed to grab their attention
  255. >Suddenly their lips broke the tight seal they one had on eachother and they both turned to face you
  256. >“O-oh, I didn’t realize you were there, Dashie” Twilight said with a flustered voice
  257. >You could see your brother wiping his lips, it put you at ease almost but damnit
  258. >She stole your first kiss with him and you weren’t going to let her get off easy!
  259. “Twilight”
  260. >you grunted
  261. “Can I talk with you… alone.”
  262. >you finished
  263. >She seemed to have sense agitation but she nodded and followed you somewhere private.
  264. “You thought you were so clever, huh”
  265. >you yelled at Twilight, she stepped back, taken surprise by your outburst
  266. >“Dashie I--” she was interrupted
  267. “No! You don’t get to call me that! You’re trying to take my brother away from me!”
  268. >you barked at her causing her eyes to shrink slightly
  269. >“W-what? Rainbow--” she tried to defend herself from the verbal onslaught but to no avail
  270. “You think you can just fool me? Get me out of the way and you can have my brother all to yourself, you-you--”
  271. >gritting your teeth you really didn’t want to use the words you were about to utter
  272. >They were reserved for the assholes you really didn’t want to be friends with, especially a backstabber
  273. “You bitch!”
  274. >panting as you stared down the confused and surprised Twilight
  275. >You tried your hardest to stay furious at her, you really did
  276. >But the as the incident kept replaying in your head, the mix of emotions you felt surging through your body, you found it hard to only be angry, and not sad.
  277. >Feeling the tears welling up in the corners of your eyes you held onto the sink to support yourself
  278. >Closing your eyes tight to try and fight off the urge to cry, but you couldn’t and the tears flowed like a river from your cheeks into the sink
  279. >“Rainbow...” Twilight finally found her voice again, her arms wrapped around your neck as she embraced you into a hug
  280. >As strange as it is, the hug is comforting
  281. >You began crying and not holding back and you could feel Twilight’s hand comforting you as she strokes your back and soothes you.
  282. >A few moments later you could choke out some words
  283. “I-It’s not fair”
  284. >you said as you made eye contact with Twilight again
  285. “I-I love him”
  286. >you finished
  287. >Twilight raised her eyebrow “I know that, he’s your sibling--” you had to interrupt Twilight
  288. >You really weren’t comfortable with her knowing what she’s about to hear but you can’t keep it inside of you anymore
  289. >You could feel that this had to be said or you’ll regret it, especially if she doesn’t back off
  290. >She’s supposed to be your friend after all.
  291. “Not like that!”
  292. >you sniffled before continuing
  293. “I love him! More than a sister would!”
  294. >this caused Twilight’s eyes to widen as she begins to understand what you mean
  295. >“Rainbow...” she trailed off as she tried to find the words to talk
  296. >“Rainbow, you can’t love him! Not like that! It’s disgusting!” Twilight claimed
  297. “Why can’t I love him like that?! He makes me happy, he brings me hope and I feel.. I feel so alive when I’m next to him!”
  298. >“But Rainbow he’s your broth--” Twilight once again cut off
  299. “So what?! I’ve never felt so strongly attached to anyone else before, he’s the only one who makes everything better!”
  300. >Twilight realizing she wouldn’t be able to convince you, her eyes broke contact as she seemingly is thinking what to do
  301. >“Well… if that’s the case...” Twilight trailed off but you piped up
  302. “P-please don’t tell him!”
  303. >you begged and she turned to look at you again
  304. “I want to tell him myself… it’s been a long time coming..”
  305. >Twilight nodded her head at that as her eyes fell back onto you
  306. >“Well… if that’s how you feel about your brother.. I can’t stop you” she admitted after a huff “I.. uh… I’m going to head back” you sniffled again wiping your eyes
  307. >“Rainbow?” Twilight said her hand caressing your cheek, as you looked up into her eyes she strained a smile
  308. “Tell him how you feel”
  309. >your eyes widen
  310. “What if he doesn’t--”
  311. >“If he doesn’t, you tried and you should move on.” your eyes lowered as you were brought to the sudden realization if he doesn’t accept you love, what would happen?
  312. >“But you won’t know until you try it.” she finished as you looked back up to her she gave you a playful wink “I’m going to head back now.. it’s getting kind of late.”
  313. >As Twilight stepped outside the front door she turned her head over her shoulder to look at you with another smile
  314. >“Don’t keep your love for him held in any longer. Let me know how goes it in the morning, night!” she shut the door and you were alone with your thoughts for a minute
  315. >You had to tell him tonight
  316. >You’ve waited long enough and he should know how much you love him.
  317. >But first you had to clean yourself up so you don’t look like a sorry mess if you wanted to win his love.
  318. >><<
  319. >Anon
  320. >Rainbow Dash and Twilight still weren’t back after your little sister caught you and Twilight kissing
  321. >You couldn’t be sure but you thought you could see a glint of anger in Rainbow’s eyes
  322. >The kind of anger that someone has when they’ve been betrayed or when someone hurts them.
  323. >You scratched your cheek as you patiently waited for the duo to return
  324. >You heard the sound of pitter-patter against the patio and it snapped you out of your trance
  325. >Turning your head to the source you see no other than your little sister, Rainbow Dash.
  326. >A smile touched your lips as you watched her dip her body gingerly into the water
  327. >She pushes and floats her way to you returning your gaze with a smile.
  328. “Hey, sis.”
  329. >you chirped happily to her
  330. >“Hey, bro.” Rainbow replied as her arms wrapped around your chest embracing you into a cuddle with her
  331. >Rainbow’s head perched and resting on your shoulder as she listens to your heart beat peacefully
  332. >You take a second glance around and can’t see Twilight anywhere
  333. “Oh, where’s Twilight?”
  334. >you asked
  335. >“Mmhmm..” Rainbow muttered as you seemingly broke her concentration on your heart
  336. >“She’s… gone home, it was getting late. She didn’t want to stay over.” she replied with a small smile touching her lips
  337. >Ah well.. that sucks
  338. >It would’ve been cool if she could stay over, you two might have been able to catch up since you last saw eachother
  339. >Rainbow clears her throat and you’re snapped out of your trance once more and raise an eyebrow to her.
  340. >“Hey, bro… I have something I want to tell you...” she started before she bit her lower lip almost like Rainbow is trying to determine if this is worth telling you.
  341. >“Sure, Dashie. Go for it!” you encourage as you held her tighter to your chest this caused her to blush red across her cheeks.
  342. >“Do… do you like me?” she asked almost warily
  343. “Well, duh! Ofcourse I like you!”
  344. >you chirped back to her in reply, happily
  345. >“No, I mean.. like-like” she rephrased
  346. >oooh boy
  347. >suddenly you feel like you know what Rainbow Dash is hinting at
  348. >But just to be sure.. you don’t want her to get the wrong idea if it isn’t what she meant
  349. “Like...”
  350. >you trailed off trying to find the right words
  351. but you couldn’t so you had to be abit more forward than you would like to be
  352. “Like-like? As in.. love you?”
  353. >you said with a raise of your eyebrow
  354. >Rainbow Dash didn’t reply back except for her big eyes to stare into your eyes with a slight nod
  355. >You became aware of how tense she is right now, her spine seemingly stiffened and her arms tighter around your chest
  356. “As in… more than sibling love or…?”
  357. >you tilt your head trying to make sense of what she’s asking you
  358. >“uhuh” she murmured as she nuzzled into your chest
  359. >You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and didn’t know what to do or to think
  360. >Your biologicial little sister has just confessed her love for you
  361. >and it wasn’t the “cutesy sisterly love” it’s the “I want to bang you” kind of love.
  362. >It’s the “I want your babies, stupid” kind of love
  363. >At first you couldn’t take her serious you had to do a double take as you searched her facial features for any sign of a ruse, but it wasn’t.
  364. >She’s serious
  365. >Rainbow Dash, your little sister, loves you and wants to be your girlfriend.
  366. >You didn’t have to search deep within yourself
  367. >Though you didn’t know you had it until now, you do love your sister
  368. >and you could give the affection and love that she is so in dire of wanting
  369. >You could see Rainbow’s face closing the gap between yours as she did so, her eyelids fell almost like bedroom eyes and her lips were slightly puckered
  370. >You’re here, in the midnight, in the pool alone with your sister who has confessed her love for you.
  371. >And you felt a twinge of happiness inside you, knowing that you and your sister share something special
  372. >Your hand touched her chest as you plunged your lips onto hers, you were hungry for the kiss and her affection
  373. >You could feel her heart flutter and skip a beat only to resume beating at a faster pace
  374. >Her gasp told you she didn’t expect you to take control or to make a decision
  375. >Her lips tasted sweet, almost like peach or orange sweet and they were soft
  376. >Your hands explored her bareback as you took hold of her body while continuing your onslaught of kisses to her mouth
  377. >You felt her entire body jolt and shiver under your touch
  378. >But you weren’t done yet, you had a couple more surprises for your sister
  379. >Your tongue prodded her lips, asking for permission to enter
  380. >Rainbow’s eyes shot open wide as she felt the touch only for her to relax as her eyes lit up almost like she adored your romance
  381. >She complied, opening her mouth and allowing your tongue to slither it’s way into her mouth, exploring her tongue and wrestling for dominance
  382. >You felt a slight vibration from Rainbow as she moaned
  383. >As you two were in eachothers embrace and kissing tenderly you decide to knock it up a notch
  384. >Your hands were faster than Rainbow’s mind could process and before she knew it you have unlatched her bra and tossed them aside
  385. >Her instincts kicked in and her hands pried away from your chest as she tried to cup her bare-breasts
  386. >but your hands were faster
  387. >As you cupped them Rainbow Dash moaned in encouragement into your ear as her hands fall ontop of yours, stroking your arm
  388. >A quick squeeze and a well placed kiss onto her neck disarmed her completely and she’s waiting for you to make the next move.
  389. >Tonight is going to be a great night, and you weren’t done with her yet.
  390. >You could feel your little sister’s saliva dripping from the tip of your dick and trickling down your shaft all the way to your sack while the rest of her saliva is still lubricating your members’ shaft with the help of your sister’s tits.
  391. >All you could do is sigh out of pleasure as your little sister worked her magic on you. You couldn’t think straight and your body seemed to react to your sisters’ touch, your body has it’s own response, encouraging your adventurous sister to play with it.
  392. >A red blush appears on your face as you begin to pant. The pleasure welling up inside of yourself.
  393. >Suddenly you were overcome with an even more intensive pleasure causing your hands to clasp against the side of your little sister’s head as you felt her tongue dancing around your members’ shaft along with the soft touch of her lips encasing around your throbbing dick.
  394. >She took half of your length inside her throat, your hips moved forward slightly and assisted in penetrating her throat.
  395. >You opened your eyes to find your little sister happily indulging herself to your body much to her delight.
  396. >“Do ya like that, big brother?” Rainbow breathlessly asked when her lips made a ‘pop’ sound after she pulled her mouth from your member, savouring your taste in her mouth as her tongue swishes around with your precum, her mouth lazily hanging slightly open giving you the full view as she’s enjoying the feeling inside of her mouth
  397. >You could see her eyes twinkle of mischief as she let out a cute, hearty giggle when you couldn’t find the words to reply and you moaned between your ragged breaths in response
  398. >She wrapped her lips around your member once more as her hands moved to massage your loaded-sack, trying to urge your body to let your seed flow inside of her mouth.
  399. >You realized she is deepthroating you, your dick once again penetrating inside her throat but this time she took your full length and just barely, you heard her gurgle as more of her saliva trailed from her lips onto your ballsack and tears rolling down her cheek as she struggled to breath and she continued without so much as taking a break or coming back up for air for a full minute straight.
  400. >Soon you could feel the urge to release inside of her mouth.
  401. >Your hands gripped on Rainbow’s head, forcing her to take your member at full length down inside her throat, she attempted to protest but it went unnoticed in the heat of the moment, she gurgled once more as her head twitched and shook as she fought to try and come back up as you held her down, tears streaming down her cheeks.
  402. >Eventually your sack couldn’t take the pressure nor the pleasure and you began streaming thick gooey loads, Rainbow’s eyes shot open as she could feel your balls twitch and suddenly unload inside of her mouth, her eyelids fell halfway as she began swallowing obediently without question.
  403. >However, excess amounts of your sperm dripped down her chin and her lips as she struggled to deal with it all.
  404. >She tried suctioning some more of your seed down into her throat which caused you to groan.
  405. >Rainbow ‘popped’ her lips away from your twitching and satisfied member as she cocked her head to one side and gave you a grin, wiping an index finger across her lips to get the rest of your excess seed and she sucked on her finger happily.
  406. >“Don’t think you’re out of the woods yet...”
  407. >Rainbow brushed her fringe out of her face as she pulled herself up and close to your ear
  408. >“...big boy.” she purred before pulling herself out of the pool and grabbing your arm, intending to lead you back inside the house.
  409. >As you were in a daze you began following your little sister into the house, escaping the cool midnight breeze and careful not to disturb your sleeping parents as you both made your way into her bedroom you both are sharing.
  410. >Upon entering the room Rainbow dash removed the last piece of clothing that was keeping her from jumping and riding you; her knickers.
  411. >You already have the curtsey of no swimming shorts as you left them by the pool-side.
  412. >You’ve noticed how your thick member is quite elongated and hasn’t retracted, taking a quick glance at your little sister made your member twitch with it’s lust.
  413. >You can feel a sort of magnetic pull to your sister, you know you wanted her and so did your dick.
  414. >She turned around and her gaze met yours for a brief while before she jumped into you
  415. >You both wrapped arms around eachother as you lead a forceful kiss onto Rainbow’s lips, there is occasional sounds of popping as her lips would part from yours only to rejoin seconds later. Between parting lips you both took a second to catch your ragged, panting breaths before puckering your lips and kissing once more.
  416. >A bridge of saliva formed between you and your sister, her eagerness caused her saliva to trickle down to her chin and throat as you both kept swapping saliva.
  417. >Both of you tried to take charge with Rainbow pulling her head back and then coming straight in again making contact with your lips, and you done similar as you kissed the corner of her mouth and went in for a kiss on her lips with the occasional kiss onto her cheek and throat, earning a soothing moan and heavy pant.
  418. >Eventually you won the kissing battle as you heard an almost defeated whimpering sigh from your sister as she relaxed her grip around you and allowed you to take charge.
  419. >Your tongue began prodding the entrance of her mouth, you were able to force your way through and slither your tongue past her lips as she whimpered once more against your tongue.
  420. >Your tongue wrestled with hers she tried to put up a fight with her tongue slithering alongside yours and trying to pin it but you were more agile and held her tongue down with yours.
  421. >Rainbow moaned once more as you took away any defence she once had.
  422. >You got a strong hint of vanilla from her breath, it’s pleasant and it made you hungry to taste more. As you kept her tongue pinned to the bottom of her mouth she tried once last attempt to struggle and wiggle her way out but is unsuccessful, you felt your sister, Rainbow, shiver in your grip.
  423. >She may be melting in your hands but you weren’t going to let her get off that easy, there still more you want to do to her.
  424. >Your hand caressed her back as you made your way down to her butt, you grabbed a firm piece of her meat causing her to squeak in surprise and a deep red appear across her face, she relaxed again within your touch as she purred
  425. >You could feel her hand lazily rest on your dick as she gave it a gentle tug
  426. >Your member twitched as it rose once more
  427. >Your hand travelled to the front of Dashie’s body and quickly made contact with her pussy-lips.
  428. >Once more, your little sister squeaked under your touch but this time she completely melted, her back slammed into the wall for support as her legs began to quiver with excitement, her juices ran down her thighs and your fingers before puddling on the floor
  429. >There’s a distinctive musky scent in the air and both of your bodies are warm, you notice
  430. >Rainbow is starting to sweat with her heavy panting
  431. >You parted your lips with hers and began kissing her neck which earned you more purrs and heavy pants for more
  432. >Your fingers penetrated their way in and out of Dashie’s pussy this caused her legs to spasm and her hands trying to push against your chest and grab your shoulders as she desperately tried to hold onto something, the pleasure sending jolts to her muscles as she huffed
  433. >You continued stroking her lips at times to break the penetration rhythm and her face is glowing a bright red, she’s lost for words and she’s at your complete mercy
  434. >Your penis twitched again as you heard the pleading words from your little sister.
  435. >“Plea-se” Rainbow begged, struggling to gain her breath back.
  436. >“Pl-ease!” she breathed heavily into your ear with a light squeak as you continued pleasuring her.
  437. >“Please, fuck me!” she begged you once more as she nibbled on your earlobe and planted a lovingly kiss onto your neck
  438. >Picking her up from her thighs, both of her legs wrap around your waist and her legs locked
  439. >She wasn’t going to let go of you and she’s ready to commit to what you two were about to do
  440. >You felt her sweaty body pressed against yours, almost sliding against eachother as her breasts brushed on your chest
  441. >Her nipples however, are hardened by excitement and pleasure
  442. >“Please, big brother” she whined
  443. >“fuck your little sister, fuck me until I have your kids!” she proudly demands
  444. >And you were going to do just that!
  445. >You lined your manhood up with her entrance and before long you thrusted with the power of pure unfiltered strength and desire causing her to go limp in your arms and her ragged breath to become even more so as she purred into your ears mixed with heavy pants as she shifted her position on you trying to recompose herself.
  447. >“L-lets move onto the bed, you dummy! Don’t just stand there staring at the door!” she said to you with a hint of worry in her voice
  448. >Careful to not make a sound you carry Rainbow to her bed and lay her down onto her back
  449. almost in an instant she unlocks her legs around your waist and rests her legs onto your shoulders, giving you a much better access to her pussy.
  450. >She shot you a smirk
  451. >“You didn’t think we would only do THAT position all night, did you?” her open-palm stroked your cheek, she stuck her tongue out playfully at you
  452. >Pulling yourself halfway out, you hear Rainbow about to talk once more
  453. >“Shit! I think I see--” you interrupted her and it was entirely accident, thinking she was trying to talk dirty but instead it seemed more like a warning
  454. >But you couldn’t stop yourself in time and you went balls deep into her, slapping them sugar-walls
  455. >Your balls slapped her ass cheeks wildly again, this time similar to a pair of bongos as you began to piston deep into her womanhood
  456. >She let out a satisfying girly defeating squeal as her eyes rolled up, an incredible amount of pleasure building inside of her
  457. >She’s so close to cumming
  458. >And you two are so close to getting caught
  459. If your parents didn’t hear your little sister’s moans before, they should have by now
  460. Hearing another creek and the door opening you adjust rainbow’s position, putting her legs down and around your waist again as you pressed against her body to keep a low profile
  461. >You had no choice but to hilt your dick up inside Rainbow, you could feel her legs and hands trembling with pleasure as she gripped onto you
  462. >Your heart raced as you and Rainbow both tried to keep as quiet as possible and pulling the quilt over you both
  463. >Thankfully it seems to do a good job of covering you both up considering how thick and puffy the quilt is.
  464. >If it wasn’t for the fact Rainbow’s head wasn’t poking out, and she’s panting with a hot musky scent in the air, you might’ve fooled the parents
  465. >The bedroom door opened slightly, a spot of light shining in the room,
  466. >You heard a gasp
  467. >“Look at what they’re doing!” you hear your mother’s voice
  468. >Oh fuck
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