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- #Pidgin2Mail parses Pidgin HTML chatlogs, and uploads them to an email server.
- #Pidgin creates a new log file every time you open a chat window, so many short logs are created if you often close your chat windows.
- #This script will merge all files per day, so each contact generates 1 email/day, instead of 1 email per HTML log file.
- #There's 6 classes in this document, sorry. Search for "CONFIG" and adjust as needed.
- #It boils down to: a path to output a log-file. A path to your chat-logs, your user account info for your mail, and you mail server's adress
- #Before running it, take a look at your Pidgin log-files. If the content of the <title>-tag doesn't match
- #mine (say, you're running Pidgin in a different language), adjust these in the script too.
- # //Ulf Benjaminsson,, ulfben at gmail dot com
- package Utils{
- use strict; use warnings;
- sub Utils::getStringBetween{
- #($title) = $str =~ m/ '<title>' (.*) '</title>' /;
- my $str = $_[0];
- my $start = $_[1];
- my $end = $_[2];
- my $startpos = length($start) + index($str, $start);
- my $endpos = index($str, $end, $startpos) - length($str); #rindex($str, $end)
- my $result = substr($str, $startpos, $endpos) or warn Utils::logit("\t\t\tINFO: Error in getStringBetween:\n\t\tStart: '$start'\n\t\tEnd: '$end'\n\t '$str'");
- return $result;
- }
- my $logdir='D:\Dropbox\Applications\PidginPortable\Data\settings\.purple\Pidgin2Mail\\'; #CONFIG
- sub Utils::logit
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $eol = shift;
- $eol = $eol ? $eol : "\n";
- my ($logsec,$logmin,$loghour,$logmday,$logmon,$logyear,$logwday,$logyday,$logisdst)=localtime(time);
- my $logtimestamp = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$logyear+1900,$logmon+1,$logmday,$loghour,$logmin,$logsec);
- my $logfile = sprintf("%s%4d-%02d-%02d.%s",$logdir,$logyear+1900,$logmon+1,$logmday,'txt');
- my $fh;
- open($fh, '>>', "$logfile") or warn "$logfile: $!";
- print $fh "$logtimestamp\t $s\n";
- close($fh);
- print "$logtimestamp\t $s $eol";
- return "$logtimestamp\t $s $eol";
- }
- }
- #Holds all instances of PidginLogs, sorts them and, optionally, merges them into daily batches.
- package LogContainer{
- use strict; use warnings;
- my %_logs = ();
- my @_hashes = ();
- sub new{
- my ($class, %attrs) = @_;
- bless \%attrs, $class;
- }
- sub addLog{
- my ($self, $pidginlog) = @_;
- my $type = $pidginlog->{chat_protocol};
- my $receiver = $pidginlog->{receiver};
- my $sender = $pidginlog->{sender};
- my $ymd = $pidginlog->{dateTime}->ymd('-'); # yyyy-mm-dd
- my $name = $pidginlog->{name}; # 2007-08-28.130702+0200CEST assumed unique
- my $bucket = "$type $receiver $sender $ymd"; #assuming whitespace will never appear in either of these.
- if(!$_logs{$bucket}){
- $_logs{$bucket} = ();
- push(@_hashes, $bucket);
- }
- if($_logs{$bucket}{$name}){
- die Utils::logit("INFO: $name is not unique, at LogContainer::addLog");
- }
- $_logs{$bucket}{$name} = $pidginlog;
- }
- sub merge{
- my $self = shift;
- my $count = $self->getCount();
- Utils::logit("INFO: Starting merge with $count files in ".@_hashes." buckets.");
- @_hashes = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @_hashes; #sorting hashes, just to keep the logs readable.
- foreach my $bucket(@_hashes){
- my %logs = %{$_logs{$bucket}};
- my @keys = $self->getSortedKeys($bucket) or next;
- if(@keys < 2){ next; }
- Utils::logit(@keys." logs in '$bucket' before merge.");
- my $first = $logs{shift @keys};
- foreach my $logname(@keys){
- $first->appendLogContent($logs{$logname});
- delete $_logs{$bucket}{$logname};
- }
- }
- $count = $self->getCount();
- Utils::logit("INFO: Merge completed. There's now $count logs in ".@_hashes." buckets.");
- }
- sub getSortedKeys{
- my ($self, $bucket) = @_;
- return sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %{$_logs{$bucket}};
- }
- sub get{
- my ($self, $bucket) = @_;
- my @result = ();
- my @keys = $self->getSortedKeys($bucket) or Utils::logit("INFO: Invalid bucket '$bucket' in ChatLogs::get");
- foreach my $logname(@keys){
- Utils::logit("INFO: Invalid logname '$logname' in ChatLogs::get ") unless $_logs{$bucket}{$logname};
- push(@result, $_logs{$bucket}{$logname});
- }
- return @result;
- }
- sub getBuckets{
- return @_hashes;
- }
- sub getCount{
- my $count = 0;
- foreach my $bucket(@_hashes){
- $count += keys %{$_logs{$bucket}};
- }
- return $count;
- }
- }
- package PidginLog{
- use strict; use warnings;
- use DateTime::Format::Mail;
- use DateTime::Format::RFC3501;
- use feature qw(switch);
- # if your Pidgin logs in another language, make sure these match the <title>-tag of your chat logs.
- my $_sep1 = 'Conversation with ';
- my $_sep2 = ' at ';
- my $_sep3 = ' on ';
- my $_sep4 = ' (';
- my $_sep5 = ')';
- my $name; #'2007-08-28.121917+0200CEST'
- my $UID; #an identifier of each file, to ensure we don't parse or submit stuff we've already done.
- my @UIDs; #identifiers of files that were merged with this log.
- my $rawContent; #full file content
- my $subject; #'Conversation with at 2007-08-28 12:19:17 on (msn)'
- my $body; #all html between <body>-tags
- my $sender; #''
- my $timestamp; #timestamp from the log text. Inconsistent, and thus - unused.
- my $receiver; #''
- my $chat_protocol; #'msn'
- my $dateTime; # DateTime-object. '%Y-%m-%d.%H%M%S%z' 2007-08-28T12:19:17
- my $headertime; #'Tue, 28 Aug 2007 12:19:17 +0200'
- my $inboxtime; #'28-Aug-2007 12:19:17 +0200'
- sub new {
- my ($class) = shift;
- my $self = { @_ };
- return undef unless defined $self->{name} and defined $self->{rawContent} and defined $self->{dateTime} and defined $self->{UID};
- return undef unless (index($self->{rawContent}, '<title>') >= 0) && (index($self->{rawContent}, '</title>') >= 0); #if the file holds bad content. This happens.
- $self->{headertime} = DateTime::Format::Mail->format_datetime($self->{dateTime}); #RFC2822
- $self->{inboxtime} = DateTime::Format::RFC3501->format_datetime($self->{dateTime});
- $self->{subject} = Utils::getStringBetween($self->{rawContent},'<title>','</title>');
- $self->{sender} = Utils::getStringBetween($self->{subject}, $_sep1, $_sep2);
- #$self->{timestamp} = Utils::getStringBetween($title, $_sep2, $_sep3); #unused, since it's inconsistent
- $self->{receiver} = Utils::getStringBetween($self->{subject}, $_sep3, $_sep4);
- $self->{chat_protocol} = Utils::getStringBetween($self->{subject}, $_sep4, $_sep5);
- $self->{body} = substr($self->{rawContent}, index($self->{rawContent}, '<body>')); #slurp up everything else.
- my $find = quotemeta('</body>'); #cause sometimes Pidgin forgot to add the closing body tag.
- $self->{body} =~ s/$find//g; #let's remove it if it's there.
- $self->{UIDs} = [$self->{UID}];
- delete $self->{rawContent};
- return bless $self, $class;
- }
- sub getMailHeaders{
- my $self = shift;
- my $headers = "From: $self->{sender}\r\n";
- $headers .= "To: $self->{receiver}\r\n";
- $headers .= "Subject: $self->{subject}\r\n";
- $headers .= "Date: $self->{headertime}\r\n";
- $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
- $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n"; #"Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
- return $headers;
- }
- sub getHTMLBody{
- my $self = shift;
- return '<body>'.$self->{body}.'</body>';
- }
- sub getUIDs{
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{UIDs};
- }
- sub appendLogContent{
- my ($self, $pidginlog) = @_;
- die Utils::logit("\tINFO: Attempted merge of logs from different senders") unless $self->{sender} eq $pidginlog->{sender};
- die Utils::logit("\tINFO: Attempted merge of logs to different accounts") unless $self->{receiver} eq $pidginlog->{receiver};
- die Utils::logit("\tINFO: Attempted merge of logs from different networks") unless $self->{chat_protocol} eq $pidginlog->{chat_protocol};
- die Utils::logit("\tINFO: Attempted unsorted merge of logs") unless (DateTime->compare($pidginlog->{dateTime}, $self->{dateTime}) > 0);
- Utils::logit("\tAppending: $pidginlog->{name}");
- $self->{body} .= "\n\n".$pidginlog->{body};
- push($self->{UIDs}, $pidginlog->{UID});
- }
- }
- package IMAPHelper{
- use strict; use warnings;
- use Net::SSLeay;
- use Mail::IMAPClient;
- use IO::Socket::SSL;
- use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
- my $_markAsRead = 1; #mark all synced logs as read in inbox.
- my $_imap = undef;
- my $_sep = ''; # folder hierarchy separator character
- my $_baseFolder = '';
- my $_currentFolder = '';
- my $_port = '';
- my $_server = '';
- sub new{
- my ($class, %attrs) = @_;
- $_port = $attrs{'port'};
- $_server = $attrs{'server'};
- bless \%attrs, $class;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- if($_imap){
- $self->disconnect();
- }
- }
- sub connect{
- my ($self, $user, $password, $basefolder) = @_;
- if($_imap){
- die "\n\tError: connecting twice on same socket";
- }
- Utils::logit("Logging in '$user'.");
- my $socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
- PeerAddr => $_server,
- PeerPort => $_port,
- SSL_verify_mode => 'SSL_VERIFY_NONE'
- )
- or die "socket(): $@";
- $_imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
- User => $user,
- Password => $password,
- socket => $socket,
- Uid => 1,
- ) or die ($_imap);
- $_imap->IsAuthenticated() or die Utils::logit("\tINFO: Couldn't Authenticate!");
- $_sep = $_imap->separator; # Get folder hierarchy separator character
- $_baseFolder = $basefolder;
- if($_imap->is_parent("INBOX")){ # Find out if server accepts subfolders inside INBOX:
- $_baseFolder = "INBOX".$_sep.$_baseFolder; # I'm not sure if this is needed or wanted - it was in the imap demo code so I kept it.
- }
- $_currentFolder = $_baseFolder;
- }
- sub disconnect{
- Utils::logit("Logging out.");
- $_imap->logout or die Utils::logit("INFO: Logout error: ". $_imap->LastError);
- $_imap = undef;
- }
- sub selectFolder{
- my ($self, @folders) = @_;
- my $find = quotemeta($_sep);
- foreach my $a(@folders){
- $a =~ s/$find/-/g; #replace the separator if it's used in either of the folder names.
- }
- unshift(@folders, $_baseFolder);
- my $fullPath = join($_sep, @folders);
- #Utils::logit("DRYRUN: Selecting '$fullPath'.");
- if(!$_imap->exists($fullPath)){ #create folder structure, level by level.
- my $folder = '';
- foreach my $label (@folders){
- $folder .= $label;
- unless($_imap->exists($folder)){
- Utils::logit("Creating '$folder'");
- if(!$_imap->create($folder)){
- Utils::logit("\tINFO: Cannot create '$folder'. Server says: ". $_imap->LastError);
- return undef;
- }
- }
- $folder .= $_sep;
- }
- $fullPath = substr($folder, 0, rindex($folder, $_sep)); #remove trailing separator
- }
- if(!$_imap->select($fullPath)){
- Utils::logit("\tINFO: Cannot select '$fullPath'. Server says: ". $_imap->LastError);
- return undef;
- }
- $_currentFolder = $fullPath;
- return 1;
- }
- sub submit{
- my ($self, $mailheaders, $htmlbody, $inboxtime) = @_;
- #return ($self && $mailheaders && $htmlbody && $inboxtime); #DRYRUN
- my $uidort = $_imap->append_string($_currentFolder, $mailheaders."
- ".$htmlbody, ($_markAsRead) ? '\Seen' : undef, $inboxtime)
- or warn Utils::logit("INFO: Could not submit mail. Server says: ". $_imap->LastError);
- return defined($uidort);
- }
- }
- package Pidgin2Mail{
- use strict; use warnings;
- use Net::SSLeay;
- use File::Find;
- use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
- my $_logFolder = 'D:\Dropbox\Applications\PidginPortable\Data\settings\.purple\Pidgin2Mail\t\sample-data\\';
- my $_pathLength = length($_logFolder)-length('\sample-data\\'); #for easy substr and cleaner logging.
- my $_log_file_ext = 'html';
- my $_baseFolder = 'Pidgin'; #what label do you want to sort chats under? ('Chats' is reserved)
- my $_user = ''; #
- my $_password = ''; #use an application specific password, please.
- my %_previousRun;
- my $_chatLogs = undef;
- my $_dirCount = my $_fileCount = 0;
- sub getFileContent {
- my $fh;
- if(!open($fh, "<", $File::Find::name)){
- my $nicename = substr($File::Find::name, $_pathLength);
- warn Utils::logit("INFO: Couldn't open $nicename: $!");
- return undef;
- }
- my $contents = undef;
- {
- local $/ = undef; # Read entire file at once
- $contents = <$fh>; # Return file as one single `line'
- }
- close $fh;
- return $contents;
- }
- sub filter{
- my $nicename = substr($File::Find::dir, $_pathLength);
- my @clean;
- my $filecount = my $dircount = 0;
- foreach(@_){
- next unless -R $_; #unless readable
- next unless -f _ || -d _; #unless file or dir.
- next if ($_ =~ m/^\./); #ignore files/folders beginning with a period
- if(-f _){ #regular file
- next unless (my $size = -s _); #does it have a size?
- next unless ($_ =~ m/([^.]+)$/)[0] eq $_log_file_ext; #correct file extension?
- next if exists($_previousRun{$_." ($size)"}); #don't add files we've already processed
- $filecount++;
- }elsif(-d _){ #dir
- $dircount++;
- }
- push(@clean, $_);
- }
- $_fileCount += $filecount;
- $_dirCount += $dircount;
- Utils::logit("'$nicename' contains $filecount new files and $dircount folders to explore.");
- return @clean;
- }
- sub readFile {
- return unless -f $_; #don't read directories
- my $size = -s _;
- return unless my $content = getFileContent($_);
- return unless my $dateTime = filenameToDateTime($_);
- my $log = new PidginLog(
- name => substr($_, 0, rindex($_, '.')), #name without file ending
- UID => $_ ." ($size)", #adding (size in bytes) to filename, to make collisions very unlikely.
- rawContent => $content,
- dateTime => $dateTime
- );
- if(!$log){
- Utils::logit("\tINFO: $_ seems broken. Ignoring.");
- }else{
- $_chatLogs->addLog($log);
- }
- }
- #takes pidgin logfilename (incl. file extension): '2008-11-07.171101+0100CET.html'
- #an RFC-822 date-time
- sub filenameToDateTime{
- my $filename = shift;
- my $clean = substr($filename, 0, rindex($filename, '.')); #strip file ending
- #$clean = substr($filename, 0, rindex($filename, '+')); #strip timezone
- #$clean =~ s/\./T/; #replace dot with T for time separation
- my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
- pattern => '%Y-%m-%d.%H%M%S%z' #ignore timezone name %Z, since this buggers out when Pidgin has been stupid (eg: +2ECT, which should be +2ECST)
- );
- my $datetime = $strp->parse_datetime($clean);
- if(!$datetime){
- warn Utils::logit("INFO: Unable to parse datetime from filename: $filename");
- return undef;
- }
- return $datetime;
- }
- sub main{
- dbmopen(%_previousRun,$_logFolder,0666) or die("Couldn't create history-file!");
- my $start = time();
- $_chatLogs = new LogContainer;
- File::Find::find({wanted => \&readFile, preprocess => \&filter}, $_logFolder);
- $_chatLogs->merge();
- my $count = $_chatLogs->getCount();
- my $gmail = new IMAPHelper('port' => '993', 'server' => ''); #CONFIG
- $gmail->connect($_user, $_password, $_baseFolder);
- my @buckets = $_chatLogs->getBuckets(); #buckets are sorted!
- my $currentFolders = 'mingegurgle';
- foreach my $bucket(@buckets){ # $bucket = "$type $receiver $sender $ymd"
- if(index($bucket, $currentFolders) != 0){ #only call selectFolder when we move into a new folder.
- my($protocol, $receiver, $rest) = split(" ", $bucket, 3);
- $gmail->selectFolder(($protocol, $receiver)) or next;
- $currentFolders = "$protocol $receiver";
- }
- foreach my $pidginlog ($_chatLogs->get($bucket)){
- Utils::logit("\tSubmitting... $count","\r\n");
- if($gmail->submit($pidginlog->getMailHeaders(), $pidginlog->getHTMLBody(), $pidginlog->{inboxtime})){
- foreach my $uid (@{$pidginlog->{UIDs}}){ #add all UID to the list.
- $_previousRun{$uid} = 1;
- }
- $count--;
- }else{
- Utils::logit("INFO: Unable to submit " . $pidginlog->{name} ."!");
- }
- }
- }
- Utils::logit("INFO: $count logfiles left to submit! Check output and see if anything caused problems.");
- $gmail->disconnect();
- dbmclose(%_previousRun);
- my $run_time = time() - $start;
- Utils::logit("INFO: Processed $_fileCount files in $_dirCount folders in...");
- Utils::logit("INFO:\t". int($run_time /(24*60*60)) ."days " . ($run_time/(60*60))%24 . "hours " . ($run_time /60)%60 . "mins " . $run_time%60 . "secs");
- return 0;
- }
- exit(main(@ARGV));
- };
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