
Apr 29th, 2017
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  1. <>atoms - Shows level one commands
  2. <>atoms2 - Shows level two commands
  3. <>atomsALL - Shows ALL commands (well.....not all are on there...what can i say ... I'm Lazy)
  4. <>rankset/[1 or 2 or 3]/[Player] - Change a players commands level
  5. <>noobmenu - Choose a player to noob-ify if thats a word XD [May make error message...ignore it]
  6. <>noob/[Player] - Choose a player to noob-ify if thats a word XD [May make error message...ignore it]
  7. <>noclothesmenu - Choose a player to make n@ked [May make error message...ignore it]
  8. <>noclothes/[Player] - Choose a player to make n@ked [May make error message...ignore it]
  9. <>cage - Choose a player to cage (Took a while to make SOOOO FUN)
  10. <>visiblemenu - Choose who to make visible
  11. <>ghostmenu - Choose who to make partially visible
  12. <>invisiblemenu - Choose who to make invisible
  13. <>visible/[Player] - Choose who to make visible
  14. <>ghost/[Player] - Choose who to make partially visible
  15. <>invisible/[Player] - Choose who to make invisible
  16. <>strong/[Player] - Give someone strong Package/Body
  17. <>alien/[Player] - Give someone alien Package/Body
  18. <>thane/[Player] - Give someone thane Package/Body
  19. <>v2/[Player] - Give someone Robloxian V2 Package/Body
  20. <>take/[Item in Workspace] - If you take a player... they are basically punished and have to rejoin server.
  21. <>ff/[Player] - Gives Player a forcefiled ~ Fixed
  22. <>unff/[Player] - Removes one forcefield from Player at a time ~ Fixed
  23. <>ranbc/[Player] - Randomly changes a Players BC every 0.1 seconds
  24. <>toolsmenu - Give a player basic build tools
  25. <>fade/[Player] - Makes a players Transparency repeatedly change
  26. <>tele/[Player] - Tele yourself to this Player - (Change the YOURNAME in this commands to your roblox name)
  27. <>punish/[Player] - Puts a player in "nil"
  28. <>unpunish/[Player] - Reverses "punish/[Player]"
  29. <>telebase - Choose some to teleport to centre of base
  30. <>teleme - Choose Player to teleport to yourself - (Change the YOURNAME in this commands to your roblox name)
  31. <>telethem - Choose Player to yourself teleport to. - (Change the YOURNAME in this commands to your roblox name)
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