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- '''
- Format of command stream:
- //
- // repeat {
- // uint8 - message typecode (ECmdStreamOp)
- // uint16 - length of message (including header)
- // ... - op specific data
- // }
- //
- enum ECmdStreamOp
- {
- 0 CMDST_Advance,
- // uint32 - number of beats to advance.
- 1 CMDST_SetCommandSource,
- // uint8 - command source
- 2 CMDST_CommandSourceTerminated,
- // no args.
- 3 CMDST_VerifyChecksum,
- // MD5Digest - checksum
- // uint32 - beat number
- 4 CMDST_RequestPause,
- 5 CMDST_Resume,
- 6 CMDST_SingleStep,
- // All with no additional data.
- 7 CMDST_CreateUnit,
- // uint8 - army index
- // string - blueprint ID
- // float - x
- // float - z
- // float - heading
- 8 CMDST_CreateProp,
- // string - blueprint ID
- // Vector3f - location
- 9 CMDST_DestroyEntity,
- // EntId - entity
- 10 CMDST_WarpEntity,
- // EntId - entity
- // VTransform - new transform
- 11 CMDST_ProcessInfoPair,
- // EntId - entity
- // string - arg1
- // string - arg2
- 12 CMDST_IssueCommand,
- // uint32 - num units
- // EntIdSet - units
- // CmdData - command data
- // uint8 - clear queue flag
- 13 CMDST_IssueFactoryCommand,
- // uint32 - num factories
- // EntIdSet - factories
- // CmdData - command data
- // uint8 - clear queue flag
- 14 CMDST_IncreaseCommandCount,
- // CmdId - command id
- // int32 - count delta
- 15 CMDST_DecreaseCommandCount,
- // CmdId - command id
- // int32 - count delta
- 16 CMDST_SetCommandTarget,
- // CmdId - command id
- // STITarget - target
- 17 CMDST_SetCommandType,
- // CmdId - command id
- // EUnitCommandType - type
- 18 CMDST_SetCommandCells,
- // CmdId - command id
- // ListOfCells - list of cells
- // Vector3f - pos
- 19 CMDST_RemoveCommandFromQueue,
- // CmdId - command id
- // EntId - unit
- 20 CMDST_DebugCommand,
- // string -- the debug command string
- // Vector3f -- mouse pos (in world coords)
- // uint8 -- focus army index
- // EntIdSet -- selection
- 21 CMDST_ExecuteLuaInSim,
- // string -- the lua string to evaluate in the sim state
- 22 CMDST_LuaSimCallback,
- // string - callback function name
- // LuaObject - table of function arguments
- 21 CMDST_EndGame,
- // no args.
- };
- // Format of EntIdSet:
- //
- // uint32 - number of entity ids
- // repeat number of entity ids times {
- // EndId - entity id
- // }
- // Format of CmdData:
- //
- // CmdId - id
- // uint8 - command type (EUnitCommandType)
- // STITarget - target
- // int32 - formation index or -1
- // if formation index != -1
- // {
- // Quaternionf - formation orientation
- // float - formation scale
- // }
- // string - blueprint ID or the empty string for no blueprint
- // ListOfCells - cells
- // int32 - count
- // Format of STITarget:
- //
- // uint8 - target type (ESTITargetType)
- // if target type == STITARGET_Entity {
- // EntId - entity id
- // }
- // if target type == STITARGET_Position {
- // Vector3f - position
- // }
- // Format of ListOfCells:
- //
- // uint32 - num cells
- // repeat num cells times {
- // int16 - x
- // int16 - z
- // }
- '''
- class UNITCOMMAND(object):
- UNITCOMMAND_FormMove = 4
- UNITCOMMAND_BuildSiloTactical =5
- UNITCOMMAND_BuildSiloNuke =6
- UNITCOMMAND_BuildFactory =7
- UNITCOMMAND_BuildMobile =8
- UNITCOMMAND_BuildAssist =9
- UNITCOMMAND_Attack =10
- UNITCOMMAND_FormAttack =11
- UNITCOMMAND_Tactical =13
- UNITCOMMAND_Teleport =14
- UNITCOMMAND_Patrol =16
- UNITCOMMAND_FormPatrol =18
- UNITCOMMAND_Reclaim =19
- UNITCOMMAND_Repair =20
- UNITCOMMAND_Capture =21
- UNITCOMMAND_TransportLoadUnits =22
- UNITCOMMAND_TransportReverseLoadUnits =23
- UNITCOMMAND_TransportUnloadUnits =24
- UNITCOMMAND_TransportUnloadSpecificUnits =25
- UNITCOMMAND_DetachFromTransport =26
- UNITCOMMAND_Upgrade =27
- UNITCOMMAND_Script =28
- UNITCOMMAND_AssistCommander =29
- UNITCOMMAND_KillSelf =30
- UNITCOMMAND_DestroySelf =31
- UNITCOMMAND_Sacrifice =32
- UNITCOMMAND_OverCharge =34
- UNITCOMMAND_AggressiveMove =35
- UNITCOMMAND_FormAggressiveMove =36
- UNITCOMMAND_AssistMove =37
- UNITCOMMAND_SpecialAction =38
- '''
- // Format of CmdData:
- //
- // CmdId - id
- // uint8 - command type (EUnitCommandType)
- // STITarget - target
- // int32 - formation index or -1
- // if formation index != -1
- // {
- // Quaternionf - formation orientation
- // float - formation scale
- // }
- // string - blueprint ID or the empty string for no blueprint
- // ListOfCells - cells
- // int32 - count
- // Format of STITarget:
- //
- // uint8 - target type (ESTITargetType)
- // if target type == STITARGET_Entity {
- // EntId - entity id
- // }
- // if target type == STITARGET_Position {
- // Vector3f - position
- // }
- // Format of ListOfCells:
- //
- // uint32 - num cells
- // repeat num cells times {
- // int16 - x
- // int16 - z
- // }
- // Format of EntIdSet:
- //
- // uint32 - number of entity ids this may be gone
- // repeat number of entity ids times {
- // EndId - entity id
- // }'''
- import struct
- from replayArmy import *
- from replayArmyContainer import *
- from replayInfos import *
- #from replayOptions import *
- import json
- from PyQt4 import QtCore
- TYPE_NIL = 2
- class replayParser(object):
- def __init__(self, replayfile):
- replay = open(inFile, "rt")
- info = json.loads(replay.readline())
- self.bin = QtCore.qUncompress(QtCore.QByteArray.fromBase64(
- replay.close()
- #f = open(inFile, 'rb')
- #self.bin =
- self.offset= 0
- self.supcomVersion = ""
- self.replayVersion = ""
- self.players = []
- def readLine(self, offset):
- line = ''
- while True :
- char = struct.unpack("s", self.bin[offset:offset+1])
- offset = offset + 1
- #print char
- if char[0] == '\r' :
- #offset = offset + 2
- break
- elif char[0] == '\x00' :
- #offset = offset + 3
- break
- else :
- line = line + char[0]
- return offset, line
- def readInt(self, offset):
- int = struct.unpack("i", self.bin[offset:offset+4])[0]
- return offset+4, int
- def readUInt(self, offset):
- int = struct.unpack("I", self.bin[offset:offset+4])[0]
- return offset+4, int
- def readChar(self, offset):
- char = struct.unpack("B", self.bin[offset:offset+1])[0]
- return offset+1, char
- def readShort(self, offset):
- int = struct.unpack("H", self.bin[offset:offset+2])[0]
- return offset+2, int
- def readFloat(self, offset):
- float = struct.unpack("f", self.bin[offset:offset+4])[0]
- return offset+4, float
- def readBool(self, offset):
- bool = struct.unpack("?", self.bin[offset:offset+1])[0]
- return offset+1, bool
- def peekType(self, data):
- result = struct.unpack("b", data[0:1])
- return result[0]
- def parseLua(self, offset):
- type = struct.unpack("b", self.bin[offset:offset+1])[0]
- offset = offset + 1
- #type = struct.unpack("b", data[offset:offset+1])[0]
- if type == TYPE_NIL :
- return None
- elif type == TYPE_BOOLEAN :
- return self.readBool(offset)
- elif type == TYPE_STRING:
- return self.readLine(offset)
- elif type == TYPE_NUMBER:
- return self.readFloat(offset)
- elif type == TABLE_BEGIN :
- table = []
- while True :
- type = self.peekType(self.bin[offset:offset+1])
- if type == TABLE_END :
- break
- datasKey = self.parseLua(offset)
- key = ''
- if datasKey != None :
- off, key = datasKey
- offset = off
- datasValue = self.parseLua(offset)
- value = ''
- if datasValue != None :
- off, value = datasValue
- offset = off
- pair = (key, value)
- table.append(pair)
- else :
- offset = offset + 1
- return offset+1, table
- elif type == TABLE_END :
- raise Exception("Error: unexpected end-of-table")
- else :
- raise Exception("Unknown lua data")
- def readHeader(self):
- self.offset, supcomVersion = self.readLine(self.offset)
- self.offset = self.offset + 3
- if (supcomVersion.startswith("Supreme Commander v1") == False) :
- raise Exception("The file format of this replay is unknown")
- self.supcomVersion = supcomVersion
- self.offset, replayVersion = self.readLine(self.offset)
- self.offset = self.offset + 1
- if (replayVersion.startswith("Replay v1.9") == False) :
- raise Exception("The file format of this replay is unknown")
- self.replayVersion = replayVersion
- self.offset, map = self.readLine(self.offset)
- print map
- self.offset = self.offset + 4
- self.offset, count = self.readInt(self.offset)
- self.offset = self.offset + count
- self.offset, count = self.readInt(self.offset)
- print count
- self.offset, scenario = self.parseLua(self.offset)
- infos = replayInfos()
- numSource = struct.unpack("b", self.bin[self.offset:self.offset+1])[0]
- self.offset = self.offset + 1
- for i in range(numSource) :
- self.offset, name = self.readLine(self.offset)
- self.offset, val = self.readInt(self.offset)
- cheatsEnabled = struct.unpack("b", self.bin[self.offset:self.offset+1])[0]
- self.offset = self.offset + 1
- infos.setCheat(cheatsEnabled)
- numArmies = struct.unpack("b", self.bin[self.offset:self.offset+1])[0]
- self.offset = self.offset + 1
- armies = replayArmyContainer()
- for i in range(0,numArmies) :
- self.offset, val = self.readInt(self.offset)
- self.offset, army = self.parseLua(self.offset)
- newArmy = replayArmy()
- newArmy.populate(army)
- if newArmy.isPlayer() :
- armies.add(newArmy)
- b = struct.unpack("b", self.bin[self.offset:self.offset+1])[0]
- self.offset = self.offset + 1
- if b != -1 :
- #b = struct.unpack("b", self.bin[self.offset:self.offset+1])[0]
- self.offset = self.offset + 1
- #print b
- for army in armies :
- self.players.append(army)
- self.offset, randomSeed = self.readInt(self.offset)
- print "randomSeed", randomSeed
- def setGameTime(self):
- tick = 0
- offset = self.offset
- while offset < len(self.bin):
- offset, message_op = self.readChar(offset)
- offset, message_length = self.readShort(offset)
- if message_op == 0:
- tick = tick+1
- #skip all the data we don't need to look at we're just looking for the time in this function.
- offset = offset + message_length - 3
- return tick
- def setPlayerLastTurn(self):
- tick = 0
- currentAction = 0
- currentPlayer = 0
- playerturn = 0
- playerLastTurn = {}
- offset = self.offset
- while offset < len(self.bin):
- offset, message_op = self.readChar(offset)
- offset, message_length = self.readShort(offset)
- if message_op == 0:
- tick = tick + 1
- elif message_op == 1:
- _, playerturn = self.readChar(offset)
- elif message_op == 11:
- if currentAction != tick or currentPlayer != playerturn:
- currentAction = tick
- currentPlayer = playerturn
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 12:
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 13:
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 19:
- if currentAction != tick or currentPlayer != playerturn:
- currentAction = tick
- currentPlayer = playerturn
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 22:
- if currentAction != tick or currentPlayer != playerturn:
- currentAction = tick
- currentPlayer = playerturn
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- #skip all the data we don't need to look at we're just looking for the time in this function.
- offset = offset + message_length - 3
- return playerLastTurn
- def setDebugDesync(self):
- tick = 0
- currentAction = 0
- currentPlayer = 0
- playerturn = 0
- playerLastTurn = {}
- lastbeat = 0
- beatChecksum = {}
- debug = False
- offset = self.offset
- beatDesync = 11450
- while offset < len(self.bin):
- offset, message_op = self.readChar(offset)
- offset, message_length = self.readShort(offset)
- if lastbeat == beatDesync or lastbeat == beatDesync-50:
- if message_op != 1 and message_op != 3 and message_op != 12 and message_op != 22:
- print message_op
- debug = True
- else:
- debug = False
- if message_op == 0:
- _, tickToAdvance = self.readInt(offset)
- tick = tick + tickToAdvance
- elif message_op == 1:
- _, playerturn = self.readChar(offset)
- if debug:
- print "playerTurn", playerturn
- elif message_op == 3:
- #print message_length
- '''CMDST_VerifyChecksum,
- // MD5Digest - checksum
- // uint32 - beat number'''
- fakeoffset = offset
- MD5Digest = ""
- "WARNING: Checksum for beat 1350 mismatched: 68711eb1013370f85ec772abbbf4ac1a (sim) != 45dcf9efa267331f691a87bd47acdb5d (BC_Blackheart)."
- for _ in range(16):
- MD5Digest += (struct.unpack("s", self.bin[fakeoffset:fakeoffset+1])[0]).encode("hex")
- #MD5Digest = MD5Digest + struct.unpack("B", self.bin[fakeoffset:fakeoffset+1])[0]
- fakeoffset = fakeoffset + 1
- if debug:
- print MD5Digest
- _, beat = self.readInt(fakeoffset)
- lastbeat = beat
- if not beat in beatChecksum:
- beatChecksum[beat] = []
- beatChecksum[beat].append(beat)
- if len(beatChecksum[beat]) == len(self.players):
- #print "beats", beatChecksum[beat]
- if len( set( beatChecksum[beat] ) ) != 1:
- print "error on beat", beat, "tick", tick
- elif message_op == 11:
- if currentAction != tick or currentPlayer != playerturn:
- currentAction = tick
- currentPlayer = playerturn
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 12:
- if debug:
- print "CMDST_IssueCommand for player", playerturn
- fakeoffset = offset
- fakeoffset, numUnits = self.readInt(fakeoffset)
- for i in range(numUnits):
- fakeoffset, entityId = self.readInt(fakeoffset)
- fakeoffset,commandId = self.readInt(fakeoffset)
- fakeoffset += 4
- fakeoffset, commandType = self.readChar(fakeoffset)
- fakeoffset += 4
- fakeoffset, STITarget = self.readChar(fakeoffset)
- print "command type", commandType
- if commandType == 7 or commandType == 8 or commandType == 27:
- if STITarget == 0:
- fakeoffset += 6
- elif STITarget == 2:
- fakeoffset += 1 + 3 * 4 + 1 + 4
- unitBluePrint = ""
- for i in range(7):
- unitBluePrint = unitBluePrint + struct.unpack("s", self.bin[fakeoffset:fakeoffset+1])[0]
- fakeoffset = fakeoffset + 1
- print unitBluePrint
- if currentAction != tick or currentPlayer != playerturn:
- currentAction = tick
- currentPlayer = playerturn
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- pass
- # if commandType == 5 :
- # print "UNITCOMMAND_BuildSiloTactical"
- # elif commandType == 6:
- # print "BuildSiloNuke"
- # elif commandType == 7:
- # print "BuildFactory"
- # elif commandType == 8:
- # print "BuildMobile"
- # elif commandType == 9:
- # print "BuildAssist"
- # elif commandType == 15:
- # print "Guard"
- # elif commandType == 16:
- # print "Patrol"
- # elif commandType == 19:
- # print "Reclaim"
- # elif commandType == 20:
- # print "Repair"
- # elif commandType == 21:
- # print "Capture"
- # elif commandType == 27:
- # print "Upgrade"
- # elif commandType == 28:
- # print "Script"
- # elif commandType == 29:
- # print "AssistCommander"
- # elif commandType == 32:
- # print "Sacrifice"
- # elif commandType == 33:
- # print "Pause"
- # elif commandType == 38:
- # print "SpecialAction"
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 13:
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 19:
- if currentAction != tick or currentPlayer != playerturn:
- currentAction = tick
- currentPlayer = playerturn
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 22:
- fakeoffset = offset
- fakeoffset, command = self.readLine(offset)
- fakeoffset, table = self.parseLua(fakeoffset)
- if debug:
- print command, table
- if currentAction != tick or currentPlayer != playerturn:
- currentAction = tick
- currentPlayer = playerturn
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- #skip all the data we don't need to look at we're just looking for the time in this function.
- offset = offset + message_length - 3
- #print val
- def setBuildOrder(self):
- tick = 0
- currentAction = 0
- currentPlayer = 0
- playerturn = 0
- playerLastTurn = {}
- offset = self.offset
- while offset < len(self.bin):
- offset, message_op = self.readChar(offset)
- offset, message_length = self.readShort(offset)
- if message_op == 0:
- tick = tick + 1
- elif message_op == 1:
- _, playerturn = self.readChar(offset)
- elif message_op == 11:
- if currentAction != tick or currentPlayer != playerturn:
- currentAction = tick
- currentPlayer = playerturn
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 12:
- fakeoffset = offset
- fakeoffset, numUnits = self.readInt(fakeoffset)
- for i in range(numUnits):
- fakeoffset, entityId = self.readInt(fakeoffset)
- fakeoffset,commandId = self.readInt(fakeoffset)
- fakeoffset += 4
- fakeoffset, commandType = self.readChar(fakeoffset)
- fakeoffset += 4
- fakeoffset, STITarget = self.readChar(fakeoffset)
- if currentAction != tick or currentPlayer != playerturn:
- currentAction = tick
- currentPlayer = playerturn
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- if commandType == 7 or commandType == 8 or commandType == 27:
- if STITarget == 0:
- fakeoffset += 6
- elif STITarget == 2:
- fakeoffset += 1 + 3 * 4 + 1 + 4
- unitBluePrint = ""
- for i in range(7):
- unitBluePrint = unitBluePrint + struct.unpack("s", self.bin[fakeoffset:fakeoffset+1])[0]
- fakeoffset = fakeoffset + 1
- print unitBluePrint
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 13:
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 19:
- if currentAction != tick or currentPlayer != playerturn:
- currentAction = tick
- currentPlayer = playerturn
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- elif message_op == 22:
- if currentAction != tick or currentPlayer != playerturn:
- currentAction = tick
- currentPlayer = playerturn
- playerLastTurn[playerturn]=tick
- #skip all the data we don't need to look at we're just looking for the time in this function.
- offset = offset + message_length - 3
- inFile = r'c:\Users\nozon\Downloads\1265754.fafreplay'
- replay = replayParser(inFile)
- replay.readHeader()
- print "gametime", (float(replay.setGameTime()) /10.0) / 60.0, "minutes"
- lastTurns= replay.setPlayerLastTurn()
- for l in lastTurns :
- print replay.players[l], ((lastTurns[l] /10.0) / 60.0), "minutes"
- #
- replay.setBuildOrder()
- replay.setDebugDesync()
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