
MRVerse Bin-Hoshido Arc(Jan-Mar)

Dec 10th, 2017
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  1. MRVerse Bin-Hoshido Arc(Jan-Mar)
  2. >The MCs travel to Osaka, Hoshido(Seperately from each other...Jalen and Soleil to compete with Rin and Lucina coming along)
  3. >The tourney is a Rank D Cup called Byakko Cup.
  4. >Rin travel to the sweet shop for some candy with Elesis as Jalen head to the register lobby for the cup
  5. >Rin comes across a disguised Hinoka who call herself Akira, And don't know who Hinoka is.
  6. >The 2 talk about various stuff in the sweet shop
  8. >Meanwhile, Jalen enters the lobby and find that he's the last member to sign up for the tourney. He finds out that Soleil is here and come across an very arrogant with low self-esteem teen named Takumi with his Howlzapper(Ripper/Tiger), Sasuke.
  9. >The two don't get along at all due to Takumi's nationalism and his delusion of Jalen coming here to take the Hoshidian women
  10. >Luckily, Jalen have enough sense to leave the guy alone and go find Rhiannon just about to leave Hinoka. The 2 find a hotel and stay their for the night.
  11. >The next day, Jalen competes and beat Takumi in the cup before losing to Soleil in the finals.
  12. >Takumi is outraged and as he is home, plots to enter the Elimination cup 2 weeks from now.
  13. >Meanwhile, Ryoma, While a kind and wise ruler, is upset at Shiro for not entering the Byakko Cup and compete against Soleil. Shiro didn't want to cause he don't really care for the power balance.
  14. >He gets pressured by his dad to enter the Elimination Cup as Ryoma leaves, Shiro debates on whether he wants to or not.
  16. >As they go home, Rhiannon think back on that Akira girl she met and hopes to see her again(Unaware that Hinoka will be the Hoshido Rep for Rank B soon)
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