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a guest
Feb 9th, 2017
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  1. root root
  2. root 1
  3. root 12
  4. root 123
  5. root 1234
  6. root 12345
  7. root 123456
  8. root 1234567
  9. root 12345678
  10. root 123456789
  11. root 1234567890
  12. root 0123456789
  13. root password
  14. root q
  15. root qw
  16. root qwe
  17. root qwer
  18. root qwert
  19. root qwerty
  20. root qwertyu
  21. root qwertyui
  22. root qwertyuiop
  23. root qwertyuiop[
  24. root qwertyuiop[]
  25. root a
  26. root as
  27. root asd
  28. root asdf
  29. root asdfg
  30. root asdfgh
  31. root asdfghj
  32. root asdfghjk
  33. root asdfghjkl
  34. root asdfghjkl;
  35. root asdfghjkl;'
  36. root z
  37. root zx
  38. root zxc
  39. root zxcv
  40. root zxcvb
  41. root zxcvbn
  42. root zxcvbnm
  43. root zxcvbnm,
  44. root zxcvbnm,.
  45. root zxcvbnm,./
  46. root 111111
  47. root passw0rd
  48. root Passw0rd
  49. root P@ssw0rd1
  50. root 1q2w3e4r
  51. root abcd1234
  52. root toor
  53. toor toor
  54. root redhat
  55. root 123321
  56. root 123123
  57. root p@ssw0rd
  58. root qwer1234
  59. root test
  60. root administrator
  61. root rootroot
  62. root root1
  63. root administrator1
  64. root admin
  65. root backup
  66. root admin1
  67. root secure
  68. root secret
  69. root passwd
  70. root password123
  71. aaron aaron
  72. account account
  73. vnc vnc
  74. demo demo
  75. ubuntu ubuntu
  76. ubuntu password
  77. ubuntu 1
  78. ubuntu 12
  79. ubuntu 123
  80. ubuntu 1234
  81. ubuntu 12345
  82. ubuntu 123456
  83. ubuntu 1234567
  84. ubuntu 12345678
  85. ubuntu 123456789
  86. ubuntu 1234567890
  87. ubuntu 0123456789
  88. ubuntu qwerty
  89. ubnt ubnt
  90. ubnt 1234
  91. api api
  92. ftpuser ftpuser
  93. ftp ftp
  94. oracle oracle123
  95. oracle oracle
  96. guest guest
  97. test test
  98. test test123
  99. test1 test1
  100. test2 test2
  101. test3 test3
  102. test4 test4
  103. test5 test5
  104. test 1
  105. test 12
  106. test 123
  107. test 1234
  108. test 12345
  109. test 123456
  110. test 1234567
  111. test 12345678
  112. test 123456789
  113. test 1234567890
  114. test 0123456789
  115. magnos magnos
  116. magnos 123456
  117. nagios nagios
  118. nagios 1
  119. nagios 12
  120. nagios 123
  121. nagios 1234
  122. nagios 12345
  123. nagios 123456
  124. nagios 1234567
  125. nagios 12345678
  126. nagios 123456789
  127. nagios 1234567890
  128. nagios 0123456789
  129. nagios nagi@s
  130. nagios n@gi@s
  131. nagios 123123
  132. postgres postgres
  133. spark spark
  134. oracle oracle
  135. deploy deploy
  136. admin admin
  137. admin password
  138. admin 1234
  139. admin 123456
  140. adm adm
  141. adm password
  142. adm 123456
  143. adm 1234
  144. radmin radmin
  145. rvadmin rvadmin
  146. ocadmin ocadmin
  147. bsnl bsnl
  148. sunos sunos
  149. jay jay
  150. applmgr root
  151. root applmgr
  152. delphine delphine
  153. zenoss zenoss
  154. guest guest
  155. a a
  156. aa aa
  157. aaa aaa
  158. a aa
  159. a aaa
  160. 1 1
  161. rabbit rabbit
  162. sync sync
  163. uupc uupc
  164. gnax gnax
  165. daemon daemon
  166. yoshida yoshida
  167. jessie jessie
  168. pi raspberry
  169. debian debian
  170. debian 1234
  171. debian 123456
  172. debian password
  173. apache apache
  174. phpmyadmin phpmyadmin
  175. git git
  176. git gitlab
  177. git 1
  178. git 12
  179. git 123
  180. git 1234
  181. git 12345
  182. git 123456
  183. git 1234567
  184. git 12345678
  185. git 123456789
  186. git 1234567890
  187. git 0123456789
  188. git1 git1
  189. git2 git2
  190. git3 git3
  191. git git123
  192. github github
  193. user1 user1
  194. user user
  195. user 1234
  196. user 123456
  197. demo1 demo1
  198. dev dev
  199. www www
  200. www-data www-data
  201. home home
  202. vagrant vagrant
  203. hadoop hadoop
  204. upload upload
  205. notes notes
  206. master master
  207. vpn vpn
  208. proxy proxy
  209. openvpn openvpn
  210. fax fax
  211. ts3 teamspeak
  212. ts3 teamspeak3
  213. teamspeak3 teamspeak3
  214. teamspeak3 teamspeak
  215. teamspeak teamspeak3
  216. teamspeak teamspeak
  217. ts ts3
  218. ts3 ts
  219. ts ts
  220. ts3 ts3
  221. csserver csserver
  222. tsserver tsserver
  223. public public
  224. mc mc
  225. mc minecraft
  226. minecraft mc
  227. minecraft minecraft
  228. default default
  229. backup backup
  230. steam steam
  231. wordpress wordpress
  232. joomla joomla
  233. webportal webportal
  234. developer developer
  235. gpadmin gpadmin
  236. testuser testuser
  237. administrator administrator
  238. jack jack
  239. marvin marvin
  240. andres andres
  241. adine adine
  242. db db
  243. ahmed ahmed
  244. alan alan
  245. albert albert
  246. alberto alberto
  247. alex alex
  248. alexis alexis
  249. alfred alfred
  250. ali ali
  251. alice alice
  252. allan allan
  253. andi andi
  254. andrew andrew
  255. amanda amanda
  256. angie angie
  257. angela angela
  258. anita anita
  259. anna anna
  260. arthur arthur
  261. aron aron
  262. austin austin
  263. barbara barbara
  264. bart bart
  265. ben ben
  266. beny beny
  267. bert bert
  268. bill bill
  269. bind bind
  270. bob bob
  271. bobby bobby
  272. bret bret
  273. brian brian
  274. bruce bruce
  275. carl carl
  276. carol carol
  277. cesar cesar
  278. clark clark
  279. clinton clinton
  280. corinna corinna
  281. craig craig
  282. daniel daniel
  283. dan dan
  284. danny danny
  285. dave dave
  286. dexter dexter
  287. dick dick
  288. earl earl
  289. ed ed
  290. eddie eddie
  291. edgar edgar
  292. ellen ellen
  293. emil emil
  294. enzo enzo
  295. felix felix
  296. fred fred
  297. francis francis
  298. harry harry
  299. ian ian
  300. ismail ismail
  301. mail mail
  302. james james
  303. jeff jeff
  304. jesse jesse
  305. jim jim
  306. jimmy jimmy
  307. john john
  308. karl karl
  309. keith keith
  310. ken ken
  311. mysql mysql
  312. mysql mysql123
  313. mysql qwerty
  314. larry larry
  315. lee lee
  316. lisa lisa
  317. martin martin
  318. matt matt
  319. monica monica
  320. maggie maggie
  321. nicole nicole
  322. paul paul
  323. pete pete
  324. peter peter
  325. phil phil
  326. philip philip
  327. roland roland
  328. richard richard
  329. samuel samuel
  330. sammy sammy
  331. samir samir
  332. sean sean
  333. shaun shaun
  334. sole sole
  335. sven sven
  336. steve steve
  337. steven steven
  338. temp temp
  339. tim tim
  340. tom tom
  341. tony tony
  342. vanessa vanessa
  343. will will
  344. willie willie
  345. win win
  346. samba samba
  347. sshd sshd
  348. adam adam
  349. anton anton
  350. gary gary
  351. cisco cisco
  352. ramon ramon
  353. ramon 123456
  354. fabien fabien
  355. public public
  356. oscar oscar
  357. voip voip
  358. alupigus alupigus
  359. xerox xerox123
  360. zabbix zabbix
  361. webadm 123456
  362. vnc vnc
  363. vyatta vyatta
  364. ubuntu ubuntu
  365. ts ts
  366. ts3 ts3
  367. ts3 teamspeak3
  368. tomcat tomcat
  369. concat concat
  370. testuser testuser
  371. test test
  372. testftp testftp
  373. teamspeak teamspeak
  374. sysop sysop
  375. apache2 apache2
  376. ts3server ts3server
  377. flw flw
  378. tester tester
  379. student student
  380. csgo csgo
  381. csgoserver csgoserver
  382. db1inst1 db1inst1
  383. db2inst1 db2inst1
  384. redmine redmine
  385. xbmc xbmc
  386. support support
  387. share share
  388. services services
  389. prueba prueba
  390. postgres postgres
  391. PlcmSpIp PlcmSpIp
  392. operator operator
  393. monitor monitor
  394. ftpuser ftpuser
  395. debian debian
  396. root 1q
  397. root 1q2w
  398. root 1q2w3e
  399. root 1q2w3e4r5t
  400. root 1q2w3e4r5t6y
  401. root 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u
  402. root 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i
  403. root 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o
  404. root 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o0p
  405. root 1qaz
  406. root 1qaz2wsx
  407. root 2wsx
  408. root 2wsx3edc
  409. root 2wsx3edc4rfv
  410. root 1qaz2wsx3edc
  411. root 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv
  412. root 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb
  413. root 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn
  414. root 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm
  415. root 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,
  416. root 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,9ol.
  417. root qwerty123
  418. linux linux
  419. unix unix
  420. webadmin webadmin
  421. tomcat7 tomcat7
  422. web web
  423. usuario usuario
  424. usr usr
  425. hduser hduser
  426. wmsadmin wmsadmin
  427. apop apop
  428. flexit flexit
  429. postfix postfix
  430. fedora fedora
  431. media media
  432. shoutcast shoutcast
  433. solaris solaris
  434. nvp nvp
  435. pil pil
  436. client client
  437. shop shop
  438. username username
  439. username password
  440. svn svn
  441. info info
  442. root changeme
  443. icinga icinga
  444. jira jira
  445. mlmb mlmb
  446. rainman raiman
  447. payment payment
  448. office office
  449. haisou haisou
  450. asoto asoto
  451. bobyn bobyn
  452. desiree desiree
  453. abel abel
  454. doris doris
  455. damian damian
  456. jean jean
  457. nexus nexus
  458. nexus 123456
  459. solr solr
  460. solr 123456
  461. nexus P@ssw0rd
  462. bot bot
  463. mythtv mythtv
  464. short short
  465. history history
  466. service service
  467. cyrus cyrus
  468. webmaster webmaster
  469. webpop webpop
  470. sysadmin sysadmin
  471. chris chris
  472. stephen stephen
  473. sgi sgi
  474. bin bin
  475. clamav clamav
  476. wink wink
  477. node node
  478. sandbox sandbox
  479. postpone postpone
  480. workpress workpress
  481. otrs otrs
  482. gateway gateway
  483. doctor doctor
  484. virus virus
  485. windows vindows
  486. dummy dummy
  487. appserver appserver
  488. appserver appuser
  489. appuser appuser
  490. zope zope
  491. cs cs
  492. warcraft warcraft
  493. wow wow
  494. cron cron
  495. cron test
  496. cron 123
  497. cron cron123
  498. ovh ovh
  499. xbox xbox
  500. henry henry
  501. soporte soporte
  502. direccion direccion
  503. anthony anthony123
  504. util1 util1
  505. portal portal
  506. elite elite
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