
May Garage

Apr 19th, 2014
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  1. pqxxedf
  2. Some people get more pleasure from jaywalking than from using a crosswalk, therefore we must sanction jaywalking? Banning homosexual marriage doesn't discriminate against anybody. Any man (regardless of sexual orientation) can still marry any woman. Discrimination is when one person isn't allowed to do what another person is allowed to do. Just because you can't do what you feel like doing, that's not discrimination. Even if homosexuality is a mental illness society should make accommodations for, homosexual marriage is a bridge to nowhere.
  4. alphaxerosyx
  5. +pqxxedf
  6. "Banning homosexual marriage doesn't discriminate against anybody. Any man (regardless of sexual orientation) can still marry any woman."
  8. So while some people can marry the person they love, others can't.
  10. Let me re-word this for you, so the point comes across loud and clear.
  12. Banning Christianity doesn't discriminate against anybody. Anyone (regardless of religion) can still worship Allah.
  14. If you see something wrong with my version and not yours, you might need to check your logic, because it's not working.
  16. pqxxedf
  17. +alphaxerosyx
  18. "the person they love"
  19. Since you're an atheist, obviously "love" is not spiritual to you, it's no more than a biochemical high. There's no such thing as a "love" indicator, either.
  21. "Banning Christianity doesn't discriminate against anybody. Anyone (regardless of religion) can still worship Allah"
  22. Sounds like an atheist feigning concern about religion... Freedom of religion is why our founders included the "establishment clause" in our Constitution. If we said everybody should be able to do whatever they feel like doing, women should be allowed to marry the dogs and horses they love. Bank robbers should rob banks just because they feel like it. The reason same-sex marriage is banned in so many places is a judgment about the action, it's not discrimination against the individual.
  24. alphaxerosyx
  25. +pqxxedf
  26. I don't remember mentioning 'love indicators' (what exactly are they?). I also don't remember mentioning being an atheist. Was this just a preemptive judgement on your part?
  28. Indeed, freedom of religion is why the establishment clause exists in the US. I assume you understand it already, but will explain anyway. What it essentially does is separate the state and the law from religion. Laws are made by politicians and judges, Religion is conducted by clergy, and ne'er the twain shall meet. Therefore, things that are legal or illegal are not influenced directly by religion. Homosexuality is condemned by the Bible, and by the Qu'ran However, because US law cannot be dictated by the Bible, it is entirely possible that the US can perform legal same sex weddings. It is down to the discretion of the church whether they wish to conduct those weddings or not, and I would advocate for the right to refuse for not only the Christian church, but any religious institution at all. That way, no religious body is being forced to do anything, but may opt-in if they choose.
  30. "If we said everybody should be able to do whatever they feel like doing, women should be allowed to marry the dogs and horses they love."
  32. Not at all. Dogs and horses cannot legally consent or participate in such an act. Same goes for minors. Adult men and women can.
  34. "Bank robbers should rob banks just because they feel like it."
  36. Bank robbery is a crime, because it involves theft. There is a victim, someone who loses something. Marriage is not.
  38. "The reason same-sex marriage is banned in so many places is a judgment about the action, it's not discrimination against the individual."
  40. I had no idea the act of exchanging vows and signing paperwork was such a terrible thing. However, if it is, how come heterosexual marriages aren't also banned? Could it be because of discrimination based on orientation?
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