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Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. msg:
  2. quest:
  3. finished:
  4. base: '§aCongratulations! You have finished the quest §e{0}§a!'
  5. obtain: '§aYou obtain {0}!'
  6. started: 'You have started the quest §r§e{0}§o§6!'
  7. created: '§aCongratulations! You have created the quest §e{0}§a which includes {1} step/s!'
  8. edited: '§aCongratulations! You have edited the quest §e{0}§a which includes now {1} step/s!'
  9. createCancelled: '§cThe creation or edition has been cancelled by another plugin!'
  10. cancelling: '§cProcess of quest creation cancelled.'
  11. editCancelling: '§cProcess of quest edition cancelled.'
  12. invalidID: '§cThe quest with the id {0} doesn''t exist.'
  13. alreadyStarted: '§cYou have already started the quest!'
  14. quests:
  15. nopStep: '§cThis quest doesn''t have any step.'
  16. updated: '§7Quest §e{0}§7 updated.'
  17. stageMobs:
  18. noMobs: '§cThis stage doesn''t need any mobs to kill.'
  19. listMobs: '§aYou must kill {0}.'
  20. writeNPCText: '§aWrite the dialog that will be said to the player by the NPC: (Write "help" to receive help.)'
  21. writeRegionName: '§aWrite the name of the region required for the step:'
  22. writeXPGain: '§aWrite the amount of experience points that the player will obtain: (Last value: {0})'
  23. writeMobAmount: '§aWrite the amount of mobs to kill:'
  24. writeChatMessage: '§aWrite required message: (Add "{SLASH}" to the beginning if you want a command.)'
  25. writeEndMessage: '§aWrite the message that will be sent at the end of the quest or the stage:'
  26. writeDescriptionText: '§aWrite the text which describes the goal of the stage:'
  27. writeStageText: '§aWrite the text that will be sent to the player at the beginning of the step:'
  28. moveToTeleportPoint: '§aGo to the wanted teleport location.'
  29. writeNpcName: '§aWrite the name of the NPC:'
  30. writeNpcSkinName: '§aWrite the name of the skin of the NPC:'
  31. writeQuestName: '§aWrite the name of your quest:'
  32. writeCommand: '§aWrite the wanted command: (The command is without the "/" and the placeholder "{PLAYER}" is supported. It will be replaced with the name of the executor.)'
  33. writeHologramText: '§aWrite text of the hologram: (Write "none" if you don''t want a hologram and "null" if you want the default text.)'
  34. writeQuestTimer: '§aWrite the required time (in minutes) before you can restart the quest: (Write "null" if you want the default timer.)'
  35. requirements:
  36. quest: '§cYou must have finished the quest §e{0}§c!'
  37. level: '§cYou must be at least level {0}!'
  38. job: '§cYou must be at least level {0} for the job §e{1}§c!'
  39. skill: '§cYou must be at least level {0} for the skill §e{1}§c!'
  40. combatLevel: '§cYou must be at least combat level {0}!'
  41. wait: '§cYou must wait {0} minute/s before you can restart this quest!'
  42. experience:
  43. edited: '§aYou have changed the experience gain from {0} to {1} points.'
  44. selectNPCToKill: '§aSelect the NPC to kill.'
  45. npc:
  46. remove: '§aNPC deleted.'
  47. talk: '§aGo and talk to the NPC named §e{0}§a.'
  48. regionDoesntExists: '§cThis region doesn''t exist. (You have to be in the same world.)'
  49. factionDoesntExist: '§cThis faction doesn''t exist.'
  50. npcDoesntExist: '§cThe NPC with the id {0} doesn''t exist.'
  51. classDoesntExist: '§cThis class doesn''t exist.'
  52. objectDoesntExist: '§cThe specified item with the id {0} doesn''t exist.'
  53. number:
  54. negative: '§cYou must enter a positive number!'
  55. zero: '§cYou must enter a number other than 0!'
  56. invalid: '§c{0} isn''t a valid number.'
  57. errorOccurred: '§cAn error occurred, contact an adminstrator! §4§lError code: {0}'
  58. commandsDisabled: '§cCurrently you aren''t allowed to execute commands!'
  59. indexOutOfBounds: '§cThe number {0} is out of bounds! It has to be between {1} and {2}.'
  60. bringBackObjects: 'Bring me back {0}.'
  61. inventoryFull: '§cYour inventory is full, the item has been dropped on the floor.'
  62. playerNeverConnected: '§cUnable to find informations about the player {0}.'
  63. playerNotOnline: '§cThe player {0} is offline.'
  64. command:
  65. setStage:
  66. doesntExist: '§cThe stage with the id {0} doesn''t exist.'
  67. next: '§aThe stage has been skipped.'
  68. set: '§aStage {0} launched.'
  69. playerNeeded: '§cYou must be a player to execute this command!'
  70. incorrectSyntax: '§cIncorrect syntax.'
  71. noPermission: '§cYou haven''t enough permissions to execute this command! (Required: {0})'
  72. invalidCommand:
  73. quests: '§cThis command doesn''t exist, write §e/quests help§c.'
  74. simple: '§cThis command doesn''t exist, write §ehelp§c.'
  75. needItem: '§cYou must hold an item in your main hand!'
  76. itemChanged: '§aThe item has been edited. The changes will affect after a restart.'
  77. removed: '§aThe quest {0} has successfully been removed.'
  78. leaveAll: '§aYou have forced the end of {0} quest/s. Errors: {1}'
  79. resetPlayer:
  80. player: '§6All informations of your {0} quest/s has/have been deleted by {1}.'
  81. remover: '§6{0} quest information/s of {1} has/have been deleted.'
  82. resetPlayerQuest:
  83. player: '§6All informations about the quest {0} have been deleted by {1}.'
  84. remover: '§6{0} quest information/s of {1} has/have been deleted.'
  85. startQuest: '§6You have forced starting of quest {0} (Player UUID: {1}).'
  86. cancelQuest: '§6You have cancelled the quest {0}.'
  87. cancelQuestUnavailable: '§cThe quest {0} cannot be cancelled.'
  88. backupCreated: '§6You have successfully created backups of all quests and player informations.'
  89. backupPlayersFailed: '§cCreating a backup for all the player informations has failed.'
  90. backupQuestsFailed: '§cCreating a backup for all the quests has failed.'
  91. adminModeEntered: '§aYou have entered the Admin Mode.'
  92. adminModeLeft: '§aYou have left the Admin Mode.'
  93. scoreboard:
  94. lineSet: '§6You have successfully edited the line {0}.'
  95. lineReset: '§6You have successfully reset the line {0}.'
  96. lineRemoved: '§6You have successfully removed the line {0}.'
  97. lineInexistant: '§cThe line {0} doesn''t exist.'
  98. resetAll: '§6You have successfully reset the scoreboard of the player {0}.'
  99. help:
  100. header: '§6§lBeautyQuests — Help'
  101. create: '§6/{0} create: §eCreate a quest.'
  102. edit: '§6/{0} edit: §eEdit a quest.'
  103. remove: '§6/{0} remove [id]: §eDelete a quest with a specified id or click on the NPC when not defined.'
  104. finishAll: '§6/{0} finishAll [player]: §eFinish all quests in progress.'
  105. setStage: '§6/{0} setStage [player] [id] [newStage]: §eFinish a stage for a player.'
  106. resetPlayer: '§6/{0} resetPlayer [player]: §eRemove all informations about a player.'
  107. resetPlayerQuest: '§6/{0} resetPlayerQuest [player] [id]: §eDelete informations of a quest for a player.'
  108. seePlayer: '§6/{0} seePlayer [player]: §eView informations about a player.'
  109. reload: '§6/{0} reload: §eSave and reload all configurations and files. (§cdeprecated§e)'
  110. start: '§6/{0} start [player] [id]: §eForce the starting of a quest.'
  111. setItem: '§6/{0} setItem <talk|launch>: §eSave the hologram item.'
  112. adminMode: '§6/{0} adminMode: §eToggle the Admin Mode. (Useful for displaying little log messages.)'
  113. version: '§6/{0} version: §eSee the current plugin version.'
  114. save: '§6/{0} save: §eMake a manual plugin save.'
  115. list: '§6/{0} list: §eSee the quest list. (Only for supported versions.)'
  116. typeCancel: '§aWrite "cancel" to come back to the last text.'
  117. editor:
  118. blocksToMineAmount: '§aWrite the amount of blocks to mine:'
  119. blocksToMineName: '§aWrite the name of the block to mine:'
  120. already: '§cYou are already in the editor.'
  121. enter:
  122. title: '§6~ Editor Mode ~'
  123. subtitle: '§6Write "/quests editor" to force leaving.'
  124. chat: '§6You are currently in the Editor Mode. Write "/quests editor" to force leaving the editor. (Highly not recommended, consider using commands such as "close" or "cancel" to come back to the previous inventory.)'
  125. npc:
  126. enter: '§aClick on a NPC, or write "cancel".'
  127. choseStarter: '§aChoose the NPC which starts the quest.'
  128. notStarter: '§cThis NPC isn''t a quest starter.'
  129. text:
  130. argNotSupported: '§cThe argument {0} not supported.'
  131. chooseLvlRequired: '§aWrite the required amount of levels:'
  132. chooseJobRequired: '§aWrite name of the wanted job:'
  133. choosePermissionRequired: '§aWrite the required permission to start the quest:'
  134. choosePermissionMessage: '§aYou can choose a rejection message if the player doesn''t have the required permission. (To skip this step, write "null".)'
  135. chooseFactionRequired: '§aWrite the required faction name:'
  136. chooseClassesRequired: '§aWrite the names for the required classes to start the quest:'
  137. choosePlaceholderRequired:
  138. identifier: '§aWrite the name of the required placeholder without the percent characters:'
  139. value: '§aWrite the required value for the placeholder §6%{0}%§a:'
  140. chooseSkillRequired: '§aWrite the name of the required skill:'
  141. reward:
  142. permission: '§aEdit which permissions should be kept and which removed with "add [permission] [remove: <true|false>]": (Write "help" for other commands.)'
  143. money: '§aWrite the amount of the received money:'
  144. selectWantedBlock: '§aClick with the stick on the wanted block for the stage.'
  145. itemCreator:
  146. itemType: '§aWrite the name of the wanted item type:'
  147. itemName: '§aWrite the item name:'
  148. itemLore: '§aModify the item lore: (Write "help" for help.)'
  149. unknownItemType: '§cUnknown item type.'
  150. invalidItemType: '§cInvalid item type. (The item can''t be a block.)'
  151. dialog:
  152. syntax: '§cCorrect syntax: {0}{1} [message]'
  153. syntaxRemove: '§cCorrect sytax: remove [id]'
  154. player: '§aMessage "{0}" added for the player.'
  155. npc: '§aMessage "{0}" added for the NPC.'
  156. noSender: '§aMessage "{0}" added without a sender.'
  157. messageRemoved: '§aMessage "{0}" removed.'
  158. soundAdded: '§aSound "{0}" added for the message "{1}".'
  159. cleared: '§a{0} removed message/s.'
  160. help:
  161. header: '§6§lBeautyQuests — Dialog editor help'
  162. npc: '§6npc [message]: §eAdd a message said by the NPC.'
  163. player: '§6player [message]: §eAdd a message said by the player.'
  164. nothing: '§6noSender [message]: §eAdd a message without a sender.'
  165. remove: '§6remove [id]: §eRemove a message.'
  166. list: '§6list: §eView all messages.'
  167. npcInsert: '§6npcInsert [id] [message]: §eInsert a message said by the NPC.'
  168. playerInsert: '§6playerInsert [id] [message]: §eInsert a message said by player.'
  169. nothingInsert: '§6nothingInsert [id] [message]: §eInsert a message without any prefix.'
  170. addSound: '§6addSound [id] [sound]: §eAdd a sound to a message.'
  171. clear: '§6clear: §eRemove all messages.'
  172. close: '§6close: §eValidate all messages.'
  173. mythicmobs:
  174. list: '§aA list of all Mythic Mobs:'
  175. isntMythicMob: '§cThis Mythic Mob doesn''t exist.'
  176. disabled: '§cMythicMob is disabled.'
  177. epicBossDoesntExist: '§cThis Epic Boss doesn''t exist.'
  178. textList:
  179. syntax: '§cCorrect syntax: '
  180. added: '§aText "{0}" added.'
  181. removed: '§aText "{0}" removed.'
  182. help:
  183. header: '§6§lBeautyQuests — List editor help'
  184. add: '§6add [message]: §eAdd a text.'
  185. remove: '§6remove [id]: §eRemove a text.'
  186. list: '§6list: §eView all added texts.'
  187. close: '§6close: §eValidate the added texts.'
  188. advancement:
  189. finished: 'Finished'
  190. notStarted: 'Not started'
  191. inv:
  192. validate: '§b§lValidate'
  193. cancel: '§c§lCancel'
  194. confirm:
  195. name: '§8Are you sure?'
  196. 'yes': '§aConfirm'
  197. 'no': '§cCancel'
  198. create:
  199. stageCreate: '§aCreate new step'
  200. stageRemove: '§cDelete this step'
  201. findNPC: '§aFind NPC'
  202. bringBack: '§aBring back items'
  203. findRegion: '§aFind region'
  204. killMobs: '§aKill mobs'
  205. mineBlocks: '§aBreak blocks'
  206. talkChat: '§aWrite in chat'
  207. interact: '§aInteract with block'
  208. fish: '§aCatch fishes'
  209. NPCText: '§eEdit dialog'
  210. hideClues: 'Hide particles and holograms'
  211. editMobsKill: '§eEdit mobs to kill'
  212. mobsKillFromAFar: 'Needs to be killed with projectile'
  213. editBlocksMine: '§eEdit blocks to break'
  214. preventBlockPlace: 'Prevent players to break their own blocks'
  215. editMessageType: '§eEdit message to write'
  216. cancelMessage: 'Cancel sending'
  217. selectItems: '§eEdit required items'
  218. selectRegion: '§7Choose region'
  219. stageStartMsg: '§eEdit starting message'
  220. selectBlockLocation: '§eSelect block location'
  221. leftClick: 'Click must be left-click'
  222. editFishes: '§eEdit fishes to catch'
  223. stages:
  224. name: 'Create stages'
  225. nextPage: '§eNext page'
  226. laterPage: '§ePrevious page'
  227. endingItem: '§eEdit end rewards'
  228. descriptionTextItem: '§eEdit description'
  229. details:
  230. name: '§8Last quest details'
  231. multipleTime:
  232. itemName: 'Toggle several-use'
  233. itemLore: 'Can the quest be done\nseveral times?'
  234. cancellable: 'Cancellable by player'
  235. scoreboardItem: 'Enable scoreboard'
  236. hideItem: 'Hide menu and dynmap'
  237. bypassLimit: 'Don''t count quest limit'
  238. questName: '§a§lEdit quest name'
  239. setItemsRewards: '§eEdit reward items'
  240. setXPRewards: '§eEdit reward experience'
  241. setPermReward: '§eEdit permissions'
  242. setMoneyReward: '§eEdit money reward'
  243. createStarterNPC: '§e§lCreate NPC starter'
  244. selectStarterNPC: '§e§lSelect NPC starter'
  245. createQuest:
  246. itemName: '§lCreate quest'
  247. itemLore: 'One NPC must be selected and\na quest name needs to be defined.'
  248. editQuest:
  249. itemName: '§lEdit quest'
  250. endMessage: '§eEdit end message'
  251. startDialog: '§eEdit start dialog'
  252. editRequirements: '§eEdit requirements'
  253. startRewards: '§6Start rewards'
  254. hologramText: '§eHologram text'
  255. timer: '§bTime before you can restart the quest.'
  256. requirements: '{0} requirement/s'
  257. rewards: '{0} reward/s'
  258. itemsSelect:
  259. name: 'Edit items'
  260. none: '§aMove an item to here or\nclick to open the item editor.'
  261. npcCreate:
  262. name: 'Create NPC'
  263. setName: '§eEdit NPC name'
  264. setSkin: '§eEdit NPC skin'
  265. setType: '§eEdit NPC type'
  266. move:
  267. itemName: '§eMove'
  268. itemLore: '§aChange the NPC location.'
  269. moveItem: '§a§lValidate place'
  270. npcSelect:
  271. name: 'Select or create?'
  272. selectStageNPC: '§eSelect existing NPC'
  273. createStageNPC: '§eCreate NPC'
  274. entityType:
  275. name: 'Choose entity type'
  276. chooseQuest:
  277. name: 'Which quest?'
  278. mobs:
  279. name: 'Select mobs'
  280. none: '§aClick to a add mob.'
  281. click: '§7Left-click to edit.\nRight-click to delete.'
  282. mobSelect:
  283. name: 'Select mob'
  284. bukkitEntityType: '§eSelect entity type'
  285. mythicMob: '§6Select Mythic Mob'
  286. epicBoss: '§6Select Epic Boss'
  287. stageEnding:
  288. locationTeleport: '§eEdit teleport location'
  289. command: '§eEdit executed command'
  290. requirements:
  291. name: 'Requirements'
  292. rewards:
  293. name: 'Rewards'
  294. commands: 'Commands: {0}'
  295. teleportation: '§aSelected:\n X: {0}\n Y: {1}\n Z: {2}\n World: {3}'
  296. listAllQuests:
  297. name: '§8Quests'
  298. listPlayerQuests:
  299. name: '§8{0}''s quests'
  300. listQuests:
  301. notStarted: 'Not started quests'
  302. finished: 'Finished quests'
  303. inProgress: 'Quests in progress'
  304. loreCancel: '§c§oClick to cancel the quest.'
  305. timeToWait: '§3§o{0} minute/s before you can restart this quest.'
  306. canRedo: '§3§oYou can restart this quest!'
  307. format:
  308. normal: '§6§l§o{0}'
  309. withId: '§6§l§o{0}§r §e#{1}'
  310. itemCreator:
  311. name: 'Item creator'
  312. itemType: '§bItem type'
  313. itemFlags: 'Toggle item flags'
  314. itemName: '§bItem name'
  315. itemLore: '§bItem lore'
  316. isQuestItem: '§bQuest item:'
  317. command:
  318. name: 'Command'
  319. value: '§eCommand'
  320. console: 'Console'
  321. chooseAccount:
  322. name: '§5What account?'
  323. listBook:
  324. questName: 'Name'
  325. questStarter: 'Starter'
  326. questRewards: 'Rewards'
  327. questMultiple: 'Several times'
  328. requirements: 'Requirements'
  329. questStages: 'Stages'
  330. noQuests: 'No quests have previously been created.'
  331. commandsList:
  332. name: 'Command list'
  333. value: '§eCommand: {0}'
  334. console: '§eConsole: {0}'
  335. block:
  336. name: 'Choose block'
  337. material: '§eMaterial: {0}'
  338. blocksList:
  339. name: 'Select blocks'
  340. addBlock: '§aClick to add a block.'
  341. scoreboard:
  342. name: '§6§lQuests'
  343. noLaunched: '§cNo quests in progress.'
  344. noLaunchedName: '§c§lLoading'
  345. noLaunchedDescription: '§c§oLoading'
  346. stage:
  347. region: '§eFind region §6{0}'
  348. npc: '§eTalk with NPC §6{0}'
  349. items: '§eFind items for §6{0}§e:'
  350. mobs: '§eKill §6{0}'
  351. mine: '§eMine {0}'
  352. chat: '§eWrite §6{0}'
  353. interact: '§eClick on the block at §6{0}'
  354. fish: '§eFish §6{0}'
  355. misc:
  356. format:
  357. prefix: '§6<§e§lQuests§r§6> §r'
  358. npcText: '§6[{2}/{3}] §e§l{0}:§r§e {1}'
  359. selfText: '§6[{2}/{3}] §e§l{0}:§r§e {1}'
  360. offText: '§r§e {0}'
  361. stageType:
  362. region: 'Find region'
  363. npc: 'Find NPC'
  364. items: 'Bring back items'
  365. mobs: 'Kill mobs'
  366. mine: 'Break blocks'
  367. chat: 'Write in chat'
  368. interact: 'Interact with block'
  369. Fish: 'Catch fishes'
  370. requirement:
  371. class: '§bClass/es required'
  372. faction: '§bFaction/s required'
  373. jobLevel: '§bJob level required'
  374. combatLevel: '§bCombat level required'
  375. experienceLevel: '§bExperience levels required'
  376. permissions: '§3Permission/s required'
  377. placeholder: '§bPlaceholder value required'
  378. quest: '§aQuest required'
  379. mcMMOSkillLevel: '§dSkill level required'
  380. questItemLore: '§e§oQuest Item'
  381. hologramText: '§8§lQuest NPC'
  382. mobsProgression: '§6§l{0}: §r§e{1}/{2}'
  383. entityType: '§eEntity type: {0}'
  384. enabled: 'Enabled'
  385. disabled: 'Disabled'
  386. unknown: 'unknown'
  387. unused: '§2§lUnused'
  388. used: '§a§lUsed'
  389. remove: '§7Middle-click to remove'
  390. or: 'or'
  391. amount: '§eAmount: {0}'
  392. items: 'items'
  393. expPoints: 'experience points'
  394. 'yes': 'Yes'
  395. 'no': 'No'
  396. and: 'and'
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