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Jul 21st, 2019
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  3. Symfony\Component\Form\Exception\
  4. InvalidArgumentException
  5. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/FormConfigBuilder.php (line 802)
  6. if (null !== $name && !\is_string($name) && !\is_int($name)) { throw new UnexpectedTypeException($name, 'string, integer or null'); } if (!self::isValidName($name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The name "%s" contains illegal characters. Names should start with a letter, digit or underscore and only contain letters, digits, numbers, underscores ("_"), hyphens ("-") and colons (":").', $name)); } } /** * Returns whether the given variable contains a valid form name.
  7. FormConfigBuilder::validateName('index.php')
  8. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/FormConfigBuilder.php (line 134)
  9. * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the data class is not a valid class or if * the name contains invalid characters */ public function __construct($name, $dataClass, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher, array $options = []) { self::validateName($name); if (null !== $dataClass && !class_exists($dataClass) && !interface_exists($dataClass)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Class "%s" not found. Is the "data_class" form option set correctly?', $dataClass)); }
  10. FormConfigBuilder->__construct('index.php', null, object(EventDispatcher), array('disabled' => false, 'label_format' => null, 'trim' => false, 'required' => true, 'mapped' => true, 'by_reference' => true, 'inherit_data' => false, 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '', 'post_max_size_message' => 'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.', 'allow_file_upload' => false, 'error_mapping' => array(), 'invalid_message' => 'This value is not valid.', 'invalid_message_parameters' => array(), 'allow_extra_fields' => false, 'extra_fields_message' => 'This form should not contain extra fields.', 'csrf_protection' => true, 'csrf_field_name' => '_token', 'csrf_message' => 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.', 'csrf_token_manager' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'csrf_token_id' => null, 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'block_name' => 'entry', 'label' => false, 'attr' => array(), 'translation_domain' => false, 'auto_initialize' => false, 'data_class' => null, 'empty_data' => '', 'property_path' => '[index.php]', 'error_bubbling' => false, 'label_attr' => array(), 'compound' => false, 'upload_max_size_message' => object(Closure), 'validation_groups' => null, 'constraints' => array(), 'help' => null, 'choices' => array('Full Width - No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.' => 'layout-full-width', 'Three Columns - One large central column and 2 side columns.' => 'layout-both-columns', 'Two Columns, small left column - Two columns with a small left column' => 'layout-left-column', 'Two Columns, small right column - Two columns with a small right column' => 'layout-right-column'), 'choices_as_values' => true, 'choice_loader' => null, 'choice_label' => null, 'choice_name' => null, 'choice_value' => null, 'choice_attr' => null, 'preferred_choices' => array(), 'group_by' => null, 'placeholder' => null, 'choice_translation_domain' => false))
  11. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/FormBuilder.php (line 49)
  12. * @param FormFactoryInterface $factory * @param array $options */ public function __construct($name, $dataClass, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher, FormFactoryInterface $factory, array $options = []) { parent::__construct($name, $dataClass, $dispatcher, $options); $this->setFormFactory($factory); } /**
  13. FormBuilder->__construct('index.php', null, object(EventDispatcher), object(FormFactory), array('disabled' => false, 'label_format' => null, 'trim' => false, 'required' => true, 'mapped' => true, 'by_reference' => true, 'inherit_data' => false, 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '', 'post_max_size_message' => 'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.', 'allow_file_upload' => false, 'error_mapping' => array(), 'invalid_message' => 'This value is not valid.', 'invalid_message_parameters' => array(), 'allow_extra_fields' => false, 'extra_fields_message' => 'This form should not contain extra fields.', 'csrf_protection' => true, 'csrf_field_name' => '_token', 'csrf_message' => 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.', 'csrf_token_manager' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'csrf_token_id' => null, 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'block_name' => 'entry', 'label' => false, 'attr' => array(), 'translation_domain' => false, 'auto_initialize' => false, 'data_class' => null, 'empty_data' => '', 'property_path' => '[index.php]', 'error_bubbling' => false, 'label_attr' => array(), 'compound' => false, 'upload_max_size_message' => object(Closure), 'validation_groups' => null, 'constraints' => array(), 'help' => null, 'choices' => array('Full Width - No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.' => 'layout-full-width', 'Three Columns - One large central column and 2 side columns.' => 'layout-both-columns', 'Two Columns, small left column - Two columns with a small left column' => 'layout-left-column', 'Two Columns, small right column - Two columns with a small right column' => 'layout-right-column'), 'choices_as_values' => true, 'choice_loader' => null, 'choice_label' => null, 'choice_name' => null, 'choice_value' => null, 'choice_attr' => null, 'preferred_choices' => array(), 'group_by' => null, 'placeholder' => null, 'choice_translation_domain' => false))
  14. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ResolvedFormType.php (line 224)
  15. if ($this->innerType instanceof SubmitButtonTypeInterface) { return new SubmitButtonBuilder($name, $options); } return new FormBuilder($name, $dataClass, new EventDispatcher(), $factory, $options); } /** * Creates a new view instance. *
  16. ResolvedFormType->newBuilder('index.php', null, object(FormFactory), array('disabled' => false, 'label_format' => null, 'trim' => false, 'required' => true, 'mapped' => true, 'by_reference' => true, 'inherit_data' => false, 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '', 'post_max_size_message' => 'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.', 'allow_file_upload' => false, 'error_mapping' => array(), 'invalid_message' => 'This value is not valid.', 'invalid_message_parameters' => array(), 'allow_extra_fields' => false, 'extra_fields_message' => 'This form should not contain extra fields.', 'csrf_protection' => true, 'csrf_field_name' => '_token', 'csrf_message' => 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.', 'csrf_token_manager' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'csrf_token_id' => null, 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'block_name' => 'entry', 'label' => false, 'attr' => array(), 'translation_domain' => false, 'auto_initialize' => false, 'data_class' => null, 'empty_data' => '', 'property_path' => '[index.php]', 'error_bubbling' => false, 'label_attr' => array(), 'compound' => false, 'upload_max_size_message' => object(Closure), 'validation_groups' => null, 'constraints' => array(), 'help' => null, 'choices' => array('Full Width - No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.' => 'layout-full-width', 'Three Columns - One large central column and 2 side columns.' => 'layout-both-columns', 'Two Columns, small left column - Two columns with a small left column' => 'layout-left-column', 'Two Columns, small right column - Two columns with a small right column' => 'layout-right-column'), 'choices_as_values' => true, 'choice_loader' => null, 'choice_label' => null, 'choice_name' => null, 'choice_value' => null, 'choice_attr' => null, 'preferred_choices' => array(), 'group_by' => null, 'placeholder' => null, 'choice_translation_domain' => false))
  17. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/ResolvedFormType.php (line 100)
  18. $options = $this->getOptionsResolver()->resolve($options); // Should be decoupled from the specific option at some point $dataClass = isset($options['data_class']) ? $options['data_class'] : null; $builder = $this->newBuilder($name, $dataClass, $factory, $options); $builder->setType($this); return $builder; }
  19. ResolvedFormType->createBuilder(object(FormFactory), 'index.php', array('disabled' => false, 'label_format' => null, 'trim' => false, 'required' => true, 'mapped' => true, 'by_reference' => true, 'inherit_data' => false, 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '', 'post_max_size_message' => 'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.', 'allow_file_upload' => false, 'error_mapping' => array(), 'invalid_message' => 'This value is not valid.', 'invalid_message_parameters' => array(), 'allow_extra_fields' => false, 'extra_fields_message' => 'This form should not contain extra fields.', 'csrf_protection' => true, 'csrf_field_name' => '_token', 'csrf_message' => 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.', 'csrf_token_manager' => object(CsrfTokenManager), 'csrf_token_id' => null, 'multiple' => false, 'expanded' => false, 'block_name' => 'entry', 'label' => false, 'attr' => array(), 'translation_domain' => false, 'auto_initialize' => false, 'data_class' => null, 'empty_data' => '', 'property_path' => '[index.php]', 'error_bubbling' => false, 'label_attr' => array(), 'compound' => false, 'upload_max_size_message' => object(Closure), 'validation_groups' => null, 'constraints' => array(), 'help' => null, 'choices' => array('Full Width - No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.' => 'layout-full-width', 'Three Columns - One large central column and 2 side columns.' => 'layout-both-columns', 'Two Columns, small left column - Two columns with a small left column' => 'layout-left-column', 'Two Columns, small right column - Two columns with a small right column' => 'layout-right-column'), 'choices_as_values' => true, 'choice_loader' => null, 'choice_label' => null, 'choice_name' => null, 'choice_value' => null, 'choice_attr' => null, 'preferred_choices' => array(), 'group_by' => null, 'placeholder' => null, 'choice_translation_domain' => false))
  20. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Extension/DataCollector/Proxy/ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy.php (line 74)
  21. /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function createBuilder(FormFactoryInterface $factory, $name, array $options = []) { $builder = $this->proxiedType->createBuilder($factory, $name, $options); $builder->setAttribute('data_collector/passed_options', $options); $builder->setType($this); return $builder;
  22. ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy->createBuilder(object(FormFactory), 'index.php', array('property_path' => '[index.php]', 'label' => false, 'translation_domain' => false, 'choices' => array('Full Width - No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.' => 'layout-full-width', 'Three Columns - One large central column and 2 side columns.' => 'layout-both-columns', 'Two Columns, small left column - Two columns with a small left column' => 'layout-left-column', 'Two Columns, small right column - Two columns with a small right column' => 'layout-right-column'), 'block_name' => 'entry', 'auto_initialize' => false))
  23. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/FormFactory.php (line 76)
  24. throw new UnexpectedTypeException($type, 'string'); } $type = $this->registry->getType($type); $builder = $type->createBuilder($this, $name, $options); // Explicitly call buildForm() in order to be able to override either // createBuilder() or buildForm() in the resolved form type $type->buildForm($builder, $builder->getOptions());
  25. FormFactory->createNamedBuilder('index.php', object(ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy), null, array('property_path' => '[index.php]', 'label' => false, 'translation_domain' => false, 'choices' => array('Full Width - No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.' => 'layout-full-width', 'Three Columns - One large central column and 2 side columns.' => 'layout-both-columns', 'Two Columns, small left column - Two columns with a small left column' => 'layout-left-column', 'Two Columns, small right column - Two columns with a small right column' => 'layout-right-column'), 'block_name' => 'entry', 'auto_initialize' => false))
  26. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/FormFactory.php (line 38)
  27. /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function createNamed($name, $type = 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType', $data = null, array $options = []) { return $this->createNamedBuilder($name, $type, $data, $options)->getForm(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  28. FormFactory->createNamed('index.php', 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\ChoiceType', null, array('property_path' => '[index.php]', 'label' => false, 'translation_domain' => false, 'choices' => array('Full Width - No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.' => 'layout-full-width', 'Three Columns - One large central column and 2 side columns.' => 'layout-both-columns', 'Two Columns, small left column - Two columns with a small left column' => 'layout-left-column', 'Two Columns, small right column - Two columns with a small right column' => 'layout-right-column'), 'block_name' => 'entry', 'auto_initialize' => false))
  29. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Form.php (line 839)
  30. } if (null === $type) { $child = $this->config->getFormFactory()->createForProperty($this->config->getDataClass(), $child, null, $options); } else { $child = $this->config->getFormFactory()->createNamed($child, $type, null, $options); } } elseif ($child->getConfig()->getAutoInitialize()) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Automatic initialization is only supported on root forms. You should set the "auto_initialize" option to false on the field "%s".', $child->getName())); }
  31. Form->add('index.php', 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Extension\\Core\\Type\\ChoiceType', array('property_path' => '[index.php]', 'label' => false, 'translation_domain' => false, 'choices' => array('Full Width - No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.' => 'layout-full-width', 'Three Columns - One large central column and 2 side columns.' => 'layout-both-columns', 'Two Columns, small left column - Two columns with a small left column' => 'layout-left-column', 'Two Columns, small right column - Two columns with a small right column' => 'layout-right-column'), 'block_name' => 'entry', 'auto_initialize' => false))
  32. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Extension/Core/EventListener/ResizeFormListener.php (line 82)
  33. // Then add all rows again in the correct order foreach ($data as $name => $value) { $form->add($name, $this->type, array_replace([ 'property_path' => '['.$name.']', ], $this->options)); } } public function preSubmit(FormEvent $event) {
  34. ResizeFormListener->preSetData(object(FormEvent), 'form.pre_set_data', object(EventDispatcher))
  35. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php (line 212)
  36. { foreach ($listeners as $listener) { if ($event->isPropagationStopped()) { break; } \call_user_func($listener, $event, $eventName, $this); } } /** * Sorts the internal list of listeners for the given event by priority.
  37. EventDispatcher->doDispatch(array(array(object(ResizeFormListener), 'preSetData')), 'form.pre_set_data', object(FormEvent))
  38. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php (line 44)
  39. if (null === $event) { $event = new Event(); } if ($listeners = $this->getListeners($eventName)) { $this->doDispatch($listeners, $eventName, $event); } return $event; }
  40. EventDispatcher->dispatch('form.pre_set_data', object(FormEvent))
  41. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/ImmutableEventDispatcher.php (line 33)
  42. /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dispatch($eventName, Event $event = null) { return $this->dispatcher->dispatch($eventName, $event); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  43. ImmutableEventDispatcher->dispatch('form.pre_set_data', object(FormEvent))
  44. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Form.php (line 336)
  45. $dispatcher = $this->config->getEventDispatcher(); // Hook to change content of the model data before transformation and mapping children if ($dispatcher->hasListeners(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA)) { $event = new FormEvent($this, $modelData); $dispatcher->dispatch(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, $event); $modelData = $event->getData(); } // Treat data as strings unless a transformer exists if (is_scalar($modelData) && !$this->config->getViewTransformers() && !$this->config->getModelTransformers()) {
  46. Form->setData(array('pagenotfound' => 'layout-full-width', 'best-sales' => 'layout-left-column', 'contact' => 'layout-left-column', 'index.php' => 'layout-full-width', 'manufacturer' => 'layout-full-width', 'new-products' => 'layout-left-column', 'password' => 'layout-full-width', 'prices-drop' => 'layout-left-column', 'sitemap' => 'layout-full-width', 'supplier' => 'layout-full-width', 'address' => 'layout-full-width', 'addresses' => 'layout-full-width', 'authentication' => 'layout-full-width', 'cart' => 'layout-full-width', 'discount' => 'layout-full-width', 'history' => 'layout-full-width', 'identity' => 'layout-full-width', 'my-account' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-follow' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-slip' => 'layout-full-width', 'order' => 'layout-full-width', 'search' => 'layout-full-width', 'stores' => 'layout-full-width', 'guest-tracking' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-confirmation' => 'layout-full-width', 'product' => 'layout-full-width', 'category' => 'layout-left-column', 'cms' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cheque-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cheque-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-bankwire-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-bankwire-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cashondelivery-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_checkpayment-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_checkpayment-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_emailsubscription-verification' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_emailsubscription-subscription' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_faviconnotificationbo-AdminAjaxFaviconBO' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_shoppingcart-ajax' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_wirepayment-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_wirepayment-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'attachment' => 'layout-full-width', 'index' => 'layout-full-width'))
  47. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Extension/Core/DataMapper/PropertyPathMapper.php (line 49)
  48. foreach ($forms as $form) { $propertyPath = $form->getPropertyPath(); $config = $form->getConfig(); if (!$empty && null !== $propertyPath && $config->getMapped()) { $form->setData($this->propertyAccessor->getValue($data, $propertyPath)); } else { $form->setData($form->getConfig()->getData()); } } }
  49. PropertyPathMapper->mapDataToForms(array('layouts' => array('pagenotfound' => 'layout-full-width', 'best-sales' => 'layout-left-column', 'contact' => 'layout-left-column', 'index.php' => 'layout-full-width', 'manufacturer' => 'layout-full-width', 'new-products' => 'layout-left-column', 'password' => 'layout-full-width', 'prices-drop' => 'layout-left-column', 'sitemap' => 'layout-full-width', 'supplier' => 'layout-full-width', 'address' => 'layout-full-width', 'addresses' => 'layout-full-width', 'authentication' => 'layout-full-width', 'cart' => 'layout-full-width', 'discount' => 'layout-full-width', 'history' => 'layout-full-width', 'identity' => 'layout-full-width', 'my-account' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-follow' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-slip' => 'layout-full-width', 'order' => 'layout-full-width', 'search' => 'layout-full-width', 'stores' => 'layout-full-width', 'guest-tracking' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-confirmation' => 'layout-full-width', 'product' => 'layout-full-width', 'category' => 'layout-left-column', 'cms' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cheque-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cheque-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-bankwire-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-bankwire-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cashondelivery-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_checkpayment-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_checkpayment-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_emailsubscription-verification' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_emailsubscription-subscription' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_faviconnotificationbo-AdminAjaxFaviconBO' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_shoppingcart-ajax' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_wirepayment-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_wirepayment-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'attachment' => 'layout-full-width', 'index' => 'layout-full-width')), object(RecursiveIteratorIterator))
  50. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Form.php (line 372)
  51. $this->lockSetData = false; // Compound forms don't need to invoke this method if they don't have children if (\count($this->children) > 0) { // Update child forms from the data (unless their config data is locked) $this->config->getDataMapper()->mapDataToForms($viewData, new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new InheritDataAwareIterator($this->children))); } if ($dispatcher->hasListeners(FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA)) { $event = new FormEvent($this, $modelData); $dispatcher->dispatch(FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA, $event);
  52. Form->setData(array('layouts' => array('pagenotfound' => 'layout-full-width', 'best-sales' => 'layout-left-column', 'contact' => 'layout-left-column', 'index.php' => 'layout-full-width', 'manufacturer' => 'layout-full-width', 'new-products' => 'layout-left-column', 'password' => 'layout-full-width', 'prices-drop' => 'layout-left-column', 'sitemap' => 'layout-full-width', 'supplier' => 'layout-full-width', 'address' => 'layout-full-width', 'addresses' => 'layout-full-width', 'authentication' => 'layout-full-width', 'cart' => 'layout-full-width', 'discount' => 'layout-full-width', 'history' => 'layout-full-width', 'identity' => 'layout-full-width', 'my-account' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-follow' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-slip' => 'layout-full-width', 'order' => 'layout-full-width', 'search' => 'layout-full-width', 'stores' => 'layout-full-width', 'guest-tracking' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-confirmation' => 'layout-full-width', 'product' => 'layout-full-width', 'category' => 'layout-left-column', 'cms' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cheque-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cheque-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-bankwire-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-bankwire-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cashondelivery-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_checkpayment-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_checkpayment-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_emailsubscription-verification' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_emailsubscription-subscription' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_faviconnotificationbo-AdminAjaxFaviconBO' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_shoppingcart-ajax' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_wirepayment-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_wirepayment-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'attachment' => 'layout-full-width', 'index' => 'layout-full-width')))
  53. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Form.php (line 476)
  54. Form->initialize()
  55. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/FormBuilder.php (line 213)
  56. FormBuilder->getForm()
  57. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/FormFactory.php (line 30)
  58. FormFactory->create('PrestaShopBundle\\Form\\Admin\\Improve\\Design\\Theme\\PageLayoutsCustomizationType', array('layouts' => array('pagenotfound' => 'layout-full-width', 'best-sales' => 'layout-left-column', 'contact' => 'layout-left-column', 'index.php' => 'layout-full-width', 'manufacturer' => 'layout-full-width', 'new-products' => 'layout-left-column', 'password' => 'layout-full-width', 'prices-drop' => 'layout-left-column', 'sitemap' => 'layout-full-width', 'supplier' => 'layout-full-width', 'address' => 'layout-full-width', 'addresses' => 'layout-full-width', 'authentication' => 'layout-full-width', 'cart' => 'layout-full-width', 'discount' => 'layout-full-width', 'history' => 'layout-full-width', 'identity' => 'layout-full-width', 'my-account' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-follow' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-slip' => 'layout-full-width', 'order' => 'layout-full-width', 'search' => 'layout-full-width', 'stores' => 'layout-full-width', 'guest-tracking' => 'layout-full-width', 'order-confirmation' => 'layout-full-width', 'product' => 'layout-full-width', 'category' => 'layout-left-column', 'cms' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cheque-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cheque-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-bankwire-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-bankwire-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-cashondelivery-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_checkpayment-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_checkpayment-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_emailsubscription-verification' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_emailsubscription-subscription' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_faviconnotificationbo-AdminAjaxFaviconBO' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_shoppingcart-ajax' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_wirepayment-payment' => 'layout-full-width', 'module-ps_wirepayment-validation' => 'layout-full-width', 'attachment' => 'layout-full-width', 'index' => 'layout-full-width')))
  59. in src/PrestaShopBundle/Form/Admin/Improve/Design/Theme/PageLayoutCustomizationFormFactory.php (line 77)
  60. public function create(array $customizablePages) { $theme = $this->themeRepository->getInstanceByName($this->shopThemeName); $pageLayoutCustomizationForm = $this->formFactory->create(PageLayoutsCustomizationType::class, [ 'layouts' => $this->getCustomizablePageLayouts($theme, $customizablePages), ]); return $pageLayoutCustomizationForm; }
  61. PageLayoutCustomizationFormFactory->create(array(object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage), object(LayoutCustomizationPage)))
  62. in src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/Improve/Design/ThemeController.php (line 413)
  63. /** @var LayoutCustomizationPage[] $pages */ $pages = $this->getQueryBus()->handle(new GetPagesForLayoutCustomization()); $pageLayoutCustomizationFormFactory = $this->get(''); $pageLayoutCustomizationForm = $pageLayoutCustomizationFormFactory->create($pages); $pageLayoutCustomizationForm->handleRequest($request); if ($canCustomizeLayout && $pageLayoutCustomizationForm->isSubmitted()) { if ($this->isDemoModeEnabled()) { $this->addFlash('error', $this->getDemoModeErrorMessage());
  64. ThemeController->customizeLayoutsAction(object(Request))
  65. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php (line 151)
  66. $this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::CONTROLLER_ARGUMENTS, $event); $controller = $event->getController(); $arguments = $event->getArguments(); // call controller $response = \call_user_func_array($controller, $arguments); // view if (!$response instanceof Response) { $event = new GetResponseForControllerResultEvent($this, $request, $type, $response); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::VIEW, $event);
  67. HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1)
  68. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php (line 68)
  69. public function handle(Request $request, $type = HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST, $catch = true) { $request->headers->set('X-Php-Ob-Level', ob_get_level()); try { return $this->handleRaw($request, $type); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof RequestExceptionInterface) { $e = new BadRequestHttpException($e->getMessage(), $e); } if (false === $catch) {
  70. HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)
  71. in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php (line 200)
  72. $this->boot(); ++$this->requestStackSize; $this->resetServices = true; try { return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch); } finally { --$this->requestStackSize; } }
  73. Kernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)
  74. in admin989bxjjw9/index.php (line 86)
  75. $request = Request::createFromGlobals();Request::setTrustedProxies([], Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL);try { require_once __DIR__.'/../autoload.php'; $response = $kernel->handle($request, HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST, false); $response->send(); $kernel->terminate($request, $response);} catch (NotFoundHttpException $exception) { define('ADMIN_LEGACY_CONTEXT', true); // correct Apache charset (except if it's too late)
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