
Text Adventure Chapter 28 Log

Jun 30th, 2014
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  1. >Since you’d be here for a little bit, you might as well clear the air with Gable.
  2. >You didn’t blame him for what happened, per say, he’s an aggressive species.
  3. >But just in case he was a little pissed, you wanted to talk to him first so he didn’t overhear anything you would talk about with the other two and intervene.
  4. “Gable?”
  5. >There was no response.
  6. >You do hear shuffling of bedsheets however, so now you know he’s awake.
  7. >You’re a bit tired of this shit, so you just go on regardless.
  8. “It was a good fight.”
  9. >
  10. “You really got me good, you know. Goin’ to the hospital and all, after this.”
  11. >
  12. “We should do it again sometime, who knows? Might be fun.”
  13. >
  14. “.... How are you holding up?”
  15. >”I don’t think you want to talk to me.”
  16. “Huh?”
  17. >”I think you’re speaking out of pity, as you know about what’s going to happen to me.”
  18. “Well, that’s not exactly-”
  19. >”I heard your little friend talking, I’m not deaf. I dare say I have far better hearing than those things you call ears. I’m going to be imprisoned for my actions, and I will face it without the need for petty feelings. Got it?”
  20. “That’s not why I wanted to talk. I don’t blame you for what happened, we were both in the heat of battle. I just don’t want you getting in trouble or put in the slammer for something that, if you hadn’t have done, I would have.”
  21. >He takes a lengthy pause.
  22. >”...Interesting sentiments from such an alien creature.”
  23. “Yeah, I get really beta sometimes, sue me.”
  24. >”Beta?”
  25. “Another word for you know, introverted, empathetic, stuff like that. I don’t know.”
  26. >”You’re a strange one.”
  27. “And you’re a sharp one.”
  28. >You actually manage to get a small chuckle out of him.
  29. >”If you wanted me to stay out of the dungeons, you should’ve let me win.”
  30. “No chance. Got important shit to do with that money, got to have gear for the journey ahead, after all…”
  31. >”What kind of journey?”
  32. “Basically tracking down this evil entity that wrecked Ponyville a few days back. We’re the best team Equestria has to offer, it looks like.”
  33. >”I can see why they chose you, at least. You’re the first worthy opponent I’ve had in years. … By the way, I would like to do it again sometime. Maybe see how you work thoses knuckles instead of dragging around your compensating magic.”
  34. >Damn, even his words sting.
  35. “I’m more blue than compensating, but thanks for thinking of me.”
  36. >”Surely. … How secret is this, investigation?”
  37. “Why? You interested?”
  38. >There is another pause, and a shuffling of bedsheets.
  39. >”Let’s just say that without that money, I have nowhere else to be.”
  40. >Damn, a short conversation really turned opinions around.
  41. “What are you implying, then?”
  42. >”I imply nothing. But if you were to require assistance… I’d dust off those kneepads.”
  43. >What a jobber.
  44. >That’s an interesting thought, that more or less ends the conversation between you two.
  45. >If you are able to crack the social code correctly, you believe he actually asked if you needed help… In his own way.
  46. >What would you like to do?
  50. “One question.”
  51. >”What?”
  52. “What did you want to do with the money, if I might ask?”
  53. >Gable releases a deep, grovely sigh.
  54. >”It was my ticket to actually get my own property. I’ve lived in an orphanage for a very long time, and I decided it was time to leave. I helped them for long after I reached adulthood, but my passion didn’t really speak well to children.”
  55. “What passion is that?”
  56. >”Fighting.”
  57. >We got a fucking Goku over here, now.
  58. “Fighting’s your passion, huh?”
  59. >”It’s the only thing I’m not a complete waste at. But hey, why the hell am I telling you this? Do you need assistance, or not?”
  60. >You think for a moment, and feel the bandage on your stomach.
  61. >Being able to rip through chainmail is a good asset.
  62. >But you want to be sure that you had a good cover for the rest of the party, so there wouldn’t be any unnecessary conflict.
  63. “Alright... how about this.”
  64. >He waits for you to continue as you plan out what you were about to say.
  65. “I don't want to see you locked up anymore than you do, especially with being such a softy under those hard talons. But some ponies, like my favorite nurse, won't be too happy about you getting off scot free.”
  66. >He sneers at the mere thought, but you continue regardless.
  67. “So, let’s compromise. You travel with us, under our ‘custody’, to our next destination with a viable judicial system. Or, two weeks or so, whichever comes first. You’ll tag along acting as our 'hired muscle’. However, you have to promise that if you try to start shit with me again, or worse, my friends, they will kindly and politely turn you into a throw rug. Maybe a pillow, if Pinkie has anything to say about it. You won’t be imprisoned, but there’s no pay unless it’s me getting you supplies. That sound like a fair deal?”
  68. >You can almost feel the seething anger from his bed.
  69. >It seems to slowly break apart into defeat, as his tone will testify.
  70. >”...Fine. You have your deal. Just be sure to tell that little nurse of yours before I’m better.”
  71. “Duly noted.”
  74. >GABLE [HP: 145/200][Defenses: 20 PD, 12 MD]
  76. Abilities: Tough Hide (+10 PA), Expert Hand to Hand Combat (+15 basic attack, 10% chance to crit for x2), Winged Fury (x5, 3TCD), Screech (+15 PA, 20% chance to fear for 5 turns, 3TCD), Flight (Allows 3-dimensional travel / +20 PA, 40% bleed chance for 5 turns, 4TCD), Basic medical use (Able to use medkits), Rip and Tear (Good attack, 25% bleed cance for 5 turns, 5TCD)
  78. Inventory: Red Headband, Bit pouch (2 bits), Karate Instruction Manual (Raises HtH combat ability)
  80. Equipped: Avian Leather Salet (+2 PD), Avian Leather Harness (+3 PD), Avian Leather Gloves (Modified: Fingerless, +1 PD), Avian Leather Greaves (+2 PD), Enchanted Talonguard Bracers (+12 MD)
  83. >After confirming the deal, you both fall silent. There isn’t much else to say, so you decide to leave him alone for a little while.
  84. >After risking a cramp in your stomach to take a look at the clock, you see that about 15 minutes had passed, and it wouldn’t be long before Iron Will and his posse comes in here.
  85. >What would you like to do?
  89. >You change your gears and look over at Charm Rose, still buried under her blanket and turned away from you.
  90. >You aren’t really sure if she actually is asleep or not, but there was only one way to find out.
  91. “So uuh… Charm?”
  92. >”What do you want, Dr. Philanthropist?”
  93. >She doesn’t sound too enthused to talk to you.
  94. “I was just wondering how you were, that’s all. I’ll be wheeled off to the hospital soon, and… wanted to know if you wanted to talk for a bit? Maybe see how your brother was doing later, if you wanted to talk to me at all.”
  95. >”You won’t meet him there, if that’s what you’re thinking… He’s closed off from everypony else, quarantined.”
  96. >Soundds like some sort of disease or infection, then.
  97. >That checks out with healing potions not working for him.
  98. “Well… Like I told you before, I have those connections. Whatever he has, I’m sure I could--”
  99. >”Just drop it, okay? You still haven’t proved anything like I asked, so I don’t care what you think you can do.”
  100. >Charm then throws the blanket over her head, cutting off any attempts to converse with her.
  101. >Well, that didn’t go very well.
  102. >Should you press further, or simply wait for the congratulation party?
  106. >You know that something was wrong, and there was something that she wasn’t telling you.
  107. >It’s probably a very bad disease of some sort, but unless she gives you some sort of information, there really isn’t much you could do.
  108. “Charm, I know you think there’s not much I can do, but there most certainly is, no matter what the situation is. So, let me prove it. How do I prove it to you? I would really like to help, but you have to let me.”
  109. >You could almost see the point where her annoyance boils over, where she finally snaps.
  110. >She throws off the cover and looks directly at you with those intense hazel green irises.
  111. >”Look, do you really think I haven’t been to ever top doctor on Equestria already!? I wouldn’t just sit on my flanks and watch him die, now would I? You can’t do anything because we’ve already tried EVERYTHING! I needed this money just to get out of debt, not to find a cure for him! Now shut your stupid mouth, and leave me alone!”
  112. >You’re too stunned to say anything.
  113. >She gets herself out of her bed, trying to remove her IV with her magic until the doctors intervened.
  114. >>”Ma’am, we can’t let you leave yet, your health is still compromised!”
  115. >”I don’t care, just let me go! I’ll be fine!”
  116. >At some point during the scuffle one of the nurses makes a sneak attack and douses her IV with a powerful sedative, as a few seconds later she drops like a rock.
  117. >They start repairing the damage she caused and lays her back down, leaving you and Gable to stare and think about what exactly just happened.
  118. >No way to help, at all?....
  119. >No, there must be some way. Some way to help the kid.
  120. >Whether it’s some exotic herb or going back to that tree, you’d find a way.
  121. >This is something you had to ask a higher magical mind.
  122. [QUEST MARE IN THE FAMILY UPDATED: Ask a high-level Unicorn about uncurable diseases (0/1); Find a way to help Charm Rose’s brother (0/1)]
  123. >The excitement of the moment dies down after a while, and you realize that Little Strongheart had woken up at some point during that scuffle, but she stayed silent.
  124. >Charm Rose is sedated, and there is still nothing more to discuss with Gable outside small talk.
  125. >You’re pretty sure Iron Will is going to be here any second now.
  126. >Is there anything else you’d like to do before the congratulation party?
  130. >You aren’t really sure what to do with your free time considering you haven’t had any since you’ve gotten here.
  131. >You become sidetracked and zone out into nothing, just looking around in the peaceful silence besides the low, muffled voices of the doctoral conversation.
  132. >Your eyes take a quick scan of your gowned and blanketed body, and you see your tattoos.
  133. >Pretty sure you aren’t ever going to get used to them.
  134. >Every time you feel them, you feel like there is a sword pressed into your skin, but it was just metallic… markings.
  135. >You could still feel the same vibrations as when you first approached the tree.
  136. >As you feel up your arm, your fingers catch your bicep.
  137. >Whoa, that’s never been there before…
  138. >Maybe lugging around a heavy spear and using it so frequently gave you a little bulge, who would’ve guessed?
  139. >You flex your arm and see that massive bulge that just… just brings a tear to your eye.
  140. >A manly tear.
  141. >We buff nao.
  142. >”Hey brother, checkin’ the pecs?”
  143. >You jump out of your skin at the sudden throaty voice.
  144. >Well, not really, but you did jump, and it hurt your stomach like hell.
  145. >You look up to see a smiling Iron Will, with a single ‘I Win’ balloon and a one Flash Sentry standing next to him, holding up 2,000 bits in a bag like it was nothing.
  146. >”Now, uh, remember when I said party? Yeah, still a party, but… Not too many people showed up. Sorry kiddo, didn’t expect you to get laid out with talons in your abs, did we? Either way, prize money’s yours, all 3,000.”
  147. >You shake your head in a daze, because you were pretty sure you misheard him.
  148. “W-wait… 3,000?”
  149. >You could feel Gable’s eagle eyes piercing your skull.
  150. >“Well, since birdboy over there’s most likely gettin’ incarcerated, you’re getting the runner-up money too. Trust Iron Will, brother, when he says that our funding comes from entertained crystal ponies, and you, my friend, delivered that more than we could ever hope. My Assert-Your-Self training program is going to be bigger than ever thanks to your alien appeal!”
  151. >You take a quick look at Gable, and wonder if he’s going to stab you again.
  152. >You couldn’t really talk to him in front of these guys, especially this guard.
  153. >Flash steps over and sets the money bag on the ground, making such a huge thump that it rattled the tent walls.
  154. >”Dr. Anonymous, that was a very fine display out there. I would be proud to call you a royal guard, if we hired other species, and you weren’t already on a mission for Celestia.”
  155. >For some reason, his voice makes you want to beat him up.
  156. >You resist that urge for many reasons as he continues.
  157. >”Also, sorry about the palace being locked up for you and your friends. Whatever’s wrong with Princess Cadance, she does -not- want anypony else catching it, because she wouldn’t even let my squadron in. Until she does, I’m stuck here too, but ah, what can you do, right?”
  158. >Not even guards could go in?
  159. “What’s she sick with, anyways?”
  160. >”Not really sure, but It’s a doozy.”
  161. >You couldn’t help but steal a glance at the sleeping Charm Rose with that one.
  162. “So… What are you guys going to do since you’re stuck here?”
  163. >”Iron Will is gonna take a little vacation. Soak some rays, maybe host a jousting competition, whatever takes his fancy. Oh and uuh, try and see if I can’t take a little swing over to Maregaze’s… P-personal reasons.”
  164. >Flash gives him a sly smile.
  165. >”Personal, huh? No Minoteenies around to shack up with, then?”
  166. >”Hey brother, I didn’t say nothin’ about that!”
  167. >Another chuckle escapes him, and he looks back at you.
  168. >”Nah, right now I’m off-duty because of the situation, and might be for a while. I was actually going to do some undercover work and look for one of my soldiers.”
  169. “What happened?”
  170. >”Oh, one of my Corporals, Quick Strike, hasn’t reported in for over a week. I don’t want to say he’s M.I.A. yet, so I’m going to his position out at the base in the Winter Tundra tomorrow. I’m hoping he’s alright, but I haven’t heard any word from him.”
  171. >Out in the Winter Tundra?...
  172. >Didn’t Fluttershy state that animals were become more restless?
  173. >Maybe some winter creature got to him.
  174. >Or maybe it was something worse.
  175. >As you look at them, you realize that they’re both doing little, and Flash was going somewhere that might have a lead in your investigation.
  176. >What would you like to do/say?
  180. “Alright… First of all,”
  181. >You get their attention.
  182. “I don’t want Gable charged for anything, okay?”
  183. >Flash blinks and stares at you more closely.
  184. “I have a proposal, instead. Maybe, instead of just throwing him in prison, I could use him in my little entourage for Celestia. He’s a great fighter, and it’d be nice to have some professional fighting on our side to better protect us. So maybe he could come under our custody and we watch over him? Since I did beat him in that fight, you know I could watch over him. Is that viable?”
  185. >Iron Will scratches his head and tunes out of the conversation, becoming legal stuff that he most likely didn’t want a part of.
  186. >Flash thinks for a moment, mainly trying to deduce whether or not you were serious.
  187. >”Uh… If you really wanted, I suppose, but he tried to kill you. Are you sure you want someone like that being so close to your friends?”
  188. “He didn’t try to kill me, damnit! It was the heat of the moment. You’ve been in combat, right?”
  189. >”Don’t patronize me, doctor. I have.”
  190. “Sorry, sorry… But, yeah. After he’s healed up, just have him sent to the hotel here, so I can contact him later for when we’re ready to go.”
  191. >”Alright, but I don’t recommend it.”
  192. “Also, since I've got your ear, what have you heard about thieves recently? One of my friends had a nasty run-in with some, and we'd like to help if that's not stepping on any toes. Hooves. Whatever.”
  193. >”Er, well, when I leafed through the reported records, misdemeanor activity’s increased slightly, but nothing out of the ordinary. I hope your friend is alright though, and I’ll be sure to put more patrols on the street when I get back on-duty. If you were looking for those thieves specifically… Well, I wouldn’t know unless we caught them, which we haven’t caught anypony like that recently. Sorry for not being more helpful.”
  194. “That’s fine, thank you.”
  195. >You look at Gable again.
  196. “I’ll explain everything later, alright?”
  197. >He was silent in the presence of authority.
  198. “Alright… Say, Iron. You were just going to soak some rays, right?”
  199. >He looks back at you.
  200. >”Yeah, brother. I’m not startin’ a new program ‘till next year, you know it.”
  201. “...Any chance you want to make yourself useful?”
  202. >He gives you a questioning look.
  203. “Want to join our little investigation? Show off your moves, flex those ‘ceps, get limbered up? We could really use your help.”
  204. >He puts his hands on his hips and starts dancing his pecs.
  205. >”So, you want a little Iron action in your group, huh? Need some, extra muscle?”
  206. “Damn right. Besides, I know someone with us who’d probably take kindly to you.”
  207. >Images of Berry and Iron Will start flashing through your mind.
  208. >It wasn’t pleasant thinking of a drunk Will.
  209. >Suddenly, a minotaur hand slaps you on the shoulder.
  210. >”I’ll take your offer, Moose. I’ll be out at my trailer here in the park when you’re ready to go.”
  211. >You then had a sudden thought.
  212. >The party you have going on was getting just a bit too large…
  214. [PARTY TOO LARGE! Would you like to replace one of the members? (If the member you replace is not currently present, you’ll default to telling them the next time you see them.)
  216. -Redheart
  217. -Applejack
  218. -Berry Punch
  219. -Pinkie Pie
  220. -Wheaties
  221. -Gable] Y/N
  226. >You will tell Wheaties when you next see her.
  228. >IRON WILL
  229. [HP: 275/275][Defenses: +10 PD]
  231. Abilities: Pummel (Basic attack), Charge (+25 PA, 2 turn CD), Enrage (Increases attack by 75%, decreases total defense by 25% for 5 turns, 8 turn CD), Assertive Annihilation (Good attack, 50% chance to stun for 3 turns, 5 turn CD), OOOH YEEAAAH (Increases Party defense by 25% for 3 turns, 6 turn CD)
  233. Inventory: Protein Shakes (3, increases HP by 20 temporarily), Bit pouch (130 bits), Coupon to Maregaze’s M&S Lover’s ‘Retreat’ (20% discount for one checkout)
  235. Equipped: Pure rock hard knuckles (+10 PA base), Microphone (Increases voice volume at will), Necktie
  237. >You nod and wave goodbye to Iron Will, who gives you a thumbs up/point-at-you combo, where you find yourself looking back at Flash now.
  238. >”I suppose I better be heading off, too. If you ever need any help, I’m still stationed out at the Guard station here in the city, so just drop on by. Nice job on the tournament win, you’re going to be famous, Doctor!”
  239. >You still love how everyone’s calling you doctor.
  240. >They will never know your deep, dark, uncertified secret.
  241. >As he leaves, you’re left with nothing but your books.
  242. >You figure you might as well read for the time being, and while you do, it’ll give you some time to think about what you’ll say to the party about Gable…
  243. >...
  244. [Medical knowledge and use slightly increased.]
  245. >You didn’t get that much time to read considering all of the things you talked about.
  246. >Well, it felt like little time, as if you just opened it only to hear the chariots outside.
  247. >Then Berry sticks her head through the tent flap and starts to yell at the doctors.
  249. >She must’ve started the party early.
  250. >The doctors reluctantly finish their current tasks and prepare to move you out to the chariot.
  251. >Another one, two, heave, and they finally get you on the stretcher, thankfully without rolling you this time.
  252. >As you start to be carried off, you give a little wave to the three you’re leaving behind, making a little extra nod to Gable.
  253. “We’ll be back tomorrow to get you.”
  254. >He nods silently, and you suddenly feel the Sun’s bright rays hitting your face.
  255. >And the wind drafting up your gown, which accidentally makes you flash a bystanding mare, who starts waving her face.
  256. >You try your best to keep it down so you don’t get arrested, and you’re seeing yourself lifted into the chariot.
  257. “So, is this really necessary? I’m sure I can walk at this point.”
  258. >A wild Redheart appears.
  259. >”Sorry babe, normal protocol, and you probably can’t walk yet anyways. Careful, doctors!”
  260. >AJ adds onto it from somewhere inside.
  261. >”You sound like my brother with the way you always just wanna jump right back inta work, Anon. Always so thick-headed..”
  262. >You hear a thump as you’re finally brought into the chariot’s back, and the doors slam.
  263. >You look around and see your whole party there, including Wheaties.
  264. >You have something to discuss with her as well.
  265. >How would you like to tell her to leave the party?
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