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Mar 24th, 2019
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  1. VoterI:
  2. type: KEYCRATE # Set this crate to a block, and players may right click the block to use "keys"
  3. item: 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK 1 name:&aTier_&a&lI_&aVoter_Crate_Key lore:&7Use_at_/spawn glow:true'
  4. animation: 'CSGO'
  5. display-name: '&aTier &a&lI &aVoter Crate'
  6. displayItem: 'chest 1 %display_name%'
  7. holographic:
  8. - '&aTier I'
  9. preview:
  10. enabled: true
  11. buy:
  12. enabled: false
  13. cost: 0
  14. message:
  15. open: '&a&lYou have opened a voter crate.'
  16. broadcast: ''
  17. effect:
  18. 1:
  19. class: Original
  20. category: PERSISTENT
  21. 2:
  22. class: Sound
  23. category: OPEN
  25. reward:
  26. minimumRewards: 1
  27. maximumRewards: 1
  28. rewards:
  29. - 'unique:(), chance:(4), cmd:(crate givekey {player} voteriii 1), display:(TRIPWIRE_HOOK 1 name:&6Tier_&6&lIII_&6Voter_Key lore:&f|&f{chance}_&7chance glow:true)'
  30. - 'unique:(), chance:(8), cmd:(crate givekey {player} voterii 1), display:(131 1 &2Tier_&2&lII_Voter_Key &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1)'
  31. - 'unique:(), chance:(0.5), cmd:(coupons give {player} voteritag 1), display:(421 1 &7[&a&lVoter&7]&f_Tag &f%line%&f0.5%_&7chance 300:1)'
  32. - 'unique:(), chance:(1.0), cmd:(points give {player} 25), display:(452 1 &a&l25_Points &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1)'
  33. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} creeperegg 1), display:(383:50 1 &aCreeper_Egg &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(1.0)'
  34. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} 310 1 protection:2 unbreaking:1 name:&aTier_I_Voter_Armour), cmd:(give {player} 311 1 protection:2 unbreaking:1 name:&a&lTier_I_Voter_Armour), cmd:(give {player} 312 1 protection:2 unbreaking:1 name:&a&lTier_I_Voter_Armour), cmd:(give {player} 313 1 protection:2 unbreaking:1 name:&a&lTier_I_Voter_Armour), display:(311 1 &a&lTier_I_Voter_Armour_Set &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 0:2;34:1), chance:(2.0)'
  35. - 'unique:(), cmd:(addcredits {player} 10), display:(381 1 &a&l10_mcMMO_Credits &f%line%&f2.5%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(2.5)'
  36. - 'unique:(), cmd:(eco give {player} 10000), display:(266 1 &a&l$10_000 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(3.0)'
  37. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} tnt 64), display:(46 1 &a&lTNT_x64 &f%line%&f3.25%_&7chance), chance:(3.25)'
  38. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} obsidian 128), display:(49 1 &a&lObsidian_x128 &f%line%&f3.25%_&7chance), chance:(3.25)'
  39. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} 277 1 efficiency:3 unbreaking:1 name:&a&lTier_I_Voter_Shovel), display:(277 1 &a&lTier_I_Voter_Shovel &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 32:3;34:1), chance:(3)'
  40. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} 278 1 efficiency:3 unbreaking:1 name:&a&lTier_I_Voter_Pickaxe), display:(278 1 &a&lTier_I_Voter_Pickaxe &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 32:3;34:1), chance:(3)'
  41. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} 279 1 efficiency:3 unbreaking:1 name:&a&lTier_I_Voter_Axe), display:(279 1 &a&lTier_I_Voter_Axe &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 32:3;34:1), chance:(3)'
  42. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} 261 1 unbreaking:2 power:3 punch:1 name:&a&lTier_I_Voter_Bow), display:(261 1 &a&lTier_I_Voter_Bow &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 48:3;49:1;34:2), chance:(3)'
  43. - 'unique:(), cmd:(points give {player} 10), display:(452 1 &a&l10_Points &f%line%&f3.5%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(3.5)'
  44. - 'unique:(), cmd:(addcredits {player} 6), display:(381 1 &a&l6_mcMMO_Credits &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(4)'
  45. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} diamondblock 2), display:(57 1 &a&lDiamond_Block_x2 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(4)'
  46. - 'unique:(), cmd:(eco give {player} 5000), display:(266 1 &a&l$5_000 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(4)'
  47. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} tnt 32), display:(46 1 &a&lTNT_x32 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(4)'
  48. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} obsidian 64), display:(49 1 &a&lObsidian_x64 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(4)'
  49. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} 116 1), display:(116 1 &a&lEnchantment_Table &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(4)'
  50. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} 173 8), display:(173 1 &a&lCoal_Block_x8 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(4)'
  51. - 'unique:(), cmd:(booster1 {player}), display:(295 1 &a64x_Random_Seed &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(5)'
  52. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} 47 16), display:(47 1 &a&lBookshelf_x16 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(5)'
  53. - 'unique:(), cmd:(give {player} 368 8), display:(368 1 &a&lEnder_Pearl_x8 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(6)'
  54. - 'unique:(), cmd:(addcredits {player} 3), display:(381 1 &a&l3_mcMMO_Credits &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(6)'
  55. - 'unique:(), cmd:(eco give {player} 2500), display:(266 1 &a&l$2_500 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(6)'
  56. VoterII:
  58. displayName: '&2Tier &2&lII &2Voter Crate'
  59. displayItem: 'chest 1 %display_name%'
  60. holographic:
  61. - '&2Tier &2&lII'
  62. preview:
  63. enabled: true
  64. buy:
  65. enabled: false
  66. cost: 0
  67. message:
  68. onOpen: '&a&lYou have opened a voter crate.'
  69. broadcast: ''
  70. key:
  71. item: '131'
  72. enchantment: '300:1'
  73. name: '&2Tier &2&lII &2Voter Crate Key'
  74. lore:
  75. - '&2Right click a Tier II Voter Crate at spawn to get rewards!'
  76. effect:
  77. onOpenEffects: 'firework, DRINK'
  78. dormantEffects: 'happyVillager'
  79. dormantRoulette: 'BLOCK_NOTE_PLING'
  80. onRouletteEnd: 'BLOCK_ENDERCHEST_OPEN'
  81. reward:
  82. minimumRewards: 1
  83. maximumRewards: 1
  84. rewards:
  85. - 'cmd:(crate givekey {player} voteriii 1), display:(131 1 &6Tier_III_Voter_Key &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(5)'
  86. - 'cmd:(coupons give {player} voteriitag 1), display:(421 1 &7[&2&lVoter&7]&f_Tag &f%line%&f0.5%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(0.5)'
  87. - 'cmd:(addcredits {player} 30), display:(381 1 &a&l30_mcMMO_Credits &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(1.0)'
  88. - 'cmd:(crate givekey {player} tag 1), display:(421 1 &a&lTag_Crate_Key_Token &f%line%&f1.5%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(1.5)'
  89. - 'cmd:(spawner give {player} zombie 1), display:(52 1 &eZombie_&fSpawner &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(2)'
  90. - 'cmd:(give {player} creeperegg 2), display:(383:50 1 &aCreeper_Egg_x2 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(2)'
  91. - 'cmd:(give {player} 310 1 protection:3 unbreaking:2 name:&2&lTier_II_Voter_Armour), cmd:(give {player} 311 1 protection:3 unbreaking:2 name:&2&lTier_II_Voter_Armour), cmd:(give {player} 312 1 protection:3 unbreaking:2 name:&2&lTier_II_Voter_Armour), cmd:(give {player} 313 1 protection:3 unbreaking:2 name:&2&lTier_II_Voter_Armour), display:(311 1 &2&lTier_II_Voter_Armour_Set &f%line%&f2.5%_&7chance 0:3;34:2), chance:(2.5)'
  92. - 'cmd:(points give {player} 50), display:(452 1 &a&l50_Points &f%line%&f2.5%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(2.5)'
  93. - 'cmd:(eco give {player} 25000), display:(266 1 &a$25000 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(3)'
  94. - 'cmd:(give {player} tnt 128), display:(46 1 &aTNT_x128 &f%line%&f3.25%_&7chance), chance:(3.25)'
  95. - 'cmd:(give {player} 277 1 efficiency:4 unbreaking:2 name:&2Tier_II_Voter_Shovel), display:(277 1 &2Tier_II_Voter_Shovel &f%line%&f3.5%_&7chance 32:4;34:2), chance:(3.5)'
  96. - 'cmd:(give {player} 278 1 efficiency:4 unbreaking:2 name:&2Tier_II_Voter_Pickaxe), display:(278 1 &2Tier_II_Voter_Pickaxe &f%line%&f3.5%_&7chance 32:4;34:2), chance:(3.5)'
  97. - 'cmd:(give {player} 279 1 efficiency:4 unbreaking:2 name:&2Tier_II_Voter_Axe), display:(279 1 &2Tier_II_Voter_Axe &f%line%&f3.5%_&7chance 32:4;34:2), chance:(3.5)'
  98. - 'cmd:(give {player} 261 1 unbreaking:3 power:4 punch:2 name:&2Tier_II_Voter_Bow), display:(261 1 &2Tier_II_Voter_Bow &f%line%&f3.5%_&7chance 48:4;49:2;34:3), chance:(3.5)'
  99. - 'cmd:(points give {player} 25), display:(452 1 &a&l25_Points &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(4)'
  100. - 'cmd:(addcredits {player} 20), display:(381 1 &a&l20_mcMMO_Credits &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(4)'
  101. - 'cmd:(eco give {player} 10000), display:(266 1 &a$10000 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(4)'
  102. - 'cmd:(give {player} creeperegg 1), display:(383:50 1 &aCreeper_Egg &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(4)'
  103. - 'cmd:(give {player} tnt 64), display:(46 1 &aTNT_x64 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(4)'
  104. - 'display:(351:1 1 &d&lRandom_Drug_Booster_1.2x_-_&d&l30_Minutes &f%line%&f4.5%_&7chance 300:1), cmd:(coupons give {player} booster-random-12-30minutes 1), onopen:(&cYou got a drug price booster! To use it, type &4boosters), chance:(4.5)'
  105. - 'cmd:(give {player} obsidian 128), display:(49 1 &a&lObsidian_x128 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(5)'
  106. - 'cmd:(points give {player} 10), display:(388 1 &a&l10_Points &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(5)'
  107. - 'cmd:(give {player} 173 16), display:(173 1 &a&lCoal_Block_x16 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(5)'
  108. - 'cmd:(booster2 {player}), display:(295 1 &a&l128x_Random_Seed &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(5)'
  109. - 'cmd:(give {player} 368 16), display:(368 1 &a&lEnder_Pearl_x16 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(6)'
  110. - 'cmd:(addcredits {player} 10), display:(381 1 &a&l10_mcMMO_Credits &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(6)'
  111. - 'cmd:(eco give {player} 5000), display:(266 1 &a&l$5000 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(6)'
  112. VoterIII:
  114. displayName: '&6Tier &6&lIII &6Voter Crate'
  115. displayItem: 'chest 1 %display_name%'
  116. holographic:
  117. - '&6Tier &6&lIII'
  118. preview:
  119. enabled: true
  120. buy:
  121. enabled: false
  122. cost: 0
  123. message:
  124. onOpen: '&a&lYou have opened a rare voter crate.'
  125. broadcast: ''
  126. key:
  127. item: '131'
  128. enchantment: '300:1'
  129. name: '&6Tier &6&lIII &6Voter Crate Key'
  130. lore:
  131. - '&2Right click a Tier III Voter Crate at spawn to get rewards!'
  132. effect:
  133. onOpenEffects: 'firework, DRINK'
  134. dormantEffects: 'happyVillager'
  135. dormantRoulette: 'ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP'
  136. onRouletteEnd: 'BLOCK_SHULKER_BOX_OPEN'
  137. reward:
  138. minimumRewards: 1
  139. maximumRewards: 1
  140. rewards:
  141. - 'cmd:(addcredits {player} 75), display:(381 1 &a&l75_mcMMO_Credits &f%line%&f0.5%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(0.5)'
  142. - 'cmd:(coupons give {player} voteriiitag 1), display:(421 1 &7[&6&lVoter&7]&f_Tag &f%line%&f0.5%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(0.5)'
  143. - 'display:(351:1 1 &dAll_Drug_Booster_1.2x_-_&d&l30_Minutes &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), cmd:(coupons give {player} booster-all-12-30minutes 1), onopen:(&cYou got a drug price booster! To use it, type &4boosters), chance:(1)'
  144. - 'cmd:(spawner give {player} blaze 1), display:(52 1 &eBlaze_&fSpawner &f%line%&f1%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(1.0)'
  145. - 'cmd:(give {player} 310 1 protection:4 unbreaking:3 name:&6&lTier_III_Voter_Armour), cmd:(give {player} 311 1 protection:4 unbreaking:3 name:&6&lTier_III_Voter_Armour), cmd:(give {player} 312 1 protection:4 unbreaking:3 name:&6&lTier_III_Voter_Armour), cmd:(give {player} 313 1 protection:4 unbreaking:3 name:&6&lTier_III_Voter_Armour), display:(311 1 &6&lTier_III_Voter_Armour &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 0:4;34:3), chance:(2)'
  146. - 'cmd:(spawner give {player} skeleton 1), display:(52 1 &eSkeleton_&fSpawner &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(2)'
  147. - 'cmd:(spawner give {player} zombie 1), display:(52 1 &eZombie_&fSpawner &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(2)'
  148. - 'cmd:(give {player} creeperegg 3), display:(383:50 1 &a&lCreeper_Egg_x3 &f%line%&f3.5%_&7chance), chance:(3.5)'
  149. - 'cmd:(points give {player} 100), display:(452 1 &a&l100_Points &f%line%&f3.5%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(3.5)'
  150. - 'cmd:(eco give {player} 75000), display:(266 1 &a&l$75_000 &f%line%&f3.5%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(3.5)'
  151. - 'cmd:(addcredits {player} 50), display:(381 1 &a&l50_mcMMO_Credits &f%line%&f3.5%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(3.5)'
  152. - 'cmd:(give {player} 322:1 3), display:(322:1 1 &a&lSuper_Gold_Apple &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(4)'
  153. - 'cmd:(crate givekey {player} tag 1), display:(421 1 &a&lTag_Crate_Key_Token &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(4)'
  154. - 'cmd:(eco give {player} 50000), display:(266 1 &a&l$50_000 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(4)'
  155. - 'cmd:(points give {player} 50), display:(452 1 &a&l50_Points &f%line%&f4.5%_&7chance 300:1), chance:(4)'
  156. - 'display:(276 1 &6&lTier_III_Voter_Sword &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 16:5;20:2;34:3;70:1), cmd:(give {player} 276 1 sharpness:5 fireaspect:2 unbreaking:3 mending:1 name:&6&lTier_III_Voter_Sword), chance:(4)'
  157. - 'cmd:(give {player} 277 1 efficiency:5 unbreaking:3 fortune:3 mending:1 name:&6&lTier_III_Voter_Shovel), display:(277 1 &6&lTier_III_Voter_Shovel &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 32:5;34:3;35:3;70:1), chance:(4)'
  158. - 'cmd:(give {player} 278 1 efficiency:5 unbreaking:3 fortune:3 mending:1 name:&6&lTier_III_Voter_Pickaxe), display:(278 1 &6&lTier_III_Voter_Pickaxe &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 32:5;34:3;35:3;70:1), chance:(5)'
  159. - 'cmd:(give {player} 279 1 efficiency:5 unbreaking:3 fortune:3 mending:1 name:&6&lTier_III_Voter_Axe), display:(279 1 &6&lTier_III_Voter_Axe &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 32:5;34:3;35:3;70:1), chance:(5)'
  160. - 'cmd:(give {player} creeperegg 1), display:(383:50 1 &a&lCreeper_Egg &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(5)'
  161. - 'cmd:(addcredits {player} 25), display:(381 1 &a&l25_mcMMO_Credits &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(5)'
  162. - 'cmd:(give {player} 261 1 unbreaking:3 power:5 punch:2 flame:1 mending:1 infinity:1 name:&6&lTier_III_Voter_Bow), display:(261 1 &6&lTier_III_Voter_Bow &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 48:5;49:2;50:1;51:1;34:3;70:1), chance:(5)'
  163. - 'cmd:(eco give {player} 25000), display:(266 1 &a&l$25_000 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(5)'
  164. - 'cmd:(points give {player} 25), display:(388 1 &a&l25_Points &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), chance:(5)'
  165. - 'display:(351:1 1 &dRandom_Drug_Booster_1.4x_-_&d&l30_Minutes &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance 300:1), cmd:(coupons give {player} booster-random-14-30minutes 1), onopen:(&cYou got a drug price booster! To use it, type &4boosters), chance:(6)'
  166. - 'cmd:(give {player} tnt 128), display:(46 1 &aTNT_x128 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(6)'
  167. - 'cmd:(give {player} obsidian 128), display:(49 1 &a&lObsidian_x128 &f%line%&f{chance}_&7chance), chance:(6)'
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