
sabotage form

May 9th, 2017
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  1. ❝ VERY GOOD ❞
  3. — full name: Jin Cheng ( 金 诚 )
  4. — other names: Clovis Janvier, Heo Jongsu (허 종수)
  5. - He normally goes by Cheng, but on stage he’ll answer to Clovis too. He won’t normally answer to his Korean name.
  6. — nicknames:
  7. - Chief Cheng ( as a joke from his school friends because he acts like he should be in charge but never actually does anything)
  8. - Heo-vis (from his friends in Korea because it’s a mashup of his French and Korean names)
  9. - Chenjongis (another joke from his friends as a mashup of all three of his names)
  10. - Cleng (basically his friends like to mashup his names)
  11. — stage name: Clovis (클오빗)
  13. — birthday: December 15th 1997
  14. — age: 19 (INTL) 20 (KRN)
  16. — blood type: B
  17. — height: 186m (6ft 1in)
  18. — weight: 65kg (143lbs)
  20. — sexuality: Bisexual (preference for boys)
  22. — face claim: E.CO - JJCC
  23. — backup face claim – Shin – Cross Gene
  28. ❝ SYNCHRONIZED 100% ❞
  30. — birthplace: Hangzhou, China
  31. — hometown: Lyon, France
  33. — nationality: Chinese-French
  34. — ethnicity: Chinese-French
  36. — languages:
  37. - French – Fluent
  38. - Korean – Mostly Fluent
  39. - Mandarin Chinese – Semi-Fluent
  41. — family: name / relation / age / occupation / level of closeness 1-10
  42. Jin Chenguang / Mother/ 41 / History Teacher / 10
  43. JIn Lanying / Sister / 15 / Student / 9
  44. Jin Longwei / Father / 42 / Support Manager / 4
  46. — background:
  47. Cheng’s parents met in university, simply by coincidence. Some said it was luck, that the top history major ran into the top business major, and the two hit it off. They married soon after graduation, and their first son Cheng was born in Hangzhou, China.
  48. Unfortunately, the family wasn’t doing well for money. Cheng’s mother couldn’t find a stable, well-paying job, and Cheng’s father was drowning in the competition of other hopefuls trying to start a business. Cheng was too young to understand why he had to be practically raised by his grandparents, but it was clear to anyone else; Cheng wasn’t old enough to be left on his own, and his parents couldn’t afford a babysitter and couldn’t waste time not working.
  49. However, by a stroke of luck, Cheng’s father was offered a job in France, so the small family moved. A few years down the line, when the family was more well-off, Cheng’s younger sister was born. The family also adopted French names, and Cheng started using the name Clovis.
  50. He had a mostly happy childhood, although in the early years he experienced some discrimination for his race. As he was only 4 years old when they moved to France, he began to learn French, and it became his first language, quickly overtaking Mandarin Chinese. After his French improved, he became more accepted in the French community.
  51. After his parents’ careers took off, life became a little easier. He grew to love music, and began to learn how to dance when he was 6 years old. As time went by, he became certain that he wanted to perform on stage for as long as he could. He found that he liked to sing, and even tried his hand at rap.
  52. Then, when he was 12, he was streetcasted by a Korean entertainment company, and offered to audition. He was delighted, and so was his sister. The two had spent years talking about how they were going to perform together on stage, as they shared a love for music.
  53. However, it wasn’t as easy as he had hoped. His parents, his father in particular, were against him becoming an idol, and wanted him to go into business. After some convincing, his mother gave in, but his father was tougher to crack. He eventually agreed to let Cheng go if he promised to keep either his French or Chinese name, and if he would pay his family back by being successful.
  54. Cheng agreed, auditioned, and was accepted into NH Media. Unfortunately, his joy of performing diminished a little. He began to become stressed, and introverted, with the pressure of keeping up his school work, learning another language and being a good trainee.
  55. Eventually, due to praise from trainers and seniors, he slowly became himself again. When he was 16, he was transferred to YG Ent, after Eli from U-KISS recommended him.
  58. ❝ MOVIE'S OVER ❞
  60. — personality: If you had to describe Cheng in one word, it would be petty. He adores drama, especially when he’s caused it. He’s immature, and rarely takes arguments seriously. Most people say he’s stupid, and childish, which isn’t actually the case. He’s just easily bored, and drama is the easiest source of entertainment. He has a short attention span too, and rarely commits to long projects unless they’re interesting.
  61. Because Cheng is so petty, he’s often thought to be extremely irritating. And in all honesty, he is. Unless you’re very close with him, or he respects you enough to leave you alone, no-one is safe from his sarcastic comments. But if you call him out on any of his antics, he’d act surprised, and even offended, even if it’s true.
  62. Although he acts like it, Cheng is not a good leader. He’s too easily distracted, and too childish to be put in charge of anything. He’s also quite lazy, and he rarely does anything himself if he can get out of it. He’ll never volunteer for anything, but again, he’ll get offended if you call him out on it.
  63. Cheng is brutally honest, 90% of the time. Most of the time, he doesn’t mean to be. It’s mostly down to the fact that his Korean isn’t great, so he just says the first thing that comes to mind. Unless it’s incredibly insulting or offensive, that is.
  64. Unfortunately, Cheng isn’t the most generous person. He’s very hesitant about sharing things, especially if it could give him an advantage. He’s not entirely selfish, he just likes being one step ahead of everyone else. In addition to that, he’d honestly do anything to get even a little closer to achieve his dream, even if that means pushing someone else down. He genuinely isn’t a cruel person, but if he can do anything towards achieving his deepest dreams, then he’ll do it.
  65. Looking at Cheng in a negative light, he’s argumentative (mostly for the drama), a little insensitive and finds it difficult to focus. He’s clever, and can think on his feet, but he’s so easily bored that one thought is drowned out by many others.
  66. Underneath his childish, petty demeanour, Cheng is very self-conscious of himself, and how well he’s doing. Most of the time, he’s very strong and is comfortable with himself, but sometimes, when he has nothing else to think about, he becomes very critical of himself. He isn’t usually irritable, but he’s incredibly snappy and aggressive if you catch him in a moment of self-doubt. Normally, he hypes himself up, because he is naturally confident, so if you catch him in a moment of weakness, he gets angry, and disappointed in himself that he let himself crack.
  67. On a positive note, Cheng is incredibly adaptable. He’s comfortable in most situations, and can make friends easily, if he doesn’t scare them off. He’s very extroverted, energetic, and curious, but he often finds it hard to be empathetic with other people. He doesn’t get jealous easily, because he hypes himself a lot, and has a great deal of self-confidence. He’s also very defensive; although he may enjoy insulting people, he knows where the line is, and will call someone out if they get offensive.
  68. Cheng is also very creative; he’s a quick thinker, knowledgeable and original. He hates making plans, and finds it a lot easier to improvise, which is shown a lot in his performances. For example, he’d find dancing a set solo dance harder than improvising, which is the opposite of what other people might feel. Because of this, he’s good at choreography, but he’s indecisive, so he can never create a choreography on his own, because it would never be the same.
  69. A final note about Cheng; just because he’s petty doesn’t mean he’s heartless. Most people only see the surface of him, the dramatic side. He enjoys spending time around people, and easily gets lonely. He’s quite clingy, when he makes a good friend, as he’s afraid that his childish behaviour might frighten them off. His good friends, on the other hand, will tell you he has a good heart. You just need to stick with him, trust him, and earn it.
  71. — likes:
  72. • gossip
  73. • drama
  74. • any type of tea (figuratively and literally)
  75. • dance
  76. • r&b music
  77. • bright colours
  78. • performing on stage
  79. • painted nails
  80. • spicy food
  81. • hot weather
  82. • leather jackets
  83. • reality tv shows
  85. — dislikes:
  86. • being alone
  87. • not being good enough
  88. • cold weather
  89. • the sound of screeching (ie violins or tires)
  90. • being interrupted
  91. • getting dirty
  92. • horror films
  93. • bland food
  94. • rain (unless it’s romantic)
  95. • insects
  96. • liquorice
  97. • people who put too much mayonnaise on everything
  99. — talents:
  100. • freestyle rap/dance
  101. • painting (he’s no Picasso, but how do you think his nails look so good all the time?)
  102. • writing lyrics
  104. — hobbies:
  105. • writing music (he’s not as good as he is at writing lyrics, and his music is normally mediocre, but he enjoys himself)
  106. • choreographing
  107. • spending time on the internet
  108. • cooking (but don’t tell anyone)
  110. — trivia:
  111. • He has a tattoo of his Chinese family name (Jin/ 金)on his back (between his shoulders)
  112. • His younger sister is currently working on an audition for FNC Entertainment.
  113. • He’s had the biggest crush on Kevin from U-KISS since he met him
  114. • He’s got eyes for Jeon Soyeon (Former Produce 101 and Unpretty Rapstar contestant) and wants to collab with her in the future (and also take her on a date)
  115. • He asked AKMU’s Suhyun on a date once, as a dare from Lee Hi, and Chanhyuk almost broke his nose
  116. • Despite the events above, he’s on good terms with all of the YG artists he’s met
  117. • Wants to get a helix piercing and also spider bite piercings
  118. • Claims that lying on his back on the floor helps him to think
  119. • Thinks he’d be a better CoverGirl than James Charles
  120. • His favourite fruits are oranges, and will buy/eat anything to do with them
  121. • His twitter and Instagram are both @.jhjcheng
  122. • He really, really wants a dog, preferably a Bichon Frise.
  123. • Will happily call anyone out (and diss) who makes offensive comments (especially about girl groups)
  124. • His favourite girl group was 2NE1 and also Rainbow, but is currently Stellar and Sistar.
  125. • In all honesty, he has a soft spot for all girl groups, and is very good at covering their songs and dances (respectfully)
  126. • The only language he’ll swear in is French
  128. ❝ BINGLE BINGLE ❞
  130. — position: Vocalist, dancer, sub-rapper
  131. — audition song and/or dance: Day N Night – Huh Gak (Feat Simon Dominic) for vocal and rap
  132. That’s What I Like – Bruno Mars (1Million Choreography) for dance
  133. — why did you audition?: he auditioned for his first company because he wanted to perform, and make his family proud.
  134. — what company did you originally audition for?: NH Media
  135. — did you get into the company you originally auditioned for?: Yes
  136. — why did you leave your company?: he auditioned for YG because he was told he had a lot of potential in his rap skill, and YG is known for having a good hip hop scene
  137. — how long have you been at yg?: 3 years
  138. — how long have you been a trainee altogether?: 7, almost 8 years.
  140. — have they ever experienced abuse from trainers?: he experienced a bit of abuse from trainers, mostly for his lack of understanding. but, in all fairness, he brought some upon himself because he’s lazy a lot of the time.
  141. — have they ever experienced abuse from other trainees?: whenever he went to a new place, he would often get picked on, as other trainees tried to figure out if he was easy prey. however, due to his sharp nature, most trainees would leave him be, as he could hold his own.
  142. — any other hardships as a trainee: he was easily worn out by the trainee lifestyle, as he was so young when he moved to South Korea. he struggled to keep up with school, and fitting in with the Korean culture, and also training every single day. on top of this, he overworked himself majorly as he was so determined to make his family proud. during his first few months, he passed out most weeks, and was put into hospital for three days with anaemia. of course, this only made matters worse as he had to pay the hospital bill himself.
  144. — biggest struggle as a trainee (talent wise): he struggled mostly with school. he could cope with the training, and he was good in public, talking to others. he struggled a little with rap to begin with, because he was bad with language, but after he became more confident, his rap improved.
  145. — best moment as a trainee: being picked as the best dancer in his group by his dance teacher, whom he admires a lot
  147. — why do they want to be on sabotage?: mostly for the drama, but also because he wants nothing more than to make his family proud of him. this show is going to be the best chance he has.
  151. ❝ DIME GIRL ❞
  153. — idol relations:
  154. - is Jackson Wang’s cousin
  155. - very good friends with Lisa (BLACKPINK), they once almost had a dating rumour (but it was quickly taken care of)
  156. — who is their idol?:
  157. - Henry and Zhou Mi of Super Junior, because they’re very successful Chinese idols, and he wants to be like them
  158. - J-Hope of BTS, because he’s an amazing dancer and rapper, as well as a good singer
  159. - Tablo of Epik High (his biggest inspiration), because he’s overcome difficult times, and is incredibly clever, and talented, and successful.
  160. — ideal type: someone who’s got a good sense of humour, and patient. preferably someone who’s shorter than him, and someone who’s not dull.
  161. — fan service:
  162. - skinship both on and off camera (hes a meanie but hes a clingy meanie)
  163. - greeting international fans
  164. - taking selfies on fan’s phones
  165. - shipping himself with other members
  166. - basically he gives the fans what they want
  167. — requested scenes:
  168. - petty ! cheng
  169. - cheng starting drama
  170. - cheng being called out on starting drama and being very offended
  171. - cheng being surprised when he starts feeling motherly towards the youngest trainees
  172. - cheng denying that he babies the younger trainees
  173. - cheng being caught cuddling with the youngest trainees
  174. - cheng being a lazy ass
  175. - no-one really taking the show seriously until the first elimination/sabotage and everyone being like “oh shit, this is for real”
  176. - an episode or time where the foreign trainees get to meet up with their overseas family either in person or on skype or something
  177. - the trainees meeting up with their idol relations, and there being lots of happiness, but also tension between company rivals etc
  178. - the trainees finally being allowed to go out to eat, or to a theme park or something
  180. ❝ U HOO HOO ❞
  182. — anything else?: just a lil note about his stage prescence – he’s the complete essence of rude, hip thrusts, body rolls and lip-biting all over the place. he’s a lot greasier on stage than he is off stage.
  183. — note to mom: can i just say that i have put so much work on this form. i don’t want to guilt trip you, but i spent over a week on this, and that’s the longest i’ve ever spent on a form dsbsakdbsa
  184. anyway i love this idea, i love you, i love cheng
  185. ily
  186. — password: me like yuh
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