
AiDS Episode #2 -- Your Third Day at School

Apr 5th, 2014
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  1. >You awaken after what feels like a long while.
  2. >You look at the clock nearby and it's still mid-morning.
  3. >Sun is doing that thing where it looks like it's actively flying past the glass of the window -- "streaming in" as authors put it.
  4. >You grumbled. Einstein would disagree. It was more like the earth was flying into the photons or... something like that.
  5. >You forget. A while back someone taught you how magnets worked. You forgot that also. Whatever.
  6. >You draw your eyes away from the parallelogram-ish volume of sunlight and further take in the surroundings...
  7. >...It's a modest room. Thin, whitish curtains billow gently by a large sliding window.
  8. >There's a dresser, short, blue carpet with little 8-bit-looking burgundy patterns scattered evenly.
  9. >The walls are whitewashed and unremarkable. Nights' decorated a bit like you did; there aren't paintings or anything.
  10. >Things are really tidy even beyond there just not being much. You weren't sure what you should've expected...
  11. >...You weren't really from a place originally where it was okay to be "differently-gendered"
  12. >or anything, muchless be someone who swapped genders back and forth...
  13. >It must've been weird for h(im)/er, having to be like that. You wanted to talk about it sometime.
  14. >Aside from being amazing at- well...
  15. > oral...
  17. >...(s)he had this mystique about h(er)/im that seemed to stem from having dealt with some complicated stuff
  18. >You liked that.
  19. >You liked to think you were yourself complicated, but probably couldn't stack up much against Nightsy, really.
  20. >Maybe an honorable mention, or something. Did you really just think of h(er)/im as 'Nightsy?'
  21. (nodding to yourself) Yeaaah...
  22. >Class is later this afternoon, for you. It's weird. They call it a highschool but it's really sortof more like a college...
  23. >...Everybody seems around 18 (give or take) but you don't really know yet quite how they deal with the legalistics of horse-years or whatever
  24. >Heck, even back home sometimes 16 was legal. Crazy, crazy world, right?
  25. >You remember the course-counsellor just sorta telling you things in recommendation and you going along with her every word when setting up your schedule.
  26. >Schedules could be configured a lot more than what you might expect at a highschool.
  27. >You'd heard about European highschools being like that.
  28. /Maybe this is the same sorta deal./
  29. >European highschools were supposedly better than the stricter structure you knew more about.
  30. >Something about not stifling creativity and encouraging formation of decisionmaking early on.
  31. >You *felt* like an adult though, really, wondering now why anybody would need you to go to school.
  32. >You remember it being mentioned at some point but don't recall all that well.
  34. >Thinking about it, shit's been blurrier-than-usual for you, lately, mentally speaking.
  35. >You figure it will pass. For the moment, you just roll with it.
  36. >You didn't tell Nights' where you were staying so (s)he probably just took you to h(is)/er place.
  37. >It would appear as much.
  38. >You remember you were expecting to find Nightswitch who, unless (s)he was bullshitting you completely, should be a stallion by now.
  39. >There's a bathroom off to the right in the corner. The door is open and you can see partway inside. It's pretty darn quiet.
  40. >Unless Nights heard you wake up and started hiding and holding still you're pretty sure (s)he's not here.
  41. >You wonder how far from school you are, but guess you can figure it out. There's not much noise but there also aren't tons of birds and
  42. >cicadas and shit so you're probably not too far from a roadsign or something or someplace you could ask.
  43. "Awful name for a school, I don't care *what* species you are... but heck -- Dark Skyes High. Well, if *all* my days are as interesting as yesterday, you can color me gorram pink."
  44. >You wonder whether Nights would like you that color. You weren't sure.
  45. >You also wonder whether you two would count as an item together now or something.
  46. >Really something you should worry about later, realisticallyl. Hopefully Nights wouldn't be bothered if you borrowed some shampoo or something meanwhile.
  47. >... hopefully it wouldn't smell too girly either, but nothing like trying out new ways of living right?
  48. >You roll out of bed toward the window.
  50. >You roll out of bed toward the window.
  51. >You fail.
  52. I... fail?
  53. >You fail. You only have one foot on the ground
  54. >You cannot get more than a bit away from the headboard.
  55. >Your eye traces the line drawn by your right arm.
  56. Fuck, what the hell?
  57. >Your wrist is handcuffed.
  58. Alright WHAT the hell!!!?
  59. >You listen again for anybody in the room or hall way.
  60. >Still quiet.
  61. >You want to kick the shit out of something but Nightswitch had apparently helped you of your shoes and stuff before bed.
  62. Fucking nice of her.
  63. >You are pissed off.
  64. FUCK!
  65. >You wrestle with the cuff about your wrist for a sec, but stop swiftly.
  66. >You skipped dinner last night because instead you fucked Nightswitch and got really tired after that.
  67. >You feel kindof raw and wimpy when you skip meals like that sometimes.
  68. >Only sometimes.
  69. >Why did now have to be one of those times.
  70. Fucking goddamnit I knew I should never have trusted that... whatever he/she is.
  71. Nightswitch, you lousey piece of shit jerk if this is your doing-
  72. >You notice you weren't sure whether you could really call h(er)/im a bitch or not.
  73. >You also weren't sure why you cared.
  74. >Maybe because (s)he'd put out so fantasically you were sure that you'd shared something...
  75. >You let out a groan that starts like the tone you'd hear in "But mooooooooommmm!!!!!"
  76. >But it swiftly evolves in your throat into a very grown-up and adult-sounding, gutteral roar
  78. >If you'd heard it in the hallway you tell yourself you would totally at least ask through the door if something's wrong.
  79. >You hope someone will hear you and do similar.
  80. >You have seen Hostel.
  81. >And Saw I and II.
  82. >You might've been high for the 2nd saw movie.
  83. >You don't remember that well. God your memory sucks lately.
  84. >A friend told you once that Hostel was like Natural Born Killers only bad.
  85. >You never saw that one and it's still on your list, actually.
  86. >You'd enjoyed Hostel and Saw I and II at the time
  87. >But now you fucking regretted the SHIT out of watching them.
  89. >But now you fucking regretted the SHIT out of watching them.
  90. >Oh god and now you just remembered that scene from The Cell
  91. >Where there was that gut-winding thing.
  92. Fuck.
  93. /Fuck that scene was scary./
  94. >You feel like a pussy for thinking about it as scary but you explain to yourself that your brain is meant to be scared right now
  95. >because you totally might be assfucked. Hopefully not literally, but to be honest if that's the worst that happened it'd be okay...
  96. > the scheme of things. Like you'd take an assfucking to not windup looking at that gutwindy thing.
  97. >Was that shit even real? Could guts fucking do that?
  98. >You stopped yourself there.
  99. (Under your breath:) Okay Anny, no panicking.
  100. >Back in Elementary school you thought your parents were pretty fucked for calling you Anny.
  101. >Like
  102. >That was your legal fucking name.
  103. (Under your breath:) Fffuck!
  104. >Part of your brain told you there was a decent explanation for this...
  105. >...maybe Nights' daytime half was a bit of a prankster.
  106. >You shake your head.
  107. /That doesn't make any sense. Why the heck would that pony have a split personality or whatever?/
  108. [spoiler]( ^ Hi other AiDS writefaaaaag! )[/spoiler] /Can't changing genders every 12 hours be enough??/
  109. >You then remember a thing or two about bicycle-theft.
  110. >Sometimes locks are hard to break.
  111. >But streetsigns?
  112. >Parking meters?
  113. >All disassemblable given the right tools.
  114. >You scour around but find nothing that could get you through the good-quality oak banister you were affixed to.
  115. /It might fuck up my wrist but you I could probably just use the other end of the/-
  116. >The room's single door opens. It's very clearly not just the wind or whatever.
  117. >Your crane your neck to see but the door is blocking your view of whoever opened it.
  118. >Your blood races. You can't even stand all the way up like this.
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