

Jun 14th, 2019
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  3. dreams flowing thoughts numbed as the sun rises
  4. eyes open light coming in darkness flees the mind
  5. her blackened soul she finds and looks out as she realizes
  6. another day, another waking hour
  7. another week, more playing power
  8. she stands up on her tired legs
  9. nearly falling down as her conscious begs
  10. just let it go
  11. just let it be
  12. youre too tired
  13. youre too low
  15. but she wont stop
  16. the fear is too strong
  17. fear of unknowing of weakness of longing for freedom of world
  18. fear of whats chasing whats coming the vengeance sevenfold
  19. fear of her own
  20. running
  22. she sets out
  24. running, faster, then the day before
  25. nearing, the dread of her very own core
  26. of who she is
  27. of who we are
  28. of who he is
  29. of who they are
  31. a wolf among sheep, is she really?
  32. or are they all wolves, different feelings
  33. different looks
  34. different dealings
  35. but all of us running
  36. who are we to take the title of hunter
  37. who are we hunting
  38. we are just fleeing
  39. running together
  40. from our revealing
  41. we arent hunter
  42. we are prey
  43. we are running
  44. from the fray
  45. lying to ourselves with what we say
  47. but its problematic, even realizing
  48. the human condition gives us the feeling
  50. its not just knowing nothing matters
  51. a fallacy of justification
  52. its also knowing nothing mattering doesnt matter
  53. and neither does realization
  54. we know reality so it must be ours to control
  55. and yet we are still subject to the whole
  57. but we are wolves compared to the others
  58. we are the leaders compared to the fodder
  59. we run harder and faster and we see the fray coming
  60. we devour on our way to eternally keep on running
  61. we are better because we learned what we are running from
  62. we are better because we arent running fast enough
  64. grab you by your neck and pull you back out
  65. remind you of the absurdity of your doubt
  66. fuck the world and its fray, take control, youre not prey
  67. theres no point to any of it, you get it
  68. your mind wont allow death, you get it
  69. it cannot accept what it dont understand
  70. it can only imagine escape from this land
  71. a mind cannot imagine not existing
  72. it can only imagine losing and winning
  73. the very word death is hollow
  74. read it, let it wallow
  75. you imagine darkness, yet its not even that
  76. its nothing, not even absence of mad
  77. what you seek isnt to stop running
  78. what you seek is a head start
  80. you know why we havent ended it all
  81. because its not a goal or an end, its just more of the fall
  82. and i will be here to pull you back from that edge
  83. and push you towards it upon your request
  84. if you jump i jump, a pact that we never made
  85. and never will, but its dictated as our fate
  87. not even separation could make us different
  88. how many times will we keep crossing
  89. how many times will i push you towards it
  90. how many times will i pull you back from it
  91. and why
  92. do i not feel the need for any of it
  93. it worries me that i manage to live without it
  94. without someone there to remind me of the darkness
  95. without someone there to quiet all the noise
  96. without someone there to dampen the mess that is my mind
  97. its like a thought is enough
  98. an idea
  99. a memory
  100. escaping in my own reality
  101. and yet i need it as much as any
  102. but i formed my own
  103. i pull myself back but for how long
  104. and if anything its worse
  105. if anything its a curse to not be pushed toward
  106. because my fucking god im so fucking bored
  107. but only when i think about it
  109. keep running wolves
  110. you cant stop
  111. keep running pack
  112. we'll pull you back
  114. set out
  115. and hunt
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