

Oct 4th, 2023
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  1. That’s why they make me work because I could do that one thing to make money and push my projects faster but they won’t help me and they’re leaving it so that it’s the hardest thing ever for me to do to waste time and be frustrated poor since you stopped me from even being able to do the CBD therapy that I was initially supposed to be in can’t develop friendships or anything along the lines. I’m just gonna let you kill me you idiot, fuck you you want me to do you’re making it harder than it has ever needed to be and if it’s the purpose of that you’re not even gonna get the payout you want when I go am I supposed to do all the time it’s not my fault and that’s gonna be communicated over and over and over because I can prove it I just need to prove things were done to me while under it doesn’t matter who did it these are the things that were done at no help was given because of the company not allowing me to receive it. How do you get help who would be the ones that would stop it I’ve already established a baseline of the things that I wanted and needed help with all I have to communicate is isolate and differentiate the things getting in the way and stopping me of progressing along the path of this assistance or this type of assistance it as if they want me to fail quickly and fast, so I give up trying as opposed to helping me try different ways It always has to be the same opportunity given to me in the exact same way, so I have to keep failing the exact same fuck8ng way as if it’s my fuck*ng problem with my bullsh8t teachers that can’t understand how to change the fuck*ng learning style. Excuse my language they know how to do is put you in a circle that’s it they can’t even, get you to the circle they just put a circle around wherever the fuck they find you. Yeah it’s a good thing frustrating me long-term hinders them long-term you’re not getting anything done other than fuc*ing up somebody’s future with me permanently and documenting that is how I can make sure that you’re in future is fucked up just as well.
  3. If my parents had an impact in my development other than negative, they would have a place to have an input. They didn’t have any place in my development. There isn’t any space for input from them survival I hope you survive as much as you help me survive but that’s as far as you did, they never even came to my shows or anything, they showed up to hear the teacher talk sh8t about me at teachers night though they even made it a game. How bad is it gonna be like they’re excited to hear how much of a piece of sh8t I was so they could contrast it with how good of a student my sister is, but they would never go back to the reason why student they only focussed on your bad and that’s it, they don’t care the reason why I was bad is because I was bored out of my fuc*ng mind so they don’t do anything they never took anything they don’t get to use my money. Nothing I’ll use my money on them the way they use their money on me, barely at special occasions, and only for important emergencies.
  4. That explains why I treat people who invite me into their home better than my own family when people who are singled out or just targets, just goes to show what my life was like being made to believe I was a friend when I was just bankrolling stupid lessons. Other kids had already learned on using people who are nice.
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