
stupid bullshit

May 29th, 2017
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  1. Bel - Today at 1:54 PM
  2. you don't think men are discriminated against in family courts, by and large?
  3. you don't think that the outlawing of specifically female genital mutilation and not circumcision is discriminatory, even though advocates of FGM use the same excuses as advocates of circumcision?
  4. you don't think that women receiving 40% of the sentence a man would for the same crime is a problem?
  5. you don't think it's a problem that at least 40% of domestic violence victims, according to the FBI's statistics, are men, but there are zero domestic violence shelters in place for men, and male victims are subjected to the Duluth model of domestic violence rehabilitation?
  6. Jet - Today at 1:54 PM
  7. oh look there she climbs into the vast stones of the motte
  8. Bel - Today at 1:55 PM
  9. what perceived slights?
  10. The general demonization of men as a class of rapists and oppressors?
  11. Jet - Today at 1:55 PM
  12. there we go!
  13. stepped into the bailey for once
  14. Bel - Today at 1:55 PM
  15. so now I have to ask, "are men actually rapists and oppressors?"
  16. Jet - Today at 1:56 PM
  17. general my ass it's a hardline group with a bit of clout
  18. what a vague question
  19. Bel - Today at 1:56 PM
  20. that puts PR campaigns through pretty much every university campus in the West telling men not to rape
  21. even though, according to the FBI, there are similar numbers of men "forced to penetrate" as there are women raped
  22. Jet - Today at 1:56 PM
  23. if I answer yes you hop out onto the motte of "BUT NOT ALL MEN" and no brings you to the bailey of "WEAK ANSWERS"
  24. wow people make pr claims
  25. stop the presses
  26. Bel - Today at 1:57 PM
  28. Jet - Today at 1:57 PM
  29. maybe you want a country where people cant express wrong opinions?
  30. Bel - Today at 1:57 PM
  31. this is a government-funded PR campaign demonizing boys as domestic abusers.
  32. not men
  33. boys.
  34. Jet - Today at 1:58 PM
  35. Australia
  36. Bel - Today at 1:58 PM
  37. Yes, this is Australia
  38. Jet - Today at 1:58 PM
  39. lol
  40. God forbid we encourage parents who agree to seek proper steps lol
  41. god forbid aus has a different culture lol
  42. god forbid you scrape the bottom of the barrel anymore
  43. Bel - Today at 1:59 PM
  44. it's a PR campaign gendering domestic violence
  45. Jet - Today at 1:59 PM
  46. aus, seriously
  47. lol
  48. Bel - Today at 1:59 PM
  49. even though there are similar numbers of domestic violence victims of both sexes
  50. Jet - Today at 1:59 PM
  51. its like you dont understand culture
  52. Jet - Today at 2:00 PM
  53. this is at most a problem you have with aus culture
  54. Bel - Today at 2:00 PM
  55. but Feminism is a "hardline group with a little clout"
  56. you know women were never prohibited from the workforce, right?
  57. Even in the fucking Dark Ages of Europe women were still allowed to work just like men
  58. there are records of women in pretty much any given profession, including combat
  59. but women were totally prevented from being part of the workforce
  60. and didn't decide to change that until the Industrial Revolution happened
  61. which has happened mutliple times in history by the way
  62. Jet - Today at 2:06 PM
  63. its funny you think that distinction matters
  64. learn to culture
  65. Bel - Today at 2:08 PM
  66. you know women report being happier as housewives than any other profession, right?
  67. obviously not an argument against rights
  68. but it's Feminism that's pushing women to take jobs in traditionally male-dominated fields like tech
  69. but not traditionally male-dominated fields like manufacturing and sewage working
  70. Jet - Today at 2:10 PM
  71. its almost like
  72. it meshes with reports
  73. of the stress level
  74. of thisnwhole generation
  75. due to work paying back little
  76. WOW
  77. like look at yourself
  78. you define your whole worldview around problems to men
  79. and act like thats a good explanation of the things around you
  80. "lol women dont have orgasms cuz MEN DONT HAVE VIKING DICKS QQ"
  81. "lol men suffer in the workplace BECAUSE SECRET PLOTS BY WOMEN"
  82. "Women COULD HAVE WORKED but they're all nasty evil snakes"
  83. Bel - Today at 2:16 PM
  84. women in the States report less satisfaction with their partners and have higher divorce rates than women in Europe.
  85. Jet - Today at 2:16 PM
  86. yeah its almost like the states suck
  87. and have alternate reasons for marriage ie religion
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