
Lightning diagnosis please

Oct 1st, 2023
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  1. Because I have one of those extremely unique illnesses I have to make it extremely highly defined so I will be repeatedly getting multiple opinions not getting angry at one bad one, but collecting multiple varying opinions from different peoples coming from different backgrounds and different walks of life so we can average everything they say to get a proper diagnosis because I don’t care who doesn’t believe I wasn’t hit by lightning I know I was hit And I want to be able to say it officially on my paperwork since it’s a physical injury. nothing out there than that it doesn’t even make me slow because you’re consistently concussed. There’s periods of lethargy, but those are mitigated very well with meditation. The meditation supersedes the discomfort from things like autism, sensory overload, texture, and comfort. Those are the things I mitigate with meditation, but my nerves damage allows me to ignore it more then if I wasn’t
  3. My diet probably has a lot to do with things too as well and I have to let these people keep making me seem ridiculously stupid. That’s all they can believe now neither of us are crazy. There’s just hackers managing us outside. It’s basically a private government private security it’s the same thing doesn’t get in the way of anything legal just a hard time nobody wants to deal with, but that also keeps people safe from having things messed with the wrong way.
  5. If I don’t smoke weed, I won’t look like a human. I’ll just shut down because of the over looming situation. I’m in that’s ever present which is what’s so frustrating boring. I’ll just sit there quietly tired every day. Another thing that’s why I notice things and then they think they send me signs, but all it does is expose them for manipulating people with illnesses And it’s they think I’m high. It’s just me noticing I’m in a better mood artificial mood since I don’t have people in them I would just stay there questioning what the fuck people are doing The light seems to be the most detrimental thing and impactful to my disability. I don’t spend enough time with my eyes closed, and the insomnia is extremely impactful. Diagnosis that I never took into consideration of how disturbing it was to others.
  7. Weirdest and stupidest racial war ever especially when you know the fact everyone’s just try to feed themselves and see their family even if I was angry or all of these things what did I really even do other than stay and express my anger and then when about my day and waited until I was in the right mind, state to file and do paperwork because everybody knows what paperwork looks like if you’re emotional or overly emotional
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