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Mar 3rd, 2015
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  1. Luckily, I do not see people as inferior, third estate human refuse as you do--I see them as equals. I could easily be like you if I wanted to, seeing how I am on track thanks to scholarships, internships and academics to be employed as a computer engineer and make a six-figure income my first year of employment in a couple years from now. But do I let my salary and my education set me on a pedestal above everyone else as if pomp and circumstance were the real judge of people's worth?
  3. Some of the greatest people I have ever met do not hold doctoral degrees or possess millions of dollars but live in small, secluded and overrun towns in Brazil, where they give literally everything they own--to the last very centavo and camisa--to help each other, they put less stock in imaginary play things and more weight in real people, and they have real common sense and no non-sense spunk because of it. Yes, these are real people I have become lifelong friends with and who I grew to admire, love and respect as I served as a missionary there for two years.
  5. But I suppose you thinking you are always right, that no one else can offer an alternate viewpoint that is actually better than your own and that your opinion trumps the value of all other human life is all that truly matters to you. What a real pitiful, sorry, despicable person. You really don't have much to live for if all you have is just you and yourself and that is it.
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