
Kimonify Kanji Extraction Demo

Jan 15th, 2014
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  3. {
  4. "collection1": [
  5. {
  6. "kanji": "食う",
  7. "kana": "くう",
  8. "definition": "1: (Male term or language) (Vulgar expression or word) to eat;2: to live; to make a living; to survive;3: to bite; to sting (as insects do);4: to tease; to torment; to taunt; to make light of; to make fun of;5: to encroach on; to eat into; to consume;6: to defeat a superior; to threaten a position;7: to consume time and-or resources;8: (Colloquialism) to receive something (usu. an unfavourable event);9: (Male term or language) (Vulgar expression or word) to have sexual relations with a woman, esp. for the first time"
  9. },
  10. {
  11. "kanji": "食",
  12. "kana": "しょく",
  13. "definition": "1: meal; (one's) diet; food; foodstuff; foodstuffs;2: eclipse (solar, lunar, etc.)"
  14. },
  15. {
  16. "kanji": "食らう",
  17. "kana": "くらう",
  18. "definition": "1: (Vulgar expression or word) to eat; to drink;2: to receive (e.g. a blow)"
  19. },
  20. {
  21. "kanji": "食べる",
  22. "kana": "たべる",
  23. "definition": "1: to eat;2: to live on (e.g. a salary); to live off; to subsist on"
  24. },
  25. {
  26. "kanji": "食後",
  27. "kana": "しょくご",
  28. "definition": "after a meal"
  29. },
  30. {
  31. "kanji": "食事",
  32. "kana": "しょくじ",
  33. "definition": "1: meal; 2: (Suru verb) to eat"
  34. },
  35. {
  36. "kanji": "食費",
  37. "kana": "しょくひ",
  38. "definition": "food expense"
  39. },
  40. {
  41. "kanji": "食器",
  42. "kana": "しょっき",
  43. "definition": "tableware"
  44. },
  45. {
  46. "kanji": "食べ物",
  47. "kana": "たべもの",
  48. "definition": "food"
  49. },
  50. {
  51. "kanji": "食い込む",
  52. "kana": "くいこむ",
  53. "definition": "1: to eat into; to encroach; to erode;2: (Vulgar expression or word) to be wedged (a girl), i.e. underwear pulled from the back, driving it between the buttocks"
  54. },
  55. {
  56. "kanji": "食み出す",
  57. "kana": "はみだす",
  58. "definition": "to protrude; to stick out; to hang out; to jut out; to bulge out; to overflow; to be forced out; to be crowded out; to be pushed out; to exceed; to go over; to go beyond"
  59. },
  60. {
  61. "kanji": "食み出る",
  62. "kana": "はみでる",
  63. "definition": "1: to jut out (of bounds);2: to be crowded out; to be forced out"
  64. },
  65. {
  66. "kanji": "食塩",
  67. "kana": "しょくえん",
  68. "definition": "table salt"
  69. },
  70. {
  71. "kanji": "食卓",
  72. "kana": "しょくたく",
  73. "definition": "dining table"
  74. },
  75. {
  76. "kanji": "食堂",
  77. "kana": "しょくどう",
  78. "definition": "1: dining room; dining hall; cafeteria; messroom;2: restaurant; eatery; snack bar; diner"
  79. },
  80. {
  81. "kanji": "食道",
  82. "kana": "しょくどう",
  83. "definition": "esophagus; gullet; esophageal"
  84. },
  85. {
  86. "kanji": "食肉",
  87. "kana": "しょくにく",
  88. "definition": "meat (for consumption)"
  89. },
  90. {
  91. "kanji": "食品",
  92. "kana": "しょくひん",
  93. "definition": "commodity; foodstuff"
  94. },
  95. {
  96. "kanji": "食物",
  97. "kana": "しょくもつ",
  98. "definition": "food; foodstuff"
  99. },
  100. {
  101. "kanji": "食用",
  102. "kana": "しょくよう",
  103. "definition": "for use as food; edible"
  104. },
  105. {
  106. "kanji": "食欲",
  107. "kana": "しょくよく",
  108. "definition": "appetite (for food)"
  109. },
  110. {
  111. "kanji": "食違い",
  112. "kana": "くいちがい",
  113. "definition": "discrepancy; different or conflicting opinions"
  114. },
  115. {
  116. "kanji": "食違う",
  117. "kana": "くいちがう",
  118. "definition": "to cross each other; to run counter to; to differ; to clash; to go awry"
  119. },
  120. {
  121. "kanji": "食パン",
  122. "kana": "しょくパン",
  123. "definition": "(loaf of) bread; bread in a rectangular shape"
  124. },
  125. {
  126. "kanji": "食い違い",
  127. "kana": "くいちがい",
  128. "definition": "discrepancy; different or conflicting opinions"
  129. }
  130. ]
  131. }
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