Building and running chaoscraft-mod

Jan 8th, 2019
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  1. chaoscraft-mod minimalist configuration v0.02
  3. My procedure for building and running Matt's chaoscraft-mod project!
  4. Assuming you're running Windows 10 x64... Why?
  6. chaostcraft-mod is currently in the early stages of development. The information here may not be correct by the time you read this!
  7. Jump on Discord and look for Schematical (https://discord.gg/zUEacFT). There is an active community there. It's where you'll find answers to most of your questions. Please keep in mind that this is a project in active development and not intended for use by end users at this stage. Additionally, most developers of open source projects give of their own spare time (and money!) please consider the effort it takes to produce a project like this and respond to the community!
  8. You should configure your environment for easy launch. Otherwise you might as well use an IDE (IntelliJ IDEA). At the time of writing, compiling and running from an IDE is probably a better option anyway.
  10. Running on a portable drive is a walk in the park, it's how I'm running chaoscraft projects. The instructions below are not intended for portability. Some absolute paths are still hiding in source.
  13. This project is open source.
  14. If you have development skills, your contributions are most welcome!
  15. If you are not a developer, perhaps consider supporting the project?
  16. https://www.patreon.com/schematical/
  17. BUGS - For bug reports (Anything that fits in with the Labels on GitHub) please go here:
  18. https://github.com/schematical/chaoscraft-mod/issues
  20. Prerequisites
  22. Before you begin, read the readme! Located here:
  23. https://github.com/schematical/chaoscraft-mod
  25. Gradle runs on all major operating systems and requires only a Java JDK or JRE version 7 or higher to be installed.
  27. Java SE Development Kit 8u191 (or later) - https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
  28. Gradle release is version 5.1 (or later), released on 02 Jan 2019 - https://gradle.org/install/
  29. git - https://git-scm.com/downloads
  31. Installation
  33. Install git first... Because, open source.
  34. During the installation process, make sure you select the command line / system variable options.
  35. Might as well get a copy of the chaoscraft-mod repo at this point.
  36. Easy is what we want so at this point I'd create a batch file for the sake of launching things quickly.
  37. You might want to create a little 'CMD here.bat' that you can tweak later to suit your needs:
  38. @echo off
  39. SET MYPATH=%~dp0
  40. CD /D %MYPATH%
  41. REM PATH=%PATH%;%MYPATH%node-v11.4.0-win-x64
  42. CMD
  44. Run 'CMD here.bat' then run the following command where you want the chaostcraft-mod repo / folder to be created.
  45. git clone https://github.com/schematical/chaoscraft-mod.git
  46. If you have not already installed Java, do so now. Use the link above.
  47. Once it is installed, you can check this completed successfully by opening a command window and entering:
  48. java -version
  49. javac -version
  50. Next, Gradle. Go to the URL above and install using your preferred method.
  52. From the prompt, run the following.
  53. gradlew clean
  54. gradlew build
  56. To run - gradlew runClient
  58. I think that's it. Either way, it is pretty straight forward. If you get stuck (or I'm wrong), please let me know :)
  60. Usage
  61. If you are new to Minecraft then stop here for a moment. I'd suggest doing some reading up on Forge, Bukkit, etc...
  62. Running the mod
  63. First you need to login. You need to go to Discord and obtain this information by requesting it from a developer with the right permissions to do so...
  64. /chaoscraft-auth {username} {password}
  65. Now you can start a session. Again, discuss this with the developers before proceeding!
  66. /chaoscraft-start {trainingRoomOwnerUsername} {trainingRoomNamespace}
  68. Notes
  69. * Place your Rick in a spot where Morty's will have a suitable spawn location.
  70. e.g. Don't bury your Rick. The client may crash after too many unsuccessful Morty spawn attempts.
  71. * If the game is crashing on launch...
  72. Look at the logs located in [Path to chaoscraft-mod]\run\logs
  73. Consider deleting C:\Users\[user name]\chaoscraft\config.json
  74. * Running chaoscraft-mod using the procedure above may prevent you from spawning an Adam.
  75. You might want to consider installing Intellij IDEA.
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