
log video #2

Jun 9th, 2017
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  1. 06-09 16:47:25.638 415 5839 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  2. 06-09 16:47:25.639 415 5839 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHDREnabled() 0
  3. 06-09 16:47:25.639 415 5839 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  4. 06-09 16:47:25.639 415 5839 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  5. 06-09 16:47:25.639 415 5839 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHHTEnabled() 0
  6. 06-09 16:47:25.639 415 5839 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  7. 06-09 16:47:25.639 415 5839 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  8. 06-09 16:47:25.639 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3759requested dim 0 0 stream mask 0
  9. 06-09 16:47:25.639 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_data:471usecase : 5
  10. 06-09 16:47:25.639 455 5873 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_expected_data:406ex_w:0, ex_h:0,ex_mode:1, ex_fps:30.000000, ex_clk:0, ex_ar: 0
  11. 06-09 16:47:25.639 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:616res_idx: 1
  12. 06-09 16:47:25.639 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3788pick res 1 dim 2100X1560 op clk 259200000
  13. 06-09 16:47:25.639 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5349 Deallocate resources
  14. 06-09 16:47:25.641 415 5839 I QCameraParameters: bool qcamera::QCameraParameters::setStreamConfigure(bool, bool, bool): stream type 3, w x h: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x880
  15. 06-09 16:47:25.641 415 5839 I QCameraParameters: bool qcamera::QCameraParameters::setStreamConfigure(bool, bool, bool): stream type 4, w x h: 3840 x 2160, pp_mask: 0x880
  16. 06-09 16:47:25.641 415 5839 I QCameraParameters: bool qcamera::QCameraParameters::setStreamConfigure(bool, bool, bool): stream type 1, w x h: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x880
  17. 06-09 16:47:25.642 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3759requested dim 3840 2160 stream mask 1a
  18. 06-09 16:47:25.642 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_data:471usecase : 5
  19. 06-09 16:47:25.642 455 5873 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_expected_data:406ex_w:3840, ex_h:2160,ex_mode:1, ex_fps:30.000000, ex_clk:0, ex_ar: 177
  20. 06-09 16:47:25.642 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:616res_idx: 0
  21. 06-09 16:47:25.642 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3788pick res 0 dim 4208X3120 op clk 463200000
  22. 06-09 16:47:25.642 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5346 Stream type 3 Resolution: 1920x1080 pp_mask: 0x880
  23. 06-09 16:47:25.642 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5346 Stream type 4 Resolution: 3840x2160 pp_mask: 0x880
  24. 06-09 16:47:25.642 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5346 Stream type 1 Resolution: 1920x1080 pp_mask: 0x880
  25. 06-09 16:47:25.643 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_allocate:2243 INFO: ISP resource acquired: session 1 num_isp 1
  26. 06-09 16:47:25.643 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_allocate:2245 INFO: ISP resource acquired: hw_id 0
  27. 06-09 16:47:25.643 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5308 stream_port_map num streams 3
  28. 06-09 16:47:25.643 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5318 INFO: type 4 resolution 3840x2160 hw_stream 1 need_native_buff 0 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0
  29. 06-09 16:47:25.643 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5318 INFO: type 3 resolution 1920x1080 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0
  30. 06-09 16:47:25.643 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5318 INFO: type 1 resolution 1920x1080 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0
  31. 06-09 16:47:25.643 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 1000f type 10 hw stream 0
  32. 06-09 16:47:25.643 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 1000f type 10 hw stream 1
  33. 06-09 16:47:25.644 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_reset:564 E
  34. 06-09 16:47:25.646 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  35. 06-09 16:47:25.646 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  36. 06-09 16:47:25.646 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  37. 06-09 16:47:25.646 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  38. 06-09 16:47:25.646 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  39. 06-09 16:47:25.647 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  40. 06-09 16:47:25.647 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [01]
  41. 06-09 16:47:25.647 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  42. 06-09 16:47:25.647 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking snapshot stream 0x10001
  43. 06-09 16:47:25.647 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_iface_set_mod_func: set module type = 8, identity 10001
  44. 06-09 16:47:25.647 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:151ide 10001 stream type 3 w*h 1920*1080
  45. 06-09 16:47:25.647 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_reserve_sink_port: security mode :0
  46. 06-09 16:47:25.647 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:271ide 10001
  47. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_reserve:737 port 0xf46e68e0 ide 10001 type 3 dim 1920 1080
  48. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2342 i 0 hw_stream 1
  49. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 10001 type 3 hw stream 0
  50. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera: int_link = 0xf46e9f60
  51. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods tmod and afs
  52. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  53. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods afs and cpp
  54. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  55. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  56. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  57. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  58. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10001
  59. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10001, reserved
  60. 06-09 16:47:25.648 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_notify_add_stream:1990, info: success, identity=0x10001
  61. 06-09 16:47:25.649 455 5873 E mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:454] X rc: 1
  62. 06-09 16:47:25.649 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10001 stream type=3
  63. 06-09 16:47:25.649 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  64. 06-09 16:47:25.650 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  65. 06-09 16:47:25.650 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  66. 06-09 16:47:25.650 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  67. 06-09 16:47:25.650 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  68. 06-09 16:47:25.650 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  69. 06-09 16:47:25.651 415 5839 I QCamera2HWI: Buffer count is 11, width / height (3840/2160)
  70. 06-09 16:47:25.651 415 5839 I QCamera2HWI: Buffer count is 11, width / height (3840/2160)
  71. 06-09 16:47:25.652 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  72. 06-09 16:47:25.652 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [02]
  73. 06-09 16:47:25.653 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  74. 06-09 16:47:25.653 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking video stream 0x10002
  75. 06-09 16:47:25.653 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_iface_set_mod_func: set module type = 8, identity 10002
  76. 06-09 16:47:25.653 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:151ide 10002 stream type 4 w*h 3840*2160
  77. 06-09 16:47:25.653 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_reserve_sink_port: security mode :0
  78. 06-09 16:47:25.653 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:271ide 10002
  79. 06-09 16:47:25.653 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_reserve:737 port 0xf46e68e0 ide 10002 type 4 dim 3840 2160
  80. 06-09 16:47:25.653 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2342 i 1 hw_stream 1
  81. 06-09 16:47:25.653 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 10002 type 4 hw stream 1
  82. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: int_link = 0xf46ea020
  83. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods tmod and afs
  84. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  85. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods afs and cpp
  86. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  87. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  88. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  89. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  90. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  91. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  92. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  93. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10002
  94. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10002, reserved
  95. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_notify_add_stream:1990, info: success, identity=0x10002
  96. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 E mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:454] X rc: 1
  97. 06-09 16:47:25.654 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10002 stream type=4
  98. 06-09 16:47:25.655 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  99. 06-09 16:47:25.656 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  100. 06-09 16:47:25.656 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  101. 06-09 16:47:25.656 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  102. 06-09 16:47:25.656 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  103. 06-09 16:47:25.656 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  104. 06-09 16:47:25.657 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  105. 06-09 16:47:25.657 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [03]
  106. 06-09 16:47:25.657 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  107. 06-09 16:47:25.657 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Link Metadata stream 0x10003: do nothing
  108. 06-09 16:47:25.657 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10003 stream type=7
  109. 06-09 16:47:25.658 415 5839 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=100
  110. 06-09 16:47:25.658 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  111. 06-09 16:47:25.658 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  112. 06-09 16:47:25.659 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  113. 06-09 16:47:25.660 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  114. 06-09 16:47:25.660 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  115. 06-09 16:47:25.660 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  116. 06-09 16:47:25.661 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  117. 06-09 16:47:25.661 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [04]
  118. 06-09 16:47:25.663 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  119. 06-09 16:47:25.663 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking preview stream 0x10004
  120. 06-09 16:47:25.663 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: non secure stream linking
  121. 06-09 16:47:25.663 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_iface_set_mod_func: set module type = 8, identity 10004
  122. 06-09 16:47:25.664 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:151ide 10004 stream type 1 w*h 1920*1080
  123. 06-09 16:47:25.664 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_reserve_sink_port: security mode :0
  124. 06-09 16:47:25.664 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:271ide 10004
  125. 06-09 16:47:25.664 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_reserve:737 port 0xf46e68e0 ide 10004 type 1 dim 1920 1080
  126. 06-09 16:47:25.664 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2342 i 0 hw_stream 1
  127. 06-09 16:47:25.664 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 10004 type 1 hw stream 0
  128. 06-09 16:47:25.664 455 5873 E mm-camera: int_link = 0xf46e9f60
  129. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods tmod and afs
  130. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods afs and cpp
  131. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  132. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  133. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  134. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  135. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10004
  136. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10004, reserved
  137. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_notify_add_stream:1990, info: success, identity=0x10004
  138. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 E mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:454] X rc: 1
  139. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10004
  140. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10004, reserved
  141. 06-09 16:47:25.665 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10004 stream type=1
  142. 06-09 16:47:25.666 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  143. 06-09 16:47:25.666 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=10 size=1221120
  144. 06-09 16:47:25.666 415 5839 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):StreamMemsize 1221120
  145. 06-09 16:47:25.666 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=10 size=1221120
  146. 06-09 16:47:25.666 415 5839 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):Memsize 1221120
  147. 06-09 16:47:25.666 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  148. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  149. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  150. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  151. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  152. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  153. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  154. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  155. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  156. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  157. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  158. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 12211200
  159. 06-09 16:47:25.667 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  160. 06-09 16:47:25.668 415 5839 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 12211200
  161. 06-09 16:47:25.678 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=12 size=0
  162. 06-09 16:47:25.681 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000008
  163. 06-09 16:47:25.681 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10003 stream type=7
  164. 06-09 16:47:25.681 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10003, stream type=7
  165. 06-09 16:47:25.711 415 5839 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  166. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000008
  167. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10004 stream type=1
  168. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:2881ide 10004 SENSOR_START_STREAM
  169. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:1461session_id=1, stream_id=4
  170. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:2973res_cfg_table = 0xf7354c58
  171. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 I mm-camera: modules_sensor_set_new_resolution:1720SENSOR_SET_RESOLUTION 3840*2160 mask 1a, fast AEC: 0, FastAec mode:0
  172. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1742Enter
  173. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1767Requested width 3840, height 2160
  174. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1769Requested stream mask 1a hfr mode 0 Cur fps 30.000000
  175. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_data:471usecase : 5
  176. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_expected_data:406ex_w:3840, ex_h:2160,ex_mode:1, ex_fps:30.000000, ex_clk:0, ex_ar: 177
  177. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:616res_idx: 0
  178. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1778Curr Res ID 0 New Res ID 0 New FPS 30.000000
  179. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 E mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1818set_fps=30.000000 > max_fps=27.450001, capping to max
  180. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1920Exit
  181. 06-09 16:47:25.723 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_config_meta: get no.0 user meta info, user_stream id = 15
  182. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x1000f
  183. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x10001
  184. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x10002
  185. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x10004
  186. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2297hal version 1 capture intent 0 cur_stream_mask 26
  187. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[0] =
  188. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[1] =
  189. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[2] =
  190. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[3] =
  191. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[4] =
  192. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[5] =
  193. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[6] =
  194. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[7] =
  195. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[8] =
  196. 06-09 16:47:25.724 455 5873 E mm-camera-sensor: eeprom_do_chroma_calibration:133turn on Cal wb(1) lsc(1) dp (1)
  197. 06-09 16:47:25.739 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2125modules_reloaded = 65535
  198. 06-09 16:47:25.739 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2172chromatixComPtr = 0xf208a700
  199. 06-09 16:47:25.739 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2173chromatixPtr = 0xf1a58700
  200. 06-09 16:47:25.739 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2174chromatixCppPtr = 0xf20f4700
  201. 06-09 16:47:25.739 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2175chromatixSnapCppPtr = 0xf19c82c0
  202. 06-09 16:47:25.739 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2176chromatixFlashSnapCppPtr = 0xf384fb40
  203. 06-09 16:47:25.739 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2177chromatixVideoCppPtr = 0xf385a000
  204. 06-09 16:47:25.739 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2178chromatixPostProcPtr = 0xf381ca00
  205. 06-09 16:47:25.740 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_set_chromatix_ptr:220 E
  206. 06-09 16:47:25.740 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_init_config:97 E
  207. 06-09 16:47:25.741 455 5866 E mm-camera-CORE: awb_bayer_init 3adbg:0
  208. 06-09 16:47:25.741 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:10, stream_chromatix:0xf20f4700
  209. 06-09 16:47:25.741 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:3, stream_chromatix:0xf19c82c0
  210. 06-09 16:47:25.741 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:4, stream_chromatix:0xf385a000
  211. 06-09 16:47:25.741 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:1, stream_chromatix:0xf20f4700
  212. 06-09 16:47:25.742 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: mesh_rolloff44_set_parm_tintless:3404 <tintless_dbg> 1
  213. 06-09 16:47:25.742 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_get_stats_type_mask:1374 enable_stats_mask f98
  214. 06-09 16:47:25.743 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_update_mapped_stream_info:518 dual_dbg stream type 3, AXI_SRC = 1 (ENC 0/ View 1/Camif 2/Ideal 3/Rdi 456)
  215. 06-09 16:47:25.743 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_set_frame_skip:593 Frame skip 0 is covers min required by LTM
  216. 06-09 16:47:25.743 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 16
  217. 06-09 16:47:25.743 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_update_mapped_stream_info:518 dual_dbg stream type 1, AXI_SRC = 1 (ENC 0/ View 1/Camif 2/Ideal 3/Rdi 456)
  218. 06-09 16:47:25.743 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_set_frame_skip:593 Frame skip 0 is covers min required by LTM
  219. 06-09 16:47:25.743 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 16
  220. 06-09 16:47:25.743 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1530 split info: is_split = 0, stripe id = 0, stripe_offset = 0
  221. 06-09 16:47:25.743 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1533 split info: left_output = 0, right_output = 0
  222. 06-09 16:47:25.743 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_update_mapped_stream_info:518 dual_dbg stream type 4, AXI_SRC = 0 (ENC 0/ View 1/Camif 2/Ideal 3/Rdi 456)
  223. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_set_frame_skip:593 Frame skip 0 is covers min required by LTM
  224. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 16
  225. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1530 split info: is_split = 0, stripe id = 0, stripe_offset = 0
  226. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1533 split info: left_output = 0, right_output = 0
  227. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_send_stats_types:509 isp version 44 af_kernel_size 2
  228. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: =====DUMP RESOURCE: PIX STREAM===
  229. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num pix stream = 2
  230. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num_isp = 1, isp_mask = 1, request_op_pix_clk = 0
  231. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: ispif stripe info: is split 0, overlap 0, stripe offset 0
  232. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: pix stream 0
  233. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 2(Mapped stream ID[0] = 1)
  234. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: axi path = 1(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 2
  235. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: Width = 1920, Height = 1080
  236. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: is_split 0, right stripe offset = 0
  237. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: left output = 0, right output = 0
  238. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: use native buffer: 1 frame_skip 0
  239. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request, ISP CDS Capability 1
  240. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: pix stream 1
  241. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 1(Mapped stream ID[0] = 2)
  242. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: axi path = 0(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 1
  243. 06-09 16:47:25.744 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: Width = 3840, Height = 2160
  244. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: is_split 0, right stripe offset = 0
  245. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: left output = 0, right output = 0
  246. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: use native buffer: 0 frame_skip 0
  247. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request, ISP CDS Capability 1
  248. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: =====DUMP RESOURCE: STATS STREAM===
  249. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num STATS stream = 7
  250. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 8(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 2
  251. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 14112
  252. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 7(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  253. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 73728
  254. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 9(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  255. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 18432
  256. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 3(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  257. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 8192
  258. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 4(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  259. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 21504
  260. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 10(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  261. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 4096
  262. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 11(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 2
  263. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 14112
  264. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_fill_hw_stream_info_pix:#2407 batch_dbg stream_id 1 type 3 streaming_mode 1
  265. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_fill_hw_stream_info_pix:#2407 batch_dbg stream_id 2 type 4 streaming_mode 0
  266. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id f
  267. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id 1
  268. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id 2
  269. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id 4
  270. 06-09 16:47:25.745 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: sensor meta RDI with user stream id 15
  271. 06-09 16:47:25.747 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 31
  272. 06-09 16:47:25.747 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: <dual_dbg> single vfe Camif
  273. 06-09 16:47:25.747 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: 6409is_split 0
  274. 06-09 16:47:25.747 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: =====Camif DUMP cfg for PIX interface====
  275. 06-09 16:47:25.747 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif input type = 3(MIPI=3), op_pix_clk = 463200000
  276. 06-09 16:47:25.747 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif pix_pattern(RGRG-0/GRGR-1/BGBG-2/GBGB-3) = 2
  277. 06-09 16:47:25.747 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif first_pix = 0, last_pix = 4207
  278. 06-09 16:47:25.747 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif first_line = 0, last_line = 3119
  279. 06-09 16:47:25.747 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif pixels_per_line = 4208, lines_per_frame = 3120
  280. 06-09 16:47:25.747 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif irq subsample pattern = 0, period = 0 sof_step 1
  281. 06-09 16:47:25.748 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: <dual_dbg> stream id 9000f hw_stream mask 2, AXI_input_src = 1
  282. 06-09 16:47:25.748 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: dual_dbg vfe0 RDI 0 input pix clk = 463200000 type 1(0 - FRAME, 1 = METADATA)
  283. 06-09 16:47:25.748 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_util_subscribe_sof_event: subscribe sof, used resource 3
  284. 06-09 16:47:25.748 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config:=== AXI DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10001 ====
  285. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: split = 0, stripe id = 0 (left-0/right-1/Max-2)
  286. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: axi src = 1 (ENC-0/VIEW-1/VIDEO-2/CAMIF-3/IDEAL-4/RDI-5,6,7)
  287. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
  288. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 1
  289. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  290. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 1920, height = 1080
  291. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 1080
  292. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  293. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 3(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  294. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: width = 1920, height = 540
  295. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 540
  296. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  297. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config:=== AXI DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ====
  298. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: split = 0, stripe id = 0 (left-0/right-1/Max-2)
  299. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: axi src = 0 (ENC-0/VIEW-1/VIDEO-2/CAMIF-3/IDEAL-4/RDI-5,6,7)
  300. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
  301. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 1
  302. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  303. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 3840, height = 2160
  304. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 3840, scanlines = 2160
  305. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  306. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 4(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  307. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: width = 3840, height = 1080
  308. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: stride = 3840, scanlines = 1080
  309. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  310. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 I mm-camera: iface_axi_util_fill_plane_info: AXI dump: single plane: isp_out_intf_mask 2, rdi_cid 1, fmt = 77, W = 80, H = 1920, stride = 96, scanline = 1920
  311. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config:=== AXI DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 9000f ====
  312. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: split = 0, stripe id = 0 (left-0/right-1/Max-2)
  313. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: axi src = 5 (ENC-0/VIEW-1/VIDEO-2/CAMIF-3/IDEAL-4/RDI-5,6,7)
  314. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
  315. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 1
  316. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  317. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 80, height = 1920
  318. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 96, scanlines = 1920
  319. 06-09 16:47:25.749 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  320. 06-09 16:47:25.751 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
  321. 06-09 16:47:25.751 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_send_stats_types:509 isp version 44 af_kernel_size 2
  322. 06-09 16:47:25.751 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_streamon: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 4
  323. 06-09 16:47:25.751 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_hw_streams: num_user_streams 1 num_hw_streams 1
  324. 06-09 16:47:25.751 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_hw_streams: num_user_streams 1 num_hw_streams 1
  325. 06-09 16:47:25.752 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  326. 06-09 16:47:25.752 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  327. 06-09 16:47:25.752 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_cfg_stats_stream_start: stats_cmd: enable = 1, num of stats stream = 7
  328. 06-09 16:47:25.752 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: bpc44_run_abcc_algo:212 No defective pixels set by sensor event
  329. 06-09 16:47:25.752 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_sub_module_port_process_downstream_ctrl_event:936 failed: mct event 1 int_event 0
  330. 06-09 16:47:25.752 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_streamon:472
  331. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020f, is_subscribe = 1
  332. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800000a, is_subscribe = 1
  333. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000009, is_subscribe = 1
  334. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000008, is_subscribe = 1
  335. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000200, is_subscribe = 1
  336. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000201, is_subscribe = 1
  337. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000202, is_subscribe = 1
  338. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000203, is_subscribe = 1
  339. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000204, is_subscribe = 1
  340. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000205, is_subscribe = 1
  341. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000206, is_subscribe = 1
  342. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000207, is_subscribe = 1
  343. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000208, is_subscribe = 1
  344. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000209, is_subscribe = 1
  345. 06-09 16:47:25.754 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020a, is_subscribe = 1
  346. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020b, is_subscribe = 1
  347. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020c, is_subscribe = 1
  348. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020d, is_subscribe = 1
  349. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020e, is_subscribe = 1
  350. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000300, is_subscribe = 1
  351. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000000, is_subscribe = 1
  352. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000400, is_subscribe = 1
  353. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000301, is_subscribe = 1
  354. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000001, is_subscribe = 1
  355. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000401, is_subscribe = 1
  356. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000302, is_subscribe = 1
  357. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000002, is_subscribe = 1
  358. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000402, is_subscribe = 1
  359. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000303, is_subscribe = 1
  360. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000003, is_subscribe = 1
  361. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000403, is_subscribe = 1
  362. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000101, is_subscribe = 1
  363. 06-09 16:47:25.755 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000105, is_subscribe = 1
  364. 06-09 16:47:25.756 455 5860 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 179299008 BW inst 1466181818
  365. 06-09 16:47:25.757 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamon_event:3293, identity=0x10004, stream-on done
  366. 06-09 16:47:25.757 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: E
  367. 06-09 16:47:25.758 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: bg_stats44_trigger_update:388 bg_rgn_width 65 bg_rgn_height 65
  368. 06-09 16:47:25.758 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_trigger_update:449 failed Denomitor is zero hnum 0 vnum 0
  369. 06-09 16:47:25.758 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1370 chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb 1370
  370. 06-09 16:47:25.758 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1372 ce_awb cct type 5 cct 5340
  371. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:38 cfg.cac_filter_off = 0
  372. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:40 edge_hv_nz_flag = 0x6a40
  373. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:42 edge_diag_nz_flag = 0x6a40
  374. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:46 edge_hv_coeff coeff0 = 0 coeff1 = 0 coeff2 = 0
  375. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:50 edge_hv_coeff coeff3 = 0 coeff4 = 1 coeff5 = 2
  376. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:54 edge_hv_coeff coeff6 = 0 coeff7 = 0 coeff8 = 0
  377. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:58 edge_diag_coeff coeff0 = 0 coeff1 = 0 coeff2 = 0
  378. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:62 edge_diag_coeff coeff3 = 0 coeff4 = 1 coeff5 = 2
  379. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:66 edge_diag_coeff coeff6 = 0 coeff7 = 0 coeff8 = 0
  380. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:68 threshold edge = 320 sat = 2000
  381. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:70 threshold rg_hi = 256 rg_low = 32
  382. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:72 threshold bg_hi = 256 bg_low = 32
  383. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:74 interp_slope rg_inv = 512 bg_inv = 512
  384. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:76 interp_slope rg_inv_qfactor = 16 bg_inv_qfactor = 16
  385. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:79 interp_slope rg_hi = 154 rg_low = 26 bg_hi = 154 bg_low = 26
  386. 06-09 16:47:25.759 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_store_hw_update:1770 disabling IP
  387. 06-09 16:47:25.760 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_pipeline44_create_module_cfg_mask:350 invalid module id 20
  388. 06-09 16:47:25.760 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  389. 06-09 16:47:25.760 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  390. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: ispif_hw_reset done
  391. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: E
  392. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config hw_stream id = 10001 use_pix 1, vfe_intf_mask 1, axi_path 1, num_cid 1
  393. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config VFE0 for hw stream id 10001
  394. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: hw stream 10001 does not use vfe1 interface
  395. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config hw_stream id = 9000f use_pix 0, vfe_intf_mask 2, axi_path 5, num_cid 1
  396. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config VFE0 for hw stream id 9000f
  397. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: hw stream 9000f does not use vfe1 interface
  398. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: vfe_intf 0(0-VFE0, 1-VFE1)
  399. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: intftype = 0(0/2-PIX0,PIX1, 1/3/4 - RDI0,RDI1,RDI2)
  400. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: num_cids = 1
  401. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: cids[0] = 0
  402. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: csid = 0
  403. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: crop_enable = 0, fisrt pixel = 0, last pixel = 0
  404. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: vfe_intf 0(0-VFE0, 1-VFE1)
  405. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: intftype = 1(0/2-PIX0,PIX1, 1/3/4 - RDI0,RDI1,RDI2)
  406. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: num_cids = 1
  407. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: cids[0] = 1
  408. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: csid = 0
  409. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: crop_enable = 0, fisrt pixel = 0, last pixel = 0
  410. 06-09 16:47:25.761 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: START_FRAME_BOUNDARY done
  411. 06-09 16:47:25.762 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: X, rc = 0
  412. 06-09 16:47:25.762 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_streamon: X
  413. 06-09 16:47:25.765 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
  414. 06-09 16:47:25.765 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_set_aec_init_settings:817ae-bracket:idx[0] of 1 real_gain=32.000000, linecount=1117
  415. 06-09 16:47:25.768 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:3180ide 10004 SENSOR_START_STREAM
  416. 06-09 16:47:25.768 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_set_start_stream:1175Sensor stream ON for imx258
  417. 06-09 16:47:25.768 455 5873 I mm-camera:
  418. 06-09 16:47:25.768 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: start_sof_check_thread: Starting SOF timeout thread
  419. 06-09 16:47:25.769 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:3577SUCCESS
  420. 06-09 16:47:25.769 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_set_stream_on:825port private 0xf4719130
  421. 06-09 16:47:25.769 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10004, stream type=1
  422. 06-09 16:47:25.769 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000010
  423. 06-09 16:47:25.769 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: store param event: 0xa
  424. 06-09 16:47:25.774 415 3260 E CameraClient: setVideoBufferMode: 540: videoBufferMode 2 is not supported.
  425. 06-09 16:47:25.779 422 5937 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
  426. 06-09 16:47:25.780 422 5937 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
  427. 06-09 16:47:25.780 419 419 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance( in mediacodec process
  428. 06-09 16:47:25.783 455 5864 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_process_thread_message:51Processing Pipe message 2
  429. 06-09 16:47:25.783 455 5864 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_process_thread_message:103sensor_process_thread_message: task took 0 ms
  430. 06-09 16:47:25.784 455 5874 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_upstream_module_event:1054Reset previously set LED state!
  431. 06-09 16:47:25.784 455 5855 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_store_hw_update:1770 disabling IP
  432. 06-09 16:47:25.784 455 5856 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_pipeline44_create_module_cfg_mask:350 invalid module id 20
  433. 06-09 16:47:25.784 455 5856 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  434. 06-09 16:47:25.784 455 5856 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  435. 06-09 16:47:25.829 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66fa180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  436. 06-09 16:47:25.831 2403 3041 I TetherStatsReporting: setQuota() called for ConnectivityExt jar9223372036854775807 iface rmnet_data0
  437. 06-09 16:47:25.832 4191 4204 I QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication: Posting: TetherEvent -- QuotaSet{Quota=9223372036854775807 bytes}
  438. 06-09 16:47:25.833 2403 3041 I TetherStatsReporting: setQuotaDone
  439. 06-09 16:47:25.833 4191 5097 I QtiTetherService: handleMessage(TetherEvent -- QuotaSet{Quota=9223372036854775807 bytes})
  440. 06-09 16:47:25.833 4191 5097 I QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper: setQuota(upstream=rmnet_data0 bytes=9223372036854775807)
  441. 06-09 16:47:25.833 4191 5097 I libQtiTether: setQuota called for upstream=rmnet_data0 quota=9223372036854775806
  442. 06-09 16:47:25.833 4191 5097 I libQtiTether: setQuota(upstream=rmnet_data0, quota_mb=9223372036854775806)
  443. 06-09 16:47:25.847 422 5936 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
  444. 06-09 16:47:25.855 422 5937 I ACodec : setupAVCEncoderParameters with [profile: Baseline] [level: Level41]
  445. 06-09 16:47:25.857 422 5937 I ACodec : [] cannot encode color aspects. Ignoring.
  446. 06-09 16:47:25.857 422 5937 I ACodec : [] cannot encode HDR static metadata. Ignoring.
  447. 06-09 16:47:25.857 422 5937 I ACodec : setupVideoEncoder succeeded
  448. 06-09 16:47:25.857 419 3172 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(1a3002a:google.h264.encoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001)
  449. 06-09 16:47:25.857 422 5937 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648)
  450. 06-09 16:47:25.867 422 3151 W StagefrightRecorder: Intended audio encoding bit rate (156000) is too large and will be set to (96000)
  451. 06-09 16:47:25.869 419 5942 D SoftAVCEnc: Params width 3840 height 2160 level 50 colorFormat 1
  452. 06-09 16:47:25.869 419 5942 E SoftAVCEnc: Fill memory records failed = 0x191
  453. 06-09 16:47:25.869 419 5942 E SoftAVCEnc: Failed to initialize encoder
  454. 06-09 16:47:25.869 419 5942 D SoftAVCEnc: Params width 3840 height 2160 level 50 colorFormat 1
  455. 06-09 16:47:25.869 419 5942 E SoftAVCEnc: Fill memory records failed = 0x191
  456. 06-09 16:47:25.870 419 5942 E SoftAVCEnc: Failed to initialize encoder
  457. 06-09 16:47:25.871 422 5937 E ACodec : [] ERROR(0x80001001)
  458. 06-09 16:47:25.871 422 5937 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0x80001001, internalError -2147483648)
  459. 06-09 16:47:25.871 422 5937 E ACodec : [] ERROR(0x80001001)
  460. 06-09 16:47:25.871 422 5937 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0x80001001, internalError -2147483648)
  461. 06-09 16:47:25.871 422 5936 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0x80001001, actionCode 0, while in state 6
  462. 06-09 16:47:25.871 422 5913 E MediaCodecSource: Encoder (video) reported error : 0x80001001
  463. 06-09 16:47:25.874 455 5869 E ASD : in_portrait:101 Face detection hasn't settled yet, do not continue
  464. 06-09 16:47:25.874 422 5937 E ACodec : [] ERROR(0x80001001)
  465. 06-09 16:47:25.874 422 5937 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0x80001001, internalError -2147483648)
  466. 06-09 16:47:25.874 422 5937 E ACodec : [] ERROR(0x80001001)
  467. 06-09 16:47:25.874 422 5937 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0x80001001, internalError -2147483648)
  468. 06-09 16:47:25.874 422 5936 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0x80001001, actionCode 0, while in state 0
  469. 06-09 16:47:25.874 422 5936 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0x80001001, actionCode 0, while in state 10
  470. 06-09 16:47:25.874 455 5866 E mm-camera: iface_util_calc_cds_trigger:<cds_debug> HAL CDS mode on
  471. 06-09 16:47:25.874 422 5936 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0x80001001, actionCode 0, while in state 10
  472. 06-09 16:47:25.874 455 5866 E mm-camera: iface_util_calc_cds_trigger:<cds_debug> take CDS! request enb = 1, curr enb = 0 curr_triiger 32.000000, lowlight_start 16.000000, lowlight_end 19.000000
  473. 06-09 16:47:25.882 422 5913 I MediaCodecSource: encoder (video) stopped
  474. 06-09 16:47:25.882 422 5913 W AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone.
  475. 06-09 16:47:25.891 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
  476. 06-09 16:47:25.892 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  477. 06-09 16:47:25.892 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  478. 06-09 16:47:25.892 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  479. 06-09 16:47:25.899 455 5855 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  480. 06-09 16:47:25.899 455 5855 E mm-camera-isp2:
  481. 06-09 16:47:25.899 455 5855 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  482. 06-09 16:47:25.899 455 5855 E mm-camera-isp2:
  483. 06-09 16:47:25.899 455 5855 E mm-camera-isp2: bg_stats44_trigger_update:388 bg_rgn_width 65 bg_rgn_height 49
  484. 06-09 16:47:25.907 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  485. 06-09 16:47:25.907 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  486. 06-09 16:47:25.907 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  487. 06-09 16:47:25.907 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
  488. 06-09 16:47:25.907 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  489. 06-09 16:47:25.911 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  490. 06-09 16:47:25.917 414 414 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000080) stream_handle(0xf66d0980) io_handle(46) source(5)
  491. 06-09 16:47:25.918 414 5945 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xf4203580 ready to run
  492. 06-09 16:47:25.918 414 5945 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf66d0980) usecase(16: audio-record)
  493. 06-09 16:47:25.920 414 5945 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf66d0980) usecase(16: audio-record)
  494. 06-09 16:47:25.923 422 5946 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
  495. 06-09 16:47:25.924 422 5946 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
  496. 06-09 16:47:25.925 419 3172 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance( in mediacodec process
  497. 06-09 16:47:25.933 455 5874 E mm-camera: iface_util_cds_request_done:<cds_dbg> isp cds updating, enable = 0
  498. 06-09 16:47:25.933 455 5874 E mm-camera: iface_handle_cds_request_to_thread: <cds_dbg2> EXECUTE AXI updating!! curr enb = 0, request enb = 1
  499. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info:=== CDS DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10001 ====
  500. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  501. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: width = 1920, height = 1080
  502. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 1080
  503. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  504. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: plane_fmt 3(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  505. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: width = 960, height = 270
  506. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 540
  507. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  508. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info:=== CDS DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ====
  509. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  510. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: width = 3840, height = 2160
  511. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: stride = 3840, scanlines = 2160
  512. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  513. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: plane_fmt 4(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  514. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: width = 1920, height = 540
  515. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: stride = 3840, scanlines = 1080
  516. 06-09 16:47:25.934 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  517. 06-09 16:47:25.936 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 259 <cds_dbg> cds wait KERNEL......
  518. 06-09 16:47:25.938 422 5946 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
  519. 06-09 16:47:25.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng: E/Calling gnss_sv_status_cb
  520. 06-09 16:47:25.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGSV,1,1,0,*65
  521. 06-09 16:47:25.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GLGSV,1,1,0,*79
  522. 06-09 16:47:25.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*1E
  523. 06-09 16:47:25.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GNGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*00
  524. 06-09 16:47:25.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPVTG,,T,,M,,N,,K,N*2C
  525. 06-09 16:47:25.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53
  526. 06-09 16:47:25.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGGA,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,*66
  527. 06-09 16:47:25.948 419 3372 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(1a3002b:google.aac.encoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001)
  528. 06-09 16:47:25.948 422 5946 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648)
  529. 06-09 16:47:25.959 422 3151 I MPEG4Writer: limits: 5788348288/0 bytes/us, bit rate: 42096000 bps and the estimated moov size 405123 bytes
  530. 06-09 16:47:25.960 422 3151 I MPEG4Writer: Start time offset: 1000000 us
  531. 06-09 16:47:25.960 422 5913 E MediaCodecSource: Failed to start while we're stopping or encoder already stopped due to EOS error
  532. 06-09 16:47:25.960 422 3151 D MPEG4Writer: Stopping writer thread
  533. 06-09 16:47:25.961 422 5949 D MPEG4Writer: 0 chunks are written in the last batch
  534. 06-09 16:47:25.961 422 3151 D MPEG4Writer: Writer thread stopped
  535. 06-09 16:47:25.961 422 3151 D MPEG4Writer: Video track stopping
  536. 06-09 16:47:25.961 422 3151 E MPEG4Writer: Stop() called but track is not started
  537. 06-09 16:47:25.961 422 3151 D MPEG4Writer: Audio track stopping
  538. 06-09 16:47:25.961 422 3151 E MPEG4Writer: Stop() called but track is not started
  539. 06-09 16:47:25.961 4873 4873 E MediaRecorder: start failed: -38
  540. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: Could not start media recorder.
  541. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: java.lang.IllegalStateException
  542. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at Method)
  543. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at$11.onStorageUpdateDone(
  544. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at$20.onPostExecute(
  545. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at$20.onPostExecute(
  546. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(
  547. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at android.os.AsyncTask.-wrap1(
  548. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage(
  549. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  550. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  551. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at
  552. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  553. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at$
  554. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_VideoModule: at
  555. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: Handling Camera Access Failure:
  556. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: java.lang.Exception
  557. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at
  558. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at$11.onStorageUpdateDone(
  559. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at$20.onPostExecute(
  560. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at$20.onPostExecute(
  561. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(
  562. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at android.os.AsyncTask.-wrap1(
  563. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage(
  564. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  565. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  566. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at
  567. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  568. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at$
  569. 06-09 16:47:25.963 4873 4873 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at
  570. 06-09 16:47:25.964 4873 4873 E CAM_CameraUtil: Show fatal error dialog
  571. 06-09 16:47:25.973 455 5866 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_apply_multi_luma_target: invalid tuning: start_idx (332), end_idx (355), indoor_idx (290) ==> disabling lowlight luma target
  572. 06-09 16:47:25.997 4873 4873 I CAM_VideoModule: Releasing media recorder.
  573. 06-09 16:47:26.007 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 269 <cds_dbg> cds wait KERNEL done!
  574. 06-09 16:47:26.017 414 778 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf66d0980)
  575. 06-09 16:47:26.017 414 778 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf66d0980) usecase(16: audio-record)
  576. 06-09 16:47:26.147 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  577. 06-09 16:47:26.887 455 5867 E mm-camera-CORE: af_process_update_fv_history: Stats index zero
  578. 06-09 16:47:26.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng: E/Calling gnss_sv_status_cb
  579. 06-09 16:47:26.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGSV,1,1,0,*65
  580. 06-09 16:47:26.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GLGSV,1,1,0,*79
  581. 06-09 16:47:26.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*1E
  582. 06-09 16:47:26.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GNGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*00
  583. 06-09 16:47:26.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPVTG,,T,,M,,N,,K,N*2C
  584. 06-09 16:47:26.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53
  585. 06-09 16:47:26.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGGA,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,*66
  586. 06-09 16:47:27.148 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  587. 06-09 16:47:27.270 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ87 from CPU0 to CPU3
  588. 06-09 16:47:27.551 414 3061 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  589. 06-09 16:47:27.553 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  590. 06-09 16:47:27.554 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf66fa180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  591. 06-09 16:47:27.554 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  592. 06-09 16:47:27.554 414 758 W msm8974_platform: Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  593. 06-09 16:47:27.554 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  594. 06-09 16:47:27.558 2403 2432 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  595. 06-09 16:47:27.561 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  596. 06-09 16:47:27.561 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  597. 06-09 16:47:27.561 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=0
  598. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  599. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 E voice : voice_is_in_call_rec_stream: input stream is NULL
  600. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 102, path = 1
  601. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  602. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  603. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  604. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  605. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  606. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  607. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  608. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  609. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  610. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000066
  611. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  612. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  613. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  614. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  615. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  616. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 102 path = 1
  618. 06-09 16:47:27.562 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: spkr-vi-record
  619. 06-09 16:47:27.571 4873 4873 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onPause: Activity =
  620. 06-09 16:47:27.571 4873 4873 V CAM_QuickActivity: onPause --> onPauseTasks()
  621. 06-09 16:47:27.571 4873 4873 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0,000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onPause - START
  622. 06-09 16:47:27.572 4873 4873 V CAM_VideoModule: stopPreview
  623. 06-09 16:47:27.573 415 3261 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::stop_preview(camera_device*): E PROFILE_STOP_PREVIEW
  624. 06-09 16:47:27.575 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000009
  625. 06-09 16:47:27.575 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10004 stream type=1
  626. 06-09 16:47:27.575 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_sensor_module_process_event:5005ide 10004 MCT_EVENT_CONTROL_STREAMOFF
  627. 06-09 16:47:27.575 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_off:4801ide 10004 MCT_EVENT_CONTROL_STREAMOFF
  628. 06-09 16:47:27.584 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3407, info: doing stream-off for identity 0x10004
  629. 06-09 16:47:27.584 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3514] iden:0x10004, linked_params:0xf1ace800
  630. 06-09 16:47:27.584 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_hardware_process_streamoff:731] skip_iden:0x10001, duplicate_stream_status:0x0
  631. 06-09 16:47:27.586 455 5860 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 0 BW inst 0
  632. 06-09 16:47:27.587 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3559, info: stream-off done for identity 0x10004
  633. 06-09 16:47:27.587 455 5873 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_streamoff:519
  634. 06-09 16:47:27.588 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
  635. 06-09 16:47:27.588 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 4
  636. 06-09 16:47:27.588 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_hw_streams: num_user_streams 1 num_hw_streams 1
  637. 06-09 16:47:27.588 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_hw_streams: num_user_streams 1 num_hw_streams 1
  638. 06-09 16:47:27.588 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000101, is_subscribe = 0
  639. 06-09 16:47:27.588 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000105, is_subscribe = 0
  640. 06-09 16:47:27.592 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_cfg_stats_stream_stop: stats_cmd: enable = 0, num of stats stream = 7
  641. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020f, is_subscribe = 0
  642. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800000a, is_subscribe = 0
  643. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000009, is_subscribe = 0
  644. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000008, is_subscribe = 0
  645. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000200, is_subscribe = 0
  646. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000201, is_subscribe = 0
  647. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000202, is_subscribe = 0
  648. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000203, is_subscribe = 0
  649. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000204, is_subscribe = 0
  650. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000205, is_subscribe = 0
  651. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000206, is_subscribe = 0
  652. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000207, is_subscribe = 0
  653. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000208, is_subscribe = 0
  654. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000209, is_subscribe = 0
  655. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020a, is_subscribe = 0
  656. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020b, is_subscribe = 0
  657. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020c, is_subscribe = 0
  658. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020d, is_subscribe = 0
  659. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020e, is_subscribe = 0
  660. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000300, is_subscribe = 0
  661. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000000, is_subscribe = 0
  662. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000400, is_subscribe = 0
  663. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000301, is_subscribe = 0
  664. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000001, is_subscribe = 0
  665. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000401, is_subscribe = 0
  666. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000302, is_subscribe = 0
  667. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000002, is_subscribe = 0
  668. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000402, is_subscribe = 0
  669. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000303, is_subscribe = 0
  670. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000003, is_subscribe = 0
  671. 06-09 16:47:27.593 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000403, is_subscribe = 0
  672. 06-09 16:47:27.594 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_streamoff: Enter
  673. 06-09 16:47:27.594 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: E
  674. 06-09 16:47:27.594 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config hw_stream id = 10001 use_pix 1, vfe_intf_mask 1, axi_path 1, num_cid 1
  675. 06-09 16:47:27.594 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config VFE0 for hw stream id 10001
  676. 06-09 16:47:27.594 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: hw stream 10001 does not use vfe1 interface
  677. 06-09 16:47:27.594 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config hw_stream id = 9000f use_pix 0, vfe_intf_mask 2, axi_path 5, num_cid 1
  678. 06-09 16:47:27.594 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config VFE0 for hw stream id 9000f
  679. 06-09 16:47:27.594 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: hw stream 9000f does not use vfe1 interface
  680. 06-09 16:47:27.596 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_streamoff: X, rc = 0
  681. 06-09 16:47:27.596 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: session_id = 1, active_streams = 0
  682. 06-09 16:47:27.596 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_util_subscribe_sof_event: subscribe sof, used resource 3
  683. 06-09 16:47:27.596 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010003, handle 505
  684. 06-09 16:47:27.596 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  685. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010004, handle 606
  686. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  687. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010007, handle 302
  688. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, path = 1
  689. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  690. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  691. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  692. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  693. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  694. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010008, handle 203
  695. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  696. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  697. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  698. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  699. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB audproc returned = -19
  700. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  701. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  702. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  703. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010009, handle 401
  704. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  705. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  706. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  707. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  708. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  709. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  710. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  711. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 8001000a, handle 708
  712. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
  713. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  714. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path = 1
  716. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  717. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
  718. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  719. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 8001000b, handle 800
  720. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 101, path = 0
  721. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  722. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  723. 06-09 16:47:27.597 455 5933 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  724. 06-09 16:47:27.597 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  725. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  726. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  727. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  728. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  729. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  730. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  731. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  732. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  733. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  734. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  735. 06-09 16:47:27.598 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 1 rdi_cnt= 1 used mask 3
  736. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 101 path = 0
  737. 06-09 16:47:27.598 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 0 rdi_cnt= 1 used mask 0
  739. 06-09 16:47:27.598 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 0 rdi_cnt= 0 used mask 0
  740. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69936, acdb_dev_id 101, sample_rate 48000
  741. 06-09 16:47:27.598 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
  742. 06-09 16:47:27.599 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: all bundled stream streamoff, clear hal bundled mask
  743. 06-09 16:47:27.599 455 5850 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: X
  744. 06-09 16:47:27.600 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
  745. 06-09 16:47:27.600 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_off:1662any bundle started 0
  746. 06-09 16:47:27.600 455 5873 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_off:4831ide 10004 MCT_EVENT_CONTROL_STREAMOFF
  747. 06-09 16:47:27.600 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done
  748. 06-09 16:47:27.600 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: stop_sof_check_thread: Stopping SOF timeout thread
  749. 06-09 16:47:27.600 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_set_stop_stream:1210Sensor stream OFF for imx258
  750. 06-09 16:47:27.600 455 5873 I mm-camera:
  751. 06-09 16:47:27.601 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_set_stream_on:825port private 0xf4719130
  752. 06-09 16:47:27.601 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10004, stream type=1
  753. 06-09 16:47:27.601 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  754. 06-09 16:47:27.601 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  755. 06-09 16:47:27.602 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000009
  756. 06-09 16:47:27.602 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10003 stream type=7
  757. 06-09 16:47:27.602 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10003, stream type=7
  758. 06-09 16:47:27.619 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b
  759. 06-09 16:47:27.619 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10003 and stream type=7
  760. 06-09 16:47:27.619 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10003 and stream type=7, successfully deleted
  761. 06-09 16:47:27.620 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b
  762. 06-09 16:47:27.620 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10004 and stream type=1
  763. 06-09 16:47:27.620 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_unlink_func:293ide 10004
  764. 06-09 16:47:27.620 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  765. 06-09 16:47:27.620 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_unreserve:204ide 10004
  766. 06-09 16:47:27.620 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  767. 06-09 16:47:27.620 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 4 mode 0
  768. 06-09 16:47:27.620 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  769. 06-09 16:47:27.620 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream
  770. 06-09 16:47:27.620 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  771. 06-09 16:47:27.620 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:826 ide 10004 port 0xf46e68e0
  772. 06-09 16:47:27.621 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10004
  773. 06-09 16:47:27.621 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10004, unreserved
  774. 06-09 16:47:27.621 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10004
  775. 06-09 16:47:27.621 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10004, unreserved
  776. 06-09 16:47:27.621 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10004 and stream type=1, successfully deleted
  777. 06-09 16:47:27.622 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b
  778. 06-09 16:47:27.622 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10002 and stream type=4
  779. 06-09 16:47:27.622 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_unlink_func:293ide 10002
  780. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  781. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_unreserve:204ide 10002
  782. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  783. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 2 mode 0
  784. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  785. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream
  786. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  787. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:826 ide 10002 port 0xf46e68e0
  788. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_unreserve:1520]
  789. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_unreserve:1528] destroy client
  790. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10002
  791. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10002, unreserved
  792. 06-09 16:47:27.623 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10002 and stream type=4, successfully deleted
  793. 06-09 16:47:27.624 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b
  794. 06-09 16:47:27.624 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10001 and stream type=3
  795. 06-09 16:47:27.624 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_unlink_func:293ide 10001
  796. 06-09 16:47:27.624 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10001, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  797. 06-09 16:47:27.624 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_unreserve:204ide 10001
  798. 06-09 16:47:27.624 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10001, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  799. 06-09 16:47:27.624 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 1 mode 1
  800. 06-09 16:47:27.625 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10001, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  801. 06-09 16:47:27.625 455 5873 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream
  802. 06-09 16:47:27.625 455 5873 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10001, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  803. 06-09 16:47:27.625 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:826 ide 10001 port 0xf46e68e0
  804. 06-09 16:47:27.625 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_unreserve:1520]
  805. 06-09 16:47:27.625 455 5873 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_unreserve:1528] destroy client
  806. 06-09 16:47:27.625 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10001
  807. 06-09 16:47:27.625 455 5873 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10001, unreserved
  808. 06-09 16:47:27.625 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10001 and stream type=3, successfully deleted
  809. 06-09 16:47:27.626 415 3261 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::stop_preview(camera_device*): X
  810. 06-09 16:47:27.627 4873 4873 I CAM_VideoModule: closeCamera
  811. 06-09 16:47:27.627 4873 4873 I CAM_VideoModule: Releasing media recorder.
  812. 06-09 16:47:27.631 4873 4873 V CAM_LcyLocProvider: stopping location updates
  813. 06-09 16:47:27.632 2403 4251 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@ec77a1b)
  814. 06-09 16:47:27.633 2403 4430 E LocSvc_eng: E/LocEngStopFix
  815. 06-09 16:47:27.633 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng: E/LocEngStopFix
  816. 06-09 16:47:27.633 2403 2434 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@ec77a1b)
  817. 06-09 16:47:27.634 4873 4873 D CAM_LcyLocProvider: stopReceivingLocationUpdates
  818. 06-09 16:47:27.634 4873 4873 V CAM_CameraActivity: onPause closing camera
  819. 06-09 16:47:27.634 4873 4873 V CAM_CameraController: Closing camera
  820. 06-09 16:47:27.636 415 3260 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::stop_preview(camera_device*): E PROFILE_STOP_PREVIEW
  821. 06-09 16:47:27.636 415 3260 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::stop_preview(camera_device*): X
  822. 06-09 16:47:27.640 415 3260 I CameraFlashlight: Destroying camera 0
  823. 06-09 16:47:27.641 415 3260 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::close_camera_device(hw_device_t*): E
  824. 06-09 16:47:27.642 415 3260 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::closeCamera(): E PROFILE_CLOSE_CAMERA camera id 0
  825. 06-09 16:47:27.642 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit
  826. 06-09 16:47:27.643 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3759requested dim 0 0 stream mask 0
  827. 06-09 16:47:27.643 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_data:471usecase : 5
  828. 06-09 16:47:27.643 455 5873 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_expected_data:406ex_w:0, ex_h:0,ex_mode:1, ex_fps:30.000000, ex_clk:0, ex_ar: 0
  829. 06-09 16:47:27.643 455 5873 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:616res_idx: 1
  830. 06-09 16:47:27.643 455 5873 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3788pick res 1 dim 2100X1560 op clk 259200000
  831. 06-09 16:47:27.643 455 5873 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5349 Deallocate resources
  832. 06-09 16:47:27.648 415 3260 I qomx_image_core: OMX_Deinit:119] Complete
  833. 06-09 16:47:27.656 402 526 I ThermalEngine: Thermal-Server: removing client on fd 58
  834. 06-09 16:47:27.656 415 3260 I Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib-Client: Unregisteration is successfull for handle:1
  835. 06-09 16:47:27.657 455 5873 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b
  836. 06-09 16:47:27.657 455 5873 E mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:2513: Couldn't find stream id: 0
  837. 06-09 16:47:27.657 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_controller_destroy: Initiating destroy sequence
  838. 06-09 16:47:27.658 415 3260 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::closeCamera(): X PROFILE_CLOSE_CAMERA camera id 0, rc: 0
  839. 06-09 16:47:27.658 415 3260 I fastcv_lib_log: QCVAQ6_deinit
  840. 06-09 16:47:27.659 415 3260 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::close_camera_device(hw_device_t*): X
  841. 06-09 16:47:27.660 455 5874 D mm-camera: mct: mct_bus_handler_thread_run: Force Exit
  842. 06-09 16:47:27.660 415 3260 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=1
  843. 06-09 16:47:27.663 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_controller_destroy: bus_handler thread closed
  844. 06-09 16:47:27.664 415 3260 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=1
  845. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session - E
  846. 06-09 16:47:27.664 415 3260 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 4873
  847. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b
  848. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x1000f and stream type=10
  849. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_unlink_func:293ide 1000f
  850. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x1000f, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  851. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_unreserve:204ide 1000f
  852. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x1000f, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  853. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id f mode 0
  854. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x1000f, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  855. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream
  856. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x1000f, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  857. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:826 ide 1000f port 0xf46e68e0
  858. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_unreserve:183, identity=0x1000f
  859. 06-09 16:47:27.664 455 455 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_unreserve:193, identity=0x1000f, unreserved
  860. 06-09 16:47:27.666 4873 4873 I CAM_Profiler: [ 93,845ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onPause - STOP
  861. 06-09 16:47:27.666 4873 4873 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onPause: Activity =
  862. 06-09 16:47:27.667 455 455 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_unreserve:183, identity=0x1000f
  863. 06-09 16:47:27.667 455 455 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_unreserve:193, identity=0x1000f, unreserved
  864. 06-09 16:47:27.667 455 455 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x1000f
  865. 06-09 16:47:27.667 455 455 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x1000f, unreserved
  866. 06-09 16:47:27.667 2403 4251 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{453481f} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  867. 06-09 16:47:27.667 455 455 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x1000f
  868. 06-09 16:47:27.667 455 455 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x1000f, unreserved
  869. 06-09 16:47:27.667 2403 4251 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  870. 06-09 16:47:27.667 455 455 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_unreserve:1520]
  871. 06-09 16:47:27.667 455 455 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_unreserve:1528] destroy client
  872. 06-09 16:47:27.667 422 3151 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xf6529de0) at state 4
  873. 06-09 16:47:27.667 422 3151 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf6529de0), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
  874. 06-09 16:47:27.667 422 5832 W AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone.
  875. 06-09 16:47:27.668 455 455 E mm-camera: q3a_thread_af_stop:665 q3a_thread_af_stop:665 MSG_STOP_THREAD
  876. 06-09 16:47:27.669 422 5832 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xf6529de0)
  877. 06-09 16:47:27.671 2403 4245 E SensorHAL: set_enable status=0, sensor_type=6, sensors_mask_enabled =64
  878. 06-09 16:47:27.671 2403 4245 E SensorHAL: work = true, dev_dir_name =/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device5
  879. 06-09 16:47:27.671 422 3152 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xf4d0c120) at state 4
  880. 06-09 16:47:27.671 422 3152 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf4d0c120), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
  881. 06-09 16:47:27.671 422 5835 W AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone.
  882. 06-09 16:47:27.671 422 5835 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xf4d0c120)
  883. 06-09 16:47:27.672 422 3263 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xf652a5c0) at state 4
  884. 06-09 16:47:27.672 422 3263 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf652a5c0), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
  885. 06-09 16:47:27.672 422 5837 W AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone.
  886. 06-09 16:47:27.672 422 5837 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xf652a5c0)
  887. 06-09 16:47:27.701 2403 3414 D IzatProviderEngine_jni: onStatusChangedJNI :: status : 5
  888. 06-09 16:47:27.701 2403 3414 D IzatProviderEngine_jni: onStatusChangedJNI :: status : 7
  889. 06-09 16:47:27.715 4314 4314 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:636
  890. 06-09 16:47:27.717 2403 4887 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { dat=app:// } U=0: not found
  891. 06-09 16:47:27.718 2403 4245 D SensorHAL: lsm6db0_gyro: power-off.
  892. 06-09 16:47:27.771 2403 4887 E SensorHAL: set_enable status=0, sensor_type=8, sensors_mask_enabled =256
  893. 06-09 16:47:27.772 2403 4887 E SensorHAL: work = true, dev_dir_name =/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device15
  894. 06-09 16:47:27.818 2403 4887 D SensorHAL: lsm6db0_gravity: power-off.
  895. 06-09 16:47:27.871 455 455 E mm-camera: stats_port_delete_reserved_stream:2341 stats_port_delete_reserved_stream:2341: going to NULL peer
  896. 06-09 16:47:27.871 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x1000f and stream type=10, successfully deleted
  897. 06-09 16:47:27.871 455 5953 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: sensor - E
  898. 06-09 16:47:27.871 455 5953 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stop_session:1396session 1
  899. 06-09 16:47:27.872 455 5954 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: iface - E
  900. 06-09 16:47:27.872 455 5955 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: isp - E
  901. 06-09 16:47:27.872 455 5955 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_module_stop_session:414 session id 1
  902. 06-09 16:47:27.872 455 5954 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: iface - X
  903. 06-09 16:47:27.873 455 5956 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: stats - E
  904. 06-09 16:47:27.874 455 5957 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: pproc - E
  905. 06-09 16:47:27.874 455 5957 E mm-camera: cpp_module_stop_session:531, info: stopping session 1 ...
  906. 06-09 16:47:27.874 455 5860 E mm-camera: cpp_thread_process_pipe_message:586, CPP_THREAD_MSG_ABORT: cpp_thread exiting..
  907. 06-09 16:47:27.875 455 5958 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: imglib - E
  908. 06-09 16:47:27.875 455 5958 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_stop_session:1786] session cnt 1
  909. 06-09 16:47:27.875 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session: left modules: 5
  910. 06-09 16:47:27.876 455 5957 E mm-camera: cpp_module_stop_session:580, info: session 1 stopped.
  911. 06-09 16:47:27.876 455 5957 E mm-camera: c2d_module_stop_session:354, info: stopping session 1 ...
  912. 06-09 16:47:27.877 455 5861 E mm-camera: c2d_thread_process_pipe_message:824, C2D_THREAD_MSG_ABORT: c2d_thread exiting..
  913. 06-09 16:47:27.880 455 5958 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: imglib - X
  914. 06-09 16:47:27.880 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session: left modules: 4
  915. 06-09 16:47:27.896 455 5957 E mm-camera: c2d_module_stop_session:399, info: session 1 stopped.
  916. 06-09 16:47:27.896 455 5957 E mm-camera-pp: [INFO] base_module_stop_session:98, E, session=1
  917. 06-09 16:47:27.897 455 5956 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: stats - X
  918. 06-09 16:47:27.897 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session: left modules: 3
  919. 06-09 16:47:27.902 455 5957 E cac2 : [cac2latency] cac2_destroy_buffers: 3 ms
  920. 06-09 16:47:27.903 455 5955 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: isp - X
  921. 06-09 16:47:27.904 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session: left modules: 2
  922. 06-09 16:47:27.904 455 5957 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: pproc - X
  923. 06-09 16:47:27.904 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session: left modules: 1
  924. 06-09 16:47:27.985 455 5953 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: sensor - X
  925. 06-09 16:47:27.985 455 5864 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_thread_func:153sensor_thread_func:Sensor thread is exiting
  926. 06-09 16:47:27.985 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session: left modules: 0
  927. 06-09 16:47:27.985 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_stop_session - X
  928. 06-09 16:47:27.986 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_destroy E: session:1
  929. 06-09 16:47:27.987 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_destroy X: Pipeline destroyed successfully
  930. 06-09 16:47:27.987 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_controller_destroy: X Successfully closed mct_controller
  931. 06-09 16:47:28.026 2403 2435 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
  932. 06-09 16:47:28.037 4873 4873 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onStop: Activity =
  933. 06-09 16:47:28.037 4873 4873 D CAM_LcyLocProvider: disconnect
  934. 06-09 16:47:28.037 4873 4873 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onStop: Activity =
  935. 06-09 16:47:28.038 4873 4873 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onDestroy: Activity =
  936. 06-09 16:47:28.048 4873 4873 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onDestroy: Activity =
  937. 06-09 16:47:28.049 4873 4873 V CAM_CameraAppUI: SurfaceTexture is destroyed
  938. 06-09 16:47:28.049 4873 4873 V CAM_VideoModule: Skip stopPreview since it's not mPreviewing
  939. 06-09 16:47:28.049 4873 4873 D CAM_VideoUI: surfaceTexture is destroyed
  940. 06-09 16:47:28.073 2403 3318 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 4914
  941. 06-09 16:47:28.148 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  942. 06-09 16:47:28.276 4314 4425 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  943. 06-09 16:47:28.981 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  944. 06-09 16:47:28.982 414 3061 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  945. 06-09 16:47:29.039 2403 3318 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000} from uid 10028 on display 0
  946. 06-09 16:47:29.066 2403 3318 D ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: Activity is Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{df488ce}
  947. 06-09 16:47:29.066 2403 3318 E ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: not
  948. 06-09 16:47:29.071 2403 3318 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{df488ce} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  949. 06-09 16:47:29.071 2403 3318 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  950. 06-09 16:47:29.071 2403 3318 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  951. 06-09 16:47:29.083 2403 2435 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
  952. 06-09 16:47:29.149 450 450 W Atfwd_Sendcmd: AtCmdFwd service not published, waiting... retryCnt : 1
  953. 06-09 16:47:29.261 2403 2442 I ActivityManager: Displayed +188ms
  954. 06-09 16:47:30.499 2403 3317 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 900): remove task
  955. 06-09 16:47:30.612 2403 4889 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 5
  956. 06-09 16:47:30.614 2403 4889 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 4873
  957. 06-09 16:47:30.848 2403 4887 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 900): remove task
  958. 06-09 16:47:30.848 2403 4251 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000} from uid 10028 on display 0
  959. 06-09 16:47:30.853 2403 4251 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{453481f} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  960. 06-09 16:47:30.853 2403 4251 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  961. 06-09 16:47:30.853 2403 4251 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  962. 06-09 16:47:30.867 2403 2435 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
  963. 06-09 16:47:30.877 4314 4314 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:636
  964. 06-09 16:47:30.878 2403 4887 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { dat=app:// } U=0: not found
  965. 06-09 16:47:30.970 2403 3447 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{47398af u0$WirelessSettingsActivity}
  966. 06-09 16:47:30.971 2403 4889 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 4
  967. 06-09 16:47:30.972 2403 4245 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 3481
  968. 06-09 16:47:30.977 2403 3431 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{3b905ae u0$InputMethodAndLanguageSettingsActivity}
  969. 06-09 16:47:31.113 2403 2433 I ActivityManager: Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=3075
  970. 06-09 16:47:31.116 3075 3075 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  971. 06-09 16:47:31.411 4314 4425 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  972. 06-09 16:47:32.109 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66fa180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  973. 06-09 16:47:32.178 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
  974. 06-09 16:47:32.181 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  975. 06-09 16:47:32.181 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  976. 06-09 16:47:32.181 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  977. 06-09 16:47:32.201 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  978. 06-09 16:47:32.201 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  979. 06-09 16:47:32.201 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  980. 06-09 16:47:32.201 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
  981. 06-09 16:47:32.201 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  982. 06-09 16:47:32.205 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  983. 06-09 16:47:32.283 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ89 from CPU0 to CPU3
  984. 06-09 16:47:32.649 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  985. 06-09 16:47:32.650 414 3061 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  986. 06-09 16:47:32.653 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf66fa180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  987. 06-09 16:47:32.653 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  988. 06-09 16:47:32.653 414 758 W msm8974_platform: Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  989. 06-09 16:47:32.653 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  990. 06-09 16:47:32.658 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  991. 06-09 16:47:32.659 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  992. 06-09 16:47:32.659 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=0
  993. 06-09 16:47:32.659 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  994. 06-09 16:47:32.659 414 758 E voice : voice_is_in_call_rec_stream: input stream is NULL
  995. 06-09 16:47:32.659 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 102, path = 1
  996. 06-09 16:47:32.659 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  997. 06-09 16:47:32.659 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  998. 06-09 16:47:32.659 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  999. 06-09 16:47:32.659 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1000. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1001. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1002. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1003. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1004. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1005. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000066
  1006. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  1007. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1008. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1009. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1010. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1011. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 102 path = 1
  1013. 06-09 16:47:32.660 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: spkr-vi-record
  1014. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, path = 1
  1015. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1016. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1017. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1018. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1019. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1020. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1021. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1022. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB audproc returned = -19
  1023. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1024. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1025. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1026. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1027. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  1028. 06-09 16:47:32.700 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1029. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1030. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1031. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1032. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
  1033. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1034. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path = 1
  1036. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
  1037. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  1038. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 101, path = 0
  1039. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1040. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1041. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1042. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1043. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1044. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1045. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1046. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1047. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1048. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1049. 06-09 16:47:32.701 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1050. 06-09 16:47:32.702 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1051. 06-09 16:47:32.702 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1052. 06-09 16:47:32.702 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 101 path = 0
  1054. 06-09 16:47:32.702 414 758 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69936, acdb_dev_id 101, sample_rate 48000
  1055. 06-09 16:47:32.702 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
  1056. 06-09 16:47:32.704 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done
  1057. 06-09 16:47:32.706 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  1058. 06-09 16:47:32.706 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  1059. 06-09 16:47:32.762 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit
  1060. 06-09 16:47:34.149 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  1061. 06-09 16:47:35.150 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  1062. 06-09 16:47:35.169 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1063. 06-09 16:47:35.170 414 3061 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1064. 06-09 16:47:35.180 2403 4887 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000} from uid 10028 on display 0
  1065. 06-09 16:47:35.204 2403 3447 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@6b51ad5 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@3edc57f
  1066. 06-09 16:47:35.205 2403 4887 E art : No implementation found for int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.native_perf_io_prefetch_start(int, java.lang.String) (tried Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1perf_1io_1prefetch_1start and Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1perf_1io_1prefetch_1start__ILjava_lang_String_2)
  1067. 06-09 16:47:35.205 2403 4887 E BoostFramework: Exception java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  1068. 06-09 16:47:35.207 2403 4887 D ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: Activity is Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{ebb121}
  1069. 06-09 16:47:35.207 2403 4887 E ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: not
  1070. 06-09 16:47:35.212 2403 4887 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  1071. 06-09 16:47:35.212 2403 4887 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  1072. 06-09 16:47:35.212 2403 4887 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  1073. 06-09 16:47:35.220 2403 4889 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  1074. 06-09 16:47:35.220 2403 4889 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  1075. 06-09 16:47:35.220 2403 4889 E ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animationType=0
  1076. 06-09 16:47:35.268 2403 4889 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
  1077. 06-09 16:47:35.268 2403 4889 E art : No implementation found for int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.native_perf_io_prefetch_start(int, java.lang.String) (tried Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1perf_1io_1prefetch_1start and Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1perf_1io_1prefetch_1start__ILjava_lang_String_2)
  1078. 06-09 16:47:35.269 2403 4889 E BoostFramework: Exception java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  1079. 06-09 16:47:35.320 5974 5974 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Settings/lib/arm64
  1080. 06-09 16:47:35.524 5974 5990 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
  1081. 06-09 16:47:35.524 5974 5990 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/CellBroadcastReceiver/lib/arm64
  1082. 06-09 16:47:35.526 5974 5990 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/CellBroadcastReceiver/lib/arm64:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 for namespace 0x7f800480f0
  1083. 06-09 16:47:35.637 5974 5994 V NFC : this device does not have NFC support
  1084. 06-09 16:47:35.662 5974 5995 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Adding local MAP profile
  1085. 06-09 16:47:35.664 5974 5995 D BluetoothMap: Create BluetoothMap proxy object
  1086. 06-09 16:47:35.673 5974 5995 D BluetoothDun: BluetoothDun() call bindService
  1087. 06-09 16:47:35.674 5974 5995 E BluetoothDun: Could not bind to Bluetooth Dun Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothDun }
  1088. 06-09 16:47:35.688 5974 5995 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
  1089. 06-09 16:47:35.702 5974 5994 I IndexDatabaseHelper: Using schema version: 115
  1090. 06-09 16:47:35.703 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: get preferred network type=11
  1091. 06-09 16:47:35.703 5974 5994 I IndexDatabaseHelper: Index is fine
  1092. 06-09 16:47:35.704 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: isDdsSubInLteMode: true
  1093. 06-09 16:47:35.711 5974 5974 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1094. 06-09 16:47:35.717 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: isThereSimReady: true
  1095. 06-09 16:47:35.730 2403 4251 I ActivityManager: Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=3075
  1096. 06-09 16:47:35.732 3075 3075 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  1097. 06-09 16:47:35.748 5974 5991 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 6818200, Idb2b4cb785
  1098. 06-09 16:47:35.748 5974 5991 I Adreno : Build Date : 11/18/16
  1099. 06-09 16:47:35.748 5974 5991 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.04
  1100. 06-09 16:47:35.748 5974 5991 I Adreno : Local Branch : N25
  1101. 06-09 16:47:35.748 5974 5991 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
  1102. 06-09 16:47:35.748 5974 5991 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
  1103. 06-09 16:47:35.748 5974 5991 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch :
  1104. 06-09 16:47:35.757 5974 5991 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1105. 06-09 16:47:35.757 5974 5991 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
  1106. 06-09 16:47:35.801 5974 5994 V FingerprintManager: FingerprintManagerService was null
  1107. 06-09 16:47:35.801 5974 5994 W FingerprintManager: isFingerprintHardwareDetected(): Service not connected!
  1108. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1109. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1110. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1111. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service com.qti.qualcomm.datastatusnotification.DataStatusNotificationService
  1112. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1113. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1114. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1115. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1116. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service org.codeaurora.ims.ImsService
  1117. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1118. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1119. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1120. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  1121. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  1122. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1123. 06-09 16:47:35.854 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1124. 06-09 16:47:35.855 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.dsi.ant.server.AntService
  1125. 06-09 16:47:35.855 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.LBSSystemMonitorService
  1126. 06-09 16:47:35.855 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izatserviceprovider.service.NetworkLocationService
  1127. 06-09 16:47:35.855 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.LocationService
  1128. 06-09 16:47:35.855 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izat.IzatService
  1129. 06-09 16:47:35.855 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izatserviceprovider.service.UnifiedLocationService
  1130. 06-09 16:47:35.855 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1131. 06-09 16:47:35.855 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1132. 06-09 16:47:35.855 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  1133. 06-09 16:47:35.855 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1134. 06-09 16:47:35.855 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.qualcomm.embms:remote/10057 for service com.qualcomm.embms.EmbmsService
  1135. 06-09 16:47:35.886 5974 5974 D DashboardSummary: Received ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED or ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED
  1136. 06-09 16:47:35.887 5974 5974 D DashboardSummary: onConditionsChanged
  1137. 06-09 16:47:35.896 2403 2442 I ActivityManager: Displayed +676ms
  1138. 06-09 16:47:36.030 2403 2435 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
  1139. 06-09 16:47:36.151 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  1140. 06-09 16:47:36.707 5974 5994 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 994 millis
  1141. 06-09 16:47:36.759 5974 5994 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 7 millis
  1142. 06-09 16:47:36.783 5974 5994 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 9 millis
  1143. 06-09 16:47:36.858 2403 3044 D WifiNative-HAL: Failing getSupportedFeatureset because HAL isn't started
  1144. 06-09 16:47:36.859 2403 3318 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
  1145. 06-09 16:47:36.859 2403 3318 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
  1146. 06-09 16:47:36.872 2403 3318 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat (No such file or directory)
  1147. 06-09 16:47:37.031 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1148. 06-09 16:47:37.031 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1149. 06-09 16:47:37.032 2403 3317 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x8000$WifiSettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  1150. 06-09 16:47:37.035 2403 3317 D ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: Activity is Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{ebb121}
  1151. 06-09 16:47:37.035 2403 3317 E ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: not$WifiSettingsActivity/25
  1152. 06-09 16:47:37.039 2403 3317 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  1153. 06-09 16:47:37.039 2403 3317 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not$WifiSettingsActivity/25
  1154. 06-09 16:47:37.040 2403 3317 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  1155. 06-09 16:47:37.048 2403 4889 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  1156. 06-09 16:47:37.048 2403 4889 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not$WifiSettingsActivity/25
  1157. 06-09 16:47:37.151 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  1158. 06-09 16:47:37.248 5974 5990 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 11 millis
  1159. 06-09 16:47:37.273 5974 5990 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 9 millis
  1160. 06-09 16:47:37.281 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ128 from CPU0 to CPU3
  1161. 06-09 16:47:37.340 5974 5994 D Index : Deleting data for locale 'ru_RU' took 5 millis
  1162. 06-09 16:47:37.344 5974 5994 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 4 millis
  1163. 06-09 16:47:37.383 2403 2442 I ActivityManager: Displayed$WifiSettingsActivity: +335ms
  1164. 06-09 16:47:37.460 5974 5991 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f6112f800 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7f6076f160
  1165. 06-09 16:47:37.761 2403 2435 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
  1166. 06-09 16:47:38.152 450 450 W Atfwd_Sendcmd: AtCmdFwd service not published, waiting... retryCnt : 2
  1167. 06-09 16:47:38.200 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1168. 06-09 16:47:38.201 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1169. 06-09 16:47:38.205 2403 3447 D WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=5974, uid=1000
  1170. 06-09 16:47:38.213 2403 4420 E OsAgent : Wifi Scan Always Available: 0
  1171. 06-09 16:47:38.213 2403 3044 E WifiMonitor: killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
  1172. 06-09 16:47:38.218 2403 4420 E OsAgent : Wifi Scan Always Available: 0
  1173. 06-09 16:47:38.221 2403 3414 E LocSvc_LBSApiV02: E/virtual int lbs_core::LBSApiV02::wifiEnabledStatusInject(int):782]: Error : st = 2, ind.status = 0
  1174. 06-09 16:47:38.221 2403 3471 E QMI_FW : QCCI qmi_cci_xport_recv: txn not found. svc_id: 16
  1175. 06-09 16:47:38.223 2403 4420 E OsAgent : Wifi Scan Always Available: 0
  1176. 06-09 16:47:38.224 2403 4420 E OsAgent : Wifi Scan Always Available: 0
  1177. 06-09 16:47:39.206 423 2141 D SoftapController: Softap fwReload - Ok
  1178. 06-09 16:47:39.206 2403 2440 D IpManager.wlan0: interfaceAdded(wlan0)
  1179. 06-09 16:47:39.208 2403 3044 E NetdConnector: NDC Command {54 softap fwreload wlan0 STA} took too long (891ms)
  1180. 06-09 16:47:39.215 446 446 I cnss-daemon: wlan_service_rps_enable /sys/class/net/wlan0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus queue 0 map 0xe
  1181. 06-09 16:47:39.216 446 446 E cnss-daemon: wlan_service_rps_enable: unable to open /sys/class/net/p2p0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus
  1182. 06-09 16:47:39.219 423 2141 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
  1183. 06-09 16:47:39.219 423 2141 D CommandListener: Trying to bring down wlan0
  1184. 06-09 16:47:39.221 423 2141 D CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  1185. 06-09 16:47:39.222 4191 5097 I QtiTetherService/TetherNotifier: Active=[]; Available=[wlan0]; Errored=[]
  1186. 06-09 16:47:39.223 4191 5097 I QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication: Posting: TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[], Available=[wlan0], Errored=[]}
  1187. 06-09 16:47:39.223 4191 5097 I QtiTetherService: handleMessage(TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[], Available=[wlan0], Errored=[]})
  1188. 06-09 16:47:39.229 2403 3039 I TetherStatsReporting: getTetherStats() called NetworkStats: elapsedRealtime=228693
  1189. 06-09 16:47:39.229 2403 3039 I TetherStatsReporting: [0] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=1664 rxPackets=14 txBytes=1575 txPackets=26 operations=0
  1190. 06-09 16:47:39.229 2403 3039 I TetherStatsReporting: [1] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1191. 06-09 16:47:39.229 2403 3039 I TetherStatsReporting: [2] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=1000 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=41177 rxPackets=60 txBytes=7178 txPackets=73 operations=0
  1192. 06-09 16:47:39.229 2403 3039 I TetherStatsReporting: [3] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=1000 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1193. 06-09 16:47:39.229 2403 3039 I TetherStatsReporting: [4] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=10057 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=76 txPackets=1 operations=0
  1194. 06-09 16:47:39.229 2403 3039 I TetherStatsReporting: [5] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=10057 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1195. 06-09 16:47:39.229 2403 3039 I TetherStatsReporting: [6] iface=dummy0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=168 txPackets=3 operations=0
  1196. 06-09 16:47:39.229 2403 3039 I TetherStatsReporting: [7] iface=dummy0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1197. 06-09 16:47:39.229 2403 3039 I TetherStatsReporting: combining tether stats
  1198. 06-09 16:47:39.230 4191 4843 D QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper: getStats(false)
  1199. 06-09 16:47:39.235 2403 3044 D wifi : set interface wlan0 flags (UP)
  1200. 06-09 16:47:39.235 2403 3044 I WifiHAL : Initializing wifi
  1201. 06-09 16:47:39.239 2403 3044 E WifiHAL : get_firmware_bus_max_size_supported: requestResponse Error:-100
  1202. 06-09 16:47:39.239 2403 3044 E WifiHAL : Failed to get supported bus size, error : -100
  1203. 06-09 16:47:39.240 2403 3044 D wifi : Did set static halHandle = 0x7f59176d00
  1204. 06-09 16:47:39.240 2403 3044 D wifi : halHandle = 0x7f59176d00, mVM = 0x7f7c4ee000, mCls = 0x1432
  1205. 06-09 16:47:39.240 2403 3044 D wifi : array field set
  1206. 06-09 16:47:39.243 2403 6030 I WifiNative-HAL: Waiting for HAL events mWifiHalHandle=546955554048
  1207. 06-09 16:47:39.244 2403 6030 D wifi : waitForHalEvents called, vm = 0x7f7c4ee000, obj = 0x1432, env = 0x7f5440d240
  1208. 06-09 16:47:39.337 6031 6031 I wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
  1209. 06-09 16:47:39.349 2403 3044 D WifiMonitor: startMonitoring(wlan0) with mConnected = false
  1210. 06-09 16:47:39.349 6031 6031 I wpa_supplicant: rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
  1211. 06-09 16:47:39.397 6031 6031 I wpa_supplicant: rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
  1212. 06-09 16:47:39.436 6031 6031 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=UNKNOWN
  1213. 06-09 16:47:39.441 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: Loading config and enabling all networks
  1214. 06-09 16:47:39.443 2403 3044 I WifiNetworkHistory: readNetworkHistory: no config file, /data/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt (No such file or directory)
  1215. 06-09 16:47:39.444 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: loaded 0 passpoint configs
  1216. 06-09 16:47:39.444 2403 3044 E IpConfigStore: Error parsing configuration: /data/misc/wifi/ipconfig.txt (No such file or directory)
  1217. 06-09 16:47:39.446 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: --- Begin /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf ---
  1218. 06-09 16:47:39.446 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: update_config=1
  1219. 06-09 16:47:39.447 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: eapol_version=1
  1220. 06-09 16:47:39.447 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: ap_scan=1
  1221. 06-09 16:47:39.447 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: fast_reauth=1
  1222. 06-09 16:47:39.447 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: pmf=1
  1223. 06-09 16:47:39.447 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: p2p_add_cli_chan=1
  1224. 06-09 16:47:39.447 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: --- End /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf Contents ---
  1225. 06-09 16:47:39.447 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: --- Begin /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf.tmp ---
  1226. 06-09 16:47:39.447 2403 3044 W WifiConfigManager: Could not open /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf.tmp, /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf.tmp (No such file or directory)
  1227. 06-09 16:47:39.447 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: --- End /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf.tmp Contents ---
  1228. 06-09 16:47:39.447 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: --- Begin /data/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt ---
  1229. 06-09 16:47:39.448 2403 3044 W WifiConfigManager: Could not open /data/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt, /data/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt (No such file or directory)
  1230. 06-09 16:47:39.448 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: --- End /data/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt Contents ---
  1231. 06-09 16:47:39.455 6031 6031 W wpa_supplicant: scan plan 1: Too many iterations(6), use the maximum allowed(0)
  1232. 06-09 16:47:39.455 6031 6031 W wpa_supplicant: Too many scheduled scan plans (only 1 supported)
  1233. 06-09 16:47:39.455 6031 6031 W wpa_supplicant: Use only the first 0 scan plans, and the last one (in infinite loop)
  1234. 06-09 16:47:39.457 2403 3044 D WifiNative-HAL: Setting external_sim to 1
  1235. 06-09 16:47:39.458 2403 3044 D wifi : setting dfs flag to true, 0x7f545e28c0
  1236. 06-09 16:47:39.459 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: Setting OUI to DA-A1-19
  1237. 06-09 16:47:39.459 2403 3044 D wifi : setting scan oui 0x7f545e28c0
  1238. 06-09 16:47:39.463 6031 6031 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=RU
  1239. 06-09 16:47:39.465 6031 6031 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=RU
  1240. 06-09 16:47:39.466 2403 3044 D WifiCountryCode: Succeeded to set country code to: RU
  1241. 06-09 16:47:39.470 2403 3044 I WifiConnectivityManager: PNO settings: min5GHzRssi -82 min24GHzRssi -85 currentConnectionBonus 16 sameNetworkBonus 24 secureNetworkBonus 80 initialScoreMax 100
  1242. 06-09 16:47:39.470 2403 3044 I WifiConnectivityManager: ConnectivityScanManager initialized and enabled
  1243. 06-09 16:47:39.470 2403 3044 I WifiConnectivityManager: setUntrustedConnectionAllowed: allowed=false
  1244. 06-09 16:47:39.470 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_get_firmware_version = 0x7f545e28c0
  1245. 06-09 16:47:39.471 2403 3044 D wifi : buffer is 0x7f63da9600, length is 256
  1246. 06-09 16:47:39.471 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_get_driver_version = 0x7f545e28c0
  1247. 06-09 16:47:39.471 2403 3044 D wifi : buffer is 0x7f63da9600, length is 256
  1248. 06-09 16:47:39.471 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_set_log_handler = 0x7f545e28c0
  1249. 06-09 16:47:39.471 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_get_ring_buffer_status = 0x7f545e28c0
  1250. 06-09 16:47:39.471 2403 3044 D wifi : status is 0x7f74cba600, number is 5
  1251. 06-09 16:47:39.475 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer = 0x7f545e28c0
  1252. 06-09 16:47:39.475 2403 3044 D wifi : start logging for ring power_events_rb
  1253. 06-09 16:47:39.475 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer = 0x7f545e28c0
  1254. 06-09 16:47:39.476 2403 3044 D wifi : start logging for ring connectivity_events_rb
  1255. 06-09 16:47:39.476 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer = 0x7f545e28c0
  1256. 06-09 16:47:39.476 2403 3044 D wifi : start logging for ring pkt_stats_rb
  1257. 06-09 16:47:39.476 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer = 0x7f545e28c0
  1258. 06-09 16:47:39.476 2403 3044 D wifi : start logging for ring driver_prints_rb
  1259. 06-09 16:47:39.476 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer = 0x7f545e28c0
  1260. 06-09 16:47:39.477 2403 3044 D wifi : start logging for ring firmware_prints_rb
  1261. 06-09 16:47:39.483 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer = 0x7f545e28c0
  1262. 06-09 16:47:39.483 2403 3044 D wifi : start logging for ring power_events_rb
  1263. 06-09 16:47:39.483 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer = 0x7f545e28c0
  1264. 06-09 16:47:39.483 2403 3044 D wifi : start logging for ring connectivity_events_rb
  1265. 06-09 16:47:39.483 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer = 0x7f545e28c0
  1266. 06-09 16:47:39.483 2403 3044 D wifi : start logging for ring pkt_stats_rb
  1267. 06-09 16:47:39.483 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer = 0x7f545e28c0
  1268. 06-09 16:47:39.483 2403 3044 D wifi : start logging for ring driver_prints_rb
  1269. 06-09 16:47:39.484 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer = 0x7f545e28c0
  1270. 06-09 16:47:39.484 2403 3044 D wifi : start logging for ring firmware_prints_rb
  1271. 06-09 16:47:39.500 2403 3044 E WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: requestResponse Error:-22
  1272. 06-09 16:47:39.500 2403 3044 E wifi : android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
  1273. 06-09 16:47:39.504 2403 2403 D RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 3
  1274. 06-09 16:47:39.504 2403 3051 D RttService: DefaultState got{ when=0 what=160512$SmHandler }
  1275. 06-09 16:47:39.505 2403 3050 E WifiHAL : wifi_get_gscan_capabilities: GSCAN is not supported by driver
  1276. 06-09 16:47:39.505 2403 3050 D wifi : failed to get capabilities : -3
  1277. 06-09 16:47:39.507 423 2141 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
  1278. 06-09 16:47:39.507 423 2141 D CommandListener: Trying to bring up p2p0
  1279. 06-09 16:47:39.507 2403 3050 I WifiScanningService: wifi driver loaded with scan capabilities: max buckets=16
  1280. 06-09 16:47:39.508 2403 3042 D WifiMonitor: startMonitoring(p2p0) with mConnected = true
  1281. 06-09 16:47:39.516 2403 3044 D wifi : android_net_wifi_setLinkLayerStats: 1
  1282. 06-09 16:47:39.516 2403 3044 I WifiHAL : mpdu_size_threshold : 128, aggressive_statistics_gathering : 1
  1283. 06-09 16:47:39.524 2403 3044 I WifiConnectivityManager: Set WiFi enabled
  1284. 06-09 16:47:39.525 2403 3044 I WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
  1285. 06-09 16:47:39.528 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: resetting EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' networks since SIM was changed
  1286. 06-09 16:47:39.529 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: resetting EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' networks since SIM was changed
  1287. 06-09 16:47:39.529 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: resetting EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' networks since SIM was changed
  1288. 06-09 16:47:39.529 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: resetting EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' networks since SIM was changed
  1289. 06-09 16:47:39.534 2403 2411 E art : No implementation found for void com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.native_deinit() (tried Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1deinit and Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1deinit__)
  1290. 06-09 16:47:39.534 2403 2411 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer
  1291. 06-09 16:47:39.534 2403 2411 E System : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for void com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.native_deinit() (tried Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1deinit and Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1deinit__)
  1292. 06-09 16:47:39.534 2403 2411 E System : at com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.native_deinit(Native Method)
  1293. 06-09 16:47:39.534 2403 2411 E System : at com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.finalize(
  1294. 06-09 16:47:39.534 2403 2411 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(
  1295. 06-09 16:47:39.534 2403 2411 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(
  1296. 06-09 16:47:39.534 2403 2411 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$
  1297. 06-09 16:47:39.534 2403 2411 E System : at
  1298. 06-09 16:47:39.535 2403 3042 D WifiNative-HAL: p2pGetDeviceAddress
  1299. 06-09 16:47:39.538 5974 5993 D Index : Deleting data for locale 'ru_RU' took 8 millis
  1300. 06-09 16:47:39.538 2403 3042 D WifiNative-HAL: p2pGetDeviceAddress returning 02:a0:c6:72:5c:6f
  1301. 06-09 16:47:39.557 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1302. 06-09 16:47:39.560 2403 2438 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat (No such file or directory)
  1303. 06-09 16:47:39.563 5974 5993 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 25 millis
  1304. 06-09 16:47:39.568 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1305. 06-09 16:47:39.571 2403 2438 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat (No such file or directory)
  1306. 06-09 16:47:41.311 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66fa180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  1307. 06-09 16:47:41.373 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
  1308. 06-09 16:47:41.374 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  1309. 06-09 16:47:41.375 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1310. 06-09 16:47:41.375 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  1311. 06-09 16:47:41.395 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  1312. 06-09 16:47:41.395 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  1313. 06-09 16:47:41.395 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  1314. 06-09 16:47:41.395 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
  1315. 06-09 16:47:41.396 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  1316. 06-09 16:47:41.402 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  1317. 06-09 16:47:41.984 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1318. 06-09 16:47:41.985 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1319. 06-09 16:47:41.998 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf66fa180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  1320. 06-09 16:47:42.000 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  1321. 06-09 16:47:42.000 414 758 W msm8974_platform: Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  1322. 06-09 16:47:42.000 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1323. 06-09 16:47:42.009 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  1324. 06-09 16:47:42.009 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  1325. 06-09 16:47:42.009 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=0
  1326. 06-09 16:47:42.009 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  1327. 06-09 16:47:42.009 414 758 E voice : voice_is_in_call_rec_stream: input stream is NULL
  1328. 06-09 16:47:42.009 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 102, path = 1
  1329. 06-09 16:47:42.009 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1330. 06-09 16:47:42.009 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1331. 06-09 16:47:42.009 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1332. 06-09 16:47:42.009 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1333. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1334. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1335. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1336. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1337. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1338. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000066
  1339. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  1340. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1341. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1342. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1343. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1344. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 102 path = 1
  1346. 06-09 16:47:42.010 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: spkr-vi-record
  1347. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, path = 1
  1348. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1349. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1350. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1351. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1352. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1353. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1354. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1355. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB audproc returned = -19
  1356. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1357. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1358. 06-09 16:47:42.047 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1359. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1360. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  1361. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1362. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1363. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1364. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1365. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
  1366. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1367. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path = 1
  1369. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
  1370. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  1371. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 101, path = 0
  1372. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1373. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1374. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1375. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1376. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1377. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1378. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1379. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1380. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1381. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1382. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1383. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1384. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1385. 06-09 16:47:42.048 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 101 path = 0
  1387. 06-09 16:47:42.049 414 758 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69936, acdb_dev_id 101, sample_rate 48000
  1388. 06-09 16:47:42.049 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
  1389. 06-09 16:47:42.050 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done
  1390. 06-09 16:47:42.052 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  1391. 06-09 16:47:42.052 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  1392. 06-09 16:47:42.100 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit
  1393. 06-09 16:47:42.279 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Discovered a new IRQ: 276
  1394. 06-09 16:47:42.281 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ131 from CPU0 to CPU2
  1395. 06-09 16:47:42.322 3115 3115 W RichInputMethodSubtype: Can't find emoji subtype
  1396. 06-09 16:47:42.322 3115 3115 W RichInputMethodSubtype: No input method subtype found; returning dummy subtype: Multi-lingual subtype: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtype@d78b2ed0, zz
  1397. 06-09 16:47:42.461 3115 3115 I EmojiCategory: Last Emoji category id is 8
  1398. 06-09 16:47:42.521 3115 3115 W ViewPager: Requested offscreen page limit 0 too small; defaulting to 1
  1399. 06-09 16:47:42.532 3115 3115 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0
  1400. 06-09 16:47:42.539 3115 3219 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = ; version = 1497019662 ; date = ?
  1401. 06-09 16:47:42.557 3115 3219 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = ; version = 1497019662 ; date = ?
  1402. 06-09 16:47:42.570 3115 3219 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:ru ; version = 54 ; date = 1414726277
  1403. 06-09 16:47:42.581 3115 3219 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:ru ; version = 54 ; date = 1414726277
  1404. 06-09 16:47:42.649 3115 6047 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 6818200, Idb2b4cb785
  1405. 06-09 16:47:42.649 3115 6047 I Adreno : Build Date : 11/18/16
  1406. 06-09 16:47:42.649 3115 6047 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.04
  1407. 06-09 16:47:42.649 3115 6047 I Adreno : Local Branch : N25
  1408. 06-09 16:47:42.649 3115 6047 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
  1409. 06-09 16:47:42.649 3115 6047 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
  1410. 06-09 16:47:42.649 3115 6047 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch :
  1411. 06-09 16:47:42.657 3115 6047 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1412. 06-09 16:47:42.658 3115 6047 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
  1413. 06-09 16:47:43.573 3115 3219 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = userunigram.en_US ; version = 1497019663 ; date = ?
  1414. 06-09 16:47:43.611 3115 3219 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:en ; version = 54 ; date = 1414726273
  1415. 06-09 16:47:45.216 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66fa180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  1416. 06-09 16:47:45.292 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
  1417. 06-09 16:47:45.296 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  1418. 06-09 16:47:45.296 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1419. 06-09 16:47:45.296 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  1420. 06-09 16:47:45.326 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  1421. 06-09 16:47:45.326 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  1422. 06-09 16:47:45.326 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  1423. 06-09 16:47:45.326 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
  1424. 06-09 16:47:45.326 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  1425. 06-09 16:47:45.335 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  1426. 06-09 16:47:47.294 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ48 from CPU0 to CPU2
  1427. 06-09 16:47:48.153 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  1428. 06-09 16:47:48.669 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1429. 06-09 16:47:48.670 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1430. 06-09 16:47:48.673 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf66fa180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  1431. 06-09 16:47:48.674 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  1432. 06-09 16:47:48.674 414 758 W msm8974_platform: Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  1433. 06-09 16:47:48.674 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1434. 06-09 16:47:48.695 3115 3115 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 10,10
  1435. 06-09 16:47:48.698 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  1436. 06-09 16:47:48.698 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  1437. 06-09 16:47:48.698 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=0
  1438. 06-09 16:47:48.698 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  1439. 06-09 16:47:48.698 414 758 E voice : voice_is_in_call_rec_stream: input stream is NULL
  1440. 06-09 16:47:48.698 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 102, path = 1
  1441. 06-09 16:47:48.698 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1442. 06-09 16:47:48.698 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1443. 06-09 16:47:48.698 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1444. 06-09 16:47:48.698 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1445. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1446. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1447. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1448. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1449. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1450. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000066
  1451. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  1452. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1453. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1454. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1455. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1456. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 102 path = 1
  1458. 06-09 16:47:48.699 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: spkr-vi-record
  1459. 06-09 16:47:48.712 5974 5974 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getSelectedText on inactive InputConnection
  1460. 06-09 16:47:48.717 5974 5974 W IInputConnectionWrapper: requestCursorAnchorInfo on inactive InputConnection
  1461. 06-09 16:47:48.719 5974 5974 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
  1462. 06-09 16:47:48.720 3115 3115 E RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text.
  1463. 06-09 16:47:48.720 3115 3115 D RichInputConnection: Will try to retrieve text later.
  1464. 06-09 16:47:48.730 5974 5974 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
  1465. 06-09 16:47:48.730 3115 3115 E RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text.
  1466. 06-09 16:47:48.731 3115 3115 W RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor. Setting caps mode without knowing text.
  1467. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, path = 1
  1468. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1469. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1470. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1471. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1472. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1473. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1474. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1475. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB audproc returned = -19
  1476. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1477. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1478. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1479. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1480. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  1481. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1482. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1483. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1484. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1485. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
  1486. 06-09 16:47:48.735 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1487. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path = 1
  1489. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
  1490. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  1491. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 101, path = 0
  1492. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1493. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1494. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1495. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1496. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1497. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1498. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1499. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1500. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1501. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1502. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1503. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1504. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1505. 06-09 16:47:48.736 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 101 path = 0
  1507. 06-09 16:47:48.737 414 758 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69936, acdb_dev_id 101, sample_rate 48000
  1508. 06-09 16:47:48.737 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
  1509. 06-09 16:47:48.738 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done
  1510. 06-09 16:47:48.740 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  1511. 06-09 16:47:48.740 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  1512. 06-09 16:47:48.748 3115 3115 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0
  1513. 06-09 16:47:48.790 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit
  1514. 06-09 16:47:49.076 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1515. 06-09 16:47:49.082 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1516. 06-09 16:47:49.088 2403 3043 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  1517. 06-09 16:47:49.089 2403 3043 D WiFiServiceImpl : SAVE nid=0 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
  1518. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: Connect with config* ID: -1 SSID: "Антон" PROVIDER-NAME: null BSSID: null FQDN: null PRIO: 0 HIDDEN: false
  1519. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: NetworkSelectionStatus NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED
  1520. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: hasEverConnected: false
  1521. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
  1522. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: AuthAlgorithms:
  1523. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: PairwiseCiphers:
  1524. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: GroupCiphers:
  1525. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: PSK: *
  1526. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: sim_num
  1527. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: Enterprise config:
  1528. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: IP config:
  1529. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: IP assignment: DHCP
  1530. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: Proxy settings: NONE
  1531. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: cuid=-1 luid=-1 lcuid=0 userApproved=USER_UNSPECIFIED noInternetAccessExpected=false isCarrierNetwork=false roamingFailureBlackListTimeMilli: 1000
  1532. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: triggeredLow: 0 triggeredBad: 0 triggeredNotHigh: 0
  1533. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: ticksLow: 0 ticksBad: 0 ticksNotHigh: 0
  1534. 06-09 16:47:49.091 2403 3043 D WifiService: triggeredJoin: 0
  1535. 06-09 16:47:49.092 2403 3043 D WiFiServiceImpl : CONNECT nid=-1 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
  1536. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: Connect with config* ID: -1 SSID: "Антон" PROVIDER-NAME: null BSSID: null FQDN: null PRIO: 0 HIDDEN: false
  1537. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: NetworkSelectionStatus NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED
  1538. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: hasEverConnected: false
  1539. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
  1540. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: AuthAlgorithms:
  1541. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: PairwiseCiphers:
  1542. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: GroupCiphers:
  1543. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: PSK: *
  1544. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: sim_num
  1545. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: Enterprise config:
  1546. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: IP config:
  1547. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: IP assignment: DHCP
  1548. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: Proxy settings: NONE
  1549. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: cuid=-1 luid=-1 lcuid=0 userApproved=USER_UNSPECIFIED noInternetAccessExpected=false isCarrierNetwork=false roamingFailureBlackListTimeMilli: 1000
  1550. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: triggeredLow: 0 triggeredBad: 0 triggeredNotHigh: 0
  1551. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: ticksLow: 0 ticksBad: 0 ticksNotHigh: 0
  1552. 06-09 16:47:49.093 2403 3043 D WifiService: triggeredJoin: 0
  1553. 06-09 16:47:49.096 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: SAVE_NETWORK id=-1 config="Антон" nid=-1 supstate=DisconnectedState my state DisconnectedState
  1554. 06-09 16:47:49.099 2403 3044 I WifiConfigStore: addOrUpdateNetwork created netId=0
  1555. 06-09 16:47:49.102 5974 5991 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f5cf63c00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7f6025fce0
  1556. 06-09 16:47:49.120 3115 3115 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
  1557. 06-09 16:47:49.127 5974 5974 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
  1558. 06-09 16:47:49.127 5974 5974 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
  1559. 06-09 16:47:49.138 2403 3044 D WifiConfigManager: created new config netId=0 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
  1560. 06-09 16:47:49.141 2403 3044 E WifiConfigStore: Failed to look-up a string: WPA_PSK
  1561. 06-09 16:47:49.155 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  1562. 06-09 16:47:49.158 2403 6064 D WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Антон"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
  1563. 06-09 16:47:49.158 2403 6064 V WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Антон"WPA_PSK
  1564. 06-09 16:47:49.168 2403 3044 I WifiConnectivityManager: connectToUserSelectNetwork: netId=0 persist=true
  1565. 06-09 16:47:49.168 2403 6066 D WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Антон"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
  1566. 06-09 16:47:49.168 2403 6066 V WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Антон"WPA_PSK
  1567. 06-09 16:47:49.169 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: CONNECT_NETWORK updating existing config with id=0 configKey="Антон"WPA_PSK
  1568. 06-09 16:47:49.182 2403 3044 E WifiConfigStore: Failed to look-up a string: WPA_PSK
  1569. 06-09 16:47:49.190 2403 6067 D WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Антон"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
  1570. 06-09 16:47:49.190 2403 6067 V WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Антон"WPA_PSK
  1571. 06-09 16:47:49.196 2403 3044 I WifiConnectivityManager: connectToUserSelectNetwork: netId=0 persist=true
  1572. 06-09 16:47:49.204 2403 6068 D WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Антон"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
  1573. 06-09 16:47:49.205 2403 6068 V WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Антон"WPA_PSK
  1574. 06-09 16:47:49.210 2403 3044 I WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
  1575. 06-09 16:47:49.390 402 752 E ThermalEngine: speaker_cal_algo: 53000 > 45000 (max_temp) || 3000 > 6000(temp_range)
  1576. 06-09 16:47:50.156 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  1577. 06-09 16:47:50.236 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1578. 06-09 16:47:50.237 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1579. 06-09 16:47:50.289 2403 3431 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  1580. 06-09 16:47:50.297 2403 2433 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  1581. 06-09 16:47:50.297 2403 2433 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  1582. 06-09 16:47:50.328 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: get preferred network type=11
  1583. 06-09 16:47:50.329 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: isDdsSubInLteMode: true
  1584. 06-09 16:47:50.329 5974 5974 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1585. 06-09 16:47:50.332 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: isThereSimReady: true
  1586. 06-09 16:47:50.333 5974 5992 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 13 millis
  1587. 06-09 16:47:50.350 5974 5974 D DashboardSummary: Received ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED or ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED
  1588. 06-09 16:47:50.372 5974 5974 D DashboardSummary: onConditionsChanged
  1589. 06-09 16:47:50.384 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1590. 06-09 16:47:50.388 2403 4888 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
  1591. 06-09 16:47:50.391 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1592. 06-09 16:47:50.391 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1593. 06-09 16:47:50.391 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1594. 06-09 16:47:50.391 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service com.qti.qualcomm.datastatusnotification.DataStatusNotificationService
  1595. 06-09 16:47:50.391 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1596. 06-09 16:47:50.391 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1597. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1598. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1599. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service org.codeaurora.ims.ImsService
  1600. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1601. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1602. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1603. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  1604. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  1605. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1606. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1607. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.dsi.ant.server.AntService
  1608. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.LBSSystemMonitorService
  1609. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izatserviceprovider.service.NetworkLocationService
  1610. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.LocationService
  1611. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izat.IzatService
  1612. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izatserviceprovider.service.UnifiedLocationService
  1613. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1614. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1615. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  1616. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1617. 06-09 16:47:50.392 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.qualcomm.embms:remote/10057 for service com.qualcomm.embms.EmbmsService
  1618. 06-09 16:47:50.403 2403 4888 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat (No such file or directory)
  1619. 06-09 16:47:50.819 2403 3050 W AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener$3@f11ad1
  1620. 06-09 16:47:50.821 6031 6031 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID '\xd0\x90\xd0\xbd\xd1\x82\xd0\xbe\xd0\xbd'
  1621. 06-09 16:47:50.910 6031 6031 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with ac:f1:df:2a:3b:dd
  1622. 06-09 16:47:50.910 6031 6031 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
  1623. 06-09 16:47:51.157 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  1624. 06-09 16:47:51.380 6031 6031 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with ac:f1:df:2a:3b:dd [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
  1625. 06-09 16:47:51.380 6031 6031 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to ac:f1:df:2a:3b:dd completed [id=0 id_str=%7B%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%2C%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22%D0%90%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%7D]
  1626. 06-09 16:47:51.401 2403 3044 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Антон", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]} network{102} nethandle{438103100126} lp{{LinkAddresses: [] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]} Score{20} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
  1627. 06-09 16:47:51.401 2403 3052 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
  1628. 06-09 16:47:51.434 2403 3044 E WifiHAL : wifi_get_packet_filter_capabilities: requestResponse() error: -524
  1629. 06-09 16:47:51.436 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: Start Dhcp Watchdog 1
  1630. 06-09 16:47:51.441 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1631. 06-09 16:47:51.445 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1632. 06-09 16:47:51.451 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Антонfalse,false
  1633. 06-09 16:47:51.455 2403 3044 D WifiNative-wlan0: configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true)
  1634. 06-09 16:47:51.459 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  1635. 06-09 16:47:51.460 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  1636. 06-09 16:47:51.460 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  1637. 06-09 16:47:51.462 2403 6030 E WifiHAL : Few pkt stats messages missed: rcvd = 0, prev = 0
  1638. 06-09 16:47:51.476 2403 6078 D DhcpClient: Receive thread started
  1639. 06-09 16:47:51.481 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1640. 06-09 16:47:51.485 2403 6076 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
  1641. 06-09 16:47:51.490 2403 6078 D DhcpClient: Received packet: 00:a0:c6:eb:5c:6f OFFER, ip /, mask /, DNS servers: / / , gateways [/] lease time 86400, domain Dlink
  1642. 06-09 16:47:51.490 2403 6076 D DhcpClient: Got pending lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains Dlink DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 86400 seconds
  1643. 06-09 16:47:51.492 2403 6076 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST ciaddr= request= serverid=
  1644. 06-09 16:47:51.496 2403 6078 D DhcpClient: Received packet: 00:a0:c6:eb:5c:6f ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / / , lease time 86400
  1645. 06-09 16:47:51.497 2403 6076 D DhcpClient: Confirmed lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains Dlink DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 86400 seconds
  1646. 06-09 16:47:51.501 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Антонfalse,false
  1647. 06-09 16:47:51.502 423 2141 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
  1648. 06-09 16:47:51.503 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  1649. 06-09 16:47:51.503 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  1650. 06-09 16:47:51.503 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  1651. 06-09 16:47:51.503 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  1652. 06-09 16:47:51.507 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Антонfalse,false
  1653. 06-09 16:47:51.507 2403 6076 D DhcpClient: Scheduling renewal in 43199s
  1654. 06-09 16:47:51.507 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: WifiStateMachine: handleSuccessfulIpConfiguration and no scan results"Антон"WPA_PSK
  1655. 06-09 16:47:51.507 2403 6076 D DhcpClient: Scheduling rebind in 75599s
  1656. 06-09 16:47:51.507 2403 6076 D DhcpClient: Scheduling expiry in 86399s
  1657. 06-09 16:47:51.508 2403 3052 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTED
  1658. 06-09 16:47:51.510 2403 3052 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface wlan0 to network 102
  1659. 06-09 16:47:51.512 2403 3044 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Антонfalse,false
  1660. 06-09 16:47:51.522 2403 3044 E WifiStateMachine: Did not find remoteAddress {} in /proc/net/arp
  1661. 06-09 16:47:51.549 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  1662. 06-09 16:47:51.551 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  1663. 06-09 16:47:51.553 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
  1664. 06-09 16:47:51.553 446 446 I cnss-daemon: ip type is ipv4
  1665. 06-09 16:47:51.554 2403 3052 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 102 to [/, /]
  1666. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: getTetherStats() called NetworkStats: elapsedRealtime=241028
  1667. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [0] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=140 txPackets=2 operations=0
  1668. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [1] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1669. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [2] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=1664 rxPackets=14 txBytes=1575 txPackets=26 operations=0
  1670. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [3] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1671. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [4] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=1000 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=41177 rxPackets=60 txBytes=7250 txPackets=74 operations=0
  1672. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [5] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=1000 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1673. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [6] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=10057 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=76 txPackets=1 operations=0
  1674. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [7] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=10057 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1675. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [8] iface=dummy0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=168 txPackets=3 operations=0
  1676. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [9] iface=dummy0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1677. 06-09 16:47:51.564 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: combining tether stats
  1678. 06-09 16:47:51.565 4191 4843 D QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper: getStats(false)
  1679. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: getTetherStats() called NetworkStats: elapsedRealtime=241040
  1680. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [0] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=140 txPackets=2 operations=0
  1681. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [1] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1682. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [2] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=1664 rxPackets=14 txBytes=1575 txPackets=26 operations=0
  1683. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [3] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1684. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [4] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=1000 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=41177 rxPackets=60 txBytes=7250 txPackets=74 operations=0
  1685. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [5] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=1000 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1686. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [6] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=10057 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=76 txPackets=1 operations=0
  1687. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [7] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=10057 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1688. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [8] iface=dummy0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=168 txPackets=3 operations=0
  1689. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [9] iface=dummy0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1690. 06-09 16:47:51.573 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: combining tether stats
  1691. 06-09 16:47:51.574 4191 4204 D QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper: getStats(false)
  1692. 06-09 16:47:51.577 2403 3072 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(6, 0, null)
  1693. 06-09 16:47:51.578 2403 2434 D GnssLocationProvider: handleDownloadXtraData() called when Xtra not supported
  1694. 06-09 16:47:51.578 2403 2434 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(6, 0, null)
  1695. 06-09 16:47:51.578 4191 4281 W QCNEJ : |CORE| network available: 102
  1696. 06-09 16:47:51.583 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
  1697. 06-09 16:47:51.583 446 446 I cnss-daemon: NDA_DST received: ul: 562992919914688
  1698. 06-09 16:47:51.583 446 446 I cnss-daemon: NDA_LLADDR received
  1699. 06-09 16:47:51.584 446 446 E cnss-daemon: gateway ipv4 address:
  1700. 06-09 16:47:51.584 446 446 E cnss-daemon: gateway mac address: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x
  1701. 06-09 16:47:51.584 446 446 E cnss-daemon: : ac:f1:df:2a:3b:dd
  1702. 06-09 16:47:51.584 446 446 E cnss-daemon: gw update message successfully sent
  1703. 06-09 16:47:51.585 4191 4281 W QCNEJ : |CORE| onAvailable: bind the process to WIFI
  1704. 06-09 16:47:51.588 2403 6083 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]: PROBE_DNS OK 7ms,
  1705. 06-09 16:47:51.589 4191 4281 W QCNEJ : |CORE| newLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: Dlink MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576}
  1706. 06-09 16:47:51.589 2403 6082 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]: PROBE_DNS OK 9ms,,,,,
  1707. 06-09 16:47:51.589 4191 4281 W QCNEJ : |CORE| curLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: Dlink MTU: 0}
  1708. 06-09 16:47:51.613 2403 6083 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]: PROBE_HTTP time=24ms ret=204 headers={null=[HTTP/1.1 204 No Content], Content-Length=[0], Date=[Fri, 09 Jun 2017 14:47:51 GMT], X-Android-Received-Millis=[1497019671612], X-Android-Response-Source=[NETWORK 204], X-Android-Selected-Protocol=[http/1.1], X-Android-Sent-Millis=[1497019671601]}
  1709. 06-09 16:47:51.701 2403 6082 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]: PROBE_HTTPS time=111ms ret=204 headers={null=[HTTP/1.1 204 No Content], Alt-Svc=[quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="38,37,36,35"], Content-Length=[0], Date=[Fri, 09 Jun 2017 14:47:51 GMT], X-Android-Received-Millis=[1497019671700], X-Android-Response-Source=[NETWORK 204], X-Android-Selected-Protocol=[http/1.1], X-Android-Sent-Millis=[1497019671627]}
  1710. 06-09 16:47:51.705 2403 3052 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] validation passed
  1711. 06-09 16:47:51.707 2403 3052 D ConnectivityService: Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Антон", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]} network{102} nethandle{438103100126} lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: Dlink MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -38]} Score{60} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{true} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
  1712. 06-09 16:47:51.759 423 2141 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t raw -A idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
  1713. 06-09 16:47:51.790 423 2141 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -A idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
  1714. 06-09 16:47:51.807 2403 3052 D ConnectivityService: Lingering NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 101] for 30000ms
  1715. 06-09 16:47:51.807 2403 3052 D ConnectivityService: Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 0 NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 101] isDefaultNetwork=true
  1716. 06-09 16:47:51.808 4191 4281 I QCNEJ : |CORE| network losing: 101 in 30000ms
  1717. 06-09 16:47:51.809 2403 3052 D ConnectivityService: Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] isDefaultNetwork=true
  1718. 06-09 16:47:51.823 4404 4404 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=1
  1719. 06-09 16:47:51.825 4404 4404 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=1 retVal=true
  1720. 06-09 16:47:51.860 4404 4404 D Mms-debug: isMmsNetworkReadyForPendingMsg available = true, isConnected = false
  1721. 06-09 16:47:51.865 4404 4404 D Mms-debug: Creating TransactionService
  1722. 06-09 16:47:51.867 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: Handling incoming message: { when=-1ms what=5 arg1=1 obj=Intent { }$ServiceHandler } = EVENT_NEW_INTENT
  1723. 06-09 16:47:51.871 4404 4404 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=1
  1724. 06-09 16:47:51.873 4404 4404 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=1 retVal=true
  1725. 06-09 16:47:51.874 4404 4404 D Mms-debug: isMmsNetworkReadyForPendingMsg available = true, isConnected = false
  1726. 06-09 16:47:51.874 2403 6091 E : E/XTRA_DOWNLOAD_STATUS izat_xtra::PalNetIf::connect():218][XTRA2] connected to
  1727. 06-09 16:47:51.884 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: onNewIntent: serviceId: 1: null intent=Intent { }
  1728. 06-09 16:47:51.911 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: Cursor= >>>>> Dumping cursor android.content.ContentResolver$CursorWrapperInner@793e1c7
  1729. 06-09 16:47:51.911 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: <<<<<
  1730. 06-09 16:47:51.911 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: onNewIntent: cursor.count=0 action=null
  1731. 06-09 16:47:51.911 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: onNewIntent: no pending messages. Stopping service.
  1732. 06-09 16:47:51.929 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: stopSelfIfIdle: STOP!
  1733. 06-09 16:47:51.933 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: Handling incoming message: { when=-58ms what=5 arg1=2 obj=Intent { }$ServiceHandler } = EVENT_NEW_INTENT
  1734. 06-09 16:47:51.945 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: onNewIntent: serviceId: 2: null intent=Intent { }
  1735. 06-09 16:47:51.957 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: Cursor= >>>>> Dumping cursor android.content.ContentResolver$CursorWrapperInner@fabf3f4
  1736. 06-09 16:47:51.957 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: <<<<<
  1737. 06-09 16:47:51.957 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: onNewIntent: cursor.count=0 action=null
  1738. 06-09 16:47:51.957 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: onNewIntent: no pending messages. Stopping service.
  1739. 06-09 16:47:51.973 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: stopSelfIfIdle: STOP!
  1740. 06-09 16:47:51.976 4404 4404 D Mms-debug: Destroying TransactionService
  1741. 06-09 16:47:51.977 4404 4404 D Mms-debug: endMmsConnectivity for subId = 1
  1742. 06-09 16:47:51.981 4404 6094 D Mms-debug: Handling incoming message: { when=-5ms what=100$ServiceHandler } = EVENT_QUIT
  1743. 06-09 16:47:51.983 4404 4404 D Mms-debug: endMmsConnectivity for subId = 2147483644
  1744. 06-09 16:47:52.158 450 450 W Atfwd_Sendcmd: AtCmdFwd service not published, waiting... retryCnt : 3
  1745. 06-09 16:47:52.291 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ276 from CPU0 to CPU2
  1746. 06-09 16:47:52.296 2403 3041 I TetherStatsReporting: setQuota() called for ConnectivityExt jar9223372036854775807 iface rmnet_data0
  1747. 06-09 16:47:52.296 4191 4205 I QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication: Posting: TetherEvent -- QuotaSet{Quota=9223372036854775807 bytes}
  1748. 06-09 16:47:52.297 2403 3041 I TetherStatsReporting: setQuotaDone
  1749. 06-09 16:47:52.297 4191 5097 I QtiTetherService: handleMessage(TetherEvent -- QuotaSet{Quota=9223372036854775807 bytes})
  1750. 06-09 16:47:52.297 4191 5097 I QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper: setQuota(upstream=rmnet_data0 bytes=9223372036854775807)
  1751. 06-09 16:47:52.297 4191 5097 I libQtiTether: setQuota called for upstream=rmnet_data0 quota=9223372036854775806
  1752. 06-09 16:47:52.297 4191 5097 I libQtiTether: setQuota(upstream=rmnet_data0, quota_mb=9223372036854775806)
  1753. 06-09 16:47:52.527 2403 3044 D WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Received signal strength thresholds: []
  1754. 06-09 16:47:52.528 2403 3044 D WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
  1755. 06-09 16:47:52.533 2403 6146 D WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Антон"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
  1756. 06-09 16:47:52.533 2403 6146 V WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Антон"WPA_PSK
  1757. 06-09 16:47:52.732 2403 3041 I TetherStatsReporting: setQuota() called for ConnectivityExt jar9223372036854775807 iface rmnet_data0
  1758. 06-09 16:47:52.733 4191 5111 I QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication: Posting: TetherEvent -- QuotaSet{Quota=9223372036854775807 bytes}
  1759. 06-09 16:47:52.734 4191 5097 I QtiTetherService: handleMessage(TetherEvent -- QuotaSet{Quota=9223372036854775807 bytes})
  1760. 06-09 16:47:52.734 2403 3041 I TetherStatsReporting: setQuotaDone
  1761. 06-09 16:47:52.734 4191 5097 I QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper: setQuota(upstream=rmnet_data0 bytes=9223372036854775807)
  1762. 06-09 16:47:52.734 4191 5097 I libQtiTether: setQuota called for upstream=rmnet_data0 quota=9223372036854775806
  1763. 06-09 16:47:52.734 4191 5097 I libQtiTether: setQuota(upstream=rmnet_data0, quota_mb=9223372036854775806)
  1764. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: getTetherStats() called NetworkStats: elapsedRealtime=241999
  1765. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [0] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=667 rxPackets=3 txBytes=400 txPackets=6 operations=0
  1766. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [1] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1767. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [2] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=952 rxPackets=10 txBytes=2862 txPackets=16 operations=0
  1768. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [3] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1769. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [4] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=1664 rxPackets=14 txBytes=1575 txPackets=26 operations=0
  1770. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [5] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1771. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [6] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=1000 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=41177 rxPackets=60 txBytes=7250 txPackets=74 operations=0
  1772. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [7] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=1000 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1773. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [8] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=10057 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=76 txPackets=1 operations=0
  1774. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [9] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=10057 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1775. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [10] iface=dummy0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=168 txPackets=3 operations=0
  1776. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [11] iface=dummy0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1777. 06-09 16:47:52.736 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: combining tether stats
  1778. 06-09 16:47:52.737 4191 4205 D QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper: getStats(false)
  1779. 06-09 16:47:52.742 4191 4281 W QCNEJ : |CORE| newLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,fe80::2a0:c6ff:feeb:5c6f/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: Dlink MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576}
  1780. 06-09 16:47:52.742 4191 4281 W QCNEJ : |CORE| curLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,fe80::2a0:c6ff:feeb:5c6f/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: Dlink MTU: 0}
  1781. 06-09 16:47:52.964 414 778 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1782. 06-09 16:47:52.965 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1783. 06-09 16:47:52.966 2403 4230 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x8000$DisplaySettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  1784. 06-09 16:47:52.971 2403 4230 D ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: Activity is Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{ebb121}
  1785. 06-09 16:47:52.971 2403 4230 E ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: not$DisplaySettingsActivity/25
  1786. 06-09 16:47:52.980 2403 4230 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  1787. 06-09 16:47:52.980 2403 4230 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not$DisplaySettingsActivity/25
  1788. 06-09 16:47:52.980 2403 4230 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  1789. 06-09 16:47:52.992 2403 3318 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  1790. 06-09 16:47:52.992 2403 3318 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not$DisplaySettingsActivity/25
  1791. 06-09 16:47:53.071 2403 4230 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction: null
  1792. 06-09 16:47:53.073 2403 3447 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction: null
  1793. 06-09 16:47:53.198 5974 5992 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 8 millis
  1794. 06-09 16:47:53.204 2403 4230 W DreamManagerService: Dream ComponentInfo{} does not exist
  1795. 06-09 16:47:53.204 2403 4230 W DreamManagerService: Falling back to default dream ComponentInfo{}
  1796. 06-09 16:47:53.215 5974 5992 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 8 millis
  1797. 06-09 16:47:53.372 2403 2442 I ActivityManager: Displayed$DisplaySettingsActivity: +379ms
  1798. 06-09 16:47:53.439 5974 5991 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f6114e000 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7f5e3ad6c0
  1799. 06-09 16:47:53.731 2403 2435 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
  1800. 06-09 16:47:53.873 2403 6030 I WifiHAL : Fate Tx-Rx: Packet fate stats stop received
  1801. 06-09 16:47:54.465 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1802. 06-09 16:47:55.238 2403 4245 I ActivityManager: Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=3075
  1803. 06-09 16:47:55.242 3075 3075 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  1804. 06-09 16:47:56.067 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66fa180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  1805. 06-09 16:47:56.147 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
  1806. 06-09 16:47:56.152 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  1807. 06-09 16:47:56.152 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1808. 06-09 16:47:56.152 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  1809. 06-09 16:47:56.180 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  1810. 06-09 16:47:56.181 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  1811. 06-09 16:47:56.181 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  1812. 06-09 16:47:56.181 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
  1813. 06-09 16:47:56.181 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  1814. 06-09 16:47:56.188 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  1815. 06-09 16:47:56.268 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1816. 06-09 16:47:56.269 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1817. 06-09 16:47:56.275 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf66fa180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  1818. 06-09 16:47:56.275 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  1819. 06-09 16:47:56.275 414 758 W msm8974_platform: Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  1820. 06-09 16:47:56.275 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  1821. 06-09 16:47:56.285 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  1822. 06-09 16:47:56.285 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  1823. 06-09 16:47:56.285 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=0
  1824. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  1825. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 E voice : voice_is_in_call_rec_stream: input stream is NULL
  1826. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 102, path = 1
  1827. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1828. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1829. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1830. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1831. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1832. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1833. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1834. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1835. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1836. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000066
  1837. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  1838. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1839. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1840. 06-09 16:47:56.286 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1841. 06-09 16:47:56.287 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1842. 06-09 16:47:56.287 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 102 path = 1
  1844. 06-09 16:47:56.287 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: spkr-vi-record
  1845. 06-09 16:47:56.327 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, path = 1
  1846. 06-09 16:47:56.327 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1847. 06-09 16:47:56.327 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1848. 06-09 16:47:56.327 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1849. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1850. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1851. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1852. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1853. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB audproc returned = -19
  1854. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1855. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1856. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1857. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1858. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  1859. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1860. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1861. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1862. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  1863. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
  1864. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1865. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path = 1
  1867. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
  1868. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  1869. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 101, path = 0
  1870. 06-09 16:47:56.328 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  1871. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1872. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  1873. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  1874. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  1875. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  1876. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  1877. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  1878. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  1879. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  1880. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  1881. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  1882. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  1883. 06-09 16:47:56.329 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 101 path = 0
  1885. 06-09 16:47:56.330 414 758 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69936, acdb_dev_id 101, sample_rate 48000
  1886. 06-09 16:47:56.330 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
  1887. 06-09 16:47:56.331 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done
  1888. 06-09 16:47:56.332 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  1889. 06-09 16:47:56.333 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  1890. 06-09 16:47:56.380 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit
  1891. 06-09 16:47:57.305 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ133 from CPU1 to CPU2
  1892. 06-09 16:47:57.486 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1893. 06-09 16:47:57.925 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1894. 06-09 16:47:57.925 3075 3075 D DataUsageController: setMobileDataEnabled: enabled=false
  1895. 06-09 16:47:57.927 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1896. 06-09 16:47:57.929 3075 3075 D TelephonyManager: setDataEnabled: enabled=false
  1897. 06-09 16:47:57.945 4404 4418 D Mms : MobileData UI changed = content://settings/global/mobile_data1
  1898. 06-09 16:47:57.951 3432 3625 D QcDataStatusNotification Service: MultiSim onChange(): subId = 1
  1899. 06-09 16:47:57.951 4404 4418 D Mms : value = 0
  1900. 06-09 16:47:57.961 3432 3625 D QcDataStatusNotification Service: onChange():uri=content://settings/global/mobile_data1 authority=settings path=/global/mobile_data1 segments=[global, mobile_data1] uriLastSegment=mobile_data
  1901. 06-09 16:47:57.962 3432 3625 D QcDataStatusNotification Service: handleMessage: Data Enable changed to 0 on phoneId = 0
  1902. 06-09 16:47:57.962 3432 3625 V QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: sendRilOemHookMsgAsync: Outgoing Data is 514f454d484f4f4b280008000400000000000000
  1903. 06-09 16:47:57.963 3653 3653 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 3
  1904. 06-09 16:47:57.964 3653 3653 D QcrilMsgTunnelSocket: [1020] > OEM_HOOK_RAW[514f454d484f4f4b280008000400000000000000]
  1905. 06-09 16:47:57.970 2403 3052 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 101] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED
  1906. 06-09 16:47:57.971 2403 3052 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 101] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 4
  1907. 06-09 16:47:57.973 3653 3676 D QcrilMsgTunnelSocket: readRilMessage: Buffer = [B@f93f688 HexData = [00000000fc03000000000000ffffffff]
  1908. 06-09 16:47:57.973 3653 3676 D QcrilMsgTunnelSocket: Rcvd SOLICITED response with 12 bytes data for SUB0
  1909. 06-09 16:47:57.973 3653 3676 D QcrilMsgTunnelSocket: [1020] < OEM_HOOK_RAW [null]
  1910. 06-09 16:47:57.973 3432 3647 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
  1911. 06-09 16:47:57.973 3653 3653 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 4
  1912. 06-09 16:47:57.973 3432 3647 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: DcNetworkAgent: unwanted found mNetworkAgent=null, which isn't me. Aborting unwanted
  1913. 06-09 16:47:57.973 3653 3653 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: OEM_RIL_REQUEST_ASYNC_DONE requestAsync.sub :0
  1914. 06-09 16:47:57.973 3432 3966 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: QCRIL send data enable status DONE!
  1915. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: getTetherStats() called NetworkStats: elapsedRealtime=247443
  1916. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [0] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=667 rxPackets=3 txBytes=456 txPackets=7 operations=0
  1917. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [1] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1918. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [2] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=1012 rxPackets=11 txBytes=4030 txPackets=20 operations=0
  1919. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [3] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1920. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [4] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=1664 rxPackets=14 txBytes=1575 txPackets=26 operations=0
  1921. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [5] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1922. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [6] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=1000 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=41177 rxPackets=60 txBytes=7250 txPackets=74 operations=0
  1923. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [7] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=1000 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1924. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [8] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=10057 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=76 txPackets=1 operations=0
  1925. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [9] iface=rmnet_data0 uid=10057 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1926. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [10] iface=dummy0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=168 txPackets=3 operations=0
  1927. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: [11] iface=dummy0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
  1928. 06-09 16:47:57.985 2403 3052 I TetherStatsReporting: combining tether stats
  1929. 06-09 16:47:57.987 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsConfigImpl : SetServiceStatus = 0 13 2
  1930. 06-09 16:47:57.987 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : [0023]> REQUEST_SET_SERVICE_STATUS[SUB0]
  1931. 06-09 16:47:57.987 4191 5111 D QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper: getStats(false)
  1932. 06-09 16:47:57.987 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Message data: [0, 0, 0, 27, 11, 13, 23, 0, 0, 0, 16, 1, 24, 30, 32, 0, 8, 1, 24, 0, 58, 9, 8, 14, 16, 2, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0][SUB0]
  1933. 06-09 16:47:57.992 3432 3850 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Response data: [11, 13, 23, 0, 0, 0, 16, 2, 24, 30, 32, 2][SUB0]
  1934. 06-09 16:47:57.992 3432 3850 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Tag 23 2 30 2[SUB0]
  1935. 06-09 16:47:57.992 3432 3850 I QImsService: IFRequest : [0023]< REQUEST_SET_SERVICE_STATUS error: 2
  1936. 06-09 16:47:57.992 3432 3852 I QImsService: ImsConfigImplHandler : Message received: what = 2
  1937. 06-09 16:47:58.037 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsConfigImpl : SetServiceStatus = 0 18 0
  1938. 06-09 16:47:58.037 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : [0024]> REQUEST_SET_SERVICE_STATUS[SUB0]
  1939. 06-09 16:47:58.037 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Message data: [0, 0, 0, 27, 11, 13, 24, 0, 0, 0, 16, 1, 24, 30, 32, 0, 8, 1, 24, 0, 58, 9, 8, 19, 16, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0][SUB0]
  1940. 06-09 16:47:58.040 3432 3850 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Response data: [11, 13, 24, 0, 0, 0, 16, 2, 24, 30, 32, 0][SUB0]
  1941. 06-09 16:47:58.041 3432 3850 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Tag 24 2 30 0[SUB0]
  1942. 06-09 16:47:58.041 3432 3850 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : [0024]< REQUEST_SET_SERVICE_STATUS [SUB0]
  1943. 06-09 16:47:58.041 3432 3852 I QImsService: ImsConfigImplHandler : Message received: what = 2
  1944. 06-09 16:47:58.047 3432 6212 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : [0025]> REQUEST_SET_IMS_CONFIG[SUB0]
  1945. 06-09 16:47:58.047 3432 6212 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Message data: [0, 0, 0, 23, 11, 13, 25, 0, 0, 0, 16, 1, 24, 44, 32, 0, 8, 29, 16, 0, 29, 1, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0][SUB0]
  1946. 06-09 16:47:58.048 3432 6213 W QImsService: ImsConfigImpl : VoWiFi Roaming: value can't be changed
  1947. 06-09 16:47:58.052 3432 3850 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Response data: [11, 13, 25, 0, 0, 0, 16, 2, 24, 44, 32, 2][SUB0]
  1948. 06-09 16:47:58.052 3432 3850 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Tag 25 2 44 2[SUB0]
  1949. 06-09 16:47:58.053 3432 3850 I QImsService: IFRequest : [0025]< REQUEST_SET_IMS_CONFIG error: 2
  1950. 06-09 16:47:58.055 3432 3852 I QImsService: ImsConfigImplHandler : Message received: what = 1
  1951. 06-09 16:47:58.055 3432 3852 I QImsService: ImsConfigImpl : Notifyall
  1952. 06-09 16:47:58.063 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsConfigImpl : SetServiceStatus = 3 13 0
  1953. 06-09 16:47:58.063 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : [0026]> REQUEST_SET_SERVICE_STATUS[SUB0]
  1954. 06-09 16:47:58.063 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Message data: [0, 0, 0, 27, 11, 13, 26, 0, 0, 0, 16, 1, 24, 30, 32, 0, 8, 1, 24, 3, 58, 9, 8, 14, 16, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0][SUB0]
  1955. 06-09 16:47:58.066 3432 3850 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Response data: [11, 13, 26, 0, 0, 0, 16, 2, 24, 30, 32, 2][SUB0]
  1956. 06-09 16:47:58.066 3432 3850 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Tag 26 2 30 2[SUB0]
  1957. 06-09 16:47:58.066 3432 3850 I QImsService: IFRequest : [0026]< REQUEST_SET_SERVICE_STATUS error: 2
  1958. 06-09 16:47:58.066 3432 3852 I QImsService: ImsConfigImplHandler : Message received: what = 2
  1959. 06-09 16:47:58.067 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : [0027]> REQUEST_IMS_REG_STATE_CHANGE[SUB0]
  1960. 06-09 16:47:58.067 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Message data: [0, 0, 0, 14, 11, 13, 27, 0, 0, 0, 16, 1, 24, 26, 32, 0, 8, 1][SUB0]
  1961. 06-09 16:47:58.067 423 2141 E Netd : netlink response contains error (No such file or directory)
  1962. 06-09 16:47:58.071 3432 3850 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Response data: [11, 13, 27, 0, 0, 0, 16, 2, 24, 26, 32, 2][SUB0]
  1963. 06-09 16:47:58.071 3432 3850 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : Tag 27 2 26 2[SUB0]
  1964. 06-09 16:47:58.072 3432 3850 I QImsService: IFRequest : [0027]< REQUEST_IMS_REG_STATE_CHANGE error: 2
  1965. 06-09 16:47:58.072 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsServiceSubHandler : Message received: what = 9
  1966. 06-09 16:47:58.072 3432 3432 I QImsService: ImsServiceSubHandler : Request turn on/off IMS failed
  1967. 06-09 16:47:58.118 4191 4191 W DPMJ : |SERVICE| DPM received ACTION_ANY_DATA_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGEDdefault
  1968. 06-09 16:47:58.118 4191 4191 W DPMJ : |SERVICE| If apn type is default ->default
  1969. 06-09 16:47:58.583 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1970. 06-09 16:47:58.583 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1971. 06-09 16:47:59.845 2403 4889 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@9d4e590 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@6d9323a
  1972. 06-09 16:47:59.861 2403 2432 I ActivityManager: Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=3075
  1973. 06-09 16:47:59.863 3075 3075 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  1974. 06-09 16:48:00.198 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1975. 06-09 16:48:00.199 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1976. 06-09 16:48:00.498 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1977. 06-09 16:48:01.315 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1978. 06-09 16:48:01.317 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  1979. 06-09 16:48:01.332 2403 3318 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  1980. 06-09 16:48:01.335 2403 2432 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  1981. 06-09 16:48:01.336 2403 2432 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  1982. 06-09 16:48:01.364 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: get preferred network type=11
  1983. 06-09 16:48:01.365 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: isDdsSubInLteMode: true
  1984. 06-09 16:48:01.365 5974 5993 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 10 millis
  1985. 06-09 16:48:01.366 5974 5974 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1986. 06-09 16:48:01.369 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: isThereSimReady: true
  1987. 06-09 16:48:01.390 5974 5974 D DashboardSummary: Received ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED or ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED
  1988. 06-09 16:48:01.391 5974 5974 D DashboardSummary: onConditionsChanged
  1989. 06-09 16:48:01.405 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  1990. 06-09 16:48:01.408 2403 4230 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
  1991. 06-09 16:48:01.410 5974 5974 D DashboardSummary: onConditionsChanged
  1992. 06-09 16:48:01.419 2403 4230 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat (No such file or directory)
  1993. 06-09 16:48:01.425 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1994. 06-09 16:48:01.425 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1995. 06-09 16:48:01.425 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1996. 06-09 16:48:01.425 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service com.qti.qualcomm.datastatusnotification.DataStatusNotificationService
  1997. 06-09 16:48:01.425 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1998. 06-09 16:48:01.425 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  1999. 06-09 16:48:01.425 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2000. 06-09 16:48:01.425 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2001. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service org.codeaurora.ims.ImsService
  2002. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2003. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2004. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2005. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  2006. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  2007. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2008. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2009. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.dsi.ant.server.AntService
  2010. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.LBSSystemMonitorService
  2011. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izatserviceprovider.service.NetworkLocationService
  2012. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.LocationService
  2013. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izat.IzatService
  2014. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izatserviceprovider.service.UnifiedLocationService
  2015. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2016. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2017. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  2018. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2019. 06-09 16:48:01.426 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.qualcomm.embms:remote/10057 for service com.qualcomm.embms.EmbmsService
  2020. 06-09 16:48:01.427 2403 4230 E BatteryStatsService: Total Active time +17m8s762ms is longer than sample period +11s21ms.
  2021. 06-09 16:48:01.427 2403 4230 E BatteryStatsService: Previous WiFi snapshot: idle=+46m13s492ms rx=0 tx=0 e=0
  2022. 06-09 16:48:01.427 2403 4230 E BatteryStatsService: Current WiFi snapshot: idle=+2h13m54s811ms rx=+4m46s622ms tx=+12m22s140ms e=0
  2023. 06-09 16:48:01.868 2403 6091 E : E/XTRA_DOWNLOAD_STATUS izat_xtra::XtraDataRequest::doDownloadXtraDataOnce(const string&, std::__1::string&):356][XTRA2] invalid response. headers empty.
  2024. 06-09 16:48:02.055 2403 6091 E : E/XTRA_DOWNLOAD_STATUS izat_xtra::PalNetIf::connect():218][XTRA2] connected to
  2025. 06-09 16:48:02.307 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ215 from CPU1 to CPU2
  2026. 06-09 16:48:02.399 414 3061 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2027. 06-09 16:48:02.399 414 778 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2028. 06-09 16:48:02.401 2403 4230 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x8000$DisplaySettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2029. 06-09 16:48:02.406 2403 4230 D ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: Activity is Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{ebb121}
  2030. 06-09 16:48:02.406 2403 4230 E ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: not$DisplaySettingsActivity/25
  2031. 06-09 16:48:02.418 2403 4230 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2032. 06-09 16:48:02.419 2403 4230 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not$DisplaySettingsActivity/25
  2033. 06-09 16:48:02.419 2403 4230 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  2034. 06-09 16:48:02.433 2403 4887 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2035. 06-09 16:48:02.433 2403 4887 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not$DisplaySettingsActivity/25
  2036. 06-09 16:48:02.494 2403 4230 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction: null
  2037. 06-09 16:48:02.495 2403 4888 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction: null
  2038. 06-09 16:48:02.611 5974 5990 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 11 millis
  2039. 06-09 16:48:02.615 2403 3318 W DreamManagerService: Dream ComponentInfo{} does not exist
  2040. 06-09 16:48:02.615 2403 3318 W DreamManagerService: Falling back to default dream ComponentInfo{}
  2041. 06-09 16:48:02.629 5974 5990 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 7 millis
  2042. 06-09 16:48:02.738 2403 2442 I ActivityManager: Displayed$DisplaySettingsActivity: +305ms
  2043. 06-09 16:48:02.808 5974 5991 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f6114e000 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7f5e3930c0
  2044. 06-09 16:48:03.130 2403 2435 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
  2045. 06-09 16:48:03.512 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2046. 06-09 16:48:04.019 414 3061 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2047. 06-09 16:48:04.020 414 778 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2048. 06-09 16:48:04.410 414 3061 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2049. 06-09 16:48:04.411 414 778 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2050. 06-09 16:48:04.471 2403 4249 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  2051. 06-09 16:48:04.482 2403 4888 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2052. 06-09 16:48:04.482 2403 4888 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2053. 06-09 16:48:04.516 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: get preferred network type=11
  2054. 06-09 16:48:04.517 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: isDdsSubInLteMode: true
  2055. 06-09 16:48:04.517 5974 5974 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  2056. 06-09 16:48:04.519 5974 5993 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 11 millis
  2057. 06-09 16:48:04.521 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: isThereSimReady: true
  2058. 06-09 16:48:04.543 5974 5974 D DashboardSummary: Received ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED or ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED
  2059. 06-09 16:48:04.543 5974 5974 D DashboardSummary: onConditionsChanged
  2060. 06-09 16:48:04.572 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2061. 06-09 16:48:04.574 2403 3102 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
  2062. 06-09 16:48:04.586 2403 3102 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat (No such file or directory)
  2063. 06-09 16:48:04.588 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2064. 06-09 16:48:04.588 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2065. 06-09 16:48:04.588 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2066. 06-09 16:48:04.588 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service com.qti.qualcomm.datastatusnotification.DataStatusNotificationService
  2067. 06-09 16:48:04.588 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2068. 06-09 16:48:04.588 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2069. 06-09 16:48:04.588 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2070. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2071. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service org.codeaurora.ims.ImsService
  2072. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2073. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2074. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2075. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  2076. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  2077. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2078. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2079. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.dsi.ant.server.AntService
  2080. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.LBSSystemMonitorService
  2081. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izatserviceprovider.service.NetworkLocationService
  2082. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.LocationService
  2083. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izat.IzatService
  2084. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service com.qualcomm.location.izatserviceprovider.service.UnifiedLocationService
  2085. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2086. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2087. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process system/1000 for service
  2088. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2089. 06-09 16:48:04.589 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.qualcomm.embms:remote/10057 for service com.qualcomm.embms.EmbmsService
  2090. 06-09 16:48:04.594 2403 3102 E BatteryStatsService: Total Active time +9m58s514ms is longer than sample period +3s167ms.
  2091. 06-09 16:48:04.594 2403 3102 E BatteryStatsService: Previous WiFi snapshot: idle=+2h13m54s811ms rx=+4m46s622ms tx=+12m22s140ms e=0
  2092. 06-09 16:48:04.594 2403 3102 E BatteryStatsService: Current WiFi snapshot: idle=+2h38m9s777ms rx=+8m58s462ms tx=+18m8s814ms e=0
  2093. 06-09 16:48:04.610 5974 5991 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f6104e000 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7f5e378100
  2094. 06-09 16:48:06.482 2403 2432 I ActivityManager: Killing 5022:com.qualcomm.embms/u0a57 (adj 906): empty #17
  2095. 06-09 16:48:06.522 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2096. 06-09 16:48:06.550 2403 3447 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 5022
  2097. 06-09 16:48:07.160 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  2098. 06-09 16:48:07.302 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ222 from CPU0 to CPU2
  2099. 06-09 16:48:07.528 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66fa180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  2100. 06-09 16:48:07.599 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
  2101. 06-09 16:48:07.602 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  2102. 06-09 16:48:07.602 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  2103. 06-09 16:48:07.602 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  2104. 06-09 16:48:07.618 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  2105. 06-09 16:48:07.619 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  2106. 06-09 16:48:07.619 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  2107. 06-09 16:48:07.619 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
  2108. 06-09 16:48:07.619 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  2109. 06-09 16:48:07.622 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  2110. 06-09 16:48:08.161 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  2111. 06-09 16:48:09.162 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  2112. 06-09 16:48:09.508 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2113. 06-09 16:48:09.510 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2114. 06-09 16:48:09.514 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf66fa180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  2115. 06-09 16:48:09.514 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  2116. 06-09 16:48:09.514 414 758 W msm8974_platform: Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  2117. 06-09 16:48:09.514 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  2118. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  2119. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  2120. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=0
  2121. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  2122. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 E voice : voice_is_in_call_rec_stream: input stream is NULL
  2123. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 102, path = 1
  2124. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  2125. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2126. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  2127. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2128. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  2129. 06-09 16:48:09.528 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  2130. 06-09 16:48:09.529 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  2131. 06-09 16:48:09.529 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2132. 06-09 16:48:09.529 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  2133. 06-09 16:48:09.529 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000066
  2134. 06-09 16:48:09.529 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  2135. 06-09 16:48:09.529 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  2136. 06-09 16:48:09.529 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  2137. 06-09 16:48:09.529 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  2138. 06-09 16:48:09.529 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  2139. 06-09 16:48:09.529 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 102 path = 1
  2141. 06-09 16:48:09.529 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: spkr-vi-record
  2142. 06-09 16:48:09.538 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2143. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, path = 1
  2144. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  2145. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2146. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  2147. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2148. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  2149. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  2150. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  2151. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB audproc returned = -19
  2152. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  2153. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2154. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  2155. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  2156. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  2157. 06-09 16:48:09.561 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  2158. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  2159. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  2160. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  2161. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
  2162. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  2163. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path = 1
  2165. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
  2166. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  2167. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 101, path = 0
  2168. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  2169. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2170. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  2171. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2172. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  2173. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  2174. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  2175. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2176. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  2177. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  2178. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  2179. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  2180. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  2181. 06-09 16:48:09.562 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 101 path = 0
  2183. 06-09 16:48:09.563 414 758 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69936, acdb_dev_id 101, sample_rate 48000
  2184. 06-09 16:48:09.563 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
  2185. 06-09 16:48:09.564 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done
  2186. 06-09 16:48:09.566 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  2187. 06-09 16:48:09.566 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  2188. 06-09 16:48:09.613 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit
  2189. 06-09 16:48:09.710 2403 2436 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2190. 06-09 16:48:09.718 2403 2436 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{453481f} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2191. 06-09 16:48:09.719 2403 2436 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2192. 06-09 16:48:09.719 2403 2436 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  2193. 06-09 16:48:09.765 2403 2435 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
  2194. 06-09 16:48:09.774 4314 4314 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:636
  2195. 06-09 16:48:09.778 2403 4889 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { dat=app:// } U=0: not found
  2196. 06-09 16:48:10.163 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  2197. 06-09 16:48:10.337 4314 4425 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  2198. 06-09 16:48:11.164 450 450 W Atfwd_Sendcmd: AtCmdFwd service not published, waiting... retryCnt : 4
  2199. 06-09 16:48:11.717 414 3061 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2200. 06-09 16:48:11.718 414 778 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2201. 06-09 16:48:11.719 2403 4245 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[283,939][540,1269] (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2202. 06-09 16:48:11.726 2403 4245 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2203. 06-09 16:48:11.726 2403 4245 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2204. 06-09 16:48:11.726 2403 4245 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  2205. 06-09 16:48:11.729 2403 4245 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2206. 06-09 16:48:11.730 2403 4245 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2207. 06-09 16:48:11.745 2403 4251 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2208. 06-09 16:48:11.745 2403 4251 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2209. 06-09 16:48:11.804 5974 5992 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 15 millis
  2210. 06-09 16:48:11.805 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: get preferred network type=11
  2211. 06-09 16:48:11.806 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: isDdsSubInLteMode: true
  2212. 06-09 16:48:11.806 5974 5974 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  2213. 06-09 16:48:11.807 5974 5974 I Lte4GEnabler: isThereSimReady: true
  2214. 06-09 16:48:11.823 5974 5974 D DashboardSummary: Received ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED or ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED
  2215. 06-09 16:48:11.824 5974 5974 D DashboardSummary: onConditionsChanged
  2216. 06-09 16:48:11.858 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2217. 06-09 16:48:11.858 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2218. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2219. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service com.qti.qualcomm.datastatusnotification.DataStatusNotificationService
  2220. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2221. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2222. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2223. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2224. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service org.codeaurora.ims.ImsService
  2225. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2226. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2227. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2228. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2229. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2230. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2231. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2232. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process for service
  2233. 06-09 16:48:11.859 5974 5995 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.qualcomm.embms:remote/10057 for service com.qualcomm.embms.EmbmsService
  2234. 06-09 16:48:11.870 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2235. 06-09 16:48:11.872 2403 3318 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
  2236. 06-09 16:48:11.885 2403 3318 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat (No such file or directory)
  2237. 06-09 16:48:11.890 2403 3318 E BatteryStatsService: Total Active time +15m27s698ms is longer than sample period +7s298ms.
  2238. 06-09 16:48:11.890 2403 3318 E BatteryStatsService: Previous WiFi snapshot: idle=+2h38m9s777ms rx=+8m58s462ms tx=+18m8s814ms e=0
  2239. 06-09 16:48:11.890 2403 3318 E BatteryStatsService: Current WiFi snapshot: idle=+3h48m24s28ms rx=+15m38s878ms tx=+26m56s96ms e=0
  2240. 06-09 16:48:12.048 2403 6091 E : E/XTRA_DOWNLOAD_STATUS izat_xtra::XtraDataRequest::doDownloadXtraDataOnce(const string&, std::__1::string&):356][XTRA2] invalid response. headers empty.
  2241. 06-09 16:48:12.148 2403 2435 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
  2242. 06-09 16:48:12.326 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ195 from CPU3 to CPU2
  2243. 06-09 16:48:12.558 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2244. 06-09 16:48:13.634 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2245. 06-09 16:48:13.635 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2246. 06-09 16:48:13.638 2403 4888 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x8000$DisplaySettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2247. 06-09 16:48:13.642 2403 4888 D ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: Activity is Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{ebb121}
  2248. 06-09 16:48:13.642 2403 4888 E ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: not$DisplaySettingsActivity/25
  2249. 06-09 16:48:13.648 2403 4888 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2250. 06-09 16:48:13.648 2403 4888 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not$DisplaySettingsActivity/25
  2251. 06-09 16:48:13.649 2403 4888 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  2252. 06-09 16:48:13.664 2403 3102 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{ebb121} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2253. 06-09 16:48:13.664 2403 3102 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not$DisplaySettingsActivity/25
  2254. 06-09 16:48:13.707 2403 6091 E : E/XTRA_DOWNLOAD_STATUS izat_xtra::PalNetIf::connect():218][XTRA2] connected to
  2255. 06-09 16:48:13.724 2403 4889 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction: null
  2256. 06-09 16:48:13.725 2403 3102 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction: null
  2257. 06-09 16:48:13.840 5974 5990 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 11 millis
  2258. 06-09 16:48:13.843 2403 4887 W DreamManagerService: Dream ComponentInfo{} does not exist
  2259. 06-09 16:48:13.843 2403 4887 W DreamManagerService: Falling back to default dream ComponentInfo{}
  2260. 06-09 16:48:13.861 5974 5990 D Index : Indexing locale 'ru_RU' took 8 millis
  2261. 06-09 16:48:13.968 2403 2442 I ActivityManager: Displayed$DisplaySettingsActivity: +303ms
  2262. 06-09 16:48:14.045 5974 5991 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f5cf70c00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7f604c1fc0
  2263. 06-09 16:48:14.347 2403 2435 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
  2264. 06-09 16:48:15.186 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2265. 06-09 16:48:15.187 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2266. 06-09 16:48:15.199 2403 2444 D SensorHAL: als: power-off.
  2267. 06-09 16:48:15.244 2444 2444 I PowerManagerSer: type=1400 audit(0.0:69): avc: denied { read write } for name="st_hub_calib_data.dat" dev="mmcblk0p39" ino=18 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:persist_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
  2268. 06-09 16:48:15.244 2444 2444 I PowerManagerSer: type=1400 audit(0.0:70): avc: denied { open } for path="/persist/st_hub_calib_data.dat" dev="mmcblk0p39" ino=18 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:persist_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
  2269. 06-09 16:48:15.244 2444 2444 I PowerManagerSer: type=1400 audit(0.0:71): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/persist/st_hub_calib_data.dat" dev="mmcblk0p39" ino=18 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:persist_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
  2270. 06-09 16:48:15.581 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2271. 06-09 16:48:15.666 2403 4249 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.SHOW_BRIGHTNESS_DIALOG} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2272. 06-09 16:48:15.668 2403 4249 D ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: Activity is Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{df488ce}
  2273. 06-09 16:48:15.668 2403 4249 E ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: not
  2274. 06-09 16:48:15.668 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2275. 06-09 16:48:15.669 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2276. 06-09 16:48:15.673 2403 4249 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{df488ce} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2277. 06-09 16:48:15.673 2403 4249 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2278. 06-09 16:48:15.674 2403 4249 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  2279. 06-09 16:48:15.694 2403 2433 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{df488ce} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2280. 06-09 16:48:15.695 2403 2433 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2281. 06-09 16:48:15.932 2403 2442 I ActivityManager: Displayed +237ms
  2282. 06-09 16:48:17.325 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ240 from CPU3 to CPU2
  2283. 06-09 16:48:17.483 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2284. 06-09 16:48:17.484 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2285. 06-09 16:48:17.713 2403 2436 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  2286. 06-09 16:48:17.716 2403 2436 W ActivityManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{6fa80e9 u0 t9 f}
  2287. 06-09 16:48:17.723 2403 2436 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2288. 06-09 16:48:17.736 2403 2436 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{453481f} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2289. 06-09 16:48:17.737 2403 2436 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2290. 06-09 16:48:17.737 2403 2436 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{453481f} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2291. 06-09 16:48:17.737 2403 2436 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2292. 06-09 16:48:17.747 2403 4249 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{453481f} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2293. 06-09 16:48:17.747 2403 4249 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2294. 06-09 16:48:17.806 2403 2435 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
  2295. 06-09 16:48:17.818 4314 4314 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:636
  2296. 06-09 16:48:17.820 2403 2432 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { dat=app:// } U=0: not found
  2297. 06-09 16:48:18.354 4314 4425 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  2298. 06-09 16:48:18.380 2403 4888 I ActivityManager: Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=3075
  2299. 06-09 16:48:18.384 3075 3075 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  2300. 06-09 16:48:18.594 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2301. 06-09 16:48:19.392 402 752 E ThermalEngine: speaker_cal_algo: 50000 > 45000 (max_temp) || 2000 > 6000(temp_range)
  2302. 06-09 16:48:20.583 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66fa180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  2303. 06-09 16:48:20.655 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
  2304. 06-09 16:48:20.658 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  2305. 06-09 16:48:20.659 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  2306. 06-09 16:48:20.659 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  2307. 06-09 16:48:20.679 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  2308. 06-09 16:48:20.679 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  2309. 06-09 16:48:20.680 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  2310. 06-09 16:48:20.680 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
  2311. 06-09 16:48:20.680 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  2312. 06-09 16:48:20.685 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  2313. 06-09 16:48:21.529 2403 4230 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@bee5bd0 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@3edc57f
  2314. 06-09 16:48:21.545 2403 3317 I ActivityManager: Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=3075
  2315. 06-09 16:48:21.548 3075 3075 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  2316. 06-09 16:48:21.607 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2317. 06-09 16:48:22.322 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ115 from CPU3 to CPU2
  2318. 06-09 16:48:23.698 2403 6091 E : E/XTRA_DOWNLOAD_STATUS izat_xtra::XtraDataRequest::doDownloadXtraDataOnce(const string&, std::__1::string&):356][XTRA2] invalid response. headers empty.
  2319. 06-09 16:48:23.754 2403 6091 E LocSvc_utils_q: E/msg_q_rcv: Message queue has been unblocked.
  2320. 06-09 16:48:23.754 2403 6091 E LocSvc_MsgTask: E/virtual bool MsgTask::run():90] fail receiving msg: eMSG_Q_UNAVAILABLE_RESOURCE
  2321. 06-09 16:48:24.622 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2322. 06-09 16:48:27.643 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2323. 06-09 16:48:29.613 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 960000
  2324. 06-09 16:48:29.613 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:960000 Khz
  2325. 06-09 16:48:29.866 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1248000
  2326. 06-09 16:48:29.866 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1248000 Khz
  2327. 06-09 16:48:30.118 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1344000
  2328. 06-09 16:48:30.118 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1344000 Khz
  2329. 06-09 16:48:30.371 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1440000
  2330. 06-09 16:48:30.371 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1440000 Khz
  2331. 06-09 16:48:30.624 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1536000
  2332. 06-09 16:48:30.624 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1536000 Khz
  2333. 06-09 16:48:30.669 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2334. 06-09 16:48:30.876 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1632000
  2335. 06-09 16:48:30.877 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1632000 Khz
  2336. 06-09 16:48:31.129 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  2337. 06-09 16:48:31.129 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  2338. 06-09 16:48:31.165 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  2339. 06-09 16:48:31.381 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  2340. 06-09 16:48:31.381 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  2341. 06-09 16:48:31.383 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  2342. 06-09 16:48:31.478 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
  2343. 06-09 16:48:31.478 446 446 E cnss-daemon: Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm state: 4
  2344. 06-09 16:48:31.635 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  2345. 06-09 16:48:31.636 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  2346. 06-09 16:48:31.888 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  2347. 06-09 16:48:31.888 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  2348. 06-09 16:48:31.890 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  2349. 06-09 16:48:32.143 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  2350. 06-09 16:48:32.143 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  2351. 06-09 16:48:32.167 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  2352. 06-09 16:48:32.395 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  2353. 06-09 16:48:32.396 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  2354. 06-09 16:48:32.397 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  2355. 06-09 16:48:32.487 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ240 from CPU2 to CPU0
  2356. 06-09 16:48:32.650 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  2357. 06-09 16:48:32.650 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  2358. 06-09 16:48:32.902 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  2359. 06-09 16:48:32.902 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  2360. 06-09 16:48:32.904 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  2361. 06-09 16:48:33.156 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  2362. 06-09 16:48:33.156 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  2363. 06-09 16:48:33.168 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  2364. 06-09 16:48:33.408 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  2365. 06-09 16:48:33.408 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  2366. 06-09 16:48:33.410 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  2367. 06-09 16:48:33.662 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  2368. 06-09 16:48:33.662 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  2369. 06-09 16:48:33.691 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  2370. 06-09 16:48:33.914 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  2371. 06-09 16:48:33.914 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  2372. 06-09 16:48:33.916 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  2373. 06-09 16:48:34.167 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  2374. 06-09 16:48:34.168 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  2375. 06-09 16:48:34.169 450 450 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
  2376. 06-09 16:48:34.420 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  2377. 06-09 16:48:34.420 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  2378. 06-09 16:48:34.421 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  2379. 06-09 16:48:34.673 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  2380. 06-09 16:48:34.674 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  2381. 06-09 16:48:34.926 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  2382. 06-09 16:48:34.926 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  2383. 06-09 16:48:34.927 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  2384. 06-09 16:48:35.169 450 450 W Atfwd_Sendcmd: AtCmdFwd service not published, waiting... retryCnt : 5
  2385. 06-09 16:48:35.179 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  2386. 06-09 16:48:35.179 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  2387. 06-09 16:48:35.431 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  2388. 06-09 16:48:35.431 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  2389. 06-09 16:48:35.433 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  2390. 06-09 16:48:35.470 414 414 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2391. 06-09 16:48:35.470 414 3062 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: FLAG None hence request for a primary output
  2392. 06-09 16:48:35.474 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf66fa180)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
  2393. 06-09 16:48:35.474 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  2394. 06-09 16:48:35.474 414 758 W msm8974_platform: Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
  2395. 06-09 16:48:35.474 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  2396. 06-09 16:48:35.479 2403 4889 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[840,1544][1035,1784] (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2397. 06-09 16:48:35.485 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  2398. 06-09 16:48:35.485 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  2399. 06-09 16:48:35.485 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=0
  2400. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  2401. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 E voice : voice_is_in_call_rec_stream: input stream is NULL
  2402. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 102, path = 1
  2403. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  2404. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2405. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  2406. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2407. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  2408. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  2409. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  2410. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2411. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  2412. 06-09 16:48:35.486 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000066
  2413. 06-09 16:48:35.487 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  2414. 06-09 16:48:35.487 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  2415. 06-09 16:48:35.487 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  2416. 06-09 16:48:35.487 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  2417. 06-09 16:48:35.487 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  2418. 06-09 16:48:35.487 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 102 path = 1
  2420. 06-09 16:48:35.487 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: spkr-vi-record
  2421. 06-09 16:48:35.502 2403 4889 E art : No implementation found for int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.native_perf_io_prefetch_start(int, java.lang.String) (tried Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1perf_1io_1prefetch_1start and Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1perf_1io_1prefetch_1start__ILjava_lang_String_2)
  2422. 06-09 16:48:35.503 2403 4889 E BoostFramework: Exception java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  2423. 06-09 16:48:35.503 2403 4889 D ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: Activity is Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{88af605}
  2424. 06-09 16:48:35.504 2403 4889 E ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: not
  2425. 06-09 16:48:35.508 2403 4889 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{88af605} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2426. 06-09 16:48:35.508 2403 4889 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2427. 06-09 16:48:35.508 2403 4889 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
  2428. 06-09 16:48:35.520 2403 4230 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{88af605} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode
  2429. 06-09 16:48:35.520 2403 4230 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not
  2430. 06-09 16:48:35.530 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, path = 1
  2431. 06-09 16:48:35.530 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  2432. 06-09 16:48:35.530 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2433. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  2434. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2435. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  2436. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  2437. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  2438. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB audproc returned = -19
  2439. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  2440. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2441. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  2442. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  2443. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
  2444. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  2445. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  2446. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  2447. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000004
  2448. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
  2449. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  2450. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path = 1
  2452. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
  2453. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
  2454. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 101, path = 0
  2455. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
  2456. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2457. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
  2458. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID
  2459. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
  2460. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
  2461. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
  2462. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2463. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE
  2464. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
  2465. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  2466. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
  2467. 06-09 16:48:35.531 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
  2468. 06-09 16:48:35.532 414 758 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 101 path = 0
  2470. 06-09 16:48:35.532 414 758 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69936, acdb_dev_id 101, sample_rate 48000
  2471. 06-09 16:48:35.532 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
  2472. 06-09 16:48:35.533 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done
  2473. 06-09 16:48:35.534 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map15
  2474. 06-09 16:48:35.534 414 758 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
  2475. 06-09 16:48:35.539 2403 4230 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
  2476. 06-09 16:48:35.539 2403 4230 E art : No implementation found for int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.native_perf_io_prefetch_start(int, java.lang.String) (tried Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1perf_1io_1prefetch_1start and Java_com_qualcomm_qti_Performance_native_1perf_1io_1prefetch_1start__ILjava_lang_String_2)
  2477. 06-09 16:48:35.540 2403 4230 E BoostFramework: Exception java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  2478. 06-09 16:48:35.570 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit
  2479. 06-09 16:48:35.654 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0,000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - START
  2480. 06-09 16:48:35.655 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0,000ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - START
  2481. 06-09 16:48:35.656 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 1,152ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 1,152ms] PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences
  2482. 06-09 16:48:35.658 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 2,528ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 1,376ms] preferences.getLong
  2483. 06-09 16:48:35.658 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 3,256ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - STOP
  2484. 06-09 16:48:35.659 6278 6278 I CAM_Profiler: [ 21,523ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [21,523ms] initializeTimeOfFirstRun
  2485. 06-09 16:48:35.660 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 22,351ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 0,828ms] UsageStatistics.initialize
  2486. 06-09 16:48:35.663 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 25,737ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 3,385ms] clearNotifications
  2487. 06-09 16:48:35.664 6278 6278 I CAM_Profiler: [ 25,737ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - STOP
  2488. 06-09 16:48:35.676 6278 6278 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onCreate: Activity =
  2489. 06-09 16:48:35.677 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0,000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - START
  2490. 06-09 16:48:35.678 6278 6278 D CAM_LocationManager: Using legacy location provider.
  2491. 06-09 16:48:35.685 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  2492. 06-09 16:48:35.685 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  2493. 06-09 16:48:35.700 6278 6278 D CAM_MemoryManagerImpl: Max native memory: 358 MB
  2494. 06-09 16:48:35.708 6278 6278 I CAM_OneCamFtrCnfgCrtr: CaptureModule? true
  2495. 06-09 16:48:35.723 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 46,724ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [12,285ms] Glide.setup
  2496. 06-09 16:48:35.727 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 49,956ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 3,232ms] OneCameraManager.get
  2497. 06-09 16:48:35.736 6278 6278 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
  2498. 06-09 16:48:35.736 6278 6302 E WVMExtractor: Failed to open dlopen failed: library "" not found
  2499. 06-09 16:48:35.739 415 3260 I CameraService: getCameraCharacteristics: Switching to HAL1 shim implementation...
  2500. 06-09 16:48:35.740 415 415 I CameraService: getCameraCharacteristics: Switching to HAL1 shim implementation...
  2501. 06-09 16:48:35.752 422 3263 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
  2502. 06-09 16:48:35.753 6278 6304 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
  2503. 06-09 16:48:35.755 419 419 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance( in mediacodec process
  2504. 06-09 16:48:35.758 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 80,958ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [10,252ms] computePictureSizes
  2505. 06-09 16:48:35.805 6278 6278 W CAM_Log : Tag RoundedThumbnailView is 1 chars longer than limit.
  2506. 06-09 16:48:35.936 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  2507. 06-09 16:48:35.936 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  2508. 06-09 16:48:35.938 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  2509. 06-09 16:48:35.945 6278 6278 I CAM_Profiler: [267,894ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [184,180ms] setContentView()
  2510. 06-09 16:48:35.967 6278 6278 I CAM_Profiler: [289,511ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [21,617ms] Configure Camera UI
  2511. 06-09 16:48:35.980 6278 6278 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: []
  2512. 06-09 16:48:35.984 6278 6278 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [,]
  2513. 06-09 16:48:35.984 6278 6278 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [,,]
  2514. 06-09 16:48:35.985 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [308,455ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 4,595ms] Init Current Module UI
  2515. 06-09 16:48:35.990 6278 6308 D CAM_Storage: External storage state=mounted
  2516. 06-09 16:48:35.998 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraController: requestCamera
  2517. 06-09 16:48:35.999 6278 6278 V CAM_ActvCamDevTrckr: Tracking active camera: null
  2518. 06-09 16:48:35.999 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraController: checkAndOpenCamera
  2519. 06-09 16:48:36.001 6278 6297 I CAM2PORT_AndCamAgntImp: Opening camera 0 with camera1 API
  2520. 06-09 16:48:36.002 415 415 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1
  2521. 06-09 16:48:36.002 415 415 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0
  2522. 06-09 16:48:36.003 6278 6278 I CAM_Profiler: [326,537ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [18,082ms] Init CurrentModule
  2523. 06-09 16:48:36.006 6278 6278 V NFC : this device does not have NFC support
  2524. 06-09 16:48:36.017 6278 6278 I CAM_Profiler: [339,814ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - STOP
  2525. 06-09 16:48:36.017 6278 6278 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onCreate: Activity =
  2526. 06-09 16:48:36.018 6278 6278 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onStart: Activity =
  2527. 06-09 16:48:36.022 6278 6278 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onStart: Activity =
  2528. 06-09 16:48:36.023 6278 6278 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onResume: Activity =
  2529. 06-09 16:48:36.025 6278 6278 V CAM_QuickActivity: onResume(): isKeyguardLocked() = false
  2530. 06-09 16:48:36.026 6278 6278 V CAM_QuickActivity: onResume --> onResumeTasks()
  2531. 06-09 16:48:36.029 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0,000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - START
  2532. 06-09 16:48:36.030 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraActivity: Build info: pa_libra-userdebug 7.1.2 NHG47L eng.anton.20170609.172959 test-keys
  2533. 06-09 16:48:36.035 6278 6314 D CAM_Storage: External storage state=mounted
  2534. 06-09 16:48:36.037 422 6311 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf6529de0), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
  2535. 06-09 16:48:36.046 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraController: requestCamera
  2536. 06-09 16:48:36.047 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 17,020ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - [ 6,245ms] mCurrentModule.resume
  2537. 06-09 16:48:36.048 6278 6278 V CAM_Profiler: [ 18,285ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - [ 0,028ms] mPanoramaViewHelper.onResume()
  2538. 06-09 16:48:36.048 6278 6278 V CAM_LcyLocProvider: starting location updates
  2539. 06-09 16:48:36.053 2403 4887 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@5d40230)
  2540. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 2434 E LocSvc_core_log: E/Position mode: LOC_POSITION_MODE_MS_BASED
  2541. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 2434 E LocSvc_core_log: Position recurrence: GPS_POSITION_RECURRENCE_PERIODIC
  2542. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 2434 E LocSvc_core_log: min interval: 1000
  2543. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 2434 E LocSvc_core_log: preferred accuracy: 0
  2544. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 2434 E LocSvc_core_log: preferred time: 0
  2545. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 2434 E LocSvc_core_log: credentials: provider:
  2546. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 4430 E LocSvc_core_log: E/Position mode: LOC_POSITION_MODE_MS_BASED
  2547. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 4430 E LocSvc_core_log: Position recurrence: GPS_POSITION_RECURRENCE_PERIODIC
  2548. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 4430 E LocSvc_core_log: min interval: 1000
  2549. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 4430 E LocSvc_core_log: preferred accuracy: 0
  2550. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 4430 E LocSvc_core_log: preferred time: 0
  2551. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 4430 E LocSvc_core_log: credentials: provider:
  2552. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 4430 E LocSvc_eng: E/LocEngStartFix
  2553. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: E/Position mode: LOC_POSITION_MODE_MS_BASED
  2554. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: Position recurrence: GPS_POSITION_RECURRENCE_PERIODIC
  2555. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: min interval: 1000
  2556. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: preferred accuracy: 0
  2557. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: preferred time: 0
  2558. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: credentials: provider:
  2559. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng: E/LocEngStartFix
  2560. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: E/Position mode: LOC_POSITION_MODE_MS_BASED
  2561. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: Position recurrence: GPS_POSITION_RECURRENCE_PERIODIC
  2562. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: min interval: 1000
  2563. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: preferred accuracy: 0
  2564. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: preferred time: 0
  2565. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 3414 E LocSvc_core_log: credentials: provider:
  2566. 06-09 16:48:36.054 2403 2434 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@5d40230)
  2567. 06-09 16:48:36.055 6278 6278 D CAM_LcyLocProvider: startReceivingLocationUpdates
  2568. 06-09 16:48:36.056 6278 6278 I CAM_Profiler: [ 26,281ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - STOP
  2569. 06-09 16:48:36.056 6278 6278 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onResume: Activity =
  2570. 06-09 16:48:36.061 422 6315 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf652a5c0), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
  2571. 06-09 16:48:36.071 6278 6310 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: retrieved photo metadata, number of items: 13
  2572. 06-09 16:48:36.072 6278 6310 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: retrieved video metadata, number of items: 1
  2573. 06-09 16:48:36.072 6278 6310 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: sorting video/photo metadata
  2574. 06-09 16:48:36.074 6278 6310 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: sorted video/photo metadata
  2575. 06-09 16:48:36.085 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraActivity: ignoring storage callback after activity pause
  2576. 06-09 16:48:36.085 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraActivity: ignoring storage callback after activity pause
  2577. 06-09 16:48:36.085 6278 6313 D CAM_MemoryQuery: timestamp=285491, availMem=858, totalMem=1810, totalPSS=16, lastTrimLevel=0, largeMemoryClass=512, nativePSS=2, dalvikPSS=6, otherPSS=6,threshold=216, lowMemory=false
  2578. 06-09 16:48:36.087 422 6317 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xf652a320), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
  2579. 06-09 16:48:36.089 415 415 I CameraFlashlight: Opening camera 0
  2580. 06-09 16:48:36.091 415 415 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::openCamera(hw_device_t**): E PROFILE_OPEN_CAMERA camera id 0
  2581. 06-09 16:48:36.091 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_setLogLevel: global_debug_level:0 mct_debug_level:1 kpi_debug 0
  2582. 06-09 16:48:36.091 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_controller_new: Creating new mct_controller with session-id 1
  2583. 06-09 16:48:36.092 455 6323 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E sensor
  2584. 06-09 16:48:36.092 455 6323 I mm-camera: module_sensor_start_session:1338session 1
  2585. 06-09 16:48:36.093 455 6324 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E iface
  2586. 06-09 16:48:36.094 455 6324 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X isp
  2587. 06-09 16:48:36.094 455 6325 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E isp
  2588. 06-09 16:48:36.095 455 6325 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_module_start_session:178 session id 1
  2589. 06-09 16:48:36.095 455 6327 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E stats
  2590. 06-09 16:48:36.096 455 6328 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E pproc
  2591. 06-09 16:48:36.096 455 6328 E mm-camera: cpp_module_start_session:406, info: starting session 1
  2592. 06-09 16:48:36.099 455 6333 E mm-camera: sensor_native_thread_handler:459 Acquiring instance of sensor manager
  2593. 06-09 16:48:36.100 455 6333 E mm-camera: sensor_native_thread_handler:464 Get Default Gyro sensor!
  2594. 06-09 16:48:36.100 455 6327 E mm-camera: sensor_laser_init:117 Failure opening sensor library! Error: dlopen failed: library "/system/lib/hw/" not found
  2595. 06-09 16:48:36.100 455 6327 E mm-camera: gyro_port_init:1188 Failure initializing laser sensor. Error: 4
  2596. 06-09 16:48:36.100 455 6327 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X imglib
  2597. 06-09 16:48:36.101 455 6331 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E imglib
  2598. 06-09 16:48:36.101 455 6331 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_start_session:1767 ###Img_Loglevel 0
  2599. 06-09 16:48:36.101 455 6331 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_start_session:1745] session cnt 1
  2600. 06-09 16:48:36.101 455 6331 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X imglib
  2601. 06-09 16:48:36.101 455 6325 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_module_start_session:347 num_session_opened 1
  2602. 06-09 16:48:36.101 455 6325 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X imglib
  2603. 06-09 16:48:36.102 455 6323 E mm-camera: module_sensor_init_session:1037Sensor path (null) name imx258
  2604. 06-09 16:48:36.103 455 6323 I mm-camera: sensor_set_position:1685Position ID: 0
  2605. 06-09 16:48:36.103 455 6323 I mm-camera: sensor_set_mode:1717Sensor Mode ID: 0
  2606. 06-09 16:48:36.103 455 6323 I mm-camera-sensor: eeprom_load_library:317eeprom_load_library lib_name /system/vendor/lib/
  2607. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_calibration_data:810 Module ID : 0x7
  2608. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_calibration_data:812 Y/M/D : 15/12/3
  2609. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_wbdata:200 AWB : wb->r_value = 86
  2610. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_wbdata:201 AWB : wb->b_value = 104
  2611. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_wbdata:202 AWB : wb->gr_value = 154
  2612. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_wbdata:203 AWB : wb->gb_value = 153
  2613. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_wbdata:205 AWB : wb->r_value_golden = 88
  2614. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_wbdata:206 AWB : wb->b_value_golden = 106
  2615. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_wbdata:207 AWB : wb->gr_value_golden = 153
  2616. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_wbdata:208 AWB : wb->gb_value_golden = 153
  2617. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_wbdata:210 AWB : r/gr = 0.562092
  2618. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_wbdata:211 AWB : b/gb = 0.679739
  2619. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_wbdata:212 AWB : gr/gb = 1.006536
  2620. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_lensshading:293 OTP: LSC MESH R MATRIX
  2621. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 83.00, 109.00, 124.00, 135.00, 151.00, 165.00, 176.00, 183.00,188.00, 184.00, 176.00,165.00, 151.00, 140.00, 124.00, 108.00, 81.00
  2622. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 99.00, 120.00, 140.00, 156.00, 172.00, 192.00, 208.00, 220.00,220.00, 216.00, 208.00,192.00, 172.00, 156.00, 140.00, 124.00, 97.00
  2623. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 111.00, 132.00, 152.00, 172.00, 196.00, 220.00, 240.00, 252.00,260.00, 252.00, 240.00,220.00, 196.00, 172.00, 152.00, 136.00, 115.00
  2624. 06-09 16:48:36.104 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 117.00, 144.00, 164.00, 188.00, 220.00, 248.00, 272.00, 288.00,292.00, 288.00, 268.00,244.00, 216.00, 188.00, 164.00, 144.00, 123.00
  2625. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 125.00, 152.00, 176.00, 204.00, 236.00, 268.00, 300.00, 320.00,324.00, 316.00, 296.00,268.00, 236.00, 204.00, 176.00, 152.00, 131.00
  2626. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 129.00, 156.00, 184.00, 216.00, 252.00, 284.00, 316.00, 336.00,344.00, 336.00, 316.00,284.00, 248.00, 212.00, 180.00, 156.00, 135.00
  2627. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 133.00, 160.00, 184.00, 216.00, 252.00, 292.00, 324.00, 344.00,352.00, 344.00, 320.00,288.00, 252.00, 216.00, 184.00, 160.00, 133.00
  2628. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 129.00, 156.00, 180.00, 212.00, 248.00, 284.00, 312.00, 336.00,344.00, 336.00, 312.00,280.00, 248.00, 212.00, 180.00, 156.00, 135.00
  2629. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 125.00, 152.00, 172.00, 200.00, 232.00, 264.00, 292.00, 312.00,320.00, 312.00, 292.00,264.00, 232.00, 200.00, 172.00, 152.00, 131.00
  2630. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 117.00, 144.00, 164.00, 188.00, 216.00, 240.00, 264.00, 280.00,284.00, 280.00, 264.00,240.00, 212.00, 188.00, 164.00, 144.00, 123.00
  2631. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 111.00, 132.00, 152.00, 168.00, 192.00, 212.00, 232.00, 244.00,248.00, 244.00, 232.00,212.00, 192.00, 168.00, 152.00, 132.00, 116.00
  2632. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 99.00, 120.00, 136.00, 152.00, 168.00, 188.00, 200.00, 212.00,216.00, 212.00, 200.00,184.00, 168.00, 152.00, 140.00, 120.00, 99.00
  2633. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 83.00, 104.00, 125.00, 136.00, 152.00, 161.00, 173.00, 180.00,179.00, 180.00, 173.00,163.00, 152.00, 136.00, 124.00, 109.00, 83.00
  2634. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_lensshading:295 OTP: LSC MESH GR MATRIX
  2635. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 177.00, 225.00, 257.00, 284.00, 305.00, 328.00, 347.00, 361.00,365.00, 363.00, 347.00,328.00, 305.00, 284.00, 256.00, 220.00, 172.00
  2636. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 209.00, 252.00, 284.00, 316.00, 348.00, 376.00, 400.00, 420.00,424.00, 416.00, 400.00,376.00, 348.00, 316.00, 288.00, 252.00, 209.00
  2637. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 239.00, 276.00, 308.00, 344.00, 384.00, 424.00, 456.00, 476.00,484.00, 476.00, 456.00,424.00, 384.00, 344.00, 308.00, 276.00, 233.00
  2638. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 255.00, 292.00, 328.00, 372.00, 420.00, 468.00, 508.00, 532.00,544.00, 532.00, 504.00,468.00, 420.00, 372.00, 328.00, 292.00, 255.00
  2639. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 267.00, 304.00, 348.00, 396.00, 452.00, 504.00, 548.00, 584.00,592.00, 580.00, 548.00,504.00, 452.00, 396.00, 348.00, 304.00, 267.00
  2640. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 273.00, 316.00, 356.00, 412.00, 468.00, 528.00, 580.00, 612.00,628.00, 612.00, 576.00,528.00, 468.00, 412.00, 356.00, 312.00, 275.00
  2641. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 273.00, 316.00, 360.00, 416.00, 476.00, 536.00, 588.00, 624.00,636.00, 624.00, 588.00,532.00, 476.00, 416.00, 360.00, 316.00, 273.00
  2642. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 275.00, 312.00, 356.00, 408.00, 464.00, 524.00, 576.00, 612.00,624.00, 608.00, 572.00,524.00, 468.00, 408.00, 356.00, 312.00, 275.00
  2643. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 261.00, 304.00, 344.00, 392.00, 444.00, 496.00, 540.00, 572.00,584.00, 572.00, 540.00,496.00, 444.00, 392.00, 344.00, 304.00, 267.00
  2644. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 251.00, 288.00, 324.00, 368.00, 412.00, 460.00, 496.00, 520.00,532.00, 520.00, 496.00,460.00, 412.00, 368.00, 328.00, 292.00, 255.00
  2645. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 235.00, 272.00, 304.00, 340.00, 376.00, 412.00, 444.00, 464.00,472.00, 464.00, 444.00,412.00, 376.00, 340.00, 308.00, 272.00, 235.00
  2646. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 211.00, 248.00, 280.00, 312.00, 340.00, 368.00, 392.00, 408.00,412.00, 408.00, 392.00,368.00, 340.00, 312.00, 284.00, 252.00, 204.00
  2647. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 173.00, 221.00, 253.00, 280.00, 303.00, 320.00, 339.00, 349.00,353.00, 349.00, 339.00,320.00, 303.00, 280.00, 252.00, 220.00, 161.00
  2648. 06-09 16:48:36.105 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_lensshading:297 OTP: LSC MESH GB MATRIX
  2649. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 177.00, 220.00, 257.00, 284.00, 311.00, 333.00, 352.00, 361.00,365.00, 363.00, 347.00,328.00, 311.00, 289.00, 261.00, 220.00, 167.00
  2650. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 209.00, 252.00, 284.00, 316.00, 348.00, 376.00, 400.00, 420.00,424.00, 416.00, 400.00,376.00, 348.00, 316.00, 288.00, 252.00, 209.00
  2651. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 233.00, 276.00, 308.00, 344.00, 384.00, 424.00, 456.00, 476.00,484.00, 476.00, 456.00,420.00, 384.00, 344.00, 308.00, 276.00, 233.00
  2652. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 249.00, 292.00, 328.00, 372.00, 420.00, 468.00, 504.00, 532.00,540.00, 532.00, 504.00,464.00, 420.00, 372.00, 328.00, 292.00, 249.00
  2653. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 261.00, 304.00, 344.00, 396.00, 448.00, 504.00, 548.00, 580.00,592.00, 580.00, 548.00,500.00, 448.00, 396.00, 344.00, 304.00, 261.00
  2654. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 269.00, 312.00, 356.00, 412.00, 468.00, 528.00, 580.00, 612.00,624.00, 612.00, 576.00,524.00, 468.00, 412.00, 356.00, 312.00, 269.00
  2655. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 268.00, 316.00, 360.00, 412.00, 472.00, 532.00, 588.00, 624.00,636.00, 620.00, 584.00,532.00, 472.00, 416.00, 360.00, 316.00, 273.00
  2656. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 271.00, 308.00, 352.00, 408.00, 464.00, 520.00, 572.00, 608.00,620.00, 608.00, 572.00,520.00, 464.00, 408.00, 352.00, 312.00, 269.00
  2657. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 257.00, 300.00, 340.00, 388.00, 440.00, 492.00, 540.00, 568.00,580.00, 568.00, 536.00,492.00, 440.00, 388.00, 340.00, 300.00, 263.00
  2658. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 247.00, 284.00, 320.00, 364.00, 408.00, 456.00, 492.00, 516.00,524.00, 516.00, 492.00,456.00, 408.00, 364.00, 324.00, 288.00, 251.00
  2659. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 231.00, 268.00, 300.00, 336.00, 372.00, 408.00, 440.00, 460.00,468.00, 460.00, 440.00,408.00, 372.00, 336.00, 304.00, 272.00, 229.00
  2660. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 205.00, 248.00, 280.00, 308.00, 336.00, 364.00, 388.00, 404.00,408.00, 404.00, 388.00,364.00, 336.00, 308.00, 280.00, 248.00, 200.00
  2661. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 168.00, 216.00, 248.00, 276.00, 299.00, 316.00, 335.00, 345.00,349.00, 345.00, 335.00,321.00, 299.00, 281.00, 253.00, 216.00, 163.00
  2662. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_lensshading:299 OTP: LSC MESH B MATRIX
  2663. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 121.00, 159.00, 184.00, 203.00, 217.00, 237.00, 247.00, 255.00,259.00, 255.00, 248.00,237.00, 223.00, 203.00, 183.00, 153.00, 116.00
  2664. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 148.00, 180.00, 200.00, 224.00, 244.00, 264.00, 284.00, 292.00,296.00, 292.00, 280.00,264.00, 244.00, 224.00, 204.00, 180.00, 143.00
  2665. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 164.00, 196.00, 220.00, 244.00, 268.00, 296.00, 316.00, 332.00,336.00, 332.00, 316.00,296.00, 268.00, 244.00, 220.00, 196.00, 164.00
  2666. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 181.00, 208.00, 232.00, 260.00, 292.00, 324.00, 348.00, 368.00,372.00, 364.00, 348.00,324.00, 292.00, 260.00, 232.00, 208.00, 176.00
  2667. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 189.00, 216.00, 244.00, 276.00, 312.00, 348.00, 376.00, 396.00,404.00, 396.00, 376.00,344.00, 312.00, 276.00, 244.00, 216.00, 189.00
  2668. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 193.00, 220.00, 252.00, 288.00, 324.00, 360.00, 396.00, 420.00,428.00, 420.00, 396.00,360.00, 324.00, 288.00, 252.00, 224.00, 192.00
  2669. 06-09 16:48:36.106 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 192.00, 224.00, 252.00, 288.00, 328.00, 368.00, 400.00, 424.00,432.00, 424.00, 400.00,364.00, 328.00, 288.00, 252.00, 224.00, 192.00
  2670. 06-09 16:48:36.107 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 193.00, 220.00, 248.00, 284.00, 320.00, 360.00, 392.00, 416.00,424.00, 416.00, 392.00,356.00, 324.00, 284.00, 248.00, 220.00, 193.00
  2671. 06-09 16:48:36.107 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 185.00, 212.00, 240.00, 272.00, 308.00, 340.00, 368.00, 392.00,396.00, 388.00, 368.00,340.00, 308.00, 272.00, 240.00, 216.00, 184.00
  2672. 06-09 16:48:36.107 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 177.00, 204.00, 228.00, 256.00, 288.00, 316.00, 340.00, 356.00,364.00, 356.00, 340.00,316.00, 288.00, 256.00, 228.00, 204.00, 177.00
  2673. 06-09 16:48:36.107 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 165.00, 192.00, 212.00, 236.00, 260.00, 288.00, 308.00, 320.00,324.00, 320.00, 308.00,284.00, 260.00, 236.00, 216.00, 192.00, 160.00
  2674. 06-09 16:48:36.107 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 144.00, 176.00, 196.00, 216.00, 236.00, 256.00, 272.00, 284.00,288.00, 284.00, 272.00,256.00, 236.00, 220.00, 200.00, 176.00, 144.00
  2675. 06-09 16:48:36.107 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: print_matrix:114 117.00, 149.00, 175.00, 195.00, 209.00, 224.00, 235.00, 241.00,245.00, 241.00, 235.00,224.00, 209.00, 193.00, 173.00, 149.00, 112.00
  2676. 06-09 16:48:36.107 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_afdata:366 LYN AF : macro 542 infinity 108 (no starting DAC set to infinity)
  2677. 06-09 16:48:36.107 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_afdata:369 LYN AF horizontal reference : macro 455 infinity 185
  2678. 06-09 16:48:36.107 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_eeprom_format_afdata:372 LYN AF vertical reference : macro 65535 infinity 60
  2679. 06-09 16:48:36.129 6278 6319 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 6818200, Idb2b4cb785
  2680. 06-09 16:48:36.129 6278 6319 I Adreno : Build Date : 11/18/16
  2681. 06-09 16:48:36.129 6278 6319 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.04
  2682. 06-09 16:48:36.129 6278 6319 I Adreno : Local Branch : N25
  2683. 06-09 16:48:36.129 6278 6319 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
  2684. 06-09 16:48:36.129 6278 6319 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
  2685. 06-09 16:48:36.129 6278 6319 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch :
  2686. 06-09 16:48:36.133 6278 6278 V CAM_TexViewHelper: onLayoutChange
  2687. 06-09 16:48:36.134 6278 6278 V CAM_TexViewHelper: updateTransform
  2688. 06-09 16:48:36.136 6278 6319 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  2689. 06-09 16:48:36.136 6278 6319 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
  2690. 06-09 16:48:36.140 455 6336 E mm-camera: cpp_thread_func:65: cpp_thread entering the polling loop...
  2691. 06-09 16:48:36.140 455 6328 E mm-camera: cpp_module_start_session:499, info: cpp_thread created.
  2692. 06-09 16:48:36.140 455 6328 E mm-camera: cpp_module_start_session:503, info: session 1 started.
  2693. 06-09 16:48:36.140 455 6328 E mm-camera: c2d_module_start_session:261, info: starting session 1
  2694. 06-09 16:48:36.141 455 6337 E mm-camera: c2d_thread_func:42: c2d_thread entering the polling loop...
  2695. 06-09 16:48:36.141 6278 6278 V CAM_FilmstripView: suggesting item bounds: 1080x1776
  2696. 06-09 16:48:36.142 6278 6278 V CAM_FilmstripView: getRecycledView, recycled=false
  2697. 06-09 16:48:36.141 455 6323 E mm-camera: module_sensor_init_session:1166flash subdev id = 0
  2698. 06-09 16:48:36.143 455 6323 I mm-camera-sensor: flash_load_lib:107Loading library
  2699. 06-09 16:48:36.143 455 6328 E mm-camera: c2d_module_start_session:309, info: c2d_thread created.
  2700. 06-09 16:48:36.144 455 6323 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_addr_type:26Invalid addr_type = 0
  2701. 06-09 16:48:36.144 455 6323 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_data_type:40Invalid addr_type = 0
  2702. 06-09 16:48:36.144 455 6323 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_init:602name = bu64244gwz
  2703. 06-09 16:48:36.145 455 6323 E mm-camera-sensor: actuator_load_lib:483name=bu64244gwz, mode=camera
  2704. 06-09 16:48:36.147 455 6323 I mm-camera-sensor: actuator_load_lib:530library /system/vendor/lib/ successfully loaded, idx=0
  2705. 06-09 16:48:36.148 455 6323 I mm-camera-sensor: actuator_load_lib:569library successfully loaded, idx=0
  2706. 06-09 16:48:36.148 455 6328 E mm-camera: c2d_module_start_session:338, info: session 1 started.
  2707. 06-09 16:48:36.148 455 6328 E mm-camera-pp: [INFO] base_module_start_session:91, E, session=1
  2708. 06-09 16:48:36.148 455 6323 E mm-camera-sensor: actuator_load_lib:483name=bu64244gwz, mode=camcorder
  2709. 06-09 16:48:36.148 455 6328 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X imglib
  2710. 06-09 16:48:36.149 455 6339 E libaprpmem:
  2711. 06-09 16:48:36.149 455 6339 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=4010844160 fd=47 heapid=33554432
  2712. 06-09 16:48:36.151 455 6323 I mm-camera-sensor: actuator_load_lib:569library successfully loaded, idx=1
  2713. 06-09 16:48:36.151 455 6323 E mm-camera-sensor: eeprom_do_af_calibration:190turn on Cal af(1)
  2714. 06-09 16:48:36.151 455 6323 E mm-camera-sdk: imx258_gt24c16_autofocus_calibration:764 adjusted code_per_step: 1111, qvalue: 1024
  2715. 06-09 16:48:36.151 455 6323 I mm-camera: sensor_get_fast_aec_wait_frames:1287wait_frame_count 0
  2716. 06-09 16:48:36.151 455 6323 I mm-camera: module_sensor_init_session:1229Success
  2717. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 6323 E mm-camera: module_sensor_start_session:1372SUCCESS
  2718. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 6323 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X imglib
  2719. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2297hal version 0 capture intent 0 cur_stream_mask 1
  2720. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 E mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2347Error: Load default preview chroamtix
  2721. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[0] =
  2722. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[1] =
  2723. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2358chromatix_lib_name[2] = NULL
  2724. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[3] =
  2725. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[4] =
  2726. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[5] =
  2727. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[6] =
  2728. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[7] =
  2729. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[8] =
  2730. 06-09 16:48:36.152 455 455 I mm-camera: chromatix_load_library:70/system/vendor/lib/
  2731. 06-09 16:48:36.153 455 6339 E libaprpmem:
  2732. 06-09 16:48:36.153 455 6339 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=4006875136 fd=52 heapid=33554432
  2733. 06-09 16:48:36.155 455 455 I mm-camera: chromatix_load_library:70/system/vendor/lib/
  2734. 06-09 16:48:36.157 6278 6278 V CAM_FilmstripView: suggesting item bounds: 1080x1776
  2735. 06-09 16:48:36.157 6278 6278 V CAM_FilmstripView: getRecycledView, recycled=false
  2736. 06-09 16:48:36.159 6278 6278 V CAM_FilmstripView: suggesting item bounds: 1080x1776
  2737. 06-09 16:48:36.159 6278 6278 V CAM_FilmstripView: getRecycledView, recycled=false
  2738. 06-09 16:48:36.161 6278 6278 D CAM_FilmstripView: reload() - Ensure all items are loaded at max size.
  2739. 06-09 16:48:36.161 6278 6278 I CAM_FilmstripView: [ViewItem:0] mData.renderThumbnail()
  2740. 06-09 16:48:36.163 6278 6278 I CAM_FilmstripView: [ViewItem:1] mData.renderThumbnail()
  2741. 06-09 16:48:36.165 6278 6278 I CAM_FilmstripView: [ViewItem:2] mData.renderThumbnail()
  2742. 06-09 16:48:36.165 455 455 I mm-camera: chromatix_open_library:118NULL chromatix name for chromatix[2]
  2743. 06-09 16:48:36.165 455 455 I mm-camera: chromatix_load_library:70/system/vendor/lib/
  2744. 06-09 16:48:36.166 455 455 I mm-camera: chromatix_load_library:70/system/vendor/lib/
  2745. 06-09 16:48:36.167 455 455 I mm-camera: chromatix_load_library:70/system/vendor/lib/
  2746. 06-09 16:48:36.169 6278 6308 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: updating media metadata with photos newer than id: 2278
  2747. 06-09 16:48:36.169 455 455 I mm-camera: chromatix_load_library:70/system/vendor/lib/
  2748. 06-09 16:48:36.170 455 6339 E libaprpmem:
  2749. 06-09 16:48:36.170 455 6339 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3998937088 fd=51 heapid=33554432
  2750. 06-09 16:48:36.174 455 455 I mm-camera: chromatix_load_library:70/system/vendor/lib/
  2751. 06-09 16:48:36.177 455 455 I mm-camera: chromatix_load_library:70/system/vendor/lib/
  2752. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 E mm-camera-sensor: eeprom_do_chroma_calibration:133turn on Cal wb(1) lsc(1) dp (1)
  2753. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_query_mod:145 num_isp_preallocate 1 num_session_opened 1 dual_vfe_enabled 0
  2754. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_query_mod:1897] Caps ROI 10 scene_mode_cnt 1 HW analysis supported 0
  2755. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 E hdr : module_hdr_lib_query_mod:181] Supported scenemode cnt 2
  2756. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 I mm-camera: module_module_set_session_data:5895max delay 2 report delay 1 retry skip 3
  2757. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  2758. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [0f]
  2759. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  2760. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking Session-stream 0x1000f
  2761. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 I mm-camera: module_iface_set_mod_func: set module type = 8, identity 1000f
  2762. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:151ide 1000f stream type 10 w*h 0*0
  2763. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 E mm-camera: iface_reserve_sink_port: security mode :0
  2764. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:271ide 1000f
  2765. 06-09 16:48:36.178 455 455 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_reserve:737 port 0xf46e68e0 ide 1000f type 10 dim 0 0
  2766. 06-09 16:48:36.179 455 455 E mm-camera: int_link = 0xf46e9ea0
  2767. 06-09 16:48:36.179 455 455 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods tmod and c2d
  2768. 06-09 16:48:36.179 455 455 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:78, identity=0x1000f
  2769. 06-09 16:48:36.179 455 455 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:156, identity=0x1000f, reserved
  2770. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: c2d_module_notify_add_stream:1404, info: success, identity=0x1000f
  2771. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods c2d and cpp
  2772. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:78, identity=0x1000f
  2773. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: Interleaved flag is 0, identity 65551 port type 0
  2774. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:156, identity=0x1000f, reserved
  2775. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x1000f
  2776. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x1000f, reserved
  2777. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: cpp_module_notify_add_stream:1990, info: success, identity=0x1000f
  2778. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods cpp and afs
  2779. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x1000f
  2780. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x1000f, reserved
  2781. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  2782. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods afs and cac
  2783. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  2784. 06-09 16:48:36.181 455 455 E mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:454] X rc: 1
  2785. 06-09 16:48:36.184 6278 6278 V CAM_TexViewHelper: updateTransform
  2786. 06-09 16:48:36.184 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraAppUI: SurfaceTexture is available
  2787. 06-09 16:48:36.184 6278 6278 I CAM_VideoModule: startPreview
  2788. 06-09 16:48:36.184 6278 6278 I CAM_FocusRingView: Computing center via view bounds.
  2789. 06-09 16:48:36.189 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  2790. 06-09 16:48:36.190 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  2791. 06-09 16:48:36.198 455 455 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x1000f stream type=10
  2792. 06-09 16:48:36.198 455 6348 D mm-camera: sensor_enable_req E wait event_queue
  2793. 06-09 16:48:36.198 455 6348 D mm-camera: sensor_enable_req X wait event_queue
  2794. 06-09 16:48:36.199 2403 2433 E SensorHAL: set_enable status=1, sensor_type=6, sensors_mask_enabled =0
  2795. 06-09 16:48:36.199 2403 2433 E SensorHAL: work = true, dev_dir_name =/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device5
  2796. 06-09 16:48:36.202 455 6349 D mm-camera: sensor_enable_req E wait event_queue
  2797. 06-09 16:48:36.202 455 6349 D mm-camera: sensor_enable_req X wait event_queue
  2798. 06-09 16:48:36.227 415 415 D mm-jpeg-intf: Max picture size 4160 x 3120, WorkBufSize = 19568640
  2799. 06-09 16:48:36.229 415 415 I qomx_image_core: OMX_Init:95] Complete 3
  2800. 06-09 16:48:36.230 415 415 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=1221096
  2801. 06-09 16:48:36.230 415 415 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):HeapMemsize 1221096
  2802. 06-09 16:48:36.230 415 415 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=1221096
  2803. 06-09 16:48:36.230 415 415 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):Memsize 1221096
  2804. 06-09 16:48:36.230 415 415 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  2805. 06-09 16:48:36.230 415 415 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  2806. 06-09 16:48:36.230 415 415 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 1221096
  2807. 06-09 16:48:36.230 415 415 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  2808. 06-09 16:48:36.230 415 415 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 1221096
  2809. 06-09 16:48:36.232 415 415 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::calcThermalLevel(qcamera::qcamera_thermal_level_enum_t, int, int, cam_fps_range_t&, msm_vfe_frame_skip_pattern&): level: 0, preview minfps 7000.000000, preview maxfpS 30000.000000, video minfps 7000.000000, video maxfpS 30000.000000
  2810. 06-09 16:48:36.233 2403 2442 I ActivityManager: Displayed +712ms
  2811. 06-09 16:48:36.233 415 415 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSecureMode(const char*): Secure mode value: disable
  2812. 06-09 16:48:36.234 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_module_set_session_data:5895max delay 2 report delay 0 retry skip 3
  2813. 06-09 16:48:36.235 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hfr: can't find hw stream, only save hfr mode
  2814. 06-09 16:48:36.237 415 415 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  2815. 06-09 16:48:36.238 415 415 I Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib-Client: Registraion successful for camera with handle:1
  2816. 06-09 16:48:36.238 415 415 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::openCamera(hw_device_t**): X PROFILE_OPEN_CAMERA camera id 0, rc: 0
  2817. 06-09 16:48:36.239 402 526 I ThermalEngine: Thermal-Server: Adding thermal event listener on fd 58
  2818. 06-09 16:48:36.240 415 6357 I Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib-Client: Client received msg camera 0
  2819. 06-09 16:48:36.240 415 6357 I Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib-Client: Client received msg camcorder 0
  2820. 06-09 16:48:36.240 415 6357 E Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib-Client: No Callback registered for camcorder
  2821. 06-09 16:48:36.240 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::calcThermalLevel(qcamera::qcamera_thermal_level_enum_t, int, int, cam_fps_range_t&, msm_vfe_frame_skip_pattern&): level: 0, preview minfps 7000.000000, preview maxfpS 30000.000000, video minfps 7000.000000, video maxfpS 30000.000000
  2822. 06-09 16:48:36.245 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: new photos query return num items: 0
  2823. 06-09 16:48:36.248 2403 2433 D SensorHAL: lsm6db0_gyro: power-on.
  2824. 06-09 16:48:36.264 2403 4887 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
  2825. 06-09 16:48:36.269 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraController: onCameraOpened
  2826. 06-09 16:48:36.270 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraActivity: onCameraOpened
  2827. 06-09 16:48:36.277 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested preview size 2048 x 1536
  2828. 06-09 16:48:36.277 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested picture size 160 x 120
  2829. 06-09 16:48:36.278 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setZslMode(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): enabled: 1
  2830. 06-09 16:48:36.278 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2831. 06-09 16:48:36.278 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHHT(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2832. 06-09 16:48:36.278 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSensorSnapshotHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&) :X Snapshot HDR set to: prev_str (null), str (null)
  2833. 06-09 16:48:36.279 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_cds_mode: set HAL CDS mode = 1
  2834. 06-09 16:48:36.279 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_street_snap_mode:3946street snap mode =0
  2835. 06-09 16:48:36.279 415 6321 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  2836. 06-09 16:48:36.279 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHDREnabled() 0
  2837. 06-09 16:48:36.279 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2838. 06-09 16:48:36.279 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2839. 06-09 16:48:36.279 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHHTEnabled() 0
  2840. 06-09 16:48:36.279 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2841. 06-09 16:48:36.279 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2842. 06-09 16:48:36.284 6278 6278 D CAM_VideoModule: Selected video quality for 'large' is 8
  2843. 06-09 16:48:36.287 6278 6278 V CAM_TexViewHelper: updateAspectRatio 1.7777778
  2844. 06-09 16:48:36.287 6278 6278 V CAM_TexViewHelper: setAspectRatio: 1.7777778
  2845. 06-09 16:48:36.287 6278 6278 V CAM_TexViewHelper: aspect ratio changed from: 0.0
  2846. 06-09 16:48:36.288 6278 6278 V CAM_TexViewHelper: updateTransform
  2847. 06-09 16:48:36.288 6278 6278 V CAM_VideoModule: Updated DesiredPreview=1920x1080
  2848. 06-09 16:48:36.290 6278 6278 W CAM_FocusOverlayMgr: The coordinate transformer could not be built because the preview rectdid not have a width and height
  2849. 06-09 16:48:36.290 6278 6278 I CAM_FocusRingView: Computing center via preview size.
  2850. 06-09 16:48:36.290 6278 6278 I CAM_VideoModule: startPreview
  2851. 06-09 16:48:36.294 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested preview size 2048 x 1536
  2852. 06-09 16:48:36.294 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested picture size 160 x 120
  2853. 06-09 16:48:36.295 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setZslMode(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): enabled: 1
  2854. 06-09 16:48:36.295 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2855. 06-09 16:48:36.295 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHHT(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2856. 06-09 16:48:36.295 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSensorSnapshotHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&) :X Snapshot HDR set to: prev_str (null), str (null)
  2857. 06-09 16:48:36.296 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_street_snap_mode:3946street snap mode =0
  2858. 06-09 16:48:36.296 415 6321 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  2859. 06-09 16:48:36.297 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHDREnabled() 0
  2860. 06-09 16:48:36.297 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2861. 06-09 16:48:36.297 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2862. 06-09 16:48:36.297 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHHTEnabled() 0
  2863. 06-09 16:48:36.297 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2864. 06-09 16:48:36.297 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2865. 06-09 16:48:36.298 2403 4889 E SensorHAL: set_enable status=1, sensor_type=8, sensors_mask_enabled =0
  2866. 06-09 16:48:36.299 2403 4889 E SensorHAL: work = true, dev_dir_name =/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device15
  2867. 06-09 16:48:36.303 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested preview size 2048 x 1536
  2868. 06-09 16:48:36.303 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested picture size 160 x 120
  2869. 06-09 16:48:36.303 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setZslMode(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): enabled: 1
  2870. 06-09 16:48:36.303 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2871. 06-09 16:48:36.303 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHHT(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2872. 06-09 16:48:36.303 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSensorSnapshotHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&) :X Snapshot HDR set to: prev_str (null), str (null)
  2873. 06-09 16:48:36.304 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_street_snap_mode:3946street snap mode =0
  2874. 06-09 16:48:36.304 415 6321 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  2875. 06-09 16:48:36.304 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHDREnabled() 0
  2876. 06-09 16:48:36.304 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2877. 06-09 16:48:36.304 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2878. 06-09 16:48:36.304 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHHTEnabled() 0
  2879. 06-09 16:48:36.304 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2880. 06-09 16:48:36.305 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2881. 06-09 16:48:36.311 6278 6278 V CAM_VideoModule: Updated DesiredPreview=1920x1080
  2882. 06-09 16:48:36.316 6278 6278 V CAM_FocusOverlayMgr: stored focus setting for camera: continuous-picture
  2883. 06-09 16:48:36.316 6278 6278 V CAM_FocusOverlayMgr: focus mode resolved from setting: CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
  2884. 06-09 16:48:36.317 6278 6278 D CAM_VideoModule: Video snapshot size is 1920x1080
  2885. 06-09 16:48:36.318 6278 6278 V CAM_FocusOverlayMgr: stored focus setting for camera: continuous-picture
  2886. 06-09 16:48:36.318 6278 6278 V CAM_FocusOverlayMgr: focus mode resolved from setting: CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
  2887. 06-09 16:48:36.319 6278 6278 V CAM_VideoModule: on L, no one shot callback necessary
  2888. 06-09 16:48:36.320 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraActivity: invoking onChangeCamera
  2889. 06-09 16:48:36.321 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested preview size 1920 x 1080
  2890. 06-09 16:48:36.321 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested picture size 160 x 120
  2891. 06-09 16:48:36.321 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setZslMode(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): enabled: 1
  2892. 06-09 16:48:36.321 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::calcThermalLevel(qcamera::qcamera_thermal_level_enum_t, int, int, cam_fps_range_t&, msm_vfe_frame_skip_pattern&): level: 0, preview minfps 30000.000000, preview maxfpS 30000.000000, video minfps 30000.000000, video maxfpS 30000.000000
  2893. 06-09 16:48:36.321 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2894. 06-09 16:48:36.321 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHHT(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2895. 06-09 16:48:36.321 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSensorSnapshotHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&) :X Snapshot HDR set to: prev_str (null), str (null)
  2896. 06-09 16:48:36.322 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_street_snap_mode:3946street snap mode =0
  2897. 06-09 16:48:36.323 415 6321 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  2898. 06-09 16:48:36.323 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHDREnabled() 0
  2899. 06-09 16:48:36.323 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2900. 06-09 16:48:36.323 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2901. 06-09 16:48:36.323 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHHTEnabled() 0
  2902. 06-09 16:48:36.323 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2903. 06-09 16:48:36.323 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2904. 06-09 16:48:36.325 415 3261 E QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::cancel_auto_focus(camera_device*) : E PROFILE_CANCEL_AUTO_FOCUS
  2905. 06-09 16:48:36.329 2403 3414 D IzatProviderEngine_jni: onStatusChangedJNI :: status : 6
  2906. 06-09 16:48:36.330 2403 3414 D IzatProviderEngine_jni: onStatusChangedJNI :: status : 4
  2907. 06-09 16:48:36.331 6278 6278 W CAM_IndicatorIconCtrlr: Trying to sync a pano indicator that is not initialized.
  2908. 06-09 16:48:36.331 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000010
  2909. 06-09 16:48:36.331 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: store param event: 0xa
  2910. 06-09 16:48:36.340 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested preview size 1920 x 1080
  2911. 06-09 16:48:36.340 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested picture size 1920 x 1080
  2912. 06-09 16:48:36.340 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setZslMode(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): enabled: 1
  2913. 06-09 16:48:36.341 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2914. 06-09 16:48:36.341 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHHT(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2915. 06-09 16:48:36.341 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSensorSnapshotHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&) :X Snapshot HDR set to: prev_str (null), str (null)
  2916. 06-09 16:48:36.342 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_cds_mode: set HAL CDS mode = 1
  2917. 06-09 16:48:36.342 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_street_snap_mode:3946street snap mode =0
  2918. 06-09 16:48:36.343 415 6321 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  2919. 06-09 16:48:36.343 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHDREnabled() 0
  2920. 06-09 16:48:36.343 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2921. 06-09 16:48:36.343 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2922. 06-09 16:48:36.343 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHHTEnabled() 0
  2923. 06-09 16:48:36.343 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2924. 06-09 16:48:36.343 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2925. 06-09 16:48:36.348 2403 4889 D SensorHAL: lsm6db0_gravity: power-on.
  2926. 06-09 16:48:36.352 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested preview size 1920 x 1080
  2927. 06-09 16:48:36.353 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested picture size 1920 x 1080
  2928. 06-09 16:48:36.353 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setZslMode(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): enabled: 1
  2929. 06-09 16:48:36.353 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2930. 06-09 16:48:36.353 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHHT(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  2931. 06-09 16:48:36.353 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSensorSnapshotHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&) :X Snapshot HDR set to: prev_str (null), str (null)
  2932. 06-09 16:48:36.354 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_street_snap_mode:3946street snap mode =0
  2933. 06-09 16:48:36.354 415 6321 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  2934. 06-09 16:48:36.354 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHDREnabled() 0
  2935. 06-09 16:48:36.354 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2936. 06-09 16:48:36.354 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2937. 06-09 16:48:36.354 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHHTEnabled() 0
  2938. 06-09 16:48:36.354 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  2939. 06-09 16:48:36.354 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  2940. 06-09 16:48:36.357 415 3260 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::start_preview(camera_device*): E PROFILE_START_PREVIEW
  2941. 06-09 16:48:36.358 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: bool qcamera::QCameraParameters::setStreamConfigure(bool, bool, bool): stream type 3, w x h: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x880
  2942. 06-09 16:48:36.358 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: bool qcamera::QCameraParameters::setStreamConfigure(bool, bool, bool): stream type 4, w x h: 4096 x 2160, pp_mask: 0x880
  2943. 06-09 16:48:36.358 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: bool qcamera::QCameraParameters::setStreamConfigure(bool, bool, bool): stream type 1, w x h: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x880
  2944. 06-09 16:48:36.358 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3759requested dim 4096 2160 stream mask 1a
  2945. 06-09 16:48:36.358 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_data:471usecase : 5
  2946. 06-09 16:48:36.358 455 6350 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_expected_data:406ex_w:4096, ex_h:2160,ex_mode:1, ex_fps:30.000000, ex_clk:0, ex_ar: 177
  2947. 06-09 16:48:36.358 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:616res_idx: 0
  2948. 06-09 16:48:36.361 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3788pick res 0 dim 4208X3120 op clk 463200000
  2949. 06-09 16:48:36.361 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5346 Stream type 3 Resolution: 1920x1080 pp_mask: 0x880
  2950. 06-09 16:48:36.361 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5346 Stream type 4 Resolution: 4096x2160 pp_mask: 0x880
  2951. 06-09 16:48:36.361 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5346 Stream type 1 Resolution: 1920x1080 pp_mask: 0x880
  2952. 06-09 16:48:36.362 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_allocate:2243 INFO: ISP resource acquired: session 1 num_isp 1
  2953. 06-09 16:48:36.362 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_allocate:2245 INFO: ISP resource acquired: hw_id 0
  2954. 06-09 16:48:36.362 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5308 stream_port_map num streams 3
  2955. 06-09 16:48:36.362 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5318 INFO: type 4 resolution 4096x2160 hw_stream 1 need_native_buff 0 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0
  2956. 06-09 16:48:36.362 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5318 INFO: type 3 resolution 1920x1080 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0
  2957. 06-09 16:48:36.362 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5318 INFO: type 1 resolution 1920x1080 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0
  2958. 06-09 16:48:36.362 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 1000f type 10 hw stream 0
  2959. 06-09 16:48:36.362 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 1000f type 10 hw stream 1
  2960. 06-09 16:48:36.363 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_reset:564 E
  2961. 06-09 16:48:36.364 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  2962. 06-09 16:48:36.364 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  2963. 06-09 16:48:36.364 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  2964. 06-09 16:48:36.364 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  2965. 06-09 16:48:36.364 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  2966. 06-09 16:48:36.365 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  2967. 06-09 16:48:36.365 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [01]
  2968. 06-09 16:48:36.366 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  2969. 06-09 16:48:36.366 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking snapshot stream 0x10001
  2970. 06-09 16:48:36.366 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_iface_set_mod_func: set module type = 8, identity 10001
  2971. 06-09 16:48:36.366 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:151ide 10001 stream type 3 w*h 1920*1080
  2972. 06-09 16:48:36.366 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_reserve_sink_port: security mode :0
  2973. 06-09 16:48:36.366 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:271ide 10001
  2974. 06-09 16:48:36.366 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_reserve:737 port 0xf46e68e0 ide 10001 type 3 dim 1920 1080
  2975. 06-09 16:48:36.366 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2342 i 0 hw_stream 1
  2976. 06-09 16:48:36.366 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 10001 type 3 hw stream 0
  2977. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 E mm-camera: int_link = 0xf46e9f60
  2978. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods tmod and afs
  2979. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  2980. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods afs and cpp
  2981. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  2982. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  2983. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  2984. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  2985. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10001
  2986. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10001, reserved
  2987. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_notify_add_stream:1990, info: success, identity=0x10001
  2988. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 E mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:454] X rc: 1
  2989. 06-09 16:48:36.367 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10001 stream type=3
  2990. 06-09 16:48:36.368 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  2991. 06-09 16:48:36.368 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  2992. 06-09 16:48:36.368 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  2993. 06-09 16:48:36.368 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  2994. 06-09 16:48:36.369 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  2995. 06-09 16:48:36.369 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  2996. 06-09 16:48:36.369 415 6321 I QCamera2HWI: Buffer count is 11, width / height (4096/2160)
  2997. 06-09 16:48:36.369 415 6321 I QCamera2HWI: Buffer count is 11, width / height (4096/2160)
  2998. 06-09 16:48:36.369 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  2999. 06-09 16:48:36.369 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [02]
  3000. 06-09 16:48:36.370 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  3001. 06-09 16:48:36.370 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking video stream 0x10002
  3002. 06-09 16:48:36.370 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_iface_set_mod_func: set module type = 8, identity 10002
  3003. 06-09 16:48:36.370 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:151ide 10002 stream type 4 w*h 4096*2160
  3004. 06-09 16:48:36.370 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_reserve_sink_port: security mode :0
  3005. 06-09 16:48:36.370 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:271ide 10002
  3006. 06-09 16:48:36.370 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_reserve:737 port 0xf46e68e0 ide 10002 type 4 dim 4096 2160
  3007. 06-09 16:48:36.370 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2342 i 1 hw_stream 1
  3008. 06-09 16:48:36.370 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 10002 type 4 hw stream 1
  3009. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: int_link = 0xf46ea020
  3010. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods tmod and afs
  3011. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3012. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods afs and cpp
  3013. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3014. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  3015. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  3016. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3017. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  3018. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  3019. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3020. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10002
  3021. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10002, reserved
  3022. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_notify_add_stream:1990, info: success, identity=0x10002
  3023. 06-09 16:48:36.371 455 6350 E mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:454] X rc: 1
  3024. 06-09 16:48:36.372 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10002 stream type=4
  3025. 06-09 16:48:36.372 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  3026. 06-09 16:48:36.372 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3027. 06-09 16:48:36.372 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3028. 06-09 16:48:36.373 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  3029. 06-09 16:48:36.373 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3030. 06-09 16:48:36.373 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3031. 06-09 16:48:36.373 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  3032. 06-09 16:48:36.373 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [03]
  3033. 06-09 16:48:36.374 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  3034. 06-09 16:48:36.374 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Link Metadata stream 0x10003: do nothing
  3035. 06-09 16:48:36.374 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10003 stream type=7
  3036. 06-09 16:48:36.374 415 6321 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=100
  3037. 06-09 16:48:36.375 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  3038. 06-09 16:48:36.375 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3039. 06-09 16:48:36.377 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3040. 06-09 16:48:36.377 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  3041. 06-09 16:48:36.377 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3042. 06-09 16:48:36.377 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3043. 06-09 16:48:36.378 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  3044. 06-09 16:48:36.378 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [04]
  3045. 06-09 16:48:36.379 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  3046. 06-09 16:48:36.379 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking preview stream 0x10004
  3047. 06-09 16:48:36.379 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: non secure stream linking
  3048. 06-09 16:48:36.379 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_iface_set_mod_func: set module type = 8, identity 10004
  3049. 06-09 16:48:36.379 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:151ide 10004 stream type 1 w*h 1920*1080
  3050. 06-09 16:48:36.379 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_reserve_sink_port: security mode :0
  3051. 06-09 16:48:36.379 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:271ide 10004
  3052. 06-09 16:48:36.379 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_reserve:737 port 0xf46e68e0 ide 10004 type 1 dim 1920 1080
  3053. 06-09 16:48:36.379 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2342 i 0 hw_stream 1
  3054. 06-09 16:48:36.379 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 10004 type 1 hw stream 0
  3055. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 E mm-camera: int_link = 0xf46e9f60
  3056. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods tmod and afs
  3057. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods afs and cpp
  3058. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3059. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  3060. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  3061. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3062. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10004
  3063. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10004, reserved
  3064. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_notify_add_stream:1990, info: success, identity=0x10004
  3065. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 E mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:454] X rc: 1
  3066. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10004
  3067. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10004, reserved
  3068. 06-09 16:48:36.380 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10004 stream type=1
  3069. 06-09 16:48:36.381 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  3070. 06-09 16:48:36.381 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=10 size=1221120
  3071. 06-09 16:48:36.381 415 6321 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):StreamMemsize 1221120
  3072. 06-09 16:48:36.381 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=10 size=1221120
  3073. 06-09 16:48:36.381 415 6321 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):Memsize 1221120
  3074. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3075. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3076. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3077. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3078. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3079. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3080. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3081. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3082. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3083. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3084. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3085. 06-09 16:48:36.382 415 6321 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 12211200
  3086. 06-09 16:48:36.383 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3087. 06-09 16:48:36.383 415 6321 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 12211200
  3088. 06-09 16:48:36.386 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=12 size=0
  3089. 06-09 16:48:36.386 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000008
  3090. 06-09 16:48:36.386 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10003 stream type=7
  3091. 06-09 16:48:36.386 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10003, stream type=7
  3092. 06-09 16:48:36.405 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3093. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000008
  3094. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10004 stream type=1
  3095. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:2881ide 10004 SENSOR_START_STREAM
  3096. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:1461session_id=1, stream_id=4
  3097. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:2973res_cfg_table = 0xf7354c58
  3098. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 I mm-camera: modules_sensor_set_new_resolution:1720SENSOR_SET_RESOLUTION 4096*2160 mask 41a, fast AEC: 0, FastAec mode:0
  3099. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1742Enter
  3100. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1767Requested width 4096, height 2160
  3101. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1769Requested stream mask 41a hfr mode 0 Cur fps 30.000000
  3102. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_data:471usecase : 5
  3103. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_expected_data:406ex_w:4096, ex_h:2160,ex_mode:1, ex_fps:30.000000, ex_clk:0, ex_ar: 177
  3104. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:616res_idx: 0
  3105. 06-09 16:48:36.411 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1778Curr Res ID -1 New Res ID 0 New FPS 30.000000
  3106. 06-09 16:48:36.420 455 6350 E mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1852set_fps=30.000000 > max_fps=27.450001, capping to max
  3107. 06-09 16:48:36.421 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1920Exit
  3108. 06-09 16:48:36.421 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_config_meta: get no.0 user meta info, user_stream id = 15
  3109. 06-09 16:48:36.421 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_check_hw_limit:523 Entry 1 y_cfg->hOut 4208 y_cfg->vOut 3120
  3110. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x1000f
  3111. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x10001
  3112. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x10002
  3113. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x10004
  3114. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2297hal version 1 capture intent 0 cur_stream_mask 1050
  3115. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[0] =
  3116. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[1] =
  3117. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[2] =
  3118. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[3] =
  3119. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[4] =
  3120. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[5] =
  3121. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[6] =
  3122. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[7] =
  3123. 06-09 16:48:36.422 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[8] =
  3124. 06-09 16:48:36.423 455 6350 I mm-camera: chromatix_load_library:70/system/vendor/lib/
  3125. 06-09 16:48:36.423 455 6333 E mm-camera: stats_port_event:1695 stats_port_event: sanity fail event id=0
  3126. 06-09 16:48:36.424 455 6350 I mm-camera: chromatix_load_library:70/system/vendor/lib/
  3127. 06-09 16:48:36.425 455 6350 I mm-camera: chromatix_load_library:70/system/vendor/lib/
  3128. 06-09 16:48:36.427 455 6350 E mm-camera-sensor: eeprom_do_chroma_calibration:133turn on Cal wb(1) lsc(1) dp (1)
  3129. 06-09 16:48:36.440 455 6350 E mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_set_params:351E
  3130. 06-09 16:48:36.440 455 6350 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_data_type:40Invalid addr_type = 0
  3131. 06-09 16:48:36.440 455 6350 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_addr_type:26Invalid addr_type = 0
  3132. 06-09 16:48:36.440 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2125modules_reloaded = 65535
  3133. 06-09 16:48:36.440 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2172chromatixComPtr = 0xf208a580
  3134. 06-09 16:48:36.440 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2173chromatixPtr = 0xf1a3f6c0
  3135. 06-09 16:48:36.440 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2174chromatixCppPtr = 0xf19c8a80
  3136. 06-09 16:48:36.440 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2175chromatixSnapCppPtr = 0xf19b2900
  3137. 06-09 16:48:36.440 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2176chromatixFlashSnapCppPtr = 0xf384f5c0
  3138. 06-09 16:48:36.440 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2177chromatixVideoCppPtr = 0xf385adc0
  3139. 06-09 16:48:36.440 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2178chromatixPostProcPtr = 0xf381ca00
  3140. 06-09 16:48:36.441 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  3141. 06-09 16:48:36.441 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  3142. 06-09 16:48:36.441 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_set_chromatix_ptr:220 E
  3143. 06-09 16:48:36.442 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_init_config:97 E
  3144. 06-09 16:48:36.443 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  3145. 06-09 16:48:36.443 455 6343 E mm-camera-CORE: awb_bayer_init 3adbg:0
  3146. 06-09 16:48:36.443 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:10, stream_chromatix:0xf19c8a80
  3147. 06-09 16:48:36.443 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:3, stream_chromatix:0xf19b2900
  3148. 06-09 16:48:36.443 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:4, stream_chromatix:0xf385adc0
  3149. 06-09 16:48:36.443 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:1, stream_chromatix:0xf19c8a80
  3150. 06-09 16:48:36.443 455 6333 E mm-camera: stats_port_event:1695 stats_port_event: sanity fail event id=0
  3151. 06-09 16:48:36.463 455 6333 E mm-camera: stats_port_event:1695 stats_port_event: sanity fail event id=0
  3152. 06-09 16:48:36.469 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:202
  3153. 06-09 16:48:36.470 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_check_hw_limit:523 Entry 1 y_cfg->hOut 4208 y_cfg->vOut 3120
  3154. 06-09 16:48:36.470 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: mesh_rolloff44_set_parm_tintless:3404 <tintless_dbg> 1
  3155. 06-09 16:48:36.470 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_get_stats_type_mask:1374 enable_stats_mask f98
  3156. 06-09 16:48:36.470 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_update_mapped_stream_info:518 dual_dbg stream type 3, AXI_SRC = 1 (ENC 0/ View 1/Camif 2/Ideal 3/Rdi 456)
  3157. 06-09 16:48:36.470 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_set_frame_skip:593 Frame skip 0 is covers min required by LTM
  3158. 06-09 16:48:36.470 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 16
  3159. 06-09 16:48:36.470 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_update_mapped_stream_info:518 dual_dbg stream type 1, AXI_SRC = 1 (ENC 0/ View 1/Camif 2/Ideal 3/Rdi 456)
  3160. 06-09 16:48:36.470 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_set_frame_skip:593 Frame skip 0 is covers min required by LTM
  3161. 06-09 16:48:36.470 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 16
  3162. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1530 split info: is_split = 0, stripe id = 0, stripe_offset = 0
  3163. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1533 split info: left_output = 0, right_output = 0
  3164. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_update_mapped_stream_info:518 dual_dbg stream type 4, AXI_SRC = 0 (ENC 0/ View 1/Camif 2/Ideal 3/Rdi 456)
  3165. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_set_frame_skip:593 Frame skip 0 is covers min required by LTM
  3166. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 16
  3167. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1530 split info: is_split = 0, stripe id = 0, stripe_offset = 0
  3168. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1533 split info: left_output = 0, right_output = 0
  3169. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6343 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_set_crop:314 aec_set_crop: Aec_Error: VFE crop info received is null
  3170. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_send_stats_types:509 isp version 44 af_kernel_size 2
  3171. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: =====DUMP RESOURCE: PIX STREAM===
  3172. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num pix stream = 2
  3173. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num_isp = 1, isp_mask = 1, request_op_pix_clk = 0
  3174. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: ispif stripe info: is split 0, overlap 0, stripe offset 0
  3175. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: pix stream 0
  3176. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 2(Mapped stream ID[0] = 1)
  3177. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: axi path = 1(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 2
  3178. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: Width = 1920, Height = 1080
  3179. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: is_split 0, right stripe offset = 0
  3180. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: left output = 0, right output = 0
  3181. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: use native buffer: 1 frame_skip 0
  3182. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request, ISP CDS Capability 1
  3183. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: pix stream 1
  3184. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 1(Mapped stream ID[0] = 2)
  3185. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: axi path = 0(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 1
  3186. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: Width = 4096, Height = 2160
  3187. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: is_split 0, right stripe offset = 0
  3188. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: left output = 0, right output = 0
  3189. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: use native buffer: 0 frame_skip 0
  3190. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request, ISP CDS Capability 1
  3191. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: =====DUMP RESOURCE: STATS STREAM===
  3192. 06-09 16:48:36.471 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num STATS stream = 7
  3193. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 8(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 2
  3194. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 14112
  3195. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 7(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  3196. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 73728
  3197. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 9(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  3198. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 18432
  3199. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 3(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  3200. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 8192
  3201. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 4(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  3202. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 21504
  3203. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 10(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  3204. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 4096
  3205. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 11(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 2
  3206. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 14112
  3207. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_fill_hw_stream_info_pix:#2407 batch_dbg stream_id 1 type 3 streaming_mode 1
  3208. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_fill_hw_stream_info_pix:#2407 batch_dbg stream_id 2 type 4 streaming_mode 0
  3209. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id f
  3210. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id 1
  3211. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id 2
  3212. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id 4
  3213. 06-09 16:48:36.472 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: sensor meta RDI with user stream id 15
  3214. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 31
  3215. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: <dual_dbg> single vfe Camif
  3216. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: 6409is_split 0
  3217. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: =====Camif DUMP cfg for PIX interface====
  3218. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif input type = 3(MIPI=3), op_pix_clk = 463200000
  3219. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif pix_pattern(RGRG-0/GRGR-1/BGBG-2/GBGB-3) = 2
  3220. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif first_pix = 0, last_pix = 4207
  3221. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif first_line = 0, last_line = 3119
  3222. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif pixels_per_line = 4208, lines_per_frame = 3120
  3223. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif irq subsample pattern = 0, period = 0 sof_step 1
  3224. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: <dual_dbg> stream id 9000f hw_stream mask 2, AXI_input_src = 1
  3225. 06-09 16:48:36.473 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: dual_dbg vfe0 RDI 0 input pix clk = 463200000 type 1(0 - FRAME, 1 = METADATA)
  3226. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_subscribe_sof_event: subscribe sof, used resource 3
  3227. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config:=== AXI DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10001 ====
  3228. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: split = 0, stripe id = 0 (left-0/right-1/Max-2)
  3229. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: axi src = 1 (ENC-0/VIEW-1/VIDEO-2/CAMIF-3/IDEAL-4/RDI-5,6,7)
  3230. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
  3231. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 1
  3232. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  3233. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 1920, height = 1080
  3234. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 1080
  3235. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  3236. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 3(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  3237. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: width = 1920, height = 540
  3238. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 540
  3239. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  3240. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config:=== AXI DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ====
  3241. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: split = 0, stripe id = 0 (left-0/right-1/Max-2)
  3242. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: axi src = 0 (ENC-0/VIEW-1/VIDEO-2/CAMIF-3/IDEAL-4/RDI-5,6,7)
  3243. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
  3244. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 1
  3245. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  3246. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 4096, height = 2160
  3247. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 4096, scanlines = 2160
  3248. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  3249. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 4(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  3250. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: width = 4096, height = 1080
  3251. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: stride = 4096, scanlines = 1080
  3252. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  3253. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 I mm-camera: iface_axi_util_fill_plane_info: AXI dump: single plane: isp_out_intf_mask 2, rdi_cid 1, fmt = 77, W = 80, H = 1920, stride = 96, scanline = 1920
  3254. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config:=== AXI DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 9000f ====
  3255. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: split = 0, stripe id = 0 (left-0/right-1/Max-2)
  3256. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: axi src = 5 (ENC-0/VIEW-1/VIDEO-2/CAMIF-3/IDEAL-4/RDI-5,6,7)
  3257. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
  3258. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 1
  3259. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  3260. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 80, height = 1920
  3261. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 96, scanlines = 1920
  3262. 06-09 16:48:36.474 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  3263. 06-09 16:48:36.476 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
  3264. 06-09 16:48:36.476 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_send_stats_types:509 isp version 44 af_kernel_size 2
  3265. 06-09 16:48:36.476 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_streamon: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 4
  3266. 06-09 16:48:36.476 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_hw_streams: num_user_streams 1 num_hw_streams 1
  3267. 06-09 16:48:36.476 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_hw_streams: num_user_streams 1 num_hw_streams 1
  3268. 06-09 16:48:36.476 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  3269. 06-09 16:48:36.476 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  3270. 06-09 16:48:36.476 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: bpc44_run_abcc_algo:212 No defective pixels set by sensor event
  3271. 06-09 16:48:36.476 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_sub_module_port_process_downstream_ctrl_event:936 failed: mct event 1 int_event 0
  3272. 06-09 16:48:36.477 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_streamon:472
  3273. 06-09 16:48:36.477 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_cfg_stats_stream_start: stats_cmd: enable = 1, num of stats stream = 7
  3274. 06-09 16:48:36.478 455 6336 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 179299008 BW inst 1466181818
  3275. 06-09 16:48:36.479 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamon_event:3293, identity=0x10004, stream-on done
  3276. 06-09 16:48:36.479 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020f, is_subscribe = 1
  3277. 06-09 16:48:36.479 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800000a, is_subscribe = 1
  3278. 06-09 16:48:36.479 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000009, is_subscribe = 1
  3279. 06-09 16:48:36.479 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000008, is_subscribe = 1
  3280. 06-09 16:48:36.479 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000200, is_subscribe = 1
  3281. 06-09 16:48:36.479 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000201, is_subscribe = 1
  3282. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000202, is_subscribe = 1
  3283. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000203, is_subscribe = 1
  3284. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000204, is_subscribe = 1
  3285. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: bg_stats44_trigger_update:388 bg_rgn_width 65 bg_rgn_height 65
  3286. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000205, is_subscribe = 1
  3287. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_trigger_update:449 failed Denomitor is zero hnum 0 vnum 0
  3288. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000206, is_subscribe = 1
  3289. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000207, is_subscribe = 1
  3290. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000208, is_subscribe = 1
  3291. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1370 chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb 1370
  3292. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000209, is_subscribe = 1
  3293. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1372 ce_awb cct type 5 cct 5000
  3294. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020a, is_subscribe = 1
  3295. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020b, is_subscribe = 1
  3296. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020c, is_subscribe = 1
  3297. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020d, is_subscribe = 1
  3298. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:38 cfg.cac_filter_off = 0
  3299. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020e, is_subscribe = 1
  3300. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:40 edge_hv_nz_flag = 0x6a40
  3301. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:42 edge_diag_nz_flag = 0x6a40
  3302. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000300, is_subscribe = 1
  3303. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:46 edge_hv_coeff coeff0 = 0 coeff1 = 0 coeff2 = 0
  3304. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000000, is_subscribe = 1
  3305. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:50 edge_hv_coeff coeff3 = 0 coeff4 = 1 coeff5 = 2
  3306. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000400, is_subscribe = 1
  3307. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:54 edge_hv_coeff coeff6 = 0 coeff7 = 0 coeff8 = 0
  3308. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000301, is_subscribe = 1
  3309. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:58 edge_diag_coeff coeff0 = 0 coeff1 = 0 coeff2 = 0
  3310. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000001, is_subscribe = 1
  3311. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:62 edge_diag_coeff coeff3 = 0 coeff4 = 1 coeff5 = 2
  3312. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000401, is_subscribe = 1
  3313. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:66 edge_diag_coeff coeff6 = 0 coeff7 = 0 coeff8 = 0
  3314. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:68 threshold edge = 320 sat = 2000
  3315. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000302, is_subscribe = 1
  3316. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:70 threshold rg_hi = 256 rg_low = 32
  3317. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000002, is_subscribe = 1
  3318. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:72 threshold bg_hi = 256 bg_low = 32
  3319. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:74 interp_slope rg_inv = 512 bg_inv = 512
  3320. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000402, is_subscribe = 1
  3321. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:76 interp_slope rg_inv_qfactor = 16 bg_inv_qfactor = 16
  3322. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000303, is_subscribe = 1
  3323. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:79 interp_slope rg_hi = 154 rg_low = 26 bg_hi = 154 bg_low = 26
  3324. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000003, is_subscribe = 1
  3325. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000403, is_subscribe = 1
  3326. 06-09 16:48:36.480 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000101, is_subscribe = 1
  3327. 06-09 16:48:36.481 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000105, is_subscribe = 1
  3328. 06-09 16:48:36.481 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_store_hw_update:1770 disabling IP
  3329. 06-09 16:48:36.481 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_pipeline44_create_module_cfg_mask:350 invalid module id 20
  3330. 06-09 16:48:36.481 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  3331. 06-09 16:48:36.481 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  3332. 06-09 16:48:36.482 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: E
  3333. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6333 E mm-camera: stats_port_event:1695 stats_port_event: sanity fail event id=0
  3334. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: ispif_hw_reset done
  3335. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: E
  3336. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config hw_stream id = 10001 use_pix 1, vfe_intf_mask 1, axi_path 1, num_cid 1
  3337. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config VFE0 for hw stream id 10001
  3338. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: hw stream 10001 does not use vfe1 interface
  3339. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config hw_stream id = 9000f use_pix 0, vfe_intf_mask 2, axi_path 5, num_cid 1
  3340. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config VFE0 for hw stream id 9000f
  3341. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: hw stream 9000f does not use vfe1 interface
  3342. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: vfe_intf 0(0-VFE0, 1-VFE1)
  3343. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: intftype = 0(0/2-PIX0,PIX1, 1/3/4 - RDI0,RDI1,RDI2)
  3344. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: num_cids = 1
  3345. 06-09 16:48:36.484 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: cids[0] = 0
  3346. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: csid = 0
  3347. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: crop_enable = 0, fisrt pixel = 0, last pixel = 0
  3348. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: vfe_intf 0(0-VFE0, 1-VFE1)
  3349. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: intftype = 1(0/2-PIX0,PIX1, 1/3/4 - RDI0,RDI1,RDI2)
  3350. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: num_cids = 1
  3351. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: cids[0] = 1
  3352. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: csid = 0
  3353. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: crop_enable = 0, fisrt pixel = 0, last pixel = 0
  3354. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: START_FRAME_BOUNDARY done
  3355. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: X, rc = 0
  3356. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_streamon: X
  3357. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
  3358. 06-09 16:48:36.485 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_aec_init_settings:817ae-bracket:idx[0] of 1 real_gain=15.453125, linecount=1117
  3359. 06-09 16:48:36.487 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:3180ide 10004 SENSOR_START_STREAM
  3360. 06-09 16:48:36.487 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_start_stream:1175Sensor stream ON for imx258
  3361. 06-09 16:48:36.487 455 6350 I mm-camera:
  3362. 06-09 16:48:36.487 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: start_sof_check_thread: Starting SOF timeout thread
  3363. 06-09 16:48:36.487 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:3577SUCCESS
  3364. 06-09 16:48:36.487 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_set_stream_on:825port private 0xf4719130
  3365. 06-09 16:48:36.488 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10004, stream type=1
  3366. 06-09 16:48:36.488 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000010
  3367. 06-09 16:48:36.488 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: store param event: 0xa
  3368. 06-09 16:48:36.488 415 3260 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::start_preview(camera_device*): X
  3369. 06-09 16:48:36.490 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraAppUI: onPreviewStarted
  3370. 06-09 16:48:36.490 6278 6278 V CAM_FocusOverlayMgr: stored focus setting for camera: continuous-picture
  3371. 06-09 16:48:36.490 6278 6278 V CAM_FocusOverlayMgr: focus mode resolved from setting: CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
  3372. 06-09 16:48:36.501 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested preview size 1920 x 1080
  3373. 06-09 16:48:36.501 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested picture size 1920 x 1080
  3374. 06-09 16:48:36.501 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setZslMode(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): enabled: 1
  3375. 06-09 16:48:36.501 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  3376. 06-09 16:48:36.501 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHHT(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  3377. 06-09 16:48:36.501 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSensorSnapshotHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&) :X Snapshot HDR set to: prev_str (null), str (null)
  3378. 06-09 16:48:36.502 415 6321 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  3379. 06-09 16:48:36.502 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHDREnabled() 0
  3380. 06-09 16:48:36.502 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  3381. 06-09 16:48:36.502 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  3382. 06-09 16:48:36.502 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHHTEnabled() 0
  3383. 06-09 16:48:36.502 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  3384. 06-09 16:48:36.502 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  3385. 06-09 16:48:36.503 455 6351 I mm-camera: sensor_set_street_snap_mode:3946street snap mode =0
  3386. 06-09 16:48:36.503 455 6343 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_pack_stats_config:5949 aec_process_pack_stats_config invalid inputs to translate dimensions for fov 2 camif
  3387. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6340 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_process_thread_message:51Processing Pipe message 2
  3388. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  3389. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2:
  3390. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6351 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_upstream_module_event:1054Reset previously set LED state!
  3391. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6340 I mm-camera: module_sensor_offload_lens_opt_stab_mode:599turning on OIS movie mode
  3392. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  3393. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2:
  3394. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6340 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_process_thread_message:103sensor_process_thread_message: task took 0 ms
  3395. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6330 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_pipeline44_create_module_cfg_mask:350 invalid module id 20
  3396. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6330 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  3397. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6330 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  3398. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: bg_stats44_trigger_update:388 bg_rgn_width 65 bg_rgn_height 65
  3399. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6351 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_upstream_module_event:1054Reset previously set LED state!
  3400. 06-09 16:48:36.504 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_store_hw_update:1770 disabling IP
  3401. 06-09 16:48:36.541 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  3402. 06-09 16:48:36.541 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2:
  3403. 06-09 16:48:36.541 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  3404. 06-09 16:48:36.541 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2:
  3405. 06-09 16:48:36.541 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: bg_stats44_trigger_update:388 bg_rgn_width 65 bg_rgn_height 65
  3406. 06-09 16:48:36.541 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_trigger_update:419 Be stats ROI width > sensor height 3120
  3407. 06-09 16:48:36.563 455 6333 E mm-camera: drop the frame which buffer timestamp is 0
  3408. 06-09 16:48:36.564 455 6333 E mm-camera: sensor_native_gyro_port_notify:148 Sample length crossed the maximum allowed
  3409. 06-09 16:48:36.564 455 6333 E mm-camera: sensor_native_enqueue:275 Gyro request was not processed
  3410. 06-09 16:48:36.580 415 6364 I QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::preview_stream_cb_routine(mm_camera_super_buf_t*, qcamera::QCameraStream*, void*) : PROFILE_FIRST_PREVIEW_FRAME
  3411. 06-09 16:48:36.588 455 6346 E ASD : in_portrait:101 Face detection hasn't settled yet, do not continue
  3412. 06-09 16:48:36.591 455 6343 E mm-camera: iface_util_calc_cds_trigger:<cds_debug> HAL CDS mode on
  3413. 06-09 16:48:36.591 455 6343 E mm-camera: iface_util_calc_cds_trigger:<cds_debug> take CDS! request enb = 1, curr enb = 0 curr_triiger 15.453125, lowlight_start 16.000000, lowlight_end 19.000000
  3414. 06-09 16:48:36.596 6278 6278 V CAM_CameraAppUI: hiding cover via onSurfaceTextureUpdated
  3415. 06-09 16:48:36.596 6278 6278 D CameraPerformanceTracker: First preview frame received
  3416. 06-09 16:48:36.610 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested preview size 1920 x 1080
  3417. 06-09 16:48:36.610 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested picture size 1920 x 1080
  3418. 06-09 16:48:36.611 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setZslMode(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): enabled: 1
  3419. 06-09 16:48:36.611 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  3420. 06-09 16:48:36.611 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHHT(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  3421. 06-09 16:48:36.611 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSensorSnapshotHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&) :X Snapshot HDR set to: prev_str (null), str (null)
  3422. 06-09 16:48:36.613 415 6321 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  3423. 06-09 16:48:36.613 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHDREnabled() 0
  3424. 06-09 16:48:36.613 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  3425. 06-09 16:48:36.613 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  3426. 06-09 16:48:36.613 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHHTEnabled() 0
  3427. 06-09 16:48:36.613 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  3428. 06-09 16:48:36.613 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  3429. 06-09 16:48:36.617 455 6351 I mm-camera: sensor_set_street_snap_mode:3946street snap mode =0
  3430. 06-09 16:48:36.620 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  3431. 06-09 16:48:36.620 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2:
  3432. 06-09 16:48:36.620 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  3433. 06-09 16:48:36.620 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2:
  3434. 06-09 16:48:36.620 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_check_hw_limit:523 Entry 1 y_cfg->hOut 4208 y_cfg->vOut 3120
  3435. 06-09 16:48:36.621 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: bg_stats44_trigger_update:388 bg_rgn_width 65 bg_rgn_height 49
  3436. 06-09 16:48:36.621 455 6343 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_get_matching_index_from_history:4762 aec_process_get_matching_index_from_history: history search unsuccessful!
  3437. 06-09 16:48:36.621 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_trigger_update:419 Be stats ROI width > sensor height 3120
  3438. 06-09 16:48:36.621 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1370 chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb 1370
  3439. 06-09 16:48:36.621 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1372 ce_awb cct type 5 cct 5000
  3440. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6351 E mm-camera: iface_util_cds_request_done:<cds_dbg> isp cds updating, enable = 0
  3441. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6351 E mm-camera: iface_handle_cds_request_to_thread: <cds_dbg2> EXECUTE AXI updating!! curr enb = 0, request enb = 1
  3442. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6343 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_get_matching_index_from_history:4762 aec_process_get_matching_index_from_history: history search unsuccessful!
  3443. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info:=== CDS DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10001 ====
  3444. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  3445. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: width = 1920, height = 1080
  3446. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 1080
  3447. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  3448. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: plane_fmt 3(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  3449. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: width = 960, height = 270
  3450. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 540
  3451. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  3452. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info:=== CDS DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ====
  3453. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  3454. 06-09 16:48:36.653 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: width = 4096, height = 2160
  3455. 06-09 16:48:36.654 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: stride = 4096, scanlines = 2160
  3456. 06-09 16:48:36.654 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  3457. 06-09 16:48:36.654 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: plane_fmt 4(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  3458. 06-09 16:48:36.654 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: width = 2048, height = 540
  3459. 06-09 16:48:36.654 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: stride = 4096, scanlines = 1080
  3460. 06-09 16:48:36.654 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  3461. 06-09 16:48:36.654 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1370 chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb 1370
  3462. 06-09 16:48:36.654 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1372 ce_awb cct type 5 cct 5000
  3463. 06-09 16:48:36.655 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 259 <cds_dbg> cds wait KERNEL......
  3464. 06-09 16:48:36.695 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  3465. 06-09 16:48:36.695 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  3466. 06-09 16:48:36.710 2403 3044 E wifi : Ignoring invalid tx_level info in radio_stats
  3467. 06-09 16:48:36.729 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 269 <cds_dbg> cds wait KERNEL done!
  3468. 06-09 16:48:36.768 455 6343 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_apply_multi_luma_target: invalid tuning: start_idx (332), end_idx (355), indoor_idx (290) ==> disabling lowlight luma target
  3469. 06-09 16:48:36.769 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1370 chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb 1370
  3470. 06-09 16:48:36.769 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1372 ce_awb cct type 5 cct 5068
  3471. 06-09 16:48:36.788 455 6344 E mm-camera-CORE: af_cont_init_data 3adbg:0
  3472. 06-09 16:48:36.825 455 6344 E mm-camera-CORE: af_process_update_fv_history: Stats index zero
  3473. 06-09 16:48:36.947 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  3474. 06-09 16:48:36.947 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  3475. 06-09 16:48:36.948 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  3476. 06-09 16:48:36.949 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*1E
  3477. 06-09 16:48:36.949 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GNGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*00
  3478. 06-09 16:48:36.949 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPVTG,,T,,M,,N,,K,N*2C
  3479. 06-09 16:48:36.949 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53
  3480. 06-09 16:48:36.949 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGGA,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,*66
  3481. 06-09 16:48:37.086 455 6344 E mm-camera-CORE: af_haf_focus_converge_proc_fallback:OPTIMIZATION 1: valid 1, dir -1, far -1, near -1, start 312
  3482. 06-09 16:48:37.091 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:189
  3483. 06-09 16:48:37.104 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  3484. 06-09 16:48:37.104 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2:
  3485. 06-09 16:48:37.104 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  3486. 06-09 16:48:37.104 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2:
  3487. 06-09 16:48:37.104 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: bg_stats44_trigger_update:388 bg_rgn_width 65 bg_rgn_height 49
  3488. 06-09 16:48:37.104 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_trigger_update:419 Be stats ROI width > sensor height 3120
  3489. 06-09 16:48:37.110 6278 6278 I CAM_FocusRingView: Computing center via preview size.
  3490. 06-09 16:48:37.198 455 6344 E mm-camera-CORE: af_process_update_fv_history: Stats index zero
  3491. 06-09 16:48:37.200 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  3492. 06-09 16:48:37.200 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  3493. 06-09 16:48:37.203 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:176
  3494. 06-09 16:48:37.240 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:189
  3495. 06-09 16:48:37.278 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:202
  3496. 06-09 16:48:37.315 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:215
  3497. 06-09 16:48:37.352 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:230
  3498. 06-09 16:48:37.389 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:247
  3499. 06-09 16:48:37.427 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:265
  3500. 06-09 16:48:37.452 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  3501. 06-09 16:48:37.452 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  3502. 06-09 16:48:37.453 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  3503. 06-09 16:48:37.466 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:282
  3504. 06-09 16:48:37.479 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1370 chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb 1370
  3505. 06-09 16:48:37.479 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1372 ce_awb cct type 5 cct 5136
  3506. 06-09 16:48:37.483 670 670 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ115 from CPU2 to CPU0
  3507. 06-09 16:48:37.501 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:300
  3508. 06-09 16:48:37.538 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:317
  3509. 06-09 16:48:37.556 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1370 chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb 1370
  3510. 06-09 16:48:37.556 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1372 ce_awb cct type 5 cct 5204
  3511. 06-09 16:48:37.576 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:343
  3512. 06-09 16:48:37.612 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:369
  3513. 06-09 16:48:37.651 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:330
  3514. 06-09 16:48:37.687 455 6344 I mm-camera-sensor: af_actuator_move_focus:290curr_len_pos:322
  3515. 06-09 16:48:37.705 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  3516. 06-09 16:48:37.705 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  3517. 06-09 16:48:37.719 455 6344 E mm-camera-CORE: af_util_update_focus_status:451 af_util_update_focus_status: AF Status already updated to output!Return!
  3518. 06-09 16:48:37.948 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng: E/Calling gnss_sv_status_cb
  3519. 06-09 16:48:37.948 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGSV,1,1,0,*65
  3520. 06-09 16:48:37.948 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GLGSV,1,1,0,*79
  3521. 06-09 16:48:37.950 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*1E
  3522. 06-09 16:48:37.950 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GNGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*00
  3523. 06-09 16:48:37.950 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPVTG,,T,,M,,N,,K,N*2C
  3524. 06-09 16:48:37.950 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53
  3525. 06-09 16:48:37.950 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGGA,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,*66
  3526. 06-09 16:48:37.956 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  3527. 06-09 16:48:37.957 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  3528. 06-09 16:48:37.958 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  3529. 06-09 16:48:38.120 446 446 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
  3530. 06-09 16:48:38.120 446 446 E cnss-daemon: Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm state: 16
  3531. 06-09 16:48:38.210 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  3532. 06-09 16:48:38.210 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  3533. 06-09 16:48:38.462 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  3534. 06-09 16:48:38.462 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  3535. 06-09 16:48:38.463 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  3536. 06-09 16:48:38.489 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested preview size 1920 x 1080
  3537. 06-09 16:48:38.489 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested picture size 1920 x 1080
  3538. 06-09 16:48:38.489 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setZslMode(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): enabled: 1
  3539. 06-09 16:48:38.490 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  3540. 06-09 16:48:38.490 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHHT(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  3541. 06-09 16:48:38.490 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSensorSnapshotHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&) :X Snapshot HDR set to: prev_str (null), str (null)
  3542. 06-09 16:48:38.491 415 6321 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  3543. 06-09 16:48:38.491 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHDREnabled() 0
  3544. 06-09 16:48:38.491 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  3545. 06-09 16:48:38.491 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  3546. 06-09 16:48:38.491 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHHTEnabled() 0
  3547. 06-09 16:48:38.491 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  3548. 06-09 16:48:38.492 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  3549. 06-09 16:48:38.516 455 6351 I mm-camera: sensor_set_street_snap_mode:3946street snap mode =0
  3550. 06-09 16:48:38.696 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66fa180) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
  3551. 06-09 16:48:38.715 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  3552. 06-09 16:48:38.715 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  3553. 06-09 16:48:38.751 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
  3554. 06-09 16:48:38.752 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  3555. 06-09 16:48:38.752 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
  3556. 06-09 16:48:38.752 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
  3557. 06-09 16:48:38.765 414 758 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback
  3558. 06-09 16:48:38.765 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(80: vi-feedback)
  3559. 06-09 16:48:38.765 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x50 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  3560. 06-09 16:48:38.765 414 758 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
  3561. 06-09 16:48:38.766 414 758 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 36 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
  3562. 06-09 16:48:38.768 414 758 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
  3563. 06-09 16:48:38.896 6278 6278 I CAM_VideoModule: startVideoRecording: Thread[main,5,main]
  3564. 06-09 16:48:38.897 6278 6278 V CAM_VideoUI: mFocusRing.stopFocusAnimations()
  3565. 06-09 16:48:38.903 6278 6310 D CAM_Storage: External storage state=mounted
  3566. 06-09 16:48:38.917 6278 6278 I CAM_VideoModule: initializeRecorder: Thread[main,5,main]
  3567. 06-09 16:48:38.925 422 422 W StagefrightRecorder: Max file duration is not positive: 0 us. Disabling duration limit.
  3568. 06-09 16:48:38.925 422 422 W StagefrightRecorder: Target duration (0 us) too short to be respected
  3569. 06-09 16:48:38.925 6278 6278 D CAM_LcyLocProvider: No location received yet.
  3570. 06-09 16:48:38.927 6278 6278 D CAM_LcyLocProvider: No location received yet.
  3571. 06-09 16:48:38.927 6278 6278 V CAM_VideoModule: New video filename: /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/VID_20170609_164838.mp4.tmp
  3572. 06-09 16:48:38.946 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng: E/Calling gnss_sv_status_cb
  3573. 06-09 16:48:38.946 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGSV,1,1,0,*65
  3574. 06-09 16:48:38.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GLGSV,1,1,0,*79
  3575. 06-09 16:48:38.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*1E
  3576. 06-09 16:48:38.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GNGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*00
  3577. 06-09 16:48:38.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPVTG,,T,,M,,N,,K,N*2C
  3578. 06-09 16:48:38.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53
  3579. 06-09 16:48:38.947 2403 3414 E LocSvc_eng_nmea: E/NMEA <$GPGGA,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,*66
  3580. 06-09 16:48:38.949 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested preview size 1920 x 1080
  3581. 06-09 16:48:38.949 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: Requested picture size 1920 x 1080
  3582. 06-09 16:48:38.949 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setZslMode(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): enabled: 1
  3583. 06-09 16:48:38.949 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  3584. 06-09 16:48:38.949 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMorphoHHT(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&), ++
  3585. 06-09 16:48:38.949 415 6321 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSensorSnapshotHDR(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&) :X Snapshot HDR set to: prev_str (null), str (null)
  3586. 06-09 16:48:38.951 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000009
  3587. 06-09 16:48:38.951 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10004 stream type=1
  3588. 06-09 16:48:38.951 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_module_process_event:5005ide 10004 MCT_EVENT_CONTROL_STREAMOFF
  3589. 06-09 16:48:38.951 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_off:4801ide 10004 MCT_EVENT_CONTROL_STREAMOFF
  3590. 06-09 16:48:38.952 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3407, info: doing stream-off for identity 0x10004
  3591. 06-09 16:48:38.952 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3514] iden:0x10004, linked_params:0xeb33c000
  3592. 06-09 16:48:38.952 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_hardware_process_streamoff:731] skip_iden:0x10001, duplicate_stream_status:0x0
  3593. 06-09 16:48:38.954 455 6336 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 0 BW inst 0
  3594. 06-09 16:48:38.955 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3559, info: stream-off done for identity 0x10004
  3595. 06-09 16:48:38.955 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_streamoff:519
  3596. 06-09 16:48:38.956 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
  3597. 06-09 16:48:38.956 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 4
  3598. 06-09 16:48:38.956 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_hw_streams: num_user_streams 1 num_hw_streams 1
  3599. 06-09 16:48:38.956 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_hw_streams: num_user_streams 1 num_hw_streams 1
  3600. 06-09 16:48:38.956 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000101, is_subscribe = 0
  3601. 06-09 16:48:38.956 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000105, is_subscribe = 0
  3602. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_cfg_stats_stream_stop: stats_cmd: enable = 0, num of stats stream = 7
  3603. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020f, is_subscribe = 0
  3604. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800000a, is_subscribe = 0
  3605. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000009, is_subscribe = 0
  3606. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000008, is_subscribe = 0
  3607. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000200, is_subscribe = 0
  3608. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000201, is_subscribe = 0
  3609. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000202, is_subscribe = 0
  3610. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000203, is_subscribe = 0
  3611. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000204, is_subscribe = 0
  3612. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000205, is_subscribe = 0
  3613. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000206, is_subscribe = 0
  3614. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000207, is_subscribe = 0
  3615. 06-09 16:48:38.957 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000208, is_subscribe = 0
  3616. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000209, is_subscribe = 0
  3617. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020a, is_subscribe = 0
  3618. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020b, is_subscribe = 0
  3619. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020c, is_subscribe = 0
  3620. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020d, is_subscribe = 0
  3621. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020e, is_subscribe = 0
  3622. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000300, is_subscribe = 0
  3623. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000000, is_subscribe = 0
  3624. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000400, is_subscribe = 0
  3625. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000301, is_subscribe = 0
  3626. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000001, is_subscribe = 0
  3627. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000401, is_subscribe = 0
  3628. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000302, is_subscribe = 0
  3629. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000002, is_subscribe = 0
  3630. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000402, is_subscribe = 0
  3631. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000303, is_subscribe = 0
  3632. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000003, is_subscribe = 0
  3633. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000403, is_subscribe = 0
  3634. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_streamoff: Enter
  3635. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: E
  3636. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config hw_stream id = 10001 use_pix 1, vfe_intf_mask 1, axi_path 1, num_cid 1
  3637. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config VFE0 for hw stream id 10001
  3638. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: hw stream 10001 does not use vfe1 interface
  3639. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config hw_stream id = 9000f use_pix 0, vfe_intf_mask 2, axi_path 5, num_cid 1
  3640. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config VFE0 for hw stream id 9000f
  3641. 06-09 16:48:38.958 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: hw stream 9000f does not use vfe1 interface
  3642. 06-09 16:48:38.960 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_streamoff: X, rc = 0
  3643. 06-09 16:48:38.960 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: session_id = 1, active_streams = 0
  3644. 06-09 16:48:38.961 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_util_subscribe_sof_event: subscribe sof, used resource 3
  3645. 06-09 16:48:38.961 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010003, handle 505
  3646. 06-09 16:48:38.961 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  3647. 06-09 16:48:38.961 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010004, handle 606
  3648. 06-09 16:48:38.961 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  3649. 06-09 16:48:38.962 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010007, handle 302
  3650. 06-09 16:48:38.962 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  3651. 06-09 16:48:38.962 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010008, handle 203
  3652. 06-09 16:48:38.962 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  3653. 06-09 16:48:38.962 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010009, handle 401
  3654. 06-09 16:48:38.962 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  3655. 06-09 16:48:38.962 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 8001000a, handle 708
  3656. 06-09 16:48:38.962 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  3657. 06-09 16:48:38.963 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 8001000b, handle 800
  3658. 06-09 16:48:38.963 455 6369 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer
  3659. 06-09 16:48:38.964 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 1 rdi_cnt= 1 used mask 3
  3660. 06-09 16:48:38.964 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 0 rdi_cnt= 1 used mask 0
  3661. 06-09 16:48:38.964 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 0 rdi_cnt= 0 used mask 0
  3662. 06-09 16:48:38.965 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: all bundled stream streamoff, clear hal bundled mask
  3663. 06-09 16:48:38.965 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: X
  3664. 06-09 16:48:38.965 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
  3665. 06-09 16:48:38.965 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_off:1662any bundle started 0
  3666. 06-09 16:48:38.965 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_off:4831ide 10004 MCT_EVENT_CONTROL_STREAMOFF
  3667. 06-09 16:48:38.965 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: stop_sof_check_thread: Stopping SOF timeout thread
  3668. 06-09 16:48:38.965 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_stop_stream:1210Sensor stream OFF for imx258
  3669. 06-09 16:48:38.965 455 6350 I mm-camera:
  3670. 06-09 16:48:38.966 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_set_stream_on:825port private 0xf4719130
  3671. 06-09 16:48:38.966 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10004, stream type=1
  3672. 06-09 16:48:38.967 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  3673. 06-09 16:48:38.967 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  3674. 06-09 16:48:38.967 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000009
  3675. 06-09 16:48:38.967 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10003 stream type=7
  3676. 06-09 16:48:38.967 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10003, stream type=7
  3677. 06-09 16:48:38.968 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  3678. 06-09 16:48:38.975 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b
  3679. 06-09 16:48:38.975 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10003 and stream type=7
  3680. 06-09 16:48:38.975 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10003 and stream type=7, successfully deleted
  3681. 06-09 16:48:38.975 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b
  3682. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10004 and stream type=1
  3683. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_unlink_func:293ide 10004
  3684. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  3685. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_unreserve:204ide 10004
  3686. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  3687. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 4 mode 0
  3688. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  3689. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream
  3690. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  3691. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:826 ide 10004 port 0xf46e68e0
  3692. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10004
  3693. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10004, unreserved
  3694. 06-09 16:48:38.976 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10004
  3695. 06-09 16:48:38.977 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10004, unreserved
  3696. 06-09 16:48:38.977 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10004 and stream type=1, successfully deleted
  3697. 06-09 16:48:38.977 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b
  3698. 06-09 16:48:38.977 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10002 and stream type=4
  3699. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_unlink_func:293ide 10002
  3700. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  3701. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_unreserve:204ide 10002
  3702. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  3703. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 2 mode 0
  3704. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  3705. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream
  3706. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  3707. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:826 ide 10002 port 0xf46e68e0
  3708. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_unreserve:1520]
  3709. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_unreserve:1528] destroy client
  3710. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10002
  3711. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10002, unreserved
  3712. 06-09 16:48:38.978 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10002 and stream type=4, successfully deleted
  3713. 06-09 16:48:38.979 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000b
  3714. 06-09 16:48:38.979 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10001 and stream type=3
  3715. 06-09 16:48:38.979 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_unlink_func:293ide 10001
  3716. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10001, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  3717. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_unreserve:204ide 10001
  3718. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10001, port = 0xf4729cc0, direction = 2
  3719. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 1 mode 1
  3720. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10001, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  3721. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream
  3722. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10001, port = 0xf4729fc0, direction = 1
  3723. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:826 ide 10001 port 0xf46e68e0
  3724. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_unreserve:1520]
  3725. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_unreserve:1528] destroy client
  3726. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10001
  3727. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10001, unreserved
  3728. 06-09 16:48:38.980 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10001 and stream type=3, successfully deleted
  3729. 06-09 16:48:38.982 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_street_snap_mode:3946street snap mode =0
  3730. 06-09 16:48:38.982 415 6321 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
  3731. 06-09 16:48:38.983 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHDREnabled() 0
  3732. 06-09 16:48:38.983 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  3733. 06-09 16:48:38.983 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  3734. 06-09 16:48:38.983 415 6321 E QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::commitParameterChanges(), mParameters.isMorphoHHTEnabled() 0
  3735. 06-09 16:48:38.983 415 6321 D QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable++, enable 0
  3736. 06-09 16:48:38.983 415 6321 E QCameraMorphoPostProc: Enable: nothing to changed!
  3737. 06-09 16:48:38.983 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3759requested dim 0 0 stream mask 0
  3738. 06-09 16:48:38.983 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_data:471usecase : 5
  3739. 06-09 16:48:38.983 455 6350 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_expected_data:406ex_w:0, ex_h:0,ex_mode:1, ex_fps:30.000000, ex_clk:0, ex_ar: 0
  3740. 06-09 16:48:38.983 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:616res_idx: 1
  3741. 06-09 16:48:38.983 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3788pick res 1 dim 2100X1560 op clk 259200000
  3742. 06-09 16:48:38.983 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5349 Deallocate resources
  3743. 06-09 16:48:38.986 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: bool qcamera::QCameraParameters::setStreamConfigure(bool, bool, bool): stream type 3, w x h: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x880
  3744. 06-09 16:48:38.987 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: bool qcamera::QCameraParameters::setStreamConfigure(bool, bool, bool): stream type 4, w x h: 3840 x 2160, pp_mask: 0x880
  3745. 06-09 16:48:38.987 415 6321 I QCameraParameters: bool qcamera::QCameraParameters::setStreamConfigure(bool, bool, bool): stream type 1, w x h: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x880
  3746. 06-09 16:48:38.987 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3759requested dim 3840 2160 stream mask 1a
  3747. 06-09 16:48:38.987 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_data:471usecase : 5
  3748. 06-09 16:48:38.987 455 6350 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_expected_data:406ex_w:3840, ex_h:2160,ex_mode:1, ex_fps:30.000000, ex_clk:0, ex_ar: 177
  3749. 06-09 16:48:38.987 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:616res_idx: 0
  3750. 06-09 16:48:38.987 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_output_info:3788pick res 0 dim 4208X3120 op clk 463200000
  3751. 06-09 16:48:38.987 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5346 Stream type 3 Resolution: 1920x1080 pp_mask: 0x880
  3752. 06-09 16:48:38.987 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5346 Stream type 4 Resolution: 3840x2160 pp_mask: 0x880
  3753. 06-09 16:48:38.987 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5346 Stream type 1 Resolution: 1920x1080 pp_mask: 0x880
  3754. 06-09 16:48:38.988 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_allocate:2243 INFO: ISP resource acquired: session 1 num_isp 1
  3755. 06-09 16:48:38.988 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_allocate:2245 INFO: ISP resource acquired: hw_id 0
  3756. 06-09 16:48:38.988 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5308 stream_port_map num streams 3
  3757. 06-09 16:48:38.988 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5318 INFO: type 4 resolution 3840x2160 hw_stream 1 need_native_buff 0 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0
  3758. 06-09 16:48:38.988 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5318 INFO: type 3 resolution 1920x1080 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0
  3759. 06-09 16:48:38.988 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5318 INFO: type 1 resolution 1920x1080 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0
  3760. 06-09 16:48:38.988 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 1000f type 10 hw stream 0
  3761. 06-09 16:48:38.988 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 1000f type 10 hw stream 1
  3762. 06-09 16:48:38.989 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_reset:564 E
  3763. 06-09 16:48:38.990 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3764. 06-09 16:48:38.990 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3765. 06-09 16:48:38.990 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  3766. 06-09 16:48:38.990 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3767. 06-09 16:48:38.990 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3768. 06-09 16:48:38.991 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  3769. 06-09 16:48:38.991 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [01]
  3770. 06-09 16:48:38.991 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  3771. 06-09 16:48:38.991 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking snapshot stream 0x10001
  3772. 06-09 16:48:38.991 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_iface_set_mod_func: set module type = 8, identity 10001
  3773. 06-09 16:48:38.991 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:151ide 10001 stream type 3 w*h 1920*1080
  3774. 06-09 16:48:38.991 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_reserve_sink_port: security mode :0
  3775. 06-09 16:48:38.991 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:271ide 10001
  3776. 06-09 16:48:38.991 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_reserve:737 port 0xf46e68e0 ide 10001 type 3 dim 1920 1080
  3777. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2342 i 0 hw_stream 1
  3778. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 10001 type 3 hw stream 0
  3779. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera: int_link = 0xf46e9f60
  3780. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods tmod and afs
  3781. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3782. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods afs and cpp
  3783. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3784. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  3785. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  3786. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3787. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10001
  3788. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10001, reserved
  3789. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_notify_add_stream:1990, info: success, identity=0x10001
  3790. 06-09 16:48:38.992 455 6350 E mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:454] X rc: 1
  3791. 06-09 16:48:38.993 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10001 stream type=3
  3792. 06-09 16:48:38.993 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  3793. 06-09 16:48:38.993 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3794. 06-09 16:48:38.993 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3795. 06-09 16:48:38.993 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  3796. 06-09 16:48:38.994 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3797. 06-09 16:48:38.994 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3798. 06-09 16:48:38.994 415 6321 I QCamera2HWI: Buffer count is 11, width / height (3840/2160)
  3799. 06-09 16:48:38.994 415 6321 I QCamera2HWI: Buffer count is 11, width / height (3840/2160)
  3800. 06-09 16:48:38.994 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  3801. 06-09 16:48:38.994 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [02]
  3802. 06-09 16:48:38.995 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  3803. 06-09 16:48:38.995 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking video stream 0x10002
  3804. 06-09 16:48:38.995 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_iface_set_mod_func: set module type = 8, identity 10002
  3805. 06-09 16:48:38.995 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:151ide 10002 stream type 4 w*h 3840*2160
  3806. 06-09 16:48:38.995 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_reserve_sink_port: security mode :0
  3807. 06-09 16:48:38.995 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:271ide 10002
  3808. 06-09 16:48:38.995 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_reserve:737 port 0xf46e68e0 ide 10002 type 4 dim 3840 2160
  3809. 06-09 16:48:38.995 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2342 i 1 hw_stream 1
  3810. 06-09 16:48:38.995 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 10002 type 4 hw stream 1
  3811. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: int_link = 0xf46ea020
  3812. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods tmod and afs
  3813. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3814. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods afs and cpp
  3815. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3816. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  3817. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  3818. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3819. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  3820. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  3821. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3822. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10002
  3823. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10002, reserved
  3824. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_notify_add_stream:1990, info: success, identity=0x10002
  3825. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 E mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:454] X rc: 1
  3826. 06-09 16:48:38.996 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10002 stream type=4
  3827. 06-09 16:48:38.997 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  3828. 06-09 16:48:38.998 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3829. 06-09 16:48:38.998 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3830. 06-09 16:48:38.998 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  3831. 06-09 16:48:38.998 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3832. 06-09 16:48:38.998 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3833. 06-09 16:48:38.999 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  3834. 06-09 16:48:38.999 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [03]
  3835. 06-09 16:48:39.000 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  3836. 06-09 16:48:39.000 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Link Metadata stream 0x10003: do nothing
  3837. 06-09 16:48:39.000 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10003 stream type=7
  3838. 06-09 16:48:39.000 415 6321 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=100
  3839. 06-09 16:48:39.000 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  3840. 06-09 16:48:39.000 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3841. 06-09 16:48:39.000 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=33272
  3842. 06-09 16:48:39.000 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 36864 allocated
  3843. 06-09 16:48:39.000 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3844. 06-09 16:48:39.000 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3845. 06-09 16:48:39.001 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=800000a
  3846. 06-09 16:48:39.001 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Adding new stream: id [04]
  3847. 06-09 16:48:39.001 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000012
  3848. 06-09 16:48:39.001 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking preview stream 0x10004
  3849. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_stream_start_link: non secure stream linking
  3850. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_iface_set_mod_func: set module type = 8, identity 10004
  3851. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:151ide 10004 stream type 1 w*h 1920*1080
  3852. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_reserve_sink_port: security mode :0
  3853. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:271ide 10004
  3854. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_reserve:737 port 0xf46e68e0 ide 10004 type 1 dim 1920 1080
  3855. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2342 i 0 hw_stream 1
  3856. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stream_resource_allocate:2438 ide 10004 type 1 hw stream 0
  3857. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 E mm-camera: int_link = 0xf46e9f60
  3858. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods tmod and afs
  3859. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 I mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:433, linking mods afs and cpp
  3860. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3861. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_acquire_port:582] Port already reserved
  3862. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1448] Error acquiring port
  3863. 06-09 16:48:39.002 455 6350 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_check_caps_reserve:1443] acquire port
  3864. 06-09 16:48:39.003 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10004
  3865. 06-09 16:48:39.003 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10004, reserved
  3866. 06-09 16:48:39.003 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_notify_add_stream:1990, info: success, identity=0x10004
  3867. 06-09 16:48:39.003 455 6350 E mm-camera: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream:454] X rc: 1
  3868. 06-09 16:48:39.003 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10004
  3869. 06-09 16:48:39.003 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_reserve:137, identity=0x10004, reserved
  3870. 06-09 16:48:39.003 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10004 stream type=1
  3871. 06-09 16:48:39.003 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000004
  3872. 06-09 16:48:39.004 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=10 size=1221120
  3873. 06-09 16:48:39.004 415 6321 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):StreamMemsize 1221120
  3874. 06-09 16:48:39.004 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=10 size=1221120
  3875. 06-09 16:48:39.004 415 6321 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):Memsize 1221120
  3876. 06-09 16:48:39.004 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3877. 06-09 16:48:39.004 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3878. 06-09 16:48:39.004 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3879. 06-09 16:48:39.004 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3880. 06-09 16:48:39.004 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3881. 06-09 16:48:39.005 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3882. 06-09 16:48:39.005 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3883. 06-09 16:48:39.005 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3884. 06-09 16:48:39.005 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3885. 06-09 16:48:39.005 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, uint32_t) : ION buffer 1 with size 1224704 allocated
  3886. 06-09 16:48:39.005 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3887. 06-09 16:48:39.005 415 6321 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 12211200
  3888. 06-09 16:48:39.005 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3889. 06-09 16:48:39.005 415 6321 E QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 12211200
  3890. 06-09 16:48:39.008 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=12 size=0
  3891. 06-09 16:48:39.008 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000008
  3892. 06-09 16:48:39.008 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10003 stream type=7
  3893. 06-09 16:48:39.008 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10003, stream type=7
  3894. 06-09 16:48:39.025 415 6321 D QCameraHWI_Mem: void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
  3895. 06-09 16:48:39.030 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000008
  3896. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10004 stream type=1
  3897. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:2881ide 10004 SENSOR_START_STREAM
  3898. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:1461session_id=1, stream_id=4
  3899. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:2973res_cfg_table = 0xf7354c58
  3900. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 I mm-camera: modules_sensor_set_new_resolution:1720SENSOR_SET_RESOLUTION 3840*2160 mask 1a, fast AEC: 0, FastAec mode:0
  3901. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1742Enter
  3902. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1767Requested width 3840, height 2160
  3903. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1769Requested stream mask 1a hfr mode 0 Cur fps 30.000000
  3904. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_data:471usecase : 5
  3905. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_fill_expected_data:406ex_w:3840, ex_h:2160,ex_mode:1, ex_fps:30.000000, ex_clk:0, ex_ar: 177
  3906. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:616res_idx: 0
  3907. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1778Curr Res ID 0 New Res ID 0 New FPS 30.000000
  3908. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 E mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1818set_fps=30.000000 > max_fps=27.450001, capping to max
  3909. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_resolution:1920Exit
  3910. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_config_meta: get no.0 user meta info, user_stream id = 15
  3911. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x1000f
  3912. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x10001
  3913. 06-09 16:48:39.031 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x10002
  3914. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event:1347 frame_offset=2, input_fps=27.45, identity=0x10004
  3915. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2297hal version 1 capture intent 0 cur_stream_mask 26
  3916. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[0] =
  3917. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[1] =
  3918. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[2] =
  3919. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[3] =
  3920. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[4] =
  3921. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[5] =
  3922. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[6] =
  3923. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[7] =
  3924. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_get_cur_chromatix_name:2355chromatix_lib_name[8] =
  3925. 06-09 16:48:39.032 455 6350 E mm-camera-sensor: eeprom_do_chroma_calibration:133turn on Cal wb(1) lsc(1) dp (1)
  3926. 06-09 16:48:39.045 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2125modules_reloaded = 65535
  3927. 06-09 16:48:39.045 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2172chromatixComPtr = 0xf208a580
  3928. 06-09 16:48:39.045 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2173chromatixPtr = 0xf1a3f6c0
  3929. 06-09 16:48:39.045 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2174chromatixCppPtr = 0xf19c8a80
  3930. 06-09 16:48:39.045 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2175chromatixSnapCppPtr = 0xf19b2900
  3931. 06-09 16:48:39.045 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2176chromatixFlashSnapCppPtr = 0xf384f5c0
  3932. 06-09 16:48:39.045 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2177chromatixVideoCppPtr = 0xf385adc0
  3933. 06-09 16:48:39.045 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_post_chromatix_event_downstream:2178chromatixPostProcPtr = 0xf381ca00
  3934. 06-09 16:48:39.046 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_set_chromatix_ptr:220 E
  3935. 06-09 16:48:39.046 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_init_config:97 E
  3936. 06-09 16:48:39.047 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:10, stream_chromatix:0xf19c8a80
  3937. 06-09 16:48:39.047 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:3, stream_chromatix:0xf19b2900
  3938. 06-09 16:48:39.047 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:4, stream_chromatix:0xf385adc0
  3939. 06-09 16:48:39.047 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_extract_chromatix:1003: Chromatix ptr: stream_type:1, stream_chromatix:0xf19c8a80
  3940. 06-09 16:48:39.047 455 6343 E mm-camera-CORE: awb_bayer_init 3adbg:0
  3941. 06-09 16:48:39.048 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: mesh_rolloff44_set_parm_tintless:3404 <tintless_dbg> 1
  3942. 06-09 16:48:39.048 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_get_stats_type_mask:1374 enable_stats_mask f98
  3943. 06-09 16:48:39.048 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_update_mapped_stream_info:518 dual_dbg stream type 3, AXI_SRC = 1 (ENC 0/ View 1/Camif 2/Ideal 3/Rdi 456)
  3944. 06-09 16:48:39.048 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_set_frame_skip:593 Frame skip 0 is covers min required by LTM
  3945. 06-09 16:48:39.048 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 16
  3946. 06-09 16:48:39.048 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_update_mapped_stream_info:518 dual_dbg stream type 1, AXI_SRC = 1 (ENC 0/ View 1/Camif 2/Ideal 3/Rdi 456)
  3947. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_set_frame_skip:593 Frame skip 0 is covers min required by LTM
  3948. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 16
  3949. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1530 split info: is_split = 0, stripe id = 0, stripe_offset = 0
  3950. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1533 split info: left_output = 0, right_output = 0
  3951. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_update_mapped_stream_info:518 dual_dbg stream type 4, AXI_SRC = 0 (ENC 0/ View 1/Camif 2/Ideal 3/Rdi 456)
  3952. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_set_frame_skip:593 Frame skip 0 is covers min required by LTM
  3953. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 16
  3954. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1530 split info: is_split = 0, stripe id = 0, stripe_offset = 0
  3955. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_iface_request_output_resource:1533 split info: left_output = 0, right_output = 0
  3956. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_send_stats_types:509 isp version 44 af_kernel_size 2
  3957. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: =====DUMP RESOURCE: PIX STREAM===
  3958. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num pix stream = 2
  3959. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num_isp = 1, isp_mask = 1, request_op_pix_clk = 0
  3960. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: ispif stripe info: is split 0, overlap 0, stripe offset 0
  3961. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: pix stream 0
  3962. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 2(Mapped stream ID[0] = 1)
  3963. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: axi path = 1(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 2
  3964. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: Width = 1920, Height = 1080
  3965. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: is_split 0, right stripe offset = 0
  3966. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: left output = 0, right output = 0
  3967. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: use native buffer: 1 frame_skip 0
  3968. 06-09 16:48:39.049 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request, ISP CDS Capability 1
  3969. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: pix stream 1
  3970. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 1(Mapped stream ID[0] = 2)
  3971. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: axi path = 0(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 1
  3972. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: Width = 3840, Height = 2160
  3973. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: is_split 0, right stripe offset = 0
  3974. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: split_info: left output = 0, right output = 0
  3975. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: use native buffer: 0 frame_skip 0
  3976. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request, ISP CDS Capability 1
  3977. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: =====DUMP RESOURCE: STATS STREAM===
  3978. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num STATS stream = 7
  3979. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 8(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 2
  3980. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 14112
  3981. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 7(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  3982. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 73728
  3983. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 9(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  3984. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 18432
  3985. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 3(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  3986. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 8192
  3987. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 4(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  3988. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 21504
  3989. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 10(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 1
  3990. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 4096
  3991. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: stats type 11(7-BG/8-Bf/9-BE), is composite 2
  3992. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: buf type 0(0-priv/1-shared), num_buf = 4, buf len 14112
  3993. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_fill_hw_stream_info_pix:#2407 batch_dbg stream_id 1 type 3 streaming_mode 1
  3994. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_fill_hw_stream_info_pix:#2407 batch_dbg stream_id 2 type 4 streaming_mode 0
  3995. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id f
  3996. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id 1
  3997. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id 2
  3998. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: user_stream->use_pix 1 stream id 4
  3999. 06-09 16:48:39.050 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_set_hw_stream_cfg: sensor meta RDI with user stream id 15
  4000. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 31
  4001. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: <dual_dbg> single vfe Camif
  4002. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: 6409is_split 0
  4003. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: =====Camif DUMP cfg for PIX interface====
  4004. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif input type = 3(MIPI=3), op_pix_clk = 463200000
  4005. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif pix_pattern(RGRG-0/GRGR-1/BGBG-2/GBGB-3) = 2
  4006. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif first_pix = 0, last_pix = 4207
  4007. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif first_line = 0, last_line = 3119
  4008. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif pixels_per_line = 4208, lines_per_frame = 3120
  4009. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif irq subsample pattern = 0, period = 0 sof_step 1
  4010. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: <dual_dbg> stream id 9000f hw_stream mask 2, AXI_input_src = 1
  4011. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_io_cfg: dual_dbg vfe0 RDI 0 input pix clk = 463200000 type 1(0 - FRAME, 1 = METADATA)
  4012. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_util_subscribe_sof_event: subscribe sof, used resource 3
  4013. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config:=== AXI DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10001 ====
  4014. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: split = 0, stripe id = 0 (left-0/right-1/Max-2)
  4015. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: axi src = 1 (ENC-0/VIEW-1/VIDEO-2/CAMIF-3/IDEAL-4/RDI-5,6,7)
  4016. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
  4017. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 1
  4018. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  4019. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 1920, height = 1080
  4020. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 1080
  4021. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  4022. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 3(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  4023. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: width = 1920, height = 540
  4024. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 540
  4025. 06-09 16:48:39.052 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  4026. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config:=== AXI DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ====
  4027. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: split = 0, stripe id = 0 (left-0/right-1/Max-2)
  4028. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: axi src = 0 (ENC-0/VIEW-1/VIDEO-2/CAMIF-3/IDEAL-4/RDI-5,6,7)
  4029. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
  4030. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 1
  4031. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  4032. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 3840, height = 2160
  4033. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 3840, scanlines = 2160
  4034. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  4035. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 4(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  4036. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: width = 3840, height = 1080
  4037. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: stride = 3840, scanlines = 1080
  4038. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  4039. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 I mm-camera: iface_axi_util_fill_plane_info: AXI dump: single plane: isp_out_intf_mask 2, rdi_cid 1, fmt = 77, W = 80, H = 1920, stride = 96, scanline = 1920
  4040. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config:=== AXI DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 9000f ====
  4041. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: split = 0, stripe id = 0 (left-0/right-1/Max-2)
  4042. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: axi src = 5 (ENC-0/VIEW-1/VIDEO-2/CAMIF-3/IDEAL-4/RDI-5,6,7)
  4043. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
  4044. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 1
  4045. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  4046. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 80, height = 1920
  4047. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 96, scanlines = 1920
  4048. 06-09 16:48:39.053 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  4049. 06-09 16:48:39.054 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
  4050. 06-09 16:48:39.055 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_streamon: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 4
  4051. 06-09 16:48:39.055 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_send_stats_types:509 isp version 44 af_kernel_size 2
  4052. 06-09 16:48:39.055 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_hw_streams: num_user_streams 1 num_hw_streams 1
  4053. 06-09 16:48:39.055 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_hw_streams: num_user_streams 1 num_hw_streams 1
  4054. 06-09 16:48:39.055 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  4055. 06-09 16:48:39.055 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  4056. 06-09 16:48:39.055 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: bpc44_run_abcc_algo:212 No defective pixels set by sensor event
  4057. 06-09 16:48:39.055 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_sub_module_port_process_downstream_ctrl_event:936 failed: mct event 1 int_event 0
  4058. 06-09 16:48:39.055 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_streamon:472
  4059. 06-09 16:48:39.056 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_cfg_stats_stream_start: stats_cmd: enable = 1, num of stats stream = 7
  4060. 06-09 16:48:39.056 455 6350 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamon_event:3293, identity=0x10004, stream-on done
  4061. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: bg_stats44_trigger_update:388 bg_rgn_width 65 bg_rgn_height 65
  4062. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_trigger_update:449 failed Denomitor is zero hnum 0 vnum 0
  4063. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6336 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 179299008 BW inst 1466181818
  4064. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1370 chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb 1370
  4065. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1372 ce_awb cct type 5 cct 5204
  4066. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:38 cfg.cac_filter_off = 0
  4067. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:40 edge_hv_nz_flag = 0x6a40
  4068. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:42 edge_diag_nz_flag = 0x6a40
  4069. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:46 edge_hv_coeff coeff0 = 0 coeff1 = 0 coeff2 = 0
  4070. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:50 edge_hv_coeff coeff3 = 0 coeff4 = 1 coeff5 = 2
  4071. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:54 edge_hv_coeff coeff6 = 0 coeff7 = 0 coeff8 = 0
  4072. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:58 edge_diag_coeff coeff0 = 0 coeff1 = 0 coeff2 = 0
  4073. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:62 edge_diag_coeff coeff3 = 0 coeff4 = 1 coeff5 = 2
  4074. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:66 edge_diag_coeff coeff6 = 0 coeff7 = 0 coeff8 = 0
  4075. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:68 threshold edge = 320 sat = 2000
  4076. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:70 threshold rg_hi = 256 rg_low = 32
  4077. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:72 threshold bg_hi = 256 bg_low = 32
  4078. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:74 interp_slope rg_inv = 512 bg_inv = 512
  4079. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:76 interp_slope rg_inv_qfactor = 16 bg_inv_qfactor = 16
  4080. 06-09 16:48:39.057 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: clf44_debug:79 interp_slope rg_hi = 154 rg_low = 26 bg_hi = 154 bg_low = 26
  4081. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_store_hw_update:1770 disabling IP
  4082. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020f, is_subscribe = 1
  4083. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800000a, is_subscribe = 1
  4084. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000009, is_subscribe = 1
  4085. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000008, is_subscribe = 1
  4086. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000200, is_subscribe = 1
  4087. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000201, is_subscribe = 1
  4088. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000202, is_subscribe = 1
  4089. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_pipeline44_create_module_cfg_mask:350 invalid module id 20
  4090. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000203, is_subscribe = 1
  4091. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000204, is_subscribe = 1
  4092. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000205, is_subscribe = 1
  4093. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000206, is_subscribe = 1
  4094. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000207, is_subscribe = 1
  4095. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  4096. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000208, is_subscribe = 1
  4097. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6350 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  4098. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000209, is_subscribe = 1
  4099. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020a, is_subscribe = 1
  4100. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020b, is_subscribe = 1
  4101. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020c, is_subscribe = 1
  4102. 06-09 16:48:39.058 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020d, is_subscribe = 1
  4103. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x800020e, is_subscribe = 1
  4104. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000300, is_subscribe = 1
  4105. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000000, is_subscribe = 1
  4106. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000400, is_subscribe = 1
  4107. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000301, is_subscribe = 1
  4108. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000001, is_subscribe = 1
  4109. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000401, is_subscribe = 1
  4110. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000302, is_subscribe = 1
  4111. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000002, is_subscribe = 1
  4112. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000402, is_subscribe = 1
  4113. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000303, is_subscribe = 1
  4114. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000003, is_subscribe = 1
  4115. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000403, is_subscribe = 1
  4116. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000101, is_subscribe = 1
  4117. 06-09 16:48:39.059 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000105, is_subscribe = 1
  4118. 06-09 16:48:39.060 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: E
  4119. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: ispif_hw_reset done
  4120. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: E
  4121. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config hw_stream id = 10001 use_pix 1, vfe_intf_mask 1, axi_path 1, num_cid 1
  4122. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config VFE0 for hw stream id 10001
  4123. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: hw stream 10001 does not use vfe1 interface
  4124. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config hw_stream id = 9000f use_pix 0, vfe_intf_mask 2, axi_path 5, num_cid 1
  4125. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: config VFE0 for hw stream id 9000f
  4126. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: hw stream 9000f does not use vfe1 interface
  4127. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: vfe_intf 0(0-VFE0, 1-VFE1)
  4128. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: intftype = 0(0/2-PIX0,PIX1, 1/3/4 - RDI0,RDI1,RDI2)
  4129. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: num_cids = 1
  4130. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: cids[0] = 0
  4131. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: csid = 0
  4132. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: crop_enable = 0, fisrt pixel = 0, last pixel = 0
  4133. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: vfe_intf 0(0-VFE0, 1-VFE1)
  4134. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: intftype = 1(0/2-PIX0,PIX1, 1/3/4 - RDI0,RDI1,RDI2)
  4135. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: num_cids = 1
  4136. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: cids[0] = 1
  4137. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: csid = 0
  4138. 06-09 16:48:39.062 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_dump_ispif_config: crop_enable = 0, fisrt pixel = 0, last pixel = 0
  4139. 06-09 16:48:39.063 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: START_FRAME_BOUNDARY done
  4140. 06-09 16:48:39.063 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_proc_streamon: X, rc = 0
  4141. 06-09 16:48:39.063 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_streamon: X
  4142. 06-09 16:48:39.063 455 6350 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
  4143. 06-09 16:48:39.063 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_aec_init_settings:817ae-bracket:idx[0] of 1 real_gain=32.000000, linecount=1117
  4144. 06-09 16:48:39.065 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:3180ide 10004 SENSOR_START_STREAM
  4145. 06-09 16:48:39.065 455 6350 I mm-camera: sensor_set_start_stream:1175Sensor stream ON for imx258
  4146. 06-09 16:48:39.065 455 6350 I mm-camera:
  4147. 06-09 16:48:39.065 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: start_sof_check_thread: Starting SOF timeout thread
  4148. 06-09 16:48:39.065 455 6350 I mm-camera: module_sensor_stream_on:3577SUCCESS
  4149. 06-09 16:48:39.065 455 6350 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_set_stream_on:825port private 0xf4719130
  4150. 06-09 16:48:39.066 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10004, stream type=1
  4151. 06-09 16:48:39.066 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:command=8000010
  4152. 06-09 16:48:39.066 455 6350 D mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set: store param event: 0xa
  4153. 06-09 16:48:39.070 415 415 E CameraClient: setVideoBufferMode: 540: videoBufferMode 2 is not supported.
  4154. 06-09 16:48:39.072 422 6385 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
  4155. 06-09 16:48:39.072 422 6385 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
  4156. 06-09 16:48:39.072 419 3172 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance( in mediacodec process
  4157. 06-09 16:48:39.080 455 6340 I mm-camera-sensor: sensor_process_thread_message:51Processing Pipe message 2
  4158. 06-09 16:48:39.080 455 6340 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_process_thread_message:103sensor_process_thread_message: task took 0 ms
  4159. 06-09 16:48:39.081 455 6351 I mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_upstream_module_event:1054Reset previously set LED state!
  4160. 06-09 16:48:39.081 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: ltm44_store_hw_update:1770 disabling IP
  4161. 06-09 16:48:39.082 455 6330 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_pipeline44_create_module_cfg_mask:350 invalid module id 20
  4162. 06-09 16:48:39.082 455 6330 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  4163. 06-09 16:48:39.082 455 6330 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_handle_isp_private_event:1550 failed: invalid private event 17
  4164. 06-09 16:48:39.120 422 6384 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
  4165. 06-09 16:48:39.123 422 6385 I ACodec : setupAVCEncoderParameters with [profile: Baseline] [level: Level41]
  4166. 06-09 16:48:39.123 422 6385 I ACodec : [] cannot encode color aspects. Ignoring.
  4167. 06-09 16:48:39.123 422 6385 I ACodec : [] cannot encode HDR static metadata. Ignoring.
  4168. 06-09 16:48:39.123 422 6385 I ACodec : setupVideoEncoder succeeded
  4169. 06-09 16:48:39.123 419 3172 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(1a3002d:google.h264.encoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001)
  4170. 06-09 16:48:39.123 422 6385 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648)
  4171. 06-09 16:48:39.129 422 422 W StagefrightRecorder: Intended audio encoding bit rate (156000) is too large and will be set to (96000)
  4172. 06-09 16:48:39.130 414 778 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000080) stream_handle(0xf66d0980) io_handle(54) source(5)
  4173. 06-09 16:48:39.131 414 6389 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xf4183740 ready to run
  4174. 06-09 16:48:39.131 414 6389 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf66d0980) usecase(16: audio-record)
  4175. 06-09 16:48:39.131 419 6386 D SoftAVCEnc: Params width 3840 height 2160 level 50 colorFormat 1
  4176. 06-09 16:48:39.132 419 6386 E SoftAVCEnc: Fill memory records failed = 0x191
  4177. 06-09 16:48:39.132 419 6386 E SoftAVCEnc: Failed to initialize encoder
  4178. 06-09 16:48:39.133 419 6386 D SoftAVCEnc: Params width 3840 height 2160 level 50 colorFormat 1
  4179. 06-09 16:48:39.133 419 6386 E SoftAVCEnc: Fill memory records failed = 0x191
  4180. 06-09 16:48:39.133 419 6386 E SoftAVCEnc: Failed to initialize encoder
  4181. 06-09 16:48:39.135 422 6385 E ACodec : [] ERROR(0x80001001)
  4182. 06-09 16:48:39.135 422 6385 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0x80001001, internalError -2147483648)
  4183. 06-09 16:48:39.136 422 6385 E ACodec : [] ERROR(0x80001001)
  4184. 06-09 16:48:39.136 422 6385 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0x80001001, internalError -2147483648)
  4185. 06-09 16:48:39.136 422 6385 E ACodec : [] ERROR(0x80001001)
  4186. 06-09 16:48:39.136 422 6385 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0x80001001, internalError -2147483648)
  4187. 06-09 16:48:39.136 422 6385 E ACodec : [] ERROR(0x80001001)
  4188. 06-09 16:48:39.136 422 6385 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0x80001001, internalError -2147483648)
  4189. 06-09 16:48:39.136 422 6384 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0x80001001, actionCode 0, while in state 6
  4190. 06-09 16:48:39.136 422 6384 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0x80001001, actionCode 0, while in state 0
  4191. 06-09 16:48:39.136 422 6372 E MediaCodecSource: Encoder (video) reported error : 0x80001001
  4192. 06-09 16:48:39.136 422 6384 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0x80001001, actionCode 0, while in state 0
  4193. 06-09 16:48:39.136 422 6384 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0x80001001, actionCode 0, while in state 0
  4194. 06-09 16:48:39.136 414 6389 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf66d0980) usecase(16: audio-record)
  4195. 06-09 16:48:39.139 422 6390 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
  4196. 06-09 16:48:39.140 422 6390 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
  4197. 06-09 16:48:39.141 419 3172 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance( in mediacodec process
  4198. 06-09 16:48:39.144 422 6390 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
  4199. 06-09 16:48:39.145 422 6372 I MediaCodecSource: encoder (video) stopped
  4200. 06-09 16:48:39.145 422 6372 W AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone.
  4201. 06-09 16:48:39.149 419 419 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(1a3002e:google.aac.encoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001)
  4202. 06-09 16:48:39.149 422 6390 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648)
  4203. 06-09 16:48:39.153 422 422 I MPEG4Writer: limits: 5787815808/0 bytes/us, bit rate: 42096000 bps and the estimated moov size 405123 bytes
  4204. 06-09 16:48:39.154 422 422 I MPEG4Writer: Start time offset: 1000000 us
  4205. 06-09 16:48:39.154 422 6372 E MediaCodecSource: Failed to start while we're stopping or encoder already stopped due to EOS error
  4206. 06-09 16:48:39.154 422 422 D MPEG4Writer: Stopping writer thread
  4207. 06-09 16:48:39.154 422 6393 D MPEG4Writer: 0 chunks are written in the last batch
  4208. 06-09 16:48:39.154 422 422 D MPEG4Writer: Writer thread stopped
  4209. 06-09 16:48:39.154 422 422 D MPEG4Writer: Video track stopping
  4210. 06-09 16:48:39.154 422 422 E MPEG4Writer: Stop() called but track is not started
  4211. 06-09 16:48:39.154 422 422 D MPEG4Writer: Audio track stopping
  4212. 06-09 16:48:39.154 422 422 E MPEG4Writer: Stop() called but track is not started
  4213. 06-09 16:48:39.154 6278 6278 E MediaRecorder: start failed: -38
  4214. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: Could not start media recorder.
  4215. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: java.lang.IllegalStateException
  4216. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at Method)
  4217. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at$11.onStorageUpdateDone(
  4218. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at$20.onPostExecute(
  4219. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at$20.onPostExecute(
  4220. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(
  4221. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at android.os.AsyncTask.-wrap1(
  4222. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage(
  4223. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  4224. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  4225. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at
  4226. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  4227. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at$
  4228. 06-09 16:48:39.156 6278 6278 E CAM_VideoModule: at
  4229. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: Handling Camera Access Failure:
  4230. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: java.lang.Exception
  4231. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at
  4232. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at$11.onStorageUpdateDone(
  4233. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at$20.onPostExecute(
  4234. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at$20.onPostExecute(
  4235. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(
  4236. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at android.os.AsyncTask.-wrap1(
  4237. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage(
  4238. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  4239. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  4240. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at
  4241. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  4242. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at$
  4243. 06-09 16:48:39.157 6278 6278 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: at
  4244. 06-09 16:48:39.158 6278 6278 E CAM_CameraUtil: Show fatal error dialog
  4245. 06-09 16:48:39.161 455 6346 E ASD : in_portrait:101 Face detection hasn't settled yet, do not continue
  4246. 06-09 16:48:39.172 455 6343 E mm-camera: iface_util_calc_cds_trigger:<cds_debug> HAL CDS mode on
  4247. 06-09 16:48:39.172 455 6343 E mm-camera: iface_util_calc_cds_trigger:<cds_debug> take CDS! request enb = 1, curr enb = 0 curr_triiger 32.000000, lowlight_start 16.000000, lowlight_end 19.000000
  4248. 06-09 16:48:39.187 6278 6278 I CAM_VideoModule: Releasing media recorder.
  4249. 06-09 16:48:39.194 414 3061 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf66d0980)
  4250. 06-09 16:48:39.194 414 3061 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xf66d0980) usecase(16: audio-record)
  4251. 06-09 16:48:39.195 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  4252. 06-09 16:48:39.195 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2:
  4253. 06-09 16:48:39.195 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0
  4254. 06-09 16:48:39.195 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2:
  4255. 06-09 16:48:39.195 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: bg_stats44_trigger_update:388 bg_rgn_width 65 bg_rgn_height 49
  4256. 06-09 16:48:39.195 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1370 chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb 1370
  4257. 06-09 16:48:39.195 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1372 ce_awb cct type 5 cct 5340
  4258. 06-09 16:48:39.220 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  4259. 06-09 16:48:39.220 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
  4260. 06-09 16:48:39.235 455 6351 E mm-camera: iface_util_cds_request_done:<cds_dbg> isp cds updating, enable = 0
  4261. 06-09 16:48:39.235 455 6351 E mm-camera: iface_handle_cds_request_to_thread: <cds_dbg2> EXECUTE AXI updating!! curr enb = 0, request enb = 1
  4262. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info:=== CDS DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10001 ====
  4263. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  4264. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: width = 1920, height = 1080
  4265. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 1080
  4266. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  4267. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: plane_fmt 3(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  4268. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: width = 960, height = 270
  4269. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 540
  4270. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  4271. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info:=== CDS DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ====
  4272. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  4273. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: width = 3840, height = 2160
  4274. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: stride = 3840, scanlines = 2160
  4275. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: address_offset 0
  4276. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: plane_fmt 4(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
  4277. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: width = 1920, height = 540
  4278. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: stride = 3840, scanlines = 1080
  4279. 06-09 16:48:39.237 455 6382 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: address_offset 0
  4280. 06-09 16:48:39.238 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1370 chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb 1370
  4281. 06-09 16:48:39.238 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1372 ce_awb cct type 5 cct 5409
  4282. 06-09 16:48:39.238 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 259 <cds_dbg> cds wait KERNEL......
  4283. 06-09 16:48:39.272 455 6343 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_apply_multi_luma_target: invalid tuning: start_idx (332), end_idx (355), indoor_idx (290) ==> disabling lowlight luma target
  4284. 06-09 16:48:39.273 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1370 chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb 1370
  4285. 06-09 16:48:39.273 455 6329 E mm-camera-isp2: chroma_enhan40_trigger_update_awb:1372 ce_awb cct type 5 cct 5477
  4286. 06-09 16:48:39.305 455 6326 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 269 <cds_dbg> cds wait KERNEL done!
  4287. 06-09 16:48:39.365 455 6344 E mm-camera-CORE: af_process_update_fv_history: Stats index zero
  4288. 06-09 16:48:39.471 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1824000
  4289. 06-09 16:48:39.471 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1824000 Khz
  4290. 06-09 16:48:39.473 402 530 I ThermalEngine: handle_thresh_sig: SS Id SS-SKIN-XO-THERM-PERF, Read xo_therm_buf 43000mC
  4291. 06-09 16:48:39.724 402 530 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: CLUSTER - Setting CLUSTER[1] to 1689600
  4292. 06-09 16:48:39.724 402 530 I ThermalEngine: Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1689600 Khz
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