
Friendship Departs..

Aug 8th, 2020
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  1. [19:24] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Alexios wanted me to give you his regards.
  2. [19:25] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: I was told by Kofe as well. Thank you..
  3. [19:27] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: How are you in, Appolus?
  4. [19:28] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: ..... I don't want to talk about Appolus.
  5. [19:28] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: And why is that..?
  6. [19:30] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I just don't.
  7. [19:30] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: He didn't even say hello to me when I got back.
  8. [19:30] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: So. I'm not worried about it.
  9. [19:37] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: So you're just going to give up?
  10. [19:37] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Is that why you got your title..?
  11. [19:37] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: To give up and not give hope to others. Prove to them that your what you are and not what they think?
  12. [19:38] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: That's not like you, Ana..
  13. [19:42] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: What? I'm not giving up.
  14. [19:43] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I'm far far too stubborn to do such a thing.
  15. [19:43] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: But I'm not going to mess with someone who doesn't wish to speak with me, either.
  16. [19:44] Serene says, "...."
  17. [19:44] Serene says, "Hmmm."
  18. [19:45] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: That's what I'm trying to say...
  19. [19:46] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: When I fled from here after my battle with Alexios I thought I would never be able to speak with these people again and vice versa.
  20. [19:46] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Until I came up with the courage and apologized to Alexios and others.
  21. [19:46] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Are you doing the same?
  22. [19:47] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Hmph.
  23. [19:47] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I don't need to apologize to them.
  24. [19:48] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Is that the stubborn part of you..?
  25. [19:49] She continued to sit there with her arms crossed against her chest.
  26. (Anastasia ven Astor)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [19:51] Yoshiko continues to stand and only stares at the Lightbringer.
  30. (Yoshiko Taiyang)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [19:51] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Ana, what do you wish to do for these people?
  34. [19:51] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Help them, of course.
  35. [19:51] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Die for them if I need to.
  36. [19:54] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: But how would it make you feel if you did those things and they didn't thank you for it. Or took you seriously.
  37. [19:55] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I don't need their praise or their thanks, Yoshiko. I'm not doing it to be glorified.
  38. [19:56] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Then why are you a Lightbringer?
  39. [19:56] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: It doesn't make sense to me.
  40. [19:56] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: What do you mean? I'm doing it out of a selfless act; I'm not doing it so the masses will praise me for what should be something that's common sense - protecting them.
  41. [19:57] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: But they don't see you as a protector.
  42. [19:58] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: .....
  43. [19:59] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I can't make them see me as that.
  44. [19:59] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: You can..
  45. [19:59] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: You're just not trying to.
  46. [20:00] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Then what am I supposed to do?
  47. [20:01] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: When was the last time you've ever relied on me, Ana?
  48. [20:01] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: In Osrona.
  49. [20:01] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Right.
  50. [20:01] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Why?
  51. [20:02] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Because I'm letting you know that if no one else will 'see' you that I'm still here to help you.
  52. [20:02] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: ... I know you are.
  53. [20:02] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Thank you.
  54. [20:02] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Mm... But I don't want it to just be me.
  55. [20:02] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: If the day ever comes and you lose me.. I don't want you to be alone.
  56. [20:02] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: I don't want you to bare what I fear..
  57. [20:03] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: .....
  58. [20:03] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I'll be fine.
  59. [20:05] Kaiosho Yamato says, "Selective amnesia..."
  60. [20:05] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: I don't want to hear you say it. I want you to prove that you will be fine..
  61. [20:06] There's a sigh that leaves her lips, her head tilting back.
  62. (Anastasia ven Astor)
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [20:06] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I won't be alone. I have.... People.
  66. [20:07] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Do you?
  67. [20:08] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Some might look at you out of pity. Is that what you want?
  68. [20:08] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Tch. No they won't.
  69. [20:08] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: That's not the answer I was looking for..
  70. [20:09] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Ana...
  71. [20:09] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Do me a favor..
  72. [20:09] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Hmm? What is it, Yoshiko?
  73. [20:12] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Promise me you will do what's right and apologize to your people..
  74. [20:13] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Apologize to Apollus.
  75. [20:13] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Prove to them that you are taking your rank seriously..
  76. [20:13] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: ....
  77. [20:14] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Appolus said I was taken -casually-. Casually, Yoshiko. I'm not apologizing to him when he didn't apologize to me.
  78. [20:14] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I've been showing them I'm taking my rank seriously.
  79. [20:14] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I've been working with the cadets. I've promoted three of them since I've gotten back.
  80. [20:14] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I've offered lessons on cosmic magic.
  81. [20:14] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: How about they apologize to me first for not knowing me enough to know I wouldn't -betray-?
  82. [20:14] It was all said in a hushed whisper, and yet there was a snap to it. Anastasia slipped off the building rather easily to land upon the grass now, a scowl planted on her face.
  83. (Anastasia ven Astor)
  84. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. [20:17] Yoshiko watches her with a gloomy expression. Only to do the right thing and follow right behind her to continue her quiet tone of voice. But there was a slight sigh prior to this.
  87. (Yoshiko Taiyang)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [20:18] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: I'm not done talking to you, Ana.
  91. [20:18] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: What else is there to say, Yoshiko?
  92. [20:19] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: What did you think happened when I apologized to Alexios?
  93. [20:20] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: He forgave me and did the same thing back.
  94. [20:20] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Do you not have -any- hope that the same will be done for you?
  95. [20:20] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: You say you've done all these task but...
  96. [20:20] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Any regular knight can do those..
  97. [20:20] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I already spoke with Alexios.
  98. [20:20] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: I know that.
  99. [20:20] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Did you even apologize for being a captive?
  100. [20:21] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Apologize. For being. A. Captive.
  101. [20:21] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Did you really just say that?
  102. [20:22] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Did you forget how you became a captive?
  103. [20:22] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: Of course I know, I don't need to keep having it flung in my face.
  104. [20:26] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: It's going to continue being flung into your face if you don't realize that you need to apologize for what you did.
  105. [20:26] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: You ruined your reputation for -you- did.
  106. [20:26] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: But you can fix it.
  107. [20:26] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: But you're -not- listening to me, of all people.
  108. [20:26] The scowl remained upon her features, though the Astor was quiet through it all.
  109. (Anastasia ven Astor)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [20:26] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I don't -care- about my reputation.
  113. [20:26] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I don't -need- people to be with me.
  114. [20:26] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: I don't need anything except for people to stop BRINGING IT UP!
  115. [20:27] Yoshiko did not hesistate despite her expression.
  116. (Yoshiko Taiyang)
  117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. [20:28] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Is that what you really think?
  120. [20:28] Anastasia ven Astor exclaims, "YES!"
  121. [20:29] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: Then if you don't need people to be with you... Then you certainly don't need me, is that correct?
  122. [20:29] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: After all I've done for you..
  123. [20:29] Yoshiko Taiyang whispers: And all you've done for me..
  124. [20:33] Anastasia ven Astor whispers: .... No. I still need you - you're the only one.
  125. [20:35] Rella Caller says, "Sorry it took me a while."
  126. [20:35] Rella Caller says, "Got caught in the middle of an annexation."
  127. [20:35] Shira asks, "Annexation?"
  128. [20:35] Rella clears her throat, and offers a letter to Anastasia!
  129. (Rella Caller)
  130. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. [20:37] Anastasia ven Astor says, "..... Barsburg in Osrona..."
  133. [20:37] Rella Caller says, "Mhm. Not quite."
  134. [20:37] Rella Caller says, "Barsburg is Osrona."
  135. [20:37] Anastasia ven Astor says, "...."
  136. [20:37] Rella Caller says, "Osrona's entire top brass - Tanya, Walter, whatever -"
  137. [20:37] Rella Caller says, "They were long waiting for today."
  138. [20:37] Rella Caller says, "Tanya was... sent there to make today a reality."
  139. [20:37] Yoshiko Taiyang says, "Rella. Sorry, we're having a discussion."
  140. [20:39] There's a quietness about her, as she scans the letter. There's a glance at Yoshiko, and though her scowl was soon misplaced she shook her head.
  142. "No. We're quite finished. You're the only one, Yoshiko. The only. One." She stated. She looked back down to the paper, brows furrowing in frustration.
  144. "... Stupid...." She murmured right under her breath before she took pen to paper. "Just one more response, Rella then I'll be through. I apologize."
  145. (Anastasia ven Astor)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [20:40] Rella Caller says, "It should be quick."
  149. [20:40] Rella Caller says, "Sorry, Walter was busy schmoozing with his new subordinates."
  150. [20:40] Rella Caller says, "And their giant mech-suits."
  151. [20:40] Anastasia ven Astor says, "As he does."
  152. [20:40] Anastasia ven Astor says, "Disgusting."
  153. [20:44] "..."
  155. Yoshiko visage lessens and lessens. It appeared that she was about to start crying but she held it in and only held something gloomy to features.
  157. "No.. If you can't see what I'm telling you, then I am not the only one. I hope that when the day comes that I some how disappear, you find peace in whoever else that you may or not have. Goodbye.."
  159. Yoshiko turns, letting her tail hang low behind her as she begins to walk away.
  160. (Yoshiko Taiyang)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [20:45] Alexios says, "That's ok."
  164. [20:48] Her jaw tightened, the script against the page finally finished as the paper was held out for Rella to take. There were so many things to worry about, yet when she saw Yoshiko's face Anastasia...
  166. Didn't quite melt, but there was a chip in the wall she had constructed.
  167. An axe taken to that proverbial desk drawer, so to speak. There's a sigh that slips from her lips before she'd follow after the Kitsune.
  169. "Wait." She said, "You ARE the only one, Yoshiko. You're all I have, especially now. Don't just walk away and say goodbye."
  170. (Anastasia ven Astor)
  171. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. [20:48] Mo'Cha is texting on a device...
  174. (Mo'Cha)
  175. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  177. [20:48] Athanoti Mälenköch says, "damn mocha"
  178. [20:48] Athanoti Mälenköch asks, "u got the new iphone -30?"
  179. [20:49] Mo'Cha posts a selfie on instagram with Ulfric.
  180. (Mo'Cha)
  181. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  183. [20:49] Athanoti photo-bombs Mo'cha.
  184. (Athanoti Mälenköch)
  185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. [20:49] Rella folds the letter into her hands, and then pockets it with a sigh.
  188. (Rella Caller)
  189. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. [20:49] Ulfric falls off bench.
  192. (Ulfric cos Salis)
  193. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. [20:49] Rella Caller says, "Last go."
  196. [20:58] There was a feeling of glum. She never thought this day would come. Rather, she didn't want to believe it. There were always chances Yoshiko wanted to avoid that could end up in losing an important item to her life and what caused to come so far.
  198. But it only felt like her words were being said from afar and not listened to. Instead, only the parts that caused Anastasia to be ignorant in the kitsune's eyes.
  200. "I don't want to be the only one... Do you not understand? You're going to have to realize that something is important when it is lost. Until you realize that, I will continue to walk away. So again, goodbye."
  201. (Yoshiko Taiyang)
  202. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  204. [21:04] She stared straight forward, silently, as the Kitsune spoke. Occasionally her eyebrows furrowed and then they raised, perhaps the most expressive the Lightbringer had been since returning from Osrona.
  206. Her foot tapped against the grass impatiently, and yet despite the idea and thought that Yoshiko was the only one Anastasia truly had -
  208. She continued to walk away.
  210. Be safe. Wear your face proudly.
  212. Don't die.
  214. There's a quiet groan of pain as something slipped through her fingers metaphorically speaking. More things taken away and it wasn't fair, but this time? She didn't try to stop the Kitsune. If she wanted to walk away, Anastasia would give her that freedom.
  216. Yet the Astor lingered there in silence, before her arms fell down to her sides and she'd immediately about turn to march off.
  218. Yoshiko and Anastasia, parting at the seams.
  219. (Anastasia ven Astor)
  220. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  222. [21:06] Liath asks, "High Lord, my parents wanted me to ask you if they should be ready to flee the city. Do you think that the demons are going to take the city?"
  223. [21:06] Rella mouths the words 'no reply' at Anastasia, silently.
  224. (Rella Caller)
  225. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  227. [21:06] Alexios says, "You should prepare... But we still have a line of defense."
  228. [21:06] Alexios says, "Starfall will be where our next fight happens, Myllenoris still has time."
  229. [21:08] Alexios looks over at Rella for a few seconds, before looking away again.
  230. (Alexios)
  231. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  233. [21:09] Rella Caller asks, "...Yes?"
  234. [21:10] Alexios asks, "Where have you been running back and forth from so much?"
  235. [21:10] Rella Caller says, "Osrona. Anastasia and Walter had me playing carrier pigeon."
  236. [21:10] Alexios asks, "--What?"
  237. [21:11] Alexios asks, "And why are we still in contact with our captives?"
  238. [21:11] Alexios eyebrows furrow, hes annoyed.
  239. (Alexios)
  240. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  242. [21:13] There was no freedom in doing this. Instead, it was more like Yoshiko was locked up behind bars. The feeling of ignorance. It pained her to do this but things had to be done I order for change to occur.
  244. Yoshiko was content with doing this at the same time she was not. Seeing as Anastasia didn't say anything else towards her, the fox would continue walking silent upon the grass and headed towards the center of the tower's entrance.
  246. But not before she looked back at Anastasia. "... Sending letters to someone who brought down your brother so casually is not the job of a Lightbringer… Did you not learn anyt--" she sighed. She remembered that there was nothing else to be said. ".. Do whatever you want."
  247. (Yoshiko Taiyang)
  248. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  250. [21:15] Her arms widened a bit as she'd now look to Alexios.
  252. "He sent me a letter first!" She declared - and it was the truth. Rella could even testify to such an extent. "I told him if Barsburg marches for our people, then we'd meet again on the battlefield." She added with a minor scoff.
  254. Yoshiko's comments, which made her more annoyed and more angry was simply unresponded to.
  255. (Anastasia ven Astor)
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