
Need an skript to promote and demote? well here it is!

Jun 16th, 2019
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  1. command /staffpromote [<offline player>]:
  2. #------------------
  3. # Alias for /staffpromote
  4. #------------------
  5. aliases: /spromote
  6. #-----------------------------
  7. #Permission (can be whatever)
  8. #-----------------------------
  9. permission: staff.promote
  10. #--------------------------------------
  11. #Message if player doesn't have perms.
  12. #--------------------------------------
  13. permission message: &cYou may not use this command!
  14. trigger:
  15. #---------------
  16. # Requires Args
  17. #---------------
  18. if arg-1 is not set:
  19. send "&cStaff Promoter: &7Incorrect usage!"
  20. send "&c/spromote &7<player>"
  21. if arg-1 is set:
  22. open chest with 6 rows named "Promote %arg-1%" to player
  23. wait 1 tick
  24. #-------------------------------------------------
  26. #-------------------------------------------------
  28. format slot 4 of player with arg-1's skull named "&a&l%arg-1%" with lore "&7Promote this player" to be unstealable
  30. format slot 10 of player with paper named "&a&lBasic Promotions" with lore "&7Monitor, Helper, and Mod" to be unstealable
  31. format slot 19 of player with 351:6 named "&a&lMonitor" with lore "&7Promote this player to Monitor" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group add monitor","tablistedit set %arg-1% monitor","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4Monitor."]
  32. format slot 28 of player with 351:13 named "&a&lHelper" with lore "&7Promote this player to Helper" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group add helper","tablistedit set %arg-1% helper","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4Volunteer."]
  33. format slot 37 of player with 351:10 named "&a&lMod" with lore "&7Promote this player to Mod" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group add mod","tablistedit set %arg-1% mod","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4C.O."]
  35. format slot 11 of player with paper named "&a&lAdvanced Promotions" with lore "&7Admin, Manager, and Owner" to be unstealable
  36. format slot 20 of player with 351:12 named "&a&lAdmin" with lore "&7Promote this player to Admin" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group add admin","tablistedit set %arg-1% admin","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4Guard."]
  37. format slot 29 of player with 351:14 named "&a&lManager" with lore "&7Promote this player to Manager" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group add manager","tablistedit set %arg-1% manager","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4Commander."]
  38. format slot 38 of player with 351:1 named "&a&lOwner" with lore "&7Promote this player to Owner" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group add owner","tablistedit set %arg-1% owner","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4Warden."]
  40. format slot 14 of player with paper named "&a&lMedia Promotions" with lore "&7YouTuber, Streamer, and Twitter" to be unstealable
  41. format slot 23 of player with 351:6 named "&a&lStreamer" with lore "&7Promote this player to Streamer" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group add streamer","tablistedit set %arg-1% streamer","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4Streamer."]
  42. format slot 32 of player with 351:15 named "&a&lYoutuber" with lore "&7Promote this player to Youtuber" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group add youtuber","tablistedit set %arg-1% youtuber","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4YouTuber."]
  44. format slot 12 of player with paper named "&a&lOther Promotions" with lore "&7Builder and Developer" to be unstealable
  45. format slot 21 of player with 351:2 named "&a&lDeveloper" with lore "&7Promote this player to Developer" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group add developer","tablistedit set %arg-1% developer","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4Developer."]
  46. format slot 30 of player with 351:5 named "&a&lBuilder" with lore "&7Promote this player to Builder" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group add builder","tablistedit set %arg-1% builder","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4Builder."]
  48. format slot 16 of player with paper named "&a&lDemotions" with lore "&7Helper, Mod, and Member" to be unstealable
  49. format slot 25 of player with 351:13 named "&a&lMonitor" with lore "&7Demote this player to Monitor" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group set monitor","tablistedit set %arg-1% monitor","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4Monitor."]
  50. format slot 34 of player with 351:10 named "&a&lHelper" with lore "&7Demote this player to Helper" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group set helper","tablistedit set %arg-1% helper","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4Helper."]
  51. format slot 43 of player with 351:8 named "&a&lMember" with lore "&7Demote this player to Member||||&c&lWARNING:||&cThis will put them back to A rank!" to close then run [execute player command "pex user %arg-1% group set A","tablistedit set %arg-1% member","bc &4%arg-1% &cis now a &4Member."]
  54. #end of code
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