

Aug 29th, 2017
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  1. Name: Muhammed Gideon Safar
  3. Power: Laser
  5. Age: 18
  7. Gender: Male
  9. Appearance: Gideon's a tall kid with long lanky limbs and a noticeably perfect posture. He has a protruding jawline, high cheek bones, square and slightly fuzzy jaw, and overall has a fairly handsome appearance. This is often overlooked due to the three black ring piercings hanging from his right earlobe, the black industrial bar going through the top of his left ear, the white irisless contacts he often has on, the word "Jihad" tatted in arabic underneath his left eye, and finally a very closely shaved head with the inch or two of hair that remains being dyed a light pink. His faint caramel skin tone and dark chin scruff/eyebrows betray his middle eastern descent.
  11. Backstory: Gideon's mother was a second generation immigrant with parents who hailed from Israel. She had been raised in a strict muslim household and often turned towards punk and metal music as a source of relief from the heavy conservative beliefs and customs of her parents. This love for the punk rock and metal genre was Gideon's mother's greatest gift to her son. She not only introduced him to the punk and metal scene but encouraged him to express himself and openly enjoy them in ways that her family had never allowed her.
  13. Gideon's father was a first generation immigrant from Iraq who had served a very brief stint within a terrorist cell located in his home town. Orphaned at a young age, he had survived on the streets until his teenage years where he was recruited off the streets into the cell and had spent the next couple of years working within the cell where he was constantly besieged with fanatic rhetoric. After a couple of years within the cell where he was trained and brainwashed with such dogma, he was eventually relocated to America with orders to carry out an awful deed on behalf of the terrorist cell. Soon after he had met Gideon's mother and had a change of heart after dating her and living within Western Society for a few months.
  15. Gideon was raised in a muslim household but his parents were careful to avoid the hateful and warmongering type of islamic practices that his father had been brought up on. Instead, they worshipped in typically liberal ways allowing Gideon to have a typically normal childhood where he adventured with his identity and embraced the cultures that came with the music his mom had entrusted to him. Upon entering high school and amongst the increasing number of powered individuals appearing throughout the world, his father eventually told him about his dark past as a former terrorist and informed his son that he saw many of these newfound "super villains" to be of the same breed of evil as the men that had manipulated him in his youth.
  17. This information was hard to grasp at first by Gideon who was already on edge due to doubts about his sexuality. His father's revelation caused a slight rift between him and his family as he dove deeper into punk-rock culture and began to experiment with creating music.
  19. It was midway through high school that his parents had decided to have another child and his mom gave birth to a healthy baby girl who Gideon immediately formed a close attachment with. His little sister's birth had broken the unspoken tension in his household and allowed his family to come back together but this happiness was only temporary.
  21. Soon after Gideon had dropped out of school to fully pursue a career in music as the lead singer in a promising band. His band eventually made their way up the ladder until they were opening acts for a larger band who decided to go on a small state-wide tour for the summer.
  23. It was while Gideon that his family had perished in a city wide super-villain attack orchestrated by an organized group of villains much like the ones that his father had previously worked under. Upon being informed of this tragedy, Gideon was so horror struck that he revealed the existence of his powers and almost injured several of his band members who were around him at the time.
  25. Stricken with grief, Gideon abandoned his band and former dream of being a musician to pledge a life long war on evil and those that represent it. This leads to him enrolling in the Hero Academy.
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